changeset 102 deec7e509f66
parent 94 0e6c5a9328b5
child 108 ca9a0fc2f082
--- a/authenticationservices/authenticationserver/test/tAuthSvr/scripts/tAuthSvr2.ini	Thu Aug 19 11:18:56 2010 +0530
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2059 +0,0 @@
-# Index of key values
-#iSupportsDefaultData 	- bool that defines if the chosen plugin supports default data
-#NumIdentities		- int that defines the expected number of identities that are registered on the server
-#pluginType		- 
-#isDefaultPlugin	- No longer in use. defaultPlugin is used instead
-#defaultPlugin		- string that defines which plugin to use as the default. Used to update the AuthServer policy file
-#pluginId		- Hex string that is the uid of the Ecom implementation. In the Test0000 to Test0009, it's used as a cue, and is also the expected UserId
-#userResult		- Int that contains what the user has input on being prompted to 'identify', i.e. the PIN
-#			In cases where this is absent, then we're expecting the 'data' returned to be the same as the pluginId value (cueValue)
-#userId			- String that contains the expected Id
-#plugin1Id		- Hex string that is the uid of the Ecom implementation
-#			  	In the RetrainPlugin steps, this is the plugin that is to be trained.
-#plugin1Status		- Int that specifies the expected status of the above plugin 
-				(0, 64, 128 -EAuthUntrained, EAuthTrained, EAuthFullyTrained)
-#Pin11113100Default	- bool that defines whether the plugins support default data. Also Pin11113101Default and Pin11113102Default
-#Pin11113100Active	- bool that defines whether the plugin is active or not. Also Pin11113101Active, Pin11113102Active
-#Pin11113100InputId	- string that defines the input to the plugin. Else, the default is used. (in Identify function)
-#Pin11113100InputTrain	- string that defines the input to the plugin. Else, the default is used. (in Train function)
-#finalUserName 		- string that defines the new name (description or identitystring) of a given identity
-#retryRemove		- bool that defines whether the attempt to remove an identity is tried again in the same test step
-#freshness		- Int that defines the number of seconds(timeout) within which a cached identity is returned 
-				(Authentication is skipped)
-#forgetPlugin 		- Hex that specifies the plugin that is to be forgotten
-#forgetUnknown 		- Bool that if true means we're trying to forget an unknown identity
-default = 200032E5
-NumIdentities = 1
-pluginId = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113102Default = false
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113102Active = true
-NumIdentities = 0
-pluginId = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 1
-Pin11113100Default = false
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113102Default = false
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113102Active = true
-iSupportsDefaultData = true
-NumIdentities = 0
-pluginType = EAuthBiometric
-isDefaultPlugin = true
-defaultPlugin = FINGER
-Pin11113100Default = false
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113102Default = false
-Pin11113103Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113102Active = true
-Pin11113103Active = true
-iSupportsDefaultData = false
-NumIdentities = 0
-pluginType = EAuthKnowledge
-#isDefaultPlugin = true
-defaultPlugin = PIN
-Pin11113100Default = false
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113102Default = false
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113102Active = true
-#iSupportsDefaultData = false
-pluginType = EAuthKnowledge
-defaultPlugin = PIN
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 2035
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-#initUserName = SOMENAME
-finalUserName = NewNameOfId2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 2035
-freshness = 0
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-DisplayMessage = " Display String 1 "
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-#Next section is what is according to the test spec
-#iSupportsDefaultData = true
-#pluginType = EAuthKnowledge
-#defaultPlugin = PIN
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113101InputId = 5101
-Pin11113102InputId = 5102
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5101
-Pin11113102InputTrain = 5102
-Pin11113100Default = false
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113102Default = false
-Pin11113100Active = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-Pin11113102Active = false
-finalUserName = NewNameOfId2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = false
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113102Default = false
-Pin11113100Active = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-Pin11113102Active = false
-freshness = 0
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 1
-iSupportsDefaultData = true
-pluginType = EAuthKnowledge
-defaultPlugin = PIN
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-#Value below should be used.
