1 @rem |
2 @rem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
3 @rem All rights reserved. |
4 @rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
5 @rem under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
6 @rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
7 @rem at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
8 @rem |
9 @rem Initial Contributors: |
10 @rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
11 @rem |
12 @rem Contributors: |
13 @rem |
14 @rem Description: |
15 @rem |
16 copy /s z:\tpkcs7\ c:\tpkcs7\ |
17 testexecute c:\tpkcs7\tpkcs7_v2.script |
18 move c:\logs\testexecute\tpkcs7_v2.htm e:\testresults\tpkcs7_v2.htm |
19 testexecute c:\tpkcs7\tcms.script |
20 move c:\logs\testexecute\tcms.htm e:\testresults\tcms.htm |
21 testexecute c:\tpkcs7\tinteg_cms.script |
22 move c:\logs\testexecute\tinteg_cms.htm e:\testresults\tinteg_cms.htm |
23 del /s c:\tpkcs7\ |
24 |
26 rem copy tcertstore test data |
27 copy /s z:\tcertstore\ c:\tcertstore\ |
28 copy z:\certappmanager.txt c:\certappmanager.txt |
29 copy /s z:\unifiedcertstore2\ c:\unifiedcertstore2\ |
30 copy z:\tcertstore\data\TestKeyStore.txt c:\system\data\testkeystore.txt |
31 del c:\system\data\cacerts.dat |
32 |
33 del c:\system\data\certclients.dat |
34 t_certstore c:\tcertstore\scripts\t_certstore_sha2.script c:\testresults\t_certstore_sha2.htm |
35 move c:\testresults\t_certstore_sha2.htm e:\testresults\t_certstore_sha2.htm |
36 |
37 rem run tcertstore tests |
38 t_certstore c:\tcertstore\scripts\unifiedcertstore1-conf1.script c:\logs\testexecute\unifiedcertstore1-conf1.htm |
39 move c:\logs\testexecute\unifiedcertstore1-conf1.htm e:\testresults\unifiedcertstore1-conf1.htm |
40 |
41 del c:\system\data\cacerts.dat |
42 del c:\system\data\certclients.dat |
43 t_certstore c:\tcertstore\scripts\unifiedcertstore2-conf1.script c:\logs\testexecute\unifiedcertstore2-conf1.htm |
44 move c:\logs\testexecute\unifiedcertstore2-conf1.htm e:\testresults\unifiedcertstore2-conf1.htm |
45 |
46 del c:\system\data\cacerts.dat |
47 t_certstore c:\tcertstore\scripts\unifiedcertstore3-conf1.script c:\logs\testexecute\unifiedcertstore3-conf1.htm |
48 move c:\logs\testexecute\unifiedcertstore3-conf1.htm e:\testresults\unifiedcertstore3-conf1.htm |
49 |
50 del c:\system\data\cacerts.dat |
51 t_certstore c:\tcertstore\scripts\dsa.script c:\logs\testexecute\tcertstore-dsa.htm |
52 move c:\logs\testexecute\tcertstore-dsa.htm e:\testresults\tcertstore-dsa.htm |
53 |
54 del c:\system\data\cacerts.dat |
55 t_certstore c:\tcertstore\scripts\reload.script c:\logs\testexecute\tcertstore-reload.htm |
56 move c:\logs\testexecute\tcertstore-reload.htm e:\testresults\tcertstore-reload.htm |
57 |
58 del c:\system\data\cacerts.dat |
59 t_certstore c:\tcertstore\scripts\apipolicing.script c:\logs\testexecute\tcertstore-apipolicing.htm |
60 move c:\logs\testexecute\tcertstore-apipolicing.htm e:\testresults\tcertstore-apipolicing.htm |
61 |
62 del c:\system\data\cacerts.dat |
63 t_certstore c:\tcertstore\scripts\filecertstore_errors.script c:\logs\testexecute\tcertstore-errors.htm |
64 move c:\logs\testexecute\tcertstore-errors.htm e:\testresults\tcertstore-errors.htm |
