changeset 0 1fb32624e06b
child 37 6be019398652
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fontservices/fontstore/tfs/T_SHAPERCACHE.CPP	Tue Feb 02 02:02:46 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent Internal Symbian test code
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <fntstore.h>
+#include <graphics/shapeimpl.h>
+#include "ShaperCache.H"
+#include "openfontsprivate.h"
+#include "T_SHAPERCACHE.H"
+#include "T_FSOPEN.H"
+const TUint32 KDevanagariScriptCode = 0x64657661;
+_LIT16(KTextToShape, "\x0915\x094D\x0937\x0924\x094D\x0930\x093F\x092F");
+const TInt KResultNumberOfGlyphs = 4;
+	{
+	delete iFontStore;
+	iHeap->__DbgMarkEnd(0);
+	iHeap->Close();
+	User::Heap().Check();
+	}
+CTShaperCache::CTShaperCache(CTestStep* aStep):
+	CTGraphicsBase(aStep)
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("FontStore T_ShaperCache test\n"));
+	}
+void CTShaperCache::ConstructL()
+	{
+	iHeap = UserHeap::ChunkHeap(NULL,0x10000,0x100000);
+	if (iHeap == NULL)
+		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+	iHeap->__DbgMarkStart();
+	iFontStore = CFontStore::NewL(iHeap);
+	// Install the dummy rasterizer.
+	COpenFontRasterizer* r = CDummyRasterizer::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(r);
+	iFontStore->InstallRasterizerL(r);
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	// Install the dummy shaper
+	CShaperFactory* shaperFactory = CDummyShaperFactory::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(shaperFactory);
+	iFontStore->InstallShaperFactoryL(shaperFactory);
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	}
+	@SYMTestCaseID
+	@SYMTestCaseDesc
+	Tests creating and deleting a new shaper cache entry.
+	@SYMTestActions
+	1. Allocated a TShapeHeader object on the heap/
+	2. Creates a CShaper object on the stack.
+	3. Allocates an entry for the TShapeHeader object in the cache.
+	4. Frees memory taken up by the entry to the cache.
+	5. The heap is checked for memory leaks.
+	@SYMTestExpectedResults
+	No memory leaks should exist.
+void CTShaperCache::Test1L()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("ShaperCache Test1"));
+	TShapeHeader* shapeHeader=new TShapeHeader();
+	shapeHeader->iGlyphCount=10;
+	shapeHeader->iCharacterCount=20;
+	_LIT(KDummyText,"dummy");
+	CShaper::TInput input;
+	input.iStart=0;
+	input.iEnd=10;
+	input.iText=&(KDummyText());
+	//create/delete test a new shaper cache entry	
+	COpenFontShaperCacheEntry* shapeEntry=COpenFontShaperCacheEntry::New(&User::Heap(),input,shapeHeader);
+	COpenFontShaperCacheEntry::Delete(&User::Heap(),shapeEntry);
+	delete shapeHeader;
+	}
+	@SYMTestCaseID
+	@SYMTestCaseDesc
+	Tests ncrementation and decrementation of the reference 
+	count for a particular session handle.
+	@SYMTestActions
+	1. Creates a TShapeHeader object on the heap.
+	2. Set som values to the object.
+	3. Creates a CShaper object on the stack.
+	4. Creates a new shaper cache entry.
+	5. Associates a session with this entry.
+	6. Increments the reference count for a particular session (A) handle.
+	7. Increments the reference count for another session (B).
+	8. Decrements an instance from session (A).
+	9. Adds another session to the list (C).
+	10. Decrements the ref count for a particular session handle (C).
+	11. Tests decrement on non-existent session.
+	12. Frees memory taken up by the entry to the cache.
+	13. The heap is checked for memory leaks.
+	@SYMTestExpectedResults
+	The decrementation of the non-existent session should return KErrNotFound.
