author William Roberts <>
Thu, 22 Jul 2010 16:49:09 +0100
changeset 38 c4e342fcf0c8
parent 0 08ec8eefde2f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Catchup to latest Symbian^4

Version 1.05(063)
(Made by Mark Cawston on 23 November 2001)


Built against Hurricane Release build 00629

Defects fixed : DON-587EA3 (Corrupted Cdbv2.dat prevents device from booting)


automatic F32tests run on MINT UDEB, UREL, WINS UDEB.

Version 1.05(062)
(Made by Mark Cawston on 23 November 2001)


Built against GT6.2 Release build 00558


Use bldmake and abld


Tests modified to verify defects fixed T_BENCH, T_COMP tested on WINS UDEB and
MISA ARM4 (Assabet) UDEB.

Defects fixed

Hurricane : ROS-534E69: DBMS should use CleanupArrayDeletePushL()

Version 1.05(061)
(Made by Mark Dowman on 26 July 2000)


Built against GT6.0 Release build 00039


Use bldmake and abld


Tests modified to verify defects fixed. T_DBMS, T_DBS, T_SQL and T_TRANS passed on WINS UDEB and ARM4(BRUTUS) UDEB.

Defects fixed

ER6.0 : EDNATHE-4MCL2K: RDbDatabase::IsDamaged() always false after opening database.
ER6.0 : EDNPHAR-4L4KY2: DBMS access violation when sending a fax.

Version 1.05(060)
(Made by Andrew Thoelke on 20 May 1999)

For EPOC Release 5 Unicode
MSVC++ 6.0 compatible source only release


This release has been built against Baseline 0801


Use bldmake, etc.


Tests added to verify defect fixes. All tests passed on WINS UREL, WINS UDEB, ARM ROM 306


RDbs::Version() now reports "1.05(060)"
DBMS stores all Unicode text columns (Text and Text16 columns) using the standard unicode compression algorithm available in STORE. This breaks the data format for all databases containing text - and to ensure that old databases cannot be loaded by this build of DBMS the internal database version numbers have been increased. All existing databases are now unreadable.
Long columns that are not inlined but still under a certain threshold (currently 1.5K) are now extracted from the database without requiring a read-lock on the database. This allows moderate sized BLOBs to be read from a shared database while another client is updating or compacting the database.

Defects fixed

ER5:EDNBBAR-463J5D: Concurrent server start-up does not panic and hang the second client attempting to connect.
ER5:EDNATHE-48AEZW: Automatic cursor recovery after row deletion is now much more capable than previously.
ER5U:EDNATHE-497KWW: Explicitly load 16-bit values using 8-bit reads to prevent incorrect use of half-word load instructions.

Version 1.05(058)
(Made by Andrew Thoelke on 20 May 1999)

EPOC Release 5u baseline component


This release was built with
     Tools: E32TOOLS 120, E32TOOLP 107
Components: E32 185, F32 145, STORE 062


Mostly standard EBLD syntax supported. Invoking EBLD without parameters gives usage information

Release components

All 4 build variants have been released.


No testing has been done


RDbs::Version() now reports "1.05(058)"
The DATAZIP tool has been removed - it was not supported for Unicode data documents in any case

Version 1.05(057)
(Made by Andrew Thoelke on 15 January 1999)

EPOC Release 5 candidate component


This release was built with
     Tools: E32TOOLS 095, E32TOOLP 098
Components: E32 158, F32 124, STORE 051

Binary Compatibility

Fully binary compatible with 054-6


Mostly standard EBLD syntax supported. Invoking EBLD without parameters gives usage information

Release components

All 8 build variants have been released.
MARM ASCII release build EDBMS.DLL + EDBSRV.EXE is 130,276 + 496 bytes (127.7K) in ROM
To install DBMS for MARM:
	edbms.dll : install to \System\Libs\
	edbsrv.exe: install to \System\Programs\

Known problems

DATAZIP will not work on new unicode database documents, as it does not recognise the new Data App UID. This tool is likely to be migrated out of DBMS in the near future


Test code amended and extended to verify the defect fixes. All test code passes on all platforms.


RDbs::Version() now reports "1.05(057)"

Defects Fixed

590829: CDbTableDatabase::CheckIdle() no longer causes an access violation if the table collection is modified while it iterates across the tables.
394751: The server panics clients in such a way as to avoid trying to complete the offending message twice, which caused a KERN-EXEC 4 in the server.

Version 1.05(056)
(Made by Andrew Thoelke on 5 January 1999)

EPOC Release 5 candidate component


This release was built with
     Tools: E32TOOLS 095, E32TOOLP 098
Components: E32 158, F32 124, STORE 051

Binary Compatibility

Fully binary compatible with 054-5


Mostly standard EBLD syntax supported. Invoking EBLD without parameters gives usage information

Release components

All 8 build variants have been released.
MARM ASCII release build EDBMS.DLL + EDBSRV.EXE is 130,280 + 496 bytes (127.7K) in ROM
To install DBMS for MARM:
	edbms.dll : install to \System\Libs\
	edbsrv.exe: install to \System\Programs\

Known problems

DATAZIP will not work on new unicode database documents, as it does not recognise the new Data App UID. This tool is likely to be migrated out of DBMS in the near future


Test code amended and extended to verify the defect fixes. All test code passes on all platforms.


RDbs::Version() now reports "1.05(056)"
New RProcess::Create() and RLibrary::Load() functions which take a TUidType parameter are now used for launching the server and loading drivers with full UID type checking

Defects Fixed

632258: RDbNamedDatabase::Create() will now only delete the file on cleanup if it created the file, and not delete an existing file

Version 1.05(055)
(Made by Andrew Thoelke on 9 December 1998)

EPOC Release 5 candidate component


This release was built with
     Tools: E32TOOLS 095, E32TOOLP 098
Components: E32 156, F32 122, STORE 051

Binary Compatibility

Fully binary compatible with 054


Mostly standard EBLD syntax supported. Invoking EBLD without parameters gives usage information

Release components

All 8 build variants have been released.
MARM ASCII release build EDBMS.DLL + EDBSRV.EXE is 130,288 + 496 bytes (127.7K) in ROM
To install DBMS for MARM:
	edbms.dll : install to \System\Libs\
	edbsrv.exe: install to \System\Programs\

Known problems

DATAZIP will not work on new unicode database documents, as it does not recognise the new Data App UID. This tool is likely to be migrated out of DBMS in the near future


Test code amended and extended to verify the defect fixes. All test code passes on all platforms.


RDbs::Version() now reports "1.05(055)"

Defects Fixed

SW1-488	Regression from 043: deleting a row can cause an access	violation. A simple fix added and tested by T_BIG.
Rebuilt with MSVC++ 5.0 Service Pack 3 to ensure good WINS release builds.
Boiler-plated the source code using the SysDoc tool.

Version 1.05(054)
(Made by Andrew Thoelke on 16th November, 1998)

This is an EPOC Release 5 component.


The requires EPOC Release 5 components to build and run. This release
was built with

     Tools: E32TOOLS 095, E32TOOLP 097
Components: E32 156, F32 122, STORE 050

Binary Compatibility

Backwards binary compatible with 053
RDbNotifier::Notify() has changed names, making this release source
incompatible, and RDbNotifer has gained a new export (see Changes).


Mostly standard EBLD syntax supported. Invoking EBLD without parameters
gives usage information

Release components

All 8 build variants have been released.
MARM ASCII release build EDBMS.DLL + EDBSRV.EXE is 130,280 + 496 bytes
(127.7K) in ROM

To install DBMS for MARM:
	edbms.dll : install to \System\Libs\
	edbsrv.exe: install to \System\Programs\

For ROM building, edbsrv.exe should be marked as a FIXED process, the
process priority has yet to be specified.

DBMS can be successfully installed an run from C: (RAM drive) on a
EPOC Release 5 ROM

Known problems

DATAZIP will not work on new unicode database documents, as it does not
recognise the new Data App UID. This tool is likely to be migrated out
of DBMS in the near future


Test code amended and extended to verify the defect fixes and changes.
All platforms have been fully tested.


RDbs::Version() now reports "1.05(054)"

The notification interface of RDbNotifer has changed:
*	Notify() has been renamed to NotifyUnlock(), inidicating that all
	events are reported, including "unlock" events.
*	A new request NotifyChange() has been added which only completes
	when a change event (all except unlock) occurs on the database.
Note that change events occuring between notifier completion and making a
new request will not be missed (as they are in 053), see the fix for
SW1-334 below.

Defects Fixed

Defects are from EPOC Software Defects.

SW1-320	File and Path not found errors are now returned by
	RDbNamedDatabase::Open() when appropriate.

SW1-326	Attempting to read Long columns can return KErrAccessDenied if
	compaction or statistics update is in progress in the same
	client. 053 only reported this if a different client was
	compacting, but panic'd if it was the same client.

SW1-334	Database "change" events which occur after a request is completed
	are now stored by the notifier and reported immediately when the
	next notification request is made. Only the most significant event
	is stored, following this ordering:

		Recover > Rollback > Commit

	The more "significant" events have a larger impact on client views.

Version 1.05(053)
(Made by Andrew Thoelke on 28th October, 1998)

This is a beta EPOC Release 5 component.


The requires EPOC Release 5 compatibility components to build and run

     Tools: E32TOOLS 095, E32TOOLP 096
Components: E32 156, F32 122, STORE 050

Binary Compatibility

Only WINS REL, MARM REL and MARM DEB releases are fully binary compatible
with 052

WINS DEB is now BC with WINS REL


Mostly standard EBLD syntax supported. Invoking EBLD without parameters
gives usage information

Release components

All 8 build variants have been released.
MARM ASCII release build EDBMS.DLL + EDBSRV.EXE is 130,020 + 496 bytes
(127.5K) in ROM

To install DBMS for MARM:
	edbms.dll : install to \System\Libs\
	edbsrv.exe: install to \System\Programs\

For ROM building, edbsrv.exe should be marked as a FIXED process, the
process priority has yet to be specified.

DBMS can be successfully installed an run from C: (RAM drive) on a
EPOC Release 4 ROM

Known problems

DATAZIP will not work on new unicode database documents, as it does not
recognise the new Data App UID at the moment. This will be remedied once
the new unicode Data app UID is available.


All platforms have been fully tested.


1.	RDbs::Version() now reports "1.05(053)"

2.	New UIDs allocated for Unicode:
		0x10003B0E: Unicode EDBMS.DLL
		0x10003B0F: KDbmsDriverUid16

Version 1.05(052)
(Made by Andrew Thoelke on 13th October, 1998)

This is a beta EPOC Release 5 component.


This component requires at least EPOC Release 4 in order to be built and
Components required: E32 144, F32 115, STORE 049
Tools: E32TOOLS 095, E32TOOLP 093

Binary Compatibility

This release is fully backwards binary compatible with DBMS 051.

However, internal changes mean that different versions of DBMS 050+ in ROM
and RAM can cause problems.

DBMS 052 adds three more exports to the client interface, to support
enquiry of database properties such as size and usage.


WINS components were built using MSVC++ 5.0, hence the debugging databases
are incompatible with previous versions of MSDev.

Command-line building now uses the "EBLD" syntax. Invoking EBLD from the
GROUP sub-project will provide usage information. All MNT verbs which
could previously be used for building have been removed.

