Workaround for Bug 3854 - featuremgr bld.inf no longer exports features.dat for emulator
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32test.h>
#include <bautils.h>
#include <sqldb.h>
static RFs TheFs;
RTest TheTest(_L("t_sqlood test"));
#if defined __WINSCW__ || defined __WINS__
//The C: drive may be too big and may be used concurently by other applications.
//The T: drive is more suitable for the test if running on the emulator
const TInt KTestDrive = EDriveT;
_LIT(KTestDir, "t:\\test\\");
_LIT(KTestDatabase, "t:\\test\\t_sql_ood.db");
#elif defined __X86GCC__
const TInt KTestDrive = EDriveG;
_LIT(KTestDir, "g:\\test\\");
_LIT(KTestDatabase, "g:\\test\\t_sql_ood.db");
const TInt KTestDrive = EDriveE;
_LIT(KTestDir, "e:\\test\\");
_LIT(KTestDatabase, "e:\\test\\t_sql_ood.db");
//One or more files with KLargeFileName name and ".<n>" extension, where n is
//000, 001, 002, 003...
//will be created and they will occupy almost all available disk space.
//The idea is to perform after that one "delete"
//transaction, which must to fail, because there won't be enough available disk space to complete the transaction.
#if defined __WINSCW__ || defined __WINS__
_LIT(KLargeFileName, "t:\\test\\DeleteMe");
#elif defined __X86GCC__
_LIT(KLargeFileName, "g:\\test\\DeleteMe");
_LIT(KLargeFileName, "e:\\test\\DeleteMe");
_LIT8(KDatabasePageSizeConfig, "page_size=1024");
const TInt KMaxTestRecordsCount = 350;
TInt TestRecordsCount = 0;
//Assemblesd a file name from "aFileName" and "aFileNumber" parameters and places the resulting string in "aResultPath".
void AssembleLargeFileName(const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aFileNumber, TDes& aResultPath)
_LIT(KFormatStr, "%S.%03d");
aResultPath.Format(KFormatStr, &aFileName, aFileNumber);
//Deletes all created large data files.
void DeleteLargeDataFiles()
TInt err = KErrNone;
TInt i = -1;
while(err == KErrNone)
TBuf<KMaxFileName> filePath;
::AssembleLargeFileName(KLargeFileName, ++i, filePath);
err = TheFs.Delete(filePath);
//Deletes all created test files.
void DeleteTestFiles()
//Test macros and functions
void Check1(TInt aValue, TInt aLine)
RDebug::Print(_L("*** Line %d\r\n"), aLine);
TheTest(EFalse, aLine);
void Check2(TInt aValue, TInt aExpected, TInt aLine)
if(aValue != aExpected)
RDebug::Print(_L("*** Line %d, Expected error: %d, got: %d\r\n"), aLine, aExpected, aValue);
TheTest(EFalse, aLine);
#define TEST(arg) ::Check1((arg), __LINE__)
#define TEST2(aValue, aExpected) ::Check2(aValue, aExpected, __LINE__)
//Creates file session instance and the test directory
void CreateTestEnv()
TInt err = TheFs.Connect();
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
err = TheFs.MkDir(KTestDir);
if(err != KErrNone)
RDebug::Print(_L("*** CreateTestEnv(), RFs::MkDir(), err=%d\r\n"), err);
TEST(err == KErrNone || err == KErrAlreadyExists);
//Creates one or more large files with the total size near to the size of the available disk space.
//The idea is to cause an "out of disk space" condition.
void FillLargeDataFile(RFile& aFile, TInt aSize)
TInt err = KErrDiskFull;
while(err == KErrDiskFull)
err = aFile.SetSize(aSize);
aSize -= 100;
if(aSize <= 0)
TEST(err == KErrNone || err == KErrDiskFull);
//Gets and returns the available disk space of the tested drive.
TInt64 FreeDiskSpace()
TVolumeInfo volInfoBefore;
TInt err = TheFs.Volume(volInfoBefore, KTestDrive);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
return volInfoBefore.iFree;
//Creates a large data file with aSize size (in bytes).
void DoCreateLargeFile(const TDesC& aPath, TInt aSize)
RFile file;
TInt err = file.Replace(TheFs, aPath, EFileRead | EFileWrite);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
FillLargeDataFile(file, aSize);
err = file.Flush();
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
//Creates enough number of large data files to fill the available disk space.
void CreateLargeFile()
TInt fileNo = 0;
const TInt KLargeFileSize = 1000000000;
TInt64 diskSpace = ::FreeDiskSpace();
RDebug::Print(_L("CreateLargeFile: free space before = %ld\r\n"), diskSpace);
TBuf<KMaxFileName> filePath;
while(diskSpace > KLargeFileSize)
AssembleLargeFileName(KLargeFileName, fileNo++, filePath);
DoCreateLargeFile(filePath, KLargeFileSize);
diskSpace = ::FreeDiskSpace();
RDebug::Print(_L("----CreateLargeFile, step %d, free space = %ld\r\n"), fileNo, diskSpace);
//Reserve almost all disk space, except a small amount - 200 bytes.
