Merge fixes for bug 1170 and bug 1301.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include "pkcs5kdf.h"
#include "pkcs12kdf.h"
#include "pbedata.h"
#include "pbesymmetricfactory.h"
#include "cryptostrength.h"
EXPORT_C CPBEncryptionData* CPBEncryptionData::NewL(const TDesC8& aPassword,
TPBECipher aCipher, const TDesC8& aAuthSalt,
const TDesC8& aEncryptSalt, const TDesC8& aIV, TUint aIterations)
CPBEncryptionData* self = NewLC(aPassword, aCipher, aAuthSalt, aEncryptSalt,
aIV, aIterations);
return self;
EXPORT_C CPBEncryptionData* CPBEncryptionData::NewLC(const TDesC8& aPassword,
TPBECipher aCipher, const TDesC8& aAuthSalt,
const TDesC8& aEncryptSalt, const TDesC8& aIV, TUint aIterations)
CPBEncryptionData* self = new(ELeave)CPBEncryptionData();
self->ConstructL(aPassword, aCipher, aAuthSalt, aEncryptSalt, aIV,
return self;
EXPORT_C CPBEncryptionData* CPBEncryptionData::NewL(
const CPBEncryptionData& aData)
CPBEncryptionData* self = NewLC(aData);
return self;
EXPORT_C CPBEncryptionData* CPBEncryptionData::NewLC(
const CPBEncryptionData& aData)
CPBEncryptionData* self = new(ELeave)CPBEncryptionData();
return self;
EXPORT_C CPBEncryptionData* CPBEncryptionData::NewL(
const TDesC8& aPassword, const TDesC8& aAuthSalt,
const CPBEncryptParms& aParms)
This factory function takes the user-supplied password
and the randomly-generated authentication salt, along
with the encryption paramaters. It is provided so the
encryption parameters can be extended without having to
provide multiple factory functions.
@param aPassword User-supplied password. This
password is not transformed so
if it needs to be in a particular
format, e.g. for PKCS#12, the
transformation must be applied before
this function is called.
@param aAuthSalt The salt is used to derive the
authentication key; not the encryption
@param aParms Encryption parameters describe how the
data is encrypted.
@return New instance of CPBEncryptionData.
CPBEncryptionData* self = new(ELeave) CPBEncryptionData;
self->ConstructL(aPassword, aAuthSalt, aParms);
return self;
void CPBEncryptionData::ConstructL(
const TDesC8& aPassword, const TDesC8& aAuthSalt,
const CPBEncryptParms& aParms)
Second-phase constructor for factory function with
same signature.
iParms = CPBEncryptParms::NewL(aParms);
iAuth = CPBAuthData::NewL(
// HPRE-5TDFK2: Remove Store/estor.dll dependency on Cryptography/pbe.dll
// This method is DUPLICATED in common/generic/syslibs/store/ucrypt/ue_strm.cpp
EXPORT_C CPBEncryptionData::CPBEncryptionData(void)
// HPRE-5TDFK2: Remove Store/estor.dll dependency on Cryptography/pbe.dll
// This method is DUPLICATED in common/generic/syslibs/store/ucrypt/ue_strm.cpp
delete iParms;
delete iAuth;
void CPBEncryptionData::ConstructL(const TDesC8& aPassword,
TPBECipher aCipher, const TDesC8& aAuthSalt,
const TDesC8& aEncryptSalt, const TDesC8& aIV, TUint aIterations)
iParms = CPBEncryptParms::NewL(aCipher, aEncryptSalt, aIV, aIterations);
iAuth = CPBAuthData::NewL(aPassword, aAuthSalt,
PBE::GetKeyBytes(aCipher), aIterations);
void CPBEncryptionData::ConstructL(const CPBEncryptionData& aData)
iParms = CPBEncryptParms::NewL(aData.EncryptParms());
iAuth = CPBAuthData::NewL(aData.AuthData());
EXPORT_C const CPBEncryptParms& CPBEncryptionData::EncryptParms(void) const
return *iParms;
EXPORT_C const CPBAuthData& CPBEncryptionData::AuthData(void) const
return *iAuth;
/* CPBEncryptParms */
EXPORT_C CPBEncryptParms* CPBEncryptParms::NewL()
This factory function allocates an encryption
parameters object with default settings. The
individual settings can be retrieved and modified
with the accessor and mutator functions after
this object has been created.
