changeset 0 1fb32624e06b
child 16 56cd22a7a1cb
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1fb32624e06b
     1 #
     2 # Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 # All rights reserved.
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 #
    12 # Contributors:
    13 #
    14 # Description:      
    15 #
    17 use strict;
    18 use integer;
    20 BEGIN
    21 	{
    22 	my $perlScriptPath=$0;
    23 	$perlScriptPath=~s/\//\\/g; # replace any forward-slashes with back-slashes
    24 	$perlScriptPath=~s/\\?[^\\]+$//; # get rid of this Perl-script's file-name
    25 	if ($perlScriptPath eq '')
    26 		{
    27 		$perlScriptPath='..\group';
    28 		}
    29 	else
    30 		{
    31 		$perlScriptPath=~s/(\\?)[^\\]+$/$1group/;
    32 		}
    33 	unshift(@INC, $perlScriptPath); # can't do "use lib $perlScriptPath" here as "use lib" only seems to work with *hard-coded* directory names
    34 	}
    35 use PARSER;
    37 if ((@ARGV==0) || ($ARGV[0]=~/\?/i) || ($ARGV[0]=~/-h/i) || ($ARGV[0]=~/\/h/i) || ($ARGV[0]=~/help/i))
    38 	{
    39 	die("\nVersion 021\n\nCharacter-set conversion-table generating tool\nCopyright (c) 2000 Symbian Ltd\n\nUsage:\n\n\tperl ANALYSE.PL <source-file> <output-file> foreign|Unicode [options]\n\nwhere the following options are available (each has a short form and a long form which are shown below separated by a '|'):\n\n\t-c | -columns(<a>: <b>, <c>)\n\t-p | -cutOutAnyPrivateUseUnicodeCharacterSlotsBeingUsed\n\t-u | -sourceFilesToSubtract(<a>, <b>, ...)\n\n");
    40 	}
    41 my @columns=(2, 1, 2);
    42 my $cutOutAnyPrivateUseUnicodeCharacterSlotsBeingUsed=0;
    43 my @sourceFilesToSubtract=();
    44 &extractCommandLineFlags(\@columns, \$cutOutAnyPrivateUseUnicodeCharacterSlotsBeingUsed, \@sourceFilesToSubtract);
    45 my $sourceFileName=shift;
    46 my $outputFileName=shift;
    47 my $columnToSortOn=shift;
    48 my %characterCodesOfOtherColumn=();
    49 my %linesSorted=();
    50 open(SOURCE_FILE, "< $sourceFileName") or die("Error: could not open \"$sourceFileName\" for reading");
    51 &readSourceFile(\*SOURCE_FILE, $sourceFileName, \%characterCodesOfOtherColumn, \%linesSorted, $columnToSortOn, \@columns, $cutOutAnyPrivateUseUnicodeCharacterSlotsBeingUsed, 0);
    52 close(SOURCE_FILE) or die("Error: could not close \"$sourceFileName\"\n");
    53 my $sourceFileToSubtract;
    54 foreach $sourceFileToSubtract (@sourceFilesToSubtract)
    55 	{
    56 	open(SOURCE_FILE_TO_SUBTRACT, "< $sourceFileToSubtract") or die("Error: could not open \"$sourceFileToSubtract\" for reading\n");
    57 	&readSourceFile(\*SOURCE_FILE_TO_SUBTRACT, $sourceFileToSubtract, \%characterCodesOfOtherColumn, \%linesSorted, $columnToSortOn, \@columns, $cutOutAnyPrivateUseUnicodeCharacterSlotsBeingUsed, 1);
    58 	close(SOURCE_FILE_TO_SUBTRACT) or die("Error: could not close \"$sourceFileToSubtract\"\n");
    59 	}
    60 open(OUTPUT_FILE, "> $outputFileName") or die("Error: could not open \"$outputFileName\" for writing");
    61 my $numberOfBreaks=0;
    62 my $numberOfMissingSpaces=0;
    63 my $numberOfLinesSorted=0;
    64 my $previousKey="";
    65 my $offset=0;
    66 my $key;
    67 foreach $key (sort {$a<=>$b} (keys(%linesSorted)))
    68 	{
    69 	if ($previousKey ne "")
    70 		{
    71 		$previousKey<$key or die("Error: there appears to be a mix up with the keys \"$previousKey\" and \"$key\"");
    72 		if ($previousKey!=$key-1)
    73 			{
    74 			++$numberOfBreaks;
