changeset 17 cd501b96611d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cryptoplugins/cryptospiplugins/source/softwarecrypto/symmetriccipherimpl.h	Fri Nov 06 13:21:00 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+#include <cryptospi/cryptospidef.h>
+#include <padding.h>
+#include "symmetriccipherplugin.h"
+/** The maximum block size supported (in bytes) */
+const TUint KMaxBlockSizeSupported = 32;
+Abstract base class for symmetric cipher plug-ins.
+namespace SoftwareCrypto
+	{
+	using namespace CryptoSpi;
+	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSymmetricCipherImpl) : public CBase, public MSymmetricCipher
+		{
+	public:
+		/**
+		Implemented by each cipher subclass to determine whether the
+		specified key length is valid for that cipher.
+		This is called by ConstructL and SetKeyL
+		@param aKeyLength The key length in bytes to verify.
+		*/
+		virtual TBool IsValidKeyLength(TInt aKeyBytes) const = 0;
+		/**
+		Helper function implemented by concrete cipher sub-class that 
+		allows GetCharacteristicsL to return the correct characteristics object.
+		@return The implemention uid
+		*/
+		virtual TUid ImplementationUid() const = 0;
+		/**
+		Gets the strength of the current key, needed to check whether the cipher
+		may operate if strong cryptography is not enabled.
+		@return The strength of the current key
+		*/
+		virtual TInt GetKeyStrength() const;
+		// Override MPlugin virtual functions
+		void Close();
+		TAny* GetExtension(TUid aExtensionId);
+		void GetCharacteristicsL(const TCharacteristics*& aPluginCharacteristics);
+		// End of MPlugin
+		// Override MSymmetricCipherBase virtual functions 
+		TInt KeySize() const;
+		/// Destructor
+		~CSymmetricCipherImpl();
+	protected:
+		//Constructor
+		CSymmetricCipherImpl();
+		/**
+		Second phase of construction. Always call ConstructL in the super-class
+		if your override this method.
+		@param aKey The key to initialise the cipher with.
+		*/
+		virtual void ConstructL(const CKey& aKey);		
+		/**
+		Extracts the raw symmetric key from a generic key object. The buffer
+		is placed on the cleanup stack.
+		@param aKey The key object
+		@return A buffer containing the raw key value
+		*/
+		HBufC8* ExtractKeyDataLC(const CKey& aKey) const;	
+		/**
+		Zeros a buffer before deleting it to ensure that
+		the contents will not be visible to another process if the page
+		is re-used.
+		@param aBuffer The pointer (possibly null) to the buffer to delete. This
+		is set to null after deletion.
+		*/
+		void SecureDelete(HBufC8*& aBuffer);		
+		/**
+		Extracts the raw key from aKey and sets iKey and iKeyBytes
+		The key length is also checked to meet export restrictions and
+		to ensure that it is appropriate for the cipher.
+		@param aKey The key
+		*/
+		virtual void DoSetKeyL(const CKey& aKey);
+	protected:
+		/// the key, extracted from a CKey object
+		HBufC8* iKey;
+		/// key size in bytes
+		TUint iKeyBytes;
+		};
+	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSymmetricStreamCipherImpl) : public CSymmetricCipherImpl
+		{
+	public:
+		// Destructor
+		~CSymmetricStreamCipherImpl();
+		// Override MSymmetricCipherBase virtual functions 
+		TInt BlockSize() const;
+		void SetKeyL(const CKey& aKey);		// override DoSetKeyL instead
+		void SetCryptoModeL(TUid aCryptoMode);
+		void SetOperationModeL(TUid aOperationMode);
+		void SetPaddingModeL(TUid aPaddingMode);
+		void SetIvL(const TDesC8& aIv);
+		TInt MaxOutputLength(TInt aInputLength) const;
+		TInt MaxFinalOutputLength(TInt aInputLength) const;
+		// End of MSymmetricCipherBase
+		// Override MSymmetricCipher virtual functions
+		void ProcessL(const TDesC8& aInput, TDes8& aOutput);
+		void ProcessFinalL(const TDesC8& aInput, TDes8& aOutput);						
+		// End of MSymmetricCipher 
+	protected:
+		// Constructor
+		CSymmetricStreamCipherImpl();
+		// Override CSymmetricCipherImpl virtual functions
+		virtual void ConstructL(const CKey& aKey);
+		/**	
+		Performs an encryption or decryption on supplied data.
+		@param aData	On input, data to be transformed; 
+						on return, transformed data.
