* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* RUpsSubsession implementation. See class and function definitions
* for more detail.
#include <ups/upsclient.h>
#include "upsclientconfig.h"
#include "upscommon.h"
#include <ups/upserr.h>
namespace UserPromptService
EXPORT_C RUpsSubsession::RUpsSubsession()
This constructor provides a single point of definition from
which the superclass constructor is called.
: RScsClientSubsessionBase(),
iDecPtr(NULL, 0),
iSubsessionCreated(EFalse), iClientTid(), iClientSid(TUid::Null()), iClientPid(0), iUpsSession(0)
// empty.
EXPORT_C TInt RUpsSubsession::Initialise(RUpsSession& aSession, const RThread& aClient)
Saves the details required to create a subsession specific to the client thread.
The actual subsession creation is defered until the subsession is required (which
may be never if the policy says server checks are sufficient).
Several RUpsSubsession objects can share a single RUpsSession.
If any of the RUpsSubsession objects are to be used in a different thread to the RUpsSession, then
ShareAuto() must be called on the RUpsSession.
@see RSubSessionBase::CreateSubsession
@param aSession Connected session to the UPS server.
@param aClient SS client for whom this session is set up.
@return Symbian OS error code where KErrNone indicates success
and any other value indicates failure.
iClientTid = aClient.Id();
iClientSid = aClient.SecureId();
// Need to obtain the drive letter for the exe
RProcess clientProcess;
TInt r = aClient.Process(clientProcess);
if(r != KErrNone)
return r; // Presumably it exited...
iClientPid = clientProcess.Id();
iUpsSession = &aSession;
return KErrNone;
TInt RUpsSubsession::CreateSubsession()
Create a subsession for a specific SS client over the supplied session.
@param aSession Connected session to the UPS server.
@param aClient SS client for whom this session is set up.
@return Symbian OS error code where KErrNone indicates success
and any other value indicates failure.
@capability ProtServ
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iUpsSession, User::Panic(KUpsClientPanicCat, EUpsClientNotInitialised));
TPckgBuf<TThreadId> tidBuf = iClientTid;
TPckgBuf<TProcessId> pidBuf = iClientPid;
TIpcArgs args(&tidBuf, &pidBuf);
return RScsClientSubsessionBase::CreateSubsession(*iUpsSession, ESessSubsessFromThreadId, args);
EXPORT_C void RUpsSubsession::Authorise(TBool aServerCheckOk,
const TServiceId& aServiceId, const TDesC& aDestination,
TUpsDecision& aDecision, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
Determines whether the system server should perform the service requested
by the client application. Depending on licensee configuration this function
will either complete immediately if the client passed the system servers
security policy check. Alternatively, every request may require additional
authorisation by the User Prompt Service.
@see RUpsSubsession::AuthoriseInternal
@param aServerCheckOk Whether the client request passed the security check
implemented by the system server e.g. does the client
have the correct capabilities for the requested service.
@param aServiceId Service which the client wants to use.
@param aDestination More information about the service, e.g. this
could be a telephone number is the client wanted
to make a call.
@param aDecision When the request completes successfully, the verdict
is written to this variable.
@param aStatus The server completes this request object when it
has finished handling the request.
@capability ProtServ
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iUpsSession, User::Panic(KUpsClientPanicCat, EUpsClientNotInitialised));
AuthoriseInternal(aServerCheckOk, aServiceId, aDestination, KNullDesC8, aDecision, aStatus);
EXPORT_C void RUpsSubsession::Authorise(TBool aServerCheckOk,
const TServiceId& aServiceId, const TDesC& aDestination,
const TDesC8& aOpaqueData,
TUpsDecision& aDecision, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
Determines whether the system server should perform the service requested
by the client application. Depending on licensee configuration this function
will either complete immediately if the client passed the system servers
security policy check. Alternatively, every request may require additional
authorisation by the User Prompt Service.
@see RUpsSubsession::AuthoriseInternal
@param aServerCheckOk Whether the client request passed the security check
implemented by the system server e.g. does the client
have the correct capabilities for the requested service.
@param aServiceId Service which the client wants to use.
@param aDestination More information about the service, e.g. this
could be a telephone number is the client wanted
to make a call.
@param aOpaqueData Additional information to describe the request.
@param aDecision When the request completes successfully, the verdict
is written to this variable.
@param aStatus The server completes this request object when it
has finished handling the request.
