changeset 0 1fb32624e06b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/textrendering/textformatting/inc/tagmaLayoutAndSource.h	Tue Feb 02 02:02:46 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include <tagma.h>
+class CTmBufSeg;
+class CTmCode;
+class TTmTab;
+class TTmBullet;
+class TTmParBorder;
+class TTmReformatParam;
+class TTmReformatResult;
+WARNING: this Class is for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases.
+Paragraph format; all dimensions are in twips unless otherwise specified. 
+class RTmParFormat
+	{
+	/** Index used to select one of the four borders of a paragraph */
+	enum TBorderIndex
+		{
+		ETopBorder = 0,
+		EBottomBorder = 1,
+		ELeadingBorder = 2,
+		ETrailingBorder = 3,
+		};
+	/** Bit assignments for RTmParFormat::iFlags. */
+	enum
+		{
+		/** Base direction of paragraph is right-to-left (as for Arabic) */
+		ERightToLeft = 1,
+		/** Do not allow paragraph to straddle page boundaries. */
+		EKeepTogether = 2,
+		/** Put this paragraph on the same page as the next. */
+		EKeepWithNext = 4,
+		/** Put this paragraph at the start of a new page. */
+		EStartNewPage = 8,
+		/** Suppress widows and orphans. */
+		EWidowOrphan = 16,
+		/** Suppresses line breaking. */
+		ENoWrap = 32,
+		/** Force line spacing distance to be respected even on lines that are
+		 * taller than the specified height. */
+		EExactLineSpacing = 64,
+		/** Line spaceing is in pixels, not twips. */
+		EPixelLineSpacing = 128,
+		/** Work out paragraph directionality from the text. */
+		EDirectionalityFromText = 256
+		};
+	/** Paragraph alignment */
+	enum TAlignment
+		{
+		EAlignNormalBidirectional,
+		EAlignNormal = EAlignNormalBidirectional,		/** @deprecated in 7.0s */
+		EAlignCenter,
+		EAlignReverseBidirectional,
+		EAlignReverse = EAlignReverseBidirectional,		/** @deprecated in 7.0s */
+		EAlignJustify,
+		EAlignAbsoluteLeft,
+		EAlignAbsoluteRight
+		};
+	IMPORT_C RTmParFormat();
+	IMPORT_C void Close();
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	inline ~RTmParFormat();
+	IMPORT_C void CopyL(const RTmParFormat& aFormat);
+	IMPORT_C void CopyL(const CParaFormat& aFormat);
+	IMPORT_C void GetCParaFormatL(CParaFormat& aFormat) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool operator==(const RTmParFormat& aFormat) const;
+	inline TBool operator!=(const RTmParFormat& aFormat) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt Tabs() const;
+	inline const TTmTab& Tab(TInt aIndex) const;
+	inline const TTmBullet* Bullet() const;
+	inline const TTmParBorder* Border(TBorderIndex aIndex) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool HaveBorders() const;
+	inline TBool RightToLeft() const;
+	TAlignment iAlignment;
+	TUint iFlags;						// bit flags as defined above
+	TInt iLeadingMargin;				// left margin, or right if right-to-left
+	TInt iTrailingMargin;				// right margin, or left if right-to-left
+	TInt iFirstLineIndent;				// added to first line leading margin
+	TInt iLineSpacing;					// distance between baselines
+	TInt iSpaceAbove;					// space above the paragraph
+	TInt iSpaceBelow;					// space below the paragraph
+	TInt iTabSize;						// default size of tabs
+	TInt iBorderMargin;					// distance between the text and the border if any
+	TLogicalRgb iBackgroundColor;		// paragraph background colour
+	RTmParFormat(const RTmParFormat& aFormat);	// deliberately unimplemented
+	void operator=(const RTmParFormat& aFormat);// deliberately unimplemented
+	RArray<TTmTab>* iTabList;			// custom tabs if any
+	TTmBullet* iBullet;					// bullet if any
+	TTmParBorder* iBorder[4];			// borders if any
+	};
+WARNING: this Class is for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases.
