changeset 0 1fb32624e06b
child 40 91ef7621b7fc
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1fb32624e06b
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <e32std.h>
    20 #include <e32base.h>
    22 #include <gdi.h>
    24 #include "TXTFMLYR.H"
    25 #include "TXTMRTSR.H"
    26 #include "TXTRICH.H"
    27 #include "TXTINDEX.H"
    28 #include "TXTSTD.H"
    31 #include "TXTFMLYR_INTERNAL.H"
    32 #endif
    34 const TUint8 KRegisterItemPresent=1;
    37 GLDEF_C void DiscardPhraseOnCleanup(TAny* aPhrase)
    38 // Allows RPhraseAttribsEntry on the CleanupStack to be destroyed correctly,
    39 // when included as a PushL(TCleanupItem).
    40 //
    41 	{
    42 	((RPhraseAttribsEntry*)aPhrase)->Discard();
    43 	User::Free(aPhrase);
    44 	}
    47 TRtPasteContext::TRtPasteContext(const CStreamStore* aStore,const CParaFormatLayer* aGlobalParaLayer,const CCharFormatLayer* aGlobalCharLayer,const CStyleList* aStyleList)
    48 //
    49 	:iStore(aStore),
    50 	iGlobalParaLayer(aGlobalParaLayer),iGlobalCharLayer(aGlobalCharLayer),iStyleList(aStyleList),
    51 	iParagraphStylesFlag(EFalse),iIncompleteParaFlag(ETrue),iPastePos(),iParasPasted(0)
    52 	{}
    54 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    57 CRichTextIndex* CRichTextIndex::NewL(const CStreamStore& aStore,TStreamId aId,
    58 //										MPictureFactory* aPictureFactory,MRichTextStoreResolver* aStoreResolver,
    59 										const CParaFormatLayer* aGlobalParaLayer,
    60 										const CCharFormatLayer* aGlobalCharLayer,
    61 										const CRichText& aText)
    62 //										const CStyleList* aStyleList)
    63 //
    64 	{
    65 	CRichTextIndex* self=new(ELeave) CRichTextIndex(aText);
    66 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    67 	self->ConstructL(aGlobalParaLayer,aGlobalCharLayer,KMultiParaGranularity,KLargePhraseGranularity);
    68 	self->RestoreL(aStore,aId,aGlobalParaLayer,aGlobalCharLayer,aText.StyleList());
    69 //	self->SetPictureFactory(aPictureFactory,aStoreResolver);
    70 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    71 	return self;
    72 	}
    75 void CRichTextIndex::RestoreL(const CStreamStore& aStore,TStreamId aId,
    76 									   const CParaFormatLayer* aGlobalParaLayer,
    77 									   const CCharFormatLayer* aGlobalCharLayer,
    78 									   const CStyleList* aStyleList)
    79 //
    80 	{
    81 	RStoreReadStream stream;
    82 	stream.OpenLC(aStore,aId);
    83 	//
    84 	InternalizeL(stream,aGlobalParaLayer,aGlobalCharLayer,aStyleList);
    85 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // stream
    86 	}
    89 TStreamId CRichTextIndex::StoreMarkupL(CStreamStore& aStore,const CStyleList* /*aStyleList*/) const
    90 // Store this rich text markup out-of-line along with its components.
    91 //
    92 	{
    93 	CStoreMap* map=CStoreMap::NewLC(aStore);
    94 	StorePicturesL(aStore,*map);
    95 //
    96 	RStoreWriteStream stream(*map);
    97 	TStreamId id=stream.CreateLC(aStore);
    98 //	CONST_CAST(CRichTextIndex*,this)->iStyleList=CONST_CAST(CStyleList*,aStyleList);
    99 	ExternalizeL(stream);
   100 	stream.CommitL();
   101 //
   102 	map->Reset();
   103 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);  // map,stream
   104 	return id;
   105 	}
   108 void CRichTextIndex::StorePicturesL(CStreamStore& aStore,CStoreMap& aMap) const
   109 // Store any picture components in the specified store.
   110 // Due to deferred loading, any pictures that are not in memory at this point are loaded,
   111 // and then saved.
   112 //
   113 	{
   116 	StorePicturesL(aStore,aMap,0,iText.DocumentLength()+1);
   117 	}
   120 void CRichTextIndex::StorePicturesL(CStreamStore& aStore,CStoreMap& aMap,TInt aPos,TInt aLength) const
   121 // Store all picture components that are contained within the specified range (inclusive), in the store provided.
   122 // Prior to storing the picture, its size is written to its picture header which is stored in-line in 
   123 // the markup.
   124 // Any pictures that are not in memory are now deleted, as a previous call to LoadAllPicturesNowL()
   125 // should have been made.
   126 // We are guaranteed that all pictures that are in memory are fully restored & detached from their store
   127 //
   128 	{
   131 	if (iPictureCount==0)
   132 		return;
   133 	CONST_CAST(CRichTextIndex*,this)->DetachFromStoreL(CPicture::EDetachFull,aPos,aLength);	// ensure all pictures have been loaded
   134 	TInt currentPos=aPos;
   135 	DocumentChanged();  // reset the cache logical position
   136 	while (currentPos<aPos+aLength)
   137 		{// Store next picture & increment pos.
   138 		CONST_CAST(CRichTextIndex*,this)->ScanToPosition(currentPos,EScanToPositionAbsolute,&MUTABLE_CAST(TLogicalPosition&,iLastUsed));
   139 		TCurrentIndexRecords current;
   140 		GetCurrentRecords(current);
   141 		if (current.iPhrase && current.iPhrase->IsPicturePhrase())
   142 			{
   143 			RPhraseAttribsEntry& phrase=*current.iPhrase;
   144 			TPictureHeader* hdr=phrase.PictureHeaderPtr();
   145 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(hdr,Panic(ERichTextStorePictureIntegrityError));
   146 			TBool pictureInMemory=(hdr->iPicture.IsPtr() && hdr->iPicture.AsPtr());
   147 			if (pictureInMemory)
   148 				{// Store the picture
   149 				CPicture& picture=*hdr->iPicture;
   150 				picture.GetSizeInTwips(hdr->iSize);  //  write picture size to picture header.
   151 				TStreamId id=picture.StoreL(aStore);
   152 				aMap.BindL(hdr->iPicture,id);
   153 				}
   154 			else
   155 				{// Replace the picture phrase with a simple text equivalent.
   156 				CCharFormatLayer* charLayer=phrase.ReleaseCharFormatLayerOwnership();
   157 				phrase.Discard();  // destroy the redundant picture phrase
   158 				RPhraseAttribsEntry newTextPhrase(charLayer,1);
   159 				(*iPhraseIx)[iPos.iPhraseElement]=newTextPhrase;
   160 				CONST_CAST(CRichTextIndex*,this)->iPictureCount--;  // the picture has now been removed
   161 				// I do not bother tidying up the phrase index here,
   162 				// since the benefit does not currently match the cost involved.
   163 				//
   164 				}
   165 			}
   166 		//
   167 		// increment the current position to the *start* of the next phrase/paragraph
   168 		TInt offsetIntoUnit=(current.iPhrase)?iPos.iPhraseElementOffset:iPos.iParaElementOffset;
   169 		currentPos+=CurrentPhraseLength()-offsetIntoUnit;
   170 		}
   171 	}
   174 void CRichTextIndex::DetachFromStoreL(CPicture::TDetach aDegree,TInt aPos,TInt aLength)
   175 // Attempts to restore all pictures not already present in memory.
   176 // A deep (door+document) or shallow (door only) restoration may occur, depending
   177 // on the value of detach.
   178 //
   179 	{
   182 	if (iPictureCount==0)
   183 		return;
   184 	DocumentChanged();  // reset the cache logical position
   185 	TInt currentPos=aPos;
   186 	while (currentPos<aPos+aLength)
   187 		{
   188 		CONST_CAST(CRichTextIndex*,this)->ScanToPosition(currentPos,EScanToPositionAbsolute,&iLastUsed);
   189 		TCurrentIndexRecords current;
   190 		GetCurrentRecords(current);
   191 		if (current.iPhrase)
   192 			{
   193 			RPhraseAttribsEntry& phrase=*current.iPhrase;
   194 			if (phrase.IsPicturePhrase())
   195 				{
   196 				TPictureHeader* hdr=phrase.PictureHeaderPtr();
   197 				__ASSERT_DEBUG(hdr,Panic(ERichTextStorePictureIntegrityError));
   198 				//
   199 				if (hdr->iPicture.IsId())
   200 					{
   201 					TRAPD(r,
   202 					phrase.PictureHandleL(iText.PictureFactory(),iText.StoreResolver(),iPos.iDocPos,MLayDoc::EForceLoadTrue));  // swizzles
   203 					__ASSERT_DEBUG(r==KErrNone || hdr->iPicture.IsId(),Panic(ERichTextStorePictureIntegrityError));
   204 					if (r==KErrNotSupported)  // we don't recognise the picture type
   205 						{
   206 						TInt offsetIntoUnit=(current.iPhrase)?iPos.iPhraseElementOffset:iPos.iParaElementOffset;
   207 						currentPos+=CurrentPhraseLength()-offsetIntoUnit;
   208 						continue;
   209 						}
   210 					User::LeaveIfError(r);
   211 					}
   212 				//
   213 				// recurse the call to detach the picture from the store
   214 				__ASSERT_DEBUG(hdr->iPicture.IsPtr(),Panic(ERichTextStorePictureIntegrityError));
   215 				hdr->iPicture->DetachFromStoreL(aDegree);
   216 				}
   217 			}
   218 		//
   219 		// increment the current position to the *start* of the next phrase/paragraph
   220 		TInt offsetIntoUnit=(current.iPhrase)?iPos.iPhraseElementOffset:iPos.iParaElementOffset;
   221 		currentPos+=CurrentPhraseLength()-offsetIntoUnit;
   222 		}
   224 	}
   226 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   228 void CRichTextIndex::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream)const
   229 // Persist the current state of this object in the specified stream.