+void CTShaperCache::Test2L()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("ShaperCache Test2"));
+	TShapeHeader* shapeHeader=new TShapeHeader();
+	shapeHeader->iGlyphCount=10;
+	shapeHeader->iCharacterCount=20;
+	_LIT(KDummyText,"dummy");
+	CShaper::TInput input;
+	input.iStart=0;
+	input.iEnd=10;
+	input.iText=&(KDummyText());
+	//create a new shaper cache entry	
+	COpenFontShaperCacheEntry* shapeEntry=COpenFontShaperCacheEntry::New(&User::Heap(),input,shapeHeader);
+	//now associate a session with this entry
+	TInt dummySession=12;
+	TEST(shapeEntry->IncRefCount(dummySession)==KErrNone);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefCount==1);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefList!=NULL);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefList->iSessionHandle==dummySession);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefList->iRefCount==1);	
+	//increment for another session, the THandleCount::iRef for this session should be 2
+	TEST(shapeEntry->IncRefCount(dummySession)==KErrNone);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefCount==1);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefList->iRefCount==2);				
+	//another entry for different session
+	TInt dummySession2=13;
+	TEST(shapeEntry->IncRefCount(dummySession2)==KErrNone);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefCount==2);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefList->iSessionHandle==dummySession);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefList->iRefCount==2);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefList->iNext->iSessionHandle==dummySession2);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefList->iNext->iRefCount==1);	
+	//now decrement an instance from this session(DELETE FIRST ENTRY)
+	TEST(shapeEntry->DecRefCount(dummySession)==KErrNone);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefCount==2);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefList->iNext->iRefCount==1);		
+	TEST(shapeEntry->DecRefCount(dummySession)==KErrNone);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefCount==1);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefList->iRefCount==1);			
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefList->iSessionHandle=dummySession2);
+	//now add another session to this list
+	TInt dummySession3=14;
+	TEST(shapeEntry->IncRefCount(dummySession3)==KErrNone);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefCount==2);
+	//test delete this last entry in the list(DELETE LAST ENTRY)
+	TEST(shapeEntry->DecRefCount(dummySession3)==KErrNone);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefCount==1);	
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefList->iRefCount==1);
+	TEST(shapeEntry->iHandleRefList->iSessionHandle==dummySession2);
+	//test Dec on non-existent session
+	TEST(shapeEntry->DecRefCount(100)==KErrNotFound);
+	COpenFontShaperCacheEntry::Delete(&User::Heap(),shapeEntry);
+	delete shapeHeader;
+	}
+	@SYMTestCaseID
+	@SYMTestCaseDesc
+	Tests the shaper cache APIs.
+	@SYMTestActions
+	1. Creates a dummy TShapeHeader object that will be cached and reused through the test.
+	2. Gets some memory to pass back the results. It needs to be big enough for a TShapeHeader
+	   object plus 10 bytes for every glyph returned.
+	3. Finds or creates four font file objects to support a font file.
+	4. Gets the number of supported typefaces.
+	5. Creates a font.
+	6. Gets a COpenFont object.
+	7. For COpenFonts it attempts to put this into the shaper cache and test if it was successful.
+	8. Calls DeleteShape to decrement the reference count.
+	9. Changes the shaped data slightly to make it into a new shaped data and insert into the
+	   cache as a new entry.
+	10. Tests if the LRU cache is working by seeing if the first entry in the cache is the newest one.
+	11. Calls DeleteShape to decrement the reference count
+	12. Calls the GetShapedData API and tests the returned TShapeHeader. Also checks if the returned
+		cache entry is at the top of the cache.
+    13. Searches the cache for the first entry using the GetShapedData API.
+    14. Calls DeleteShape to decrement the reference count.
+    15. Brings the end value back to its original value.
+	16. Fills the cache and then tests replacement policy by attempting to add a new entry.
+	17. Prepares a raw input data structure.
+	18. Keeps inserting pseudo-new shaped entries into the cache to fill it up.
+	19. Changes the cached entries slightly to distinguish between each entry.
+	20. Tries to add a new entry and checks that the entry replaced was the last entry in the cache.
+	21. Calculates the memory needed for the new entry.
+	22. Calculates the memory that will be freed to accommodate the new entry and the 
+	    position of the last entry in the cache once deletion is done.
+	23. Finds the glyphcount of the expected new last entry in the cache.
+	24. Does the insertion and tests.
+	25. Calls DeleteShape to decrement the reference count.