+MTmSource is an interface class that must be implemented by users of
+CTmTextLayout to provide text content and attributes. MTmSource is derived from
+MTmCustom, which contains the functions to customise the layout and display, so
+that this can be done in CTmText without affecting the content.
+class MTmSource: public MTmCustom
+	{
+	/** Label type used in LabelModeSelect */
+	enum TLabelType
+		{
+		/** Not a label; used for TLabelTypes not yet assigned. */
+		ENoLabel,
+		/** Paragraph label of the type supported by FORM. */
+		EParLabel
+		};
+	enum
+		{
+		/**
+		The maximum number of characters supplied to GetLineBreak, after aMaxBreakPos,
+		and after trailing whitespace, to provide context for line breaking decisions.
+		*/
+		ELineBreakContext = 32
+		};
+	// pure virtuals
+	/** Return the device used to format the text. */
+	virtual MGraphicsDeviceMap& FormatDevice() const = 0;
+	/**
+	Return the device used to draw the text and when converting between x-y coordinates and document positions.
+	If the formatting and interpreting devices are different, text is scaled appropriately when it is drawn;
+	this allows text to be formatted for printer fonts and displayed on the screen, giving a wysiwyg print preview.
+	*/
+	virtual MGraphicsDeviceMap& InterpretDevice() const = 0;
+	/** Return the length of the document in characters. */
+	virtual TInt DocumentLength() const = 0;
+	/**
+	Return at least one character of text, but preferably as many as possible, starting at aPos. Put its character
+	format in aFormat. The text must be a run of characters sharing the same character format.
+	*/
+	virtual void GetText(TInt aPos,TPtrC& aText,TTmCharFormat& aFormat) const = 0;
+	/**
+	Return the paragraph format of the paragraph containing aPos. End-of-paragraph characters belong to the preceding
+	paragraph.
+	*/
+	virtual void GetParagraphFormatL(TInt aPos,RTmParFormat& aFormat) const = 0;
+	/**
+	Return the document position of the start of the paragraph containing aPos. End-of-paragraph characters belong to
+	the preceding paragraph.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt ParagraphStart(TInt aPos) const = 0;
+	// ordinary virtuals
+	IMPORT_C virtual CPicture* PictureL(TInt aPos) const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetPictureSizeInTwipsL(TInt aPos,TSize& aSize) const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TAny* GetExtendedInterface(const TUid& aInterfaceId);
+	IMPORT_C virtual void MTmSource_Reserved_1();
+	IMPORT_C virtual void MTmSource_Reserved_2();
+	IMPORT_C virtual TBool PageBreakInRange(TInt aStartPos,TInt aEndPos) const;
+	// non-virtuals
+	IMPORT_C TInt ParagraphEnd(TInt aPos) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool GetLineBreakL(const TDesC& aText,TInt aDocPos,TInt aMinBreakPos,TInt aMaxBreakPos,TBool aForwards,
+								 TInt& aBreakPos,TInt& aHangingChars,TInt& aBreakPosAfterSpaces) const;
+	IMPORT_C static void GetStandardLineBreak(const TDesC& aText,TInt aMinBreakPos,TInt aMaxBreakPos,
+											  TInt& aBreakPos,TInt& aNextLineStart);
+	};
+WARNING: this Class is for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases.
+class CTmCode: public CBase
+	{
+	inline ~CTmCode();
+	void InsertByteL(TUint8 aByte,TInt aPos);
+	TInt InsertNumberL(TInt aNumber,TInt aPos);
+	TInt InsertRectL(const TRect& aRect,TInt aPos);
+	void AppendByteL(TUint8 aByte);
+	TInt AppendNumberL(TInt aNumber);
+	TInt AppendRectL(const TRect& aRect);
+	void ChangeL(TInt aStart,TInt aEnd,CTmCode& aNewCode);
+	TInt MemoryUsed() const;
+	TInt Size() const;
+	void Delete(TInt aPos,TInt aLength);
+	void Reset();
+	inline TPtr8 Ptr(TInt aPos);
+	void CreateBufferL();
+	inline CBufBase* Buffer();
+	inline const CBufBase* Buffer() const;
+	enum
+		{
+		EExpandSize = 512
+		};
+	TInt WriteNumber(TInt aNumber,TUint8* aBuffer);
+	CTmBufSeg* iBuffer;
+	};
+WARNING: this Class is for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases.
