* Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include "content.h"
#include "resolver.h"
#include "data.h"
#include "agentfactory.h"
#include "agentinfo.h"
#include "agentinterface.h"
#include "attributeset.h"
#include "agent.h"
#include "virtualpath.h"
#include "agentfactory.h"
#ifndef REMOVE_CAF1
#include "attribute.h"
#include "bitset.h"
using namespace ContentAccess;
EXPORT_C CContent* CContent::NewLC(const TDesC& aURI)
return CContent::NewLC(aURI, EContentShareReadOnly);
EXPORT_C CContent* CContent::NewL(const TDesC& aURI)
return CContent::NewL(aURI, EContentShareReadOnly);
EXPORT_C CContent* CContent::NewLC(const TDesC& aURI, TContentShareMode aShareMode)
CContent* self = new(ELeave) CContent();
self->ConstructL(aURI, aShareMode);
return self;
EXPORT_C CContent* CContent::NewL(const TDesC& aURI, TContentShareMode aShareMode)
CContent* self=CContent::NewLC(aURI, aShareMode);
return self;
EXPORT_C CContent* CContent::NewLC(RFile& aFile)
CContent* self = new(ELeave) CContent();
return self;
EXPORT_C CContent* CContent::NewL(RFile& aFile)
CContent* self=CContent::NewLC(aFile);
return self;
CContent::CContent() : iDefaultVirtualPath(KNullDesC(), KDefaultContentObject())
delete iAgentContent;
delete iVirtualPath;
// Finished with agent, this closes ECOM handle
delete iAgentFactory;
void CContent::ConstructL(RFile &aFile)
// Make our own copy of the file handle
// Rewind the file pointer
TInt pos = 0;
iFile.Seek(ESeekStart, pos);
// For case where CAF is built with an RFile
CAgentResolver* resolver = CAgentResolver::NewLC(EFalse);
// Find the agent who handles the file
CAgentInfo& agentInfo = resolver->ResolveFileL(iFile);
// copy the agent name and Uid
iAgent = agentInfo.Agent();
// Construct the agent factory (ECOM handle)
iAgentFactory = CAgentFactory::NewL(iAgent.ImplementationUid());
// Construct the CAgentContent object
iAgentContent = iAgentFactory->CreateContentBrowserL(iFile);
// Finished with resolver (and the agentInfo object it owns)
void CContent::ConstructL(const TDesC& aURI, TContentShareMode aShareMode)
iShareMode = aShareMode;
// Create the agent resolver which will contains a reference to
// the agent responsible for this piece of content
CAgentResolver* resolver = CAgentResolver::NewLC(EFalse);
// Create a temporary buffer used to store the translated version of the URI
HBufC* actualUri = HBufC::NewLC(aURI.Length() + KMaxSIDLength);
TPtr uri = actualUri->Des();
// Set the TVirtualPathPtr to point to the URI supplied,
// this will decode any combined URI into the actual URI and uniqueId
// for use in subsequent functions
TVirtualPathPtr contentVirtualPath = aURI;
// Find the agent who handles the file and translate the URI if it is pointing to a private directory
CAgentInfo& agentInfo = resolver->ResolveFileL(contentVirtualPath.URI(), uri, iShareMode);
// Set the iVirtualPath to point to the translated URI and the uniqueId
iVirtualPath = CVirtualPath::NewL(*actualUri, contentVirtualPath.UniqueId());
iDefaultVirtualPath = *iVirtualPath;
// Copy the agent name and Uid
iAgent = agentInfo.Agent();
// Construct the agent factory (ECOM handle)
iAgentFactory = CAgentFactory::NewL(iAgent.ImplementationUid());
// Construct the agent content browser
iAgentContent = iAgentFactory->CreateContentBrowserL(uri, iShareMode);
// Finished with resolver and the CAgentInfo object it owns
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, resolver); // actualUri
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::OpenContainer(const TDesC &aUniqueId)
return iAgentContent->OpenContainer(aUniqueId);
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::CloseContainer ()
return iAgentContent->CloseContainer();
EXPORT_C void CContent::GetEmbeddedObjectsL (RStreamablePtrArray<CEmbeddedObject>& aArray) const
EXPORT_C void CContent::GetEmbeddedObjectsL (RStreamablePtrArray<CEmbeddedObject>& aArray, TEmbeddedType aType) const
iAgentContent->GetEmbeddedObjectsL(aArray, aType);
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::Search (RStreamablePtrArray<CEmbeddedObject>& aArray, const TDesC8 &aMimeType, TBool aRecursive)
return iAgentContent->Search(aArray, aMimeType, aRecursive);
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::GetAttribute (TInt aAttribute, TInt &aValue) const
return GetAttribute(aAttribute, aValue, iDefaultVirtualPath.UniqueId());
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::GetAttribute (TInt aAttribute, TInt& aValue, const TDesC &aUniqueId) const
return iAgentContent->GetAttribute(aAttribute, aValue, aUniqueId);
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::GetAttributeSet(RAttributeSet& aAttributeSet) const
return GetAttributeSet(aAttributeSet, iDefaultVirtualPath.UniqueId());
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::GetAttributeSet(RAttributeSet& aAttributeSet, const TDesC& aUniqueId) const
return iAgentContent->GetAttributeSet(aAttributeSet, aUniqueId);
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::GetStringAttribute (TInt aAttribute, TDes &aValue) const
