Workaround for Bug 3854 - featuremgr bld.inf no longer exports features.dat for emulator
// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// RDbPropsFactory class - "DBMS Security" related - full security support
#include <f32file.h>
#include "D32DRVR.H"
#include "U32STD.H"
#include "D32Strings.h"
#include "Sd_DbProps.h"
#include "Sd_DbList.h"
using namespace DBSC;
Utility method, which can be used separately to remove the common part of a secure
shared database name. The input string format is:
The output string format is:
@param aDbName An output/input parameter. Th input format is: "DBS_UID_<DbName>".
The output format is: "<DbName>".
@panic The method will panic in debug builds in case of a bad input string.
void RDbPropsFactory::StripCommonPart(TDes& aDbName)
TInt pos = aDbName.FindF(KDbsPrefix);
__ASSERT_DEBUG(pos != KErrNotFound, User::Invariant());
aDbName.Delete(pos, KDbsPrefix().Length());
//Remove the UID from the string
TInt pos_b = aDbName.Locate('_');
TPtrC right = aDbName.Mid(pos_b+1);
TInt pos_e = right.Locate('_') + pos_b + 1;
__ASSERT_DEBUG(pos_b != KErrNotFound && pos_e != KErrNotFound, User::Invariant());
aDbName.Delete(pos_b, pos_e - pos_b + 1);
Utility method, which can be used separately to construct the common part of the secure
shared database name. The result string format is:
@param aPolicyUid Security policy UID.
@param aRes An output parameter, referencing the location, where the constructed string will be stored.
void RDbPropsFactory::ConstructCommonPart(TUid aPolicyUid, TDes& aRes)
aRes.AppendNumFixedWidthUC(aPolicyUid.iUid, EHex, 8);
Standard factory method for TDbProps instances.
The created TDbProps instance will be pushed in the cleanup stack.
@return A pointer to the created TDbProps instance.
@leave KErrNoMemory
static TDbProps* NewDbPropsLC()
TDbProps* dbProps = new (ELeave) TDbProps;
return dbProps;
Extracts the drive number from the supplied TParse instance.
@param aFileNameParser A reference to TParse instance, which will be used to extract the
drive number.
@return Extracted TDriveNumber value.
@leave KErrArgument aFileNameParser parameter does not contain a drive number or it cannot
be constructed from the string.
static TDriveNumber ExtractDriveNumberL(TParse& aFileNameParser)
TPtrC drvPtr = aFileNameParser.Drive();
if(drvPtr.Length() == 0)
TInt drvId = 0;
__LEAVE_IF_ERROR(RFs::CharToDrive(drvPtr[0], drvId));
return static_cast <TDriveNumber> (drvId);
Creates private directory of the DBMS server if it does not exist (on a specific drive).
If the supplied aDriveNumber parameter refers to a rom drive, the method does nothing.
@param aDriveNumber The drive number, where the private DBMS data directory has to be created.
@param aFs A file session instance.
@leave RFs::CreatePrivatePath() leave error codes.
static void CreatePrivateDataPathL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, RFs& aFs)
TDriveInfo driveInfo;
__LEAVE_IF_ERROR(aFs.Drive(driveInfo, aDriveNumber));
if(driveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttRom)
{//ROM drive - do nothing.
TInt err = aFs.CreatePrivatePath(aDriveNumber);
if(err != KErrNone && err != KErrAlreadyExists)
RDbPropsFactory::RDbPropsFactory(RFs& aFs) :
Initializes RDbPropsFactory instance
@leave One of the system wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory.
void RDbPropsFactory::OpenL()
iFileNameParser = new (ELeave) TParse;
iPrivateDataPath = HBufC::NewL(KMaxFileName);
TPtr ptr(iPrivateDataPath->Des());
void RDbPropsFactory::Close()
delete iPrivateDataPath;
delete iFileNameParser;
Extracts database properties from the database path and format string.
The created and returned TDbProps instance will be pushed in the cleanup stack.
@param aPath Database path.
@param aFormatStr database format string.
@return A pointer to the created TDbProps instance.
@leave One of the system-wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory.
TDbProps* RDbPropsFactory::ExtractLC(const TDesC& aPath, const TDesC& aFormatStr)
__LEAVE_IF_ERROR(iFileNameParser->Set(aPath, NULL, NULL));
TDbProps* dbProps = ::NewDbPropsLC();
//TDbProps::iDbsUid.iUid, TDbProps::iDbsUid.iRqAccess
TPtrC fmtIdent;//fmtIdent may contain KSecure keyword.