+	26. Calculates the memory occupied by the last entry in the cache. This is the memory that will
+		be released when the last entry is deleted.
+	27. Tests with multiple open fonts with caches. Creates the new font.
+	28. Does the testing only if the font is a COpenFont.
+	29. Attempts to put a new entry into the second shaper cache and test if it was successful.
+	30. Creates a pseudo-new shape header to put into the cache of this new open font.
+	31. Inserst an entry into the cache.
+	32. Tests cache memory freeing policy, i.e. delete from all other caches except the current one.
+	33. Finds out how much memory needs freeing, i.e. how much was just added.
+	34. Tries to free memory from the original open font cache. The result should be that
+		memory should be freed from openFont2 cache, and not openFont cache.
+	35. Checks
+		a) if the memory used by openFont2 cache has reduced, i.e. back to original memory.
+		b) if the last entry from openFont2 cache has been deleted.
+		c) last entry from openFont cache is intact.
+	36. Cleans up font2, font1 and removes all fonts.	
+	@SYMTestExpectedResults
+	All tests shall pass.
+void CTShaperCache::TestShaperCacheAPIsL()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The following results are for shaper cache API tests\n"));
+	// Create a dummy TShapeHeader object that will be cached, and reused all through this test
+	TShapeHeader* shape = 0;
+	// get some memory to pass back the results,  
+	// This needs to be big enough for a TShapeHeader
+	// plus 10 bytes for every glyph returned (-1 for the 1 byte allocated in TShapeHeader for iBuffer)
+	shape = reinterpret_cast<TShapeHeader*>( iHeap->AllocL(sizeof(TShapeHeader) + (KResultNumberOfGlyphs * 10) + 3) );
+	// get the results into the shaper structure 'shape'
+	shape->iGlyphCount = KResultNumberOfGlyphs;
+	shape->iCharacterCount = 8;
+ 	shape->iReserved0 = 0;
+	shape->iReserved1 = 0;
+ 	// iBuffer contains 10 bytes for every glyph
+ 	// the glyph code (4 bytes), position X(2 bytes) Y(2 bytes) and indices(2 bytes)
+  	// first is glyph count * 4 byte glyph codes
+ 	TUint32* glyphOut = reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>(shape->iBuffer);
+ 	TInt16* posOut = reinterpret_cast<TInt16*>(shape->iBuffer +
+ 		(4 * KResultNumberOfGlyphs));
+ 	TInt16* indicesOut = reinterpret_cast<TInt16*>(shape->iBuffer +
+ 		(8 * KResultNumberOfGlyphs) + 4);
+ 	*glyphOut++ = (TUint32)1461;
+	*posOut++ = (TInt16)0;
+	*posOut++ = (TInt16)0;
+	*indicesOut++ = (TInt16)0;
+	*glyphOut++ = (TUint32)1778;
+	*posOut++ = (TInt16)12;
+	*posOut++ = (TInt16)0;
+	*indicesOut++ = (TInt16)7;
+	*glyphOut++ = (TUint32)1550;
+	*posOut++ = (TInt16)16;
+	*posOut++ = (TInt16)0;
+	*indicesOut++ = (TInt16)3;
+	*glyphOut++ = (TUint32)1362;
+	*posOut++ = (TInt16)28;
+	*posOut++ = (TInt16)0;
+	*indicesOut++ = (TInt16)7;
+ 	// There is an extra pair of positions: this is the total advance
+	posOut[0] = (TInt16)28;
+	posOut[1] = (TInt16)0;
+	TFontShapeFunctionParameters* params;
+	params = reinterpret_cast<TFontShapeFunctionParameters*>( iHeap->AllocL(sizeof(TFontShapeFunctionParameters)));
+	params->iEnd = 8;
+	params->iLanguage = 0;
+	params->iScript = KDevanagariScriptCode;
+	params->iStart = 0;
+	//TBufC16<9> text(KTextToShape);
+	params->iText = &KTextToShape();
+		// Add fonts
+	TUid id1 = iFontStore->AddFileL(KFontDummy);
+	TUid id2 = iFontStore->AddFileL(KFontDummy_b);
+	TUid id3 = iFontStore->AddFileL(KFontDummy_i);
+	TUid id4 = iFontStore->AddFileL(KFontDummy_bi);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SHAPER CACHE API TESTS SET 1: Testing cache with a single COpentFont cache"));
+	TInt typefaces = iFontStore->NumTypefaces();
+	TInt typeface = 0;
+	TInt height = 12;
+	TTypefaceSupport support;
+	iFontStore->TypefaceSupport(support,typeface);
+	TFontSpec fs;
+	fs.iTypeface = support.iTypeface;