65 |
66 del c:\system\data\cacerts.dat |
67 t_certstore c:\tcertstore\scripts\swicertstore1.script c:\logs\testexecute\swicertstore1.htm |
68 move c:\logs\testexecute\swicertstore1.htm e:\testresults\swicertstore1.htm |
69 |
70 t_certstore c:\tcertstore\scripts\swicertstore4.script c:\logs\testexecute\swicertstore4.htm |
71 move c:\logs\testexecute\swicertstore4.htm e:\testresults\swicertstore4.htm |
72 |
73 del c:\system\data\cacerts.dat |
74 t_certstore c:\tcertstore\scripts\wri-swicertstore1.script c:\logs\testexecute\wri-swicertstore1.htm |
75 move c:\logs\testexecute\wri-swicertstore1.htm e:\testresults\wri-swicertstore1.htm |
76 |
77 del c:\system\data\cacerts.dat |
78 |
79 REM Composite Certstore Configuration CR1393 |
80 del c:\private\101f72a6\cacerts.dat |
81 del c:\private\101f72a6\certclients.dat |
82 t_certstore c:\tcertstore\multiple_certstore\scripts\tfilecertstore14.script c:\logs\testexecute\tfilecertstore14.htm |
83 move c:\logs\testexecute\tfilecertstore14.htm e:\testresults\tfilecertstore14.htm |
84 |
85 del c:\private\101f72a6\cacerts.dat |
86 del c:\private\101f72a6\certclients.dat |
87 |
88 rem deleting data on c: to save room and leave slots in root folder |
89 del /s c:\unifiedcertstore2\ |
90 del /s c:\tcertstore\ |
91 del c:\certappmanager.txt |
92 attrib c:\*.* -r |
93 del c:\*.* |
94 |
95 rem TOCSP |
96 rem copy tocsp test data |
97 copy /s z:\system\tocsp\ c:\system\tocsp\ |
98 del c:\system\data\cacerts.dat |
99 |
100 rem run tocsp tests |
101 tocsp c:\system\tocsp\scripts\OPENSSL.script c:\logs\testexecute\TOCSP_openssl.htm |
102 del /s c:\system\tocsp\ |
103 copy /s z:\system\tocsp\ c:\system\tocsp\ |
104 |
105 |
106 tocsp c:\system\tocsp\scripts\XCERT-LOCAL.script c:\logs\testexecute\xcert_local.htm |
107 del /s c:\system\tocsp\ |
108 copy /s z:\system\tocsp\ c:\system\tocsp\ |
109 |
110 |
111 tocsp c:\system\tocsp\scripts\OPENSSL-LOCAL.script c:\logs\testexecute\xcert_openssl_local.htm |
112 del /s c:\system\tocsp\ |
113 copy /s z:\system\tocsp\ c:\system\tocsp\ |
114 |
115 tocsp c:\system\tocsp\scripts\error.script c:\logs\testexecute\ocsp_error.htm |
116 |
117 TOCSP c:\SYSTEM\TOCSP\SCRIPTS\DefaultPolicy.script c:\logs\testexecute\TOCSP_DefaultPolicy.htm |
118 |
119 rem copy test results to mmc card |
120 move c:\logs\testexecute\TOCSP_openssl.htm e:\testresults\TOCSP_openssl.htm |
121 move c:\logs\testexecute\xcert_local.htm e:\testresults\xcert_local.htm |
122 move c:\logs\testexecute\xcert_openssl_local.htm e:\testresults\xcert_openssl_local.htm |
123 move c:\logs\testexecute\ocsp_error.htm e:\testresults\ocsp_error.htm |
124 move c:\logs\testexecute\TOCSP_DefaultPolicy.htm e:\testresults\TOCSP_DefaultPolicy.htm |
125 |
126 rem deleting data on c: to save room and leave slots in root folder |
127 del /s c:\system\tocsp\ |
128 attrib c:\*.* -r |
129 del c:\*.* |
130 |
131 rem TX509 |
132 rem copy tx509 test data |
133 copy /s z:\tx509\ c:\tx509\ |
134 |
135 rem run tx509 tests |
136 tx509 \TX509\SCRIPTS\TX509.script c:\logs\testexecute\tx509.htm |
137 rem copy results to mmc card |
138 move c:\logs\testexecute\tx509.htm e:\testresults\tx509.htm |
139 rem run tx509 distinguished name tests |