    75 			$numberOfMissingSpaces+=$key-$previousKey;
    76 			print(OUTPUT_FILE "# End of contiguous block - relationship between the columns in this block: ".((!defined $offset)? "RANDOM": ($offset==0)? "DIRECT": "OFFSET ($offset)")."\n\n");
    77 			}
    78 		}
    79 	if (($previousKey eq "") || ($previousKey!=$key-1))
    80 		{
    81 		$offset=$characterCodesOfOtherColumn{$key}-$key;
    82 		}
    83 	elsif ((defined $offset) && ($offset!=$characterCodesOfOtherColumn{$key}-$key))
    84 		{
    85 		undef $offset;
    86 		}
    87 	print(OUTPUT_FILE "$linesSorted{$key}");
    88 	++$numberOfLinesSorted;
    89 	$previousKey=$key;
    90 	}
    91 print(OUTPUT_FILE "# End of contiguous block - relationship between the columns in this block: ".((!defined $offset)? "RANDOM": ($offset==0)? "DIRECT": "OFFSET ($offset)")."\n\n");
    92 close(OUTPUT_FILE);
    93 my $maximumNumberOfIterationsWhenBinarySearching=1;
    94 while (($numberOfLinesSorted>>$maximumNumberOfIterationsWhenBinarySearching)>0)
    95 	{
    96 	++$maximumNumberOfIterationsWhenBinarySearching;
    97 	}
    98 print("The number of breaks was $numberOfBreaks\nThe number of missing spaces was $numberOfMissingSpaces\nThe number of lines sorted was $numberOfLinesSorted\nThe maximum number of iterations when binary searching would be $maximumNumberOfIterationsWhenBinarySearching");
   100 sub extractCommandLineFlags()
   101 	{
   102 	my $columns=shift;
   103 	my $cutOutAnyPrivateUseUnicodeCharacterSlotsBeingUsed=shift;
   104 	my $sourceFilesToSubtract=shift;
   105 	my $i;
   106 	for ($i=0; $i<=$#ARGV;) # (i) not cache-ing $#ARGV into a variable as @ARGV may change length in this loop (ii) iterate forwards as some parameters may occupy more than one element in @ARGV
   107 		{
   108 		if (($ARGV[$i]=~/^-c\b(.*)$/i) || ($ARGV[$i]=~/^-columns\b(.*)$/i))
   109 			{
   110 			my $columnsData=$1;
   111 			splice(@ARGV, $i, 1);
   112 			for (;;)
   113 				{
   114 				if ($columnsData=~/^\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)\s*$/)
   115 					{
   116 					@$columns=($1, $2, $3);
   117 					last;
   118 					}
   119 				($#ARGV>=$i) or die("Error: bad \"-columns\" format\n");
   120 				$columnsData.=(splice(@ARGV, $i, 1))[0];
   121 				}
   122 			}
   123 		elsif (($ARGV[$i]=~/^-p$/i) || ($ARGV[$i]=~/^-cutOutAnyPrivateUseUnicodeCharacterSlotsBeingUsed$/i))
   124 			{
   125 			splice(@ARGV, $i, 1);
   126 			$$cutOutAnyPrivateUseUnicodeCharacterSlotsBeingUsed=1;
   127 			}
   128 		elsif (($ARGV[$i]=~/^-u\b(.*)$/i) || ($ARGV[$i]=~/^-sourceFilesToSubtract\b(.*)$/i))
   129 			{
   130 			my $sourceFilesData=$1;
   131 			splice(@ARGV, $i, 1);
   132 			for (;;)
   133 				{
   134 				if ($sourceFilesData=~/^\s*\(\s*(.+)\)\s*$/)
   135 					{
   136 					my $sourceFilesData=$1;
   137 					@$sourceFilesToSubtract=split(/,/, $sourceFilesData, -1);
   138 					my $j;
   139 					for ($j=$#$sourceFilesToSubtract; $j>=0; --$j)
   140 						{
   141 						$sourceFilesToSubtract->[$j]=~s/^\s+//;
   142 						$sourceFilesToSubtract->[$j]=~s/\s+$//;
   143 						($sourceFilesToSubtract->[$j] ne '') or die("Error: bad \"-sourceFilesToSubtract\" format (1)\n");
   144 						}
   145 					last;
   146 					}
   147 				($#ARGV>=$i) or die("Error: bad \"-sourceFilesToSubtract\" format (2)\n");
   148 				$sourceFilesData.=(splice(@ARGV, $i, 1))[0];
   149 				}
   150 			}
   151 		else
   152 			{
   153 			++$i;
   154 			}