return GetStringAttribute(aAttribute, aValue, iDefaultVirtualPath.UniqueId());
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::GetStringAttribute (TInt aAttribute, TDes &aValue, const TDesC &aUniqueId) const
return iAgentContent->GetStringAttribute(aAttribute, aValue, aUniqueId);
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::GetStringAttributeSet(RStringAttributeSet& aStringAttributeSet) const
return GetStringAttributeSet(aStringAttributeSet, iDefaultVirtualPath.UniqueId());
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::GetStringAttributeSet(RStringAttributeSet& aStringAttributeSet, const TDesC& aUniqueId) const
return iAgentContent->GetStringAttributeSet(aStringAttributeSet, aUniqueId);
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::AgentSpecificCommand (TInt aCommand, const TDesC8 &aInputBuffer, TDes8 &aOutputBuffer)
return iAgentContent->AgentSpecificCommand(aCommand, aInputBuffer, aOutputBuffer);
EXPORT_C void CContent::AgentSpecificCommand (TInt aCommand, const TDesC8 &aInputBuffer, TDes8 &aOutputBuffer, TRequestStatus &aStatus)
iAgentContent->AgentSpecificCommand(aCommand, aInputBuffer, aOutputBuffer, aStatus);
EXPORT_C void CContent::NotifyStatusChange(TEventMask aMask, TRequestStatus &aStatus)
NotifyStatusChange(aMask, aStatus, iDefaultVirtualPath.UniqueId());
EXPORT_C void CContent::NotifyStatusChange(TEventMask aMask, TRequestStatus &aStatus, const TDesC &aUniqueId)
iAgentContent->NotifyStatusChange(aMask, aStatus, aUniqueId);
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::CancelNotifyStatusChange(TRequestStatus &aStatus)
return CancelNotifyStatusChange(aStatus, iDefaultVirtualPath.UniqueId());
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::CancelNotifyStatusChange(TRequestStatus &aStatus, const TDesC &aUniqueId)
return iAgentContent->CancelNotifyStatusChange(aStatus, aUniqueId);
EXPORT_C void CContent::RequestRights(TRequestStatus &aStatus)
RequestRights(aStatus, iDefaultVirtualPath.UniqueId());
EXPORT_C void CContent::RequestRights(TRequestStatus &aStatus, const TDesC &aUniqueId)
iAgentContent->RequestRights(aStatus, aUniqueId);
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::CancelRequestRights(TRequestStatus &aStatus)
return CancelRequestRights(aStatus, iDefaultVirtualPath.UniqueId());
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::CancelRequestRights(TRequestStatus &aStatus, const TDesC& aUniqueId)
return iAgentContent->CancelRequestRights(aStatus, aUniqueId);
EXPORT_C void CContent::DisplayInfoL(TDisplayInfo aInfo) const
DisplayInfoL(aInfo, iDefaultVirtualPath.UniqueId());
EXPORT_C void CContent::DisplayInfoL(TDisplayInfo aInfo, const TDesC& aUniqueId) const
iAgentContent->DisplayInfoL(aInfo, aUniqueId);
EXPORT_C TInt CContent::SetProperty(TAgentProperty aProperty, TInt aValue)
return iAgentContent->SetProperty(aProperty, aValue);
EXPORT_C CData* CContent::OpenContentL(TIntent aIntent)
return OpenContentL(aIntent, iDefaultVirtualPath.UniqueId());
EXPORT_C CData* CContent::OpenContentLC(TIntent aIntent)
return OpenContentLC(aIntent, iDefaultVirtualPath.UniqueId());
EXPORT_C CData* CContent::OpenContentL(TIntent aIntent, const TDesC &aUniqueId)
CData* data = OpenContentLC(aIntent, aUniqueId);
return data;
EXPORT_C CData* CContent::OpenContentLC(TIntent aIntent, const TDesC &aUniqueId)
// Open the content object specified by the Unique Id
// create a CData based upon the URI supplied when this CContent was created
return CData::NewLC(iAgent.ImplementationUid(), TVirtualPathPtr(iDefaultVirtualPath.URI(), aUniqueId), aIntent, iShareMode);
// create a CData based upon the file handle supplied when this CContent was created
return CData::NewLC(iAgent.ImplementationUid(), iFile, aUniqueId, aIntent);
EXPORT_C const TAgent& CContent::Agent() const
// The agent handling this content
return iAgent;
#ifndef REMOVE_CAF1
// Deprecated functions
EXPORT_C CData* CContent::OpenContentL(TIntent aIntent, TContentShareMode aShareMode)
CData* data = NULL;
// Open the content object specified by the Unique Id
// create a CData based upon the URI supplied when this CContent was created
data = CData::NewLC(iAgent.ImplementationUid(), iDefaultVirtualPath, aIntent, aShareMode);
// create a CData based upon the file handle supplied when this CContent was created
data = CData::NewLC(iAgent.ImplementationUid(), iFile, iDefaultVirtualPath.UniqueId(), aIntent);
return data;
EXPORT_C CAttribute* CContent::NewAttributeL(TBool aPreloaded)
return NewAttributeL(aPreloaded, EContentShareReadOnly);
EXPORT_C CAttribute* CContent::NewAttributeL(TBool aPreloaded, TContentShareMode aShareMode)
CAttribute* attr = NULL;
// if we were opened with a file name
attr = CAttribute::NewLC(iAgent.ImplementationUid(), iDefaultVirtualPath.URI(), aShareMode);
// if we were opened with a file handle
attr = CAttribute::NewLC(iAgent.ImplementationUid(), iFile);
// If aPreloaded is set, query the agent immediately for all the attributes
if (aPreloaded)
return attr;
#endif // REMOVE_CAF1
// DLL entry point - only for EKA1