   230 // Saved records include the terminating paragraph delimiter. 
   231 //
   232 //
   233 	{
   236 	CONST_CAST(CRichTextIndex*,this)->CancelInsertCharFormat();  // cancel any insert-pending state.
   237 	TInt charCount=iText.DocumentLength()+1;  // includes the end of document character
   238 	((CRichTextIndex*)this)->ScanToPosition(0,EScanToPositionAbsolute);
   239 	TLogicalPosition startPos=iPos;
   240 	((CRichTextIndex*)this)->ScanToPosition(charCount-1,EScanToPositionMatchLeft);
   241 	TLogicalPosition endPos=iPos;
   242 	CStyleList* styleList=iText.StyleList();
   243 	ExternalizeRtiHeaderL(aStream,endPos,styleList);
   244 	ExternalizeSharedFormatsL(aStream,startPos,endPos,styleList);
   245 	// DEF126934 begin: memory leak
   246 	RPhraseAttribsEntry *pForRelease = ExternalizeParaIxL(aStream,startPos,endPos,styleList);
   247 	if (pForRelease)
   248 		delete pForRelease;
   249 	// DEF126934 end
   250 	ExternalizePhraseIxL(aStream);
   251 	}
   254 void CRichTextIndex::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream,const CParaFormatLayer* aGlobalParaLayer,const CCharFormatLayer* aGlobalCharLayer,const CStyleList* aStyleList)
   255 // Load a rich text index.  Has construct semantics only!
   256 // Restores this object from the specified stream.  As specific format layers are restored, they are based
   257 // on the specified global format layers. 
   258 //
   259 	{
   260 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iParaIx->Count()==1 && (*iParaIx)[0].iLength==1,Panic(ERtIndexInternalizeCalledOnNonEmptySource));
   261 	TRtPasteContext context(NULL,aGlobalParaLayer,aGlobalCharLayer,aStyleList);
   262 	InternalizeRtiHeaderL(aStream,context);
   263 	InternalizeSharedFormatsL(aStream,context);
   264 	InternalizeParaIxL(aStream,context);
   265 	InternalizePhraseIxL(aStream,aGlobalCharLayer);
   266 	if (context.iParagraphStylesFlag)
   267 		GenerateAllPhraseLinksL();
   268 	SetSpecificMarkupInternalized(ETrue);
   271 	}
   273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   276 void CRichTextIndex::GenerateAllPhraseLinksL()
   277 // Go through the index, and for each specific character format layer (shared or otherwise), regenerate
   278 // the appropriate based-on link, (normal or style).
   279 // 
   280 	{
   281 	TInt count=ParagraphCount();
   282 	TInt phraseElement=0;
   283 	for (TInt ii=0; ii<count; ii++)
   284 		{
   285 		const CParaAttribs& paraAttribs=*(*iParaIx)[ii].iParaAttribs;
   286 		const CParaFormatLayer* base=STATIC_CAST(const CParaFormatLayer*,paraAttribs.iParaFormat->SenseBase());
   287 		TInt phraseCount=paraAttribs.PhraseCount();
   288 		if (phraseCount==1)
   289 			{
   290 			// If the reference count is zero, iCharFormat cannot be valid, so the CParaAttribs object is corrupt.
   291 			if (paraAttribs.iRefCount == 0)
   292 				User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   294 			GeneratePhraseLink(paraAttribs.iCharFormat,base);  // constant character formatting
   295 			}
   296 		else
   297 			{
   298 			 __ASSERT_DEBUG(phraseCount>1,Panic(EDebug));
   300 			// If the phrase count is too great the CParaAttribs object is corrupt.
   301 			if (phraseElement + phraseCount > iPhraseIx->Count())
   302 				User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   304 			for (TInt nn=0; nn<phraseCount; nn++)
   305 				GeneratePhraseLink((*iPhraseIx)[phraseElement+nn].CharFormat(),base);
   306 			phraseElement+=phraseCount;
   307 			}
   308 		}
   309 	}
   312 void CRichTextIndex::GeneratePhraseLink(CCharFormatLayer* aPhraseCharFormatLayer,const CParaFormatLayer* aBase)
   313 // Set the based on link for this character format layer appropriately.
   314 // By default, all specific character format layers are based on the global default.
   315 //
   316 	{
   317 	TUid type=aBase->Type();
   318 	if (type!=KNormalParagraphStyleUid)
   319 		aPhraseCharFormatLayer->SetBase(((CParagraphStyle*)aBase)->CharFormatLayer());
   320 	}
   323 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   325 void CRichTextIndex::CopyToStreamL(RWriteStream& aStream,TInt aPos,TInt aLength, TBool aCopyStyles)const
   326 // Copies the markup corresponding to the specified rich text region to the specified write stream.
   327 // aPos/aLength has already been validated in RichText
   328 // Saved records can NOT include the terminating paragraph delimiter.
   329 //
   330 	{
   333 	((CRichTextIndex*)this)->ScanToPosition(aPos,EScanToPositionAbsolute);
   334 	TLogicalPosition startPos=iPos;
   335 	((CRichTextIndex*)this)->ScanToPosition((aPos+aLength)-1,EScanToPositionAbsolute);
   336 	TLogicalPosition endPos=iPos;
   338 	CStyleList* docStyleList = NULL;
   339 	if (aCopyStyles)
   340 		docStyleList = (CStyleList*)iText.StyleList();
   342 	ExternalizeRtiHeaderL(aStream,endPos,docStyleList);
   344 	if (docStyleList)
   345 		ExternalizeReferencedStylesL(aStream,startPos,endPos);
   347 	ExternalizeSharedFormatsL(aStream,startPos,endPos,docStyleList); 
   348 	RPhraseAttribsEntry* virtualTrailingText=ExternalizeParaIxL(aStream,startPos,endPos,docStyleList);
   349 	if (virtualTrailingText)
   350 	    CleanupStack::PushL(virtualTrailingText);
   351 	ExternalizePhraseIxL(aStream,startPos,endPos,virtualTrailingText);
   352 	if (virtualTrailingText)
   353 	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(virtualTrailingText);
   354 	}
   356 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   359 void CRichTextIndex::ExternalizeRtiHeaderL(RWriteStream& aStream,const TLogicalPosition& aEnd,const CStyleList* aStyleList)const
   360 // Stores index specific information.
   361 //
   362 	{
   363 	TBool incompleteParaFlag=((*iParaIx)[aEnd.iParaElement].iLength>(aEnd.iParaElementOffset+1));
   364 	aStream.WriteUint8L((TUint8)(aStyleList!=NULL));  // flags the presence of paragraph styles.
   365 	aStream.WriteUint8L((TUint8)(incompleteParaFlag!=EFalse)); // the last para has no paragraph delimiter
   366 	if(incompleteParaFlag)
   367 		{//apply paragraph format to final text fragment if logical end is at document end
   368 		aStream.WriteUint8L((TUint8)(aEnd.iDocPos+1 == iText.DocumentLength()));
   369 		}
   370 	}
   373 void CRichTextIndex::InternalizeRtiHeaderL(RReadStream& aStream,TRtPasteContext& aContext)
   374 // Load index specific information.
   375 //
   376 	{
   377 	TUint8 flag=0;
   378 	aStream>> flag;
   379 	aContext.iParagraphStylesFlag=(TBool)flag;
   380 	aStream>> flag;
   381 	aContext.iIncompleteParaFlag=(TBool)flag;
   382 	aContext.iApplyFormatToLastFlag=EFalse;
   383 	if(aContext.iIncompleteParaFlag)
   384 		{
   385 		aStream>> flag;
   386 		aContext.iApplyFormatToLastFlag=(TBool)flag;
   387 		}
   388 	}
   390 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   392 void CRichTextIndex::ExternalizeReferencedStylesL(RWriteStream& aStream,const TLogicalPosition& aStart,
   393 												  const TLogicalPosition& aEnd) const
   394 // Write those styles that are referenced by the paragraphs in the range aStart to aEnd.
   395 //
   396 	{
   397 	CStyleList* list = iText.StyleList();
   398 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(list,Panic(EStyleClipboardIntegrityError));
   399 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aStart.iParaElement <= aEnd.iParaElement,Panic(EStyleClipboardIntegrityError));
   401 	TUint8 numStyles = 0;
   402 	if (list) 
   403 		numStyles = (TUint8)list->Count();
   405 	HBufC8* buf=HBufC8::NewL(numStyles);
   406 	TPtr8 paraRegister=buf->Des();
   407 	paraRegister.FillZ(numStyles);
   408 	TInt refCount=MarkStyleRegister(paraRegister,aStart.iParaElement,aEnd.iParaElement);
   409 	CleanupStack::PushL(buf);
   410 	ExternalizeItemsPresentInStyleRegisterL(aStream,refCount,paraRegister);
   411 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   412 	}
   415 void CRichTextIndex::InternalizeSharedFormatsL(RReadStream& aStream, const TRtPasteContext& aContext)
   416 // Restores the list of shared para attribs.
   417 // All existing CParaAttribs on the shared list are removed.
   418 // The reference counts are not restored, but modified dynamically as the para index is loaded.
   419 //
   420 	{
   421 	iParaIx->Reset();  // stops paraIx referencing shared paraAttribs that are about to be released.
   422 	CParaAttribs* currentSharedPara;
   423 	TDblQueIter<CParaAttribs> iterator(iSharedParaQueHead);
   424 	while ( (currentSharedPara = iterator++) != NULL )
   425 		currentSharedPara->Release(currentSharedPara->iRefCount);
   426 	TUint8 sharedParaCount = ReadTUint8CountL(aStream);
   427 	for (TUint8 paraItem = 0; paraItem < sharedParaCount; paraItem++)
   428 		{
   429 		(void)aStream.ReadInt32L();  // consume the data.