EBLD TOOL ... is used to build the tools

Release components

All 8 build variants have been released.
MARM ASCII release build EDBMS.DLL + EDBSRV.EXE is 130,020 + 496 bytes
(127.5K) in ROM

To install DBMS 052 for MARM:
	edbms.dll : install to \System\Libs\
	edbsrv.exe: install to \System\Programs\

For ROM building, edbsrv.exe should be marked as a FIXED process, the
process priority has yet to be specified.

DBMS 052 can be successfully installed an run from C: (RAM drive) on a
EPOC Release 4 ROM


All platforms have been fully tested.

A new SQL-script test program has been added, and further SQL scripts are
planned to validate the query analysis and evaluation engine.


1.	RDbs::Version() now reports "1.05(052)"

2.	To complement database compaction, a query function which returns
	the database size and usage has been added: RDbDatabase::Size().
	This returns a structure containing the database size (in bytes)
	and the usage (in percent). A value <0 indiciates an inability to
	evaluate the property, this may be because the database does not
	support the query (such as RDbStoreDatabase), or because the value
	is not immediately available. For hard-to-compute values (like
	usage) this function will return a cached value, these "stats" can
	be updated by calling RDbDatabase::UpdateStats() (which may be
	long-running) or using the incremental version

3.	RDbNotifier's can now also be opened on a client-side database:
	attempting this operation with build 050 or 051 panic'd. The
	current implementation only supports a single notifier for a
	client-side database, but continues to support any number of
	notifiers opened on a client-server database.

4.	SQL Query optimisation has arrived. No longer is there only one
	way to evaluate a query, DBMS 052 will now make use of indexes to
	optimise query evaluation. The implications for database design
	(what to index) and access (undefined behaviour) are significant.

4.1.	Indexes may be used to evaluate the WHERE clause, the ORDER BY
	clause, or both. Pre DBMS 051 the exact method of evaluating a
	query was well defined, and could be relied on: e.g. an ORDER BY
	clause had to be evluated with an index, and WHERE clause was done
	on-the-fly; the TDbWindow paramater to RDbView::Prepare() was
	followed precisely. This can no longer be relied on in the
	presence of indexes.

4.2.	If a window is requested, the rowset is guaranteed to use one: but
	a window'd View may be provided for a request which did not
	specify one, because that may be the only (or best) way to
	evaluate the query. This implies that Views must be Evaluate()'d
	after preparation, and they may behave differently if this or
	another view updates the underlying table.

4.3.	An ORDER BY clause may be evaluated without an index (even if an
	appropriate one is available), in which case none of the rows will
	appear in the view until they have all been evaluated. So the "get
	results as they come in" approach used in the Data application
	will not look as cool--however, the results might appear 10 times
	faster to make up for this.

4.4.	Table rowsets continue to have the same behaviour as before.

5.	The server, DBMS drivers and open tables are now held in a expiry
	cache when they are no longer "in use", and discarded after a
	short time if not re-used. This significantly improves performance
	in situations where these objects are repeatedly opened and closed.

6.	Cluster caching is now dynamically increased when it would benefit
	access performance.

7.	RDbRowSet::CountL() and RDbRowSet::FindL() are implemented one
	layer "deeper" allowing the server implementation to improve their
	performance by an order of magnitude.

8.	All references to "Library" and "ISAM" are now "Driver". DBMS
	driver extensions will have the extension .dbx.

Defects fixed

Defect numbers refer to the EPOC Software Defects database

SW1-183: Null columns do not always return zero values (as spec'd by the
	SDK). The row buffer code has been adapted to do the right thing
	for all null columns. Test code amended to verify this in the
	"problem" cases.

SW1-225: An emulator-only defect where the server thread was being
	cleaned up by the OS because of incorrect ownership. Test code
	amended to verify this fix.

*	It was possible to set up a database state combining a transaction
	and long column access, that caused STORE to panic on rollback:
	this was not ideal for client-side access, but deadly for
	client-server access as it killed the server. The transaction
	locking system has now added transient read-locks for long column
	access to prevent this state. However, this may now cause a
	RDbColReadStream::Open() call to fail with "KErrLocked" if
	another client holds an exclusive lock on the database (e.g. they
	are updating a table, or compacting...). This can be handled
	earlier by using a transaction to enclose the read, in which case
	Begin() may fail with KErrLocked.

Version 1.03.051
(Made by AjThoelke, 28 August 1998)

This is an alpha EPOC Release 5 component.


This component ideally requires at least EPOC Release 4 in order to be built
and run.
Components required: E32 143, F32 115, STORE 049
Tools: E32TOOLS 094, E32TOOLP 093

Binary Compatibility

This release is fully backwards binary compatible with DBMS 043
This release is backwards source compatible with DBMS 050

DBMS now has the full E5 API, having now added support for data modification
SQL statements. Hopefully this API will not be changed in future E5 releases.

The SQL execution has changed from 050, although the new API remains source
(but not binary) compatible,.


 Binaries: From the BMAKE sub-project invoke the BLD batch file
    Tools: From the TOOLS sub-project invoke the BLD batch file

Release components

All 8 build variants have been released.
MARM ASCII release build EDBMS.DLL is 120,732 bytes (117.9K) in ROM

To install DBMS 051 for MARM:
	edbms.dll : install to \System\Libs\
	edbsrv.exe: install to \System\Programs\

For ROM building, edbsrv.exe should be marked as a FIXED process, the process
priority has yet to be specified.

DBMS 051 can be successfully installed an run from C: on a EPOC Release 4 ROM


All platforms have been fully tested.

Note that some of the new functionality requires new test code to be written
to ensure it's correctness--this work is planned for the next release.

Defects fixed

Defect numbers refer to the EPOC Software Defects database

*	SW1-65: DBMS 051 should be MSVC 5.0 friendly

*	SW1-71: Function renamed to RDbs::ResourceCount()

*	SW1-173: LIKE '*?a?*' could fail to match rows that it should, this has
	been remedied

*	Faulting previously correct SQL due to the additon of reserved keywords
	is not really backwards compatible, and this restriction is now lifted.
	Tables,	indexes and columns can be named after SQL keywords. This is not,
	however, recommended if you want to remain forwards compatible with 043.

*	SQL create-table-statements could contain invalid data types and cause
	unexpected things to happen: e.g. "UNSIGNED BINARY" was not flagged as
	an error.

*	If the last record in a partially evaluated view was deleted and further
	evaluation generated more rows, the cursor put itself into an
	inconsistent state, often resulting in a panic. This situation is now
	detected and dealt with correctly.

Changes and additions

A full explanation of the API changes can be found in "r:\dbms\dsdk\api.doc",
and the SQL grammar is described in "r:\dbms\dsdk\sql.doc".

*	ORDER BY clauses in RDbView queries can now be evaluated without
	requiring the support of an index (hooray!). In fact, it is now
	recommended that you do _not_ create indexes for the sole purpose of
	evaluating an ORDER BY clause: they are slower and bigger, particularly
	for text keys. More detail on those issues in the next release...

*	RDbDatabase::Execute() now supports DML as well as DDL statements.
	(see api.doc and sql.doc for details)

*	Added class RDbUpdate to incrementally execute data modification SQL
	statements. (see api.doc)

*	Started caching tables which have been opened, but are no longer used
	by any cursor, until the current transaction completes. This
	particularly improves performance of multiple SQL insert-statements
	run inside a transaction, as well as removing a nearly-silent-failure
	mode from the transaction system.

*	Major reworking of the SQL engine involving:

*	Rewrite of the lexer, removing most dependencies on TLex and TChar
	for performance reasons. TChar functions are only used for non-ASCII
	characters encountered in identifiers or spaces. TLex is only used
	for lexing floating point numbers. Keyword identification now uses a
	case-insensitive comparison, rather than folding.

*	Literal values are managed and converted by a single class

*	Added support for DML statements to the parser

*	Access plan generation has been moved into a new class, in preparation
	for query optimization in the next release.

Version 1.02.050
(Made by AjThoelke, 7 May 1998)

Binary Compatibility

This release is fully backwards binary compatible with DBMS 043.

The new API in this release of DBMS is NOT frozen at present, and it has
beta status. It is liable to be changed in incompatible ways in the next

Additionally, some of the functionality in 043 has been enhanced, so code
which relies on the new behaviour will fail when used with 043.


E32 release 126, for debug/release compatibility and Security framework
F32 release 095
STORE release 048, for RSecureStorePagePool and assertion fix
E32TOOLS 089

ARM narrow release size is 111,364 bytes (108.8K), as reported from ROMBUILD.

*	Reorganised the source code, SQL classes are now in sub-project USQL

*	Added two new source directories for the DBMS server: SDBMS contains all
	classes which are built into EDBMS.DLL, SEXE contains the code for the
	server process MARM executable.


*	All MARM binaries have been validated

*	All test code has been run against compatible platforms

*	The build number has been bumped just in case a small incremental release
	based on 043 is required for EPOC release 4 (e.g. for a bug fix). 050 is
	not ready for platform release.

*	MARM now releases an executable as well as a DLL. EDBSRV.EXE should go
	in \system\programs and is required if and only if client/server DBMS is
	used. WINS does not have any additional objects

Defects fixed

*	Obscure "phantom row" defect, discovered during code review.
	If a row is deleted through rowset A, and then rowset B deletes what would
	be the next record for rowset A; then NextL() on rowset A would fail to
	move to the next record after that, resulting in a KErrNotFound error on
	a subsequent GetL() on rowset A. NextL() now checks for this state and
	navigates correctly

*	LIKE '?' fails to match a text column containing a single character.
	Certain patterns in an SQL like-predicate failed to match when they
	should. The patterns which would failed are characterised by ending in
	one or more '?' followed by zero or more '*', as long as the '?'s were
	not preceeded by a regular character. e.g.
		'?' would not match any single character string
		'?*' would only match strings of length >=2 rather than	>=1

Changes and additions

These release notes contain just the highlights of the changes made to DBMS.
The document "r:\dbms\dsdk\api.doc" provides more detail on the new API	and
behaviour of shared databases.

*	RDbs is the client session handle for sharing databases through the DBMS
	server. It provides resource checking and heap failure tools

*	RDbNamedDatabase provide the generic mechanism for instantiating a
	database, by providing a name and a format-spec. Databases can be opened
	client-side for exclusive write access or shared read-only access, or
	through the DBMS server for shared write access.

*	RDbNotifier provides change notification for shared databases. They can
	only be opened on a database which has been opened using the DBMS server

*	RDbDatabase::Begin() now returns a TInt error code. For client databases
	this is garaunteed to be KErrNone (thus ensuring B.C.), but a client-server
	database may return KErrLocked if another client has locked the database

*	A single transaction can share DDL operations and DML operations. Any
	affected rowsets which are open when a DDL operation is begun will be
	invalidated, and if the DDL operation is rolled back all rowsets are
	invalidated. In this state, most operations on the rowset result in a
	KErrDisconnected error, and the rowset has to be Close()'d--it cannot
	be Reset()

*	RDbDatabase::Compact() and RDbIncremental::Compact() provide a way to
	compact a database. This can be used for RDbStoreDatabase's as an
	alternative	to the compaction functions available on CStreamStore. These
	will fail if anyone has an outstanding transaction (including the caller)

*	RDbDatabase::Execute() and RDbIncrmental::Execute() can execute DDL SQL
	statements. See	"r:\dbms\dsdk\sql.doc" for the SQL syntax of these

	*** If your databases contain tables, indexes or columns which use an SQL
	keyword for their name: then any SQL passed to DBMS 050, including
	RDbView::Prepare(), can fail with KErrArgument. The list SQL reserved
	words is also in the document.

