changeset 0 2c201484c85f
child 8 35751d3474b7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cryptoservices/filebasedcertificateandkeystores/source/keystore/Server/keystorepassphrase.cpp	Wed Jul 08 11:25:26 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include "keystorepassphrase.h"
+#include "FSDialog.h"
+#include "pbedata.h"
+#include "fstokenutil.h"
+#include <mctauthobject.h>
+#include <securityerr.h>
+const int KRetryCount = 3;
+// TPasswordManager ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+/*static*/ void TPasswordManager::GetPassword(FSResources::TStrings aLabel,
+											  TPINValue& aValue, 
+											  TRequestStatus& aStatus,
+											  TBool aRetry)
+	{
+	TPINParams params;
+	params.iPINLabel = FSResources::Strings()[aLabel];
+	params.iMinLength = 0;
+	params.iMaxLength = KMaxPINLength;
+	FSDialog::Dialog()->EnterPIN(params, aRetry, aValue, aStatus);
+	}
+/*static*/ void TPasswordManager::KeystorePassword(TPINValue& aValue, 
+												   TRequestStatus& aStatus,
+												   TBool aRetry)
+	{
+	GetPassword(FSResources::EPinGLabel, aValue, aStatus, aRetry);
+	}
+/*static*/ void TPasswordManager::CreatePassword(TPINValue& aValue, 
+												 TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+	{
+	GetPassword(FSResources::ECreatePinGLabel, aValue, aStatus);
+	}
+/*static*/ void TPasswordManager::ImportPassword(TPINValue& aValue, 
+												 TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+	{
+	GetPassword(FSResources::EImportPassphraseLabel, aValue, aStatus);
+	}
+/*static*/ void TPasswordManager::ExportPassword(TPINValue& aValue, 
+												 TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+	{
+	GetPassword(FSResources::EExportPassphraseLabel, aValue, aStatus);
+	}
+/*static*/ void TPasswordManager::Cancel()
+	{
+	FSDialog::Dialog()->Cancel();
+	}
+// CPassphrase /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+CPassphrase* CPassphrase::NewLC(TInt aTimeout, CStreamStore& aStore,
+								TStreamId aStreamId, const TDesC& aPassphrase)
+	{
+	CPassphrase* self = new (ELeave) CPassphrase(aStore, aTimeout);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aStreamId, aPassphrase);
+	return self;
+	}
+CPassphrase* CPassphrase::NewL(TInt aTimeout, CStreamStore& aStore,
+								TStreamId aStreamId, const TDesC& aPassphrase)
+	{
+	CPassphrase* self = NewLC(aTimeout, aStore, aStreamId, aPassphrase);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+CPassphrase* CPassphrase::NewLC(TInt aTimeout, CStreamStore& aStore,
+								const TDesC& aPassphrase)
+	{
+	CPassphrase* self = new (ELeave) CPassphrase(aStore, aTimeout);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aPassphrase);
+	return self;
+	}
+CPassphrase* CPassphrase::NewL(TInt aTimeout, CStreamStore& aStore,
+								const TDesC& aPassphrase)
+	{
+	CPassphrase* self = NewLC(aTimeout, aStore, aPassphrase);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+CPassphrase::CPassphrase(CStreamStore& aStore, TInt aTimeout)
+	: iStore(aStore)
+	{
+	iExpires = (aTimeout != KTimeoutNever);
+	if (iExpires)
+		{
+		iExpiryTime.UniversalTime();
+		iExpiryTime += TTimeIntervalSeconds(aTimeout);
+		}
+	}
+void CPassphrase::ConstructL(TStreamId aStreamId, const TDesC& aPassphrase)
+	{
+	iStreamId = aStreamId;
+	RStoreReadStream stream;
+	stream.OpenLC(iStore, iStreamId);
+	HBufC8* encryptedMasterKey = HBufC8::NewLC(stream, 10000); //some large number
+	CPBEncryptionData* encryptionData = CPBEncryptionData::NewLC(stream);
+	iSecurity = CPBEncryptSet::NewL(*encryptionData, *encryptedMasterKey, aPassphrase);	
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // encryptionData, encryptedMasterKey, stream
+	iSecureStore = CSecureStore::NewL(iStore, *iSecurity);
+	}
+void CPassphrase::ConstructL(const TDesC& aPassphrase)
+	{
+	TPBPassword password(aPassphrase);