   430 		CParaFormatLayer* paraLayer = InternalizeParagraphFormatL(aStream, aContext);
   431 		CleanupStack::PushL(paraLayer);
   433 		CCharFormatLayer* charLayer = CCharFormatLayer::NewL(aStream);  // Does not restore based on link.
   434 		charLayer->SetBase(aContext.iGlobalCharLayer);  // base on 'Normal' global char format
   435 		CleanupStack::PushL(charLayer);
   436 		CParaAttribs* paraAttribs = CParaAttribs::NewL(paraLayer, charLayer);
   437 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
   438 		paraAttribs->iRefCount = 0;  // Otherwise recalculating reference counts on internalization of paraIx will result in 1 too many.
   439 		iSharedParaQueHead.AddLast(*paraAttribs);
   440 		}
   441 	}
   444 void CRichTextIndex::ExternalizeSharedFormatsL(RWriteStream& aStream,const TLogicalPosition& aStart,const TLogicalPosition& aEnd,const CStyleList* aStyleList)const
   445 // Persist those items in the shared list that are referenced by the paragraphs in the 
   446 // range aStart para to aEnd para.
   447 //
   448 	{
   449 	TUint8 sharedParaCount=SharedParaAttribsEntryCountL();
   450 	// Some paras coverd, so take register
   451 	HBufC8* buf=HBufC8::NewL(sharedParaCount);
   452 	TPtr8 sharedAttribsRegister=buf->Des();
   453 	sharedAttribsRegister.FillZ(sharedParaCount);
   454 	TInt sharedCount=MarkRegister(sharedAttribsRegister,aStart.iParaElement,aEnd.iParaElement);
   455 	CleanupStack::PushL(buf);
   456 	ExternalizeItemsPresentInRegisterL(aStream,sharedCount,sharedAttribsRegister,aStyleList);
   457 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   458 	}
   461 TUint8 CRichTextIndex::SharedParaAttribsEntryCountL()const
   462 // Return a count of the number of items currently
   463 // in the sharedParaFormats list.
   464 //
   465 // This will leave if more than 255 found, as this is not supported
   466 	{
   467 	TDblQueIter<CParaAttribs> iterator(((CRichTextIndex*)this)->iSharedParaQueHead);
   468 	TUint16 sharedParaCount = 0;
   469 	while (iterator++ != NULL)
   470 		sharedParaCount++;
   472 	// Currently more than 255 paragraph formats are not supported 
   473 	// If the current document has more, leave with KErrNotSupported
   474 	if (sharedParaCount > 255)
   475 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   477 	return (TUint8)sharedParaCount;
   478 	}
   481 TInt CRichTextIndex::MarkRegister(TDes8& aBuf,TInt aStartPara,TInt aEndPara)const
   482 // Indicate in the register, aBuf, once and once only, each paraAttribs that is
   483 // referenced by each of the paragraphs in the specified range.
   484 // Return the number of shared para formats referenced.
   485 //
   486 	{
   487 	TInt parasReferenced=0;
   488 	for (TInt item=aStartPara;item<=aEndPara;item++)
   489 		{
   490 		CParaAttribs* paraAttribs=(*iParaIx)[item].iParaAttribs;
   491 		TInt offset=RefNum(paraAttribs);  // 0 return shows para attribs not in shared list
   492 		if (offset>0)
   493 			{// para entry references a shared para attribs
   494 			if (aBuf[offset-1]==0)
   495 				{
   496 				aBuf[offset-1]=KRegisterItemPresent;  // mark item as needing to be stored
   497 				parasReferenced++;
   498 				}
   499 			}
   500 		}
   501 	return parasReferenced;
   502 	}
   505 TInt CRichTextIndex::MarkStyleRegister(TDes8& aBuf,TInt aStartPara,TInt aEndPara)const
   506 // Indicate in the register, aBuf, once and once only, each paragraph style thar is
   507 // referenced by each of the paragraphs in the speciifed range.
   508 // Return the umber of paragraph styles referenced.
   509 //
   510 	{
   511 	TInt stylesReferenced=0;
   512 	const CParaAttribs* para=NULL;
   513 	for (TInt item=aStartPara;item<=aEndPara;item++)
   514 		{
   515 		para=(*iParaIx)[item].iParaAttribs;
   516 		TInt index=iText.StyleList()->IndexByPtr(STATIC_CAST(const CParaFormatLayer*,para->iParaFormat->SenseBase()));
   517 		if (index!=KErrNotFound)
   518 			{
   519 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(index<aBuf.Length(),Panic(EStyleClipboardIntegrityError));
   520 			if (aBuf[index]!=KRegisterItemPresent)
   521 				{
   522 				aBuf[index]=KRegisterItemPresent;  // mark item as needing to be stored
   524 				stylesReferenced++;
   525 				}
   526 			}
   527 		}
   528 	return stylesReferenced;
   529 	}
   532 void CRichTextIndex::ExternalizeItemsPresentInRegisterL(RWriteStream& aStream,TInt aSharedCount,const TDes8& aBuf,const CStyleList* aStyleList)const
   533 // Externalize each object from the shared list that has a corresponding mark in the
   534 // register, aBuf.
   535 //
   536 	{
   537 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aSharedCount<=(TInt)KMaxTUint8,Panic(ESharedParaCountStreamOverflow));
   538 	aStream.WriteUint8L(aSharedCount);
   539 	CParaAttribs* currentSharedPara=NULL;
   540 	TDblQueIter<CParaAttribs> iterator(((CRichTextIndex*)this)->iSharedParaQueHead);
   541 	TInt offset=0;
   542 	while ((currentSharedPara=iterator++)!=NULL)
   543 		{
   544 		if (aBuf[offset]==KRegisterItemPresent)
   545 			{
   546 			aStream.WriteInt32L(offset+1);  // the ref-no of the shared para - so it can be spotted in the paste.
   547 			ExternalizeParagraphFormatL(aStream,*currentSharedPara->iParaFormat,aStyleList);
   548 			aStream<< *currentSharedPara->iCharFormat;
   549 			}
   550 		offset++;
   551 		}
   552 	}
   555 void CRichTextIndex::ExternalizeItemsPresentInStyleRegisterL(RWriteStream& aStream,TInt aRefStyleCount,
   556 															 const TDes8& aBuf) const
   557 // Externalize each object from the paragraph style list that has a corresponding mark in the register aBuf.
   558 //
   559 	{
   560 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aRefStyleCount <= (TInt)KMaxTUint8,Panic(EStyleClipboardIntegrityError));
   561 	aStream.WriteUint8L(aRefStyleCount);
   562 	TInt count=aBuf.Length();
   564 	for (TInt ii=0;ii<count;ii++)
   565 		{
   566 		if (aBuf[ii]==KRegisterItemPresent)
   567 			{
   568 			aStream.WriteInt8L(ii+1);  // cannot use 0 index as this represents an absence.
   569 			iText.StyleList()->At(ii).iStyle->ExternalizeL(aStream);
   570 			}
   571 		}
   572   }
   575 RPhraseAttribsEntry* CRichTextIndex::ExternalizeParaIxL(RWriteStream& aStream,
   576 										const TLogicalPosition& aStart,
   577 										const TLogicalPosition& aEnd,
   578 										const CStyleList* aStyleList)const
   579 // Externalize each para entry from the para index that falls between 
   580 // aStart paragraph and aEnd paragraph inclusive.
   581 // Any specific paraAttribs (ie not on the shared list) are also externalized.
   582 // * paragraph count
   583 // * 	paragraph length
   584 // *	ref no.  (ref no. 0 means specific/non-shared one)
   585 // *	[specific paragraph format layer - including based-on link]
   586 // *	[specific phrase count]
   587 //
   588 	{
   589 	TParaAttribsEntry lastParaEntry=(*iParaIx)[aEnd.iParaElement];
   590 	TBool incompleteParaFlag=(lastParaEntry.iLength>(aEnd.iParaElementOffset+1));
   591 	aStream.WriteInt32L(1+aEnd.iParaElement-aStart.iParaElement);  // paragraph count
   592 	for (TInt paraItem=aStart.iParaElement;paraItem<aEnd.iParaElement;paraItem++)
   593 		{// Externalize all but last TParaAttribsEntrys from the para index
   594 		TParaAttribsEntry paraEntry=(*iParaIx)[paraItem];
   595 		TInt phraseCount=(paraEntry.iParaAttribs->IsShared()) 
   596 			? 0 
   597 			: paraEntry.iParaAttribs->iPhraseCount;
   598 		if (paraItem==aStart.iParaElement)
   599 			{// Fix & write length & phrase count of the first paragraph.
   600 			paraEntry.iLength=(paraEntry.iLength-aStart.iParaElementOffset);  // fix 1st para length
   601 			if (phraseCount>0)
   602 				phraseCount=phraseCount-(aStart.iPhraseElement-aStart.iParaBasePhraseElement);
   603 			}
   604 		aStream.WriteInt32L(paraEntry.iLength);
   605 		CParaAttribs* paraAttribs=paraEntry.iParaAttribs;
   606 		TUint8 refNo=RefNum(paraAttribs);
   607 		aStream.WriteUint8L(refNo);
   608 		if (refNo==0)
   609 			{// Write specific para layer & phrase count
   610 			ExternalizeParagraphFormatL(aStream,*paraAttribs->iParaFormat,aStyleList);
   611 			aStream.WriteInt32L(phraseCount);
   612 			}
   613 		}
   614 	// Fix & write the length of the last paragraph.