::ExtractUidAndName(aFormatStr, dbProps->iDbPolicyRequest.iUid, fmtIdent);
dbProps->iDbPolicyRequest.iAccessType = (fmtIdent.CompareF(KSecure) == 0 ? EATSecure : EATNonSecure);
dbProps->iDriveNumber = ::ExtractDriveNumberL(*iFileNameParser);
::CheckDriveL(iFs, dbProps->iDriveNumber);
if(dbProps->iDbPolicyRequest.iAccessType == EATSecure)
{//requested access to a secure shared database
ExtractSecureL(aFormatStr, *dbProps);
{//requested access to a non-secure database
ExtractNonSecureL(aPath, aFormatStr, *dbProps);
return dbProps;
Extracts database properties from the database path, assuming that this is a secure shared
The created and returned TDbProps instance will be pushed in the cleanup stack.
@param aPath Database path.
@param aPolicyUid Security policy UID.
@return A pointer to the created TDbProps instance.
@leave One of the system-wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory.
TDbProps* RDbPropsFactory::ExtractLC(const TDesC& aPath, TUid aPolicyUid)
TBuf<32> dbFormat;
return ExtractLC(aPath, dbFormat);
Utility method, which can be used separately to get the common part of the secure
shared database full path. The result string format is:
@param aDriveNumber A drive number, for which the private data path string has to be constructed.
@param aRes An output parameter, referencing the location, where the created private path has to be copied.
@leave RFs::DriveToChar() leave error codes
void RDbPropsFactory::GetPrivatePathL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TDes& aRes) const
TChar driveChar;
__LEAVE_IF_ERROR(RFs::DriveToChar(aDriveNumber, driveChar));
Extracts secure shared database properties.
@param aFormatStr Secure shared database format string.
@param aDbProps An output parameter, referencing the location, where the datapase properties will be stored.
@leave KErrArgument Bad format string. Some of the other system-wide error codes.
void RDbPropsFactory::ExtractSecureL(const TDesC& aFormatStr, TDbProps& aDbProps)
if(aDbProps.iDbPolicyRequest.iUid == KNullUid)
{//Secure shared database cannot have null uid.
{//The path can contain only the database name.
TPtrC dbName = iFileNameParser->NameAndExt();
if(dbName.Length() > KDbMaxName)
{//There is a limit for the secure shared database names
::CreatePrivateDataPathL(aDbProps.iDriveNumber, iFs);
ConstructFormatString(aDbProps, aFormatStr);
Extracts non-secure database properties.
@param aPath Database path.
@param aFormatStr Database format string.
@param aDbProps An output parameter, referencing the location, where the datapase properties will be stored.
@leave KErrPermissionDenied The database path contains the DBMS server private data path.
void RDbPropsFactory::ExtractNonSecureL(const TDesC& aPath, const TDesC& aFormatStr,
TDbProps& aDbProps)
//DBMS private data path cannot be the first in the database path. This is non-secure database.
TInt pos = aPath.FindF(iPrivateDataPath->Des());
if(pos != KErrNotFound)
{//If pos is 2 (pos 0 - drive letter, pos 1 - ':'), then
//the caller wants to create/open non-secure database in the DBMS private directory,
//which is not allowed.
if(pos == 2)
//The database path and format string stay the same
Constructs the full physical path of the secure shared database
@param aDbProps An output parameter, where the database path will be stored.
@leave RDbPropsFactory::GetPrivatePathL() leaving error codes
@see RDbPropsFactory::GetPrivatePathL()
void RDbPropsFactory::ConstructFullDbPathL(TDbProps& aDbProps)
GetPrivatePathL(aDbProps.iDriveNumber, aDbProps.iPath);
TBuf<32> dbNameCmnPart;
RDbPropsFactory::ConstructCommonPart(aDbProps.iDbPolicyRequest.iUid, dbNameCmnPart);
Processes the format string of secure shared database. "SECURE" keyword and security policy UID
will be removed.
@param aDbProps An input/output parameter, referencing TDbProps instance, where the processed
database format string will be stored.
@param aFormatStr The database format string.
void RDbPropsFactory::ConstructFormatString(TDbProps& aDbProps, const TDesC& aFormatStr)
TDes& fmtStr = aDbProps.iFormatStr;
//Remove KSecure keyword from the format string
TInt pos = fmtStr.FindF(KSecure);
__ASSERT_DEBUG(pos != KErrNotFound, User::Invariant());
fmtStr.Delete(pos, KSecure().Length());
//Remove the UID from the format string
TInt pos_b = fmtStr.Locate('[');
TInt pos_e = fmtStr.Locate(']');
__ASSERT_DEBUG(pos_b != KErrNotFound && pos_e != KErrNotFound, User::Invariant());
fmtStr.Delete(pos_b, pos_e - pos_b + 1);