changeset 32 8b9155204a54
parent 0 1fb32624e06b
child 40 91ef7621b7fc
equal deleted inserted replaced
31:b9ad20498fb4 32:8b9155204a54
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "TXTRICH.H"
    20 #include "TXTSTD.H"
    21 #include "ParseLst.h"
    24 // Install and activate a particular parser, app provides instance
    25 EXPORT_C void CRichText::ActivateParserL(MParser* aParser)
    26 	{
    27 	CParserList* activeParserList = (CParserList*)Dll::Tls();
    28 	if (!activeParserList)
    29 		{
    30 		CreateParserETextTLSL();
    31 		activeParserList = (CParserList*)Dll::Tls();
    32 		}
    33 	activeParserList->ActivateParserL(aParser);
    34 	}
    37 // Deactivate and deinstall a particular parser, identified by ptr to instance
    38 EXPORT_C void CRichText::DeactivateParser(MParser* aParser)
    39 	{
    40 	CParserList* activeParserList = (CParserList*)Dll::Tls();
    41 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(activeParserList, Panic(EParserListNotInitialized));
    42 	activeParserList->DeactivateParser(aParser);
    43 	if ((activeParserList->iRefCount == 0) && (activeParserList->iNumberInList == 0))
    44 		{
    45 		Dll::FreeTls();
    46 		delete activeParserList;
    47 		}
    48 	}
    51 // Install and activate a parser in the default set
    52 EXPORT_C void CRichText::ActivateDefaultParserL(MParser* aParser)
    53 	{
    54 	CParserList* activeParserList = (CParserList*)Dll::Tls();
    55 	if (!activeParserList)
    56 		{
    57 		CreateParserETextTLSL();
    58 		activeParserList = (CParserList*)Dll::Tls();
    59 		}
    60 	activeParserList->ActivateDefaultParserL(aParser);
    61 	}
    64 // Deactivate and deinstall the standard set of default parsers
    65 EXPORT_C void CRichText::DeactivateParserDefaults()
    66 	{
    67 	CParserList* activeParserList = (CParserList*)Dll::Tls();
    68 	if (activeParserList)
    69 		{
    70 		activeParserList->DeactivateParserDefaults();
    71 		if ((activeParserList->iRefCount == 0) && (activeParserList->iNumberInList == 0))
    72 			{
    73 			Dll::FreeTls();
    74 			delete activeParserList;
    75 			}
    76 		}
    77 	}
    80 // Create ParserLst instance and retain ownership of it but pass address to EText TLS
    81 void CRichText::CreateParserETextTLSL()
    82 	{
    83 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(Dll::Tls() == NULL, Panic(EParserListAlreadyExists));
    84 	CParserList* activeParserList = new (ELeave) CParserList;
    85 	CleanupStack::PushL(activeParserList);
    86 	TInt err = Dll::SetTls(activeParserList);
    87 	User::LeaveIfError(err);
    88 	CleanupStack::Pop(activeParserList);
    89 	}
    92 // Set observer callback to tell whenever the object has been edited.
    93 // If set set then the parser system is active for this instance, otherwise not.
    97 EXPORT_C void CRichText::SetEditObserver(MEditObserver* aEditObserver)
    98 /** Sets the rich text object's edit observer. The observer's EditObserver() function 
    99 is called by the rich text object each time the object's text content is edited 
   100 (e.g. after a paste, insert, delete, reset etc.).
