Merge RCL_3 fixes with latest delivery.
* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* This file contains the classes CPfxHeader,CSafeBagAttribute ,CSafeContentBag ,CSafeBagData.
#ifndef __TPKCS12DATA_H
#define __TPKCS12DATA_H
//System Include
#include <e32base.h>
#include <pkcs12.h>
#include <asnpkcs.h>
using namespace PKCS12;
To store the PKCS12 file details
class CPfxHeader : public CBase
/** creates a CPfxHeader object*/
static CPfxHeader* NewL(const CDecPkcs12& aDecPkcs12 , TInt aError);
/** creates a CPfxHeader object, push it on Cleanupstack*/
static CPfxHeader* NewLC(const CDecPkcs12& aDecPkcs12 , TInt aError);
/** destructor*/
/** to set the contentinfo count */
inline void SetContentInfoCount(TInt aContentInfoCount){iContentInfoCount = aContentInfoCount;}
/** to increment the keybagcount */
inline void IncrementKeyBagCount(){iKeyBagCount++ ;}
/** to increment the shroudedskeybagcount */
inline void IncrementShroudedKeyBagCount(){iShroudedKeyBagCount++ ;}
/** to increment the certbagcount */
inline void IncrementCertBagCount(){iCertBagCount++;}
/** to increment the crlbagcount */
inline void IncrementCrlBagCount(){iCrlBagCount++;}
/** to increment the secretbagcount */
inline void IncrementSecretBagCount(){iSecretBagCount++;}
/** to increment the safecontentbagcount */
inline void IncrementSafecontentBagCount(){iSafeContentsBagCount++;}
/** to set the pkcs12 Main Class ExpectedError */
inline void SetPkcs12ActualError(TInt aPkcs12ActualError){iPkcs12ActualError = aPkcs12ActualError;}
/** to get the version number*/
inline TInt Version(){return iVersion;}
/** to get the integrity mode*/
inline CDecPkcs12::TIntegrityMode IntegrityMode(){return iIntegrityMode;}
/** to get the mac data presence */
inline TBool MacData(){return iIsMacDataPresent;}
/** to get the mac Id */
inline TDesC8& MacId(){return *iMac;}
/** to get the mac salt */
inline TDesC8& MacSalt(){return *iMacSalt;}
/** to get the iteration count */
inline TInt IterationCount(){return iIterationCount;}
/** to get the contentinfo count */
inline TInt ContentInfoCount(){return iContentInfoCount;}
/** to get the keybagcount */
inline TInt KeyBagCount(){return iKeyBagCount;}
/** to get the shroudedskeybagcount */
inline TInt ShroudedKeyBagCount(){return iShroudedKeyBagCount;}
/** to get the certbagcount */
inline TInt CertBagCount(){return iCertBagCount;}
/** to get the crlbagcount */
inline TInt CrlBagCount(){return iCrlBagCount;}
/** to append the secretbagcount */
inline TInt SecretBagCount(){return iSecretBagCount;}
/** to append the safecontentbagcount */
inline TInt SafecontentBagCount(){return iSafeContentsBagCount;}
inline TInt TotalSafeBagCount(){return (iKeyBagCount+iShroudedKeyBagCount+
/** to get the pkcs12 Main Class ExpectedError */
inline TInt Pkcs12ActualError(){return iPkcs12ActualError;}
void ConstructL(const CDecPkcs12& aDecPkcs12 , TInt aError);
/** contains the version number of the PKCS#12 file */
TInt iVersion ;
/** contains the integrity mode of the PKCS#12 file */
CDecPkcs12::TIntegrityMode iIntegrityMode;
/** contains 1 if macData is present else 0 */
TBool iIsMacDataPresent;
/** contains the mac ID */
HBufC8* iMac;
/** contains the mac salt */
HBufC8* iMacSalt;
/** contains the iteration count */
TInt iIterationCount ;
/** contains the total content info count in the PKCS#12 file */
TInt iContentInfoCount;
/** contains the total keybag count in the PKCS#12 file */
TInt iKeyBagCount;
/** contains the total shroudedkeybag count in the PKCS#12 file */
TInt iShroudedKeyBagCount;
/** contains the total certbag count in the PKCS#12 file */
TInt iCertBagCount;
/** contains the total crlbag count in the PKCS#12 file */
TInt iCrlBagCount;
/** contains the total secretbag count in the PKCS#12 file */
TInt iSecretBagCount;
/** contains the total safecontent bag count in the PKCS#12 file */
TInt iSafeContentsBagCount;
/** contains PKCS12 main class error */
TInt iPkcs12ActualError;
/* Constructor */
To store the safecag attribute details
class CSafeBagAttribute : public CBase
/** destructor*/
/** creates a CSafeBagAttribute object*/
static CSafeBagAttribute* NewL(const CDecPkcs12Attribute& aAttribute);
/** creates a CSafeBagAttribute object, push it on Cleanupstack*/
static CSafeBagAttribute* NewLC(const CDecPkcs12Attribute& aAttribute);
/** to set the Attribute Id */
inline void SetAttributeId(const TDesC& aAttributeId){iAttrId = aAttributeId.AllocL();}
/** to set the Attribute value count */
inline void SetAttributeValueCount(TInt aAttributeValCount){iAttrValCount = aAttributeValCount;}
/** to get the Attribute Id */
inline const TDesC& AttributeId(){return *iAttrId;}
/** to get the Attribute value count */
inline TInt AttributeValueCount(){return iAttrValCount;}
/** constructor */
void ConstructL(const CDecPkcs12Attribute& aAttribute);
/**contains the attribute id*/
HBufC* iAttrId;
/**contains the attributes count*/
TInt iAttrValCount;
