* Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <s32mem.h>
#include "tauthdbstep.h"
#include <f32file.h>
using namespace AuthServer;
const TIdentityId KIdentity1Id = 0xE0494409;
const TIdentityId KIdentity2Id = 0xE0494410;
const TIdentityId KIdentity3Id = 0xE0494411;
_LIT(KIdentity1Desc, "identity-1-desc");
_LIT(KIdentity1DescB, "identity-1-descB");
_LIT(KIdentity2Desc, "identity-2-desc");
_LIT(KIdentity3Desc, "identity-3-desc");
const TPluginId KPlugin1Id = 0xE0494433;
const TPluginId KPlugin2Id = 0xE0494434;
const TPluginId KPlugin3Id = 0xE0494435;
const TPluginId KPlugin4Id = 0xE0494436;
const TPluginId KPluginAId = 0xE0494437;
const TPluginId KPluginBId = 0xE0494438;
TVerdict CTStepPersist2::doTestStepL()
return EPass;
void CTStepPersist2::TestOpenCloseL()
Test simply opening and closing a database,
without using any other operations.
CAuthDb2* db = CAuthDb2::NewL(iFs);
delete db;
void CTStepPersist2::TestIdentitiesL()
TInt r;
CAuthDb2* db = CAuthDb2::NewLC(iFs);
RArray<TIdentityId> ids;
// get id list before any ids defined
ids.AppendL(0xE0494499); // garbage; ensure removed
TESTL(ids.Count() == 0);
// add an identity
db->AddIdentityL(KIdentity1Id, KIdentity1Desc);
TESTL(ids.Count() == 1);
TESTL(ids[0] == KIdentity1Id);
// retrieve the identity's description
TestDescriptionL(db, KIdentity1Id, KIdentity1Desc);
// change the identity's description
db->SetDescriptionL(KIdentity1Id, KIdentity1DescB);
TestDescriptionL(db, KIdentity1Id, KIdentity1DescB);
// change the identity's description to a string which is
// too long; ensure fails.
TBuf<KMaxDescLen + 1> dbuf;
dbuf.Fill('a', KMaxDescLen - 1); // limit - 1
db->SetDescriptionL(KIdentity1Id, dbuf);
TestDescriptionL(db, KIdentity1Id, dbuf);
dbuf.Fill('a', KMaxDescLen); // limit
db->SetDescriptionL(KIdentity1Id, dbuf);
TestDescriptionL(db, KIdentity1Id, dbuf);
db->SetDescriptionL(KIdentity1Id, KIdentity1DescB);
TestDescriptionL(db, KIdentity1Id, KIdentity1DescB);
dbuf.Fill('a', KMaxDescLen + 1); // limit + 1
TRAP(r, db->SetDescriptionL(KIdentity1Id, dbuf));
TESTL(r == KErrAuthServDescTooLong);
TestDescriptionL(db, KIdentity1Id, KIdentity1DescB); // keep old desc
// add a second identity
db->AddIdentityL(KIdentity2Id, KIdentity2Desc);
TESTL(ids.Count() == 2);
TESTL( (ids[0] == KIdentity1Id && ids[1] == KIdentity2Id)
|| (ids[0] == KIdentity2Id && ids[1] == KIdentity1Id) );
TestDescriptionL(db, KIdentity1Id, KIdentity1DescB);
TestDescriptionL(db, KIdentity2Id, KIdentity2Desc);
// add an identity which already exists
TRAP(r, db->AddIdentityL(KIdentity2Id, KIdentity2Desc));
TESTL(r == KErrAuthServIdentityAlreadyExists);
// retrieve description for an unregistered identity
TRAP(r, db->DescriptionL(KIdentity3Id));
TESTL(r == KErrAuthServIdentityNotFound);
// set description for an unregistered identity
TRAP(r, db->SetDescriptionL(KIdentity3Id, KIdentity3Desc));
TESTL(r == KErrAuthServIdentityNotFound);
// remove an unregistered identity
TRAP(r, db->RemoveIdentityL(KIdentity3Id));
TESTL(r == KErrAuthServIdentityNotFound);
// remove an identity
TESTL(ids.Count() == 1);
TESTL(ids[0] == KIdentity2Id);
TestDescriptionL(db, KIdentity2Id, KIdentity2Desc);
// remove the last identity
TESTL(ids.Count() == 0);
// create an identity with a description to a string which is
// too long; ensure fails.