   155 		}
   156 	}
   158 sub readSourceFile
   159 	{
   160 	my $fileHandle=shift;
   161 	my $fileName=shift;
   162 	my $characterCodesOfOtherColumn=shift;
   163 	my $linesSorted=shift;
   164 	my $columnToSortOn=shift;
   165 	my $columns=shift;
   166 	my $cutOutAnyPrivateUseUnicodeCharacterSlotsBeingUsed=shift;
   167 	my $subtract=shift;
   168 	my $foreignCharacterCodeProcessingCode='';
   169 	if (!(($columns->[0]>0) && ($columns->[1]>0) && ($columns->[2]>0) && ($columns->[1]<=$columns->[0]) && ($columns->[2]<=$columns->[0]) && ($columns->[1]!=$columns->[2])))
   170 		{
   171 		close($fileHandle);
   172 		die("Error: bad \"-columns\" data\n");
   173 		}
   174 	my $patternOfLineContainingCharacterCodes=join('\s+', ('0x([0-9a-f]+)') x $columns->[0]);
   175 	my $line;
   176 	my $strippedDownLine;
   177 	for (;;)
   178 		{
   179 		($line, $strippedDownLine)=&nextNonEmptyStrippedDownLine($fileHandle);
   180 		if ($strippedDownLine eq '')
   181 			{
   182 			last;
   183 			}
   184 		if ($strippedDownLine=~/^SET_FOREIGN_CHARACTER_CODE_PROCESSING_CODE\s+(.*)$/i)
   185 			{
   186 			$foreignCharacterCodeProcessingCode=$1;
   187 			}
   188 		elsif ($strippedDownLine=~/^$patternOfLineContainingCharacterCodes$/i)
   189 			{
   190 			no strict 'refs'; # so that we can use symbolic references for $1, $2, etc
   191 			my $foreignCharacterCode=hex(${$columns->[1]});
   192 			my $unicodeCharacterCode=hex(${$columns->[2]});
   193 			use strict 'refs';
   194 			if ($foreignCharacterCodeProcessingCode ne '')
   195 				{
   196 				$foreignCharacterCode=eval($foreignCharacterCodeProcessingCode);
   197 				}
   198 			my $characterCodeOfColumnToSortOn;
   199 			my $characterCodeOfOtherColumn;
   200 			if ($columnToSortOn=~/^foreign$/i)
   201 				{
   202 				$characterCodeOfColumnToSortOn=$foreignCharacterCode;
   203 				$characterCodeOfOtherColumn=$unicodeCharacterCode;
   204 				}
   205 			elsif ($columnToSortOn=~/^Unicode$/i)
   206 				{
   207 				$characterCodeOfColumnToSortOn=$unicodeCharacterCode;
   208 				$characterCodeOfOtherColumn=$foreignCharacterCode;
   209 				}
   210 			else
   211 				{
   212 				die("Error: bad parameter \"$columnToSortOn\"");
   213 				}
   214 			if ((!$cutOutAnyPrivateUseUnicodeCharacterSlotsBeingUsed) || !((($unicodeCharacterCode>=0xe000) && ($unicodeCharacterCode<=0xf8ff)) || (($unicodeCharacterCode>=0xf0000) && ($unicodeCharacterCode<=0x10ffff))))
   215 				{
   216 				if ($subtract)
   217 					{
   218 					$linesSorted->{$characterCodeOfColumnToSortOn}='### '.$linesSorted->{$characterCodeOfColumnToSortOn};
   219 					if ($characterCodesOfOtherColumn->{$characterCodeOfColumnToSortOn}!=$characterCodeOfOtherColumn)
   220 						{
   221 						printf(STDERR "Warning: 0x%x maps to 0x%x in the main source file, but to 0x%x in a source file to be extracted\n", $characterCodeOfColumnToSortOn, $characterCodesOfOtherColumn->{$characterCodeOfColumnToSortOn}, $characterCodeOfOtherColumn);
   222 						}
   223 					}
   224 				else
   225 					{
   226 					$linesSorted->{$characterCodeOfColumnToSortOn}=$line;
   227 					$characterCodesOfOtherColumn->{$characterCodeOfColumnToSortOn}=$characterCodeOfOtherColumn;
   228 					}
   229 				}
   230 			}
   231 		elsif ($line!~/^\s*0x([0-9a-f]+)\s*#\s*undefined.*$/i)
   232 			{
   233 			close($fileHandle);
   234 			die("Error: unexpected line in \"$fileName\":\n    $line\n");
   235 			}
   236 		}
   237 	}