--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cryptomgmtlibs/securitycommonutils/source/scsserver/scsserver.cpp Thu Sep 10 14:01:51 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Implements CScsServer functionality. See class and functions definitions
+* for more detail.
+ @file
+#include <scs/scsserver.h>
+#include "scsserverconstants.h"
+static const TInt defaultPolicyRangeCount = 1;
+static const TInt defaultPolicyRanges[defaultPolicyRangeCount] =
+ {
+ 0 // All requests
+ };
+static const TUint8 defaultPolicyElementsIndex[defaultPolicyRangeCount] =
+ {
+ CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass
+ };
+static const CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement defaultPolicyPolicyElements[1] = {};
+static const CPolicyServer::TPolicy defaultPolicy =
+ {
+ CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass, // Allow all connects
+ defaultPolicyRangeCount,
+ defaultPolicyRanges,
+ defaultPolicyElementsIndex,
+ defaultPolicyPolicyElements,
+ };
+EXPORT_C CScsServer::CScsServer(const TVersion& aVersion, CActive::TPriority aPriority)
+ Record this server's version so it can be compared against the requested
+ version in NewSessionL.
+ @param aVersion This server's version. This is compared against each
+ client's requested version when the client tries to connect.
+ @param aPriority This server's active object priority.
+ */
+ : CPolicyServer(aPriority, defaultPolicy, ESharableSessions)
+ ,iVersion(aVersion)
+// ,iSessionCount(0)
+ {
+ // empty.
+ }
+EXPORT_C CScsServer::CScsServer(const TVersion& aVersion, const CPolicyServer::TPolicy& aPolicy, CActive::TPriority aPriority)
+ Record this server's version so it can be compared against the requested
+ version in NewSessionL.
+ @param aVersion This server's version. This is compared against each
+ client's requested version when the client tries to connect.
+ @param aPolicy Can be used to configure security for server connect and session functions
+ @param aPriority This server's active object priority.
+ Note that aPolicy must be configured to allow all functions
+ covered by the KScsFunctionMask mask.
+ */
+ : CPolicyServer(aPriority, aPolicy, ESharableSessions)
+ ,iVersion(aVersion)
+// ,iSessionCount(0)
+ {
+ // empty.
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CScsServer::ConstructL(TInt aShutdownPeriodUs)
+ Second-phase constructor allocates the shutdown timer for this server object.
+ If aShutdownPeriodUs is not 0, this function starts the shutdown
+ timer because the server starts up with no current sessions.
+ If aShutdownPeriodUs is 0, the timer is not started and the server
+ will not auto-exit.
+ nb. It must be called, even if you do not want a shutdown timer.
+ This function does not start the server, i.e. it does not call StartL. The
+ calling function must do this after this function returns.
+ @param aShutdownPeriodUs Shutdown period in microseconds.
+ */
+ {
+ if(aShutdownPeriodUs > 0)
+ {
+ iShutdownTimer = CShutdownTimer::NewL(aShutdownPeriodUs);
+ iShutdownTimer->Restart();
+ }
+ iContainerIndex = CObjectConIx::NewL();
+ TCallBack cb(RemoveCompletedRequests, this);
+ // EPriorityHigh to encourage the active scheduler to action the
+ // delete ASAP, in particular ahead of pending or new requests.
+ iAsyncCleanup = new(ELeave) CAsyncCallBack(cb, CActive::EPriorityHigh);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CScsServer::DisableShutdownTimer()
+ The server will no longer shutdown after the last client session closes.
+ Client calls to RScsClientBase::ShutdownServer will fail with KErrNotSupported.
+ {
+ if(iShutdownTimer)
+ {
+ iShutdownTimer->Cancel();
+ }
+ delete iShutdownTimer;
+ iShutdownTimer = 0;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CScsServer::EnableShutdownTimerL(TInt aShutdownPeriodUs)
+ Enable shutdown timer support in the server.
+ If there are currently no client sessions the timer will be immediately started, otherwise
+ it will be started when the last client session closes.
+ If the timer expires, before another client creates a session, the server will shutdown.
+ The RScsClientBase::ShutdownServer api will now be supported, if called the server timeout
+ will effectively be reduced to 0.
