changeset 30 cf642210ecb7
parent 8 35751d3474b7
--- a/crypto/weakcryptospi/inc/spi/cryptosignatureapi.h	Tue Nov 24 09:06:03 2009 +0200
+++ b/crypto/weakcryptospi/inc/spi/cryptosignatureapi.h	Thu Dec 17 09:28:34 2009 +0200
@@ -48,24 +48,37 @@
 		Set the padding mode for the signer or verifier. Reset() is called to reinitialise the cipher.
 		@param aPaddingMode	The padding mode of the signer
+		@leave KErrNotSupported if the padding mode is not supported.
+		@leave ...	Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
+  					cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
 		IMPORT_C void SetPaddingModeL(TUid aPaddingMode);
 		Set the private key for the signer or verifier. Reset() is called to reinitialise the cipher.
 		@param aPrivateKey	The privatekey that used to sign
+		@leave KErrArgument if key is not of the expected type.
+		@leave KErrNotSupported if the key is not of valid length.
+		@leave ...	Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
+  					cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
 		IMPORT_C void SetKeyL(const CKey& aPrivateKey);
 		Gets the maximum size of input accepted by this object.
 		@return The maximum length allowed in bytes
+		@leave ...	Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
+  					cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
 		IMPORT_C TInt GetMaximumInputLengthL() const;
 		Gets the maximum size of output that can be generated by this object.
 		@return The maximum output length in bytes
+		@leave ...	Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
+  					cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
 		IMPORT_C TInt GetMaximumOutputLengthL() const;
@@ -108,6 +121,8 @@
 		Signs the input hash
 		@param aInput	The hash of the message to sign
 		@param aSignature	The signature of the hash 
+		@leave ...	Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
+  					cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
 		IMPORT_C void SignL(const TDesC8& aInput, CCryptoParams& aSignature);
@@ -141,6 +156,8 @@
 		@param aInput	The hash of the message to sign
 		@param aSignature	The signature of the hash 
 		@param aRequestStatus
+		@leave ...	Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
+  					cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
 		IMPORT_C void SignL(const TDesC8& aInput, CCryptoParams& aSignature, TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
@@ -180,6 +197,8 @@
 		@param aInput	The hash of the message to be verified
 		@param aSignature	The signature of the hash
 		@param aVerificationResult indicates the success or failure of the verification
+		@leave ...	Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
+  					cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
 		IMPORT_C void VerifyL(const TDesC8& aInput, const CCryptoParams& aSignature, TBool& aVerificationResult);
@@ -187,6 +206,8 @@
 		Unsign the signature
 		@param aOutput	The unsigned hash
 		@param aSignature	The signature of the hash
+		@leave ...	Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
+  					cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
 		IMPORT_C void InverseSignL(HBufC8*& aOutput, const CCryptoParams& aSignature);
@@ -224,6 +245,8 @@
 		@param aSignature	The signature of the hash.
 		@param aVerificationResult	Indicates the success or failure of the verification
 		@param aRequestStatus the request status.
+		@leave ...	Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
+  					cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
 		IMPORT_C void VerifyL(const TDesC8& aInput, const CCryptoParams& aSignature, TBool& aVerificationResult, TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
@@ -232,6 +255,8 @@
 		@param aOutput	The unsigned hash
 		@param aSignature	The signature of the hash
 		@param aRequestStatus the request status.
+		@leave ...	Any of the crypto error codes defined in 
+  					cryptospi_errs.h or any of the system-wide error codes.
 		IMPORT_C void InverseSignL(HBufC8*& aOutput, const CCryptoParams& aSignature, TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);