changeset 102 deec7e509f66
parent 94 0e6c5a9328b5
child 108 ca9a0fc2f082
--- a/authenticationservices/authenticationserver/test/tauthcliserv/step_authexpr_eval.cpp	Thu Aug 19 11:18:56 2010 +0530
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,697 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* This file contains functions which are used to
-* test evaluating authentication expressions.
-#include "tauthcliservstep.h"
-using namespace AuthServer;
-typedef TTestPluginInterface::TCallEntry TCE;
-#define elemCount(___x)		(sizeof(___x) / sizeof(___x[0]))
-static TAuthExpressionWrapper BuildLeftAnd(TInt aRemainingLevels);
-static TAuthExpressionWrapper BuildRightAnd(TInt aRemainingLevels);
-static TAuthExpressionWrapper BuildBalancedAnd(TInt aRemainingLevels);
-static TAuthExpressionWrapper BuildFailedAnd(TInt aRemainingLevels);
-static TAuthExpressionWrapper BuildSuccessfulOr(TInt aRemainingLevels);
-// -------- CTStepActSch --------
-// -------- CTStepAuthExprEval --------
-void TTestPluginInterface::Evaluate(TPluginId aPluginId, TIdentityId& aIdentity,
-		   CAuthExpressionImpl::TType /*aType*/, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
-	Implement MEvaluatorPluginInterface by completing
-	the request with an identity equal to the plugin id.
- */
-	{
-	const TCallEntry ce(aPluginId);
-	TInt r = iCallLog.Append(ce);
-	// this can be KErrNoMemory in OOM tests
-	if (r == KErrNone)
-		{
-		if (aPluginId == KTestPluginUnknown)
-			aIdentity = KUnknownIdentity;
-		else
-			aIdentity = static_cast<TIdentityId>(aPluginId);
-		}
-	aStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TRequestStatus* rs = &aStatus;
-	User::RequestComplete(rs, r);
-	}
-void TTestPluginInterface::Evaluate(TAuthPluginType aPluginType, TIdentityId& aIdentity, 
-									CAuthExpressionImpl::TType /*aType*/, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
-	Implement MEvaluatorPluginInterface by completing
-	the request with an identity equal to the plugin type.
- */
-	{
-	const TCallEntry ce(aPluginType);
-	TInt r = iCallLog.Append(ce);
-	// this can be KerrNoMemory in OOM tests
-	if (r == KErrNone)
-		aIdentity = static_cast<TIdentityId>(aPluginType);
-	aStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TRequestStatus* rs = &aStatus;
-	User::RequestComplete(rs, KErrNone);
-	}
-bool TTestPluginInterface::TCallEntry::operator==(const TTestPluginInterface::TCallEntry& aRhs) const
-	{
-	if (iCallType != aRhs.iCallType)
-		return false;
-	if (iCallType == CAuthExpressionImpl::EPluginId)
-		return iPluginId == aRhs.iPluginId;
-	else
-		return iPluginType == aRhs.iPluginType;
-	}
-void TTestClientInterface::EvaluationSucceeded(TIdentityId aIdentityId)
-	Implement MEvaluatorClientInterface by recording
-	that the evaluation succeeded, and the resulting identity.
- */
-	{
-	iMode = ESucceeded;
-	iIdentityId = aIdentityId;
-	CActiveScheduler::Stop();
-	}
-void TTestClientInterface::EvaluationFailed(TInt aReason)
-	Implement MEvaluatorClientInterface by recording
-	that the evaluation failed, and the failure reason.
- */
-	{
-	iMode = EFailed;
-	iReason = aReason;
-	CActiveScheduler::Stop();
-	}
-CLaunchEval* CLaunchEval::NewL()
-	Factory function allocates new instance of CLaunchEval.
-	@return					New instance of CLaunchEval.
- */
-	{
-	CLaunchEval* self = new(ELeave) CLaunchEval();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-	self->ConstructL();
-	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-	return self;
-	}
-	Set timer priority and add self to active scheduler.
- */
-:	CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard)
-	{
-	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
-	}
-void CLaunchEval::ConstructL()
-	Allocate evaluator and initialize superclass timer.
- */
-	{
-//	CTimer::ConstructL();
-	iEval = CEvaluator::NewL(&iPluginInterface, &iClientInterface);
-	}
-	Deletes evaluator which was allocated for this object.