@capability ProtServ
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iUpsSession, User::Panic(KUpsClientPanicCat, EUpsClientNotInitialised));
AuthoriseInternal(aServerCheckOk, aServiceId, aDestination, aOpaqueData, aDecision, aStatus);
void RUpsSubsession::AuthoriseInternal(
TBool aServerCheckOk,
const TServiceId& aServiceId,
const TDesC& aDestination,
const TDesC8& aOpaqueData,
TUpsDecision& aDecision,
TRequestStatus& aStatus)
This helper function is called by the exported overloads of Authorise.
It sends the data supplied by the SS to the UPS server.
@param aServerCheckOk Did the system server checks pass?
@param aServiceId Service which the client wants to use.
@param aDestination More information about the service, e.g. this
could be a telephone number is the client wanted
to make a call.
@param aOpaqueData Additional information to describe the request.
This is KNullDesC8 if the SS used the Authorise overload
which did not take opaque data.
@param aDecision When the request completes successfully, the verdict
is written to this variable.
@param aStatus The server completes this request object when it
has finished handling the request.
@capability ProtServ
TBool decided = EFalse;
TInt err = KErrNone;
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iUpsSession, User::Panic(KUpsClientPanicCat, EUpsClientNotInitialised));
CUpsClientConfig::TQueryUpsResult result = iUpsSession->iClientConfig->QueryUps(aServerCheckOk, aServiceId, iClientSid, iClientPid);
case CUpsClientConfig::EAllow:
decided = ETrue;
aDecision = EUpsDecYes;
case CUpsClientConfig::EQueryUps:
case CUpsClientConfig::EReject:
decided = ETrue;
aDecision = EUpsDecNo;
if(!decided && !iSubsessionCreated)
// We need to query the UPS, but have not created the subsession yet.
err = CreateSubsession();
if(err != KErrNone)
aDecision = EUpsDecNo;
decided = ETrue;
iSubsessionCreated = ETrue;
// aDecision will be set when we query the UPS
// Either do not need to query UPS, or an error occured, so complete client
// and return
aStatus = KRequestPending;
TRequestStatus* status = &aStatus;
User::RequestComplete(status, err);
return; // Either do not need to query UPS, or an error occured, so return
// Query UPS
// only three arguments can be sent to a subsession, so split
// this operation into two stages.
TInt r = PreparePrompt(aServiceId, aDestination, aOpaqueData);
if (r != KErrNone)
TRequestStatus* prs = &aStatus;
User::RequestComplete(prs, r);
ExecutePrompt(aServerCheckOk, aDecision, aStatus);
TInt RUpsSubsession::PreparePrompt(const TServiceId& aServiceId, const TDesC& aDestination, const TDesC8& aOpaqueData)
Ask the UPS server to prepare to make a decision. This will be followed
by a call to ExecutePrompt.
@param aServiceId Service which the client wants to use.
@param aDestination More information about the service, e.g. this
could be a telephone number is the client wanted
to make a call.
@param aOpaqueData Additional information to describe the request.
This is KNullDesC8 if the SS used the Authorise overload
which did not take opaque data.
@return Error code with which the server completed the request.
@capability ProtServ
@see ExecutePrompt
TIpcArgs args(aServiceId.iUid, &aDestination, &aOpaqueData);
return CallSubsessionFunction(ESubsessPreparePrompt, args);
void RUpsSubsession::ExecutePrompt(TBool aServerCheckOk, TUpsDecision& aDecision, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
Ask the UPS to execute the request which was set up with PreparePrompt.
@param aDecision When the request completes successfully, this argument
is updated with the verdict.
@param aStatus The server completes this request object when it
has finished handling the request.
@capability ProtServ
@see PreparePrompt
TUint8* decPtr = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(&aDecision);
iDecPtr.Set(decPtr, sizeof(TUpsDecision), sizeof(TUpsDecision));
TIpcArgs args(&iDecPtr, aServerCheckOk);
CallSubsessionFunction(ESubsessExecutePrompt, args, aStatus);
EXPORT_C void RUpsSubsession::CancelPrompt()
Cancel the prompt request which was launched by calling Authorise.
This function has no effect if there is no outstanding request.
@capability ProtServ
EXPORT_C void RUpsSubsession::Close()
Close and clean up this subsession object.
} // End of namespace UserPromptService
// End of file