*	Relaxed	constraints on getting and setting integral columns on a rowset
	and also for specifying integral key values in a TDbSeekKey. These are
	primarily provided to ease the implementation of non-C++ interfaces to
	DBMS, note that utilising the new functionality will panic'd on DBMS 043.

Test code

*	Revised the current test code to use and test the new API for database
	instantiation and DDL SQL, and also to test dynamic binding of the DBMS
	driver library

*	Added a new test program to test database sharing

Version 1.02.043
(Made by AjThoelke, 30 March 1998)

Binary Compatibility

This release is fully backwards and forwards binary compatible with DBMS 042.


E32 release 125, for debug/release compatibility and Security framework
F32 release 095
STORE release 047, for RSecureStorePagePool
E32TOOLS 089

ARM narrow release size is 81964 bytes (80.0K), as reported from ROMBUILD.


1.	The compressor could generate an invalid compressed database due to
	faulty analysis of the database data. The data written is subtly
	different to the original database, so analysis for the encoding should
	take place on the data that is written, not on the data that is read:
	which is what DBMS 042 was doing.
	This has been fixed: compression is now a little slower, and DBMS is
	.5K smaller.

Version 1.02.042
(Made by AjThoelke, 18 March 1998)

Binary Compatibility

With the exception of compressed databases, this release is fully backwards and
forwards binary compatible with DBMS 041.

The compression format has changed slightly, resulting in a data incompatibility
for compressed databases between 041 and 042. You must use DBMS 042 to compress
databases for use with this release.


E32 release 125, for debug/release compatibility and Security framework
F32 release 095
STORE release 047, for RSecureStorePagePool
E32TOOLS 089

ARM narrow release size is 82448 bytes (80.5K), as reported from ROMBUILD.


1.	The compression format has been changed to provide a larger look-back
	for better compression of long streams; and now uses a stream terminator
	resulting in faster decompression code.

Version 1.02.041
(Made by AjThoelke, 13 March 1998)

Binary Compatibility

Fully backwards and forwards binary compatible with DBMS 040


E32 release 125, for debug/release compatibility and Security framework
F32 release 095
STORE release 047, for RSecureStorePagePool
E32TOOLS 089

ARM narrow release size is 82524 bytes (80.6K), as reported from ROMBUILD.


1.	Compression failed for databases which had no LongText or LongBinary
	data. The huffman code generator could not cope with a no-data
	situation. This has been fixed so that non-encodings are supported.

2.	Some code slipped out of 040 which ensures that enforces the read-only
	nature of a compressed database. Otherwise the database could be
	modified and left in a corrupt and unreadable state.

3.	Reduced the memory requirements for compression by a factor of 4 or
	more for databases with large streams.

Version 1.02.040
(Made by AjThoelke, 6 March 1998)

Binary Compatibility

Fully backwards binary compatible with DBMS 039
Forwards compatible with 039 if you do not use either of the two new exports:


in d32dbms.h. (See below)


E32 release 125, for debug/release compatibility and Security framework
F32 release 095
STORE release 047, for RSecureStorePagePool
E32TOOLS 089

ARM narrow release size is 82384 bytes (80.5K), as reported from ROMBUILD.


1.	Writing to a LongText column using the WriteL(RReadStream&,TInt)
	overload can result in an incorrect column size being stored in the row.
	This defect has only been introduced in 039, and was not present before
	that release.
	This has been fixed, and test code has been changed to test the
	behaviour of stream-to-stream writing to LongText columns.

New stuff

1.	Provided primarily to support compression of help files in ROM...
	Store databases can be compressed[1]. These new static functions of


	convert a (non-encrypted) database from normal to compressed form and
	back again.

	These functions operate synchronously, and can take an extended time to
	complete[2]. On return the database is not open, and the store file
	should be CompactL()'d and CommitL()'d after compression or
	decompression is successful. If they fail, the database will be in its
	previous state, i.e. the database is still good.

	Index data cannot be compressed (unfortunately).

	Once compressed the database is read-only, but otherwise operates as
	normal: the data is decompressed on the fly as required.

	I have included the compression code on MARM (4.5K of ROM) as this
	might prove useful, although it is less aggressive when compressing
	than the WINS/WINC code. The resulting database is about 7% larger
	but takes half the time to compress. Compression requires quite a bit of

	[1] Test on help files show compression ratios between 2.5:1 and 4:1
	[2] e.g. the Series5 help file (343K) takes 10 seconds to compress on
	an E32 125 ROM.

2.	A new releasable TOOLS contains a WINC\REL executable DataZip.exe which
	can compress a Data Document (including help files). This has the same
	EPOC dependencies as DBMS 040 (of course).

	To run this program you need to have E32 WINC 125+, F32 WINC 095+, STORE
	WINS 047+, DBMS WINS 040+ and DataZip all in the same directory. The
	source and target file names for the program must be specified in full
	due to a limitation of WINC at present

Version 1.02.039
(Made by AjThoelke, 19 February 1998)

Binary Compatibility

Only the client API (d32dbms.h) in MARM REL, WINS REL and WINS DEB builds
remains binary compatible with DBMS 038.

*	This is the first release to support unicode properly, in particular,
	the unicode releases are not BC with the 038 pre-release.

*	MARM Debug builds have broken BC in order to become BC with the
	release build, enabling debug/release component mix'n'match.

*	In order to enable client-server and future extensions to DBMS, the
	implementors' interface has been thoroughly broken. This interface is
	described by d32dbas.h, d32rec.h and d32table.h; it has never been
	documented and will no longer be supported by DBMS. These header files
	have been withdrawn until Akula completes its changes to this API.

*	The client interface, described by d32dbms.h, is completely backwards
	binary compatible with 038, adding some new functionality in the shape
	of secure databases (see below).

If you are building a release/debug compatible component you must use at least
E32 125, F32 95, STORE 047 and DBMS 039.


E32 release 125, for debug/release compatibility and Security framework
F32 release 095
STORE release 047, for RSecureStorePagePool
E32TOOLS 089

ARM narrow release size is 75920 bytes (74.1K), as reported from ROMBUILD.

MAKMAKE is now used throughout DBMS. The new BMAKE directory contains the batch
file (bld.bat), makefiles and mmp files to build DBMS. BWINS and BMARM now just
contain the export definitions files.

DBMS can still be built using the mnt verbs, or by invoking BLD in the BMAKE
directory. Invoking BLD without parameters gives the basic syntax used.

Test code is built either in each test code sub-project using bld.bat or the
makefile, or using mnt.cmd from the group as before to build all test code.


1.	SW1-792: Following DeleteL() on a filtered rowset, the cursor now
	correctly determines the NextL() row in the set.

2.	Loopholes in the LongText column streaming code allowed clever, but
	incorrect, things to be done with text-only columns (such as embedded
	stores etc.). These columns might now be encrypted, and so do not
	support seeking or combined read and write: so this condition is
	asserted. LongText streams should only ever stream text in or out,
	LongBinary columns must be used for embedding stores.

3.	An SQL view which had a comparison operator on a long unicode column
	could be evaluated incorrectly due to a /2 error in a length
	calculation. This has been fixed.

4.	The SQL parser could fail in new ways in Unicode (such as OOM) when
	parsing numeric values. The parser was re-engineered to correctly report
	the real error code, instead of reporting a generic error

5.	RDbTable::SeekL(), when looking up a unicode column key would not use
	the whole key value given (another divide-by-2 error). Fixed.

Changes and additions

1.	Unicode is here (properly this time). Test code has been modified to run
	in unicode builds. Missing LongText16 functionality has been
	implemented, and a couple of unicode column flaws have been fixed.

2.	LongText16 columns could not be used in LIKE predicates in SQL. The
	required classes and code has been implemented to match the 8-bit code.

3.	Long column optimizations have been overhauled to allow many more than
	previously (the limit has been rasied from 32 to 504, if there are no
	other columns). To reduce memory consumption when large numbers of long
	columns are used, the row buffer is now sized dynamically; are whereas
	the RDbRowSet::SetColL() members may have left with KErrTooBig, they can
	now fail with KErrNoMemory if the buffer cannot be expanded. Overall
	this may reduce the memory requirements for using DBMS.

4.	AlterTable() has some added powers. As long as the respective columns
	are not indexed, it now possible to increase the maximum length of
	Text8, Text16 and Binary columns--up to their maximum of 255 bytes--or
	to change such a column into its respective long type. The reverse is
	not allowed (shortening a Text column or changing LongText->Text).
	Changing the maximum length of a column in a StoreDatabase does not
	require the table to be	re-written, and so is a quick operation.
	Changing the column type does require the entire table to be re-written
	and so can take an extended time to complete.

5.	Encrypted databases are also now available (thanks to an addition to the
	security framework in the Base). The database is encrypted by a key it
	generates itself, access to this key is protected by encryption and
	decryption keys provided by clients. This allows a client to change the
	user password (for example) without requiring the entire database to be
	re-encrypted. For this reason it is not possible to turn a secure
	database into a plain-text database and vice-versa: this can only be
	done by copying the data from one database to another. It is worth noting
	that encrypting a database does have an impact on performance.

	The three new API functions:


	This creates a secure version of the store database. It cannot be read
	using DBMS 038 or earlier (it will fail with KErrNotSupported). The
	second parameter is an encryption object (such as returned from
	CSecurityBase::NewEncryptL) which is used to create authentication
	data in the database. The key object is deleted by this function.

	A matching CSecurityDecryptBase object (i.e. same key, same algorithm)
	must be provided to allow access to the database at any later stage.

	This is the secure version of opening a store database. The supplied
	decryption key will be authenticated first before the database is
	opened. It should match the Encryption key used to create the database,
	or the last security change. The key object is deleted by this function.

	If the key fails to access the database this fails with KErrGeneral.
	If the database is not encrypted this fails with KErrArgument.
	If the database is encrypted using an unknown algorithm this fails with

	This is used to change the access key for the database. The first
	parameter is the current decryption key, which is authenticated (just as
	for opening a database); the second parameter is the new encryption key,
	used to re-encrypt the authentication data. Both keys are deleted by
	this function.

	If the database is not encrypted this fails with KErrArgument.
	If the key fails to access the database this fails with KErrGeneral.
6.	Cluster (records) caching has been changed to provide caching for
	multiple record-clusters, paving the way for more efficient multiple
	client access.

7.	Internal column sets are now crossed indexed by name, making table
	creation and alteration, and view preparation faster when tha table has
	a large number of columns. Creating tables up the the record limits is
	quite acceptably fast now.

8.	Took the opportunity presented by losing back-end API compatibility to
	rectify one or two design flaws in the implementation classes, and begin
	the work on turning it into a dynamically loaded generic-database

Version 1.01.038
(Made by AjThoelke, 16 October 1997)

1.	Built using Platform 001 releases of E32, F32 and STORE; used E32TOOLS/067

	Only debug binaries have been modified by this release.
	Size of EDBMS.DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      66,560 bytes (65.0K)
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      68,748 bytes (67.1K)	(ROMBUILD)
	MARM ASCII Debug        82,076 bytes (80.2K)	(ROMBUILD)

2.	Fixed SW1-393 as described. Change T_INDEX to check the assertion.

Version 1.00.037
(Made by Geert, 2 June 1997)

1.	Built using Platform 001 releases of E32, F32 and STORE; used E32TOOLS/067

	Size of EDBMS.DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      66,560 bytes (65.0K)
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      68,748 bytes (67.1K)	(ROMBUILD)
	MARM ASCII Debug        82,076 bytes (80.2K)	(ROMBUILD)

2.	Fixed SW3-1060 as described.

Version 1.00.036
(Made by AjThoelke, 28 May 1997)

1.	Built using Platform 001 releases of E32, F32 and STORE; used E32TOOLS/067

	Size of EDBMS.DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      66,560 bytes (65.0K)
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      68,732 bytes (67.1K)	(ROMBUILD)
	MARM ASCII Debug        82,060 bytes (80.1K)	(ROMBUILD)

2.	Fixed MNT VALID: needed -e32 in pediff command line.

Version 1.00.035
(Made by AjThoelke, 19 May 1997)


	Built using Platform releases of E32, F32 and STORE; used E32TOOLS/066

	Size of EDBMS.DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      66,560 bytes (65.0K)
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      68,732 bytes (67.1K)	(ROMBUILD)
	MARM ASCII Debug        82,060 bytes (80.1K)	(ROMBUILD)

Binary Compatibility

	Fully binary compatible with Platform release 034.