+Formatting parameters used when formatting part of a layout object.
+class TTmFormatParamBase
+	{
+	enum
+		{
+		EWrap = 1,							// wrap the text at iWrapWidth
+		EAtLeastMaxHeight = 2,				// stop adding text only when iMaxHeight has been reached or exceeded
+		ETruncateWithEllipsis = 4,			// truncate any text that sticks out; see iEllipsis below
+		ELegalLineBreaksOnly = 8			// break only at allowed line breaks, even if that
+											// results in the text not fitting the measure
+		};
+	IMPORT_C TTmFormatParamBase();
+	inline TBool IsWrapping() const;
+	inline TBool IsTruncatingWithEllipsis() const;
+	inline TBool LegalLineBreaksOnly() const;
+	TInt iWrapWidth;					// wrapping width of the text including margins and indents, if wrapping is on
+	TInt iMaxHeight;					// maximum height of the text
+	TInt iMaxLines;						// maximum number of lines to be formatted
+	TInt iFlags;						// flags defined above
+	TChar iEllipsis;					// if truncating and not 0xFFFF, insert this ellipsis char (defaults to '...').
+	};
+WARNING: this Class is for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases.
+Formatting parameters used when formatting an entire layout object or
+creating a section of format code.
+class TTmFormatParam: public TTmFormatParamBase
+	{
+	IMPORT_C TTmFormatParam();
+	IMPORT_C TTmFormatParam(const TTmFormatParamBase& aBase);
+	TInt iStartChar;					// first character position to be formatted
+	TInt iEndChar;						// last character position to be formatted
+	TInt iLineInPar;					// starting line number in the paragraph
+	};
+WARNING: this Class is for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases.
+The text layout for a single rectangular piece of text. The object does not own its text or format attributes but
+gets them from an interface class called MTmSource.
+There are functions for setting the text, drawing it, and converting between x-y coordinates and document positions.
+All ranges of character positions and pixels include the start but not the end. This means that if a line is described
+by a TTmLineInfo object as starting at document position 345 and ending at 389, character positions 345 to 388 are in
+the line; 389 is in the next line if any.
+Coordinates and units
+All coordinates used in TAGMA classes and function arguments are in pixels and are relative to the origin of the object,
+which is the top left corner of the ordinary text, not including paragraph labels. Vertical coordinates increase from
+top to bottom.
+Document format and positions
+A TAGMA document, as supplied by the MTmSource interface, has a length as returned by MTmSource::DocumentLength of
+zero or more characters. It consists of Unicode text split into paragraphs by standard Unicode paragraph delimiters
+(character value 0x2029), so the number of paragraphs in the entire document is one more than the number of
+paragraph delimiters. A document position is a value in the range 0 to one more than the document length.
+Lines contain all document positions from their start to one less than their end position. These conventions allow
+all lines to end in a delimiter; the last line contains an imaginary paragraph end, which need not be supplied by
+the MTmSource interface, at a position equal to the document length. A CTmTextLayout object formatted for an
+empty document will thus have a start position (returned by StartChar) of 0 and an end position
+(returned by EndChar) of 1.
+WARNING: this Class is for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases.
+class CTmTextLayout: public CBase
+	{
+	class TTmChunkDescription
+	/** 
+	Output from FindAdjacentChunks. Describes a chunk of text that is of a
+	constant format and directionality. 
