* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Implements CScsServer functionality. See class and functions definitions
* for more detail.
#include <scs/scsserver.h>
#include "scsserverconstants.h"
static const TInt defaultPolicyRangeCount = 1;
static const TInt defaultPolicyRanges[defaultPolicyRangeCount] =
0 // All requests
static const TUint8 defaultPolicyElementsIndex[defaultPolicyRangeCount] =
static const CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement defaultPolicyPolicyElements[1] = {};
static const CPolicyServer::TPolicy defaultPolicy =
CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass, // Allow all connects
EXPORT_C CScsServer::CScsServer(const TVersion& aVersion, CActive::TPriority aPriority)
Record this server's version so it can be compared against the requested
version in NewSessionL.
@param aVersion This server's version. This is compared against each
client's requested version when the client tries to connect.
@param aPriority This server's active object priority.
: CPolicyServer(aPriority, defaultPolicy, ESharableSessions)
// ,iSessionCount(0)
// empty.
EXPORT_C CScsServer::CScsServer(const TVersion& aVersion, const CPolicyServer::TPolicy& aPolicy, CActive::TPriority aPriority)
Record this server's version so it can be compared against the requested
version in NewSessionL.
@param aVersion This server's version. This is compared against each
client's requested version when the client tries to connect.
@param aPolicy Can be used to configure security for server connect and session functions
@param aPriority This server's active object priority.
Note that aPolicy must be configured to allow all functions
covered by the KScsFunctionMask mask.
: CPolicyServer(aPriority, aPolicy, ESharableSessions)
// ,iSessionCount(0)
// empty.
EXPORT_C void CScsServer::ConstructL(TInt aShutdownPeriodUs)
Second-phase constructor allocates the shutdown timer for this server object.
If aShutdownPeriodUs is not 0, this function starts the shutdown
timer because the server starts up with no current sessions.
If aShutdownPeriodUs is 0, the timer is not started and the server
will not auto-exit.
nb. It must be called, even if you do not want a shutdown timer.
This function does not start the server, i.e. it does not call StartL. The
calling function must do this after this function returns.
@param aShutdownPeriodUs Shutdown period in microseconds.
if(aShutdownPeriodUs > 0)
iShutdownTimer = CShutdownTimer::NewL(aShutdownPeriodUs);
iContainerIndex = CObjectConIx::NewL();
TCallBack cb(RemoveCompletedRequests, this);
// EPriorityHigh to encourage the active scheduler to action the
// delete ASAP, in particular ahead of pending or new requests.
iAsyncCleanup = new(ELeave) CAsyncCallBack(cb, CActive::EPriorityHigh);
EXPORT_C void CScsServer::DisableShutdownTimer()
The server will no longer shutdown after the last client session closes.
Client calls to RScsClientBase::ShutdownServer will fail with KErrNotSupported.
delete iShutdownTimer;
iShutdownTimer = 0;
EXPORT_C void CScsServer::EnableShutdownTimerL(TInt aShutdownPeriodUs)
Enable shutdown timer support in the server.
If there are currently no client sessions the timer will be immediately started, otherwise
it will be started when the last client session closes.
If the timer expires, before another client creates a session, the server will shutdown.
The RScsClientBase::ShutdownServer api will now be supported, if called the server timeout
will effectively be reduced to 0.
if(aShutdownPeriodUs <= 0)
iShutdownTimer = CShutdownTimer::NewL(aShutdownPeriodUs);
if(iSessionCount == 0)
EXPORT_C CScsServer::~CScsServer()
Frees resources used at this level. Specifically, frees the
container index, which is used to generate subsession containers,
the shutdown timer, and the async request cleanup object.
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionCount == 0, PanicServer(ESvrRemSessions));
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iAsyncCleanup == 0 || !iAsyncCleanup->IsActive(), PanicServer(ESvrRemCleanup));
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iAsyncRequests.Count() == 0, PanicServer(ESvrRemRequests));
delete iContainerIndex;
delete iShutdownTimer;
delete iAsyncCleanup;
// -------- sessions --------
EXPORT_C CSession2* CScsServer::NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion, const RMessage2& aMessage) const
Implement CServer2 by allocating a new session object. This function
delegates the actual allocation to the subclass. Before creating the
session object, it compares the requested version with its own version.
After creating the session object, it increments the session count, which
reset the shutdown timer if it is the only session.
@param aVersion Version of server which client requires.
@param aMessage Connect message.
@return New initialized instance of CSession2 subclass.
TBool versionOk = User::QueryVersionSupported(/* aCurrent */ iVersion, /* aRequested */ aVersion);
if (! versionOk)
CScsSession* s = const_cast<CScsServer*>(this)->DoNewSessionL(aMessage);
return s;
EXPORT_C void CScsServer::DoPreHeapMarkOrCheckL()
EXPORT_C void CScsServer::DoPostHeapMarkOrCheckL()
void CScsServer::IncrementSessionCount()
Record the fact that another session has been created. If this new
session is the only session then cancel the shutdown timer.
if (iSessionCount == 1)
void CScsServer::DecrementSessionCount()
Record the fact that a session has been deleted. If this was the
only remaining session then start the shutdown timer.