+ {
+ if(aShutdownPeriodUs <= 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ DisableShutdownTimer();
+ iShutdownTimer = CShutdownTimer::NewL(aShutdownPeriodUs);
+ if(iSessionCount == 0)
+ {
+ iShutdownTimer->Restart();
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C CScsServer::~CScsServer()
+ Frees resources used at this level. Specifically, frees the
+ container index, which is used to generate subsession containers,
+ the shutdown timer, and the async request cleanup object.
+ */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionCount == 0, PanicServer(ESvrRemSessions));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iAsyncCleanup == 0 || !iAsyncCleanup->IsActive(), PanicServer(ESvrRemCleanup));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iAsyncRequests.Count() == 0, PanicServer(ESvrRemRequests));
+ delete iContainerIndex;
+ delete iShutdownTimer;
+ delete iAsyncCleanup;
+ iAsyncRequests.Reset();
+ }
+// -------- sessions --------
+EXPORT_C CSession2* CScsServer::NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion, const RMessage2& aMessage) const
+ Implement CServer2 by allocating a new session object. This function
+ delegates the actual allocation to the subclass. Before creating the
+ session object, it compares the requested version with its own version.
+ After creating the session object, it increments the session count, which
+ reset the shutdown timer if it is the only session.
+ @param aVersion Version of server which client requires.
+ @param aMessage Connect message.
+ @return New initialized instance of CSession2 subclass.
+ */
+ {
+ TBool versionOk = User::QueryVersionSupported(/* aCurrent */ iVersion, /* aRequested */ aVersion);
+ if (! versionOk)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ CScsSession* s = const_cast<CScsServer*>(this)->DoNewSessionL(aMessage);
+ return s;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CScsServer::DoPreHeapMarkOrCheckL()
+ {
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CScsServer::DoPostHeapMarkOrCheckL()
+ {
+ }
+void CScsServer::IncrementSessionCount()
+ Record the fact that another session has been created. If this new
+ session is the only session then cancel the shutdown timer.
+ */
+ {
+ ++iSessionCount;
+ if (iSessionCount == 1)
+ {
+ if(iShutdownTimer)
+ {
+ iShutdownTimer->Cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CScsServer::DecrementSessionCount()
+ Record the fact that a session has been deleted. If this was the
+ only remaining session then start the shutdown timer.
+ Note the shutdown timer may be deferred if a request cleanup is
+ pending.
+ */
+ {
+ --iSessionCount;
+ if (iShutdownTimer && (iSessionCount == 0) && (! iAsyncCleanup->IsActive()))
+ {
+ iShutdownTimer->Restart();
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CScsServer::ShutdownWhenIdleL()
+ /**
+ Shutdown immediately when server is next idle. If the server
+ is not transient (ie. has no shutdown timer), this call is
+ prohibited and will leave with KErrNotSupported.
+ */
+ {
+ if(! iShutdownTimer)
+ {
+ // We do not allow shutdown of non-transient servers.
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ // Next time we are idle, shutdown immediately.
+ iShutdownTimer->ImmediateTimeoutNextRestart();
+ }
+// -------- asynchronous requests --------
+CAsyncRequest* CScsServer::FindAsyncRequest(
+ CScsSession* aSession, CScsSubsession* aSubsession, TInt aFunction)
+ Find the outstanding request which matches the supplied criteria.
+ @param aSession Session which hosts the request.
+ @param aSubsession Subsession which hosts the request, NULL if
+ the request is relative to a session.
+ @param aFunction The function identifier, without any SCS code.
+ @return The matching asynchronous request, NULL if not
+ found.
+ */
+ {
+ TInt reqCount = iAsyncRequests.Count();
+ for (TInt i = reqCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ CAsyncRequest* req = iAsyncRequests[i];
+ if (req->iSession != aSession)
+ continue;
+ if (req->iSubsession != aSubsession)
+ continue;
+ if (req->iFunction != aFunction)
+ continue;
+ return req;
+ }
+ return 0; // request not found
+ }
+void CScsServer::AddAsyncRequestL(CAsyncRequest* aAsyncRequest)
+ Add the supplied request to the server's collection.
+ @param aAsyncRequest Request to add. If this function succeeds
+ then ownership has been transferred to the
+ collection.
+ */
+ {
+ // ensure this session does not already have an outstanding request
+ // for the same function
+ CAsyncRequest* existReq = FindAsyncRequest(
+ aAsyncRequest->iSession, aAsyncRequest->iSubsession,
+ aAsyncRequest->iFunction);
+ if (existReq != 0)
+ User::Leave(KErrScsAsyncAlreadyQueued);
+ iAsyncRequests.AppendL(aAsyncRequest);
+ }
+void CScsServer::CancelAsyncRequest(
+ CScsSession* aSession, CScsSubsession* aSubsession, TInt aFunction)
+ Cancels a specific (sub)session request in response to a client
+ command. Also completes the client request.
