changeset 32 8b9155204a54
parent 0 1fb32624e06b
equal deleted inserted replaced
31:b9ad20498fb4 32:8b9155204a54
     1 <G>
     2 <P Alignment=center KeepTogether KeepWithNext>
     3 <C Bold Underline FontHeight=400>Overview
     4 <P Alignment=left SpaceAfter=250 !KeepWithNext>
     5 <C FontHeight=200 !Bold !Underline>The EditableText class hierarchy provides
     6  instantiable classes for editing and storing text.  The choice of which 
     7  class to use depends on your requirements of text editing.
     8 <P SpaceBefore=250 Alignment=Left Indent=1440 KeepWithNext>
     9 <C Bold StrikeThrough FontHeight=350>Usage
    10 <P Indent=0>
    11 <C !Bold !Strikethrough FontHeight=200>
    12 Two instantiable editable text classes are supplied:
    13 <P Indent=700 SpaceBefore=240 SpaceAfter=240>
    14 GlobalText
    15 <P>
    16 RichText
    17 <P Indent=0>
    18 and each case, there is a choice of physical implementation:
    19 <P Indent=700>Flat storage
    20 <P>Segemented storage.
    21 <P Indent=0>Flat storage is most efficient when there is little text to be stored, or in the case where little or no editing will take place on the stored text.
    22 <P>Segmented storage is most efficient where large quantities of text are to be stored, or where the text has a large dynamic content.
    23 <P>The rich text class supports:
    24 <P Indent=700>paragraph styles
    25 <P>character styles
    26 <P>explicit paragraph & character formatting
    27 <P>embedded pictures etc... (See the spec).
    28 <P Indent=0>In contrast, global text applies a<C Bold Italic> single <C !Bold !Italic>paragraph/character style to the entire contents of the document.
    29 <P>Global text is best used for edit boxes, whereas rich text applications include the word processor and agenda entries, to name but two.
    30 <P Alignment=right SpaceBefore=1440>
    31 <C Bold Underline FontHeight=450>CEditableText Methods<C !Bold !Underline>
    32 <P Alignment=justified SpaceBefore=240 SpaceAfter=300>
    33 <C Bold>ConstructL                                                                                                Phase2 construction<C !Bold>
    34 <P Alignment=left KeepWithNext KeepTogether>
    35 <C Bold>void ConstructL(TDocumentStorage aStorage);<C !Bold>
    36 <P !KeepWithNext !KeepTogether>
    37 All calls to a document constructor must be followed by an explicit call to the<C Underline> ConstructL <C !Underline>method.  This method completes the 2 phase object construction favoured by Epoc.  The parameter<C Italic Underline> aStorage <C !Ita
    38 lic !Underline>defines which implementation to use.  The type<C Underline> TDocumentStorage <C !Underline>is defined in<C Underline> EDITTEXT.H <C !Underline>as follows:
    39 <P Alignment=center>
    40 <C Bold>enum TDocumentStorage {EFlat,ESegmented};<C !Bold>
    41 <P Alignment=justified>
    42 This method may leave.  A complete example of document construction is provided below:
    43 <P Indent=1460>
    44 <C Bold>CEditableText* document=new(ELeave) CGlobalText;
    45 <P>
    46 document->ConstructL(ESegmented);  // Leaves if construction fails.<C !Bold>
    47 <P Indent=0 Alignment=justified>
    48 A mandatory part of the ConstructL method inserts an end-of-document character into the document.  This character is not included in the DocumentLength method.