   615 	if (aStart.iParaElement==aEnd.iParaElement)
   616 		lastParaEntry.iLength=(aEnd.iParaElementOffset-aStart.iParaElementOffset)+1;  // copied text contained within 1 para
   617 	else
   618 		lastParaEntry.iLength-=(lastParaEntry.iLength-aEnd.iParaElementOffset)-1;
   619 	aStream.WriteInt32L(lastParaEntry.iLength);
   620 	// Fix & write the phrase count of the last paragraph if it has specific char format
   621 	CParaAttribs* lastParaAttribs=lastParaEntry.iParaAttribs;
   622 	TUint8 refNo=RefNum(lastParaAttribs);
   623 	RPhraseAttribsEntry* virtualTextPhrase=NULL;
   624 	if (incompleteParaFlag)
   625 		{// Adjust the phrase count for this paragraph that is not complete
   626 		TInt phraseCount=0;
   627 		if (aStart.iParaElement==aEnd.iParaElement)
   628 			phraseCount=(aEnd.iPhraseElement-aStart.iPhraseElement)+1;  // copied text contained within 1 para
   629 		else
   630 			phraseCount=(aEnd.iPhraseElement-aEnd.iParaBasePhraseElement)+1;
   631 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(phraseCount<=lastParaAttribs->iPhraseCount,Panic(ERtExternalizeParaIx));
   632 		aStream.WriteInt32L(phraseCount);
   633 		if (refNo>0)
   634 			{// Set the virtual phrase representing the trailing text from the shared paragraph.
   635 			virtualTextPhrase=new(ELeave) RPhraseAttribsEntry(lastParaAttribs->iCharFormat,lastParaEntry.iLength);
   636 			CleanupStack::PushL(virtualTextPhrase);
   637 			}
   639 		// Write out the paragraph format for the paragraph that is not complete
   640 		// - necessary since we need to patch up the style character formatting
   641 		if (aStyleList || aEnd.iDocPos+1 == iText.DocumentLength())
   642 			ExternalizeParagraphFormatL(aStream, *lastParaAttribs->iParaFormat, aStyleList);
   643 		}
   644 	else
   645 		{// This is a complete para - copy region ends on a paragraph delimiter.
   646 		aStream.WriteUint8L(refNo);
   647 		if (refNo==0)
   648 			{// Write specific para layer & phrase count
   649 			ExternalizeParagraphFormatL(aStream,*lastParaAttribs->iParaFormat,aStyleList);
   650 			TInt phraseCount=lastParaAttribs->iPhraseCount;
   651 			if (aStart.iParaElement==aEnd.iParaElement && aStart.iParaElementOffset && aStart.iParaElementOffset>0)
   652 				phraseCount=(aEnd.iPhraseElement-aStart.iPhraseElement)+1;  // copied text contained within 1 para
   653 			aStream.WriteInt32L(phraseCount);
   654 			}
   655 		}
   656 	if (virtualTextPhrase)
   657 	    CleanupStack::Pop(virtualTextPhrase);
   658 	return virtualTextPhrase;
   659 	}
   662 void CRichTextIndex::ExternalizeParagraphFormatL(RWriteStream& aStream,const CParaFormatLayer& aLayer,const CStyleList* aStyleList)const
   663 // If a style list is present, write out the based-on links for every paragraph format layer,
   664 // in order to reconnect each paragraph to the right style on loading.
   665 //
   666 	{
   667 	aStream<< aLayer;
   668 	if (aStyleList)
   669 		{
   670 		TInt refNo=0;
   671 		refNo=aStyleList->IndexByPtr(((CParaFormatLayer*)aLayer.SenseBase()));
   672 		// returns the offset in the style list, or a negative error.
   673 		//
   674 		refNo=(refNo!=KErrNotFound)
   675 			? refNo+1  // the nth style where 1st item is offset 1.
   676 			: 0;  // An error value was returned so this thing has no paragraph style as its base
   677 		aStream.WriteInt8L((TInt8)-refNo);
   678 		}
   679  	}
   682 CParaFormatLayer* CRichTextIndex::InternalizeParagraphFormatL(RReadStream& aStream,const TRtPasteContext& aContext)
   683 // 
   684 	{
   685 	CParaFormatLayer* paraLayer=CParaFormatLayer::NewL(aStream);  // specific paragraph format layer
   686 	TUint index=0;
   687 	if (aContext.iParagraphStylesFlag)
   688 		{
   689 		CleanupStack::PushL(paraLayer);
   690 		TInt refNo=aStream.ReadInt8L();  // Read in the based on link to fix up to the style table
   691 		CleanupStack::Pop();
   692 		index=Abs(refNo);
   693 		}
   694 	if (index>0 && aContext.iStyleList)
   695 		paraLayer->SetBase(aContext.iStyleList->At(index-1).iStyle);
   696 	else
   697 		paraLayer->SetBase(aContext.iGlobalParaLayer);
   698 	return paraLayer;
   699 	}
   702 CParaFormatLayer* CRichTextIndex::PasteParagraphFormatL(RReadStream& aStream,const TRtPasteContext& aContext,CStyleMap* aStyleMap)
   703 // 
   704 	{
   705 	CParaFormatLayer* paraLayer=CParaFormatLayer::NewL(aStream);  // specific paragraph format layer
   707 	TUint index=0;
   708 	if (aContext.iParagraphStylesFlag)
   709 		{
   710 		CleanupStack::PushL(paraLayer);
   711 		TInt refNo=aStream.ReadInt8L();  // Read in the based on link to fix up to the style table
   712 		CleanupStack::Pop(paraLayer);	// paraLayer
   713 		index=Abs(refNo);
   714 		}
   716 	// If a style exists for this paragraph, set it as the base.
   717 	// If a style list doesn't exist, the base paragraph style will be set instead.
   719 	if (index>0 && aContext.iStylePasteMode != CParagraphStyle::EIgnoreNewStyles)
   720 	{
   721 		if (!aContext.iStyleList || (aContext.iStyleList && aContext.iStylePasteMode == CParagraphStyle::EConvertNewStyles))
   722 		{
   723 			CleanupStack::PushL(paraLayer);
   724 			iLastCharacterStyle = (aStyleMap->Item(index))->iCharFormatLayer;
   726 			// If the application doesn't have a style list, 
   727 			// the new paragraph style has to be enforced by merging the old
   728 			// paralayer with the style paralayer
   729 			CParaFormat* MergedParaFormat = CParaFormat::NewLC();
   730 			TParaFormatMask MergedParaFormatMask;
   732 			CParaFormatLayer* newParaLayer;
   734 			// Extract the masks from both layers
   735 			paraLayer->SenseL(MergedParaFormat, MergedParaFormatMask);
   736 			(aStyleMap->Item(index))->SenseL(MergedParaFormat, MergedParaFormatMask);
   738 			newParaLayer = CParaFormatLayer::NewL(MergedParaFormat, MergedParaFormatMask);
   740 			// Now on stack: MergedParaFormat, paraLayer, ...
   741 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();	// delete MergedParaFormat
   743 			// Now on stack: paraLayer, ...
   744 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();	// paraLayer
   745 			paraLayer = newParaLayer;
   747 			paraLayer->SetBase(aContext.iGlobalParaLayer);
   749 		}
   750 		else 
   751 		{
   752 			paraLayer->SetBase(aStyleMap->Item(index));		
   753 			iLastCharacterStyle = NULL;
   754 		}
   755 	}
   756 	else 
   757 	// Otherwise set the character style to NULL, which will set the global
   758 	// character style (see line 983 approx)
   759 	{
   760 		iLastCharacterStyle = NULL;
   761 		paraLayer->SetBase(aContext.iGlobalParaLayer);
   762 	}
   764 	return paraLayer;
   765 	}
   768 void CRichTextIndex::InternalizeParaIxL(RReadStream& aStream,const TRtPasteContext& aContext)
   769 // Restore the paragraph index & all associated specific para formats,
   770 // All existing index data is lost.
   771 //
   772 	{
   773 	// The para index has been reset at the start of internalize shared formats.
   774 	TInt paraIxCount=aStream.ReadInt32L();  // paragraph count
   775 	for (TInt currentPara=0;currentPara<paraIxCount;currentPara++)
   776 		{// Restore each paragraph
   777 		TParaAttribsEntry para;
   778 		para.iLength=aStream.ReadInt32L();  // paragraph length
   779 		TUint8 refNo=aStream.ReadUint8L();  // ref no
   780 		if (refNo>0)
   781 			{// Link to para attribs in shared list & up its reference count
   782 			para.iParaAttribs=SharedParaAttribs(refNo);
   783 			para.iParaAttribs->iRefCount++;
   784 			iParaIx->AppendL(para);
   785 			}
   786 		else
   787 			{// Have to build up the specific para attribs
   788 			CParaFormatLayer* paraLayer=InternalizeParagraphFormatL(aStream,aContext);
   789 			CleanupStack::PushL(paraLayer);
   790 			CParaAttribs* specificParaAttribs=CParaAttribs::NewL(paraLayer);
   791 				CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(ReleaseOnCleanup,specificParaAttribs));
   792 			specificParaAttribs->iPhraseCount=aStream.ReadInt32L();  // specific phrase count
   793 				CleanupStack::Pop();	// specificParaAttribs
   794 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // paraLayer
   795 			para.iParaAttribs=specificParaAttribs;
   796 			CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(ReleaseOnCleanup,specificParaAttribs));
   797 			iParaIx->AppendL(para);
   798 			CleanupStack::Pop();  // specificParaAttribs
   799 			}
   800 		}
   801 	}
   803 void CRichTextIndex::ExternalizePhraseIxL(RWriteStream& aStream)const
   804 // Called from an Externalize.
   805 // All phrases must be saved.
