// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <sqldb.h> //RSqlDatabase::TIsolationLevel
#include "SqlSrvSecurityMap.h"
#include "sqlite3.h"
#include "SqliteSymbian.h" //sqlite3SymbianLastOsError()
#include "SqlSrvStatementUtil.h"//Global sql statement related functions
#include "SqlSrvStrings.h"
#include "SqlSrvCollation.h" //User defined collations
#include "SqlSrvDbSysSettings.h"//TSqlDbSysSettings
#include "SqlSecurityImpl.h" //CSqlSecurityPolicy
#include "SqlUtil.h" //TSqlLikeWildcard
//Forward declarations
class TSqlSrvFileData;
struct TSqlSrvConfigParams;
///////////////////////////// CSqlSrvDatabase class /////////////////////////////////////////////
SQL database connection manager. (SQL database handle)
CSqlSrvDatabase is a server side class which processes the client side requests for:
- creating a SQL database (CSqlSrvDatabase::Create());
- opening an existing SQL database (CSqlSrvDatabase::Open());
- retrieving the last SQL error message (CSqlSrvDatabase::LastErrorMessage());
- executing 8-bit and 16-bit SQL statements (CSqlSrvDatabase::ExecL());
- setting the transaction isolation level (CSqlSrvDatabase::SetIsolationLevelL());
- retrieving the database security policy (CSqlSrvDatabase::SecurityPolicy());
- attaching an existing SQL database to current connection (CSqlSrvDatabase::AttachDbL());
- detaching previously attached SQL database from current connection (CSqlSrvDatabase::DetachDbL());
CSqlSrvDatabase class also manages all platform security related activities for secure databases:
- loading/storing database security policies when creating/opening a database connection;
- asserting client rights to perform a specific database operation;
- maintaining security related internal data structures in tact;
@see CSqlSrvDatabase::Create()
@see CSqlSrvDatabase::Open()
@see CSqlSrvDatabase::LastErrorMessage()
@see CSqlSrvDatabase::ExecL()
@see CSqlSrvDatabase::SetIsolationLevelL()
@see CSqlSrvDatabase::SecurityPolicy()
@see CSqlSrvDatabase::AttachDbL()
@see CSqlSrvDatabase::DetachDbL()
@see CSqlSrvDatabase::LastChangesCount()
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSqlSrvDatabase) : public CBase
//Object creation methods
static CSqlSrvDatabase* CreateSecureL(const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData, CSqlSecurityPolicy* aSecurityPolicy);
static CSqlSrvDatabase* CreateL(const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData);
static CSqlSrvDatabase* OpenL(const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData);
virtual ~CSqlSrvDatabase();
//Interface methods
inline TPtrC LastErrorMessage() const;
inline void ExecL(TDes16& aSqlStmt);
inline void ExecL(const TDesC8& aSqlStmt);
inline void SetIsolationLevelL(RSqlDatabase::TIsolationLevel aLevel);
inline sqlite3* RawDbHandle() const;
inline const CSqlSecurityPolicy* SecurityPolicy() const;
void AttachDbL(const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData, const TDesC& aDbName);
void DetachDbL(const TDesC& aDbName);
inline TInt LastChangesCount();
inline TInt64 LastInsertedRowId();
inline TBool InTransaction() const;
TInt64 SizeL(const TDesC& aDbName = KNullDesC);
TInt64 FreeSpaceL(const TDesC& aDbName = KNullDesC);
void QueryConfigL(TDes8& aDest);
TInt CompactL(TInt aSize, const TDesC& aDbName = KNullDesC);
static TInt AuthorizeCallback(void* aDb, TInt aDbOpType,
const char* aDbObjName1, const char* aDbObjName2,
const char* aDbName, const char* aTrgOrViewName);
void CreateNewDbFileL(const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData);
void OpenExistingDbFileL(const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData);
void InstallAuthorizerL();
inline void InstallCollationsL();
void InstallUDFsL();
const TUint8* SecurityMapKeyL(const TDesC& aDbFileName);
void UpdateSecurityMapL(TBool aAttachedDb, const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData,
