// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <sqldb.h> //TSqlColumnType
#include "SqlBufFlat.h" //RSqlBufFlat
#include "SqlPanic.h"
//Forward declarations
class MStreamBuf;
ZeroBlob column type. Used internally.
enum {ESqlZeroBlob = ESqlBinary + 1};
inline TBool IsSequenceSqlType(TInt aType)
return aType == ESqlNull || aType == ESqlText || aType == ESqlBinary;
///////////////////// Column type conversion table /////////////////////////////////
//|Column type | ColumnInt() ColumnInt64() ColumnReal() ColumnText() ColumnBinary()|//
//- "clamp": return KMinTInt or KMaxTInt if the value is outside the range that can //
// be represented by the type returned by the accessor function. //
//- "round": the floating point value will be rounded up to the nearest integer. //
// If the result is outside the range that can be represented by the type returned //
// by the accessor function, then it will be clamped. //
TSqlBufRIterator iterator gives read-only access to the flat buffer content (RSqlBufFlat class).
For convenience TSqlBufRIterator can represent the flat buffer fields content as one of the basic
SQL types: TInt, TInt64, TReal, 16-bit text, 8-bit binary block.
The text and binary fields may be accessed also as a byte stream.
@see RSqlBufFlat
class TSqlBufRIterator
inline void Set(const RSqlBufFlat& aBuf);
inline TBool Next();
inline void MoveTo(TInt aIndex);
inline TBool IsPresent() const;
inline TInt Type() const;
inline TInt Size() const;
TInt Int() const;
TInt64 Int64() const;
TReal Real() const;
TPtrC8 Binary() const;
TPtrC16 Text() const;
MStreamBuf* StreamL() const;
inline TInt AsInt() const;
inline TInt64 AsInt64() const;
inline TReal AsReal() const;
const RSqlBufFlat::TCell* iCurrent;
const RSqlBufFlat::TCell* iBegin;
const RSqlBufFlat::TCell* iEnd;
TSqlBufWIterator iterator gives write-only access to the flat buffer content (RSqlBufFlat class).
For convenience, with TSqlBufWIterator flat buffer fields can be set as:
TInt, TInt64, TReal, 16-bit text, 8-bit binary block.
@see RSqlBufFlat
class TSqlBufWIterator
inline void Set(RSqlBufFlat& aBuf);
inline TBool Next();
inline void MoveTo(TInt aIndex);
inline void SetNull();
inline void SetAsNotPresent(TInt aType, TInt aLength);
inline TInt SetInt(TInt aValue);
inline TInt SetInt64(TInt64 aValue);
inline TInt SetReal(TReal aValue);
inline TInt SetBinary(const TDesC8& aValue);
inline TInt SetText(const TDesC16& aValue);
inline TInt SetZeroBlob(TInt aSize);
RSqlBufFlat* iBuf;
TInt iIndex;
#include "SqlBufIterator.inl"