1 |
2 |
@rem Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
3 |
@rem All rights reserved.
4 |
@rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available
5 |
@rem under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
6 |
@rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available
7 |
@rem at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
8 |
9 |
@rem Initial Contributors:
10 |
@rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
11 |
12 |
@rem Contributors:
13 |
14 |
@rem Description:
15 |
16 |
17 |
if "%1"=="init" goto init;
18 |
if "%1"=="auto" goto auto;
19 |
if "%1"=="cryptohash" goto cryptohash;
20 |
if "%1"=="cryptohashdel" goto cryptohashdel;
21 |
if "%1"=="tpadding" goto tpadding;
22 |
if "%1"=="tpaddingdel" goto tpaddingdel;
23 |
if "%1"=="tcryptospi" goto tcryptospi;
24 |
if "%1"=="tcryptospidel" goto tcryptospidel;
25 |
if "%1"=="tasymmetric" goto tasymmetric;
26 |
if "%1"=="tsymmetric" goto tsymmetric;
27 |
if "%1"=="tbigint" goto tbigint;
28 |
if "%1"=="tasymmetricdel" goto tasymmetricdel;
29 |
if "%1"=="tsymmetricdel" goto tsymmetricdel;
30 |
if "%1"=="tbigintdel" goto tbigintdel;
31 |
if "%1"=="tpkcs5kdf" goto tpkcs5kdf;
32 |
if "%1"=="tpkcs5kdfdel" goto tpkcs5kdfdel;
33 |
if "%1"=="tpbe" goto tpbe;
34 |
if "%1"=="tpbedel" goto tpbedel;
35 |
if "%1"=="trecog" goto trecog;
36 |
if "%1"=="trecogdel" goto trecogdel;
37 |
if "%1"=="tkeystore" goto tkeystore;
38 |
if "%1"=="tkeystoredel" goto tkeystoredel;
39 |
if "%1"=="tcertapps" goto tcertapps;
40 |
if "%1"=="tcertappsdel" goto tcertappsdel;
41 |
if "%1"=="t_keystore" goto t_keystore;
42 |
if "%1"=="t_keystoredel" goto t_keystoredel;
43 |
if "%1"=="tcaf" goto tcaf;
44 |
if "%1"=="tcafdel" goto tcafdel;
45 |
if "%1"=="rta" goto rta;
46 |
if "%1"=="rtadel" goto rtadel;
47 |
if "%1"=="tscaf" goto tscaf;
48 |
if "%1"=="tscafdel" goto tscafdel;
49 |
if "%1"=="mtputils" goto mtputils;
50 |
if "%1"=="mtputilsdel" goto mtputilsdel;
51 |
if "%1"=="tpkcs12intg" goto tpkcs12intg;
52 |
if "%1"=="tpkcs12intgdel" goto tpkcs12intgdel;
53 |
if "%1"=="tasnpkcs" goto tasnpkcs;
54 |
if "%1"=="tasnpkcsdel" goto tasnpkcsdel;
55 |
if "%1"=="tpkcs7" goto tpkcs7;
56 |
if "%1"=="tpkcs7del" goto tpkcs7del;
57 |
if "%1"=="certstore" goto certstore;
58 |
if "%1"=="cacertsdel" goto cacertsdel;
59 |
if "%1"=="certclientdel" goto certclientdel;
60 |
if "%1"=="certstoredel" goto certstoredel;
61 |
if "%1"=="tocsp" goto tocsp;
62 |
if "%1"=="tocspdel" goto tocspdel;
63 |
if "%1"=="tx509" goto tx509;
64 |
if "%1"=="tx509del" goto tx509del;
65 |
if "%1"=="tasn1" goto tasn1;
66 |
if "%1"=="tasn1del" goto tasn1del;
67 |
if "%1"=="twtlscert" goto twtlscert;
68 |
if "%1"=="twtlscertdel" goto twtlscertdel;
69 |
if "%1"=="tpkixcert" goto tpkixcert;
70 |
if "%1"=="tpkixcertdel" goto tpkixcertdel;