   806 //
   807 	{ExternalizePhrasesL(aStream,0,PhraseCount());}
   810 void CRichTextIndex::ExternalizePhraseIxL(RWriteStream& aStream,
   811 										  const TLogicalPosition& aStart,
   812 										  TLogicalPosition& aEnd,
   813 										  const RPhraseAttribsEntry* aVirtualTrailingText)const
   814 // Called from CopyToStream.
   815 // Here, a text fragment only, is to be saved.
   816 // The last argument may be NULL.  If it is other than NULL, it represents trailing text
   817 // that has no paragraph delimiter, which was part of a shared paragraph.  This must be presented as
   818 // a distinct phrase, since this is the context in which it is pasted back into a document.
   819 //
   820 	{
   821 	TInt phraseCount=PhraseCount();
   822 	phraseCount+=(aVirtualTrailingText) ? 1 : 0;
   823 	TBool noRealPhrasesInRegion=ETrue;
   824 	TInt nn=aStart.iParaElement;
   825 	while (nn<=aEnd.iParaElement && noRealPhrasesInRegion)
   826 		{
   827 		if (!(*iParaIx)[nn].iParaAttribs->IsShared())
   828 			noRealPhrasesInRegion=EFalse;
   829 		nn++;
   830 		}
   831 	//
   832 	if (phraseCount==0 || (phraseCount==1 && aVirtualTrailingText || noRealPhrasesInRegion))  // save this phrase count
   833 		ExternalizePhrasesL(aStream,aStart.iPhraseElement,0,aVirtualTrailingText);
   834 	else
   835 		{
   836 		TBool endParaShared=(*iParaIx)[aEnd.iParaElement].iParaAttribs->IsShared();
   837 		if (endParaShared && aEnd.iPhraseElement>0)
   838 			aEnd.iPhraseElement--;  // Due to action of ScanToPosition
   839 		//
   840 		RPhraseAttribsEntry* backPhrase=&(*iPhraseIx)[aEnd.iPhraseElement];
   841 		TInt backLength=backPhrase->Length();
   842 		if (!(endParaShared || backPhrase->IsPicturePhrase()))
   843 			backPhrase->SetLength(aEnd.iPhraseElementOffset+1);
   844 		//
   845 		RPhraseAttribsEntry* frontPhrase=&(*iPhraseIx)[aStart.iPhraseElement];
   846 		TInt frontLength=frontPhrase->Length();
   847 		if (!frontPhrase->IsPicturePhrase())  // Fix length of first phrase.
   848 			frontPhrase->SetLength(frontLength-aStart.iPhraseElementOffset);
   849 		TRAPD(ret,
   850 			ExternalizePhrasesL(aStream,aStart.iPhraseElement,aEnd.iPhraseElement-aStart.iPhraseElement+1,aVirtualTrailingText));
   851 		//
   852 		// Now fix the altered phrase lengths.
   853 		if (!frontPhrase->IsPicturePhrase())
   854 			frontPhrase->SetLength(frontLength);
   855 		if (!(endParaShared || backPhrase->IsPicturePhrase()))
   856 			backPhrase->SetLength(backLength);
   858 		__TEST_INVARIANT;	// we lied about being const
   860 		User::LeaveIfError(ret);
   861 		}
   862 	}
   865 void CRichTextIndex::ExternalizePhrasesL(RWriteStream& aStream,TInt aStart,TInt aPhraseCount,
   866 										 const RPhraseAttribsEntry* aVirtualPhrase)const
   867 // Save the specified number of phrases present in the phrase index,
   868 // starting from phrase offset aStart.
   869 //
   870 	{
   871 	ExternalizePhraseCountL(aStream,aPhraseCount+ ((aVirtualPhrase)?1:0) );
   872 	for (TInt phraseItem=aStart;phraseItem<aStart+aPhraseCount;phraseItem++)
   873 		{
   874 		RPhraseAttribsEntry& phraseEntry=(*iPhraseIx)[phraseItem];
   875 		aStream<< phraseEntry;
   876 		}
   877 	if (aVirtualPhrase)
   878 		aStream<< *aVirtualPhrase;
   879 	}
   882 void CRichTextIndex::InternalizePhraseIxL(RReadStream& aStream,const CCharFormatLayer* aGlobalCharFormat)
   883 // Load all the phrases from the stream, and insert them into the phrase index
   884 //
   885 	{
   886 	iPhraseIx->Reset();
   887 	TInt phraseCount=aStream.ReadInt32L();
   889 	// Extend phrase index by required amount
   890 	iPhraseIx->AppendL(RPhraseAttribsEntry(),phraseCount);
   892 	for (TInt phraseItem=0;phraseItem<phraseCount;phraseItem++)
   893 		{// Restore each phrase & insert into the phrase index.
   894 		TBool isPicture=(TBool)aStream.ReadUint8L();
   895 		TInt phraseLength=aStream.ReadInt32L();
   896 		CCharFormatLayer* charLayer=CCharFormatLayer::NewL(aStream);
   897 		charLayer->SetBase(aGlobalCharFormat);
   898 		RPhraseAttribsEntry& tPhrase=iPhraseIx->At(phraseItem);
   899 		if (!isPicture)
   900 			new(&tPhrase) RPhraseAttribsEntry(charLayer,phraseLength);
   901 		else
   902 			{// Manufacture new picture header & set its picture store
   903 			CleanupStack::PushL(charLayer);
   904 			TPictureHeader hdr;
   905 			aStream>> hdr;
   906 			TBool ownershipTaken(EFalse);
   907 			CPicturePhrase* picPhrase=CPicturePhrase::NewL(hdr,charLayer,ownershipTaken);
   908 			CleanupStack::Pop();  // char layer
   909 			new(&tPhrase) RPhraseAttribsEntry(picPhrase);
   910 			iPictureCount++;
   911 			}
   912 		}
   913 	}
   916 CParaAttribs* CRichTextIndex::SharedParaAttribs(TUint8 aOrdinal)
   917 // Return the handle of the para attribs in the shared para attribs list,
   918 // whose position in the list is specified by the argument aOrdinal.
   919 //
   920 	{
   921 	CParaAttribs* currentSharedPara;
   922 	TDblQueIter<CParaAttribs> iterator(iSharedParaQueHead);
   923 	TInt match=1;
   924 	while ((currentSharedPara=iterator++)!=NULL && aOrdinal!=match)
   925 		match++;
   926 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(currentSharedPara!=NULL,Panic(EEndOfSharedParaListEncountered));
   927 	return currentSharedPara;
   928 	}
   931 TUint8 CRichTextIndex::RefNum(const CParaAttribs* aParaAttribs)const
   932 // If the para attribs argument is present in the shared list, return a 
   933 // reference to it; otherwise return zero as the reference.
   934 //
   935 	{
   936 	CParaAttribs* currentSharedPara;
   937 	TDblQueIter<CParaAttribs> iterator(((CRichTextIndex*)this)->iSharedParaQueHead);
   938 	TUint8	 refNo=1;
   939 	while ((currentSharedPara=iterator++)!=NULL)
   940 		{
   941 		if (currentSharedPara==aParaAttribs)
   942 			return refNo;
   943 		refNo++;
   944 		}
   945 	return 0;
   946 	}
   948 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
   949 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
   950 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
   952 void CRichTextIndex::PasteFromStreamL(const CStreamStore& aStore,RReadStream& aStream,TInt aPos,CParagraphStyle::TStylePasteMode aStylePasteMode,const CParaFormatLayer* aGlobalParaLayer,const CCharFormatLayer* aGlobalCharLayer)
   953 //
   954 	{
   957 	CancelInsertCharFormat();
   958 	ScanToPosition(aPos,EScanToPositionAbsolute);
   960 	//
   961 	//  Get the header
   962 	TRtPasteContext context(&aStore,aGlobalParaLayer,aGlobalCharLayer,iText.StyleList());
   963 	context.iPastePos=iPos;
   964 	context.iStylePasteMode = aStylePasteMode;
   966 	InternalizeRtiHeaderL(aStream,context);  // no rollback required on the header.  Does not alter iPos.
   967 	//
   968 	// Get the pargraph styles
   970 	CStyleMap* styleMap = NULL;
   971 	if (context.iParagraphStylesFlag)
   972 	{
   973 		TUint8 styleCount=ReadTUint8CountL(aStream);
   974 		styleMap=CStyleMap::NewLC(styleCount);
   975 		TRAPD(ret,
   976 		PasteStylesL(aStream,*styleMap,context));  // Does not alter iPos.
   977 		if (ret!=KErrNone) {RbPasteSharedFormatsL(ret);}
   978 	}
   979 	//
   980 	// Get the shared formats
   981 	TUint8 sharedParaCount=ReadTUint8CountL(aStream);
   982 	CParaAttribsMap* paraMap=CParaAttribsMap::NewLC(sharedParaCount);
   983 	TRAPD(ret,
   984 	PasteSharedFormatsL(aStream,*paraMap,context,styleMap));  // Does not alter iPos.
   985 	if (ret!=KErrNone)
   986 		{
   987 		// beginning of fixing DEF 126651 (1/2)
   988 		// free orphan object before leave.
   989 		if (context.iParagraphStylesFlag)
   990 		{
   991 			if (!context.iStyleList || context.iStylePasteMode == CParagraphStyle::EConvertNewStyles)
   992 			{
   993 			TInt maxSize = styleMap->Count();
   994 			for (TInt count=0; count<maxSize; count++)
   995 				{
   996 				delete (CParagraphStyle*)styleMap->At(count).iT;	
   997 				}
   998 			}
   999 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();	// cleanup styleMap
  1000 		}
  1001 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // cleanup paraMap
  1002 		// end of fixing DEF 126651 (1/2)
  1003 		RbPasteSharedFormatsL(ret);
  1004 		}
  1005 	//
  1006 	// Get the markup
  1007 	TRAP(ret,
  1008 	PasteIxL(aStream,context,*paraMap, styleMap));  // context now has both global layers & pastePos
  1009 	if (ret!=KErrNone)
  1010 		{
  1011 		// beginning of fixing DEF 126651 (2/2)
  1012 		// free orphan object before leave.