To store the safecontent bag details
class CSafeContentBag : public CBase
/** creates a CSafeContentBag object*/
static CSafeContentBag* NewL();
/** creates a CSafeContentBag object, push it on Cleanupstack*/
static CSafeContentBag* NewLC();
/** to set the safecontent bag number */
inline void SetBagNumber(TInt aBagNumber){iBagNumber = aBagNumber;}
/** to set the safebagcount in the safecontent bag*/
inline void SetSafeBagCount(TInt aSafeBagCount){iSafeBagCount = aSafeBagCount;}
/** to get the safecontent bag number */
inline TInt BagNumber(){return iBagNumber;}
/** to get the safebagcount in the safecontent bag*/
inline TInt SafeBagCount(){return iSafeBagCount;}
/* constructor */
/** contains the safecontent bag number in the PKCS#12 file*/
TInt iBagNumber ;
/** contains the safebag count in the safecontent bag*/
TInt iSafeBagCount;
/** Unit Test */
TInt iExpectedError;
To store the Safebag details
class CSafeBagData : public CBase
/** creates a CSafeBagData object */
static CSafeBagData* NewL();
/** creates a CSafeBagData object, push it on Cleanupstack*/
static CSafeBagData* NewLC();
/** to set the contentinfo number corresponding to the bag*/
inline void SetContentInfoNumber(TInt aContentInfo){iContentInfo = aContentInfo;}
/** to set the contenttype corresponding to the bag*/
inline void SetContentInfoType(TInt aContentType){iContentType = aContentType;}
/** to set the bag number corresponding to the bag*/
inline void SetBagNumber(TInt aBagNumber){iBagNumber = aBagNumber;}
/** to set the PrivateKeyInfoVersion corresponding to the bag*/
inline void SetPrivateKeyInfoVersion(TInt aPrivateKeyInfoVersion){iPrivateKeyInfoVersion = aPrivateKeyInfoVersion;}
/** to set the bag id corresponding to the bag*/
inline void SetBagType(CDecPkcs12SafeBag::TBagId aBagId){iBagId = aBagId;}
/** to set the bag value corresponding to the bag*/
inline void SetBagValue(const TDesC8& aBagValue){iBagValue = aBagValue.AllocL();}
/** to set the Algorithem id corresponding to the bag*/
inline void SetAlgorithmId(const TDesC& aAlgorithmId){iAlgorithmID = aAlgorithmId.AllocL();}
/** to set the Certificate id corresponding to the certbag*/
inline void SetCertificateId(const TDesC& aCertificateID){iCertificateID = aCertificateID.AllocL();}
/** to set the key type corresponding to the bag*/
inline void SetKeyType(TAlgorithmId aKeyType){iKeyType = aKeyType;}
/** to set the X509Certificate corresponding to the bag*/
inline void SetX509Certificate(const CX509Certificate* aX509Certificate){iX509certificate = aX509Certificate;}
/** to set the DerEncodedShroudedKey */
inline void SetEncodedShroudedKey(const TDesC8& aEncodedShroudedKey){iEncodedShroudedKey = aEncodedShroudedKey.AllocL();}
/** to get the contentinfo number corresponding to the bag*/
inline TInt ContentInfoNumber(){return iContentInfo;}
/** to get the contenttype corresponding to the bag*/
inline TInt ContentInfoType(){return iContentType ;}
/** to get the bag number corresponding to the bag*/
inline TInt BagNumber(){return iBagNumber;}
/** to get the PrivateKeyInfoVersion corresponding to the bag*/
inline TInt PrivateKeyInfoVersion(){return iPrivateKeyInfoVersion;}
/** to get the bag id corresponding to the bag*/
inline CDecPkcs12SafeBag::TBagId BagType(){return iBagId;}
/** to get the bag value corresponding to the bag*/
inline const TDesC8& BagValue(){return *iBagValue;}
/** to get the Algorithem id corresponding to the bag*/
inline const TDesC& AlgorithmId(){return *iAlgorithmID ;}
/** to get the Certificate id corresponding to the certbag*/
inline const TDesC& CertificateId(){return *iCertificateID ;}
/** to get the key type corresponding to the bag*/
inline TAlgorithmId KeyType(){return iKeyType;}
/** to get the X509Certificate corresponding to the bag*/
inline const CX509Certificate& X509Certificate(){return *iX509certificate;}
/** to get the DerEncodedShroudedKey*/
inline TDesC8& EncodedShroudedKey(){return *iEncodedShroudedKey;}
/** contains the attribute IDs and attribute values count*/
RPointerArray<CSafeBagAttribute> iAttributeIDs;
/** contains the attribute values */
RPointerArray<HBufC8> iAttributeValues;
/** contains the content info number of the safebag */
TInt iContentInfo;
/** contains the content type of the safebag */
TInt iContentType ;
/** contains the bag number of the safebag */
TInt iBagNumber;
/** contains the privatekey info version of the safebag */
TInt iPrivateKeyInfoVersion ;
/** contains the bag ID of the safebag */
CDecPkcs12SafeBag::TBagId iBagId;
/** contains the bag value of the safebag */
HBufC8* iBagValue;
/** contains the algorithem ID */
HBufC* iAlgorithmID;
/** contains the certificate ID */
HBufC* iCertificateID;
/** contains the key type */
TAlgorithmId iKeyType;
/** contains the X509Certificate */
const CX509Certificate* iX509certificate;
/*contains the der encoded shrouded key */
HBufC8* iEncodedShroudedKey;
/** Unit Test */
TInt iVersion;
TAlgorithmId iAlgortihmId;
TInt iExpectedError;