   102 @param aEditObserver Pointer to the edit observer. */
   103 	{
   104 	iParserData->iEditObserver = aEditObserver;
   105 	}
   108 EXPORT_C TBool CRichText::ParseText(TInt& aStartOfTags, TInt& aLength, TBool aForceScanAllText)
   109 	{
   110 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iIndex.IsPtr(),Panic(EParserListTextIndexNotInitialized));
   111 	TBool foundSomething = EFalse;
   112 	if (iParserData->iActiveParserList && iParserData->iEditObserver)
   113 		{
   114 		if (aForceScanAllText)
   115 			foundSomething = iParserData->iActiveParserList->ParseThisText(*this,0,DocumentLength(),
   116 																		   aStartOfTags,aLength);
   117 		else if (iParserData->HaveRange())
   118 			foundSomething = iParserData->iActiveParserList->ParseThisText(*this,iParserData->StartParse(),
   119 									iParserData->EndParse() - iParserData->StartParse(),
   120 									aStartOfTags,aLength);
   121 		// All parsers have scanned the area
   122 		iParserData->KillRange();
   123 		}
   124 	return foundSomething;
   125 	}
   128 // Given a cursor position, is there a tag under it and, if so, give me details	
   129 TBool CRichText::DoCursorOverTag(TInt aPos, MParser*& aParser, TInt& aTagStart, TInt& aLength) const
   130 	{
   131 	TCharFormatX format;
   132 	TCharFormatXMask varies;
   133 	TBool success = EFalse;
   134 	TBuf<1> buf;
   136 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iParserData->iActiveParserList, Panic(EParserListNotInitialized));
   137 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iParserData->iEditObserver, Panic(EParserListNotActive));
   138 	GetExtendedCharFormat(format, varies, aPos, 1);
   139 	Extract(buf, aPos, 1);
   140 	if ((format.iParserTag) && (buf[0] != 0x2029))
   141 		{
   142 		aParser = iParserData->iActiveParserList->ParserWithThisTag(format.iParserTag);
   143 		if (aParser == NULL)
   144 			{ // Parser has been deactivated
   145 			return EFalse;
   146 			}
   147 		// Get extent of tag (or set of contiguous tags for same parser)
   148 		TInt pos = aPos;
   149 		TInt startScan;
   150 		TInt scanLength;
   151 		// need to check backwards
   152 		TUint tag = format.iParserTag;	// Stash tag before overwriting it
   153 		for (; pos > 0; pos--)
   154 			{
   155 			GetExtendedCharFormat(format, varies, pos - 1, 1);
   156 			Extract(buf, aPos, 1);
   157 			if ((format.iParserTag != tag) || (buf[0] == 0x2029))
   158 				break;
   159 			}
   160 		startScan = pos;
   161 		// Now forwards
   162 		TInt len = DocumentLength();
   163 		while (pos < len)
   164 			{
   165 			TPtrC ptr;
   166 			GetTextAndExtendedFormat(ptr, format, pos);
   167 			if (format.iParserTag != tag)
   168 				break;
   169 			pos += ptr.Length();
   170 			}
   171 		if (pos > len)
   172 			pos = len;
   173 		scanLength = pos - startScan;
   174 		// Now use the parser that found it originally to isolate the exact range
   175 		// of the tag from the range that could contain several
   176 		for (;;)
   177 			{
   178 			TInt result = aParser->ParseThisText(*this, EFalse, startScan, scanLength, aTagStart, aLength);
   179 			// Check we haven't gone past it (failed to find it this time)
   180 			if (!result || (aTagStart > aPos))
   181 				break;
   182 			if ((aPos >= aTagStart) && (aPos < aTagStart + aLength))
   183 				{
   184 				// We've found it
   185 				success = ETrue;
   186 				break;
   187 				}
   188 			// Not yet, skip over that one
   189 			startScan += aLength;
   190 			scanLength -= aLength;
   191 			if (scanLength < 0)
   192 				break;
   193 			}
   195 		}
   196 	return success;
   197 	}
   200 EXPORT_C TBool CRichText::CursorOverTag(TInt aPos, MParser*& aParser, TInt& aTagStart, TInt& aLength) const
   201 	{
   202 	TBool over = EFalse;
   204 	if (iParserData->iActiveParserList && iParserData->iEditObserver)
   205 		{
   206 		iParserData->iLastKnownCursor = aPos;
   207 		if (DoCursorOverTag(aPos, aParser, aTagStart, aLength))
   208 			{
   209 			over = ETrue;
   210 			}
   211 		if (aPos && DoCursorOverTag(aPos - 1, aParser, aTagStart, aLength))
   212 			{
   213 			over = ETrue;
   214 			}
   215 		}
   216 	return over && 
   217 		aParser->ConfirmCursorOverTag(*this, aTagStart, aLength, aPos);
   218 	}
   221 EXPORT_C TInt CRichText::PositionOfNextTag(TInt aPos, const MParser * aParser) const
   222 	{
   223 	if (iParserData->iActiveParserList && iParserData->iEditObserver)
   224 		{
   225 		MParser* parser;
   226 		TInt tagStart;
   227 		TInt length;