  1013 		if (context.iParagraphStylesFlag)
  1014 		{
  1015 			if (!context.iStyleList || context.iStylePasteMode == CParagraphStyle::EConvertNewStyles)
  1016 			{
  1017 			TInt maxSize = styleMap->Count();
  1018 			for (TInt count=0; count<maxSize; count++)
  1019 				{
  1020 				delete (CParagraphStyle*)styleMap->At(count).iT;	
  1021 				}
  1022 			}
  1023 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();	// cleanup styleMap
  1024 		}
  1025 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // cleanup paraMap
  1026 		// end of fixing DEF 126651 (2/2)
  1027 		RbPasteSharedFormatsL(ret);
  1028 		}
  1031 	if (context.iParagraphStylesFlag)
  1032 	{
  1033 		TRAP(ret,GenerateAllPhraseLinksL());
  1034 		if (ret != KErrNone)
  1035 			RbPasteSharedFormatsL(ret);
  1037 		if (!context.iStyleList || context.iStylePasteMode == CParagraphStyle::EConvertNewStyles)
  1038 		{
  1039 		TInt maxSize = styleMap->Count();
  1040 		for (TInt count=0; count<maxSize; count++)
  1041 			{
  1042 			delete (CParagraphStyle*)styleMap->At(count).iT;	
  1043 			}
  1044 		}
  1045 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();	// cleanup styleMap
  1046 	}
  1048 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // cleanup paraMap
  1051 	}
  1054 void CRichTextIndex::PasteStylesL(RReadStream& aStream,CStyleMap& aMap,const TRtPasteContext& aContext)
  1055 // Restore the paragraph styles from the specified stream.
  1056 // Restoration is controlled by the flag TStylePasteMode.
  1057 //
  1058 	{
  1060 	TInt styleCount=aMap.iCapacity;
  1061 //	TBool docSupportsStyles = iText.StyleListPresent();	// detect if document has style list
  1062 	CParagraphStyle* style=NULL;
  1063 	for(TUint8 ii=0; ii<styleCount; ii++)
  1064 	{
  1065 		TInt refNo=aStream.ReadInt8L();
  1066 		style=CParagraphStyle::NewL(aStream,*aContext.iGlobalParaLayer,*aContext.iGlobalCharLayer);
  1068 		// Now attempt to map this style to one in the document we are adding it to
  1069 		// refNo contains the style number when the selection was cut, which
  1070 		//   is needed to map to the reference no's coming in with the paragraph
  1071 		//   format info
  1073 		if (aContext.iStylePasteMode == CParagraphStyle::EIgnoreNewStyles)
  1074 			// We're ignoring all style info, so delete it now
  1075 			delete style;
  1076 		else
  1077 		{
  1079 		if (aContext.iStyleList && aContext.iStylePasteMode == CParagraphStyle::EAddNewStyles)
  1080 		{
  1081 			TInt docStyle = iText.StyleList()->IndexByName(style->iName);
  1082 			if (docStyle!=KErrNotFound)
  1083 			{
  1084 				/* Add the existing style into the stylemap */
  1085 				aMap.Bind(refNo,iText.StyleList()->PtrByName(style->iName)->iStyle);
  1087 				/* Since this style exists, we can safely delete this copy */
  1088 				delete style;
  1090 			}
  1091 			else
  1092 			{
  1093 				// Ok, the document doesn't have this style in it.
  1094 				// So let's add it in, and put a reference in the stylemap
  1096 				RParagraphStyleInfo newStyle(style);
  1098 				iText.StyleList()->AppendL(&newStyle);
  1100 				aMap.Bind(refNo,style);
  1102 				// the StyeList takes care of style destruction, so no deletion
  1103 				// is necessary here
  1104 			}
  1105 		}
  1106 		else
  1107 		{
  1108 			// Document doesn't support styles, so save them so they can
  1109 			// be converted to character specific formatting later on
  1110 			aMap.Bind(refNo, style);
  1111 		}
  1112 		}
  1114 	}
  1115 }
  1118 void CRichTextIndex::ImposeCharacterStyleL(CCharFormatLayer** aCharLayer)
  1119 {
  1120 	// This function is used to impose the current character style onto
  1121 	// the character layer for this paragraph. It's used when translating
  1122 	// style information into specific formatting when pasting text containing
  1123 	// styles into text without styles.
  1125 	TCharFormatX MergedCharFormat;
  1126 	TCharFormatXMask MergedCharFormatMask;
  1128 	CCharFormatLayer* newCharLayer;
  1130 	// Extract the masks from both layers.
  1131 	// use MergedCharFormat to hold the char info which we don't want yet
  1133 	(*aCharLayer)->Sense(MergedCharFormat, MergedCharFormatMask);
  1134 	iLastCharacterStyle->Sense(MergedCharFormat, MergedCharFormatMask);
  1136 	// Re-build charLayer;
  1137 	CleanupStack::PushL(*aCharLayer);
  1138 	newCharLayer = CCharFormatLayer::NewL(MergedCharFormat,MergedCharFormatMask);
  1139 	CleanupStack::Pop(*aCharLayer);
  1141 	delete (*aCharLayer);
  1142 	(*aCharLayer) = newCharLayer;
  1143 }
  1146 void CRichTextIndex::PasteSharedFormatsL(RReadStream& aStream,CParaAttribsMap& aMap,const TRtPasteContext& aContext,CStyleMap* aStyleMap)
  1147 // Load shared formats from the specified stream.
  1148 // Only adds the loaded shared format to the list of shared formats
  1149 // if it does not already exist in that list.
  1150 // A map is kept, that for each loaded format specifies its offset within
  1151 // the shared list.
  1152 //
  1154 	{
  1155 	TInt mapCount=aMap.iCapacity;
  1156 	for (TUint8 paraItem=0;paraItem<mapCount;paraItem++)
  1157 		{
  1158 		TInt refNo=aStream.ReadInt32L();
  1159 		CParaFormatLayer* paraLayer=PasteParagraphFormatL(aStream,aContext,aStyleMap);
  1160 		CleanupStack::PushL(paraLayer);
  1162 		CCharFormatLayer* charLayer=CCharFormatLayer::NewL(aStream);  // Does not restore based on link.
  1163 //// Change specific formatting for this paragraph
  1165 		if (iLastCharacterStyle != NULL)
  1166 			ImposeCharacterStyleL(&charLayer);
  1168 		charLayer->SetBase(aContext.iGlobalCharLayer);
  1170 		CleanupStack::PushL(charLayer);
  1171 		CParaAttribs* paraAttribs=GetParaAttribsL(paraLayer,charLayer);
  1172 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);  // charLayer & paraLayer
  1173 		aMap.Bind(refNo,paraAttribs);
  1174 		paraAttribs->iRefCount--;
  1175 		}
  1176 	}
  1179 void CRichTextIndex::PasteIxL(RReadStream& aStream,TRtPasteContext& aContext,const CParaAttribsMap& aMap,CStyleMap* aStyleMap/*,CParaAttribs* aSecondReserved*/)
  1180 //
  1181 	{
  1182 	TInt completeParaCount=aStream.ReadInt32L();
  1183 	completeParaCount-=(aContext.iIncompleteParaFlag)? 1 : 0;
  1184 //	Create rollback states
  1185 	TParaAttribsEntry para=(*iParaIx)[aContext.iPastePos.iParaElement];
  1186 	CParaAttribs* reclaimed=RequestReclaimShareL(para.iParaAttribs,&para);  // does not release share
  1187 	iRollbackParaAttribsHandle=NULL;
  1188 	if (reclaimed)
  1189 		{
  1190 		iRollbackParaAttribsHandle=para.iParaAttribs;
  1191 		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(ReleaseOnCleanup,reclaimed));
  1192 		(*iParaIx)[aContext.iPastePos.iParaElement].iParaAttribs=reclaimed;  // Use this reclaimed para attribs
  1193 		}
  1194 //	Split the phrase at the paste position, ready to insert clipboard content
  1195 	TRAPD(ret,
  1196 	SplitPhraseL(aContext.iPastePos.iDocPos));
  1197 		if (ret!=KErrNone) {RbPasteParaIxL(aContext.iPastePos,aContext.iParasPasted,ret);}
  1198 	ScanToPosition(aContext.iPastePos.iDocPos,EScanToPositionAbsolute);  // pick up the changes
  1199 	aContext.iPastePos=iPos;
  1200 //	Paste all complete paragraphs from the clipboard
  1201 	TInt characterCount=0;
  1202 	RPhraseAttribsEntry* firstParaVirtualPhrase=NULL;
  1203 	TRAP(ret,
  1204 	characterCount=PasteParaIxL(aStream,aContext,completeParaCount,aMap,firstParaVirtualPhrase,aStyleMap));
  1205 		if (ret!=KErrNone) {RbPasteParaIxL(aContext.iPastePos,aContext.iParasPasted,ret);}
  1206 	CleanupStack::PushL(firstParaVirtualPhrase);
  1207 //	Paste any remaining text fragment.
