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     1 How to use OSCP
     2 ===============
     4 Note: The actual code snippets are indented.
     6 Include ocsp.h in your header file.
     8 	#include <ocsp.h>
    10 Link your project with ocsp.lib: add the following string to your project's .mmp
    11 file:
    13 	LIBRARY ocsp.lib
    15 Add the following to your class declaration, which should be derived from
    16 CActive:
    18 	COcspClient* iOcspClient;
    20 You will need to know revocation server URI. It is possible to get it from
    21 installer preferences. Most Software Install components accept the URI as a
    22 construction parameter. This is because they are started by the UI which stores
    23 preferences in its resource file. If you want to retrieve it yourself, you can
    24 use the following code (taken from InstallEngineImpl.cpp):
    26 	//	Open instapp's ini file
    27 	static CDictionaryStore* OpenIniFileLC(RFs& aFs)
    28 		{
    29 		CApaAppFinder* appFinder=CApaScanningAppFinder::NewL(aFs);
    30 		CleanupStack::PushL(appFinder);
    31 		TUid instAppUid={KUidInstallAppValue};
    32 		TFileName libName=appFinder->FindAppL(KInstallAppName,instAppUid);
    33 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(appFinder); 
    34 		TParse parser;
    35 		User::LeaveIfError(parser.SetNoWild(KIniFileExtension,&KInstAppDriveC(),
    36 			&libName));
    37 		aFs.MkDirAll(parser.FullName()); // ignore the error
    38 		CDictionaryFileStore* dict = CDictionaryFileStore::OpenLC(aFs,
    39 			parser.FullName(),instAppUid);
    40 		return dict;
    41 		}
    43 	// get preferences from ini file
    44 	{
    45 	RFs fs;
    46 	User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
    47 	CleanupClosePushL(fs);
    48 	CDictionaryStore* iniFile=OpenIniFileLC(fs); // see above
    49 	User::LeaveIfNull(iniFile);
    50 	RDictionaryReadStream readStream;
    51 	readStream.OpenLC(*iniFile,KUidInstallPrefs);
    52 	TInstallPrefs prefs; // this is what you need
    53 	TRAPD(ret,readStream >> prefs);   // will return KErrEof first time
    54 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //readStream, iniFile
    55 	CleanupStack::Pop(); // fs 
    56 	fs.Close();
    57 	}
    59 If at any time you want to cancel OCSP check, call
    61 	iOcspClient->CancelCheck();
    63 When ready to perform the check (the certificate chain is built), use the
    64 following code as a template (from JavaInstallerSecurityManager.cpp):
    66 	COCSPParameters* params = COCSPParameters::NewLC();
    67 	params->SetURIL(*iOCSPServerURI, ETrue);
    68 	params->AddCertificatesL(*iCertChain);
    70 	// Set up authorisation scheme - we've a special UID registered with the
    71 	// certStore for the appropriate certificates
    72 	COCSPDirectAuthorisationScheme* scheme = 
    73 		COCSPDirectAuthorisationScheme::NewLC(
    74 		TUid::Uid(KCertStoreUIDForSWInstallOCSPSigning));
    75 	params->AddAuthorisationSchemeL(scheme);
    76 	CleanupStack::Pop(scheme);
    78 	// Won't set validation time - this uses the response producedAt time
    79 	// instead. This avoids us relying on an accurate time in the device.
    80 	// Caching of old responses avoided by use of the nonce.
    82 	iOcspClient = COcspClient::NewL(params);
    83 	CleanupStack::Pop(params);
    84 	iOcspClient->Check(iStatus);
    86 When the request completes and your class's RunL() is called, use the following
    87 function template to process the result:
    89 	TBool accept = ETrue;
    90 	switch (iStatus.Int())
    91 		{
    92 		case OCSP::KErrNoCertificates:
    93 			// No certs in OCSP request - no proper cert chain formed.
    94 			// Covered by check digital sig logic already, so we let it pass.
    95 			break;
    96 		case KErrNone:
    97 		    {
    98 			// Check the outcome of every transaction made
    99 			for (TInt index = 0; 
   100 				accept && index < iOcspClient->TransactionCount(); 
   101 				++index)
   102 				{
   103 				const TOCSPOutcome& outcome = iOcspClient->Outcome(index);
   105 				// We have the OCSP response.  Interpret it, asking the user
   106 				// what questions we need to.  Return determines whether we
   107 				// continue the install
   108 				switch (outcome.iStatus)
   109 					{
   110 					case OCSP::ETransportError:
   111 					case OCSP::EClientInternalError:
   112 					case OCSP::EMalformedRequest:
   113 					case OCSP::EServerInternalError:
   114 					case OCSP::ETryLater:
   115 					case OCSP::ESignatureRequired:
   116 					case OCSP::EClientUnauthorised:
   117 					case OCSP::EUnknownResponseType:
   118 						// Error: unable to obtain certificate status
   119 						break;
   120 					case OCSP::ENoServerSpecified:
   121 					case OCSP::EInvalidURI:
   122 						// Error: invalid revocation server URI
   123 						break;
   124 					case OCSP::EResponseSignatureValidationFailure:
   125 						// Error: response signature validation failed
   126 						break;
   127 					case OCSP::EThisUpdateTooLate:
   128 					case OCSP::EThisUpdateTooEarly:
   129 					case OCSP::ENextUpdateTooEarly:
   130 					case OCSP::ENonceMismatch:
   131 					case OCSP::EMalformedResponse:
   132 					case OCSP::EUnknownCriticalExtension:
   133 					case OCSP::EMissingCertificates:
   134 						// Error: invalid server response
   135 						break;
   136 					case OCSP::EMissingNonce:
   137 						// Error: missing nonce
   138 						break;
   139 					case OCSP::ECertificateNotValidAtValidationTime:
   140 						// Error: invalid certificate status information
   141 						break;
   142 					case OCSP::EValid:
   143 						switch(outcome.iResult)
   144 							{
   145 							case OCSP::EGood:
   146 								accept = ETrue;
   147 								break;
   148 							case OCSP::EUnknown:
   149 								// ask user
   150 								break;
   151 							case OCSP::ERevoked:
   152 								// ask user
   153 								break;
   154 							default:
   155 								ASSERT(EFalse);
   156 							}
   157 						break;
   158 					default:
   159 						ASSERT(EFalse);
   160 						break;
   161 					}
   162 				}	
   163 			break;
   164 			}
   165 		default:
   166 			// Error: cannot obtain certificate status, ask user
   167 			break;
   168 		}
   170 	delete iOcspClient;
   171 	iOcspClient = NULL;
   173 OCSP check can take a long time. Therefore it is a good thing to display a
   174 status dialog for the user telling her that OCSP check is in progress and
   175 allowing her to cancel it. Both SIS and Java installers delegate this function
   176 to their respective UI handlers.