// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef __SQLUTIL_H__
#define __SQLUTIL_H__
#include <e32std.h> //TInt
Defines the maximum length of text or binary data that can be transferred
from the SQL server to the SQL client in a single IPC call.
This constant affects the behaviour of a number of functions, specifically:
- RSqlStatement::ColumnBinaryL()
- RSqlStatement::ColumnTextL()
It also affects the behaviour of member functions of the classes:
- RSqlParamWriteStream
- RSqlColumnReadStream
@see RSqlStatement::ColumnBinaryL()
@see RSqlStatement::ColumnTextL()
@see RSqlParamWriteStream
@see RSqlColumnReadStream
#ifdef _DEBUG
const TInt KSqlMaxDesLen = 8;
const TInt KSqlMaxDesLen = 256;
Used internally for making sure config manipulation buffers
are not exceeded
const TInt KSqlSrvMaxConfigStrLen = 256;
If some server function retuns a non-negative error, which value is bigger than KSqlClientBufOverflowCode,
then it means the server wanted to send a data buffer to the client but the client's
buffer is not big enough. The client must increase the buffer size and try to retrieve the data only.
const TInt KSqlClientBufOverflowCode = 0x1000;
enum TSqlBufFlatType
This structure is used for IPC data transfers
inline TSqlIpcData() :
TUint32 iPrm1;
TUint32 iPrm2;
IPC function codes used for communication between SqlDb.dll and SqlSrv.exe.
The max function code allowed is 0xFF - see KSqlSrvFunctionMask declaration in the same file.
The 32-bit RMessage2 function code format, which is used by the SQL client and server, is:
Bits: 31................................0
Bytes: 0 1 2 3
- "X" - unused bits;
- "T" - handle type: 0 - statement handle, 1 - stream handle, 2 - no handle;
- "H" - statement or stream handle, 16 bits;
- "F" - function code, 8 bits (see KSqlSrvFunctionMask);
@see RMessage2
@see KSqlSrvFunctionMask
@see KSqlSrvHandleMask
@see KSqlSrvHandleTypeMask
@see KSqlSrvHandleShiftBits
@see CSqlSrvSession
@see CSqlSrvSession::ServiceL()
enum TSqlSrvFunction
//Test functions
ESqlSrvTestBase = 0x00,
ESqlSrvResourceMark = ESqlSrvTestBase + 0x01,
ESqlSrvResourceCheck = ESqlSrvTestBase + 0x02,
ESqlSrvResourceCount = ESqlSrvTestBase + 0x03,
ESqlSrvSetDbHeapFailure = ESqlSrvTestBase + 0x04,
ESqlSrvSetHeapFailure = ESqlSrvTestBase + 0x05,
//Profiling functions
ESqlSrvProfilerStart = ESqlSrvTestBase + 0x06,
ESqlSrvProfilerStop = ESqlSrvTestBase + 0x07,
ESqlSrvProfilerReset = ESqlSrvTestBase + 0x08,
ESqlSrvProfilerSetRange = ESqlSrvTestBase + 0x09,//not used
ESqlSrvProfilerQuery = ESqlSrvTestBase + 0x0A,
//Database functions
ESqlSrvDbBase = 0x10,
ESqlSrvDbCreate = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x01,
ESqlSrvDbCreateSecure = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x02,
ESqlSrvDbOpen = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x03,
ESqlSrvDbOpenFromHandle = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x04,
ESqlSrvDbClose = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x05,
ESqlSrvDbCopy = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x06,
ESqlSrvDbDelete = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x07,
//All operations with opcode > ESqlSrvDbDelete require valid database object (on the server side)
ESqlSrvLastErrorMsg = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x08,
ESqlSrvDbExec8 = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x09,
ESqlSrvDbExec16 = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x0A,
ESqlSrvDbSetIsolationLevel = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x0C,
ESqlSrvDbGetSecurityPolicy = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x0D,
ESqlSrvDbAttach = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x0E,
ESqlSrvDbAttachFromHandle = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x0F,
ESqlSrvDbDetach = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x10,
ESqlSrvDbScalarFullSelect8 = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x11,
ESqlSrvDbScalarFullSelect16 = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x12,
ESqlSrvDbInTransaction = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x13,
ESqlSrvDbSize = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x14,
ESqlSrvDbSize2 = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x15,
ESqlSrvDbBlobSource = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x16,
ESqlSrvDbLastInsertedRowId = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x17,