   228 		TInt newPos = aPos;
   229 		TUint tag = 0;
   230 		if (aParser)
   231 			tag = iParserData->iActiveParserList->TagForThisParser(aParser);
   232 		if (DoCursorOverTag(newPos, parser, tagStart, length))
   233 			newPos = tagStart + length;	// To get past the current tag
   234 		TPtrC ptr;
   235 		TCharFormatX format;
   236 		while (newPos < DocumentLength())
   237 			{
   238 			GetTextAndExtendedFormat(ptr, format, newPos);
   239 			if (format.iParserTag &&(!aParser || format.iParserTag == tag))
   240 				return newPos;
   241 			newPos += ptr.Length();
   242 			}
   243 		}
   245 	return KErrNotFound;
   246 	}
   249 EXPORT_C TInt CRichText::PositionOfNextTag(TInt aPos) const
   250 	{
   251 	return PositionOfNextTag(aPos, NULL);
   252 	}
   255 EXPORT_C TInt CRichText::PositionOfPrevTag(TInt aPos, const MParser * aParser) const
   256 	{
   257 	if (iParserData->iActiveParserList && iParserData->iEditObserver)
   258 		{
   259 		MParser* parser;
   260 		TInt tagStart;
   261 		TInt length;
   262 		TInt newPos = aPos;
   263 		TUint tag = 0;
   264 		if (aParser)
   265 			tag = iParserData->iActiveParserList->TagForThisParser(aParser);
   266 		if (DoCursorOverTag(newPos, parser, tagStart, length))
   267 			newPos = tagStart;	// To get past the current tag
   268 		TCharFormatX format;
   269 		TCharFormatXMask varies;
   271 		for (; newPos > 0; newPos--)
   272 			{
   273 			GetExtendedCharFormat(format, varies, newPos - 1, 1);
   274 			if (format.iParserTag &&(!aParser || format.iParserTag == tag))
   275 				{
   276 				if (DoCursorOverTag(newPos - 1, parser, tagStart, length))
   277 					return tagStart;
   278 				}
   279 			}
   280 		}
   282 	return KErrNotFound;
   283 	}
   286 EXPORT_C TInt CRichText::PositionOfPrevTag(TInt aPos) const
   287 	{
   288 	return PositionOfPrevTag(aPos, NULL);
   289 	}
   292 void CRichText::OverrideFormatForParsersIfApplicable(TPtrC& aText, TCharFormatX& aFormat, TInt aStartPos) const
   293 	{
   294 	if (aFormat.iParserTag && iParserData->iActiveParserList && iParserData->iEditObserver)
   295 		{
   296 		// Replace format
   297 		TInt start = -1;
   298 		TInt length = 0;
   299 		TInt curPos = iParserData->iLastKnownCursor;
   300 		if (curPos > DocumentLength())
   301 			curPos = DocumentLength();  // This shouldn't be neccesary but it makes it more
   302 										// bulletproof if the calls from outside are made in
   303 										// the wrong order
   304 		if (curPos != -1)
   305 			{
   306 			TCharFormatX format;
   307 			TCharFormatXMask varies;
   308 			MParser* parser;
   310 			GetExtendedCharFormat(format, varies, curPos, 1);
   311 			// If char at curpos has a tag then cursor is over that tag, get extents of tag
   312 			if (CParserList::ReformatOnRollover(format.iParserTag))
   313 				DoCursorOverTag(curPos, parser, start, length);
   314 			else if (curPos)
   315 				{
   316 				GetExtendedCharFormat(format, varies, curPos - 1, 1);
   317 				// Try the char "before" curpos
   318 				if (CParserList::ReformatOnRollover(format.iParserTag))
   319 					DoCursorOverTag(curPos - 1, parser, start, length);
   320 				}
   321 			}
   323 		MParser* parser = iParserData->iActiveParserList->ParserWithThisTag(aFormat.iParserTag);
   325 		if (length && (aStartPos >= start) && (aStartPos < start + length))
   326 			{
   327 			if (start + length < aStartPos + aText.Length())
   328 				aText.Set(aText.Left(start + length - aStartPos));
   329 			if (parser != NULL)
   330 				{
   331 				// Only accept the rollover format if the parser agrees 
   332 				// with the framework match of a tag
   333 				if (parser->ConfirmCursorOverTag(*this, start, length, curPos))
   334 					parser->GetRolloverFormat(aFormat.iCharFormat);
   335 				else 
   336 					// Reset format to recognised format if parser disagrees
   337 					// with the framework match as the tag is still in view
   338 					// and must be formatted as in the else clause below.
   339 					parser->GetRecogniseFormat(aFormat.iCharFormat);
   340 				}
   341 			}
   342 		else
   343 			{
   344 			if (length && (start > aStartPos))
   345 				aText.Set(aText.Left(start - aStartPos));
   346 			if (parser != NULL)
   347 				parser->GetRecogniseFormat(aFormat.iCharFormat);
   348 			}
   349 		}
   350 	}
   353 void CRichText::CallEditObserver(TInt aStart, TInt aExtent) const
   354 	{
   355 	if (iParserData->iEditObserver)
   356 		iParserData->iEditObserver->EditObserver(aStart, aExtent);
   357 	}