+	@internalComponent
+	*/
+		{
+	public:
+		/** Position of the first character in the chunk. A negative number
+		indicates "no such chunk". */
+		TInt iStart;
+		/** One past the position of the last character in the chunk. */
+		TInt iEnd;
+		/** ETrue if the chunk is displayed right-to-left. */
+		TBool iRightToLeft;
+		};
+	IMPORT_C CTmTextLayout();
+	IMPORT_C ~CTmTextLayout();
+	IMPORT_C void SetTextL(MTmSource& aSource,const TTmFormatParam& aParam);
+	IMPORT_C void FormatL(const TTmFormatParamBase& aParam,const TTmReformatParam& aReformatParam,
+						  TTmReformatResult& TTmReformatResult);
+	IMPORT_C TBool AddParL(const TTmFormatParamBase& aParam,TBool aAtStart,TInt& aHeightIncrease,TInt& aParagraphsIncrease);
+	IMPORT_C TBool DeletePar(const TTmFormatParamBase& aParam,TBool aAtStart,TInt aMaxDeletedHeight,TInt& aHeightDecrease);
+	IMPORT_C void Clear();
+	IMPORT_C void DrawLayout(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TPoint& aTopLeft,const TRect& aClipRect,
+							 const TLogicalRgb* aDocBackground,TBool aDrawParBackground) const;
+	IMPORT_C void DrawBackground(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TPoint& aTopLeft,const TRect& aClipRect,
+								 const TLogicalRgb& aBackground) const;
+	IMPORT_C void InvertLayout(CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TPoint& aTopLeft,
+		TInt aStartDocPos, TInt aEndDocPos) const;
+	IMPORT_C void HighlightSection(CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TPoint& aTopLeft,
+		TInt aStartDocPos, TInt aEndDocPos, const TRect& aClipRect) const;
+	IMPORT_C void DrawSection(CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TPoint& aTopLeft,
+		TInt aStartDocPos, TInt aEndDocPos, const TRect& aClipRect) const;
+	/* this function is some what used by partner already */
+	IMPORT_C void HighlightSection(CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TPoint& aTopLeft,
+		TInt aStartDocPos, TInt aEndDocPos, const TRect& aClipRect, const TTmHighlightExtensions& aHighlightExtensions,
+		TInt aHighlightStartDocPos, TInt aHighlightEndDocPos) const;
+	/* this function is some what used by partner already */
+	IMPORT_C void InvertLayout(CGraphicsContext& aGc,
+		const TPoint& aTopLeft, TInt aStartDocPos,TInt aEndDocPos, const TTmHighlightExtensions& aHighlightExtensions,
+		TInt aHighlightStartDocPos, TInt aHighlightEndDocPos) const;
+	/* this function is some what used by partner already */
+	IMPORT_C void DrawSection(CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TPoint& aTopLeft,
+		TInt aStartDocPos, TInt aEndDocPos, const TRect& aClipRect, const TTmHighlightExtensions& aHighlightExtensions,
+		TInt aHighlightStartDocPos, TInt aHighlightEndDocPos) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool FindDocPos(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos,TTmPosInfo2& aPosInfo,TTmLineInfo& aLineInfo) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool FindXyPos(const TPoint& aXyPos,TTmPosInfo2& aPosInfo,TTmLineInfo& aLineInfo) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool FindXyPosWithDisambiguation(const TPoint& aXyPos,
+		TTmPosInfo2& aPosLeft, TTmPosInfo2& aPosRight,
+		TTmLineInfo& aLineInfo) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt FindNextPos(TInt aStart) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt FindPreviousPos(TInt aStart) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt Lines() const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt Paragraphs() const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool DocPosToLine(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos,TTmLineInfo& aLineInfo) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool LineNumberToLine(TInt aLineNumber,TTmLineInfo& aLineInfo) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool ParNumberToLine(TInt aParNumber,TInt aLineInPar,TTmLineInfo& aLineInfo) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool YPosToLine(TInt aYPos,TTmLineInfo& aLineInfo) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool GetDisplayedTextL(TInt aLineNumber,TDes& aText,TInt& aNeeded) const;
+	IMPORT_C void GetMinimumLayoutSizeL(TInt aWrapWidth,TSize& aSize) const;
+	IMPORT_C void GetMinimumLayoutSizeL(TInt aWrapWidth,TBool aAllowLegalLineBreaksOnly,TSize& aSize) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt WidthOfWidestLine(TInt aTop = 0,TInt aBottom = KMaxTInt) const;
