changeset 8 35751d3474b7
parent 0 2c201484c85f
--- a/cryptoservices/certificateandkeymgmt/twtlscert/scripts/batchfiles/certstorePlugins	Tue Jul 21 01:04:32 2009 +0100
+++ b/cryptoservices/certificateandkeymgmt/twtlscert/scripts/batchfiles/certstorePlugins	Thu Sep 10 14:01:51 2009 +0300
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Controls the availability of cert store plugins on the emulator, for testing
-# purposes.  
-$UsageMessage = <<"EOF";
-  pluginScript disable PLUGIN
-    Disable the specified plugin by moving it to a backup location
-  pluginScript disable_all
-    Disable all plugins
-  pluginScript enable PLUGIN
-    Enable the specified plugin by copying the backup to its original location
-  pluginScript list PLATFORM BUILD
-    List the currently enabled plugins for the specified platform and build
-    (default is winscw udeb)
-@plugins = ('filecertstore.dll',
-			'tadditionalstores.dll',
-			'tadditionalstoressoftware.dll',
-			'wapcertstore.dll',
- 			'swicertstoreplugin.dll',
- 			'thwsimstores.dll',
- 			'thwuiccstores.dll',
- 			'thwwimstores.dll',
-			'tDeviceImmutablestores.dll',
- 			'MIDP2CertStore.dll');
-@platforms = ('wins', 'winscw');
-@builds = ('udeb', 'urel');
-$EpocRoot = $ENV{'EPOCROOT'} . "epoc32";
-sub usage()
-	die $UsageMessage;
-sub copyFile($$)
-	my ($from, $to) = @_;
-	print "Copying $from -> $to\n";
-	die "Can't copy: $!" unless system("cmd", "/c", "copy", $from, $to) == 0;
-sub deleteFile($)
-	my ($file) = @_;
-	print "Deleting $file\n";
-	die "Can't delete '$file': $!" unless unlink $file;
-sub ensureDir($)
-	my ($dir) = @_;
-	if (! -d $dir)
-	{
-		print "Creating $dir\n";
-		die "Can't create dir '$dir': $!" unless mkdir $dir;
-	}
-sub isSecure($)
-	my ($plugin) = @_;
-	$plugin =~ s/\.dll/.rsc/i;
-	return -f "$EpocRoot\\data\\z\\resource\\plugins\\$plugin"
-sub pluginDir($$)
-	my ($plugin, $path) = @_;
-	if (isSecure($plugin))
-	{
-		return "$path";
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		return "$path\\z\\system\\libs\\plugins";
-	}
-sub backupDir($$)
-	my ($plugin, $path) = @_;
-	if (isSecure($plugin))
-	{
-		return "$path\\plugins_backup";
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		return "$path\\z\\system\\libs\\plugins_backup";
-	}
-sub disable($)
-	my ($plugin) = @_;
-	for my $platform (@platforms)
-	{
-		for my $build (@builds)
-		{
-			my $path = "$EpocRoot\\release\\$platform\\$build";
-			my $backupDir = backupDir($plugin, $path);
-			my $pluginDir = pluginDir($plugin, $path);
-			my $pluginFile = "$pluginDir\\$plugin";
-			my $backupFile = "$backupDir\\$plugin";
-			if (-f $pluginFile)
-			{
-				# Always copy, in case plugin has been rebuilt
-				ensureDir($backupDir);
-				copyFile($pluginFile, $backupDir);
-				deleteFile($pluginFile);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-sub disableAll()
-	for my $plugin (@plugins)
-	{
-		disable($plugin)
-	}
-sub enable($)
-	my ($plugin) = @_;
-	for my $platform (@platforms)
-	{
-		for my $build (@builds)
-		{
-			my $path = "$EpocRoot\\release\\$platform\\$build";
-			my $backupDir = backupDir($plugin, $path);
-			my $pluginDir = pluginDir($plugin, $path);
-			my $pluginFile = "$pluginDir\\$plugin";
-			my $backupFile = "$backupDir\\$plugin";
-			if (! -f $pluginFile && -f $backupFile)
-			{
-				copyFile($backupFile, $pluginDir);					
-			}
-		}
-	}
-sub list($$)
-	my ($platform, $build) = @_;	
-	my $path = "$EpocRoot\\release\\$platform\\$build";
-	printf "%-32s %-12s %s\n",  "Plugin:", "Type:", "Status:";
-	for my $plugin (@plugins)
-	{
-		my $secure = isSecure($plugin);
-		my $enabled = 0;
-		if ($secure)
-		{
-			$enabled = -f "$path\\$plugin";
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			$enabled = -f "$path\\z\\system\\libs\\plugins\\$plugin";
-		}
-		my $secureMess = $secure ? 'secure' : 'old-style';
-		my $enabledMess = $enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled';
-		printf "%-32s %-12s %s\n",  $plugin, $secureMess, $enabledMess;
-	}
-sub main(@)
-	my $action = shift || usage();
-	if ($action eq 'backup_all')
-	{
-		backupAll();
-	}
-	elsif ($action eq 'disable')
-	{
-		my $plugin = shift || usage();
-		usage() unless grep { $_ eq $plugin } @plugins;
-		disable($plugin);
-	}
-	elsif ($action eq 'disable_all')
-	{
-		disableAll();
-	}
-	elsif ($action eq 'enable')
-	{
-		my $plugin = shift || usage();
-		usage() unless grep { $_ eq $plugin } @plugins;
-		enable($plugin);
-	}
-	elsif ($action eq 'list')
-	{
-		my $platform = shift || 'winscw';
-		my $build = shift || 'udeb';
-		usage() unless grep { $_ eq $platform } @platforms;
-		usage() unless grep { $_ eq $build } @builds;
-		list($platform, $build);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		usage();
-	}
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Controls the availability of cert store plugins on the emulator, for testing
+# purposes.  