  1208 	TTextFragment textFragment;
  1209 	if (aContext.iIncompleteParaFlag)
  1210 		{
  1211 		TRAPD(ret,
  1212 		textFragment=GetTextFragmentL(aStream));
  1213 			if (ret!=KErrNone) {RbPasteParaIxL(aContext.iPastePos,aContext.iParasPasted,ret);}			
  1214 		characterCount+=textFragment.iLength;
  1216 		// Restore the character stle info for the final text fragment
  1217 		if (aContext.iParagraphStylesFlag || aContext.iApplyFormatToLastFlag)
  1218 			{
  1219 			CParaFormatLayer* paraLayer = PasteParagraphFormatL(aStream, aContext, aStyleMap);
  1220 			CleanupStack::PushL(paraLayer);
  1221 			//Restore the paragraph formatting for the final text fragment
  1222 			if (aContext.iApplyFormatToLastFlag)
  1223 				{
  1224 				CParaFormat* paraFormat = CParaFormat::NewLC();
  1225 				TParaFormatMask mask;
  1226 				paraLayer->SenseL(paraFormat,mask);
  1227 				(*iParaIx)[completeParaCount].iParaAttribs->iParaFormat->SetL(paraFormat,mask);
  1228 				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(paraFormat);
  1229 				}
  1230 			// We can now discard the format layer, but the character format has been safely
  1231 			// patched to the style character format
  1232 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(paraLayer);
  1233 			}
  1234 		}
  1235 //
  1236 	TRAP(ret,
  1237 	PastePhraseIxL(aStream,aContext,firstParaVirtualPhrase));
  1238 		if (ret!=KErrNone) {RbPasteParaIxL(aContext.iPastePos,aContext.iParasPasted,ret);}
  1239 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // firstParaVirtualPhrase / shallow destroy only - deep copy in phraseIx
  1241 //	ScanToPosition(aContext.iPastePos.iDocPos,EScanToPositionAbsolute);  // phraseIx not pasted at this point
  1242 //	TLogicalPosition headParaNormalizePos=iPos;
  1245 	if (completeParaCount==0)
  1246 		{// Adjust paragraph length & phrase count
  1247 		TParaAttribsEntry* para=&(*iParaIx)[aContext.iPastePos.iParaElement];
  1248 		para->iLength+=textFragment.iLength;
  1249 		para->iParaAttribs->iPhraseCount+=textFragment.iPhraseCount;
  1250 		ScanToPosition(aContext.iPastePos.iDocPos,EScanToPositionAbsolute);
  1251 		TLogicalPosition headParaNormalizePos=iPos;
  1252 		MergePhrases(headParaNormalizePos);
  1253 		MergePhrases(aContext.iPastePos.iDocPos+characterCount);
  1254 		DoPasteCleanup(headParaNormalizePos,reclaimed);
  1255 		}
  1256 	else
  1257 		{// Adjust paragraph lengths & phrase counts	
  1258 		TParaAttribsEntry* firstPara=&(*iParaIx)[aContext.iPastePos.iParaElement];
  1259 		firstPara->iLength+=aContext.iPastePos.iParaElementOffset;  // Update length of the first para
  1260 		firstPara->iParaAttribs->iPhraseCount+=(aContext.iPastePos.iPhraseElement-aContext.iPastePos.iParaBasePhraseElement);  // Update the phrase count of the first para attribs
  1261 		ScanToPosition(aContext.iPastePos.iDocPos,EScanToPositionAbsolute);
  1262 		TLogicalPosition headParaNormalizePos=iPos;
  1263 		MergePhrases(headParaNormalizePos);
  1264 		DoPasteCleanup(headParaNormalizePos,reclaimed);
  1265 		//
  1266 		// Adjust the length & phrase count of the new final paragraph
  1267 		TParaAttribsEntry* lastPara=&(*iParaIx)[aContext.iPastePos.iParaElement+completeParaCount];
  1268 		lastPara->iLength=(lastPara->iLength-aContext.iPastePos.iParaElementOffset)+textFragment.iLength;
  1269 		lastPara->iParaAttribs->iPhraseCount-=(aContext.iPastePos.iPhraseElement-aContext.iPastePos.iParaBasePhraseElement);
  1270 		// phrase count may be wrong - since the added phrase may have been merged into the current one.
  1271 		// Cant just add these phrases.
  1272 		lastPara->iParaAttribs->iPhraseCount+=textFragment.iPhraseCount;
  1273 		ScanToPosition(aContext.iPastePos.iDocPos+characterCount,EScanToPositionAbsolute);
  1274 		MergePhrases(iPos);
  1275 		DoPasteCleanup(iPos,(CParaAttribs*)NULL);
  1276 		}
  1277 	RebalanceIndex();
  1278 	NormalizeSharedList();
  1279 	}
  1282 void CRichTextIndex::DoPasteCleanup(TLogicalPosition& aNormalizePos,CParaAttribs* aReclaimed)
  1283 //
  1284 	{
  1285 	NormalizeNow(aNormalizePos);
  1286 	if (aReclaimed)
  1287 		CleanupStack::Pop();
  1288 	}
  1291 TInt CRichTextIndex::PasteParaIxL(RReadStream& aStream,TRtPasteContext& aContext,TInt aCompleteParaCount,const CParaAttribsMap& aMap,RPhraseAttribsEntry*& aFirstParaVirtualPhrase, CStyleMap* aStyleMap)
  1292 //
  1293 	{
  1294 	TParaAttribsEntry para;
  1295 	iParaIx->InsertL(aContext.iPastePos.iParaElement,para,aCompleteParaCount);	
  1296 	aContext.iParasPasted=aCompleteParaCount;
  1297 	TInt characterCount=0;
  1298 	if (aCompleteParaCount>0)
  1299 		{
  1300 		para=DoPasteFirstIntoParaL(aStream,aMap,aContext,aFirstParaVirtualPhrase, aStyleMap);
  1301 		TInt paraItem=0;
  1302 		(*iParaIx)[aContext.iPastePos.iParaElement+paraItem]=para;
  1303 		characterCount+=para.iLength;
  1304 		}
  1305 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(DiscardPhraseOnCleanup,aFirstParaVirtualPhrase));
  1306 	for (TInt paraItem=1;paraItem<aCompleteParaCount;paraItem++)
  1307 		{// Paste all the paras that have paragraph delimiters.
  1308 		para=DoPasteIntoParaL(aStream,aMap,aContext,aStyleMap);
  1309 		(*iParaIx)[aContext.iPastePos.iParaElement+paraItem]=para;
  1310 		characterCount+=para.iLength;
  1311 		}
  1312 	CleanupStack::Pop();  // firstParaVirtualPhrase
  1313 // ASSERT: At this point we have pasted all paras that were in the stream.	
  1314 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aContext.iParasPasted==aCompleteParaCount,Panic(EPasteParaIxError));
  1315 	return characterCount;
  1316 	}
  1319 TParaAttribsEntry CRichTextIndex::DoPasteFirstIntoParaL(RReadStream& aStream,const CParaAttribsMap& aMap,const TRtPasteContext& aContext,RPhraseAttribsEntry*& aFirstParaVirtualPhrase,CStyleMap* aStyleMap)
  1320 //
  1321 	{
  1322 	TParaAttribsEntry para;
  1323 	para.iLength=aStream.ReadInt32L();
  1324 	TUint8 refNo=aStream.ReadUint8L();
  1325 	if (refNo>0)
  1326 		{// This is the first pasted para, so if shared, must convert to phrase on the fly.
  1327 		CParaAttribs* paraAttribs=aMap.Item(refNo);
  1328 		CParaAttribs* specificParaAttribs=CParaAttribs::NewL(paraAttribs->iParaFormat);
  1329 		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(ReleaseOnCleanup,specificParaAttribs));
  1330 		//
  1331 		CCharFormatLayer* layer=CCharFormatLayer::NewCopyBaseL(paraAttribs->iCharFormat);
  1332 		CleanupStack::PushL(layer);
  1333 		aFirstParaVirtualPhrase=new(ELeave) RPhraseAttribsEntry(layer,para.iLength);
  1334 		CleanupStack::Pop(2);  // layer & specificParaAttribs
  1335 		//
  1336 		para.iParaAttribs=specificParaAttribs;
  1337 		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(para.iParaAttribs!=NULL,Panic(ESharedFormatsMapIntegrityError));
  1338 		}
  1339 	else
  1340 		{// Have to build up the specific para attribs
  1341 		CParaFormatLayer* paraLayer=PasteParagraphFormatL(aStream,aContext,aStyleMap);
  1342 		CleanupStack::PushL(paraLayer);
  1343 		TInt phraseCount=aStream.ReadInt32L();  // specific phrase count
  1344 		CParaAttribs* specificParaAttribs=CParaAttribs::NewL(paraLayer);
  1345 		specificParaAttribs->iPhraseCount=phraseCount;
  1346 		para.iParaAttribs=specificParaAttribs;
  1347 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // a copy of paraLayer is taken!
  1348 		}
  1349 	return para;
  1350 	}
  1353 TParaAttribsEntry CRichTextIndex::DoPasteIntoParaL(RReadStream& aStream,const CParaAttribsMap& aMap,const TRtPasteContext& aContext,CStyleMap* aStyleMap)
  1354 //
  1355 	{
  1356 	TParaAttribsEntry para;
  1357 	para.iLength=aStream.ReadInt32L();
  1358 	TUint8 refNo=aStream.ReadUint8L();
  1359 	if (refNo>0)
  1360 		{// Link to para attribs in shared list & up its reference count
  1361 		para.iParaAttribs=aMap.Item(refNo);
  1362 		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(para.iParaAttribs!=NULL,Panic(ESharedFormatsMapIntegrityError));
  1363 		para.iParaAttribs->iRefCount++;
  1364 		}
  1365 	else
  1366 		{// Have to build up the specific para attribs
  1367 		CParaFormatLayer* paraLayer=PasteParagraphFormatL(aStream,aContext,aStyleMap);
  1368 		CleanupStack::PushL(paraLayer);
  1369 		TInt phraseCount=aStream.ReadInt32L();  // specific phrase count
  1370 		CParaAttribs* specificParaAttribs=CParaAttribs::NewL(paraLayer);
  1371 		specificParaAttribs->iPhraseCount=phraseCount;
  1372 		para.iParaAttribs=specificParaAttribs;
  1373 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // a copy of paraLayer is taken!
