changeset 21 f2f7b3284356
parent 16 56cd22a7a1cb
child 22 3e96961aa5a0
child 24 71313a964664
child 40 91ef7621b7fc
equal deleted inserted replaced
16:56cd22a7a1cb 21:f2f7b3284356
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     6 \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn\widctlpar\adjustright \b\i\f1\lang2057\cgrid \sbasedon0 \snext0 heading 2;}{\*\cs10 \additive Default Paragraph Font;}}{\info{\title EPOC Charconv - Autodetection }{\author Arunsakh Sachamuneewongse}{\operator Symbian}
     7 {\creatim\yr2000\mo12\dy22\hr11\min55}{\revtim\yr2001\mo1\dy4\hr11\min1}{\version5}{\edmins47}{\nofpages3}{\nofwords1234}{\nofchars7039}{\*\company SYMBIAN}{\nofcharsws0}{\vern113}}\paperw11906\paperh16838 
     8 \widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\lytprtmet\hyphcaps0\formshade\viewkind1\viewscale100\pgbrdrhead\pgbrdrfoot \fet0\sectd \linex0\endnhere\sectdefaultcl {\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang
     9 {\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang
    10 {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain 
    11 \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn\widctlpar\outlinelevel1\adjustright \b\i\f1\lang2057\cgrid {\i0 EPOC Charconv - Autodetection 
    12 \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang2057\cgrid {
    13 \par Author: Arunsakh Sachamuneewongse
    14 \par Contributors: David Batchelor. 
    15 \par Date: 19th October 2000 
    16 \par 
    17 \par }\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn\widctlpar\outlinelevel1\adjustright \b\i\f1\lang2057\cgrid {\i0 Introduction
    18 \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang2057\cgrid {
    19 \par }\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn\widctlpar\outlinelevel1\adjustright \b\i\f1\lang2057\cgrid {\i0 Charconv
    20 \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang2057\cgrid {Charconv seemed the ideal place to implement the new Autodetect functionality, as autodetect can use Charconv\rquote 
    21 s information regarding all the different character sets. Since autodetect is implemented in Charconv, the autodetect framework is able to detect Charconv\rquote 
    22 s built-in character sets, which are ASCII, SMS7Bit, CP1252, ISO 88591, UTF7 & UTF8. Besides these character sets it also provides support framework for Charconv\rquote 
    23 s plug-ins character sets such as GBK, SHIFT-JIS, ISO2022JP, ISO 88592 - 99, although only the Japanese and the Chinese character sets have been implemented in autodetect for 6.1. 
    24 \par 
    25 \par 
    26 \par The following static function has been added to }{\cf2\lang1033 CCnvCharacterSetConverter 
    27 \par 
    28 \par }\pard \sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\cf2\lang1033 IMPORT_C static void CCnvCharacterSetConverter}{\b\cf2\lang1033 ::}{\cf2\lang1033 AutoDetectCharacterSetL(
    29 \par \tab TInt& aConfidenceLevel,
    30 \par \tab TUint& aCharacterSetIdentifier,
    31 \par \tab const CArrayFix<SCharacterSet>& aArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailable,
    32 \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\cf2\lang1033 \tab const TDesC8& aSample)}{
    33 \par 
    34 \par }{\cf1\lang1033 The first two parameters are both output-only parameters: }{\cf2\lang1033 aConfidenceLevel}{\cf1\lang1033  is set by the function to a value between 0 and 100 (inclusive), where 0 means "I have no idea what character set }{\cf2\lang1033 
    35 aSample}{\cf1\lang1033  is in" (in which case }{\cf2\lang1033 aCharacterSetIdentifier}{\cf1\lang1033  is undefined), and 100 means "I have total confidence that }{\cf2\lang1033 aCharacterSetIdentifier}{\cf1\lang1033  is the character-set of }{
    36 \cf2\lang1033 aSample}{\cf1\lang1033 ". The }{\cf2\lang1033 aArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailable}{\cf1\lang1033  parameter is included for efficiency - }{\cf2\lang1033 CCnvCharacterSetConverter::AutoDetectCharacterSetL}{\cf1\lang1033 
    37  could itself find the list of character-sets available but this is a very time-consuming task and the client may already have this information to hand.}{
    38 \par 
    39 \par }\pard \sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {The Charconv framework provides support for a few character sets built into it. These character sets
    40  are ASCII, SMS7Bit, CP1252, ISO 88591, UTF7 & UTF8. The framework also provides support for many other character sets. This support is provided by Plug-in DLLs. At the CHARCONV }{\cf1\lang1033 plug-in DLL interface,}{ }{\cf1\lang1033 
    41 the first reserved function (at ordinal 4) will be replaced with a new exported function as follows:
    42 \par 