This factory function is provided so that individual
parameters can be modified without providing many
factory functions.
@return New instance of CPBEncryptParms.
CPBEncryptParms* self = NewLC();
return self;
EXPORT_C CPBEncryptParms* CPBEncryptParms::NewLC()
Similar to the NewL overload which takes no
arguments, this function additionally puts the
allocated instance of CPBEncryptParms on the
cleanup stack.
@return New instance of CPBEncryptParms.
CPBEncryptParms* self = new(ELeave) CPBEncryptParms;
return self;
void CPBEncryptParms::ConstructL()
Initialize this object with default cipher, kdf (PKCS#5,)
salt length, iteration count, and IV.
iData = new(ELeave) TParamsData;
iData->iKdf = EKdfPkcs5;
iSalt = HBufC8::NewMaxL(KPBEDefaultSaltBytes);
TPtr8 saltDes = iSalt->Des();
iIterations = KDefaultIterations;
iIV = HBufC8::NewMaxL(KPBEMaxCipherIVBytes);
(TCrypto::Strength() == TCrypto::EStrong)
? KPBEDefaultStrongCipher : KPBEDefaultWeakCipher );
EXPORT_C CPBEncryptParms* CPBEncryptParms::NewL(TPBECipher aCipher,
const TDesC8& aSalt, const TDesC8& aIV, TUint aIterations)
CPBEncryptParms* self = NewLC(aCipher, aSalt, aIV, aIterations);
return self;
EXPORT_C CPBEncryptParms* CPBEncryptParms::NewLC(TPBECipher aCipher,
const TDesC8& aSalt, const TDesC8& aIV, TUint aIterations)
CPBEncryptParms* self = new(ELeave)CPBEncryptParms();
self->ConstructL(aCipher, aSalt, aIV, aIterations);
return self;
EXPORT_C CPBEncryptParms* CPBEncryptParms::NewL(const CPBEncryptParms& aParms)
CPBEncryptParms* self = NewLC(aParms);
return self;
EXPORT_C CPBEncryptParms* CPBEncryptParms::NewLC(const CPBEncryptParms& aParms)
CPBEncryptParms* self = new(ELeave)CPBEncryptParms();
return self;
// HPRE-5TDFK2: Remove Store/estor.dll dependency on Cryptography/pbe.dll
// This method is DUPLICATED in common/generic/syslibs/store/ucrypt/ue_strm.cpp
EXPORT_C CPBEncryptParms::CPBEncryptParms()
// HPRE-5TDFK2: Remove Store/estor.dll dependency on Cryptography/pbe.dll
// This method is DUPLICATED in common/generic/syslibs/store/ucrypt/ue_strm.cpp
delete iData;
delete iSalt;
delete iIV;
void CPBEncryptParms::ConstructL(TPBECipher aCipher, const TDesC8& aSalt,
const TDesC8& aIV, TUint aIterations)
iData = new(ELeave) TParamsData;
iData->iCipher = aCipher;
iData->iKdf = EKdfPkcs5;
iSalt = aSalt.AllocL();
iIV = aIV.AllocL();
iIterations = aIterations;
void CPBEncryptParms::ConstructL(const CPBEncryptParms& aParms)
iData = new(ELeave) TParamsData;
iData->iCipher = aParms.Cipher();
iData->iKdf = aParms.iData->iKdf;
iSalt = aParms.Salt().AllocL();
iIterations = aParms.Iterations();
iIV = aParms.IV().AllocL();
EXPORT_C TPBECipher CPBEncryptParms::Cipher() const
return iData->iCipher;
EXPORT_C void CPBEncryptParms::SetCipher(TPBECipher aCipher)
* Replace the current cipher. This function resizes the
* IV and replaces its existing contents.
* @param aCipher New cipher.
* @deprecated Use SetCipherL instead.
* @see SetCipherL
TPtr8 ivDes = iIV->Des();
iData->iCipher = aCipher;
EXPORT_C CPBEncryptParms::TKdf CPBEncryptParms::Kdf() const
Accessor function returns the key derivation function
(KDF) specified by this object.
@return KDF specified by this object.
return iData->iKdf;
EXPORT_C void CPBEncryptParms::SetKdf(CPBEncryptParms::TKdf aKdf)
Replace the current key derivation function.