+	IMPORT_C void HorizontalExtremes(TInt &aLeft, TInt &aRight,
+		TInt aTopY = 0, TInt aBottomY = KMaxTInt) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool GetNextVisualCursorPos(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos,TTmPosInfo2& aInfo,TBool aToLeft) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool GetNextPosLeftWithDisambiguation(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos,
+		TTmPosInfo2& aPosLeft, TTmPosInfo2& aPosRight) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool GetNextPosRightWithDisambiguation(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos,
+		TTmPosInfo2& aPosLeft, TTmPosInfo2& aPosRight) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool LineExtreme(const TTmDocPosSpec& aPos, TBool aToRight,
+		TTmDocPos& aExtreme) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool FindAdjacentChunks(const TTmDocPosSpec& aPos,
+		TTmChunkDescription& aLeft, TTmChunkDescription& aRight) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool GetCursor(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos,TTmCursorPlacement aPlacement,
+							 TTmLineInfo& aLineInfo,TPoint& aOrigin,TInt& aWidth,TInt& aAscent,TInt& aDescent) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt MemoryUsed() const;
+	inline TInt StartChar() const;
+	inline TInt EndChar() const;
+	inline TInt LayoutWidth() const;
+	inline TInt LayoutHeight() const;
+	inline MTmSource* Source();
+	inline const MTmSource* Source() const;
+	inline const CTmCode& Code() const;
+ 	IMPORT_C void MakeVisible(TBool aVisible);
+ 	TInt GetDrawingInterpFlags() const;
+	IMPORT_C void DeleteFormattingFromEndL(
+		const TTmFormatParamBase& aParam, TInt aMaxDeletedHeight, TInt& aHeightDecrease);
+	IMPORT_C void ExtendFormattingDownwardsL(TTmFormatParam& aParam);
+	// deprecated functions
+	// deprecated 7.0
+	IMPORT_C TBool GetDisplayedText(TInt aLineNumber,TDes& aText,TInt& aNeeded) const;
+	// deprecated 7.0s
+	IMPORT_C TBool FindDocPos(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos,TTmPosInfo& aPosInfo,TTmLineInfo& aLineInfo) const;
+	// deprecated 7.0s
+	IMPORT_C TBool FindXyPos(const TPoint& aXyPos,TTmPosInfo& aPosInfo,TTmLineInfo& aLineInfo) const;
+	// deprecated 7.0s
+	IMPORT_C TBool GetNextVisualCursorPos(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos,TTmPosInfo& aInfo,TBool aToLeft) const;
+	// deprecated 7.0s
+	IMPORT_C TBool DocPosToLine(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos,TTmLineInfo& aLineInfo) const;
+	// deprecated 7.0s
+	IMPORT_C TBool GetCursor(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos,
+		TTmCursorPlacement aPlacement, TTmLineInfo& aLineInfo,
+		TPoint& aOrigin, TInt& aWidth, TInt& aAscent, TInt& aDescent) const;
+	IMPORT_C void DrawLayout(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TPoint& aTopLeft,const TRect& aClipRect,
+							 const TLogicalRgb* aDocBackground,TBool aDrawParBackground,
+							 const TCursorSelection* aHighlight,
+							 const TTmHighlightExtensions* aHighlightExtensions) const;
+	IMPORT_C void GetUpdateBoundingRect(TInt aStartDocPos, TInt aEndDocPos, const TPoint& aTopLeft,
+		TRect& aBoundingRect) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool FindDocPos(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos,TTmPosInfo2& aPosInfo,TTmLineInfo& aLineInfo, TInt& aSubscript) const;
+	void SetCurrentContextChar(TUint aContextChar);
+	TUint GetCurrentContextChar() const;
+	TBool LastLine(TTmLineInfo& aLine);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	void Invariant() const;
+	void Invariant() const { }
+	void AdjustWidth(const TTmFormatParamBase& aParam,TInt aWidthOfNewText);
+	MTmSource* iSource;				// source of text and text attributes; not owned
+	CTmCode iCode;					// the layout bytecode
+	TInt iWidth;					// width in pixels
+	TInt iHeight;					// height in pixels
+	TInt iStartChar;				// start character position in the document
+	TInt iEndChar;					// end character position in the document
+	TBidirectionalContext* iBdStateAtEnd; //bidirectional state at end of formatted range
+	TInt iDrawingInterpFlags;		// flags destined for the RTmDrawingInterpreter object
+	// please try to avoid removing or adding any new members to this class. although it
+	// is internal, it is included by value in CTextLayout which is published.  therefore
+	// a size change in this class would mean a size change in CTextLayout and a BC break.
