Workaround for Bug 3854 - featuremgr bld.inf no longer exports features.dat for emulator
// Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
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// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "SqlResourceProfiler.h"
#include "SqlAssert.h"
#include "SqlDatabaseImpl.h"
#pragma BullseyeCoverage off
Initializes TSqlResourceProfiler data members with their default values.
@param aDatabase The RSqlDatabase object that will be profiled.
EXPORT_C TSqlResourceProfiler::TSqlResourceProfiler(RSqlDatabase& aDatabase) :
Starts the specified profiling counter.
@param aCounterType Profiling counter type.
@param aPrm Additional profiling parameters.
@capability None
@return KErrNone, the operation completed successfully;
One of the other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
Usage of the IPC call arguments:
- Arg 0: [out] profiling counter type, one of the TSqlResourceProfiler::TSqlCounter enum item values.
When the counter type is ESqlCounterTrace, then the optional aPrm argument can contain the follwing
configuration parameters, split with ";":
- "L0" - [default] tracing level 0. IPC traces disabled;
- "L1" - tracing level 1. Only the most important IPC calls are traced:
ESqlSrvDbExec8, ESqlSrvDbExec16, ESqlSrvDbScalarFullSelect16, ESqlSrvStmtExec,
ESqlSrvStmtAsyncExec, ESqlSrvStmtBindExec, ESqlSrvStmtAsyncBindExec, ESqlSrvStmtNext,
- "L2" - tracing level 2. All IPC calls traced;
- "S0" - [default] SQL statement tracing is off;
- "S1" - SQL statement tracing is on;
EXPORT_C TInt TSqlResourceProfiler::Start(TSqlResourceProfiler::TSqlCounter aCounterType, const TDesC8* aPrm)
TIpcArgs ipcArgs;
ipcArgs.Set(0, aCounterType);
ipcArgs.Set(1, 0);
ipcArgs.Set(1, aPrm->Length());
ipcArgs.Set(2, aPrm);
return iDatabase.Impl().Session().SendReceive(ESqlSrvProfilerStart, ipcArgs);
Stops the specified profiling counter.
@param aCounterType Profiling counter type.
@capability None
@return KErrNone, the operation completed successfully;
One of the other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
Usage of the IPC call arguments:
- Arg 0: [out] profiling counter type, one of the TSqlResourceProfiler::TSqlCounter enum item values.
EXPORT_C TInt TSqlResourceProfiler::Stop(TSqlResourceProfiler::TSqlCounter aCounterType)
return iDatabase.Impl().Session().SendReceive(ESqlSrvProfilerStop, TIpcArgs(aCounterType));
Sets to zero the specified profiling counter.
@param aCounterType Profiling counter type.
@capability None
@return KErrNone, the operation completed successfully;
One of the other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
Usage of the IPC call arguments:
- Arg 0: [out] profiling counter type, one of the TSqlResourceProfiler::TSqlCounter enum item values.
EXPORT_C TInt TSqlResourceProfiler::Reset(TSqlResourceProfiler::TSqlCounter aCounterType)
return iDatabase.Impl().Session().SendReceive(ESqlSrvProfilerReset, TIpcArgs(aCounterType));
Retrieves the profiling counter(s) values for the aCounterType.
@param aCounterType Profiling counter type.
@param aResult Buffer, where the results will be copied.
@capability None
@return KErrNone, the operation completed successfully;
One of the other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
@see TSqlResourceProfiler
Usage of the IPC call arguments:
- Arg 0: [out] profiling counter type, one of the TSqlResourceProfiler::TSqlCounter enum item values.
- Arg 1: [out] the size of the buffer for the profiling counters
- Arg 2: [in] the buffer for the profiling counters
EXPORT_C TInt TSqlResourceProfiler::Query(TSqlResourceProfiler::TSqlCounter aCounterType, TDes8& aResult)
return iDatabase.Impl().Session().SendReceive(ESqlSrvProfilerQuery, TIpcArgs(aCounterType, aResult.MaxLength(), &aResult));
EXPORT_C TInt TSqlResourceProfiler::Start(TSqlResourceProfiler::TSqlCounter, const TDesC8*)
return KErrNotSupported;
EXPORT_C TInt TSqlResourceProfiler::Stop(TSqlResourceProfiler::TSqlCounter)
return KErrNotSupported;
EXPORT_C TInt TSqlResourceProfiler::Reset(TSqlResourceProfiler::TSqlCounter)
return KErrNotSupported;
EXPORT_C TInt TSqlResourceProfiler::Query(TSqlResourceProfiler::TSqlCounter aCounterType, TDes8& aResult)
if(aCounterType == TSqlResourceProfiler::ESqlCounterConfig)
return iDatabase.Impl().Session().SendReceive(ESqlSrvProfilerQuery, TIpcArgs(aCounterType, aResult.MaxLength(), &aResult));
return KErrNotSupported;
#pragma BullseyeCoverage on