+	INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Typeface is %d and height is %d"), typeface, height);
+	//Create a font
+	CFont* font = NULL;
+	fs.iHeight = iFontStore->FontHeightInTwips(typeface,height);
+	// get a COpenFont object
+	iFontStore->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels(font, fs);	
+	CleanupStack::PushL(font);
+	// Do the testing only if the font is a COpenFont
+	COpenFont* openFont = NULL;
+	CShaper::TInput input;
+	if (((CBitmapFont*)font)->IsOpenFont())
+		{
+		openFont = ((CBitmapFont*)font)->OpenFont();
+		/***************************First Test***************************
+		Attempt to put this into the shaper cache and then delete it. Test if it was successful
+		*/
+		TShapeHeader* cached_header = openFont->InsertShapedDataIntoCache(0,params, shape);
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SHAPER CACHE API TEST 1: Simple cache insertion test"));
+		TEST(cached_header != NULL && openFont->GetGlyphCache()->iNumberOfShaperCacheEntries == 2);
+		/* Call DeleteShape to decrement the reference count */
+		((CBitmapFont*)font)->DeleteShape(0, cached_header);
+		// Now delete this data
+		openFont->FreeShaperCacheMemory(openFont->GetGlyphCache()->iShapingInfoCacheMemory);
+		TEST(openFont->GetGlyphCache()->iNumberOfShaperCacheEntries == 1);
+		// Put the shaped data back into the cache to continue with testing
+		cached_header = openFont->InsertShapedDataIntoCache(0,params, shape);
+		TEST(cached_header != NULL && openFont->GetGlyphCache()->iNumberOfShaperCacheEntries == 2);
+		((CBitmapFont*)font)->DeleteShape(0, cached_header);		
+		/**************************Second Test**************************
+		Now change the shaped data slightly to make it into a new shaped data and insert into the
+		cache as a new entry
+		*/
+		shape->iGlyphCount++;
+		params->iEnd++;
+		TShapeHeader* cached_header2 = openFont->InsertShapedDataIntoCache(0,params, shape);
+		/* Now test if the LRU cache is working by seeing if the first entry in the cache is the newest one */
+		COpenFontGlyphCache* glyphCache = openFont->GetGlyphCache();
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SHAPER CACHE API TEST 2: Test the LRU (Least Recently Used) cache structure"));
+		TEST(glyphCache->iShaperCacheSentinel->iNext->iShapeHeader->iGlyphCount == KResultNumberOfGlyphs + 1);
+		/* Call DeleteShape to decrement the reference count */
+		((CBitmapFont*)font)->DeleteShape(0, cached_header2);
+		/**************************Third Test**************************
+		Call the GetShapedData API and test the returned TShapeHeader, and also check if the returned
+		cache entry is now at the top of the cache
+		*/
+		/* Now search the cache for the first entry using the GetShapedData API */
+		params->iEnd --;
+		TInt expectedGlyphCount = glyphCache->iShaperCacheSentinel->iPrevious->iShapeHeader->iGlyphCount;
+		TShapeHeader* searchedCachedHeader = openFont->GetShapedData(0,params);
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SHAPER CACHE API TEST 3: GetShapedData API test"));
+		TEST(searchedCachedHeader->iGlyphCount == expectedGlyphCount &&
+			 searchedCachedHeader->iGlyphCount ==glyphCache->iShaperCacheSentinel->iNext->iShapeHeader->iGlyphCount);
+		/* Call DeleteShape to decrement the reference count */
+		((CBitmapFont*)font)->DeleteShape(0, searchedCachedHeader);
+		/* Bring the end value back to its original value */
+		params->iEnd ++;
+		/**************************Fourth Test**************************
+		Fill the cache and then test replacement policy by attempting to add a new entry
+		*/
+		/* First prepare a raw input data structure */
+		TInt memoryUsed = 0;
+		input.iText = &KTextToShape();
+		input.iStart = 0;
+		input.iEnd = params->iEnd;
+		input.iScript= KDevanagariScriptCode;
+		input.iLanguage = 0;
+		input.iMaximumAdvance = KMaxTInt;
+		input.iFlags = 0;
+		input.iSessionHandle = 0;