- */
-	{
-	ResetInterfaces();
-	delete iEval;
-	}
-void CLaunchEval::ResetInterfaces()
-	Free resources used by plugin and client interfaces.
- */
-	{
-	iPluginInterface.iCallLog.Reset();
-	iClientInterface.iMode = TTestClientInterface::ENone;
-	}
-void CLaunchEval::Evaluate(const CAuthExpression* aExpr)
-	Queue this timer object and start the active
-	scheduler.  This function returns when the evaluation
-	has completed.
-	This object's client and plugin interfaces are reset
-	before the expression is evaluated, so they can be
-	tested by the function which calls this.
-	@param	aExpr			Expression to evaluate.
- */
-	{
-	ResetInterfaces();
-	iExpr = aExpr;			// store so can see in RunL
-	// signal this object.  This ensures there
-	// is a pending active object before the scheduler
-	// is started.
-	iStatus = KRequestPending;
-	TRequestStatus* rs = &iStatus;
-	User::RequestComplete(rs, KErrNone);
-	SetActive();
-	// block until the evaluation has completed.
-	CActiveScheduler::Start();
-	}
-void CLaunchEval::RunL()
-	Implement CActive by launching the evaluation.
-	At this point the active scheduler should have
-	been started.
- */
-	{
-	iEval->Evaluate(static_cast<const CAuthExpressionImpl*>(iExpr));
-	}
-void CLaunchEval::DoCancel()
-	Implement CActive by cancelling the evaluation
-	which is currently in progress.
-	Not yet implemented.
- */
-	{
-	// empty.
-	}
-	Record this test step's name.
- */
-	{
-	SetTestStepName(KTStepAuthExprTypePncBadRight);
-	}
-TVerdict CTStepAuthExprEval::doTestStepL()
-	{
- 	CActiveScheduler::Install(iActSchd);
- 	User::SetJustInTime(ETrue);
-	TestEvalCreateL();
-	TestEvalSimpleL();
-	TestEvalAndL();
-	TestEvalOrL();
-	TestRPNReallocL();
-	return EPass;
-	}
-void CTStepAuthExprEval::TestEvalCreateL()
-	Test allocating and deleting an evaluator,
-	without using it for anything.
- */
-	{
-	TTestClientInterface tci;
-	TTestPluginInterface tpi;
-	CEvaluator* ev = CEvaluator::NewL(&tpi, &tci);
-	delete ev;
-	}
-void CTStepAuthExprEval::TestEvalSimpleL()
-	Test evaluating a simple plugin id, and
-	evaluating a simple plugin type.
- */
-	{
-	CLaunchEval* le = CLaunchEval::NewL();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(le);
-	// simple plugin id	
-	CAuthExpression* aeId = AuthExpr(KTestPluginId0);
-	User::LeaveIfNull(aeId);
-	le->Evaluate(aeId);
-	delete aeId;
-	const TCE aceI0[] = {TCE(KTestPluginId0)};
-	TestEvalResultL(le, KTestPluginId0, aceI0, elemCount(aceI0));
-	// simple plugin type
-	CAuthExpression* aeType = AuthExpr(EAuthBiometric);
-	User::LeaveIfNull(aeType);
-	le->Evaluate(aeType);
-	delete aeType;
-	const TCE aceTB[] = {TCE(EAuthBiometric)};
-	TestEvalResultL(le, EAuthBiometric, aceTB, elemCount(aceTB));
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(le);
-	}
-void CTStepAuthExprEval::TestEvalAndL()
-	Test evaluating simple AND expressions.