+	// if adding or removing members is unavoidable, please remember to update the dummy
+	// member in CTextLayout accordingly.
+	TUint iCurrentContextChar;		// One character of context that is stored here between formatting on lines.
+						// At the end of the formatting of a line, the context for that line is stored
+						// here and taken by the next line to be formatted. The first chunk of the new line
+						// takes this context from the line, and then all subsequent chunks take their context
+						// from the previous chunk.
+	};
+//inline functions
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iTabList && !iBullet && !HaveBorders(), User::Invariant());
+	}
+/** The inequality operator. Returns true if this object and aFormat differ in
+any way.
+TBool RTmParFormat::operator!=(const RTmParFormat& aFormat) const
+	{
+	return !operator==(aFormat);
+	}
+/** Returns a reference to the tab selected by aIndex. */
+const TTmTab& RTmParFormat::Tab(TInt aIndex) const
+	{
+	return (*iTabList)[aIndex];
+	}
+/** Returns a pointer to the TTmBullet object if any. Returns null if the
+RTmParFormat does not contain a TTmBullet. */
+const TTmBullet* RTmParFormat::Bullet() const
+	{
+	return iBullet;
+	}
+/** Returns a pointer to the border selected by aIndex. Returns null if the
+selected border is not present. */
+const TTmParBorder* RTmParFormat::Border(TBorderIndex aIndex) const
+	{
+	return iBorder[aIndex];
+	}
+/** Returns true if the paragraph's base direction is right-to-left. */
+TBool RTmParFormat::RightToLeft() const
+	{
+	return iFlags & ERightToLeft;
+	}
+/** Returns true if wrapping is turned on. */
+TBool TTmFormatParamBase::IsWrapping() const
+	{
+	return iFlags & EWrap;
+	}
+/** Returns true if truncation with ellipsis is turned on. */
+TBool TTmFormatParamBase::IsTruncatingWithEllipsis() const
+	{
+	return iFlags & ETruncateWithEllipsis;
+	}
+/** Returns true if line breaking must only occur at legal line breaks, even if
+the line cannot legally be broken at the desired wrap width. */
+TBool TTmFormatParamBase::LegalLineBreaksOnly() const
+	{
+	return iFlags & ELegalLineBreaksOnly;
+	}
+/** Returns the first formatted character. */
+TInt CTmTextLayout::StartChar() const
+	{
+	return iStartChar;
+	}
+/** Returns the character after the last formatted character. */
+TInt CTmTextLayout::EndChar() const
+	{
+	return iEndChar;
+	}
+/** Return the width in pixels of the formatted text, not including paragraph
+labels if present. */
+TInt CTmTextLayout::LayoutWidth() const
+	{
+	return iWidth;
+	}
+/** Returns the height in pixels of the formatted text. */
+TInt CTmTextLayout::LayoutHeight() const
+	{
+	return iHeight;
+	}
+/** Returns a pointer to to the MTmSource object, if any, that provides text
+and formatting to this object. Returns null if no source object has been set. */
+MTmSource* CTmTextLayout::Source()
+	{
+	return iSource;
+	}
+const MTmSource* CTmTextLayout::Source() const
+	{
+	return iSource;
+	}
+Returns a reference to the CTmCode object containing the bytecode
+representing the text layout.
+const CTmCode& CTmTextLayout::Code() const
+	{
+	return iCode;
+	}