* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include "symmetriccipherstepbase.h"
#include <bigint.h>
Common setup of a crypto SPI symmetric cipher.
@param aArc4Check Determines whether the check is run on the cipher type for ARC4 and if it matches, sets up the CCryptoParams accordingly.
@param aRc2Check Determines whether the check is run on the cipher type for RC2 and if it matches, sets up the CCryptoParams accordingly.
@param aOperationMode On return is the operation mode read in from the config file and used in the initial setup of the cipher.
@param aCipher On return the symmetric cipher implementation.
@param aKey On return aCipher's key object. This is should not be deleted until after aCipher is deleted.
@return The error value from the call to the symmetric cipher creation function.
void CSymmetricCipherStepBase::SetupCipherL(TBool aArc4Check, TBool aRc2Check, TVariantPtrC& aOperationMode, CSymmetricCipher*& aCipher, CKey*& aKey)
TPtrC keyPath;
TVariantPtrC algorithm;
TVariantPtrC paddingMode;
if( !GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KConfigEncryptKey, keyPath) ||
!GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KConfigAlgorithmUid, algorithm) ||
!GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KConfigOperationMode, aOperationMode) ||
!GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KConfigPaddingMode, paddingMode ))
// Create key
TKeyProperty keyProperty;
CCryptoParams* params = CCryptoParams::NewLC();
CFileReader* keyData = CFileReader::NewLC(keyPath);
params->AddL( *keyData, KSymmetricKeyParameterUid);
aKey=CKey::NewL(keyProperty, *params);
CCryptoParams* xparams = NULL;
if ((aArc4Check) && (TUid(algorithm) == KArc4Uid))
// Set the RC4 DiscardBytes to 0
xparams = CCryptoParams::NewLC();
xparams->AddL(NULL, KARC4DiscardBytes);
// Create a Symmetric Cipher with the values from the ini file
CSymmetricCipherFactory::CreateSymmetricCipherL(aCipher, algorithm, *aKey, KCryptoModeEncryptUid, aOperationMode, paddingMode, xparams);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, params);
else if ((aRc2Check) && (TUid(algorithm) == KRc2Uid))
TInt keylen = TPtrC8(*keyData).Length() * 8;
xparams = CCryptoParams::NewLC();
// Set the RC2 EffectiveKeyLen according to the input key size
xparams->AddL( keylen, KRC2EffectiveKeyLenBits);
// Create a Symmetric Cipher with the values from the ini file
CSymmetricCipherFactory::CreateSymmetricCipherL(aCipher, algorithm, *aKey, KCryptoModeEncryptUid, aOperationMode, paddingMode, xparams);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, params);
// Create a Symmetric Cipher with the values from the ini file
CSymmetricCipherFactory::CreateSymmetricCipherL(aCipher, algorithm, *aKey, KCryptoModeEncryptUid, aOperationMode, paddingMode, xparams);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, params);
When running in CTR mode call this function to calculate the block size of a cipher.
@param aCipher The cipher whose block size is returned.
@return The block size in bits.
TInt CSymmetricCipherStepBase::CtrModeCalcBlockSizeL(CSymmetricCipher& aCipher)
// aCipher MUST be running in CTR mode
TInt blockSize = aCipher.BlockSize();
return blockSize;
Read in the plaintext from the course file listed in the configuration file.
@param aPlaintext Descriptor pointing to the plaintext.
@param aReader This CFileReader pointer must be NULL when passed in. It must not be deleted until after the client has finished with the plaintext.
HBufC8* CSymmetricCipherStepBase::ReadInPlaintextL()
TPtrC plaintextPath;
if(!GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KConfigSourcePath, plaintextPath))
return ReadFileL(plaintextPath);
Read in the ciphertext from the course file listed in the configuration file.
@param aCiphertext Descriptor pointing to the ciphertext.
@param aReader This CFileReader pointer must be NULL when passed in. It must not be deleted until after the client has finished with the ciphertext.
HBufC8* CSymmetricCipherStepBase::ReadInCiphertextL()
TPtrC ciphertextPath;
if(!GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KConfigEncryptedPath, ciphertextPath))
return ReadFileL(ciphertextPath);
Read in the IV from the course file listed in the configuration file.
@param aIV Descriptor pointing to the IV.
@param aReader This CFileReader pointer must be NULL when passed in. It must not be deleted until after the client has finished with the IV.
HBufC8* CSymmetricCipherStepBase::ReadInIvL()
TPtrC ivPath;
if(!GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KConfigIVPath, ivPath))
return ReadFileL(ivPath);
@param aCounter
HBufC8* CSymmetricCipherStepBase::CtrModeIncrementCounterL(TDesC8& aCounter)
RInteger bigInt = RInteger::NewL(aCounter);
HBufC8* result = bigInt.BufferLC();
return result;
HBufC8* CSymmetricCipherStepBase::ReadInHexCiphertextL()
HBufC8* hex = ReadInCiphertextL();
HBufC8* result = ConvertFromHexFormatToRawL((*hex));
return result;
HBufC8* CSymmetricCipherStepBase::ReadInHexPlaintextL()
HBufC8* hex = ReadInPlaintextL();
HBufC8* result = ConvertFromHexFormatToRawL((*hex));
return result;
HBufC8* CSymmetricCipherStepBase::ReadInHexPlainTextL(TPtrC aFile)
HBufC8* data = ReadFileL(aFile);
HBufC8* result = ConvertFromHexFormatToRawL(*data);
return result;
HBufC8* CSymmetricCipherStepBase::ReadFileL(TPtrC aFile)
CFileReader* reader = CFileReader::NewL(aFile);
TPtrC8 ptr(*reader);
HBufC8* fileData = ptr.AllocL();
return fileData;
HBufC8* CSymmetricCipherStepBase::ReadInHexIvL()
HBufC8* hex = ReadInIvL();
HBufC8* result = ConvertFromHexFormatToRawL((*hex));
return result;
HBufC8* CSymmetricCipherStepBase::ConvertFromHexFormatToRawL(TDesC8& aInput)
TBuf8<2> hexPair;
HBufC8* result = HBufC8::NewLC(aInput.Length()/2);
TUint8 val;
for(TInt i = 0 ; i < aInput.Length()-1 ; i+=2)
hexPair = aInput.Mid(i,2);
TLex8 lex(hexPair);
User::LeaveIfError(lex.Val(val, EHex));
return result;