const TUint8*& aMapKey, const CSqlSecurityPolicy*& aSecurityPolicy);
void RemoveFromMapsL(const TDesC& aDbName);
void InsertInAttachDbMapL(const TDesC& aDbFileName, const TDesC& aDbName);
void InitAttachedDbL(const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData, const TDesC& aDbName);
TInt FinalizeAttachedDb(const TDesC& aDbName);
static void AttachCleanup(void* aCleanup);
enum TAttachState {EAStNone, EAStDbAttached, EAStSecurityMapUpdated};
void DoAttachSecureDbL(TAttachState& aState, const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData, const TDesC& aDbName, const TUint8*& aMapKey);
inline void BasicSecurityPolicyCheckL(const CSqlSecurityPolicy& aSecurityPolicy);
inline void StoreSettingsL(const TDesC& aCollationDllName, TInt aDbConfigFileVersion, TSqlCompactionMode aCompactionMode);
void ProcessSettingsL(const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData, const TDesC& aDbName);
void ApplyConfigUpdatesL(const TDesC& aStoredCollationDllName, const TInt& aStoredDbConfigFileVersion,
const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData, const TDesC& aDbName);
void SetConfigL(const TSqlSrvConfigParams& aConfigParams, TBool aSetPageSize, const TDesC& aLogicalDbName = KNullDesC);
void InitCompactionL(TSqlCompactionMode aCompactionMode, TInt aFreePageThresholdKb,
const TDesC& aDbFileName, TSqliteVacuumMode aCurrentVacuumMode, const TDesC& aDbName = KMainDb16);
void NewCompactEntryL(TInt aFreePageThresholdKb, const TDesC& aDbFileName, const TDesC& aDbName);
void ReleaseCompactEntry(const TDesC& aDbName);
static void CompactCleanup(void* aCleanup);
TInt PageSizeL(const TDesC& aDbName = KNullDesC);
//ConstructL() methods
void ConstructCreateSecureL(const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData, CSqlSecurityPolicy* aSecurityPolicy);
void ConstructCreateL(const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData);
void DoCommonConstructCreateL(const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData, TBool aSecureDb);
void ConstructOpenSecureL(const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData);
void ConstructOpenL(const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData);
void DoCommonConstructOpenL(const TSqlSrvFileData& aFileData, TBool aSecureDb);
static void LikeSqlFunc(sqlite3_context* aContext, int aArgc, sqlite3_value** aArgv);
sqlite3* iDbHandle;//The database handle, owned by CSqlSrvDatabase.
const CSqlSecurityPolicy* iSecurityPolicy;//The main database security policy, not owned by CSqlSrvDatabase (owned by the CSqlServer::iSecurityMap object).
TUint8 iFileNameBuf[KMaxFileName + 1];//Temporary buffer for storing UTF8 encoded, zero terminated database names.
TBool iAuthorizerInstalled;//If non-zero then the authorizer callback is already installed.
//Fact: the authorizer callback must be installed for each
//secure CSqlSrvDatabase object. But it is possible that
// - there is one secure database object;
// - a second secure database is attached to the first one.
// in this case there is no need to install the authorizer again.
//Or there is another situation: non-secure main database + secure attached database.
TBool iAuthorizerDisabled; //See the comments for iAuthorizerInstalled.
//This flag is used only when attaching a secure database.
//Since during this operation the system tables are read/writen,
//The authorizer callback has to be temporary disabled.
RSqlAttachDbMap iAttachDbMap;//["dbName":"dbFileName"] map, owned by CSqlSrvDatabase.
const TUint8* iSecureDbName;//<Drive:><Name[.Ext]>, used as a key in the security map. Not owned by CSqlSrvDatabase.
RSqlCompactDbMap iCompactDbMap; //["dbName":"Compact db entry"] map, owned by CSqlSrvDatabase.
TInt iPageSize; //Main database page size in bytes
#include "SqlSrvDatabase.inl"