	Four reserved virtual functions on the CDbDatabase and CDbCursor classes
	defined in d32dbas.h were incorrectly declared as public. These now have
	private access. The only real changes required to the releasables was new
	WINS import libraries.

	Nobody should have got anywhere near calling these exports, but they
	have been made private to protect against anyone doing so "by accident".
	You should not be building against this release: use the platform
	version 034.


1.	Removed Name builds from the BWINS project make file.

2.	Added map files to MARM releaseables

Differences from 034:

Version 0.06.034
(Made by AjThoelke, 17 April 1997)

1.	Uses E32/098, F32/068, STORE/042, E32TOOLS/063

	Binary compatible with 033.
	File compatible with 033.

	Build sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      66,560 bytes (65.0K)
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      68,732 bytes (67.1K)	(ROMBUILD)
	MARM ASCII Debug        82,060 bytes (80.1K)

2.	New Uid scheme adopted for MARM releasables. For MARM, requires
	E32 098 for anything other than narrow release.

3.	Fixed SW-3494. Calling RDbRowSet::Cancel() before the database had
	actually been modified when in a real transaction left the transaction
	machinery in an invalid state. This has been cured.

Version 0.06.033
(Made by AjThoelke, 11 April 1997)

1.	Uses E32/097, F32/067, STORE/041, E32TOOLS/060

2.	Binary incompatible with 032.
	File compatible with 032.

3.	Build (ROM) sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      66,560 bytes (65.0K)
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      68,728 bytes (67.1K)	(ROMBUILD)
	MARM ASCII Debug        82,056 bytes (80.1K)

4.	Full Binary compatibility review complete. API is now frozen.

	Adjusted exports to provide a full implementation API, for potential
	other implementations of the client API.

	Added some reserved virtual space onto the DBMS implementation framework
	for future development.

Version 0.06.032
(Made by AjThoelke, 10 April 1997)

1.	Uses E32/096, F32/066, STORE/040, E32TOOLS/060

2.	Binary compatible with 031. File compatible with 031.

3.	Build (ROM) sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      66,048 bytes (64.5K)
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      68,580 bytes (66.9K)	(ROMBUILD)
	MARM ASCII Debug        81,824 bytes (79.9K)

4.	Fixed a bug when evaluating unrestricted views (no WHERE clause): a
	single evaluation step was doing full evaulation, rather than a bite-
	size chunk.

5.	MARM releasables are now pre-PETRAN'd. Obey file uids are history.

Version 0.05.031
(Made by AjT, 21 February 1997)

1.	Uses E32/089, F32/055, STORE/036, E32TOOLS/051

2.	Binary compatible with 030. File compatible with 030.

3.	Build (ROM) sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      66,048 bytes (64.5K)
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      68,584 bytes (66.9K)
	MARM ASCII Debug        81,832 bytes (79.9K)

4.	API tweaklet. TDbSeekKey::Add() members now return a reference to
	the seek key, to assist in construction of multi-column keys. This
	is similar to the CDbColSet::AddL() and CDbKey::AddL() functions.


	TDbSeekMultiKey<3> key;

	This change does not affect binary compatibility.

Version 0.05.030
(Made by AjT, 3 February 1997)

1.	Uses E32/086, F32/050, STORE/035, E32TOOLS/051

2.	Binary compatible with 029.
	This is the B5 release.

3.	Build (ROM) sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      66,048 bytes (64.5K)
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      68,520 bytes (67.0K)
	MARM ASCII Debug        81,768 bytes (79.9K)

4.	API tweaklet. In the process of documentation, I discovered that two
	inline functions on RDbRowSet, Beginning() and End() can leave if
	the rowset was specified to have insert-only access. I have put an
	L onto the end of these inline functions, which will not break any
	binary compatibility, but might affect program logic.

	If the rowset is read-only or updatable (the default) then these
	functions are guaranteed not to leave.

4.	Fixed a bug in RDbRowSet::DeleteL(). It was not reporting any errors,
	even when there was one. Error propagation has been reinstated.

5.	Fixed two bugs to do with synchronising mutliple rowsets during
	concurrent updates to the same table.

Version 0.05.029
(Made by AjT, 21st January 1997)

1.	Uses E32/085, F32/049, STORE/033, E32TOOLS/050

2.	Binary incompatible with any predecessor.

3.	Build (ROM) sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      66,048 bytes (64.5K)
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      68,448 bytes (66.8K)
	MARM ASCII Debug        81,628 bytes (79.7K)

4.	The code for parsing text into TTime has been passed on to the base,
	knocking 3.5K off the DLL.

5.	Fixed an SQL bug: Strings in SQL could not have embedded quote
	characters (').	This can now be done by using two adjacent quote

Version 0.04.028
(Made by AjT, 4th December 1996)

1.	Uses E32/076, F32/042, STORE/031, E32TOOLS/048

2.	Minor version number set to 4. This is the B4 release

3.	Binary incompatible with any predecessor.
	File compatibility has been completely broken again. This should be the
	last time.

4.	Build sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      68,096 bytes (66.5K)
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      71,268 bytes (69.6K)
	MARM ASCII Debug        84,608 bytes (82.6K)

5.	The embedded class RDbRowSet::RConstraint has been unembedded, and is now
	RDbRowConstraint, it's behaviour is unchanged.

6.	The class RDbDatabase::RIncremental and its derived classes have been
	turned into a single unembedded class RDbIncremental. Instead of
	constructing the class required for the operation (RDbDatabase::RCreateIndex
	for example) and then invoking the Open() member, you now construct an
	instance of RDbIncremental, and invoke the required member (CreateIndex()
	for the above operation). Otherwise the behaviour of incremental operations
	is unchanged.

7.	RDbRowSet::ColSet() has been dropped, only the leaving version ColSetL()

8.	A const KDbUnlimitedWindow has been introduced, this is a TDbWindow
	constructed to represent an unlimited window.

9.	RDbDatabase::IsDamaged() and RDbDatabase::InTransaction() are now const

10.	The test to date/time conversion has been temporarily adopted by DBMS.
	search-conditions in WHERE clauses for view preparation, or row
	constraints can now contain comparisons with DateTime columns. The literal
	date should be specified by enclosing it in '#'s, e.g.


11.	DBMS RXxx objects previously would automatically close if opened/prepared
	before being explicitly closed. This functionality has been removed: DBMS
	handles now behave like F32 handles.

12.	All KErrDoesNotExist errors have been replaced by KErrNotFound

13.	Attempting to use a database/rowset between a failure and a transaction
	Rollback (or rowset Cancel) now results in the error KErrDied (previously
	was KErrAbort).

14.	Some verification now takes place as clusters and records are loaded to
	ensure that they have not been corrupted externally. These checks now
	result in KErrCorrupt errors, as opposed to ASSERTion panics, or memory
	overwrites (in release mode).

Version 0.01.027
(Made by AjT, 25th November 1996)

1.	Uses E32/074, F32/040, STORE/029, E32TOOLS/046

2.	Binary compatible 026. Totally file compatible too.
	Bugs in F32 040 (and 041) may cause incorrect behaviour.

3.	Build sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      65,536 bytes (64.0K)
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      68,012 bytes (66.4K)
	MARM ASCII Debug        80,116 bytes (78.2K)

4.	Fixed:

	Insert/SetColL/Cancel/InsertCopy resulted in the row data from the
	cancelled insertion being in the row buffer following the call to
	InsertCopyL. Fixed.
	Alien bookmarks (from another table) caused panics or corruption,
	rather than being rejected. A new verification scheme has been
	implemented to handle this (see #7 below).

5.	Added two more typedefs

	typedef TBufC<KDbMaxName> TDbNameC;
	typedef TBufC<KDbMaxColName> TDbColNameC;

	These are used in place of the explicit TBufC variants in the interface.

6.	Schema enquiry has been added to RDbDatabase. This is the last OVAL
	related omission.

	CDbTableNames* RDbDatabase::TableNamesL() const;
	CDbColSet* RDbDatabase::ColSetL(const TDesC& aName) const;
	CDbIndexNames* RDbDatabase::IndexNamesL(const TDesC& aTable) const;
	CDbKey* RDbDatabase::KeyL(const TDesC& aName,const TDesC& aTable) const;

	TableNamesL() returns a list of tables in the database.
	ColSetL() returns a the column set for a given table.
	IndexNamesL() returns a list of indexes for the table.
	KeyL() returns a key for the index on the table.

	The objects returned need to be destroyed by the caller.

	The Names functions return an instance of the CDbNames class, which can
	be iterated through by using the Count() member and [] operator.

7.	A bookmark's persistence can now be specified explicitly:
	A bookmark taken from a	view A is valid in view A following
	re-evaluation, and also in any view B based on a query using the
	same select list on the same table.
	A bookmark from a RDbTable object is valid for any RDbTable opened
	on the same table, with or without a SetIndex.
	These all operate with the proviso that the record in question has
	not been deleted (of course).

8.	The table-structure cache/map has been overhauled, resulting in
	faster backwards navigation and reduced overall memory usage.

9.	The heuristic used to determine the clustering for a table has been
	improved following profiling tests. It is more optimistic than
	previously, especially for variable length columns. This results in
	significantly lower stream counts and therefore faster performance.

10.	The "inlining" limit for Long columns has been upped to 255 bytes
	as #9 has ensured that this doesn't have a serious clustering

Version 0.01.026
(Made by AjT, 29th October 1996)

1.	Uses E32/072, F32/038, STORE/028, E32TOOLS/045

2.	Not binary compatible release with 025.
	Can read files from 025, but writes files which cannot be read
	by 025.

3.	Build sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      62.0K
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      64.2K
	MARM ASCII Debug        75.7K

4.	Made use of TCardinality from STORE to give a little more
	compression to some DBMS store structures, reducing storage
	overhead to less than 2 bytes per record in ideal conditions.

Version 0.01.025
(Made by AjT, 18th October 1996)

1.	Uses E32/070, F32/036, STORE/026, E32TOOLS/045

2.	Binary compatible release with 024. I lied about the file
        formats though: but it wasn't my fault really. This should be
        the last time they change though.

3.	Build sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      62.0K
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      64.2K
	MARM ASCII Debug        75.6K

4.      Fixed a bug in RDbRowSet::InsertCopyL: BLOBs were not being

5.      Added Auto-Increment support due to overwhelming demand. This has
        effected the file format change which makes all previous
        databases unreadable.

        TDbCol::EAutoIncrement can be added to the attributes of any
        integral column 32 bits wide or less. The next value of the
        counter is used to initialise any auto-increment columns when
        RDbRowSet::InsertL() or RDbRowSet::InsertCopyL() is used. So the
        value is available before PutL() is called.