+$UsageMessage = <<"EOF";
+  pluginScript disable PLUGIN
+    Disable the specified plugin by moving it to a backup location
+  pluginScript disable_all
+    Disable all plugins
+  pluginScript enable PLUGIN
+    Enable the specified plugin by copying the backup to its original location
+  pluginScript list PLATFORM BUILD
+    List the currently enabled plugins for the specified platform and build
+    (default is winscw udeb)
+@plugins = ('filecertstore.dll',
+			'tadditionalstores.dll',
+			'tadditionalstoressoftware.dll',
+			'wapcertstore.dll',
+ 			'swicertstoreplugin.dll',
+ 			'thwsimstores.dll',
+ 			'thwuiccstores.dll',
+ 			'thwwimstores.dll',
+			'tDeviceImmutablestores.dll',
+ 			'MIDP2CertStore.dll');
+@platforms = ('wins', 'winscw');
+@builds = ('udeb', 'urel');
+$EpocRoot = $ENV{'EPOCROOT'} . "epoc32";
+sub usage()
+	die $UsageMessage;
+sub copyFile($$)
+	my ($from, $to) = @_;
+	print "Copying $from -> $to\n";
+	die "Can't copy: $!" unless system("cmd", "/c", "copy", $from, $to) == 0;
+sub deleteFile($)
+	my ($file) = @_;
+	print "Deleting $file\n";
+	die "Can't delete '$file': $!" unless unlink $file;
+sub ensureDir($)
+	my ($dir) = @_;
+	if (! -d $dir)
+	{
+		print "Creating $dir\n";
+		die "Can't create dir '$dir': $!" unless mkdir $dir;
+	}
+sub isSecure($)
+	my ($plugin) = @_;
+	$plugin =~ s/\.dll/.rsc/i;
+	return -f "$EpocRoot\\data\\z\\resource\\plugins\\$plugin"
+sub pluginDir($$)
+	my ($plugin, $path) = @_;
+	if (isSecure($plugin))
+	{
+		return "$path";
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return "$path\\z\\system\\libs\\plugins";
+	}
+sub backupDir($$)
+	my ($plugin, $path) = @_;
+	if (isSecure($plugin))
+	{
+		return "$path\\plugins_backup";
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return "$path\\z\\system\\libs\\plugins_backup";
+	}
+sub disable($)
+	my ($plugin) = @_;
+	for my $platform (@platforms)
+	{
+		for my $build (@builds)
+		{
+			my $path = "$EpocRoot\\release\\$platform\\$build";
+			my $backupDir = backupDir($plugin, $path);
+			my $pluginDir = pluginDir($plugin, $path);
+			my $pluginFile = "$pluginDir\\$plugin";
+			my $backupFile = "$backupDir\\$plugin";
+			if (-f $pluginFile)
+			{
+				# Always copy, in case plugin has been rebuilt
+				ensureDir($backupDir);
+				copyFile($pluginFile, $backupDir);
+				deleteFile($pluginFile);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+sub disableAll()
+	for my $plugin (@plugins)
+	{
+		disable($plugin)
+	}
+sub enable($)
+	my ($plugin) = @_;
+	for my $platform (@platforms)
+	{
+		for my $build (@builds)
+		{
+			my $path = "$EpocRoot\\release\\$platform\\$build";
+			my $backupDir = backupDir($plugin, $path);
+			my $pluginDir = pluginDir($plugin, $path);
+			my $pluginFile = "$pluginDir\\$plugin";
+			my $backupFile = "$backupDir\\$plugin";
+			if (! -f $pluginFile && -f $backupFile)
+			{
+				copyFile($backupFile, $pluginDir);					
+			}
+		}
+	}
+sub list($$)
+	my ($platform, $build) = @_;	
+	my $path = "$EpocRoot\\release\\$platform\\$build";
+	printf "%-32s %-12s %s\n",  "Plugin:", "Type:", "Status:";
+	for my $plugin (@plugins)
+	{
+		my $secure = isSecure($plugin);
+		my $enabled = 0;
+		if ($secure)
+		{
+			$enabled = -f "$path\\$plugin";
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			$enabled = -f "$path\\z\\system\\libs\\plugins\\$plugin";
+		}
+		my $secureMess = $secure ? 'secure' : 'old-style';
+		my $enabledMess = $enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled';
+		printf "%-32s %-12s %s\n",  $plugin, $secureMess, $enabledMess;
+	}
+sub main(@)
+	my $action = shift || usage();
+	if ($action eq 'backup_all')
+	{
+		backupAll();
+	}
+	elsif ($action eq 'disable')
+	{
+		my $plugin = shift || usage();
+		usage() unless grep { $_ eq $plugin } @plugins;
+		disable($plugin);
+	}
+	elsif ($action eq 'disable_all')
+	{
+		disableAll();
+	}
+	elsif ($action eq 'enable')
+	{
+		my $plugin = shift || usage();
+		usage() unless grep { $_ eq $plugin } @plugins;
+		enable($plugin);
+	}
+	elsif ($action eq 'list')
+	{
+		my $platform = shift || 'winscw';
+		my $build = shift || 'udeb';
+		usage() unless grep { $_ eq $platform } @platforms;
+		usage() unless grep { $_ eq $build } @builds;
+		list($platform, $build);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		usage();
+	}