+ CancelOutstandingRequest should be called when a (sub)session is closed.
+ @param aSession Session which hosts the request.
+ @param aSubsession Subsession which hosts the request, NULL if
+ the request is relative to a session.
+ @param aFunction The function identifier, without any SCS code.
+ */
+ {
+ CAsyncRequest* req = FindAsyncRequest(aSession, aSubsession, aFunction);
+ // not an error if the request is not queued; could have been
+ // completed before the cancel function was processed.
+ if (req != 0)
+ req->CancelCompleteAndMarkForDeletion();
+ }
+void CScsServer::CancelOutstandingRequests(CScsSession* aSession, TBool aCompleteClientRequests)
+ Cancels and deletes all outstanding asynchronous requests associated
+ with the supplied session or any of its subsessions. Does not complete
+ the associated client requests.
+ This function should be called when a session is closed.
+ CancelAsyncRequest should be called when a specific request is cancelled.
+ @param aSession Session which is being closed.
+ @param aCompleteClientRequests Whether to complete the client-side requests
+ with KErrCancel.
+ */
+ {
+ CancelOutstandingRequests(aSession, KWildSubsession, aCompleteClientRequests);
+ }
+void CScsServer::CancelOutstandingRequests(CScsSession* aSession, CScsSubsession* aSubsession, TBool aCompleteClientRequests)
+ Cancels and deletes all outstanding asynchronous requests associated
+ with the supplied session and subsession. This should be called when
+ a session or subsession is closed.
+ As an exception, the user-side request is completed when a subsession is
+ closed, else the request would not be completed until the session itself
+ was destroyed.
+ CancelAsyncRequest should be called when a specific request is cancelled.
+ @param aSession Session which is being closed.
+ @param aSubsession Subsession which is being closed. If this is
+ KWildSubsession then a session is being closed so all of
+ its subsession requests should be destroyed as well.
+ @param aCompleteClientRequests Whether to complete the client-side requests
+ with KErrCancel.
+ */
+ {
+ TBool wildSubsession = (aSubsession == KWildSubsession);
+ TInt reqCount = iAsyncRequests.Count();
+ for (TInt i = reqCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ CAsyncRequest* req = iAsyncRequests[i];
+ TBool sessionMatch = (req->iSession == aSession);
+ if (! sessionMatch)
+ continue;
+ TBool subsessionMatch = wildSubsession || (req->iSubsession == aSubsession);
+ if (! subsessionMatch)
+ continue;
+ if (aCompleteClientRequests)
+ req->CancelCompleteAndMarkForDeletion();
+ else
+ {
+ req->DoCleanup();
+ req->MarkForDeletion();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TInt CScsServer::RemoveCompletedRequests(TAny* aPtr)
+ This static function is called when iAsyncCleanup
+ runs. It interprets its argument as a pointer to
+ an instance of CScsServer and removes any asynchronous
+ requests which have been completed.
+ @param aPtr Required callback argument. Interpreted
+ as a pointer to an instance of CScsServer.
+ @return KErrNone. Required to satisfy the TCallBack
+ function signature.
+ @see RemoveCompletedRequests()
+ */
+ {
+ CScsServer* svr = static_cast<CScsServer*>(aPtr);
+ svr->RemoveCompletedRequests();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CScsServer::RemoveCompletedRequests()
+ Delete any asynchronous requests which are marked for deletion.
+ */
+ {
+ // The requests have already been completed; they just need to be removed.
+ TInt reqCount = iAsyncRequests.Count();
+ for (TInt i = reqCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ CAsyncRequest* req = iAsyncRequests[i];
+ if (req->iSession != 0) // still outstanding if iSession != 0
+ continue;
+ delete req;
+ iAsyncRequests.Remove(i);
+ }
+ // if no more outstanding requests then reset array so heap balances
+ if (iAsyncRequests.Count() == 0)
+ iAsyncRequests.Compress();
+ // if the shutdown timer was deferred because of an impending
+ // cleanup then launch it now.
+ if (iShutdownTimer && (iSessionCount == 0))
+ {
+ iShutdownTimer->Restart();
+ }
+ }
+// End of file