+		*/
+		virtual void DoProcess(TDes8& aData) = 0;
+		};
+	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSymmetricBlockCipherImpl) : public CSymmetricCipherImpl
+		{
+	public:	
+		/**
+		This function is invoked by SetKey and SetCryptoMode
+		allowing the cipher sub-class to rebuild it's key schedule. 
+		N.B. It is assumed that the key schedule is NOT modified
+		by TransformEncrypt or TransformDecrypt
+		*/
+		virtual void SetKeySchedule() = 0;
+		// Override MPlugin virtual functions		
+		void Reset(); // Always call reset in super-class if you override this
+		// End of MPlugin virtual functions
+		// Override MSymmetricCipherBase virtual functions 
+		TInt BlockSize() const;
+		void SetKeyL(const CKey& aKey);  				// override DoSetKeyL instead
+		void SetCryptoModeL(TUid aCryptoMode);			// override DoSetCryptoModeL instead
+		void SetOperationModeL(TUid aOperationMode);	// override DoSetOperationMode instead		
+		void SetPaddingModeL(TUid aPaddingMode);		// override DoSetPaddingModeL instead
+		void SetIvL(const TDesC8& aIv);
+		TInt MaxOutputLength(TInt aInputLength) const;
+		TInt MaxFinalOutputLength(TInt aInputLength) const;
+		// End of MSymmetricCipherBase
+		// Override MSymmetricCipher virtual functions
+		void ProcessL(const TDesC8& aInput, TDes8& aOutput);
+		void ProcessFinalL(const TDesC8& aInput, TDes8& aOutput);						
+		// End of MSymmetricCipher
+		/// Destructor
+		~CSymmetricBlockCipherImpl();		
+	protected:	
+		/**
+		Constructor
+		@param aBlockBytes The block size in bytes
+		@param aOperationMode The mode of operation e.g. CBC
+		@param aCryptoMode Whether to encrypt or decrypt
+		*/
+		CSymmetricBlockCipherImpl(
+			TUint8 aBlockBytes,
+			TUid aOperationMode,
+			TUid aCryptoMode,
+			TUid aPaddingMode);
+		// Override CSymmetricCipherImpl virtual functions
+		virtual void ConstructL(const CKey& aKey);
+		/**
+		Validates and sets the crypto mode (iCryptoMode)
+		@param aCryptoMode The crypto mode
+		*/	
+		virtual void DoSetCryptoModeL(TUid aCryptoMode);
+		/**
+		Validates and sets the operation mode (iOperationMode)
+		@param aOperationMode The operation mode
+		*/
+		virtual void DoSetOperationModeL(TUid aOperationMode);
+		/**
+		Validates and sets the padding mode (iPaddingMode & iPadding)
+		@param aPadding The desired padding mode
+		*/
+		virtual void DoSetPaddingModeL(TUid aPadding);
+		void DoSetIvL(const TDesC8& aIv);
+		inline void ModeEncryptStart(TUint8* aBuffer);
+		inline void ModeEncryptEnd(TUint8* aBuffer);
+		inline void ModeDecryptStart(TUint8* aBuffer);
+		inline void ModeDecryptEnd(TUint8* aBuffer);
+	private:
+		/**
+		Encrypts a number of blocks of data
+		@param aBuffer The buffer containing exactly aNumBlocks of data to destructively encrypt
+		@param aNumBlocks The number of blocks of data to encrypt
+		*/
+		virtual void TransformEncrypt(TUint8* aBuffer, TUint aNumBlocks) = 0;
+		/**
+		Decrypts a number of blocks of data
+		@param aBuffer The buffer containing exactly aNumBlocks of data to destructively decrypt
+		@param aNumBlocks The number of blocks of data to decrypt
+		*/
+		virtual void TransformDecrypt(TUint8* aBuffer, TUint aNumBlocks) = 0;		
+		/// Pad the last block and encrypt
+		void DoProcessFinalEncryptL(const TDesC8& aInput, TDes8& aOutput);
+		/// Decrypt and unpad the last block
+		void DoProcessFinalDecryptL(const TDesC8& aInput, TDes8& aOutput);		
+		inline void Transform(TUint8* aBuffer, TUint aNumBlocks);
+		void ProcessCtrL(const TDesC8& aInput, TDes8& aOutput);
+	protected:
+		/// block size in bytes, current largest block size is 16 bytes (AES)
+		TUint8 iBlockBytes;	
+		/// encryption or decryption
+		TUid iCryptoMode;		
+		/// The block cipher mode e.g. ECB, CBC
+		TUid iOperationMode;
+		/// the current padding scheme
+		TUid iPaddingMode;
+		/// the initialisation vector
+		RBuf8 iIv;
+		/// current padding scheme implementation
+		CPadding* iPadding;
+		/// buffer to store blocks
+		RBuf8 iInputStore;
+		/// buffer to store input / output of padding
+		RBuf8 iPaddingBlock;
+		/// The current block of cipher text - for CBC 
+		TUint32* iCurrentCipherText;	
+		/// A pointer to the current block of cipher text
+		TUint8* iCurrentCipherTextPtr;		
+		/** Used in both CBC and CTR mode. In CBC mode it stores the result of the last transform. In CTR mode 
+		it stores the counter.*/
+		TUint32* iRegister;	
+		/** A pointer to iRegister.*/
+		TUint8* iRegisterPtr;			
+		/** Used in CTR mode to buffer plaintext during encryption.*/
+		HBufC8* iBufferedPlaintext;
+		/** Pointer to manipulate iBufferedPlaintext.*/
+		TPtr8 iBufferedPlaintextPtr;
+		/** CTR mode behaves like a stream cipher allowing arbitrary sized inputs to the encryption/decryption functions. 