- */
-	{
-	CLaunchEval* le = CLaunchEval::NewL();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(le);
-	// U & U = U (sc)
-	CAuthExpression* aeUU = AuthAnd(AuthExpr(KTestPluginUnknown), AuthExpr(KTestPluginUnknown));
-	User::LeaveIfNull(aeUU);
-	le->Evaluate(aeUU);
-	delete aeUU;
-	const TCE aceUU[] = {TCE(KTestPluginUnknown)};
-	TestEvalResultL(le, KUnknownIdentity, aceUU, elemCount(aceUU));
-	// U & I1 = U (sc)
-	CAuthExpression* aeUI1 = AuthAnd(AuthExpr(KTestPluginUnknown), AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1));
-	User::LeaveIfNull(aeUI1);
-	le->Evaluate(aeUI1);
-	delete aeUI1;
-	const TCE aceUI1[] = {TCE(KTestPluginUnknown)};
-	TestEvalResultL(le, KUnknownIdentity, aceUI1, elemCount(aceUI1));
-	// I1 & U = U
-	CAuthExpression* aeI1U = AuthAnd(AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1), AuthExpr(KTestPluginUnknown));
-	User::LeaveIfNull(aeI1U);
-	le->Evaluate(aeI1U);
-	delete aeI1U;
-	const TCE aceI1U[] = {TCE(KTestPluginId1), TCE(KTestPluginUnknown)};
-	TestEvalResultL(le, KUnknownIdentity, aceI1U, elemCount(aceI1U));
-	// I1 & I1 = I1
-	CAuthExpression* aeI1I1 = AuthAnd(AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1), AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1));
-	User::LeaveIfNull(aeI1I1);
-	le->Evaluate(aeI1I1);
-	delete aeI1I1;
-	const TCE aceI1I1[] = {TCE(KTestPluginId1), TCE(KTestPluginId1)};
-	TestEvalResultL(le, KTestPluginId1, aceI1I1, elemCount(aceI1I1));
-	// I1 & I2 = U
-	CAuthExpression* aeI1I2 = AuthAnd(AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1), AuthExpr(KTestPluginId2));
-	User::LeaveIfNull(aeI1I2);
-	le->Evaluate(aeI1I2);
-	delete aeI1I2;
-	const TCE aceI1I2[] = {TCE(KTestPluginId1), TCE(KTestPluginId2)};
-	TestEvalResultL(le, KUnknownIdentity, aceI1I2, elemCount(aceI1I2));
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(le);
-	}
-void CTStepAuthExprEval::TestEvalOrL()
-	Test evaluating simple OR expressions.
- */
-	{
-	CLaunchEval* le = CLaunchEval::NewL();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(le);
-	// U | U = U
-	CAuthExpression* aeUU = AuthOr(AuthExpr(KTestPluginUnknown), AuthExpr(KTestPluginUnknown));
-	User::LeaveIfNull(aeUU);
-	le->Evaluate(aeUU);
-	delete aeUU;
-	const TCE aceUU[] = {TCE(KTestPluginUnknown), TCE(KTestPluginUnknown)};
-	TestEvalResultL(le, KUnknownIdentity, aceUU, elemCount(aceUU));
-	// U | I1 = I1
-	CAuthExpression* aeUI1 = AuthOr(AuthExpr(KTestPluginUnknown), AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1));
-	User::LeaveIfNull(aeUI1);
-	le->Evaluate(aeUI1);
-	delete aeUI1;
-	const TCE aceUI1[] = {TCE(KTestPluginUnknown), TCE(KTestPluginId1)};
-	TestEvalResultL(le, KTestPluginId1, aceUI1, elemCount(aceUI1));
-	// I1 | U = I1 (sc)
-	CAuthExpression* aeI1U = AuthOr(AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1), AuthExpr(KTestPluginUnknown));
-	User::LeaveIfNull(aeI1U);
-	le->Evaluate(aeI1U);
-	delete aeI1U;
-	const TCE aceI1U[] = {TCE(KTestPluginId1)};
-	TestEvalResultL(le, KTestPluginId1, aceI1U, elemCount(aceI1U));
-	// I1 | I1 = I1 (sc)
-	CAuthExpression* aeI1I1 = AuthOr(AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1), AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1));
-	User::LeaveIfNull(aeI1I1);
-	le->Evaluate(aeI1I1);
-	delete aeI1I1;
-	const TCE aceI1I1[] = {TCE(KTestPluginId1)};
-	TestEvalResultL(le, KTestPluginId1, aceI1I1, elemCount(aceI1I1));
-	// I1 | I2 = I1 (sc)
-	CAuthExpression* aeI1I2 = AuthOr(AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1), AuthExpr(KTestPluginId2));
-	User::LeaveIfNull(aeI1I2);
-	le->Evaluate(aeI1I2);
-	delete aeI1I2;
-	const TCE aceI1I2[] = {TCE(KTestPluginId1)};
-	TestEvalResultL(le, KTestPluginId1, aceI1I2, elemCount(aceI1I2));
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(le);
-	}
-void CTStepAuthExprEval::TestEvalResultL(
-	CLaunchEval* aLaunchEval, TIdentityId aIdentityId,
-	const TTestPluginInterface::TCallEntry* aExpEntries, TInt aEntryCount)
-	Test the evaluation produced the expected result, and
-	that the expected plugins were called in the right order.