Note the shutdown timer may be deferred if a request cleanup is
if (iShutdownTimer && (iSessionCount == 0) && (! iAsyncCleanup->IsActive()))
EXPORT_C void CScsServer::ShutdownWhenIdleL()
Shutdown immediately when server is next idle. If the server
is not transient (ie. has no shutdown timer), this call is
prohibited and will leave with KErrNotSupported.
if(! iShutdownTimer)
// We do not allow shutdown of non-transient servers.
// Next time we are idle, shutdown immediately.
// -------- asynchronous requests --------
CAsyncRequest* CScsServer::FindAsyncRequest(
CScsSession* aSession, CScsSubsession* aSubsession, TInt aFunction)
Find the outstanding request which matches the supplied criteria.
@param aSession Session which hosts the request.
@param aSubsession Subsession which hosts the request, NULL if
the request is relative to a session.
@param aFunction The function identifier, without any SCS code.
@return The matching asynchronous request, NULL if not
TInt reqCount = iAsyncRequests.Count();
for (TInt i = reqCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
CAsyncRequest* req = iAsyncRequests[i];
if (req->iSession != aSession)
if (req->iSubsession != aSubsession)
if (req->iFunction != aFunction)
return req;
return 0; // request not found
void CScsServer::AddAsyncRequestL(CAsyncRequest* aAsyncRequest)
Add the supplied request to the server's collection.
@param aAsyncRequest Request to add. If this function succeeds
then ownership has been transferred to the
// ensure this session does not already have an outstanding request
// for the same function
CAsyncRequest* existReq = FindAsyncRequest(
aAsyncRequest->iSession, aAsyncRequest->iSubsession,
if (existReq != 0)
void CScsServer::CancelAsyncRequest(
CScsSession* aSession, CScsSubsession* aSubsession, TInt aFunction)
Cancels a specific (sub)session request in response to a client
command. Also completes the client request.
CancelOutstandingRequest should be called when a (sub)session is closed.
@param aSession Session which hosts the request.
@param aSubsession Subsession which hosts the request, NULL if
the request is relative to a session.
@param aFunction The function identifier, without any SCS code.
CAsyncRequest* req = FindAsyncRequest(aSession, aSubsession, aFunction);
// not an error if the request is not queued; could have been
// completed before the cancel function was processed.
if (req != 0)
void CScsServer::CancelOutstandingRequests(CScsSession* aSession, TBool aCompleteClientRequests)
Cancels and deletes all outstanding asynchronous requests associated
with the supplied session or any of its subsessions. Does not complete
the associated client requests.
This function should be called when a session is closed.
CancelAsyncRequest should be called when a specific request is cancelled.
@param aSession Session which is being closed.
@param aCompleteClientRequests Whether to complete the client-side requests
with KErrCancel.
CancelOutstandingRequests(aSession, KWildSubsession, aCompleteClientRequests);
void CScsServer::CancelOutstandingRequests(CScsSession* aSession, CScsSubsession* aSubsession, TBool aCompleteClientRequests)
Cancels and deletes all outstanding asynchronous requests associated
with the supplied session and subsession. This should be called when
a session or subsession is closed.
As an exception, the user-side request is completed when a subsession is
closed, else the request would not be completed until the session itself
was destroyed.
CancelAsyncRequest should be called when a specific request is cancelled.
@param aSession Session which is being closed.
@param aSubsession Subsession which is being closed. If this is
KWildSubsession then a session is being closed so all of
its subsession requests should be destroyed as well.
@param aCompleteClientRequests Whether to complete the client-side requests
with KErrCancel.
TBool wildSubsession = (aSubsession == KWildSubsession);
TInt reqCount = iAsyncRequests.Count();
for (TInt i = reqCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
CAsyncRequest* req = iAsyncRequests[i];
TBool sessionMatch = (req->iSession == aSession);
if (! sessionMatch)
TBool subsessionMatch = wildSubsession || (req->iSubsession == aSubsession);
if (! subsessionMatch)
if (aCompleteClientRequests)
TInt CScsServer::RemoveCompletedRequests(TAny* aPtr)
This static function is called when iAsyncCleanup
runs. It interprets its argument as a pointer to
an instance of CScsServer and removes any asynchronous
requests which have been completed.
@param aPtr Required callback argument. Interpreted
as a pointer to an instance of CScsServer.
@return KErrNone. Required to satisfy the TCallBack
function signature.
@see RemoveCompletedRequests()
CScsServer* svr = static_cast<CScsServer*>(aPtr);
return KErrNone;
void CScsServer::RemoveCompletedRequests()
Delete any asynchronous requests which are marked for deletion.
// The requests have already been completed; they just need to be removed.
TInt reqCount = iAsyncRequests.Count();
for (TInt i = reqCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
CAsyncRequest* req = iAsyncRequests[i];
if (req->iSession != 0) // still outstanding if iSession != 0
delete req;
// if no more outstanding requests then reset array so heap balances
if (iAsyncRequests.Count() == 0)
// if the shutdown timer was deferred because of an impending
// cleanup then launch it now.
if (iShutdownTimer && (iSessionCount == 0))
// End of file