dbuf.Fill('a', KMaxDescLen - 1); // limit - 1
db->AddIdentityL(KIdentity3Id, dbuf);
TestDescriptionL(db, KIdentity3Id, dbuf);
dbuf.Fill('a', KMaxDescLen); // limit
db->AddIdentityL(KIdentity3Id, dbuf);
TestDescriptionL(db, KIdentity3Id, dbuf);
dbuf.Fill('a', KMaxDescLen + 1); // limit + 1
TRAP(r, db->AddIdentityL(KIdentity3Id, dbuf));
TESTL(r == KErrAuthServDescTooLong);
db->IdentitiesL(ids); // no identity created
TESTL(ids.Count() == 0);
void CTStepPersist2::TestDescriptionL(
CAuthDb2* aDb, TIdentityId aIdentityId, const TDesC& aExpDesc)
Helper function for TestIdentitiesL. Ensures the
supplied identity has the supplied description.
@param aDb Database which contains the identity.
@param aIdentity Identity whose description should be
@param aDesc Expected description.
HBufC* desc = aDb->DescriptionL(aIdentityId);
TESTL(*desc == aExpDesc);
void CTStepPersist2::TestPrefsL()
Tests adding, modifying, and removing
preferences from the database.
TPluginId prefId;
CAuthDb2* db = CAuthDb2::NewLC(iFs);
// get a preferred plugin for a type with no preferred plugin
prefId = db->PreferredPluginL(EAuthBiometric);
TESTL(prefId == KUnknownPluginId);
// set a type's preferred plugin
db->SetPreferredPluginL(EAuthBiometric, KPlugin1Id);
prefId = db->PreferredPluginL(EAuthBiometric);
TESTL(prefId == KPlugin1Id);
// change a type's preferred plugin
db->SetPreferredPluginL(EAuthBiometric, KPlugin2Id);
prefId = db->PreferredPluginL(EAuthBiometric);
TESTL(prefId == KPlugin2Id);
// clear a type's preferred plugin
prefId = db->PreferredPluginL(EAuthBiometric);
TESTL(prefId == KUnknownPluginId);
// set preferred plugin for more than one type
db->SetPreferredPluginL(EAuthBiometric, KPlugin3Id);
db->SetPreferredPluginL(EAuthKnowledge, KPlugin4Id);
prefId = db->PreferredPluginL(EAuthBiometric);
TESTL(prefId == KPlugin3Id);
prefId = db->PreferredPluginL(EAuthKnowledge);
TESTL(prefId == KPlugin4Id);
void CTStepPersist2::TestTrainedPluginsL()
Test adding and removing trained plugins.
TInt r;
CAuthDb2* db = CAuthDb2::NewLC(iFs);
const CTransientKeyInfo& tkiA = *iId1Keys[0];
const CTransientKeyInfo& tkiB = *iId1Keys[1];
const CTransientKeyInfo& tkiC = *iId1Keys[2];
// set key info for an unregistered identity
TRAP(r, db->SetTrainedPluginL(KIdentity1Id, KPluginAId, tkiA));
TESTL(r == KErrAuthServIdentityNotFound);
// set key info for a registered identity
db->AddIdentityL(KIdentity1Id, KIdentity1Desc);
db->SetTrainedPluginL(KIdentity1Id, KPluginAId, tkiA);
// get key info for a trained identity
TestKeyPresentL(db, KIdentity1Id, KPluginAId, tkiA);
// change key info for a trained identity
db->SetTrainedPluginL(KIdentity1Id, KPluginAId, tkiB);
TestKeyPresentL(db, KIdentity1Id, KPluginAId, tkiB);
// ---- bad KeyInfoL args ----
// get key info for registered identity but untrained plugin
TRAP(r, db->KeyInfoL(KIdentity1Id, KPluginBId))
TESTL(r == KErrAuthServTrainingNotFound);
// get key info for unregistered identity but trained plugin
TRAP(r, db->KeyInfoL(KIdentity3Id, KPluginAId))
TESTL(r == KErrAuthServTrainingNotFound);
// get key info for unregistered identity and untrained plugin
TRAP(r, db->KeyInfoL(KIdentity3Id, KPluginBId));
TESTL(r == KErrAuthServTrainingNotFound);
// ---- bad RemoveTrainedPluginL args ----