  1374 		}
  1375 	return para;
  1376 	}
  1379 TTextFragment CRichTextIndex::GetTextFragmentL(RReadStream& aStream)
  1380 //
  1381 	{
  1382 	TTextFragment textFragment;
  1383 	textFragment.iLength=aStream.ReadInt32L();
  1384 	textFragment.iPhraseCount=aStream.ReadInt32L();
  1385 	return textFragment;
  1386 	}
  1389 void CRichTextIndex::PastePhraseIxL(RReadStream& aStream,TRtPasteContext& aContext,const RPhraseAttribsEntry* aFirstParaVirtualPhrase)
  1390 // The character position to paste at should now fall on a phrase boundary.
  1391 //
  1392 	{
  1393 // ASSERT: Having pasted the paraIx, the para containig pastePos has had the containing phrase split at that point.
  1394 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aContext.iPastePos.iPhraseElementOffset==0,Panic(EPastePhraseIxErr));
  1396 	TInt offset=0;
  1397 	TInt phraseCount=aStream.ReadInt32L();  // leave caught by calling function.  No state change yet.
  1398 	if (aFirstParaVirtualPhrase)
  1399 		{
  1400 		iPhraseIx->InsertL(aContext.iPastePos.iPhraseElement,*aFirstParaVirtualPhrase);
  1401 		offset++;
  1402 		}
  1403 	RPhraseAttribsEntry holdingPhrase;
  1404 	iPhraseIx->InsertL(aContext.iPastePos.iPhraseElement+offset,holdingPhrase,phraseCount);
  1405 	for (TInt phraseItem=0;phraseItem<phraseCount;phraseItem++)
  1406 		{// Restore each phrase & insert into the phrase index.
  1407 		RPhraseAttribsEntry phrase;
  1408 		TRAPD(ret,
  1409 //		phrase=DoPastePhraseL(aStream,aContext));  // !! delete this if the code works
  1410 		DoPastePhraseL(aStream,aContext,phrase));
  1411 			if (ret!=KErrNone) {RbPastePhraseIxL(aContext.iPastePos,phraseCount+offset,ret);}
  1412 		(*iPhraseIx)[aContext.iPastePos.iPhraseElement+phraseItem+offset]=phrase;
  1413 		if (phrase.IsPicturePhrase() && iText.PictureFactory())
  1414 			iPictureCount++;
  1415 		}
  1416 	}
  1419 void CRichTextIndex::DoPastePhraseL(RReadStream& aStream,const TRtPasteContext& aContext,RPhraseAttribsEntry& aPhrase)
  1420 //
  1421 	{
  1422 	TBool isPicture=(TBool)aStream.ReadUint8L();
  1423 	TInt phraseLength=aStream.ReadInt32L();
  1425 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(isPicture && phraseLength==1 || !isPicture,User::Leave(KErrCorrupt));
  1427 	CCharFormatLayer* charLayer=CCharFormatLayer::NewL(aStream);
  1428 /// Change this character format if style formatting is to be applied
  1430 // Paste style for the trailing text
  1431 	if (iLastCharacterStyle != NULL)
  1432 			ImposeCharacterStyleL(&charLayer);
  1434 		charLayer->SetBase(aContext.iGlobalCharLayer);
  1436 	CPicturePhrase* picPhrase=NULL;
  1437 	const MPictureFactory* factory=iText.PictureFactory();
  1438 	TBool pictureLoadError=EFalse;
  1439 	if (isPicture)
  1440 		{
  1441 		TPictureHeader hdr;
  1442 		aStream>> hdr;  // hdr.iPicture always references a picture in the deferred store.
  1443 		if (isPicture && factory)
  1444 			{// Manufacture new picture phrase & set its picture store
  1445 			CleanupStack::PushL(charLayer);
  1446 			TBool ownershipTaken(EFalse);
  1447 			picPhrase=CPicturePhrase::NewL(hdr,charLayer,ownershipTaken);
  1448 			CleanupStack::Pop();  // charLayer - picPhrase takes ownership
  1449 			CleanupStack::PushL(picPhrase);
  1450 			TRAPD(r,factory->NewPictureL(hdr,*aContext.iStore));  // load picture since clipboard store is transient.
  1451 			// r=KErrNotSupported  // we don't recognise the picture type
  1452 			if (r==KErrNone)
  1453 				{
  1454 				picPhrase->iPicHdr.iPicture=hdr.iPicture;  // make picPhrase point at the restored picture object.
  1455 				TRAP(r,
  1456 				hdr.iPicture->DetachFromStoreL(CPicture::EDetachFull));  // recurse the call to detach the picture from the store
  1457 				}
  1458 			switch (r)
  1459 				{
  1460 				case(KErrNone):
  1461 					break;
  1462 				default:
  1463 					pictureLoadError=ETrue;
  1464 					picPhrase->iCharFormat=NULL;
  1465 					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(picPhrase);
  1466 					if (r!=KErrNotSupported)
  1467 						User::Leave(r);
  1468 				}
  1469 			}
  1470 		}
  1471 	if (isPicture && factory && !pictureLoadError)
  1472 		new(&aPhrase) RPhraseAttribsEntry(picPhrase);
  1473 	else
  1474 		new(&aPhrase) RPhraseAttribsEntry(charLayer,phraseLength);
  1476 	// The ownership has been transfered to RPhraseAttribsEntry
  1477 	if(picPhrase)
  1478 	    CleanupStack::Pop(picPhrase);
  1479 	}
  1482 TUint8 CRichTextIndex::ReadTUint8CountL(RReadStream& aStream)const
  1483 	{return aStream.ReadUint8L();}
  1486 void CRichTextIndex::RbPasteSharedFormatsL(TInt aRet)
  1487 // For each para attribs that has been read in, release all shares on it, if it
  1488 // does not already exist in shared list.
  1489 //
  1490 	{
  1491 	NormalizeSharedList();
  1492 	User::Leave(aRet);
  1493 	}
  1496 void CRichTextIndex::NormalizeSharedList()
  1497 // Removes unreferenced (non-shared) shared paras from the shared list.
  1498 // Called in rollback situations.
  1499 // Also called naturally following a paste, since an incoming shared para
  1500 // may be pasted into an existing para, making it non-shared.
  1501 //
  1502 	{
  1503 	CParaAttribs* currentSharedPara=NULL;
  1504 	TDblQueIter<CParaAttribs> iterator(iSharedParaQueHead);
  1505 	while ((currentSharedPara=iterator++)!=NULL)
  1506 		{// Rollback the shared list.
  1507 		if (currentSharedPara->iRefCount==0)
  1508 			{// Remove this unreferenced item from the shared list.
  1509 			currentSharedPara->iRefCount=1;
  1510 			currentSharedPara->Release();
  1511 			}
  1512 		}
  1513 	}
  1516 void CRichTextIndex::RbRemoveInsertedParaAttribsEntries(TInt aFirstParaInsertPos,TInt aInsertedParaCount)
  1517 // Rollback on leaving part way through inserting paragraph records into the para index.
  1518 // For all pasted paragraph records, release their share on their paraAttribs if present.
  1519 //
  1520 	{
  1521 	for (TInt ii=0;ii<aInsertedParaCount;ii++)
  1522 		{
  1523 		CParaAttribs* paraAttribs=(*iParaIx)[aFirstParaInsertPos+ii].iParaAttribs;
  1524 		if (paraAttribs)
  1525 			paraAttribs->Release();
  1526 		}
  1527 	iParaIx->Delete(aFirstParaInsertPos,aInsertedParaCount);
  1528 	}
  1531 void CRichTextIndex::RbPasteParaIxL(const TLogicalPosition& aPos,TInt aParasPasted,TInt aRet)
  1532 // Rollback on leaving part way through the pasting of the para index.
  1533 // For all pasted paras, release their share on their paraAttribs.
  1534 //
  1535 	{
  1536 	RbRemoveInsertedParaAttribsEntries(aPos.iParaElement,aParasPasted);
  1537 	MergePhrases(aPos.iDocPos);  // updates iPos to paste pos.
  1538 	// 
  1539 	//
  1540 	if (iRollbackParaAttribsHandle)
  1541 		{
  1542 		RemoveFromPhraseIx(iPos.iPhraseElement,1);  // Removes the phrase created from ResquestReclaim on para
  1543 		(*iParaIx)[aPos.iParaElement].iParaAttribs=iRollbackParaAttribsHandle;
  1544 		iRollbackParaAttribsHandle=NULL;
  1545 		}
  1546 	User::Leave(aRet);
  1547 	}
  1550 void CRichTextIndex::RbRemoveInsertedPhraseAttribsEntries(TInt aFirstPhraseInsertPos,TInt aInsertedPhraseCount)
  1551 // Rollback on leaving part way through the pasting of the phrase index.
  1552 // For all pasted phrases, discard their components.
  1553 //
  1554 	{
  1555 	for (TInt ii=0;ii<aInsertedPhraseCount;ii++)
  1556 		{
  1557 		RPhraseAttribsEntry& phrase=(*iPhraseIx)[aFirstPhraseInsertPos+ii];
  1558 		if (phrase.IsPicturePhrase())
  1559 			iPictureCount--;
  1560 		if (phrase.CharFormat())
  1561 			phrase.Discard();
  1562 		}
  1563 	iPhraseIx->Delete(aFirstPhraseInsertPos,aInsertedPhraseCount);
  1564 	}
  1567 void CRichTextIndex::RbPastePhraseIxL(const TLogicalPosition& aPos,TInt aPhraseCount,TInt aRet)
  1568 // Rollback on leaving part way through the pasting of the phrase index.
  1569 // For all pasted phrases, discard their components.
  1570 //
  1571 	{
  1572 	RbRemoveInsertedPhraseAttribsEntries(aPos.iPhraseElement,aPhraseCount);
  1573 	User::Leave(aRet);
  1574 	}