    43 \par }{\cf2\lang1033 IMPORT_C TBool IsInThisCharacterSetL(
    44 \par \tab TBool& aSetToTrue,
    45 \par \tab TInt& aConfidenceLevel,
    46 \par \tab const TDesC8& aSample)
    47 \par 
    48 \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\cf1\lang1033 The }{\cf2\lang1033 aSetToTrue}{\cf1\lang1033  parameter is just to indicate to }{\cf2\lang1033 CCnvCharacterSetConverter::AutoDetectCharacterSetL}{\cf1\lang1033  th
    49 at the plug-in DLL is actually implementing a function of this signature and not the old first reserved function. The meanings of the remaining parameters is the same as the meanings of the corresponding parameters in }{\cf2\lang1033 
    50 CCnvCharacterSetConverter::AutoDetectCharacterSetL}{\cf1\lang1033 .}{
    51 \par 
    52 \par 
    53 \par }\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn\widctlpar\outlinelevel1\adjustright \b\i\f1\lang2057\cgrid {\i0\cf1\lang1033 CCnvCharacterSetConverter::AutoDetectCharacterSetL
    54 \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang2057\cgrid {
    55 \par Internally AutoDetectCharacterSetL loops through the available }{\i\cf1 a}{\i\cf1\lang1033 ArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailable }{\cf1\lang1033 and checks whether that character set is a plug-in supported one. If it is, then it loads the 
    56 corresponding plug-in DLL and calls the DLL's exported function at ordinal 4 (checking }{\cf2\lang1033 aSetToTrue}{\cf1\lang1033  to verify that the plug-in DLL is actually implementing this function as }{\cf2\lang1033 IsInThisCharacterSetL}{
    57 \cf1\lang1033  - it may still be implementing it as }{\cf2\lang1033 Reserved_1}{\cf1\lang1033  which is perfectly legitimate).}{\i\cf1\lang1033  IsInThisCharacterSetL}{\cf1\lang1033   then sets a }{\i\cf1\lang1033 confidence level}{\cf1\lang1033 
    58  for that character set for the sample. If the character set is not one that is supported by the plug-in libraries, it then loops through the list of character sets that are supported inte
    59 rnally by Charconv and call their character specific functions, e.g. IsCharacterSetAscii, IsCharacterSetSMS7Bit etc. These functions also set a confidence level for that character set for the sample. Once it has looped through the entire array of }{
    60 \i\cf1 a}{\i\cf1\lang1033 ArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailable }{\cf1\lang1033 the character set with the highest confidence level is returned as the character set encoding the sample text is encoded in. 
    61 \par 
    62 \par If the maximum confidence-level encountered in this loop is less than some threshold (say, 25), then }{\cf2\lang1033 CCnvCharacterSetConverter::AutoDetectCharacterSetL}{\cf1\lang1033  resorts to attempting to convert }{\cf2\lang1033 aSample}{
    63 \cf1\lang1033  to each of the character sets in }{\cf2\lang1033 aArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailable}{\cf1\lang1033 . The character set that generates fewest }{\cf2\lang1033 0xfffd}{\cf1\lang1033  Unicode "REPLACEMENT CHARACTER"-s wins, with }{\cf2\lang1033 
    64 aConfidenceLevel}{\cf1\lang1033  being set according to some formula based on the difference between the number of }{\cf2\lang1033 0xfffd}{\cf1\lang1033 
    65  characters generated by that character set and its nearest rival. If the maximum confidence level encountered (in the loop mentioned above) is shared by more than one character set, it will make the best guess possible.
    66 \par 
    67 \par If there are more that one character set encoding that have the same confidence level, }{\cf2\lang1033 CCnvCharacterSetConverter::AutoDetectCharacterSetL}{\cf1\lang1033  will convert the sample text }{\cf2\lang1033 aSample}{\cf1\lang1033 
    68   in each character set encoding with the same confidence level and the one with the least number of Unicode replacement characters wins. 
    69 \par 
    70 \par }\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn\widctlpar\outlinelevel1\adjustright \b\i\f1\lang2057\cgrid {\i0\cf1\lang1033 IsInThisCharacterSetL
    71 \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang2057\cgrid {
    72 \par Each of the character sets supported by the plug-ins have their own implementation of }{\i\cf2\lang1033 IsInThisCharacterSetL.}{\i\cf1\lang1033  }{\cf1\lang1033 This is 
    73 achieved by using signature sequences associated to a language/  encoding which is the same technique employed in virus detection. One such example would be if the encoding was a Modal Encoding - where escape characters/sequences or special characters are
    74  used to switch between different character modes 1-byte, 2-byte or other character set. For e.g. ISO-2022JP is a modal encoding. The following are the escape sequences and their meaning. 