-#plugin1Status = 128
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113101InputId = 5101
-Pin11113102InputId = 5102
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5101
-Pin11113102InputTrain = 5102
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113102Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113102Active = true
-finalUserName = NewNameOfId2
-iSupportsDefaultData = true
-pluginType = EAuthKnowledge
-defaultPlugin = PIN
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100Default = false
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113102Default = false
-Pin11113100Active = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-Pin11113102Active = false
-initUserName = SOMENAME
-finalUserName = NewNameOfId2
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 1
-#Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = false
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113102Default = false
-Pin11113100Active = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-Pin11113102Active = false
-DisplayMessage = "This is the second display message sent by the client to the plugin" 
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = false
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113102Default = false
-Pin11113100Active = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-Pin11113102Active = false
-NumIdentities = 1
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 1
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-#Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113102Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113102Active = true
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113102Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113102Active = true
-#This test expects the presence of plugin 10274104, else i'll need to supply the 3 properties for 11113101, input being 5101
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 0000
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-finalUserName = NewNameOfId2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113102Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113102Active = true
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-plugin1Status = 64
-NumIdentities = 1
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 1
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = true
-NumIdentities = 1
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-plugin1Status = 1
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113101InputTrain = Cancel
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = true
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-plugin1Status = 1
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-freshness = 0
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = true
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5112
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = true
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-plugin1Status = 64
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-Pin11113101InputId = 5112
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = true
-freshness = 0
-NumIdentities = 1
-#plugin1Id = 11113100
-#plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113101InputTrain = Quit
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = true
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-Pin11113101InputId = 5110
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = true
-freshness = 0
-default = 11113100
-#Requires the presence of only 3 plugins.
-NumIdentities = 1
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 0000
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113101Active = false
-Pin11113102Active = false
-Pin11113103Active = false 
-Pin11113104Active = false 
-Pin200032E5Active = false
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-NumIdentities = 1
-#Requires the presence of only 3 plugins, or i can set the other plugins to use the 'cancel' code
-NumIdentities = 1
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-#plugin1Id = 11113100
-#plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = Cancel
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101InputTrain = Cancel 
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113102InputTrain = cancel
-Pin11113102Default = true
-Pin11113102Active = true
-Pin11113103Active = false 
-Pin11113104Active = false 
-Pin11113103Default = false 
-Pin11113104Default = false 
-Pin200032E5Active = false
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-NumIdentities = 1
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-#Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-#Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5118
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5118
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-#Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-Pin11113100InputId = 51194
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5118
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113188
-plugin1Status = 1
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5118
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5111
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-#Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5118
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-#Pin11113100InputId = 5117
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5116
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-#freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 5113823
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-freshness = 0
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113103Active = false 
-Pin11113104Active = false 
-Pin11113103Default = false 
-Pin11113104Default = false 
-NumIdentities = 3
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 6110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113103Active = false 
-Pin11113104Active = false 
-Pin11113103Default = false 
-Pin11113104Default = false 
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113103Active = false 
-Pin11113104Active = false 
-Pin11113103Default = false 
-Pin11113104Default = false 
-freshness = 0
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100InputTrain = Cancel
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113103Active = false 
-Pin11113104Active = false 
-Pin11113103Default = false 
-Pin11113104Default = false 
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-freshness = 0
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = Cancel
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-freshness = 0
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = Quit
