--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cryptomgmtlibs/securitycommonutils/inc/scsserver.h Thu Sep 10 14:01:51 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Server-side classes which are required to implement a session counting server.
+ @file
+ @publishedPartner
+ @released
+#ifndef SCSSERVER_H
+#define SCSSERVER_H
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <scs/scsclient.h>
+#include <scs/scscommon.h>
+#include "scsserverconstants.h"
+// -------- error handling --------
+const TInt KErrScsAsyncAlreadyQueued = -5702; ///< Tried to re-queue an outstanding request.
+// forward declarations
+class CScsServer;
+class CScsSession;
+class CScsSubsession;
+class CShutdownTimer : public CTimer
+ When an instance of this class is constructed it is given a delay period.
+ If the object runs to completion, i.e. if it is not cancelled, then it stops
+ the active scheduler, which has the effect of terminating the server.
+ {
+ static CShutdownTimer* NewL(TInt aDelayUs);
+ void Restart();
+ void ImmediateTimeoutNextRestart();
+ CShutdownTimer(TInt aDelayUs);
+ // implement CTimer
+ virtual void RunL();
+ TInt iDelayUs; ///< Timer delay in microseconds.
+ TBool iImmediateTimeoutNextRestart;
+ };
+class CAsyncRequest : public CActive
+ An outstanding request on the server side. A subclass should
+ be created for each type of outstanding request.
+ This class is implemented as an active object, because it is
+ anticipated that some asynchronous requests can be implemented
+ simply by completing the client request when a TRequestStatus
+ completes. The implementor can override this behavior by
+ re-implementing RunL, e.g. to free some resources before completing
+ the request. If they do so, they must call CompleteAndMarkForDeletion to
+ complete the client request and mark this object for deletion (alternatively
+ they can simply call CAsyncRequest::RunL from their RunL).
+ This class cannot, however, anticipate the cancellation
+ mechanism. The implementor must implement DoCancel for that.
+ DoCancel should not delete the client request or mark this object
+ for deletion.
+ When the implementor has allocated an instance of this
+ class, they must add it to the session by calling CAsyncRequest::TransferToScsFrameworkL.
+ The second-phase constructor must not leave between that and calling
+ SetActive.
+ These objects are cancelled and destroyed when the
+ client-side session / subsession sends a cancel command.
+ @see CScsSession::AddAsyncRequestL
+ {
+ IMPORT_C CAsyncRequest(CScsSession* aSession, CScsSubsession* aSubsession, const RMessage2& aMessage);
+ void CancelCompleteAndMarkForDeletion(); // explicit cancel request
+ void MarkForDeletion(); // session close
+ IMPORT_C virtual void DoCleanup(); // Cancel this request
+ IMPORT_C void TransferToScsFrameworkL();
+ IMPORT_C void CompleteAndMarkForDeletion(TInt aError);
+ // implement CActive
+ IMPORT_C virtual void RunL();
+ // override CActive
+ IMPORT_C virtual TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+ /** Session on which this request is queued. NULL if completed. */
+ CScsSession* iSession;
+ /** Subsession on which this request is queued. NULL if session-relative. */
+ CScsSubsession* iSubsession;
+ /** Outstanding message to complete. */
+ const RMessagePtr2 iMessagePtr2;
+ /** Identifies outstanding request. */
+ TInt iFunction;
+ };
+class CScsSubsession : public CObject
+ If the server implementation supports subsessions, they must
+ derive from this class.
+ WARNING: Because this class derives from CObject you must not simply delete
+ an instance of a class derived from this class (ie. your subsession), instead you MUST
+ Close() it.
+ In practise this probably means you need a ConstructL like this:-
+ CFred *self = new(ELeave) CFred(....);
+ CleanupClosePushL(*self); // Note use of CleanupClosePushL and of *self
+ self->ConstructL(...);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self); // Note use of *self instead of self
+ */
+ {
+ /**
+ SCS routes subsession messages to this function; the session
+ object does not have to decode them itself.
+ @param aFunction Implementation function, i.e. the function
+ identifier with the SCS field removed.
+ @param aMessage Standard server message object.
+ @return ETrue means complete client request now.
