// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef BACKUP_H
#define BACKUP_H
#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <connect/abclient.h>
#include "sessnotf.h"
#include "srvrepos_noc.h"
#include "rstrepos.h"
typedef RPointerArray<CRestoredRepository> RRestoredRepositoriesArray ;
using namespace conn ;
const TUint KArbitraryNumber = 1024 ;
const TUint32 KBackupStreamVersion = 1 ;
// Bitfield representing backup stream features present in the
// incoming backup stream.
enum TBackupExtensions
ENoBackupExtensions = 0x00000000,
EDeletedKeysSupported = 0x00000001,
EInstalledKeysSupported = 0x00000002
// Backup stream extension features supported by this version of central
// repository backup/restore - OR together bitwise values defined in
// TBackupExtensions to get correct value!
const TUint32 KBackupExtensionsSupported = EDeletedKeysSupported | EInstalledKeysSupported;
class TRepositoryBackupStreamHeader
public :
inline TRepositoryBackupStreamHeader(TStreamId aIndexStreamId) ;
inline TRepositoryBackupStreamHeader();
inline void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
inline void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
inline TUid getUid();
inline TStreamId getIndexStreamId() ;
inline TUint32 getVersion();
inline TUint32 getBackupExtensionsSupported();
private :
TUid iBackupStreamUid ;
TUint32 iBackupStreamVersion ;
TStreamId iIndexStreamId ;
TUint32 iBackupExtensionsSupported ;
// Reserved for future expansion
TUint32 iReserved1 ;
TUint32 iReserved2 ;
TUint32 iReserved3 ;
TUint32 iReserved4 ;
// Backup stream index class - Used to hold association between a UID (in
// our case the UID of a repository) and a stream ID - Can't use CStreamDictionary
// because that only lets you retrieve stream IDs by a (previously known) UID rather
// than iterate through its contents retrieving UID/StreamID pairs...
class TRepositoryBackupStreamIndexElement
public :
inline void Set (TUid aUid, TStreamId aSettingsStream, TStreamId aDeletedSettingsStream, TStreamId aInstalledSettingsStream) ;
inline void SetDeletedSettingsStream (TStreamId aDeletedSettingsStream) ;
inline void Get (TUid& aUid, TStreamId& aSettingsStreamId, TStreamId& aDeletedSettingsStreamId, TStreamId& aInstalledSettingsStream) ;
inline void GetDeletedSettingsStream (TStreamId& aDeletedSettingsStream) ;
inline void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
inline void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream, TUint32 aBackupStreamExtensions = ENoBackupExtensions);
TUid iUid ;
TStreamId iSettingsStream ;
TStreamId iDeletedSettingsStream ;
TStreamId iInstalledSettingsStream ;
class CRepositoryBackupStreamIndex : public CBase
inline static CRepositoryBackupStreamIndex* NewL() ;
inline static CRepositoryBackupStreamIndex* NewLC();
inline ~CRepositoryBackupStreamIndex();
inline void Close(void) ;
void AddL(TUid aUid, TStreamId aSettingStreamId, TStreamId aDeletedSettingsStreamId, TStreamId aInstalledSettingsStreamId) ;
TInt GetNext(TUid& aUid, TStreamId& aSettingsStreamId, TStreamId& aDeletedSettingsStreamId, TStreamId& aInstalledSettingsStreamId) ;
inline void Reset();
inline void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
inline void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream, TUint32 aBackupStreamExtensions = ENoBackupExtensions);
inline CRepositoryBackupStreamIndex(){} ;
TInt iIndex ;
RArray<TRepositoryBackupStreamIndexElement> iStreamIndex ;
enum TRepositoryBackupState
// Backup client class.
// Has Active object functionality to monitor the state of the publish and subscribe
// flags associated with backup and restore and also implements MActiveBackupDataClient
// to perform active backup according to the "proxy data holder" model.
class CRepositoryBackupClient : public CActive, public MActiveBackupDataClient
static CRepositoryBackupClient* NewL(RFs& aFs);
static CRepositoryBackupClient* NewLC(RFs& aFs);
inline static TRepositoryBackupState GetBackupStatus(void) {return iBackupStatus;} ;
CRepositoryBackupClient(RFs& aFs);
void ConstructL();
void StartL();
void NotifyChange();
// Implementations of virtual functions inherited from MActiveBackupDataClient
void AllSnapshotsSuppliedL();
void ReceiveSnapshotDataL(TDriveNumber aDrive, TDesC8& aBuffer, TBool aLastSection);
TUint GetExpectedDataSize(TDriveNumber aDrive);
void GetSnapshotDataL(TDriveNumber aDrive, TPtr8& aBuffer, TBool& aFinished);
void InitialiseGetBackupDataL(TDriveNumber aDrive);
void GetBackupDataSectionL(TPtr8& aBuffer, TBool& aFinished);
void InitialiseGetProxyBackupDataL(TSecureId aSID, TDriveNumber aDrive) ;
void InitialiseRestoreProxyBaseDataL(TSecureId aSID, TDriveNumber aDrive) ;
void InitialiseRestoreBaseDataL(TDriveNumber aDrive);
void RestoreBaseDataSectionL(TDesC8& aBuffer, TBool aFinished);
void InitialiseRestoreIncrementDataL(TDriveNumber aDrive);
void RestoreIncrementDataSectionL(TDesC8& aBuffer, TBool aFinished);
void RestoreComplete(TDriveNumber aDrive);
void TerminateMultiStageOperation();
TUint GetDataChecksum(TDriveNumber aDrive);
void CompleteOwnerIdLookupTableL();
void RestoreRepositoryAndListL(TUid repositoryUid, CDirectFileStore* store, TStreamId settingsStreamId, TStreamId deletedSettingsStreamId,TInt& repIndex);
// Usual active object stuff
void RunL() ;
void DoCancel() ;
TInt RunError(TInt aError) ;
void TestBURstatusL(void) ;
// Leaving version of RestoreComplete to make it a bit easier
// for us to handle cleanup...
void RestoreCompleteL();
TInt AddRestoredRepositoryL(TUid aUid);
enum TBackupDirectoryScan
// Used to open a repository for backup and/or restore
CServerRepository* iRepository ;
CSessionNotifier* iNotifier ;
// Used to subscribe to Backup/Restore flag
RProperty iBackupRestoreProperty ;
// File server session used to get directory listings
RFs& iFs;
RFile iFile ;
// Secure ID being restored
TSecureId iSid ;
// Active backup client to register with BUR engine
CActiveBackupClient* iActiveBackupClient ;
TBool iRomScanDone;
// Current state (backup in proress, restore in progress, etc, etc, etc)
static TRepositoryBackupState iBackupStatus ;
// Features supported by Backup Stream
TUint32 iBackupExtensionsSupported ;
// The list of the restored repositories
RRestoredRepositoriesArray iRestoredRepositoriesArray ;
#include "backup.inl"
#endif // BACKUP_H