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5111
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-freshness = 0
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 51178
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113100InputId = 51178
-Pin11113101InputId = 0000
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-freshness = 0
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 51175
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 0000
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-freshness = 0
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-plugin1Status = 1
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 0000
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-freshness = 0
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5111
-Pin11113101Active = true
-freshness = 60
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-plugin1Status = 1
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-plugin1Status = 1
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-freshness = 0
-Pin11113100InputId = 0000
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5112
-Pin11113101Active = true
-freshness = 60
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-plugin1Status = 64
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-plugin1Status = 64
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-#freshness = 0
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-plugin1Status = 1
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 7737373737
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5111
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = true
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-plugin1Status = 1
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = true
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113888
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-#Pin11113101InputTrain = 6111
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 0000
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101InputTrain = CancEL
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = true
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = false
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101InputTrain = QUit
-Pin11113101Default = false
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5111
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113102InputTrain = 5112
-Pin11113102Default = true
-Pin11113102Active = true 
-Pin11113103InputTrain = 5113
-Pin11113103Default = true
-Pin11113103Active = true 
-Pin11113104InputTrain = 5114
-Pin11113104Default = true
-Pin11113104Active = true 
-plugin1Id = 11113100 & 11113101
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 5111
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113100 & 11113101
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-# fail - wrong pin
-Pin11113101InputId = 6666
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113100 | 11113101 
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 6666
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 5111
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113100 | 11113101 
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-# fail - wrong pin
-Pin11113101InputId = 6666
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113100 | 11113101 
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-# fail - wrong pin
-Pin11113100InputId = 937474
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-# fail - wrong pin
-Pin11113101InputId = 6666
-freshness = 300
-plugin1Id = 11113100 | 11113101 | 11113102
-Pin11113100Active = false 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113101Active = false 
-Pin11113101InputId = 5111
-Pin11113102Active = false 
-Pin11113102InputId = 5112
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113100 & 11113101
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 5111
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113100 & 11113101
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 5111
-freshness = 0
-clientSpecificKey = true
-plugin1Id = 11113100 & 11113101
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-#Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-#Pin11113101InputId = 5111
-freshness = 60
-clientSpecificKey = true
-# set prefs
-KnowledgePref = 11113100
-BiometricPref = 11113103
-TokenPref     = 11113104
-# auth using prefs
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110 
-Pin11113103Active = true 
-Pin11113103InputId = 5113
-Pin11113104Active = true 
-Pin11113104InputId = 5114 
-plugin1Id = B & K & T
-plugin1Id = B & K & T
-Pin11113100Active = false 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113103Active = false 
-Pin11113103InputId = 5113
-Pin11113104Active = false 
-Pin11113104InputId = 5114
-freshness = 300
-# set prefs
-KnowledgePref = 11113100
-BiometricPref = 11113103
-TokenPref     = 11113104
-# auth using prefs
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110 
-Pin11113103Active = false
-Pin11113103InputId = 5113
-Pin11113104Active = true
-Pin11113104InputId = 5114
-plugin1Id = B
-plugin1Id = K
-Pin11113100Active = false 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113103Active = true 
-Pin11113103InputId = 5113
-Pin11113104Active = true 
-Pin11113104InputId = 5114
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = T
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113103Active = true 
-Pin11113103InputId = 5113
-Pin11113104Active = false
-Pin11113104InputId = 5114
-freshness = 0
-# set prefs
-KnowledgePref = 11113100
-BiometricPref = 11113103
-TokenPref     = 11113104
-# auth using prefs
-Pin11113100Active = false
-Pin11113103Active = true
-Pin11113103InputId = 5113
-Pin11113104Active = false
-plugin1Id = K | B 
-Pin11113100Active = false
-Pin11113103Active = true
-Pin11113103InputId = 5113
-Pin11113104Active = false
-plugin1Id = K | B 
-plugin1Id = 11113100 & 11113101
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 5111
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113100 & 11113101
-Pin11113100Active = false 
-Pin11113101Active = false
-Pin11113102Active = false
-freshness = 300
-plugin1Id = 11113100 | 11113101
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5055
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 5055
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113101 | 11113102
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5055
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 5055
-Pin11113102Active = true 
-Pin11113102InputId = 5112
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113100 & 11113101