+ */
+ virtual TBool DoServiceL(TInt aFunction, const RMessage2& aMessage) = 0;
+ IMPORT_C CScsSubsession(CScsSession &aSession);
+ // Note this is setup by the constructor, before the derived class
+ // ConstructL is called.
+ CScsSession& iSession; ///< Owning session.
+ };
+class CScsSession : public CSession2
+ When this session object is destroyed (because the client-server session
+ has closed,) this notifies the server object which decrements the session
+ count. Therefore, the server can be shut down after an inactivity
+ period during which there are no open sessions.
+ This object also frees any remaining subsession objects when it is closed.
+ {
+ IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
+ IMPORT_C virtual ~CScsSession();
+ // implement CSession2
+ IMPORT_C virtual void ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+ // override CSession2
+ IMPORT_C virtual void ServiceError(const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aError);
+ IMPORT_C void CloseAllSubsessionsL();
+ // asynchronous requests
+ //IMPORT_C void CompleteAsyncRequest(CAsyncRequest* aAsyncRequest, TInt aReason);
+ /**
+ This function is called from ServiceL after it has removed the
+ SCS-specific field and handled any other messages. I.e., it is
+ called for functions which really require the session as opposed
+ to subsession commands or debugging commands such as heap failure.
+ @param aFunction Implementation function, i.e. the function
+ identifier with the SCS field removed.
+ @param aMessage Standard server message object.
+ @return ETrue if client message should be completed now.
+ */
+ virtual TBool DoServiceL(TInt aFunction, const RMessage2& aMessage) = 0;
+ void PreCloseSession();
+ IMPORT_C virtual CScsSubsession* DoCreateSubsessionL(TInt aFunction, const RMessage2& aMessage);
+ // subessions
+ CScsSubsession* GetSubsessionL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+ void DeleteSubsessionContainers();
+ void CreateSubsessionL(TInt aFunction, const RMessage2& aMessage);
+ void CloseSubsessionL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+ TBool CallSubsessionFunctionL(TInt aFunction, const RMessage2& aMessage);
+ void CancelAsyncSubsessionRequestL(TInt aFunction, const RMessage2& aMessage);
+ // asynchronous requests (support)
+ CAsyncRequest* FindSessionAsyncRequest(TInt aFunction);
+ void CancelAsyncSessionRequestL(TInt aFunction);
+ /**
+ Number of open subsessions before a new one is created. This is used
+ to manage cleanup if the subsession cannot be created.
+ */
+ TInt iPreCreateSubsessionCount;
+ CObjectCon* iSsObjects; ///< Currently open subsessions.
+ CObjectIx* iSsHandles; ///< Maps handles to open subsessions.
+ IMPORT_C CScsSession(CScsServer &aServer);
+ // This duplicates the iServer/Server() code in the base class,
+ // BUT this variable IS setup before derived class ConstructL is
+ // called and is NOT const. This trades off 4 bytes of memory
+ // against making the code cleaner and more consistent....
+ CScsServer& iServer; ///< Owning server.
+ };
+ Pass to CScsServer::CancelOutstandingRequests to mean all requests
+ associated with a session or its subsessions.
+ */
+CScsSubsession*const KWildSubsession = reinterpret_cast<CScsSubsession*>(~0);
+class CScsServer : public CPolicyServer
+ The main server object allocates sessions. It also uses
+ a shutdown timer to stop the server when there have been no
+ open sessions for a set period.
+ The implementor must define a subclass which returns session
+ objects of the appropriate type.
+ */
+ {
+ IMPORT_C virtual ~CScsServer();
+ void IncrementSessionCount();
+ void DecrementSessionCount();
+ inline TInt SessionCount() const;
+ IMPORT_C void ShutdownWhenIdleL();
+ // asynchronous requests
+ void AddAsyncRequestL(CAsyncRequest* aAsyncRequest);
+ void CancelAsyncRequest(
+ CScsSession* aSession, CScsSubsession* aSubsession, TInt aFunction);
+ void CancelOutstandingRequests(CScsSession* aSession, TBool aCompleteClientRequests);
+ void CancelOutstandingRequests(CScsSession* aSession, CScsSubsession* aSubsession, TBool aCompleteClientRequests);
+ /**
+ This function is called just before the SCS framework marks the heap for OOM
+ testing and just before checking the heap.