// clear key info for registered identity but untrained plugin
TRAP(r, db->KeyInfoL(KIdentity1Id, KPluginBId))
TESTL(r == KErrAuthServTrainingNotFound);
// clear key info for unregistered identity but trained plugin
TRAP(r, db->RemoveTrainedPluginL(KIdentity3Id, KPluginAId))
TESTL(r == KErrAuthServTrainingNotFound);
// clear key info for unregistered identity and untrained plugin
TRAP(r, db->RemoveTrainedPluginL(KIdentity3Id, KPluginBId));
TESTL(r == KErrAuthServTrainingNotFound);
// -----
// clear a present trained plugin
db->RemoveTrainedPluginL(KIdentity1Id, KPluginAId);
TRAP(r, db->KeyInfoL(KIdentity3Id, KPluginAId))
TESTL(r == KErrAuthServTrainingNotFound);
// register multiple trained plugins for a single identity
db->SetTrainedPluginL(KIdentity1Id, KPluginAId, tkiA);
db->SetTrainedPluginL(KIdentity1Id, KPluginBId, tkiB);
TestKeyPresentL(db, KIdentity1Id, KPluginAId, tkiA);
TestKeyPresentL(db, KIdentity1Id, KPluginAId, tkiB);
// train a single plugin for multiple identities
db->AddIdentityL(KIdentity2Id, KIdentity2Desc);
db->SetTrainedPluginL(KIdentity2Id, KPluginAId, tkiC);
TestKeyPresentL(db, KIdentity1Id, KPluginAId, tkiA);
TestKeyPresentL(db, KIdentity1Id, KPluginBId, tkiB);
TestKeyPresentL(db, KIdentity2Id, KPluginAId, tkiC);
// ---- atomic identity and key addition ----
// add identity with trained plugin
db->AddIdentityWithTrainedPluginL(KIdentity3Id, KIdentity3Desc, tkiA);
TestKeyPresentL(db, KIdentity3Id, tkiA.PluginId(), tkiA);
// fail to add identity with trained plugin - id already exists
TRAP(r, db->AddIdentityWithTrainedPluginL(KIdentity3Id, KIdentity3Desc, tkiA));
TESTL(r == KErrAuthServIdentityAlreadyExists);
void CTStepPersist2::TestKeyPresentL(
CAuthDb2* aAuthDb, TIdentityId aIdentityId, TPluginId aPluginId,
const CTransientKeyInfo& aTarget)
Helper function for TestTrainedPluginsL.
Test the described transient key exists in the database,
and that is is equal to the supplied key. Leaves if not
the case.
@param aAuthDb Authorisation database to retrieve
transient key info from.
@param aIdentityId Identity which should be trained for
the supplied plugin.
@param aPluginId Plugin for which the supplied identity
should be trained.
@param aTarget The retrieved transient key info should
be equal to this.
CTransientKeyInfo* tkiActual = aAuthDb->KeyInfoL(aIdentityId, aPluginId);
// ensure key infos have same externalized size
TSizeStream ssTarget;
RWriteStream wsTarget(&ssTarget);
TInt targetSize = ssTarget.Size();
TSizeStream ssActual;
RWriteStream wsActual(&ssActual);
TESTL(targetSize == ssActual.Size());
HBufC8* targetBuf = HBufC8::NewLC(targetSize);
TPtr8 targetBufDes = targetBuf->Des();
RDesWriteStream dwsTarget(targetBufDes);
HBufC8* actualBuf = HBufC8::NewLC(targetSize);
TPtr8 actualBufDes = actualBuf->Des();
RDesWriteStream dwsActual(actualBufDes);
TESTL(targetBufDes == actualBufDes);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, tkiActual);
void CTStepPersist2::TestTrainingStatusL()
Test the plugins' training statuses accurately
reflect the identities which are registered
with them.
CAuthDb2* db = CAuthDb2::NewLC(iFs);
// if there are no users then a plugin should be marked
// as untrained, even though its training count is equal
// to the number of registered identities.