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 505446
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 507744
-Pin11113102Active = true 
-#Pin11113102InputId = 549383
-freshness = 300
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-#plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5111
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 5111
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Status = 1
-NumIdentities = 1
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 51178
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-#freshness = 0
-Pin11113101InputId = 5111
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-freshness = 0
-Pin11113101InputId = 0000
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 0000
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-NumIdentities = 1
-plugin1Status = 128
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5111
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 377377377
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-freshness = 0
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-#Pin11113100InputTrain = 51178
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-freshness = 0
-retryRemove = true
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5111
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 773737
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-freshness = 0
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-Pin11113100InputId = 51178
-#Pin11113100InputTrain = 51178
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-freshness = 0
-NumIdentities = 2
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5111
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-NumIdentities = 3
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 64
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 6110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 6111
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 37777733
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-freshness = 0
-NumIdentities = 3
-#The plugin below is for the pinAuthPlugin
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-plugin1Status = 128
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-freshness = 0
-retryRemove = true
-#iSupportsDefaultData = true
-plugin1Id = 11113100 & 11113101
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113101InputId = 6110
-freshness = 0
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-NumIdentities = 2
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 6110
-forgetPlugin = 11113100
-NumIdentities = 2
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-freshness = 0
-#iSupportsDefaultData = true
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-freshness = 0
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Active = false
-Pin11113102Active = false
-Pin11113103Active = false
-Pin11113104Active = false
-Pin200032E5Active = false
-NumIdentities = 2
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113101Active = false
-Pin11113102Active = false
-Pin11113103Active = false
-Pin11113104Active = false
-Pin200032E5Active = false
-forgetPlugin = 11113100
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Active = false
-Pin11113102Active = false
-Pin11113103Active = false
-Pin11113104Active = false
-Pin200032E5Active = false
-#iSupportsDefaultData = true
-plugin1Id = 11113100 & 11113102
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113102InputId = 6220
-freshness = 0
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Active = false
-Pin11113102Active = true
-NumIdentities = 2
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113102Active = true
-Pin11113102InputTrain = 6220
-Pin11113101Active = false
-forgetPlugin = 11113101
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113102Active = true
-#iSupportsDefaultData = true
-plugin1Id = 11113100 & 11113102
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113102InputId = 6220
-freshness = 0
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Active = false
-Pin11113102Active = true
-NumIdentities = 2
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113102Active = true
-Pin11113102InputTrain = 6220
-Pin11113101Active = false
-forgetPlugin = ffffffff
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113102Active = true
-forgetPlugin = 11113100
-forgetUnknown = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113102Active = true
-#iSupportsDefaultData = true
-Pin11113100InputId = 5000
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5000
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113103InputId = 5003
-Pin11113103InputTrain = 5003
-Pin11113103Default = true
-Pin11113103Active = true 
-Pin11113104InputId = 5004
-Pin11113104InputTrain = 5004
-Pin11113104Default = true
-Pin11113104Active = true 
-plugin1Id = B & K & T
-KnowledgePref = 11113100
-BiometricPref = 11113103
-TokenPref     = 11113104
-Pin11113100InputId = 5000
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5000
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113103InputId = 5003
-Pin11113103InputTrain = 5003
-Pin11113103Default = true
-Pin11113103Active = true 
-Pin11113104InputId = 5004
-Pin11113104InputTrain = 5004
-Pin11113104Default = true
-Pin11113104Active = true 
-plugin1Id = B & K & T
-KnowledgePref = 11113100
-BiometricPref = 11113101
-TokenPref     = 11119999
-Pin11113100InputId = 5000
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5000
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 5001
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5001
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113102InputId = 5002
-Pin11113102InputTrain = 5002
-Pin11113102Default = true
-Pin11113102Active = true 
-Pin11113103InputId = 5003
-Pin11113103InputTrain = 5003
-Pin11113103Default = true
-Pin11113103Active = true 
-plugin1Id = B & K & T
-KnowledgePref = 11113103
-BiometricPref = 11113101
-TokenPref     = 11113102
-#Authentication via Aliases test cases.
-alias = strong
-aliasString0 = fast & medium | weak
-aliasString1 =
-aliasString2 =
-aliasString3 = 11113100
-freshness = 0
-alias = strong
-aliasString0 = fast & medium | weak
-aliasString1 = ""
-aliasString2 = ""
-aliasString3 =
-freshness = 0
-alias = strong
-aliasString0 = fast & sometext | weak
-aliasString1 = 11113100
-aliasString2 = 11113101
-aliasString3 = 11113102
-freshness = 0
-alias = strong
-aliasString0 = fast + medium | weak
-aliasString1 = 11113100
-aliasString2 = 11113101
-aliasString3 = 11113102
-freshness = 0
-alias = strong
-aliasString0 = fast & medium | weak
-aliasString1 = 11113101
-aliasString2 = 11113102
-aliasString3 = 11113100
-synchronous = true