+		input.iReserved1 = 0;
+		TInt addedBytes = 0;
+		TShapeHeader* chached_header3 = 0;
+		/* Keep inserting pseudo-new shaped entries into the cache to fill it up */
+		while(openFont->File()->GetFontStore()->GetShaperCacheMemUsage() < KMaxShaperSesssionCacheMemory)
+			{
+			memoryUsed = openFont->File()->GetFontStore()->GetShaperCacheMemUsage();
+			// Change the cached entries slightly to distinguish between each entry
+			shape->iGlyphCount++;
+			input.iEnd++;
+			chached_header3 = glyphCache->Insert(0,iHeap, input, shape, addedBytes);
+			if (chached_header3 != NULL)
+				openFont->File()->GetFontStore()->SetShaperCacheMemUsage(memoryUsed + addedBytes);
+			((CBitmapFont*)font)->DeleteShape(0, chached_header3);
+			chached_header3 = NULL;
+			}
+		/* Now try to add a new entry, and check that the entry replaced was the last entry in the cache */
+		TInt last_entry_glyph_count = glyphCache->iShaperCacheSentinel->iPrevious->iShapeHeader->iGlyphCount;
+		shape->iGlyphCount++;
+		params->iEnd = input.iEnd + 1;
+		/* Calculate the memory needed for the new entry */
+		TInt bufferSize = (sizeof(TUint32) + sizeof(TInt16) + sizeof(TInt16) * 2)
+				* shape->iGlyphCount + sizeof(TInt16) * 2;
+		TInt bytes_needed = bufferSize + sizeof(COpenFontShaperCacheEntry) + 
+			sizeof(TShapeHeader) + sizeof(TUint16)*params->iText->Length();
+		TInt bytesToDelete = 0;
+		COpenFontShaperCacheEntry* previous = glyphCache->iShaperCacheSentinel->iPrevious;
+		/* Calculate the memory that will be freed to accommodate the new entry,
+		   and the position of the last entry in the cache once deletion is done */
+		while (bytesToDelete <= bytes_needed)
+			{
+			bytesToDelete += (((sizeof(TUint32) + sizeof(TInt16) + sizeof(TInt16) * 2) * previous->iShapeHeader->iGlyphCount + sizeof(TInt16) * 2) + 
+				(sizeof(COpenFontShaperCacheEntry) + sizeof(TShapeHeader) + sizeof(TUint16)*params->iText->Length()));
+			previous = previous->iPrevious;
+			}
+		/* Find the glyphcount of the expected new last entry in the cache */
+		expectedGlyphCount = previous->iShapeHeader->iGlyphCount;
+		/* Finally, do the insertion, and test */
+		TShapeHeader* cached_header4 = openFont->InsertShapedDataIntoCache(0, params, shape);
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SHAPER CACHE API TEST 4: LRU cache replacement policy test"));
+		TEST(glyphCache->iShaperCacheSentinel->iPrevious->iShapeHeader->iGlyphCount == expectedGlyphCount);
+		/* Call DeleteShape to decrement the reference cout */
+		((CBitmapFont*)font)->DeleteShape(0, cached_header4);
+		/**************************Fifth Test**************************
+		Simply test the FreeShaperCacheMemory API
+		*/
+		/* Calculate the memory of occupied by the last entry in the cache. This is the memory that will
+		   be released when the last entry is deleted
+		 */
+		last_entry_glyph_count = glyphCache->iShaperCacheSentinel->iPrevious->iShapeHeader->iGlyphCount;
+		bufferSize = (sizeof(TUint32) + sizeof(TInt16) + sizeof(TInt16) * 2)
+				* last_entry_glyph_count + sizeof(TInt16) * 2;
+		bytes_needed = bufferSize + sizeof(COpenFontShaperCacheEntry) + 
+			sizeof(TShapeHeader) + sizeof(TUint16)*input.iText->Length();
+		memoryUsed = openFont->File()->GetFontStore()->GetShaperCacheMemUsage();
+		expectedGlyphCount = glyphCache->iShaperCacheSentinel->iPrevious->iPrevious->iShapeHeader->iGlyphCount;
+		TInt memoryReleased = openFont->FreeShaperCacheMemory(bytes_needed);
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SHAPER CACHE API TEST 5: FreeShaperCacheMemory API test\n"));
+		TEST(openFont->File()->GetFontStore()->GetShaperCacheMemUsage() == memoryUsed - memoryReleased &&
+			 glyphCache->iShaperCacheSentinel->iPrevious->iShapeHeader->iGlyphCount == expectedGlyphCount);
+		}
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SHAPER CACHE API TESTS SET 2: Testing cache with a two COpentFont caches"));