if(diskSpace > 0)
::AssembleLargeFileName(KLargeFileName, fileNo++, filePath);
const TInt64 KSpaceLeft = 200;
TInt64 lastFileSize = diskSpace - KSpaceLeft;
TInt lastFileSize32 = I64LOW(lastFileSize);
RDebug::Print(_L("----file size32 = %d\r\n"), lastFileSize32);
::DoCreateLargeFile(filePath, lastFileSize32);
RDebug::Print(_L("----CreateLargeFile, last step (%d), file size = %ld\r\n"), fileNo, lastFileSize);
diskSpace = ::FreeDiskSpace();
RDebug::Print(_L("CreateLargeFile: free space after = %ld\r\n"), diskSpace);
// Number of bytes in the default journal header size.
const TInt KJournalHeaderSize = 0x200;
// Number of bytes added to each database page in the journal.
const TInt KJournalPageOverhead = 8;
// The default amount of reserved space provided by the ReserveDriveSpace API
const TInt KReserveDriveSpaceAmount = 64*1024;
//Creates and fills with some records a test database
void CreateAndFillTestDatabase(RSqlDatabase& aDb)
TInt err = aDb.Create(KTestDatabase, &KDatabasePageSizeConfig);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
err = aDb.Exec(_L("CREATE TABLE A(Id INTEGER, Data TEXT)"));
TEST(err >= 0);
// Find the page size of the database on this media
TBuf<200> sql;
sql.Copy(_L("PRAGMA page_size"));
TSqlScalarFullSelectQuery q(aDb);
TInt pageSize = 0;
TRAP(err, pageSize = q.SelectIntL(sql););
//RDebug::Print(_L("Error %d Page Size %d"),err,pageSize);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
TEST(pageSize > 0);
//RDebug::Print(_L("Page Size %d"),pageSize);
// Find the sector size of this media
TDriveInfo driveInfo;
err = TheFs.Drive(driveInfo, KTestDrive);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
TVolumeIOParamInfo volumeInfo;
err = TheFs.VolumeIOParam(KTestDrive, volumeInfo);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
TInt sectorSize = volumeInfo.iBlockSize;
//RDebug::Print(_L("Sector Size %d"),sectorSize);
TInt journalHeaderSize = Max(sectorSize, KJournalHeaderSize);
//RDebug::Print(_L("Journal Header Size %d"),journalHeaderSize);
// Keep adding to database until it is a size such that all the data can still be deleted within the reserved disk space size.
// Do this piece-wise not in a transaction.
TInt i;
sql.Format(_L("INSERT INTO A(Id, Data) VALUES(%d, 'A0123456789B0123456789C0123456789D0123456789E0123456789F0123456789G0123456789H0123456789')"), i + 1);
err = aDb.Exec(sql);
TEST2(err, 1);
TInt size = aDb.Size();
TInt numberOfPages = size/pageSize;
TInt predictedJournalSize = journalHeaderSize + numberOfPages * (pageSize + KJournalPageOverhead);
//RDebug::Print(_L("Size %d, Pages %d, predictedJournalSize %d"),size, numberOfPages, predictedJournalSize);
// Will another page take us over the limit ?
if ((predictedJournalSize + (pageSize + KJournalPageOverhead)) >= (KReserveDriveSpaceAmount))
TestRecordsCount = i + 1;
//RDebug::Print(_L("TestRecordsCount %d"),TestRecordsCount);
//Tries to delete test database records
TInt DeleteTestRecords(RSqlDatabase& aDb)
TInt err = aDb.Exec(_L("BEGIN TRANSACTION"));
TEST(err >= 0);
for(TInt i=0;i<TestRecordsCount;++i)
TBuf<100> sql;
sql.Format(_L("DELETE FROM A WHERE Id = %d"), i + 1);
err = aDb.Exec(sql);// May fail with KErrDiskFull
if(err < 0)
return err;
err = aDb.Exec(_L("COMMIT TRANSACTION"));// May fail with KErrDiskFull
return err;
//The function simply calls RSqlDatabase::ReserveDriveSpace(), RSqlDatabase::GetReserveAccess(),
//RSqlDatabase::ReleaseReserveAccess() methods and checks the return values.
//It might be usefull for debugging in case if something gets wrong.
void SimpleCallsTest()
RSqlDatabase db, db2;
TInt err = db.Create(KTestDatabase, &KDatabasePageSizeConfig);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
err = db2.Open(KTestDatabase);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
//An attempt to get an access to the reserved space (which is not reserved yet).
err = db.GetReserveAccess();
TEST2(err, KErrNotFound);
//Reserve disk space
err = db.ReserveDriveSpace(0);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
//An attempt to re-reserve it
err = db.ReserveDriveSpace(0);
TEST2(err, KErrAlreadyExists);
//Get an access to the reserved disk space
err = db.GetReserveAccess();
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
//Reserve disk space from the second connection
err = db2.ReserveDriveSpace(0);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
//An attempt to get an access to the reserved space twice.
err = db.GetReserveAccess();
TEST2(err, KErrInUse);
//An attempt to get an access to the reserved space from the second connection.
err = db2.GetReserveAccess();
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
//An attempt to release the reserved space twice.
