Added python script to import Mozilla certificates into Symbian OS (Bug 287). Also added the Mozilla certificate store file.
?CreateTokenTypeL@CSWICertStore@@SAPAVCCTTokenType@@XZ @ 1 NONAME ; class CCTTokenType * CSWICertStore::CreateTokenTypeL(void)
?NewL@CSWICertStore@@SAPAV1@AAVRFs@@@Z @ 2 NONAME ; class CSWICertStore * CSWICertStore::NewL(class RFs &)
?CapabilitiesL@CSWICertStore@@QAEABVTCapabilitySet@@ABVCCTCertInfo@@@Z @ 3 NONAME ABSENT ; class TCapabilitySet const & CSWICertStore::CapabilitiesL(class CCTCertInfo const &)
?IsMandatoryL@CSWICertStore@@QAEHABVCCTCertInfo@@@Z @ 4 NONAME ABSENT ; int CSWICertStore::IsMandatoryL(class CCTCertInfo const &)
?CertMetaInfoL@CSWICertStore@@QAEABVTCertMetaInfo@@ABVCCTCertInfo@@@Z @ 5 NONAME ; class TCertMetaInfo const & CSWICertStore::CertMetaInfoL(class CCTCertInfo const &)
?KAggregateCertStore@@3EB @ 6 NONAME ; unsigned char const KAggregateCertStore