TESTL(db->PluginStatusL(KPluginAId) == EAuthUntrained);
// untrained when no users trained
db->AddIdentityL(KIdentity1Id, KIdentity1Desc);
TESTL(db->PluginStatusL(KPluginAId) == EAuthUntrained);
db->AddIdentityL(KIdentity2Id, KIdentity2Desc);
TESTL(db->PluginStatusL(KPluginAId) == EAuthUntrained);
// trained when some, but not all, users trained
const CTransientKeyInfo& tkiA = *iId1Keys[0];
db->SetTrainedPluginL(KIdentity1Id, KPluginAId, tkiA);
TESTL(db->PluginStatusL(KPluginAId) == EAuthTrained);
// fully trained when all users trained
db->SetTrainedPluginL(KIdentity2Id, KPluginAId, tkiA);
TESTL(db->PluginStatusL(KPluginAId) == EAuthFullyTrained);
// back to trained when identity untrained
db->RemoveTrainedPluginL(KIdentity1Id, KPluginAId);
TESTL(db->PluginStatusL(KPluginAId) == EAuthTrained);
// back to untrained when last training removed
db->RemoveTrainedPluginL(KIdentity2Id, KPluginAId);
TESTL(db->PluginStatusL(KPluginAId) == EAuthUntrained);
// restored to trained when identity trained
db->SetTrainedPluginL(KIdentity1Id, KPluginAId, tkiA);
TESTL(db->PluginStatusL(KPluginAId) == EAuthTrained);
// restored to fully trained when last identity trained
db->SetTrainedPluginL(KIdentity2Id, KPluginAId, tkiA);
TESTL(db->PluginStatusL(KPluginAId) == EAuthFullyTrained);
// back to trained when new identity added
db->AddIdentityL(KIdentity3Id, KIdentity3Desc);
TESTL(db->PluginStatusL(KPluginAId) == EAuthTrained);
// upgraded to fully trained when untrained identity removed
TESTL(db->PluginStatusL(KPluginAId) == EAuthFullyTrained);
// kept at fully trained when trained identity removed
TESTL(db->PluginStatusL(KPluginAId) == EAuthFullyTrained);
// drop to untrained when last identity removed
TESTL(db->PluginStatusL(KPluginAId) == EAuthUntrained);
static void IdToTestDesc(TIdentityId aId, TDes& aDesc)
Helper function for TestRepairL generates a description
from the supplied identity.
@param aId Identity Id.
@param aDesc Out paramater is populated with
description text.
_LIT(KDescFmt, "desc_%08x");
aDesc.Format(KDescFmt, aId);
void CTStepPersist2::TestRepairL()
Test CAuthDb repairs the database if possible.
CAuthDb2* db = CAuthDb2::NewLC(iFs);
// create a set of identities
const TInt KTestIdCount = 8;
for (TInt i = 1; i <= KTestIdCount; ++i)
TBuf<13> buf;
IdToTestDesc(i, buf);
db->AddIdentityL(i, buf);
// damage the database by inserting a new entry but then
// rolling it back.
RDbNamedDatabase ndb;
TFileName dbName(KDbName);
dbName[0] = RFs::GetSystemDriveChar();
User::LeaveIfError(ndb.Open(iFs, dbName));
RDbTable table;
User::LeaveIfError(table.Open(ndb, KIdentitiesTableName));
table.SetColL(KIdentitiesIdentityIdCol, KTestIdCount+1);
table.SetColL(KIdentitiesDescCol, _L("descb"));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &ndb); // table ndb
// ensure db contains the same identities when it
// is reopened.
db = CAuthDb2::NewLC(iFs);
RArray<TIdentityId> ids;
TInt idCount = ids.Count();
TESTL(idCount == KTestIdCount);
for (TInt index = 1; index <= KTestIdCount; ++index)
TBuf<13> bufExp;
IdToTestDesc(index, bufExp);
TBuf<KMaxDescLen> actDesc;
HBufC* descAct = db->DescriptionL(index);
TESTL(bufExp == *descAct);
void CTStepPersist2::TestCompressL()
Creates and deletes identities to create unused
space in database file, and tests compressed.
CAuthDb2* db = CAuthDb2::NewLC(iFs);
const TInt KIdentityCount = 32;
for (TInt i = 0; i < KIdentityCount; ++i)
_LIT(KCompDesc, "tc-test");
db->AddIdentityL(i, KCompDesc);
TInt szPreComp = DbFileSizeL();
db = CAuthDb2::NewLC(iFs);
TInt szPostComp = DbFileSizeL();
TESTL(szPreComp > szPostComp);
TInt CTStepPersist2::DbFileSizeL()
Helper function for TestCompressL returns
the size of the database file in bytes.
RFile f;
TFileName dbName(KDbName);
dbName[0] = RFs::GetSystemDriveChar();
User::LeaveIfError(f.Open(iFs, dbName, EFileRead | EFileStream));
TInt sz;
return sz;