        The columns are not verified for uniqueness (you can use a
        unique index to do that), nor are clients prevented from
        changing the value in an auto-increment column.
        It is implemented as an unsigned 32 bit counter, beginning
        from 0, with the following effects given the choice of column:

        EDbColUint32: Wrap-around from KMaxUint32 -> 0
        EDbColUint16: KErrOverflow in PutL() at KMaxUint16+1
        EDbColUint8:  KErrOverflow in PutL() at KMaxUint8+1
        EDbColBit:    KErrOverflow in PutL() at 2
        EDbColInt32:  Wrap-around from KMaxInt32 -> KMinInt32
        EDbColInt16:  KErrOverflow in PutL() at KMaxInt16+1
        EDbColInt8:   KErrOverflow in PutL() at KMaxInt8+1

6.      RDbTable::SeekL(TDbSeekKey const&,TComparison=EEqualTo) has
        been implemented. This allows fast key-based lookup of a
        particular row in a table, using an index. To use it the index
        has to be created, and the RDbTable has to be set to use this
        index using the SetIndex() member.

        Two classes are provided for passing keys to Seek: TDbSeekKey
        is used for passing a single-column key, the template class
        TDbSeekMultiKey is used for multi-column keys: the template
        parameter is the number of columns in the key. Key values are
        added to the key using the Add() members. Single column keys can
        be constructed directly from the key value with the
        TDbSeekKey(... aKey) constructors.

        The key values used must match the column types in the index
        definition exactly, except for integral types <=32 bits wide
        which are all passed as 32 bit values. You can specify less key
        columns than are present in the index, and the search will be
        restricted to the columns in the key you provide.

        Results of using different comparisons are:

        ELessThan:      the last row which compares strictly less than
                        the key
        ELessEqual:     the last row which compares less than or
                        matches the key
        EEqualTo:       the first row which matches the key
        EGreaterEqual:  the first row which matches or compares greater
                        than the key
        EGreaterThan:   the first row which compares strictly greater
                        then the key

        SeekL() returns non-false to indicate when a row matching the
        key and comparison was found.

        a) that if more than one row matches the provided key,
        EEqualTo and EGreaterEqual will return the same row, but
        ELessEqual will return a different row: the _last_ row which

        b) the comparison type does not take into account whether an
        index column is descending: i.e. a row which is "less than" a
        key (for Seek) can contain a column value numerically greater
        than the value in the key.

Version 0.01.024
(Made by AjT, 4th October 1996)

1.	Uses E32/069, F32/035, STORE/025, E32TOOLS/042

2.	Binary compatible release with 023. As with STORE 025, the final
	adjustments in file format come with this release: all future
	releases should be able to read databases written with this

3.	Build sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      60.5K
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      62.4K
	MARM ASCII Debug        73.6K

4.	Recompiled against STORE 025 to bring in an inline bug fix.

5.	Fixed a failure-to-initialise bug which occured following a
	failure during RDbDatabase::RDropTable::Open() and

6.	Fixed a couple of bugs related to index recovery in stressed
	conditions: resulted in corrupting the stream-structure of the
	database, and a bogus index after rollback.

7.	Failure during RDbView::Prepare() or RDbTable::Open() could
	leave the database in an invalid transaction state. Fixed.

Version 0.01.023
(Made by AjT, 1st October 1996)

1.	Uses E32/069, F32/035, STORE/024, E32TOOLS/042

2.	This is the DBMS B2 release.

	There are one or two weird bugs lurking in there somewhere, which 
	we are trying to fish out at the moment. They only show up under
	heavy alloc fail and thread shooting tests. Rather like trying to 
	catch exotic sub-atomic particles really.

3.	Build sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      60.5K
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      62.1K
	MARM ASCII Debug        72.9K

4.	Binary incompatible with any previous release.

5.	Fixed:

	Navigating to Next after Deleting a record from a windowed view
	and then trying to read the record resulted in KErrDoesNotExist.
	The next row is now correctly found.

	Rowset returning an (incorrectly) empty row after a failed row
	read (due to e.g. OOM). Row buffer/cache fixed.

	Specifying a Unicode column for a LIKE match in an SQL string
	now results in KErrNotSupported, rather than undefined (random)

	Rollback due to a failed Update/Put left the rowset with invalid
	data in the row. This could be returned a valid row after resetting
	the rowset. This is now correctly invalidated.

	Could not navigate on a rowset while any other rowset was between
	Update/Insert and Put. Changed Transaction states to allow this.

	Fixed an incorrect assert in the transaction states.

6.	RDbColXmmmmStream::StoreL[C] have been withdrawn. Use the 
	CEmbeddedStore class in STORE instead to achieve store embedding
	in LongBinary columns.

7.	With support from STORE 024, Recovery is now fully operational.

Version 0.01.022
(Made by AjT, 23rd September 1996)

1.	Uses E32/067, F32/033, STORE/022, E32TOOLS/041

	This release has not used the latest E32 etc., in order to
	make the new DBMS functionality available to its clients

2.	Build sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release      60.5K
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      61.8K
	MARM ASCII Debug        72.7K

3.	Binary incompatible with any previous release.
	Files are also incompatible: the DBMS head stream is now typed
	and validated whn opened.

4.	Fixed a bug in the calculation of maximum record size in the
	presence of a DateTime column.

5.	Indexes now support truncated Text and LongText keys.

	TDbKeyCol has a new member iLength and a new ctor:

	TDbKeyCol(const TDesC& aColumn,TInt aLength,TOrder anOrder=EAsc);

	*	The length should only be defined for Text or LongText columns.
	*	The lengths specified need to equal the maximum column length
		(or be left undefined), _except_ for the last key column, for 
		which it can be smaller. Key values will be truncated to fit.

	*	With unique indexes the _truncated_ key will have to be unique.

	*	ORDER BY (which is only supported in the presence of an index) 
		is relaxed so that rows are returned in the order of the 'best' 
		matching index available: i.e. between indexes containing all 
		necessary columns, the one that stores most of the final key
		column. Clearly if a truncated-key index is not unique, the rows
		may be returned in not-quite-order.

	*	LongText columns, like short ones, can be indexed. LongText 
		columns can only ever be used as the last column in a key 
		specification, and must have a length specified.

	*	Every key value in an index takes up the maximum space.

	As a guide: The maximum allowable unique Text key is 248 bytes, the
	maximum allowable non-unique Text key is 244 bytes.

6.	Database safety and Transaction support.

	*	The Database uses the Store commit/revert protocol to achieve
		transaction support. Therefore is is _vital_ that clients do
		not do so themselves while they have the database open. Failure
		to do so may result in an unrecoverable database.

	*	Until a transaction is commited, the updates are not persistent:
		Rollback or closing and re-opening the database will result in
		loss of the updates and possible recoverable damage to the

	*	Without the explicit use of transactions on the database, all
		update operations take place within their own automatic

		*	DDL incremental operations are committed on successful
			completion, or rolled back when the incremental object
			is closed if the operation failed or was not completed.

		*	DML: RDbRowSet::UpdateL() or Insert[Copy]L() begins a auto-
			transaction and PutL() commits it, on any failure, 
			Cancel() will invoke the rollback. DeleteL() does all of
			this within the single function.

		*	Interleaved DML operations on separate rowsets are treated
			as a single transaction on the database, so it is possible
			to make a multi-table update be atomic using the auto-
			transaction feature. e.g.
			View1.UpdateL();	// transaction begins here
			View2.PutL();		// transaction commits here

			For such a transaction to rollback on failure, all rowsets
			with pending updates must be Cancel()led.

	*	Explicit use of RDbDatabase::Begin(), Commit() and Rollback() 
		precludes the above behaviour. If the database is in an explicit
		transaction, update operations do not invoke invoke their own

		DML and DDL cannot (and never could be) operated at the same
		time, but they can be done within the same database transaction.

	*	When an operation fails during a transaction, and before any
		rollback, the database is left in an "abort" state, and
		attempting other operations will result in an KErrAbort error.
		The appropriate rollback mechanism must be used before commencing
		(Cancel() rowset updates, Close() incremental objects, Rollback()
		any explicit transactions).

		The database may be damaged following rollback, but this can be

	*	After a Rollback, all rowsets lose their current position, this
		results in a return/leave code of KErrNotReady when attempting
		to use the table or view. The rowset must be Reset() which
		returns it to the state it was in immediately after opening or
		preparing. (So a view may need to be re-evaluated at this point).
		The rowset does not need to be closed and re-prepared.

	*	If a client requires that some Store updates are commited to
		the Store at the same save-point as some database updates,
		an explicit transaction should be used, and both the store and
		database updates carried out within the transaction. Commiting
		the database will then commit the Store.

	*	Why use transactions? Apart from providing atomicity of multiple
		updates across one or more tables, they vastly improve
		performance when doing bulk updates.
		Some statistics: the test was writing 1000 records (about 40 bytes
		per record) to a table in a database. (timings from the rack)

		Automatic transactions (each record is written within its own
			File size: 529,667 bytes
			Time:      90.1s
		Explicit transactions (a single transaction is used for all 1000
		record writes):
			File size: 38,762 bytes		(14 x smaller)
			Time:      1.54s			(>50 x faster)

		The file size difference is entirely compactible on STORE
		(eventually--when STORE provides compaction), as the extra space
		comes from having to flush buffers and commit the store after
		every record is written.

7.	The recovery code is in place, but requires some more Btree
	support from STORE than comes with 022.

	*	Following Rollback (auto or explicit): if any indexes have 
		been updated, they are considered broken. The database is
		still operational (although it reports that it is damaged).
		Any damaged indexes cannot be used for DML (reporting 
		KErrCorrupt) and so may prevent some views being operational 
		after rollback and reset.

	*	Damaged indexes can be dropped (STORE does not support this
		yet). The database will still report damage, though recovery
		will then be trivial.

	*	Recovering the database involves rebuilding all damaged
		indexes. (ditto about STORE)

	*	All tables and views must be closed on the database before 
		recovery can commence.

8.	There is now a limit of 32 indexes on any one table in database.

9.	Incremental operations now take larger than minimal steps, and
	should modify the step count more sensibly than before.

10.	Indexing should be one helluvalot faster now: without any commit
	framework the previous release was doing some excessive streaming
	to the file.

Version 0.01.021
(Made by AjT, 6th September 1996)

1.	Uses E32/066, F32/031, STORE/021, E32TOOLS/039

2.	Build sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release	54.0K
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      55.4K
	MARM ASCII Debug        64.9K

3.      Binary incompatible with previous release.

4.      Any API to do with compaction has been removed as compaction is
        ommitted. Compaction of the file-store should be done with the
        STORE API.

5.      Added RDbColXxxxStream::StoreL() and RDbColXxxxStream::StoreLC()
        to enable a persistent store to be embedded in LongBinary
        columns. Use in the same way as RStoreXxxxStream::StoreL() etc.

6.      New persistent table structure: robust and PermanentStore
        friendly. Records are clustered and clusters are cached in
        memory, resulting in lower storage overhead and faster record

7.      The rule about EDbColBit columns being not-null has been
        withdrawn. Nullable Bit columns are back.

8.      No provision for serious text to time conversion has been made,
        so date columns cannot be used in WHERE clauses, and the date-
        literal is removed from the grammar.

9.      Removed trivial constructors and destructors from abstract
        classes, there by saving code space (~1K) and preventing
        vtables being generated for these classes.

