* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <bautils.h>
#include "tauthdbstep.h"
using namespace AuthServer;
TVerdict CTStepCreateTestDb::doTestStepL()
Create a test database and copy the file to
authdb0.db to system drive. This database is used by both
tauthdb and tauthsvr.
TInt r;
// create the server's private directory. This happens
// when the server starts up, but some of the tests use
// the server's classes directly.
TDriveUnit sysDrive (RFs::GetSystemDrive());
TDriveName sysDriveName (sysDrive.Name());
TBuf<128> dbName(KDbName);
dbName[0] = 'A' + sysDrive;
r = iFs.MkDirAll(dbName); // db name not used
if (r != KErrAlreadyExists)
CAuthDb2* db = CAuthDb2::NewLC(iFs);
_LIT(kId1Name, "Identity1");
_LIT(kId2Name, "Identity2");
_LIT(kId3Name, "Identity3");
_LIT(kId22Name, "Identity22");
db->AddIdentityL(1, kId1Name);
const CTransientKeyInfo* tki1 = iId1Keys[0];
db->SetTrainedPluginL(1, tki1->PluginId(), *tki1);
db->AddIdentityL(2, kId2Name);
const CTransientKeyInfo* tki2 = iId2Keys[0];
db->SetTrainedPluginL(2, tki2->PluginId(), *tki2);
db->AddIdentityL(3, kId3Name);
const CTransientKeyInfo* tki3 = iId3Keys[0];
db->SetTrainedPluginL(3, tki3->PluginId(), *tki3);
// create additional trained plugins
for (TInt i = 1 ; i < KNumPlugins ; ++i)
db->SetTrainedPluginL(1, iId1Keys[i]->PluginId(), *iId1Keys[i]);
db->SetTrainedPluginL(2, iId1Keys[i]->PluginId(), *iId2Keys[i]);
db->SetTrainedPluginL(3, iId1Keys[i]->PluginId(), *iId3Keys[i]);
// Add 1 more id for use with test plugin
CProtectionKey* key = CProtectionKey::NewLC(8);
CTransientKeyInfo* tki = CTransientKeyInfo::NewLC(0x10274104);
CTransientKey* tk = tki->CreateTransientKeyL(KIdentifyData);
CEncryptedProtectionKey* epKey = tk->EncryptL(*key);
CleanupStack::PushL(epKey); // epKey takes ownership
CleanupStack::Pop(epKey); // eki takes ownership
db->AddIdentityL(22, kId22Name);
db->SetTrainedPluginL(22, tki->PluginId(), *tki);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, key);
_LIT(KDbTrgFileName ,"\\authdb0.db");
TBuf<128> dbTrgFileName (sysDriveName);
// copy the file to the system drive
r = BaflUtils::CopyFile(iFs, dbName, dbTrgFileName);
TESTL(r == KErrNone);
return EPass;