71 |
if "%1"=="tpkcs10" goto tpkcs10;
72 |
if "%1"=="tpkcs10del" goto tpkcs10del;
73 |
if "%1"=="tpkixcert_tef" goto tpkixcert_tef;
74 |
if "%1"=="tpkixcert_tefdel" goto tpkixcert_tefdel;
75 |
goto exit
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
REM create testresults directory
80 |
md c:\testresults
81 |
82 |
REM copy hosts file to redirect cam-ocspserver request to ban-ocspserver
83 |
md c:\private
84 |
md c:\private\10000882
85 |
copy z:\hosts c:\private\10000882\hosts
86 |
goto exit;
87 |
88 |
89 |
REM install automated commdb
90 |
copy z:\auto.cfg c:\auto.cfg
91 |
goto exit;
92 |
93 |
94 |
copy /s z:\thash\ c:\thash\
95 |
goto exit;
96 |
97 |
98 |
del /s c:\thash\
99 |
goto exit;
100 |
101 |
102 |
copy /s z:\tpadding\ c:\tpadding\
103 |
goto exit;
104 |
105 |
106 |
del /s c:\tpadding\
107 |
goto exit;
108 |
109 |
110 |
copy /s z:\testdata\tcryptospi\ c:\testdata\tcryptospi\
111 |
goto exit;
112 |
113 |
114 |
del /s c:\testdata\tcryptospi\
115 |
goto exit;
116 |
117 |
118 |
md c:\tasymmetric
119 |
copy /s z:\tasymmetric\ c:\tasymmetric\
120 |
goto exit;
121 |
122 |
123 |
md c:\tsymmetric
124 |
copy /s z:\tsymmetric\ c:\tsymmetric\
125 |
goto exit;
126 |
127 |
128 |
md c:\tbigint
129 |
copy /s z:\tbigint\ c:\tbigint\
130 |
goto exit;
131 |
132 |
133 |
del /s c:\tasymmetric\
134 |
goto exit;
135 |
136 |
137 |
del c:\tsymmetric\
138 |
goto exit;
139 |
140 |
141 |
del c:\tbigint\
142 |
goto exit;
143 |
144 |
145 |
md c:\tpkcs5kdf
146 |
copy z:\tpkcs12kdftests.script c:\tpkcs5kdf\tpkcs12kdftests.script
147 |
goto exit;
148 |
149 |
150 |
del /s c:\tpkcs5kdf\
151 |
goto exit;
152 |
153 |
154 |
md c:\tpbe
155 |
copy z:\tpbe\*.dat c:\tpbe
156 |
attrib c:\tpbe\strong.dat -r
157 |
attrib c:\tpbe\weak.dat -r
158 |
goto exit;
159 |
160 |
161 |
del /s c:\tpbe\
162 |
goto exit;
163 |
164 |
165 |
md c:\trecog
166 |
copy /s z:\trecog\* c:\trecog
167 |
goto exit;
168 |
169 |
170 |
del c:\trecog\
171 |
goto exit;
172 |
173 |
174 |
copy /s z:\tkeystore\ c:\tkeystore\
175 |
copy /s z:\tcertstore\ c:\tcertstore\
176 |
copy /s z:\ttesttools\ c:\ttesttools\
177 |
copy /s z:\system\data\test1certstore.dat c:\system\data\test1certstore.dat
178 |
copy /s c:\ttesttools\data\certclients.dat c:\private\101f72a6\certclients.dat
179 |
goto exit;
180 |
181 |
182 |
del c:\private\101f72a6\certclients.dat
183 |
del c:\system\data\test1certstore.dat
184 |
del /s c:\ttesttools\
185 |
del /s c:\tcertstore\
186 |
del /s c:\tkeystore\
187 |
goto exit;
188 |
189 |
190 |
copy /s z:\tcertapps\ c:\tcertapps\
191 |
goto exit;
192 |
193 |
194 |
del /s c:\tcertapps\
195 |
goto exit;
196 |
197 |
198 |
copy /s z:\tkeystore\ c:\tkeystore\
199 |
goto exit;
200 |
201 |
202 |
del /s c:\tkeystore\
203 |
goto exit;
204 |
205 |
206 |
md c:\tcaf
207 |