+	iSecurity = CPBEncryptSet::NewL(password, ECipherAES_CBC_256);
+	RStoreWriteStream stream;
+	iStreamId = stream.CreateLC(iStore);
+	stream << iSecurity->EncryptedMasterKey();
+	iSecurity->EncryptionData().ExternalizeL(stream);
+	stream.CommitL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // stream
+	iSecureStore = CSecureStore::NewL(iStore, *iSecurity);
+	}
+	{
+	delete iSecurity;
+	delete iSecureStore;
+	}
+TInt CPassphrase::TimeRemainingL(const TTime& aCurrentTime) const
+	{
+	if (iExpires)
+		{
+		TTimeIntervalSeconds seconds;
+		User::LeaveIfError(iExpiryTime.SecondsFrom(aCurrentTime, seconds));
+		TInt result = seconds.Int();
+		if (result < 0)
+			{
+			result = 0;
+			}
+		return result;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return KTimeoutNever;
+		}
+	}
+void CPassphrase::RevertStore(TAny* aStore)
+	{
+	//	This is a CleanupItem
+	CStreamStore* store = reinterpret_cast<CStreamStore*>(aStore);
+	TRAP_IGNORE(store->RevertL());
+	}
+void CPassphrase::ChangePassphraseL(const TDesC& aNewPassphrase)
+	{
+	iSecurity->ChangePasswordL(aNewPassphrase);
+	TCleanupItem cleanupStore(RevertStore, &iStore);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(cleanupStore);
+	RStoreWriteStream stream;
+	stream.ReplaceLC(iStore, iStreamId);
+	stream << iSecurity->EncryptedMasterKey();
+	iSecurity->EncryptionData().ExternalizeL(stream);
+	stream.CommitL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // stream
+	iStore.CommitL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(); // cleanupStore
+	}
+CStreamStore& CPassphrase::Store() const
+	{
+	return *iSecureStore;
+	}
+TStreamId CPassphrase::StreamId() const
+	{
+	return iStreamId;
+	}
+// CPassphraseManager //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+CPassphraseManager* CPassphraseManager::NewL(CStreamStore& aStore)
+	{
+	return new (ELeave) CPassphraseManager(aStore);
+	}
+CPassphraseManager::CPassphraseManager(CStreamStore& aStore)
+		: CActive(EPriorityNormal), iStore(aStore)
+	{
+	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+	}
+	{
+	Cancel();
+	iCache.ResetAndDestroy();
+	}
+/** Return a cached passphrase if present, otherwise return NULL. */
+CPassphrase* CPassphraseManager::GetCachedPassphrase(TStreamId aStreamId)
+	{
+	for (TInt i = 0 ; i < iCache.Count() ; ++i)
+		{
+		CPassphrase* p = iCache[i];
+		if (p->StreamId() == aStreamId)
+			{
+			return p;
+			}
+		}
+	return NULL;
+	}
+void CPassphraseManager::GetPassphrase(TStreamId aStreamId,
+									   TInt aTimeout,
+									   CPassphrase*& aPassphrase, 
+									   TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+	{
+	ASSERT(iTimeout >= KTimeoutNever);
+	CPassphrase* p = GetCachedPassphrase(aStreamId);
+	if (p)
+		{
+		aPassphrase = p;
+		TRequestStatus* status = &aStatus;
+		User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+        iRetries = KRetryCount;
+		iClientStatus = &aStatus;
+		aStatus = KRequestPending;	
+		iNewPassphraseStream = aStreamId;
+		iTimeout = aTimeout;
+		iNewPassphrasePtr = &aPassphrase;
+		iState = EGetPassphrase;
+		TPasswordManager::KeystorePassword(iNewPassphrase, iStatus);
+		SetActive();
+		}
+	}
+void CPassphraseManager::CreatePassphrase(TInt aTimeout,
+										  CPassphrase*& aPassphrase, 
+										  TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+	{
+	ASSERT(iTimeout >= -1);
+	iClientStatus = &aStatus;
+	aStatus = KRequestPending;
+	iTimeout = aTimeout;
+	iNewPassphrasePtr = &aPassphrase;
+	iState = ECreatePassphrase;
+	TPasswordManager::CreatePassword(iNewPassphrase, iStatus);
+	SetActive();
+	}
+void CPassphraseManager::ChangePassphrase(TStreamId aStreamId, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+	{	
+	iRetries = KRetryCount;
+	iClientStatus = &aStatus;
+	aStatus = KRequestPending;
+	iNewPassphraseStream = aStreamId;
+	iState = EChangePassphrase;
+	TPINParams params;
+	params.iPINLabel = 