+ Typically this function should compact any arrays and free objects which change size and can
+ not be compacted back to the same level.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual void DoPreHeapMarkOrCheckL();
+ /**
+ This function is called just after the heap has either been marked or checked (which is just
+ after DoPreHeapMarkOrCheck).
+ Typically this function should re-create any objects which had to be freed by DoPreHeapMarkOrCheck.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual void DoPostHeapMarkOrCheckL();
+ enum TFunctionRanges
+ /**
+ Function ranges to be used when configuring the server security via
+ a CPolicyServer::TPolicy object.
+ Session/sSubsession function codes will be ORed into the
+ EBaseSession/EBaseSubSession ranges.
+ Values from EBaseMustAllow, upwards, are used internally and must be allowed.
+ If there are multiple subsession types (with different function
+ code values), then codes must be be different for each subsession
+ (this restriction only applies if using the CPolicyServer::TPolicy
+ mechanism to configure server security).
+ WARNNIG: These ranges MUST match the values in scscommon.h TScsFunction.
+ */
+ {
+ EBaseSession = 0x01000000,
+ EBaseSubSession = 0x02000000,
+ EBaseMustAllow = 0x03000000 //< Must allow from EBaseMustAllow upwards
+ };
+ static TInt StripScsFunctionMask(TInt aFunctionId) { return aFunctionId & ~ScsImpl::KScsFunctionMask;}
+ IMPORT_C CScsServer(const TVersion& aVersion, CActive::TPriority aPriority = CActive::EPriorityStandard);
+ IMPORT_C CScsServer(const TVersion& aVersion, const CPolicyServer::TPolicy& aPolicy, CActive::TPriority aPriority = CActive::EPriorityStandard);
+ IMPORT_C void ConstructL(TInt aShutdownPeriodUs);
+ IMPORT_C void DisableShutdownTimer();
+ IMPORT_C void EnableShutdownTimerL(TInt aShutdownPeriodUs);
+ // implement CServer2
+ IMPORT_C virtual CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion, const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+ /**
+ NewSessionL checks that this server supports the version which is
+ requested by the client. If that is so, then it calls this function
+ to allocate a new session object.
+ @param aMessage Connection message, as passed to NewSessionL.
+ @return New session object. This is owned by the kernel,
+ which will delete it when the session is closed.
+ */
+ virtual CScsSession* DoNewSessionL(const RMessage2& aMessage) = 0;
+ // asynchronous requests
+ CAsyncRequest* FindAsyncRequest(
+ CScsSession* aSession, CScsSubsession* aSubsession, TInt aFunction);
+ static TInt RemoveCompletedRequests(TAny* aPtr);
+ void RemoveCompletedRequests();
+ /**
+ This server's version. It is compared against client's requested version
+ when the client attempts to make a connection.
+ */
+ const TVersion iVersion;
+ /** Number of open sessions. Used to start and cancel the shutdown timer. */
+ TInt iSessionCount;
+ /**
+ Shutdown timer, started when there are no open sessions, cancelled when
+ the first session is created.
+ */
+ CShutdownTimer* iShutdownTimer;
+ /**
+ Generates instances of CObjectCon, for each session to host its subsessions.
+ Public because must be accessible to session objects.
+ */
+ CObjectConIx* iContainerIndex;
+ /** Currently outstanding requests. */
+ RPointerArray<CAsyncRequest> iAsyncRequests;
+ /** Runs to remove completed requests from iAsyncRequests. */
+ CAsyncCallBack* iAsyncCleanup;
+ };
+inline TInt CScsServer::SessionCount() const
+ {
+ return iSessionCount;
+ }
+// -------- startup --------
+ The server executable must implement a factory function with this
+ signature and pass it to StartScsServer to allocate and start the server.
+ */
+typedef CScsServer* (*TScsServerFactory)();
+IMPORT_C TInt StartScsServer(TScsServerFactory aServerFactoryLC);
+#endif // #ifndef SCSSERVER_H