140 tx509 \tx509\scripts\tx509-dnames.script c:\logs\testexecute\tx509_dnames.htm |
141 rem copy results to mmc card |
142 move c:\logs\testexecute\tx509_dnames.htm e:\testresults\tx509_dnames.htm |
143 rem run tx509 dev certs tests |
144 tx509 \TX509\SCRIPTS\TX509_DEV_CERTS.script c:\logs\testexecute\tx509_dev_certs.htm |
145 rem copy results to mmc card |
146 move c:\logs\testexecute\tx509_dev_certs.htm e:\testresults\tx509_dev_certs.htm |
147 rem tidy up |
148 del /s c:\tx509\ |
149 attrib c:\*.* -r |
150 del c:\*.* |
151 |
152 rem TASN1 |
153 rem run tasn1 tests |
154 copy /s z:\tasn1\ c:\tasn1\ |
155 tasn1 c:\tasn1\scripts\tasn1.script c:\logs\testexecute\tasn1_log.htm |
156 rem copy test results to mmc card |
157 move c:\logs\testexecute\tasn1_log.htm e:\testresults\TASN1_log.htm |
158 del /s c:\tasn1\ |
159 |
160 |
161 rem TWTLSCERT |
162 rem copy twtlscert test data |
163 copy /s z:\twtlscert\ c:\twtlscert\ |
164 |
165 rem run twtlscert tests |
166 twtlscert c:\twtlscert\scripts\twtlscert.script c:\logs\testexecute\twtlscert.htm |
167 twtlscert c:\twtlscert\scripts\twtlscert1.script c:\logs\testexecute\twtlscert1.htm |
168 twtlscert c:\twtlscert\scripts\twtlscert2.script c:\logs\testexecute\twtlscert2.htm |
169 twtlscert c:\twtlscert\scripts\twtlscert3.script c:\logs\testexecute\twtlscert3.htm |
170 |
171 rem copy test results to mmc card |
172 move c:\logs\testexecute\twtlscert.htm e:\testresults\twtlscert.htm |
173 move c:\logs\testexecute\twtlscert1.htm e:\testresults\twtlscert1.htm |
174 move c:\logs\testexecute\twtlscert2.htm e:\testresults\twtlscert2.htm |
175 move c:\logs\testexecute\twtlscert3.htm e:\testresults\twtlscert3.htm |
176 |
177 del /s c:\twtlscert\ |
178 attrib c:\*.* -r |
179 del c:\*.* |
180 |
181 rem TPKIXCERT |
182 rem copy tpkixcert test data |
183 copy /s z:\tpkixcert\ c:\tpkixcert\ |
184 copy /s z:\pkixtestdata\ c:\pkixtestdata\ |
185 |
186 rem run tpkixcert tests |
187 tpkixcert c:\tpkixcert\scripts\tpkixtest_part1.script c:\logs\testexecute\tpkixtest1.htm |
188 tpkixcert c:\tpkixcert\scripts\tpkixtest_part2.script c:\logs\testexecute\tpkixtest2.htm |
189 tpkixcert c:\tpkixcert\scripts\cancel1.script c:\logs\testexecute\cancel1.htm |
190 |
191 rem copy test results to mmc card |
192 move c:\logs\testexecute\tpkixtest1.htm e:\testresults\tpkixtest1.htm |
193 move c:\logs\testexecute\tpkixtest2.htm e:\testresults\tpkixtest2.htm |
194 move c:\logs\testexecute\cancel1.htm e:\testresults\tpkixcancel1.htm |
195 |
196 attrib c:\*.* -r |
197 del c:\*.* |
198 |
199 REM tpkcs10_v2 - Uses TEF |
200 copy /s z:\tpkcs10\ c:\tpkcs10\ |
201 testexecute c:\tpkcs10\scripts\tpkcs10_v2.script |
202 move c:\logs\testexecute\tpkcs10_v2.htm e:\testresults\tpkcs10_v2.htm |
203 del /s c:\tpkcs10 |
204 |
205 REM tpkixcert_tef |
206 copy /s z:\tpkixcert_tef\ c:\tpkixcert_tef\ |
207 testexecute c:\tpkixcert_tef\scripts\tpkixcert_tef.script |
208 move c:\logs\testexecute\tpkixcert_tef.htm e:\testresults\tpkixcert_tef.htm |
209 del /s c:\tpkixcert_tef |
210 |
211 attrib c:\*.* -r |
212 del c:\*.* |
213 |
214 del c:\system\data\cacerts.dat |
215 del c:\system\data\certclients.dat |
216 |
217 |
218 |