- */
-	{
-	const TTestClientInterface& cli = aLaunchEval->iClientInterface;
-	TESTL(cli.iMode == TTestClientInterface::ESucceeded);
-	TESTL(cli.iIdentityId == aIdentityId);
-	const RArray<TCE>& log = aLaunchEval->iPluginInterface.iCallLog;
-	TESTL(log.Count() == aEntryCount);
-	for (TInt i = 0; i < aEntryCount; ++i)
-		{
-		TESTL(log[i] == aExpEntries[i]);
-		}
-	}
-static TAuthExpressionWrapper BuildLeftAnd(TInt aRemainingLevels)
-	Build an expression where the left side is an
-	AND expression and the right side is a plugin ID.
-	@param	aRemainingLevels The number of layers to build
-							below this layer.  If
-							aRemainingLevels == 0 this function
-							returns a simple plugin ID expression.
- */
-	{
-	return (aRemainingLevels == 0)
-		?	AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1)
-		:	AuthAnd(BuildLeftAnd(aRemainingLevels - 1), AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1));
-	}
-static TAuthExpressionWrapper BuildRightAnd(TInt aRemainingLevels)
-	Build an expression where the left side is a
-	plugin ID and the right side is an AND expression.
-	@param	aRemainingLevels The number of layers to build
-							below this layer.  If
-							aRemainingLevels == 0 this function
-							returns a simple plugin ID expression.
- */
-	{
-	return (aRemainingLevels == 0)
-		?	AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1)
-		:	AuthAnd(AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1), BuildRightAnd(aRemainingLevels - 1));
-	}
-static TAuthExpressionWrapper BuildBalancedAnd(TInt aRemainingLevels)
-	Build an expression where both the left and right side
-	have the same depth, aRemainingLevels - 1.
-	@param	aRemainingLevels The number of layers to build
-							below this layer.  If
-							aRemainingLevels == 0 this function
-							returns a simple plugin ID expression.
- */
-	{
-	return (aRemainingLevels == 0)
-		?	AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1)
-		:	AuthAnd(
-				BuildBalancedAnd(aRemainingLevels - 1),
-				BuildBalancedAnd(aRemainingLevels - 1));
-	}
-static TAuthExpressionWrapper BuildFailedAnd(TInt aRemainingLevels)
-	This function creates an expression where the left node
-	is a simple plugin ID expression and the right node is
-	built recursively with this function.  The final AND node
-	has a left unknown plugin ID.
-	This causes an unknown plugin ID to be automatically pushed
-	onto the RPN stack as a right value before the compounder is used.
-	@param	aRemainingLevels Number of levels to generate after this.
-							If aRemainingLevels == 1 this function
-							creates an AND node where the left node
-							is unknown.  Otherwise it generates an
-							AND node where the left node is a known
-							plugin ID and the right node is generated
-							recursively.
- */
-	{
-	return (aRemainingLevels == 1)
-		?	AuthAnd(AuthExpr(KTestPluginUnknown), AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1))
-		:	AuthAnd(AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1), BuildFailedAnd(aRemainingLevels - 1));
-	}
-static TAuthExpressionWrapper BuildSuccessfulOr(TInt aRemainingLevels)
-	This function creates an AND node where the left node
-	is a known plugin ID, and the right right node is generated
-	recursively.  This creates a right-descent list, but the
-	penultimate node is an OR expression whose left node is a
-	known plugin ID.
-	This puts a series of known plugin IDs on the RPN stack from
-	the left nodes of the AND nodes.  When the OR node is evaluated
-	the left node is known, and so automatically put on the
-	RPN stack.
-	This means that an OR right node is automatically put on the
-	RPN stack at a known point, which is used to stress test failing
-	to append an OR right expression in OOM.
-	@param	aRemainingLevels Number of levels to generate after this.
-							If aRemainingLevels == 1 this function
-							generates an OR node.  Otherwise it creates
-							and AND node as described above.
- */
-	{
-	return (aRemainingLevels == 1)
-		?	AuthOr(AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1), AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1))
-		:	AuthAnd(AuthExpr(KTestPluginId1), BuildSuccessfulOr(aRemainingLevels - 1));
-	}
-void CTStepAuthExprEval::TestRPNReallocL()
-	Create a deeply nested expression which is
-	deep enough that the evaluator has to reallocate
-	its RPN stack, and checks the evaluation fails
-	gracefully in OOM.