    75 \par 
    76 \par Hex values of keys that make up the escape sequence. ISO2022JP is a multi-byte encoding. The range for the 1}{\cf1\lang1033\super st}{\cf1\lang1033  byte and the 2}{\cf1\lang1033\super nd}{\cf1\lang1033 
    77  byte are the same, i.e. between the hex value 0x21 & 0x7E.  
    78 \par 
    79 \par }{\lang1033 0x1B 0x28 0x42  - ASCII escape sequence. 
    80 \par 0x1B 0x28 0x42 - JIS-Roman escape sequence. 
    81 \par 0x1B 0x24 0x40 - JIS C 6226-1978. 
    82 \par \'85 etc. 
    83 \par 
    84 \par The escape sequences tell what character the text following the escape sequence is encoded in. 
    85 \par 
    86 \par So in }{\cf2\lang1033 AutoDetectCharacterSetL}{\lang1033  when ISO2022 is the character set in }{\cf2\lang1033 aArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailable, }{\cf1\lang1033 the }{\cf2\lang1033 IsInThisCharacterSetL}{\i\cf2\lang1033  }{\cf1\lang1033 
    87 implementation for the ISO2022JP\rquote s p
    88 lug-in is called. In that function, it is checked that all the characters that make up the sample text are in range, if it is not in range, i.e. if there exist characters whose values are greater than 0x7e then the sample text is not ISO2022JP. So we can 
    89 g
    90 ive it a confidence level of 0. Then it looks for the escape sequences. The presence of the escape sequences that are unique (not completely unique though. For example ISO2022JP1 is exactly the same as ISO2022JP + an extra escape sequence)  to this charac
    91 ter set increases the possibility of the sample text being encoded in this character set encoding. 
    92 \par 
    93 \par EUCJP encoding uses shift characters. 0x8E and 0x8F are the single shift characters. The range of the encoded characters + the single shift character tells whether that byte is part of a 2-byte character. Here are the ranges of EUCJP
    94 \par 
    95 \par 0x00 - 0x7F   
    96 \par [0xA1 - 0xFE] [0xA1 - 0xFE]  2 byte character with the range of each byte shown brackets. 
    97 \par 0x8E [0xA0 - 0xDF]  single Shift Character 0x8E 
    98 \par 0x80 [0xA1 - 0xFE] [0xA1 - 0xFE] 
    99 \par 
   100 \par The sample text provided affects the outcome of the function. If the sample text is very small, there might be only one escape sequence which is not enough to give a 100% accurate answer. In order to gain more knowledge of different Character 
   101 set encoding, read  chapter 4 of the following 
   102 \par 
   103 \par \ldblquote CJKV Information Processing\rdblquote  - by Ken Lunde. 
   104 \par 
   105 \par }\pard\plain \s2\sb240\sa60\keepn\widctlpar\outlinelevel1\adjustright \b\i\f1\lang2057\cgrid {\i0\lang1033 Sample Code
   106 \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\lang2057\cgrid {
   107 \par Here are a few working sample of Autodetection. 
   108 \par 
   109 \par As mentioned earlier }{\cf1\lang1033 the }{\cf2\lang1033 aArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailable}{\cf1\lang1033  parameter is included for efficiency - }{\cf2\lang1033 CCnvCharacterSetConverter::AutoDetectCharacterSetL}{\cf1\lang1033 
   110  could itself find the list of character-sets available but this is a very time-consuming task and the client may already have this information to hand. If the client does not have that information then the following creates an array of character sets
   112 \par 
   113 \par }{\cf2 RFs fileServerSession;
   114 \par CleanupClosePushL(fileServerSession);
   115 \par User::LeaveIfError(fileServerSession.Connect());
   116 \par CCnvCharacterSetConverter* characterSetConverter=CCnvCharacterSetConverter::NewLC();
   117 \par CArrayFix<CCnvCharacterSetConverter::SCharacterSet>* arrayOfCharacterSetsAvailable=characterSetConverter-> CreateArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailableLC(fileServerSession);
   118 \par 
   119 \par }{\cf1 then the }{\cf1\lang1033 AutoDetectCharacterSetL}{\cf1  function can be used
   120 \par 
   121 \par }{\cf2 _LIT8(KASCII, \ldblquote The result I am expecting is that this is recognised as ASCII!");
   122 \par TInt Confidence = 0;
   123 \par TUint Character = 0; 
   124 \par CCnvCharacterSetConverter::AutoDetectCharacterSetL (Confidence, Character, *arrayOfCharacterSetsAvailable, KEUP);
   125 \par 
   126 \par }{\cf1 The sample text is ASCII encoded plain text. Confidence and Character are where the confidence level and the winning Character set are returned. 
   127 \par }{\cf2 
   128 \par }{ 
   129 \par 
   130 \par 
   131 \par }{\cf1\lang1033 
   132 \par }{
   133 \par }}