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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <mparser.h>
    22 // Given the text object, scan the specified range of the text buffer
    23 // (from aStartScan to one before aEndScan) and show the first match, if
    24 // any, that you would like tagged by setting the range (from aStartTag
    25 // to one before aEndTag). Return ETrue if you find anything, EFalse
    26 // otherwise. This function must be defined. If aAllowBack is ETrue then
    27 // the parser is allowed to recognise tags that start before but
    28 // continue into the range specified, otherwise it is not allowed to do
    29 // so (and, if it does, will assert in debug mode).
    30 // virtual TBool ParseThisText(const CRichText& aTextObj,
    31 //							   TBool aAllowBack,
    32 //							   TInt aStartScan,
    33 //							   TInt aScanLength,
    34 //							   TInt& aStartTag,
    35 //							   TInt& aTagLength) = 0;
    38 // The text cursor is over the text string in aTextObj (aLength
    39 // characters starting at aStartText). Return a const ptr to the string
    40 // that should be displayed for a "Do It!" button. (This can be
    41 // constant, such as a _LIT, or change according to the tagged text.)
    42 // The parser retains ownership of this string and, if necessary, should
    43 // delete it when this function is next called or when the parser is
    44 // deleted. This function will normally be invoked directly by UIKON and
    45 // must be defined.
    46 // virtual const TDesC& CreateDoItText(const CRichText& aTextObj,
    47 //									   TInt aStartText,
    48 //									   TInt aLength) = 0;
    51 // The text cursor is over the text string in aTextObj (aLength
    52 // characters starting at aStartText) and the "Do It!" button has been
    53 // pushed (or some other activation method has been triggered). Do
    54 // whatever should happen (such as launching a browser with the
    55 // indicated URL). If the parser requires a copy of the text to pass on,
    56 // it is up to it to take one before doing anything (such as handing it
    57 // to a separate thread) and to dispose of it later. This function will
    58 // normally be invoked directly by UIKON and must be defined.
    59 // virtual void ActivateThisTextL(const CRichText& aTextObj,
    60 //							      TInt aStartText,
    61 //							      TInt aLength) = 0;
    64 // Whether this parser makes any formatting changes to text that is
    65 // recognised and tagged as soon as it has been recognised. If it does
    66 // then this function should be overridden with one that returns ETrue
    67 // and the GetRecogniseFormat() function should be overridden
    68 // appropriately - otherwise do nothing.
    69 EXPORT_C TBool MParser::ReformatOnRecognise() const
    70 	{
    71 	return EFalse;
    72 	}
    75 // Whether this parser makes any formatting changes to text that is
    76 // recognised and tagged when the text cursor moves onto it. If it does
    77 // then this function should be overridden with one that returns ETrue
    78 // and the GetRolloverFormat() function should be overridden
    79 // appropriately otherwise do nothing.
    80 EXPORT_C TBool MParser::ReformatOnRollover() const
    81 	{
    82 	return EFalse;
    83 	}
    86 // Given an existing format, modify it to reflect the highlighting
    87 // changes that apply immediately some text is recognised and tagged by
    88 // this parser. If this parser does not make any highlighting changes at
    89 // recognise time then this function should not be overridden.
    90 EXPORT_C void MParser::GetRecogniseFormat(TCharFormat& /*aFormat*/)
    91 	{
    92 	}
    95 // Given an existing format, modify it to reflect the highlighting 
    96 // changes that apply when the text cursor moves onto text that has been
    97 // recognised and tagged by this parser. This should include all changes
    98 // that you wish to make to the base format as this will *not* be
    99 // applied cumulatively to the recognise highlighting. If this parser
   100 // does not make any highlighting changes at rollover time then this
   101 // function should not be overridden and any recognise highlighting will
   102 // remain.
   103 EXPORT_C void MParser::GetRolloverFormat(TCharFormat& aFormat)
   104 	{
   105 	GetRecogniseFormat(aFormat);
   106 	}
   109 EXPORT_C TBool MParser::ConfirmCursorOverTag(const CRichText& /*aTextObj*/,
   110 	TInt /*aTagStart*/, TInt /*aTagLen*/, TInt /*aCurPos*/)
   111 /**
   112  This confirmation routine is called by the parsing framework when
   113  it's logic determines the cursor is over a tag. It gives the parser 
   114  a chance to override the default cursor-tag rollover matching. This
   115  is not necessary if the default behaviour is acceptable.
   116  It is called from the CRichText::CursorOverTag()
   117  when the framework tests for format redraw when over a tag and 
   118  CRichText::OverrideFormatForParsersIfApplicable() when Tagma
   119  is formatting text.
   120 @publishedPartner
   121 @released
   122 @param aTextObj
   123  A reference to the text document tag is within.
   124 @param aTagStart
   125  The document position of the first tag character.
   126 @param aTagLen
   127  The number of characters in the tag.
   128 @param aCurPos
   129  The cursor position used in calculation of calling routines.
   130 @return TBool
   131  ETrue if parser agrees cursor over a tag, EFalse otherwise.
   132 */
   133 	{
   134 	return ETrue;
   135 	}
   138 EXPORT_C void MParser::MParser_Reserved_2() {}