Version 0.01.020
(Made by AjT, 2nd September 1996)

1.	Uses E32/066, F32/031, STORE/021, E32TOOLS/039

2.	Build sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release	52.5K
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      53.5K
	MARM ASCII Debug        62.6K

3.      Binary compatible with 019

4.      DBMS is no longer tested against the Fragment file store layout,
        as this is being phased out and the future releases will start
        using file store features not supported by CFragmentFileStore.
        Changed your code to using CPermanentFileStore now!

5.      Views now follow the spec for cursor position after DeleteL,
        PutL and Cancel.

        Following from DeleteL, the current position is in between what
        would have been the Next and Previous rows, so Next and Previous
        after DeleteL will go to the same row as if DeleteL had not been

        After a PutL the current row will be the row just Put. Which row
        appears following subsequent Next/Previous depends on how the
        view is evaluated. For Unlimited windows it is well defined (see
        note 8 to release 018). For Table views with no set index,
        Updated rows remain in the same place, Insert[Copy]ed rows are
        appended, so following Insert/Put the current row is the Last

        After a Cancel the view should be located in the same place it
        was prior to the Update/Insert.

6.      Support for co-ordinating multiple views on the same table has
        been added. If one view modifies the table this can affect other
        rowsets. DBMS tries to recover the other view cursors when they
        are next used, but this is not always possible. Some RDbRowSet
        members can fail in special ways in this situations:

        If another view has deleted the rowset's current row, GetL and
        DeleteL will fail with KErrDoesNotExist. Depending on how the
        view is evaluated the view may still be able to move to
        PreviousL and NextL. If the cursor cannot be recovered, NextL
        and PreviousL will fail with KErrNotReady and the view will be
        left on an invalied row.

        If another view has modified the table between between a call to
        UpdateL and PutL, PutL will fail with KErrGeneral. [I'm trying to
        think of a more appropriate error for this]. To continue you
        need to Cancel() and then try to update again.

        As DBMS is not a server, you should usually be in control of
        multiple views, and how they will interact with each other.

7.      Long columns are inlined into the record when they are short
        enough. This has no affect on the API to access them, as this is
        primarily to reduce the storage overheads for short BLOBs.

Version 0.01.019
(Made by AjT, 21 August 1996)

1.	Uses E32/065, F32/029, STORE/020, E32TOOLS/039

        A release to upgrade to the new components and directory

2.	Build sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release	51,200
	WINS ASCII Debug        -
	MARM ASCII Release      52,812
	MARM ASCII Debug        61,268

Version 0.01.018
(Made by AjT, 20 August 1996)

1.	Uses E32/064, F32/028, STORE/019, E32TOOLS/036

2.	Build sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release	51,200
	MARM ASCII Release      52,860
	MARM ASCII Debug        61,308

3.      Fix: Table names are compared folded when opening tables or
        views on the database.
4.      A final record layout has been adopted: Long columns are not yet
        inlined when they contain sufficiently little data. Any
        databases from previous versions will be read incorrectly. The
        new format means that the order of the columns in a newly
        created table may not be the same as that in the column set
        provided for RDbDatabase::CreateTable() or

        Specifying columns as Not-Null reduces the persistent storage
        requirements for numerical columns. Bit columns must always be

5.      Dropping and altering tables, creating and dropping indexes, and
        evaluating a view are now done incrementally. The non-incremental
        forms use the incremental objects/functions. These are done in
        rather small steps at the moment, this will be changed to more
        efficient larger steps at some stage.

6.      AlterTable has arrived. Specification of the altered column set:

        Any column with the same name in the altered set as one in the
        original table is considered unchanged. So it must have the same
        definition, with the exception that the TDbCol in the altered set
        can have iMaxLength set to KDbUndefinedLength.

        Any number of columns may be deleted, provided they are not used
        in any index key. Any number of nullable columns may be added.
        Any number of Not-null columns may be added to an empty table:
        it is an error to try and add Not-null columns to a non-empty

        If the table is empty, or no columns are being dropped this
        completes immediately. Otherwise the entire dataset need to be
        modified and the operation is potentially long-running.

7.      Query text and the comparison type to be used in the query are
        now packaged into a class TDbQuery, which can be constructed
        from a descriptor, or a descriptor and a comparison type.

        This affects the following functions:

8.      The RDbView::Prepare API now looks like:
        TInt Prepare(RDbDatabase&,const TDbQuery&,TAccess =EUpdatable);
        TInt Prepare(RDbDatabase&,const TDbQuery&,const TDbWindow&);
        TInt Prepare(RDbDatabase&,const TDbQuery&,const TDbWindow&,TAccess);

        effectively you have
        Prepare(Database, Query [,Window] [,Access])

        The Query can be directly constructed from a descriptor, in
        which case normal text comparison is used in the query
        evaluation. Other comparison modes can be set by explicitly
        constructing a TDbQuery from the query descriptor and comparison

        The Access parameter is as specified before, and always defaults
        to RDbRowSet::EUpdatable.

        The Window parameter is the new one. This defaults to
        TDbWindow::ENone, which provides the previous behaviour for the
        view: evaluation or navigation may take an extended time to
        complete, depending on how the query is evaluated, as little
        memory is used as possible.

        If TDbWindow::EUnlimited is specified, the view takes on Dynaset
        behaviour. Evaluation may take an extended time to generate a
        set of all the rows in the query, but then navigation is
        guaranteed to take constant time. This does impact the way
        modified or inserted rows appear in the set: modified rows will
        stay in the same place in the set, even if an ORDER BY clause is
        specified in the query or they no longer match the WHERE clause;
        inserted rows will always appear at the end of the set, even
        when they do not match a WHERE clause. If the set is re-
        evaluated, these rows will then appear (or not) in the correct

        A limited size window can be specified, which allows for
        guaranteed quick navigation within the window, without the
        memory overhead of generating a set of every row in the query.
        This is specified with the TDbWindow constructor overload:

        TDbWindow(TInt aForeSlots,TInt aRearSlots);

        aForeSlots indicates the number of row references which should be
        "cached" for navigating to Next, and aRearSlots indicates the
        number which should be cached for going to Previous. The current
        row is not included. The window then provides a restricted view
        over the underlying query; when fully evaluated the window will
        try to match the requested shape if possible. Navigation is
        restricted to the window, CountL() reports the number of rows in
        the window, and going past the end will report AtEnd and
        AtBeginning as for other rowsets. To "move" the window, the
        view needs to be evaluated some more.

        Updated records in a restricted window will remain in place,
        though further navigation and evaluation may result in it
        appearing elsewhere later. Inserted records are not added to the
        window, they may appear later after further evaluation.
        Restricted windows are therefore not ideal for modifying the

        Note: Some queries will demand an unlimited window (ORDER BY on
        a non-indexed column (not yet available), so the parameter to
        Prepare can only be used as a suggestion to DBMS.

        Evaluation API:

        void Reset();
        TInt Evaluate();
        void Evaluate(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
        TBool Unevaluated() const;
        TInt EvaluateAll();

        The view can be Reset() to its condition immediately after
        Prepare(). For views with a window, this results in an empty
        window, and evaluation is required to make any rows available.
        The view is repositioned back to the beginning.

        Evaluate() does a unit of evaluation work. A return value <0
        is an error code; KErrNone implies that evaluation is complete
        for the window/set; >0 implies that further evaluation can be
        done. Evaluate(TRequestStatus& aStatus) is an asynchronous
        version of Evaluate(), the status reporting the same as the
        return code.
        At any time, RDbView::Unevaluated() will return whether
        Evaluate() has any work to do or not.

        EvaluateAll() invokes Evaluate() until evaluation is complete.

        Evaluation and navigation can be mixed. An interesting side
        effect is that if the view is navigated off the end of the
        window, resulting in being AtEnd, and then further evaluation
        results in rows being added to the window, the view will then be
        positioned at the new row, its state changing from AtEnd to

        To fully re-evaluate an unlimited window, use Reset() followed
        by EvaluateAll().

Version 0.01.017
(Made by AjT, 5 August 1996)

1.	Uses E32/064, F32/028, STORE/019, E32TOOLS/036
	This is just a component upgrade release

2.	MARM ASCII Release size down to 46,776 due to IMPORT stub

Version 0.01.016
(Made by AjT, 26 July 1996)

1.	Uses E32/063, F32/027, STORE/018, E32TOOLS/034

2.	Build sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release	46,592
	WINS ASCII Debug	110,592
	MARM ASCII Release	46,980
	MARM ASCII Debug	54,580

3.	Bugs fixed:

	Key uniqueness was not being persisted, so unique indexes would
	not work when the database was re-opened after closing.

4.	Bookmarks are here. It is possible to bookmark any cursor position,
	including the beginning and end of the set.

5.	Finding within a rowset is operational.
	RDbRowSet::RConstraint, MatchL and FindL are fully functional as
	spec'd in the previous release notes.

6.	Incremental database operations are now functional, though their
	implementation is currently a mock-up based on their single call
	siblings. So they will all report 1 step after the call to
	Open(...) and complete after the first call to Next().

7.	A TDbCol constructed as a short Text column (EDbColText[8|16]) now
	has a default iMaxLength of KDbDefaultTextColLength (50) rather than

	This allows default length text columns to be indexed, as the
	previous default (which translates to 255 characters in the
	database-in-a-store) meant that the key was too large and the index
	creation failed. The value chosen matches a default in
	Microsoft Access.

8.	The enum TDbPosition has been renamed to RDbRowSet::TPosition, and
	as all its values are now scoped by RDbRowSet, the 'Db' prefix
	to the enumeratiuon values has been dropped.

9.	RDbRowSet::SetColNull() has had an 'L' suffix added as it may leave
	when a Long column is being set to Null. It will never leave if the
	column is not a Long column or it is already Null.

10.	The base class for the incremental operations has been renamed from
	RDbDatabase::RState to RDbDatabase::RIncremental which better
	reflects its purpose.

11.	RDbView's evaluation interface has been changed after thought about
	incremental evalution.
	IMPORTANT: Evaluate() has been renamed to EvaluateAll(). Evaluate()
	will eventually invoke a single step in the evaluation of the view,
	but this member has been commented out for this release to
	help spot uses of this member which need to be changed.
	EvaluteAll() will eventually use the incremental evaluation
	mechanism to generate the rowset.

12.	RDbRowSet::CountL() is fully implemented now, and will restore the
	previous cursor position if it is necessary to navigate the entire
	set in order to calculate the number of rows.

13.	RDbRowSet::IsEmptyL() is also now implemented.

Version 0.01.015
(Made by AjT, 11 July 1996)

1.	Uses E32/063, F32/027, STORE/017(018), E32TOOLS/034

	Upgraded to new releases. Store 017 and 018 are binary
	compatible. Use 018, it provided between 300 and 800% speed
	increase for the DBMS test code.

2.	Build sizes for EDBMS[D].DLL

	WINS ASCII Release	44,032
	WINS ASCII Debug	115,712
	MARM ASCII Release	44,068
	MARM ASCII Debug	51,080

	Tool change resulted in 18% code size reduction. Implementation
	of indices and addition of new API has added an extra 9.5K.

	Debug MARM version for the first time included.

3.	Indices are here! Single- and multi-column keys can be used to create
	indices. Once created, all indices on a table will be updated when
	the table has rows inserted, deleted or updated.

	RDbTable::SetIndex() (see below) allows direct index navigation of the
	table record set.

	ORDER BY will work as long as the ordering matches an index, including
	the text ordering (see 7 below) for text columns. "Matching" includes
	reversing the index order and truncating a multi-key index to a
	shorter sort-specification.

