Fix for Bug 2442 - Symbian^2 package build failure.
# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# This script scans epocwind.out log files resulting from an automated emulator test run
# and checks for panics. Files to skip or those with expected panics can be identified
# in the hash table "expectedPanicsHash".
# If looks for logs in %EPOCROOT%\logs\winscw - rhe DABS scripts will rename epocwind.out
# files for all tests to end in "_epocwind.txt" so this script scans only files matching
# this pattern.
# If run without arguments the output logfile will be
# %EPOCROOT%\epoc32\winscw\c\panicscanlog.txt but a log path/name can be specified as the
# only command line argument.
use Cwd;
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy; # for future portability
# Hash entries are in the form <skip check>, ([pattern1, expectedCount1], [pattern2, expectedCount2],...)
# where anything non-zero for the first entry will skip the check for the file.
# The match patterns are regular expressions.
my %expectedPanicsHash = ();
# TCAF test expects CafUtils 0 panics
push(@{$expectedPanicsHash{"TCAF_epocwind.txt"}}, (0,
("Thread tcaf.exe::Worker.*Panic CafUtils 0",6)));
# tjavahelperserver test expects 4 kern-exec 0 panics
push(@{$expectedPanicsHash{"tjavahelperserver_epocwind.txt"}}, (0,
("Thread tjavahelperserver.exe::Worker.*Panic KERN-EXEC 0", 5)));
# Authserver test should be uncommented when it is released.
# authserver related tests expect panics
#push(@{$expectedPanicsHash{"tauthexpr_epocwind.txt"}}, (0,
# ("Thread tauthcliserv.exe::Worker.*Panic AuthServer 3", 1)));
#push(@{$expectedPanicsHash{"tauthcliserv_debug_epocwind.txt"}}, (0,
# ("Thread tauthcliserv.exe::Worker.*Panic AUTHEXPR 64", 3)));
#push(@{$expectedPanicsHash{"tauthsvr2_epocwind.txt"}}, (0,
# ("Thread AuthServer.EXE::!AuthServer Panic AuthServer 5", 2)));
# crypto - padding related tests expect panics
push(@{$expectedPanicsHash{"tpaddingudeb_epocwind.txt"}}, (0,
("Thread tpaddingServer.exe::Worker.*Panic CRYPTO-LIB 1", 1)));
# Expected UPS panics
push(@{$expectedPanicsHash{"tpolicycache_epocwind.txt"}}, (0,
("Thread tupspolicies.exe::Worker.*Panic UPS-Policies 0", 2)));
push(@{$expectedPanicsHash{"tserviceconfig_epocwind.txt"}}, (0,
("Thread tupspolicies.exe::Worker.*Panic UPS-Policies 0", 1)));
("Thread scstestserver.exe::Main Panic SCS-Server 0", 1),
("Thread scstest.exe::ScsTestPanic Panic SCS-Client 0", 1),
("Thread scstest.exe::ScsTestPanic Panic SCS-Client 1", 1),
("Thread scstest.exe::ScsTestPanic Panic SCS-Client 2", 1)
die "EPOCROOT not defined, must specify directory" if !defined ($ENV{EPOCROOT});
# Searches for the most recently created Log directory
my @logDirectories = glob("$ENV{EPOCROOT}logs_*\\winscw");
@logDirectories = sort(@logDirectories);
my $emulatorLogDirectory = "$logDirectories[$#logDirectories]";
if ( ! -d $emulatorLogDirectory )
die "$emulatorLogDirectory is not a directory";
my $outputFile;
if (@ARGV[0])
$outputFile = $ARGV[0];
$outputFile = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\winscw\\c\\panicscanlog.txt";
unlink $outputFile;
die "\nUnable to open log $outputFile\n" if( not open( SCANLOG, ">$outputFile" ) );
print SCANLOG "\nScanning epocwind.txt files in $emulatorLogDirectory for panics.\n\n";
my $failureCount = 0;
my $skipCount = 0;
my @fileList = getFiles($emulatorLogDirectory, "_epocwind\.txt\$");
my $fileCount = @fileList;
foreach my $file (@fileList)
print (SCANLOG "$file: \n");
my @matchPatterns=();
if (exists $expectedPanicsHash{$file})
(my $skipFile, @matchPatterns) = @{$expectedPanicsHash{$file}};
if ($skipFile)
print (SCANLOG "\tSkipping check.\n\n");
my @panicLines = grep(/Thread\s+.+\s+panic/i, ReadListFromFile("$emulatorLogDirectory/$file"));
my $failed = 0;
if (@panicLines)
if (@matchPatterns > 0)
print(SCANLOG "\tPanics found, checking against expected panics.\n");
my $j;
my @remainingCounts=();
for ($j=1; $j < @matchPatterns; $j=$j+2)
push @remainingCounts,$matchPatterns[$j];
PANICLOOP: foreach my $panic (@panicLines)
chomp $panic;
for ($j=0; $j < @matchPatterns; $j=$j+2)
if (grep(/$matchPatterns[$j]/, $panic))
print (SCANLOG "\t\"$panic\" matches expected pattern.\n");
print (SCANLOG "\t\"$panic\" does not match expected patterns\n");
$failed = 1;
for ($j=0; $j < @remainingCounts; $j++)
if ($remainingCounts[$j] != 0)
$failed = 1;
my $expectedCount = $matchPatterns[$j*2+1];
my $actualCount = $expectedCount - $remainingCounts[$j];
print (SCANLOG "\tExpected $expectedCount occurrences of pattern \"$matchPatterns[$j*2]\", got $actualCount\n");
print (SCANLOG "\tPanics found and none expected.\n");
$failed = 1;
foreach my $panic (@panicLines)
print (SCANLOG "\t$panic");
if (exists $expectedPanicsHash{$file})
print(SCANLOG "\tPanics expected but none found.\n");
$failed = 1;
print(SCANLOG "\tNo panics expected and none found.\n");
if ($failed)
print (SCANLOG "\tTest for $file FAILED.\n\n");
print (SCANLOG "\tTest for $file PASSED.\n\n");
if ($skipCount)
print (SCANLOG "\nSkipped $skipCount files ($fileCount total.)");
my $testedCount = $fileCount - $skipCount;
print (SCANLOG "\nTested $testedCount files.\n");
print (SCANLOG "$failureCount tests failed out of $testedCount \n");
close SCANLOG;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Return an array of files matching a regexp in a directory
sub getFiles($$) {
my $dir = shift;
my $regfiles = shift;
my @files;
if ( opendir DIR, $dir ) {
@files = grep (/$regfiles/, readdir(DIR));
closedir DIR;
return @files;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read the contents of a file into an array and return it
sub ReadListFromFile ($) {
my ($file) = @_;
open FILE, "<$file" or die "Can't read from $file: $!";
my @data = <FILE>;
close FILE;
return @data;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------