+		FSResources::Strings()[FSResources::EPinGLabel];
+	params.iMinLength = 0;
+	params.iMaxLength = KMaxPINLength;
+	FSDialog::Dialog()->ChangePIN(params, EFalse, iOldPassphrase, iNewPassphrase, iStatus);
+	SetActive();
+	}
+void CPassphraseManager::RunL()
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(iStatus.Int());
+	switch (iState)
+		{
+		case EGetPassphrase:
+            {
+            TRAPD(err, HandleGetPassphraseL());
+            if (err == KErrBadPassphrase && --iRetries > 0)
+                {
+                TPasswordManager::KeystorePassword(iNewPassphrase, iStatus, ETrue);
+                SetActive();
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                User::LeaveIfError(err);
+                }
+            }
+			break;
+		case ECreatePassphrase:
+            {
+			CPassphrase* phrase = CPassphrase::NewLC(iTimeout, iStore, 
+													 iNewPassphrase);
+			*iNewPassphrasePtr = phrase;
+			User::LeaveIfError(iCache.Append(phrase));
+			CleanupStack::Pop(phrase);
+            Complete(KErrNone);
+            }
+			break;
+		case EChangePassphrase:
+            {
+			CPassphrase* phrase = NULL;
+			TRAPD(err, phrase = CPassphrase::NewL(	0, 
+													iStore, 
+													iNewPassphraseStream,
+													iOldPassphrase));
+			if(KErrBadPassphrase == err && --iRetries > 0)
+				{
+				TPINParams params;
+				params.iPINLabel = FSResources::Strings()[FSResources::EPinGLabel];
+				params.iMinLength = 0;
+				params.iMaxLength = KMaxPINLength;
+				FSDialog::Dialog()->ChangePIN(params, ETrue, iOldPassphrase, iNewPassphrase, iStatus);
+				SetActive();
+				break;
+				} 
+			if(KErrNone != err)
+				{
+				User::Leave(err);
+				}
+			CleanupStack::PushL(phrase);
+			phrase->ChangePassphraseL(iNewPassphrase);
+			RemoveCachedPassphrases(phrase->StreamId());
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(phrase);
+            Complete(KErrNone);
+            }
+			break;
+		default:
+			PanicServer(EPanicInvalidState);
+		}
+	}
+void CPassphraseManager::HandleGetPassphraseL()
+    {
+    CPassphrase* phrase = CPassphrase::NewLC(iTimeout, iStore, 
+                                             iNewPassphraseStream,
+                                             iNewPassphrase);
+    *iNewPassphrasePtr = phrase;
+    User::LeaveIfError(iCache.Append(phrase));
+    CleanupStack::Pop(phrase);
+    Complete(KErrNone);
+    }
+TInt CPassphraseManager::RunError(TInt aError)
+	{
+    Complete(aError);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void CPassphraseManager::DoCancel()
+	{
+	TPasswordManager::Cancel();
+	RunError(KErrCancel);
+	}
+void CPassphraseManager::Complete(TInt aError)
+    {
+	iNewPassphrasePtr = NULL;
+	iState = EIdle;
+	if (iClientStatus)
+		{
+		User::RequestComplete(iClientStatus, aError);
+		}
+    }
+void CPassphraseManager::ExpireCacheL()
+	{
+	TTime timeNow;
+	timeNow.UniversalTime();
+	for (TInt i = iCache.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+		{
+		CPassphrase* passphrase = iCache[i];
+		if (passphrase->TimeRemainingL(timeNow) == 0)
+			{
+			iCache.Remove(i);
+			delete passphrase;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CPassphraseManager::RemoveCachedPassphrases(TStreamId aStreamId)
+	{
+	for (TInt i = iCache.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+		{
+		CPassphrase* passphrase = iCache[i];
+		if (aStreamId == KNullStreamId || passphrase->StreamId() == aStreamId)
+			{
+			iCache.Remove(i);
+			delete passphrase;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+TInt CPassphraseManager::TimeRemainingL(TStreamId aStreamId)
+	{
+	CPassphrase* passphrase = GetCachedPassphrase(aStreamId);
+	if (passphrase)
+		{
+		TTime timeNow;
+		timeNow.UniversalTime();
+		return passphrase->TimeRemainingL(timeNow);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return 0;
+		}
+	}