+	/* Now test with multiple open fonts with caches */
+	/* Create the new font */
+	height = 4;
+	iFontStore->TypefaceSupport(support,typeface);
+	fs.iTypeface = support.iTypeface;
+	INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Typeface is %d and height is %d"), typeface, height);
+	CFont* font2 = NULL;
+	fs.iHeight = iFontStore->FontHeightInTwips(typeface,height);
+	iFontStore->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels(font2, fs);	
+	CleanupStack::PushL(font2);
+	COpenFont* openFont2;
+	/* Do the testing only if the font is a COpenFont */
+	if (((CBitmapFont*)font2)->IsOpenFont())
+		{
+		openFont2 = ((CBitmapFont*)font2)->OpenFont();
+		/***************************Sixth Test***************************
+		Attempt to put a new entry into the second shaper cache and test if it was successful
+		*/
+		/* Create a pseudo-new shape header to put into the cache of this new open font */
+		shape->iGlyphCount++;
+		params->iEnd++;
+		/* Insert an entry into the cache */
+		TShapeHeader* cached_header5 = openFont2->InsertShapedDataIntoCache(0, params, shape);
+		((CBitmapFont*)font2)->DeleteShape(0, cached_header5);
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SHAPER CACHE API TEST 6: Second cache insertion test"));
+		TEST(cached_header5 != NULL && openFont2->GetGlyphCache()->iNumberOfShaperCacheEntries == 2);
+		/***************************Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Tests***************************
+		Test cache memory freeing policy, i.e. delete from all other caches except the current one
+		*/
+		/* First find out how much memory needs freeing, i.e. how much was just added */
+		TInt bufferSize = (sizeof(TUint32) + sizeof(TInt16) + sizeof(TInt16) * 2)
+					* shape->iGlyphCount + sizeof(TInt16) * 2;
+		TInt bytes_needed = bufferSize + sizeof(COpenFontShaperCacheEntry) + 
+			sizeof(TShapeHeader) + sizeof(TUint16)*input.iText->Length();
+		/* Now try to free memory from the original open font cache. The result should be that
+		   memory should be freed from openFont2 cache, and not openFont cache
+		 */
+		TInt memoryUsed = openFont2->GetGlyphCache()->iShapingInfoCacheMemory;
+		TInt expectedGlyphCount = openFont->GetGlyphCache()->iShaperCacheSentinel->iPrevious->iShapeHeader->iGlyphCount;
+		TInt deletedMemory = openFont->FreeShaperCacheMemory(bytes_needed);
+		/* Now check:
+		   a) if the memory used by openFont2 cache has reduced, i.e. back to original memory
+		   b) if the last entry from openFont2 cache has been deleted
+		   c) last entry from openFont cache is intact
+		*/
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SHAPER CACHE API TEST 7: Test if memory is freed from second COpenFont"));
+		TEST(memoryUsed - openFont2->GetGlyphCache()->iShapingInfoCacheMemory ==  deletedMemory &&
+			openFont2->GetGlyphCache()->iShapingInfoCacheMemory == 0);
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SHAPER CACHE API TEST 8: Test if last entry of second COpenFont is deleted"));
+		TEST(openFont2->GetGlyphCache()->iNumberOfShaperCacheEntries == 1);
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SHAPER CACHE API TEST 9: Test if the last entry of the first COpenFont is intact"));
+		TEST(openFont->GetGlyphCache()->iShaperCacheSentinel->iPrevious->iShapeHeader->iGlyphCount == expectedGlyphCount);
+		/***********************************Tenth Tests*****************************************
+		Test cache memory consistency and that there are no leakages when deleting memory from the cache
+		*/
+		/* Continue adding entries to second open font cache until the memory used by the first one
+		   goes down to zero, at which point the number of cache entries should be 1, and memory from
+		   the current open font should start getting released and eventually reach 0 when the number
+		   of cached entries reaches 1.