copy /s z:\tcaf\* c:\tcaf
208 |
goto exit;
209 |
210 |
211 |
del c:\tcaf\*.*
212 |
goto exit;
213 |
214 |
215 |
md c:\rta
216 |
copy /s z:\rta\* c:\rta
217 |
goto exit;
218 |
219 |
220 |
del c:\rta\*.*
221 |
goto exit;
222 |
223 |
224 |
md c:\tcaf
225 |
md c:\tcaf\tscaf
226 |
copy /s z:\tcaf\tscaf\* c:\tcaf\tscaf
227 |
goto exit;
228 |
229 |
230 |
del c:\tcaf\tscaf\*.*
231 |
goto exit;
232 |
233 |
234 |
md c:\tcaf
235 |
md c:\tcaf\tmtputils
236 |
copy /s z:\tcaf\tmtputils\* c:\tcaf\tmtputils
237 |
goto exit;
238 |
239 |
240 |
del c:\tcaf\tmtputils\*.*
241 |
goto exit;
242 |
243 |
244 |
copy /s z:\tpkcs12intg\ c:\tpkcs12intg\
245 |
goto exit;
246 |
247 |
248 |
del /s c:\tpkcs12intg
249 |
goto exit;
250 |
251 |
252 |
md c:\tkeystore
253 |
md c:\tkeystore\data
254 |
copy /s z:\tkeystore\data\ c:\tkeystore\data\
255 |
copy z:\tasnpkcstests.script c:\tasnpkcstests.script
256 |
goto exit;
257 |
258 |
259 |
del c:\tasnpkcstests.script
260 |
del /s c:\tkeystore\data\
261 |
goto exit;
262 |
263 |
264 |
md c:\tpkcs7
265 |
copy /s z:\tpkcs7\ c:\tpkcs7\
266 |
goto exit;
267 |
268 |
269 |
del /s c:\tpkcs7\
270 |
goto exit;
271 |
272 |
273 |
copy /s z:\tcertstore\ c:\tcertstore\
274 |
copy z:\certappmanager.txt c:\certappmanager.txt
275 |
copy /s z:\unifiedcertstore2\ c:\unifiedcertstore2\
276 |
copy z:\tcertstore\data\TestKeyStore.txt c:\system\data\testkeystore.txt
277 |
goto exit;
278 |
279 |
280 |
del c:\system\data\cacerts.dat
281 |
goto exit;
282 |
283 |
284 |
del c:\system\data\certclients.dat
285 |
goto exit;
286 |
287 |
288 |
rem deleting data on c: to save room and leave slots in root folder
289 |
del /s c:\unifiedcertstore2\
290 |
del /s c:\tcertstore\
291 |
del c:\certappmanager.txt
292 |
goto exit;
293 |
294 |
295 |
296 |
rem copy tocsp test data
297 |
md c:\system
298 |
md c:\system\tocsp
299 |
copy /s z:\system\tocsp\ c:\system\tocsp\
300 |
goto exit;
301 |
302 |
303 |
del c:\system\tocsp\
304 |
goto exit;
305 |
306 |
307 |
308 |
copy /s z:\tx509\ c:\tx509\
309 |
goto exit;
310 |
311 |
312 |
del /s c:\tx509\
313 |
goto exit;
314 |
315 |
316 |
copy /s z:\tasn1\ c:\tasn1\
317 |
goto exit;
318 |
319 |
320 |
del /s c:\tasn1\
321 |
goto exit;
322 |
323 |
324 |
copy /s z:\twtlscert\ c:\twtlscert\
325 |
goto exit;
326 |
327 |
328 |
del /s c:\twtlscert\
329 |
goto exit;
330 |
331 |
332 |
copy /s z:\tpkixcert\ c:\tpkixcert\
333 |
copy /s z:\pkixtestdata\ c:\pkixtestdata\
334 |
goto exit;
335 |
336 |
337 |
del c:\pkixtestdata\*.*
338 |
goto exit;
339 |
340 |
341 |
copy /s z:\tpkcs10\ c:\tpkcs10\
342 |
goto exit;
343 |
344 |
345 |
del /s c:\tpkcs10
346 |
goto exit;
347 |
348 |
349 |
copy /s z:\tpkixcert_tef\ c:\tpkixcert_tef\
350 |
goto exit;
351 |
352 |
353 |
del /s c:\tpkixcert_tef
354 |
goto exit;
355 |
356 |
357 |
358 |
359 |
360 |