4.	Following the spec meeting, the API has undergone some major work
	detailed below. All the additions which have not been implemented
	should still link OK, but the EXPORT_C'd stubs Panic at runtime with

5.	TDbCol attributes are now a member enumeration and the attributes
	member name has been changed:

	KDbColNotNull is now TDbCol::ENotNull
	KDbColAutoIncr is now TDbCol::EAutoIncrement
	TDbCol::iColAtt is now TDbCol::iAttributes

	CDbColSet::New() has been withdrawn.

6.	The TDbSortOrder enumeration is now a member of TDbKeyCol and the
	sorting order member of TDbKeyCol has changed:

	TDbSortOrder is now TDbKeyCol::TOrder
	EDbSortAsc is now TDbKeyCol::EAsc
	EDbSortDesc is now TDBKeyCol::EDesc

	CDbKey::New() has been withdrawn.
	CDbKey::Unique() is now CDbKey::IsUnique()

7.	Enumeration TDbTextComparison has been introduced to specify how text
	data is compared and ordered:

	EDbCompareNormal - use "binary" order
	EDbCompareFolded - use folded order (case and accent insensitive)
	EDbCompareCollated - use the locale collation order

	Where-ever SQL expressions are used in the API, a companion parameter
	of this type is now required to specify how text columns in the query
	are compared. This parameter is query-wide, and affects text columns
	within a WHERE clause as well as those in an ORDER BY clause.
	So the RDbView::Prepare(...) and Evaluate(...) members have been changed.

	This is also an attribute of an index key, specifying how the text
	columns in the index are ordered. If a key has no text columns, this
	attribute is ignored. Use the CDbKey::SetComparison() and
	CDbKey::Comparison() members to	set and test this attribute.

8.	Row data in a rowset is not retrieved automatically anymore.
	RDbRowSet::GetL() must be called before any column extraction can be
	done without a Panic. RDbRowSet::UpdateL() does not require
	the use of GetL() before or after it is called, the row is read as
	part of the UpdateL(). If Cancel() is used after an UpdateL() or
	InsertL(), then GetL() is required to re-retrieve the data for the
	row previously in view.

9.	A copy of the current row can be inserted into the rowset using
	RDbRowSet::InsertCopyL(). This will provide new values for
	auto-increment columns.	For views with a projected column set, i.e.
	those using a non trivial (*) select-list in the query, it is not
	defined whether the un-viewed columns are copied or not.

10.	RDbRowSet::Count() is now CountL(TAccuracy anAccuracy=EEnsure)
	to reflect the fact that counting may not be a trivial operation
	The default behaviour is to go to whatever lengths are required
	to provide an exact count of the membership of the row set, this
	can take an extended time to evaluate.

	If EQuick is passed as the accuracy parameter this member will
	return a count only if it is immediately available, otherwise it
	will return KDbUndefinedCount (-1). Not fully implemented.

11.	For similar reasons RDbRowSet::IsEmpty() is now IsEmptyL()
	This is not as hard to evaluate as the Count, but may still be a
	non-trivial operation in some cases.

12.	The rowset positioning operations have two new additions:
	RDbRowSet::Beginning() and End() which are always available (hence no
	trailingL). The positioning members	are all implemented in terms of
	RDbRowSet::GotoL(TDbPosition), which is also available for clients.

	RDbRowSet::FirstL(), LastL(), NextL() and PreviousL() now all return
	TBool to indicate whether or not they are at a row. i.e. calling
	RDbRowSet::AtRow() after a call to one of the above will return the
	same value.

	You can write your loops in lots of ways now

	for (view.FirstL;view.AtRow();view.NextL())


	while (view.NextL())


13.	RDbTable provides the ability to view the records in named index order
	using RDbTable::SetIndex(const TDesC& anIndex). Or back in default
	order using RDbTable::SetNoIndex().

14.	RDbDatabase::PrepareCommit() and FinishCommit() withdrawn. Two phase
	commit belongs to a different scale of database.

15.	RDbDatabase::CreateTable(...,const CDbKey&) added to support
	implementations	which use a primary key in a table definition. The
	Store database implementation will not support this.

16. RDbs and RDbsDatabase have been withdrawn.

The following changes have been made to the API, but are not yet implemented:

17.	Bookmarks to reposition to a previously accessed row. Use them like this:

	TDbBookmark mark=view.Bookmark();
	// use the view to do something

18.	Searching across a rowset using:

	TInt RDbRowSet::FindL(TDirection,const TDesC&,TDbTextComparison)

	The matching constraint is defined by the search-condition part of a
	SQL WHERE clause, i.e. "Name like '*john*'", passed as the second
	parameter, the third parameter specifies the text comparison to use
	(see 7 above). The first parameter is either EForwards or EBackwards
	and specifies which direction the search should move through the row
	set. The search always starts at the current record. The search
	terminates when either:
	a)	a match is found and the number of records searched minus 1 is
		returned (so if	the current record matches the condition 0 is
		returned) or
	b)	the	end of the set is reached and KNotFound is returned

	The API also provides a way of testing a row against a given condition.
	The condition is built into an RDbRowSet::RConstraint object and can
	then be tested against individual rows using the RDbRowSet::MatchL()
	member. As the constraint involves allocating resources it should be
	closed when no longer required.

19.	Incremental forms for RDbRowSet::Evaluate()

	All the incremental operations have a single basic function
	TInt Next(TInt& aStep) // synchronous form
	The integer aStep is decremented for each step, though it may be in
	units > 1. When aStep reaches 0, the operation is complete. Some of
	the operations' step-counts are very hard to predict, and so finish much
	earlier than predicted.

20.	Seeking within an index for a record which matches a specified key can
	be achieved with RDbTable::SeekL(). The index used for the look up is
	set using RDbTable::SetIndex() (see 13 above) and the key is specified
	using the TDbSeekKey or TDbSeekMultiKey<S> classes. The templated class
	allows seeking with an index which has multiple	key columns. Each key
	value is added to the TDbSeekKey, and should match the column type in
	the table.
	RDbTable::SeekL() also takes a parameter which specifies which record to
	find in the index. If it succeeds in locating a record which matches the
	key and comparison it returns true; otherwise the rowset is left in an
	undefined position.

20.	RDbDatabase::IsDamaged() and Recover() added to support recovery.
	This is done on a opened database. When open IsDamaged() reports whether
	the database requires recovery: if it is damaged then no other
	operations can be performed on the database, and they will report the
	error KErrCorrupt.

21.	RDbDatabase::Compact() will compact an open database. It must not be
	in use for anything else concurrently.

22. Incremental database operations are supported by the RDbDatabase::RState
	class and those derived from it.

Version 0.01.014
(Made by AjT, 30 May 1996)

1)	Uses E32/060, F32/024, STORE/015, E32TOOLS/028

2)	Binary compatible with build 013.
	Making use of the -fcheck-new flag in MAKTRAN(028)

3)	EDBMS.DLL build sizes:

	WINS Ascii Debug		93,696
	WINS Ascii Release		34,304

	MARM Ascii Release		41,496

4)	Bugs fixed:
	MNT bug: failed to create an E32DATA directory, which is required
	during EPOC32 startup!

	Clearing or rewriting a Long column while in an RDbRowSet::UpdateL
	caused a USER panic.

	When updating a row, making columns smaller or setting them to
	Null, could result in data on the end of the row being lost or

5)	STORE 015 fixed the worst of the Rewritable file store problems.

Version 0.01.013
(Made by AndrewT, 24 May 1996)

1)	Uses E32/059, F32/023. STORE/014, E32TOOLS/024

2)	EDBMS.DLL build sizes

	WINS Ascii Debug		93,696
	WINS Ascii Release		34,304

	MARM Ascii Release		47,108

3)	The ODBC implementation has been removed from the release

4)	Bugs fixed:

	Word swapping doubles was written without alignment in mind, caused
	the rack to hang sometimes in RDbRowSet::PutL(). Fixed

5)  	New features:

	[NOT] LIKE in the search condition is now case-insensitive (using Folding);
	The other comparison operators are (and will remain) case sensitive

	Select-lists are now supported: so
	"select Name,Dept from Personnel where ID>3"
	will now work. The columns in the RDbView are ordered exactly as in the
	list in the SQl statement.


	A bug in CRewritableFileStore in STORE 014 means that once a
	CRewritableFileStore file has been closed, opening and adding new streams
	will make the last stream (by id) corrupt and the first one (by position)
	invisible. This will also happen when more than 16 streams are created in a
	newly created store.
	Signs of corruption are duff stream data or non-exisitence of a stream when
	reading, but may be hard to track down.
	Opening a CRewritableFileStore for reading if no corruption has yet occured
	is not a problem.

	This will affect databases in RewritableFileStores.

7)	Due to dependence on STORE 014, which has changed the format of file store
	headers, files written using DBMS(012)/STORE(013) are unreadable with

Version 0.01.012
(Made by AndrewT, 13 May 1996)

1)	Uses E32/059, F32/023. STORE/013, E32TOOLS/023

2)	EMARM build sizes from e32rom.log:

	Rom file size:			64K
	Total Raw Data size:	43K

3)	Bugs fixed:

	RDbRowSet::IsColNull(), ColSize() and ColLength() return as for a
	NULL column when invoked on a Long column in a rowset which has not
	had any other column evaluated.

	Various problems with recovery after errors when opening databases
	or views.

4)  New features:

	LongText8 columns can now be specified in the WHERE clause of a

	Table names and columns sets are fully validated when a table is

	Rows are fully validated before they are written to the table.

5)	Data format has changed, so databases written with build 011 of
	DBMS will fail to open correctly with this build.

Version 0.01.011
(Made by AndrewT, 30 April 1996)

1)	Uses E32/057, F32/021. STORE/012, E32TOOLS/021

2)	EMARM build sizes from e32rom.log:

	Rom file size:		64K
	Total Raw Data size:	42K

3)	Bugs fixes:

	E32 panic during cleanup if Store database open or creation failed.

	Deleting last row in a table generated an End-Of-File error.

4)	API Changes:

	KNullColNo has become KDbNullColNo

	Added new member TDbColType RDbRowSet::ColType(TDbColNo) which just
	reports the column type.

	In the RDbView::Prepare(), RDbView::Evalyate() and RDbTable::Open()
	functions, the allowUpdates boolean flag has been replaced by an enum
	RDbRowSet::TAccess, which takes one of the three values:

		EUpdatable:  the default, rows can be read or written
		EReadOnly:   the rows can only be read, InsertL/DeleteL/UpdateL
					 will leave with KErrWrite
		EInsertOnly: the rows can only be inserted. Any navigation
					 functions and DeleteL will leave with KErrWrite

5)	Long columns are now length counted when written, so ColSize() and
	ColLength() should report correctly. Only one column can be streamed
	in at a time on a single rowset, and only one Long column can be
	streamed out at a time. Column streams must be closed before setting
	other columns, navigating, etc. on the rowset.

6)	Search conditions are now supported in the query passed to
	RDbView::Prepare() and RDbView::Evaluate().

	See R:\DBMS\DSPEC\SQL.DOC for the supported grammar in search
	conditions. Searching on date columns cannot be done currently as I
	am waiting for TTime support for descriptors.

Version 0.01.010
(Made by AndrewT, 22 April 1996)

1).	Still uses E32/056, F32/020. STORE/011, E32TOOLS/019

2)	API changes:

	KDbUndefinedLength is used for TDbCol::iMaxLength to imply that no
	maximum has been set, and also to report the RDbRow::ColSize() could
	not be determined.