- */
-	{
-	RunOomTestsL(BuildLeftAnd, KTestPluginId1, 0);
-	RunOomTestsL(BuildRightAnd, KTestPluginId1, 0);
-	RunOomTestsL(BuildBalancedAnd, KTestPluginId1, 0);
-	RunOomTestsL(BuildFailedAnd, KUnknownIdentity, 1);
-	RunOomTestsL(BuildSuccessfulOr, KTestPluginId1, 1);
-	}
-void CTStepAuthExprEval::RunOomTestsL(
-	TAuthExpressionWrapper (*aAllocator)(TInt),
-	TIdentityId aExpectedIdentity, TInt aInitDepth)
-	Attempt to evaluate the supplied expresision in OOM.
-	Running in OOM will both fail the evaluation, when the
-	plugin interface attempts to append to the call log, and
-	when the evaluator attempts to extend the RPN stack.
-	OOM can only be tested in debug builds.  In release builds,
-	this function evaluates the expression at each depth and
-	tests the evaluator produces the correct result.
-	@param	aAllocator		Function which allocates the expression.
-	@param	aExpectedIdentity Identity which should be returned on
-							successful evaluation.
-	@param	aInitDepth		Initial depth.
- */
-	{
-	CLaunchEval* le = CLaunchEval::NewL();
-	User::LeaveIfNull(le);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(le);
-	const volatile TTestClientInterface& cli = le->iClientInterface;
-	// depth starts at zero because, even though RPN stack
-	// is not used, the evaluator will attempt to grow its
-	// call log, and so fail the evaluation.  (This test is
-	// therefore also used to test failed plugin evaluations.)
-	// max depth is 13 because CStepControl::StartL creates
-	// a worker thread with a 1MB maximum heap.  The
-	// number of allocated node cells for a balanced tree
-	// is 2^(depth+1) - 1.  When depth==13, there are
-	// 16383 cells using 327,672 bytes excluding cell headers.
-	// Allocation fails for depth == 14.
-	const TInt KMaxDepth = 13;
-	for (TInt depth = aInitDepth; depth <= KMaxDepth; ++depth)
-		{
-		CAuthExpression* ae = aAllocator(depth);
-		User::LeaveIfNull(ae);
-		CleanupStack::PushL(ae);
-		// OOM testing only available in debug builds
-#ifndef _DEBUG
-		le->Evaluate(ae);
-		TESTL(cli.iMode == TTestClientInterface::ESucceeded);
-		TESTL(cli.iIdentityId == aExpectedIdentity);
-		TInt i = 0;
-		do
-			{
-			// Ideally, the heap would be marked before and
-			// after the evaluation.  However, CEvaluator uses
-			// an CArrayFixFlat<TIdentityId> to store the RPN stack.
-			// When the first item is inserted, it allocates a
-			// CBufBase object to hold the data.  This object
-			// is reset but not deleted when the RPN stack is
-			// reset, so there will be a heap imbalance of one
-			// if anything was added to the RPN stack, even though
-			// the stack is reset.
-			TInt preSize;
-			TInt preCount = User::AllocSize(preSize);
-//			__UHEAP_MARK;
-			__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RAllocator::EDeterministic, i);
-			le->Evaluate(ae);
-			TESTL(	cli.iMode == TTestClientInterface::EFailed
-				||	cli.iMode == TTestClientInterface::ESucceeded);
-			if (cli.iMode == TTestClientInterface::EFailed)
-				{
-				TESTL(cli.iReason == KErrNoMemory);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				TESTL(cli.iIdentityId == aExpectedIdentity);
-				}
-			// clear call log so heap checking will work
-			le->iPluginInterface.iCallLog.Reset();
-			++i;
-			TInt postSize;
-			TInt postCount = User::AllocSize(postSize);			
-			TESTL(postCount == preCount || postCount == preCount + 1);
-			} while (cli.iMode != TTestClientInterface::ESucceeded);
-		// test evaluation still succeeds and failed allocation
-		// was not ignored
-		TInt limit = 2 * i;
-		while (i++ < limit)
-			{
-			__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RAllocator::EDeterministic, i++);
-			le->Evaluate(ae);
-			TESTL(cli.iMode == TTestClientInterface::ESucceeded);
-			TESTL(cli.iIdentityId == aExpectedIdentity);
-			}
-		// clear plugin call log to reset mem usage for next iteration.
-		le->iPluginInterface.iCallLog.Reset();
-#endif	// #else #ifndef _DEBUG
-		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ae);
-		}
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(le);
-	}