@param aKdf Key derivation function.
iData->iKdf = aKdf;
EXPORT_C TPtrC8 CPBEncryptParms::Salt() const
return TPtrC8(*iSalt);
EXPORT_C void CPBEncryptParms::ResizeSaltL(TInt aNewLen)
Resize the current salt and replace its contents.
@param aNewLen New salt length.
iSalt = iSalt->ReAllocL(aNewLen);
TPtr8 saltDes = iSalt->Des();
EXPORT_C TInt CPBEncryptParms::Iterations() const
return iIterations;
EXPORT_C void CPBEncryptParms::SetIterations(TInt aIterCount)
Replace the current iteration count with the supplied value.
@param aIterCount Number of iterations to apply in
the KDF.
ASSERT(aIterCount >= 0);
iIterations = aIterCount;
EXPORT_C TPtrC8 CPBEncryptParms::IV() const
return TPtrC8(*iIV);
EXPORT_C void CPBEncryptParms::SetIV(const TDesC8& aNewIv)
Replace the initialization vector.
@param aNewIv New initialization vector length.
This must have no more than
KPBEMaxCipherIVBytes bytes.
void CPBEncryptParms::DeriveKeyL(const TDesC8& aPassword, TDes8& aKeyBuf) const
Derive a key from this object's kdf, salt, amd iteration count.
@param aPassword User-supplied password used to generate key.
@param aKeyBuf Buffer to populate with new key.
On entry it must be set to the required
key length.
switch (iData->iKdf)
case CPBEncryptParms::EKdfPkcs5:
TPKCS5KDF::DeriveKeyL(aKeyBuf, aPassword, *iSalt, iIterations);
case CPBEncryptParms::EKdfPkcs12:
PKCS12KDF::DeriveKeyL(aKeyBuf, PKCS12KDF::EIDByteEncryptKey, aPassword, *iSalt, iIterations);
/* CPBAuthData */
EXPORT_C CPBAuthData* CPBAuthData::NewL(const TDesC8& aPassword,
const TDesC8& aSalt, TUint aKeySize, TUint aIterations)
CPBAuthData* self = NewLC(aPassword, aSalt, aKeySize, aIterations);
return self;
EXPORT_C CPBAuthData* CPBAuthData::NewLC(const TDesC8& aPassword,
const TDesC8& aSalt, TUint aKeySize, TUint aIterations)
CPBAuthData* self = new(ELeave)CPBAuthData();
self->ConstructL(aPassword, aSalt, aKeySize, aIterations);
return self;
EXPORT_C CPBAuthData* CPBAuthData::NewL(const CPBAuthData& aData)
CPBAuthData* self = NewLC(aData);
return self;
EXPORT_C CPBAuthData* CPBAuthData::NewLC(const CPBAuthData& aData)
CPBAuthData* self = new(ELeave)CPBAuthData();
return self;
// HPRE-5TDFK2: Remove Store/estor.dll dependency on Cryptography/pbe.dll
// This method is DUPLICATED in common/generic/syslibs/store/ucrypt/ue_strm.cpp
EXPORT_C CPBAuthData::CPBAuthData()
// HPRE-5TDFK2: Remove Store/estor.dll dependency on Cryptography/pbe.dll
// This method is DUPLICATED in common/generic/syslibs/store/ucrypt/ue_strm.cpp
delete iAuthKey;
delete iSalt;
void CPBAuthData::ConstructL(const TDesC8& aPassword, const TDesC8& aSalt,
TUint aKeySize, TUint aIterations)
iSalt = aSalt.AllocL();
iIterations = aIterations;
iAuthKey = HBufC8::NewMaxL(aKeySize);
TPtr8 authKeyPtr = iAuthKey->Des();
TPKCS5KDF::DeriveKeyL(authKeyPtr, aPassword, *iSalt, iIterations);
void CPBAuthData::ConstructL(const CPBAuthData& aData)
iAuthKey = aData.Key().AllocL();
iSalt = aData.Salt().AllocL();
iIterations = aData.Iterations();
EXPORT_C TPtrC8 CPBAuthData::Key() const
return TPtrC8(*iAuthKey);
EXPORT_C TPtrC8 CPBAuthData::Salt() const
return TPtrC8(*iSalt);
EXPORT_C TInt CPBAuthData::Iterations() const
return iIterations;
EXPORT_C TBool CPBAuthData::operator==(const CPBAuthData& aAuth) const
//if the key's are equal, the its true, as the other members are used in key derivation
return (*iAuthKey == aAuth.Key());