	KDbUndefinedCount is returned from RDbRowSet::Count() when the number of
	rows cannot be determined

	Static member TBool TDbCol::IsLong(TDbColType) has been added for
	convenience to test whether the column type is one of the "Long" types.

	CDbColSet and CDbKey are implemented using Packed arrays, and provide a
	NewLC() member.
	TDbColSetIter has been introduced to provide simple, but fast forward
	iteration over a column set. Use as:

	for (TDbColSetIter col(aColSet);col;++col)
		if (col->iType==EDbColBit)
			// etc.

	RDbRowSet has two new members
		TInt ColCount()
		TDbCol ColDef(TDbColNo)
	These report the column definition on a column by column basis: ColSet()
	and ColSetL() are now implemented in terms of these new members.

3)	EDBMS (the real thing) now supports a Database-in-a-Store in Win32
	ASCII Debug & Release builds and the MARM ASCII Release.

	Supports Database creation/deletion within a Store.
	Supported Table creation/dropping with all column types. Column
	attributes (KDbColNotNUll and KDbColAutoIncr) are not supported.
	Long columns cannot report their length	yet.
	RDbTables and whole-table views ("SELECT * FROM <table>" exactly: no extra
	spaces) are supported for Viewing, Adding, Editing and Deleting rows.
Version 0.01.009
(Made by AndrewT, 10 April 1996)

1).	Uses E32/056, F32/020, STORE/011, E32TOOLS/019
	Reinstated F32 as a dependency, as STORE is dependant on it.

2).	Fixed a few duff header dependencies in the test code.

Version 0.01.008
(Made by AndrewT, 29 March 1996)

1). Includes MARM releasables for the first time. The release components are
	now called EWINS, EWINSDB and EMARM. EMARM is 8-bit release mode only.

	Uses E32/055, STORE/010 and E32TOOLS/017.

2). DBMS has been reorganised to prepare for the ODBC mock-up being phased out
	and replaced by the Real Thing. A clean getsrc is required as a number of
	files and directories are new or have been renamed.

	The ODBC implementation has been relegated to a set of DLLs of its own;
	EODBC*.DLL, available for WINS only. To use ODBC, link against these,
	rather than the standard EDBMS*.DLL ones.
	DBMS test programs demonstrate one way of dealing with this situation. They
	feature new Win32 ODBC Debug and Release configurations causing them to be
	linked against the alternative libraries.

3). There is now a stream store-based flavour of database, as well as a
	server-based one. EODBC*.DLLs export a mock-up of both flavours.
	EDBMS*.DLLs, identical on WINS and ARM, do not export the server-based
	database, and the store-based one currently exported will refuse to open,
	leaving with KErrGeneral.
	Note that DBMS v1 will *not* include the DBMS server.

4). If you use the DDL pre-processor you should stick it in \tools using
	"getrel dbms ddlpp <ver>". The Custom-Build on Build/Settings in MSVC 4
	is dead handy for using this tool. See the T_DDL test program for details.

5). KDbMaxColumnLength is a const which specifies the maximum "MaxLength" that
    can be used for EDbColText8, EDbColText16 and EDbColBinary columns. For the
	text columns "Length" has the same meaning as for descriptors.

6). EDbColLongText8, EDbColLongText16, EDbColLongBinary are the Long column
	types. They can only be read or written using the new stream column
	accessors (see 7), the other SetColL() and ColXxx() members of RDbRowSet
	will Panic. "Short" columns can be read but not written using the column
	streams. "Short" text or binary columns can always be read directly using
	the ColDes8/16() accessors.

	EDbLongText8 and EDbLongBinary have been implemented for ODBC. Unicode
	columns are still unsupported.
	EDbColObject has been removed.

7).	RDbColReadStream, RDbColWriteStream provide the stream interface to the Long
	columns. Although 'MExternalizer's are in the RDbColWriteStream interface
	they are not implemented at the moment. They require a RDbRowSet and a column
	number to open: the row set must be positioned at a valid row for reading
	and must be in insert/update mode for writing, as for the other column

8). Two new members RDbRowSet::ColSize(), RDbRowSet::ColLength() provide size
	information for the current row in the row set. ColSize() is the size in
	bytes of the data available if streamed using RDbColReadStream. ColLength(),
	in the spirit of TDesC::Length(), returns the number of "units" of data in
	the column. For non text/binary columns this will be 0 or 1 indicating
	whether the column is NULL or not, for text columns this returns the number
	of characters available in the column, and for binary columns returns the
	same value as the ColSize() member.

	If this cannot be evaluated -1 is returned;

9). RDbDatabase has lost the ability to Open/Create/etc. a database.
	This functionality is now left to derived classes:
	RDbsDatabase provides what was lost from RDbDatabase. This (and RDbs) will
	not be present in the MARM release.

	RDbStoreDatabase implements the new Open/Create protocol. CreateL returns
	an Id for the database within the store, which is used by OpenL to reopen
	the database on a later occasion. The Real Thing will require a Store
	which supports ExtendL() and RStoreWriteStream::OpenL() (the only
	persistent store which currently provides this is CRewritableFileStore).
	This is supported by ODBC, but don't expect the database to be kept within
	the Store itself, it is in fact somewhere in \E32DATA.

9). RDbDatabase::Destroy() destroys (deletes) the persistent database and
	closes the RDbDatabase object. This provides for deletion of databases
	created using RDbStoreDatabase

Version 0.01.007
(Made by AndrewT, 4 March 1996)

1).	Updated to E32:054 and F32:018

Version 0.01.006
(Made by AndrewT, 30 January 1996)

1).	Updated to E32:053 and F32:017

Version 0.01.005
(Made by AndrewT, 18 January 1996)

1).	Updated to E32:052 and F32:016

1).	Fixed a bug in TDbRow which meant that changing column data for
	text columns would not always change the column data width.

2)	Changed the accessors for the View. SetColL() does not have overloads
	for 8 or 16 bit integers, The TInt, TInt32, TUint and TUint32 are
	enough - (via ODBC we cannot provide range validation on shorter columns
	due to its signed/unsigned incapabilities).
	Any integral column can be extracted using an accessor at least as wide
	as the column definition:

	e.g. a Bit column can be extracted with ColUint8() ColUint16() or
	ColUint32(), an Int16 column can be extracted with ColInt16() or
	ColInt32() but not ColInt8() - even if the data is in range for this

Version 0.01.004
(Made by AndrewT, 3 January 1996)

1).	Updated to E32:051 and F32:015

2).	Now uses the new TTime and TDateTime classes. TSystemTime is no
	longer supported.

3).	The pre-processor has also been modified to handle the new TTime.

Version 0.01.003
(Made by AndrewT, 18 December 1995)

1).	Updated to E32:050 and F32:014
	The new TBool has broken the SetColL() overloads for RDbRowSet.
	The overload for TBool has been withdrawn for this release, pending a
	rewrite of the set/get interface.

Version 0.01.002
(Made by AndrewT, 17 October 1995)

1).	Updated to E32:047 and F32:011
	All functions which used to return TUints as counts or indices now return
	TInts. Specifically RDbRowSet::Count() now returns -1 if it cannot determine
	the actual count.

2).	Fixed a bug in RDbRowSet::Prepare() to report an error on SQL syntax errors.

Version 0.01.001
(Made by GeertB, 29 August 1995)

1). First release.

	The main header file is D32DBMS.H.

	The header file D32ADT.H is for the use of implementers of DBMS file
	organisations, "drivers" which are used by the DBMS.

	Implemented by passing all interesting operations on to Microsoft Access
	through ODBC.

	Running programs linked against this release requires the installation of
	32-bit ODBC and the Access driver. This is done as follows:

	- shut down all applications (don't forget Office)
	- run T:\ODBC\BIN32\ODBCAD32.EXE, the 32-bit ODBC Administrator
	- in the resulting dialog, press "Drivers...", then "Add..."
	- type T:\ODBC\BIN32 at the prompt (or use "Browse...")
	- select "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)" in the list that pops up
	- press "OK" (or double click)
	- file copying will start
	- a message like the following will appear: "The file C:\WINNT35\SYSTEM32\
	  MSVCRT20.DLL is currently in use and cannot be removed or updated. Try
	  closing all applications and choosing Retry. (...)"
	  Since it's the ODBC Administrator itself that is using the DLL, complying
	  won't help. Instead, choose "Ignore".
	- if a message along the lines of "An error occurred while copying
	  C:\WINNT35\SYSTEM32\MFC30.DLL. Restart Windows and try installing again
	  (before running any applications which use ODBC)." appears, you've left an
	  application using MFC running. Start again from the top.
	- the installer adds a data source called "sdk21-Access32". It can
	  safely be deleted.
	- in the "Data Sources" dialog, create a data source by pressing "Add..."
	- select the Access driver in the resulting dialog and press "OK"
	- call the new data source "DBMS", leaving other fields blank. Choose "OK".
	- close the ODBC Administrator
	- in case you haven't copied the new (MSVC 2.1) MSVCRT20.DLL from T:\MSVC21\
	  SYSTEM32 yet, do so now. The Access ODBC driver needs the newer version.
	  See the instructions in the E32 0.01.039 release notes.
	Warning: on one NT machine, the driver setup program erroneously copied the
	Windows 95 version of CTL3D32.DLL. If this happens, applications--notably
	MSVC--may start complaining about it. The fix is to copy T:\ODBC\REDIST32\
	WINNT\CTL3D32.DLL into your SYSTEM32 directory.

2). Unicode builds are not supported. ODBC understands only 8-bit text.
	Support for the 8-bit subset of the Unicode character set can be added
	fairly trivially if it turns out to be needed during the life time of this

3). The initial revision of a tool to help in building programs to run against
	the DBMS is included. It is called DDLPP.EXE and it takes a simple data
	definition language as its input and generates C++ headers and source code.
	See R:\DBMS\DSDK\DDLPP.HLP for more information.
	It is less than perfect as a command line tool at the moment.
	Comments and feedback welcome.

4). No interpretation of ODBC status codes. In case of an ODBC error,
	KErrGeneral is returned.

5). RDbViews and RDbTables become unusable when the transaction they were
	created in ends. Currently, if you don't start a transaction using
	RDbDatabase::Begin(), one is implicitly entered for you, and committed
	on RDbRowSet::Put(). Thus the row set is effectively closed after the
	first database modification.
	The workaround is to use explicit transactions.

6). RDbView::Define() is not implemented, and will in all likelihood be
	withdrawn in a future release.

7). The Access driver does not accurately report the number of rows in the
	result set. As a result, RDbRowSet::Count() returns KMaxTUint in the
	majority of cases.
	In general, Count() is an expensive operation and should not be used

8). No interpretation of ODBC status codes. In case of an ODBC error,
	KErrGeneral is returned.

9). Bit columns (EDbColBit) cannot be NULL.

10). Text columns (EDbColText8) are currently limited to 255 characters.

11). Binary column extraction (EDbColBinary) is limited to the first 2K of the

12). TUint32 column accessor functions cannot be used at the moment due to an
	overload ambiguity with TSystemTime.

13). The full range of the unsigned integer column types is not available.
	Values are constrained to the range of the corresponding signed types.

14). The Access driver does not support NOT NULL columns.
	RDbDatabase::CreateTable() does accept KDbColNotNull columns but cannot
	enforce it.

15). RDbDatabase::AlterTable() is not currently implemented.


The DBMS's requirements are currently undergoing extensive revision, due to
changes in ERA's overall strategy for persistent storage. This may result in a
number of changes to the API.