ESqlSrvDbCompact = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x18,
//Database - reserved drive space management
ESqlSrvDbReserveDriveSpace = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x19,
ESqlSrvDbFreeReservedSpace = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x1A,
ESqlSrvDbGetReserveAccess = ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x1B,
ESqlSrvDbReleaseReserveAccess=ESqlSrvDbBase + 0x1C,
//Statement functions
ESqlSrvStmtBase = 0x50,
ESqlSrvStmtPrepare8 = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x01,
ESqlSrvStmtPrepare16 = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x02,
ESqlSrvStmtClose = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x03,
ESqlSrvStmtReset = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x04,
ESqlSrvStmtExec = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x05,
ESqlSrvStmtAsyncExec = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x06,
ESqlSrvStmtBindExec = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x07,
ESqlSrvStmtAsyncBindExec = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x09,
ESqlSrvStmtNext = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x0A,
ESqlSrvStmtBindNext = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x0B,
ESqlSrvStmtColumnNames = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x0C,
ESqlSrvStmtParamNames = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x0D,
ESqlSrvStmtColumnSource = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x0E,
ESqlSrvStmtBinParamSink = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x0F,
ESqlSrvStmtTxtParamSink16 = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x11,
ESqlSrvStmtBufFlat = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x12,
ESqlSrvStmtColumnValue = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x13,
ESqlSrvStmtDeclColumnTypes = ESqlSrvStmtBase + 0x14,
//Stream functions
ESqlSrvStreamBase = 0x70,
ESqlSrvStreamRead = ESqlSrvStreamBase + 0x01,
ESqlSrvStreamWrite = ESqlSrvStreamBase + 0x02,
ESqlSrvStreamSize = ESqlSrvStreamBase + 0x03,
ESqlSrvStreamSynch = ESqlSrvStreamBase + 0x04,
ESqlSrvStreamClose = ESqlSrvStreamBase + 0x05
////////// RMessage2, function code related macros ////////
SQL server function mask.
The SQL server function code must be less than 0x100.
(it occupies the lower 8 bits of the 32-bit message code)
@see TSqlSrvFunction
const TUint KSqlSrvFunctionMask = 0x000000FF;
SQL server (statement or stream) handle mask.
The handle occupies 16 bits, right after the function code.
@see KSqlSrvHandleTypeMask
@see KSqlSrvHandleShiftBits
const TUint KSqlSrvHandleMask = 0x00FFFF00;
SQL server (stream or statement) handle - shift bits.
@see KSqlSrvFunctionMask
@see KSqlSrvHandleMask
const TInt KSqlSrvHandleShiftBits = 8;
SQL server handle type bit.
@see KSqlSrvHandleMask
@see KSqlSrvHandleShiftBits
const TInt KSqlSrvHandleTypeMask = 0x03000000;
SQL server - handle type - statement or stream.
enum TSqlSrvHandleType
ESqlSrvNoHandle = 0x00000000,
ESqlSrvStreamHandle = 0x01000000,
ESqlSrvStatementHandle = 0x02000000
inline TInt MakeMsgCode(TSqlSrvFunction aFunction, TSqlSrvHandleType aHandleType, TInt aHandle);
TInt Sql2OsErrCode(TInt aSqlError, TInt aOsError);
////////// Case insensitive string comparisons ////////
inline TInt CompareNoCase8(const TDesC8& aLeft, const TDesC8& aRight);
inline TInt CompareNoCase16(const TDesC16& aLeft, const TDesC16& aRight);
#ifdef _UNICODE
#define CompareNoCase CompareNoCase16
#define CompareNoCase CompareNoCase8
////////// Buffer alignment functions /////////////
inline TInt AlignedLen8(TInt aLen);
#ifdef _DEBUG
inline TBool IsAligned8(TInt aLen);
////////// Compaction modes ///////////////////////
Compaction modes.
enum TSqlCompactionMode
SQLite vacuum modes.
enum TSqliteVacuumMode
ESqliteVacuumOff = 0,
ESqliteVacuumAuto = 1,
ESqliteVacuumIncremental = 2
Default compaction mode.
const TSqlCompactionMode KSqlDefaultCompactionMode = ESqlCompactionBackground;
Exec free page threshold in Kb, after which the background compaction will be activated.
const TInt KSqlCompactFreePageThresholdKb = 50;
One compaction step length in milliseconds.
const TInt KSqlCompactStepLengthMs = 50;
Interval in milliseconds between the compaction steps.
const TInt KSqlCompactStepIntervalMs = 50;
The db config file version that is initially stored in the system settings table.
const TInt KSqlNullDbConfigFileVersion = 0;
#include "SqlUtil.inl"
#endif //__SQLUTIL_H__