+		When handling an input whose length is not a multiple of the blocksize iCtrUnusedKeystream is used to buffer
+		the unused portions of keystream for use in the next call. Cleared in Reset().*/
+		HBufC8* iCtrUnusedKeystream;
+		/** Pointer to manipulate iCtrUnusedKeystream.*/
+		TPtr8 iCtrUnusedKeystreamPtr;
+		};
+	inline void CSymmetricBlockCipherImpl::Transform(TUint8* aBuffer, TUint aNumBlocks)
+		{				
+		if (iCryptoMode.iUid == KCryptoModeEncrypt)	//if in CTR mode always in crypto mode encrypt
+			{				
+			TransformEncrypt(aBuffer, aNumBlocks);
+			}
+		else if (iCryptoMode.iUid == KCryptoModeDecrypt)
+			{				
+			TransformDecrypt(aBuffer, aNumBlocks);
+			}
+		else 
+			{
+			ASSERT(EFalse);
+			}
+		}
+	inline void CSymmetricBlockCipherImpl::ModeEncryptStart(TUint8* aBuffer)
+		{
+		if (iOperationMode.iUid == KOperationModeCBC)
+			{			
+			for (TInt i = 0; i < iBlockBytes; ++i)
+				{
+				aBuffer[i] ^= iRegisterPtr[i];
+				}					
+			}
+		else if (iOperationMode.iUid == KOperationModeCTR)
+			{
+			iBufferedPlaintextPtr.Copy(aBuffer, iBlockBytes);
+			Mem::Copy(aBuffer, iRegister, iBlockBytes);				
+			}
+		}		
+	inline void CSymmetricBlockCipherImpl::ModeEncryptEnd(TUint8* aBuffer)
+		{				
+		if (iOperationMode.iUid == KOperationModeCBC)
+			{
+			for (TInt i = 0; i < iBlockBytes; ++i)
+				{
+				iRegisterPtr[i] = aBuffer[i]; 
+				}													
+			}
+		else if (iOperationMode.iUid == KOperationModeCTR)
+			{
+			//XOR the plaintext with the keystream and increment counter
+			for (TInt i = 0; i < iBlockBytes; ++i)
+				{
+				aBuffer[i] ^= iBufferedPlaintextPtr[i]; 
+				}
+			for (TInt i = iBlockBytes - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+				{
+				if (++(iRegisterPtr[i]) != 0) break;				
+				}
+			}										
+		}		
+	inline void CSymmetricBlockCipherImpl::ModeDecryptStart(TUint8* aBuffer)
+		{
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG((iOperationMode.iUid != KOperationModeCTR), User::Panic(_L("CSymmetricBlockCipherImpl.h"), 1));
+		if (iOperationMode.iUid == KOperationModeCBC)
+			{			
+			for (TInt i = 0; i < iBlockBytes; ++i)
+				{
+				iCurrentCipherTextPtr[i] = aBuffer[i];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	inline void CSymmetricBlockCipherImpl::ModeDecryptEnd(TUint8* aBuffer)
+		{
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG((iOperationMode.iUid != KOperationModeCTR), User::Panic(_L("CSymmetricBlockCipherImpl.h"), 2));		
+		if (iOperationMode.iUid == KOperationModeCBC)
+			{			
+			// xor the output with the previous cipher text
+			for (TInt i = 0; i < iBlockBytes; ++i)
+				{
+				aBuffer[i] ^= iRegisterPtr[i];
+				iRegisterPtr[i] = iCurrentCipherTextPtr[i];
+				}
+			}	
+		}		
+	}						