//Free the reserved disk space
//Free the reserved disk space twice.
//Free the reserved disk space from the second connection.
@SYMTestCaseDesc SQL database "out of disk space" tests.
The test creates and fills with some records a test database and then reserves a disk space.
The second step: the test fills almost all available disk space creting large data files.
The third step: the test attempts to delete all records from the test database and fails with
KErrDiskFull error.
The fourth step: the test gets an access to the reserved disk space and attempts to delete
records again. This time the test should not fail.
@SYMTestPriority High
@SYMTestActions SQL database "out of disk space" tests.
@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
void DeleteTransactionTest()
TVolumeIOParamInfo volIoPrm;
TInt err = TheFs.VolumeIOParam(KTestDrive, volIoPrm);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
RDebug::Print(_L("--Drive %d. BlockSize=%d, ClusterSize=%d, RecReadBufSize=%d, RecWriteBufSize=%d\r\n"), KTestDrive, volIoPrm.iBlockSize, volIoPrm.iClusterSize, volIoPrm.iRecReadBufSize, volIoPrm.iRecWriteBufSize);
RDebug::Print(_L("--Create and fill database \"%S\".\r\n"), &KTestDatabase);
RSqlDatabase db;
db.Close();//When the database gets closed, the persisted journal file will be deleted.
RDebug::Print(_L("--Close and reopen database \"%S\" (in order to get the persisted journal file deleted).\r\n"), &KTestDatabase);
err = db.Open(KTestDatabase);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
RDebug::Print(_L("--Reserve disk space for database \"%S\".\r\n"), &KTestDatabase);
err = db.ReserveDriveSpace(0);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
RDebug::Print(_L("--Simulate an \"out of disk space\" situation with creating a very large data file, which occupies almost the all the available disk space.\r\n"));
RDebug::Print(_L("--Attempt to delete test data records. The transaction must fail, because of \"out of disk space\".\r\n"));
err = DeleteTestRecords(db);
TEST2(err, KErrDiskFull);
RDebug::Print(_L("--Get an access to the reserved disk space.\r\n"));
err = db.GetReserveAccess();
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
TInt64 diskSpace = ::FreeDiskSpace();
RDebug::Print(_L("After GetReserveAccess(), free disk space = %ld. Try again \"Delete records\" transaction. The transaction must not fail.\r\n"), diskSpace);
err = DeleteTestRecords(db);
RDebug::Print(_L("--DeleteTestRecords() returned %d error.\r\n"), err);
TEST(err >= 0);
//Releases the access to the reserved disk space
//Frees the reserved disk space
//Free the resources, used in the test
//Verify that the records have been deleted
RSqlStatement stmt;
err = stmt.Prepare(db, _L("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM A"));
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
err = stmt.Next();
TEST2(err, KSqlAtRow);
TInt recCount = stmt.ColumnInt(0);
TEST2(recCount, 0);
//OOD API tests with more than one connection to the same SQL database.
//The test calls ReserveDriveSpace/GetReserveAccess/ReleaseReserveAccess in a different
//combinations on four RSqlDatabase objects, connected to the same database .
//The test should not fail or panic.
void MultiDbTest()
RSqlDatabase db1;
RSqlDatabase db2;
TInt err = db2.Open(KTestDatabase);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
//Play with "ReserveDriveSpace" on both sessions
err = db1.ReserveDriveSpace(0);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
err = db2.ReserveDriveSpace(0);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
err = db2.ReserveDriveSpace(0);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
//Get an access to the reserved space through db2
err = db2.GetReserveAccess();
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
//Free/re-reserve disk space for db1.
err = db1.ReserveDriveSpace(0);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
RSqlDatabase db4;
err = db4.Open(KTestDatabase);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
//Try to reserve space for db4.
err = db4.ReserveDriveSpace(0);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
RSqlDatabase db3;
err = db3.Open(KTestDatabase);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
//Try to reserve space for session db3.
err = db3.ReserveDriveSpace(0);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
//Release and free db2 access to the reserved space.
//Get an access to the reserved space through db2.
//But it was freed, so the call will fail.
err = db2.GetReserveAccess();
TEST2(err, KErrNotFound);
//Free/re-reserve disk space for db1.
err = db1.ReserveDriveSpace(0);
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
//Get/release the access to the reserved space for db1.
err = db1.GetReserveAccess();
TEST2(err, KErrNone);
//Get an access to the reserved space for db2.
//The call will fail because there is no reserved disk space for db2.
err = db2.GetReserveAccess();
TEST2(err, KErrNotFound);
//Free the reserved space - db1
void DoTests()
TheTest.Start(_L(" \"Simple calls\" OOD test "));
TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-SQL-CT-1649 \"Delete transaction\" OOD test "));
TheTest.Next(_L(" Multi db OOD test "));
TInt E32Main()
CTrapCleanup* tc = CTrapCleanup::New();
delete tc;
return KErrNone;