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 6111
-alias = strong
-aliasString0 = (fast) & (medium) | (weak)
-aliasString1 = 11113101
-aliasString2 = 11113102
-aliasString3 = 11113100
-freshness = 0
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 6111
-alias = strong
-aliasString0 = fast | weak
-aliasString1 = medium & weak
-aliasString2 = (11113101 & 11113102) | weak
-aliasString3 = 11113100
-freshness = 0
-Pin11113103Active = true 
-Pin11113103InputId = 6113
-alias = strong
-aliasString0 = medium | ((weak & fast) | 11113103)
-aliasString1 = 11113103 & 11113100
-aliasString2 = 11113100
-aliasString3 = 11113100 | 11113103
-freshness = 0
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 5111
-Pin11113102Active = true 
-Pin11113102InputId = 5112
-alias = strong
-aliasString0 = fast & medium
-aliasString1 = medium | 11113100
-aliasString2 = weak & 11113101
-aliasString3 = strong & 11113102
-freshness = 0
-alias = strong
-aliasString0 = strong & medium
-aliasString1 = 11113100
-aliasString2 = strong & 11113101
-aliasString3 = 11113102
-freshness = 0
-alias = unknownalias
-aliasString0 = fast & medium
-aliasString1 = 11113100
-aliasString2 = 11113101
-aliasString3 = 11113102
-freshness = 0
-synchronous = true
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 6111
-Pin11113102Active = true 
-Pin11113102InputId = 6112
-alias = strong
-aliasString0 = fast | weak
-aliasString1 = medium & weak
-aliasString2 = (11113101 & 11113100) | weak
-aliasString3 = 11113102
-freshness = 0
-synchronous = true
-alias = strong
-aliasCount = -2
-alias = strong
-aliasCount = 0
-Pin11113102InputTrain = 5112
-Pin11113102Default = true
-Pin11113102Active = true 
-plugin1Id = 11113102
-Pin11113102Active = true 
-Pin11113102InputId = 5114
-freshness = 0
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-freshness = 0
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 5110
-Pin11113100Default = true
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 5110
-freshness = 0
-stop = FALSE 
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5111
-Pin11113101Default = true
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 5112
-freshness = 0
-Pin11113102InputTrain = 5112
-Pin11113102Default = true
-plugin1Id = 11113102
-Pin11113102Active = true 
-Pin11113102InputId = 5112
-deauth = 1
-freshness = 0
-stop = FALSE 
-plugin1Id = 00000
-Pin11113100InputId = 0000
-defaultpluginusage = true
-plugin1Id = 00000
-Pin11113100InputId = 0000
-defaultpluginusage = true
-synchnronous = true
-plugin1Id = 00000
-Pin11113100InputId = 0001
-defaultpluginusage = true
-plugin1Id = 00000
-Pin11113100InputId = 0001
-defaultpluginusage = true
-synchronous = true
-default = 11113101
-iSupportsDefaultData = false
-plugin1Id = 00000
-Pin11113101InputId = 0000
-defaultpluginusage = true
-synchronous = true
-iSupportsDefaultData = false
-plugin1Id = 00000
-Pin11113101InputId = 0000
-defaultpluginusage = true
-synchronous = true
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5112
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113101InputId = 0000
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Status = 1
-forgetPlugin = 11113101
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113101Default = true
-alias =
-Pin11113100InputId = 0000
-defaultpluginusage = true
-alias =
-Pin11113100InputId = 0000
-defaultpluginusage = true
-synchronous = true
-alias =
-Pin11113100InputId = 0001
-defaultpluginusage = true
-alias =
-Pin11113100InputId = 0001
-defaultpluginusage = true
-synchronous = true
-# Sections for Reset Identity Tests #
-defaultPlugin = PIN
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 420
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Active = false
-Pin11113102Active = false
-defaultPlugin = PIN
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 420
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 421
-Pin11113102Active = true
-Pin11113102InputTrain = 422
-Pin11113103Active = true
-Pin11113103InputTrain = 423
-Pin11113104Active = true
-Pin11113104InputTrain = 424
-# For post reset authenticate
-plugin1Id = 200032E5
-Pin200032E5Active = true
-pinvalue = 1234
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 200032E5
-Pin200032E5Active = true
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113100InputId = 420
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113100InputId = 1234
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113101InputId = 421
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-Pin11113101Active = true
-Pin11113101InputId = 1234
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113102
-Pin11113102Active = true
-Pin11113102InputId = 422
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113102
-Pin11113102Active = true
-Pin11113102InputId = 1234
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113103
-Pin11113103Active = true
-Pin11113103InputId = 423
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113103
-Pin11113103Active = true
-Pin11113103InputId = 1234
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113104
-Pin11113104Active = true
-Pin11113104InputId = 424
-freshness = 0
-plugin1Id = 11113104
-Pin11113104Active = true
-Pin11113104InputId = 1234
-freshness = 0
-alias = 11113100 & ( weak | strong )
-aliasString0 = fast & medium | weak
-aliasString1 = 11113101
-aliasString2 = 11113102
-aliasString3 = 11113100
-synchronous = true
-alias = 11113333 | ( Knowledge & Biometric & Token )
-aliasString0 = fast & medium | weak
-aliasString1 = 11113101
-aliasString2 = 11113102
-aliasString3 = 11113100
-synchronous = true
-KnowledgePref = 11113100
-BiometricPref = 11113103
-TokenPref     = 11113104
-alias = ( 11113100 & ( weak | strong )
-aliasString0 = fast & medium | weak
-aliasString1 = 11113101
-aliasString2 = 11113102
-aliasString3 = 11113100
-synchronous = true
-alias = 11113333 | Knoledge
-synchronous = true
-KnowledgePref = 11113100
-BiometricPref = 11113103
-TokenPref     = 11113104
-defaultPlugin = PIN
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 420
-Pin11113100Active = true
-Pin11113101Active = false
-Pin11113102Active = false
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 420
-time = 0
-time = 600
-plugin1Id = 11113100
-Pin11113100Active = true 
-Pin11113100InputId = 1234
-freshness = 300
-Pin11113101InputTrain = 5112
-Pin11113101Default = true
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 5112
-time = -600
-plugin1Id = 11113101
-Pin11113101Active = true 
-Pin11113101InputId = 1234
-freshness = 5
-pluginType = EAuthKnowledge
-defaultPlugin = PIN
-Pin11113100InputTrain = 2035
-Pin11113100Default = true
-Pin11113100Active = true
-finalUserName = NewUser
\ No newline at end of file