+		*/
+		TShapeHeader* cached_header6 = NULL;
+		/* Keep inserting pseudo-new shaped entries into the cache to fill it up */
+		while(openFont->GetGlyphCache()->iNumberOfShaperCacheEntries > 1)
+			{
+			memoryUsed = openFont2->File()->GetFontStore()->GetShaperCacheMemUsage();
+			// Change the cached entries slightly to distinguish between each entry
+			shape->iGlyphCount++;
+			params->iEnd++;
+			cached_header6 = openFont2->InsertShapedDataIntoCache(0, params, shape);
+			((CBitmapFont*)font2)->DeleteShape(0, cached_header6);
+			cached_header6 = NULL;
+			}
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SHAPER CACHE API TEST 10: Test consistency of cache memory"));
+		TEST(openFont->GetGlyphCache()->iShapingInfoCacheMemory == 0);
+		/**
+		@SYMTestCaseDesc        Test that when trying to delete a shape not in the cache it
+								does not loop infinitely trying to find it.
+		@SYMTestPriority        Medium
+		@SYMTestActions         Pass a null shape header to the DeleteShape function.
+		@SYMTestExpectedResults	The function call should return instead of looping infinitely.
+		@SYMDEF                 PDEF125354
+		*/
+		((CTShaperCacheStep*)iStep)->RecordTestResultL();
+		((CTShaperCacheStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-SYSLIB-FNTSTORE-UT-4001"));
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SHAPER CACHE API TEST 11: Test that shape not found does not loop infinitely."));
+		TShapeHeader* null_header = NULL;
+		// Timeout set in TEF script to catch infinite loop.
+		((CBitmapFont*)font2)->DeleteShape(0, null_header);
+		((CTShaperCacheStep*)iStep)->CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+		}
+	/* Cleanup font2*/
+	CleanupStack::Pop(font2);
+	iFontStore->ReleaseFont(font2);
+	/* Cleanup font1 */	
+	CleanupStack::Pop(font);
+	iFontStore->ReleaseFont(font);
+	// Remove the fonts
+	iFontStore->RemoveFile(id1);
+	iFontStore->RemoveFile(id2);
+	iFontStore->RemoveFile(id3);
+	iFontStore->RemoveFile(id4);
+	}
+void CTShaperCache::RunTestCaseL(TInt aCurTestCase)
+	{
+	((CTShaperCacheStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KUnknownSYMTestCaseIDName);
+	switch(aCurTestCase)
+		{
+	case 1:
+		((CTShaperCacheStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FNTSTORE-0043"));
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("#################### T_SHAPERCACHE test case 1 ########################\n"));
+		TRAPD(err,Test1L());
+		TEST(err == KErrNone);
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		((CTShaperCacheStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FNTSTORE-0044"));
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("#################### T_SHAPERCACHE test case 2 ########################\n"));
+		TRAP(err,Test2L());
+		TEST(err == KErrNone);
+		break;
+	case 3:
+		((CTShaperCacheStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FNTSTORE-0045"));		
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("#################### T_SHAPERCACHE test case 3 ########################"));
+		TRAP(err,TestShaperCacheAPIsL());
+		TEST(err == KErrNone);
+		break;		
+	case 4:
+        	((CTShaperCacheStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KNotATestSYMTestCaseIDName);
+    		((CTShaperCacheStep*)iStep)->CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+		TestComplete();				
+		break;
+		}
+	((CTShaperCacheStep*)iStep)->RecordTestResultL();
+	}