changeset 0 1fb32624e06b
child 40 91ef7621b7fc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/textrendering/textformatting/tbox/FRMPAGE.CPP	Tue Feb 02 02:02:46 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include "FRMPAGE.H"
+#include "FRMTLAY.H"
+#include "FRMCONST.H"
+#include <txtlaydc.h>
+/** Allocates and constructs a CTextPaginator object with a page list, the
+printer device for which the document is to be paginated and an active object
+@param aPrinterDevice Pointer to the printer device for which the document is
+to be paginated. This must be provided.
+@param aCharsPerPage The page list. This is a client-provided array into which
+characters-per-page values are written. Ownership of the array remains with the
+@param aPriority Integer specifying the active object priority. A number of
+standard priorities are specified in CActive::TPriority.
+@return Pointer to the new paginator object. */
+EXPORT_C CTextPaginator* CTextPaginator::NewL(CPrinterDevice* aPrinterDevice,CArrayFix<TInt>* aPageList,TInt aPriority)
+	{
+	CTextPaginator* self=new(ELeave) CTextPaginator(aPriority); 
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aPrinterDevice,aPageList);
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return self;
+	}
+/** Destructor. Cancels the active object, if any. */
+EXPORT_C CTextPaginator::~CTextPaginator()
+	{
+	Cancel();
+	delete iLayout;
+	delete iPageLineArray;
+	delete iTempPageList;
+	}
+/** Sets a pagination observer (an instance of a class inherited from
+MPaginateObserver). The use of an observer is optional.
+An observer may be used when paginating a complete document in the background
+using the function PaginateCompleteDocumentL(). The observer notifies
+completion of pages, cancellation, errors, and on completion of multiple
+@param aObserver Observer object inherited from MPaginateObserver. */
+EXPORT_C void CTextPaginator::SetObserver(MPaginateObserver* aObserver)
+	{
+	iObserver=aObserver;
+	}
+/** Sets a pointer to the document which is to be paginated.
+@param aLayDoc The document to paginate. */
+EXPORT_C void CTextPaginator::SetDocumentL(MLayDoc* aLayDoc)
+	{
+	SetOrReplaceDocumentL(aLayDoc);
+	iPaginator.Reset();
+	iDocPos=0;
+	SetLayoutDimensions();
+	}
+/** Sets a pointer to the printer device for which the document is to be
+Note: This function must be called, and SetDocumentL() must have been called
+@param aPrinterDevice The printer device. */
+EXPORT_C void CTextPaginator::SetPrinterDevice(CPrinterDevice* aPrinterDevice)
+	{
+ 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iLayout,FormPanic(EFDocumentToPaginateNotSet));
+	iPrinterDevice=aPrinterDevice;
+	iLayout->SetImageDeviceMap(aPrinterDevice);
+	iPageSizeInTwips=aPrinterDevice->CurrentPageSpecInTwips().OrientedPageSize();
+ 	SetLayoutDimensions();
+	}
+/** Sets the page width and height in twips, overriding the current values
+specified in the printer device.
+@param aPageSpec Contains the new page dimensions. */
+EXPORT_C void CTextPaginator::SetPageSpecInTwips(const TPageSpec& aPageSpec)
+	{
+	iPageSizeInTwips=aPageSpec.OrientedPageSize();
+ 	SetLayoutDimensions();
+	}
+/** Sets the widths of the page margins in twips.
+The page margin exists on all four sides of the page. It does not include the
+line cursor or labels margins. The labels and line cursor margins are set using
+@param aPageMargins The page margin widths. */
+EXPORT_C void CTextPaginator::SetPageMarginsInTwips(const TMargins& aPageMargins)
+	{
+	iPageMarginsInTwips=aPageMargins;
+ 	SetLayoutDimensions();
+	}
+ /** Sets the widths in twips of:
+the labels margin the area within which paragraph labels are displayed,
+the gutter margin (also known as the line cursor margin) exists between the
+labels margin and the text area.
+@param aLabelMarginWidth The labels margin width.
+@param aGutterMarginWidth The gutter margin width. */
+EXPORT_C void CTextPaginator::SetTextMarginWidthsInTwips(TInt aLabelMarginWidth
+	,TInt aGutterMarginWidth) 
+	{
+	iLabelMarginWidthInTwips=aLabelMarginWidth;
+	iGutterMarginWidthInTwips=aGutterMarginWidth;
+ 	SetLayoutDimensions();
+	}
+CTextPaginator::CTextPaginator(TInt aPriority)
+	:CActive(aPriority)
+	{
+	}
+void CTextPaginator::ConstructL(CPrinterDevice* aPrinterDevice,CArrayFix<TInt>* aPageList)
+	{
+	iPageLineArray=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPageLine>(EPageLineArrayGranularity);
+	iTempPageList=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(EPageListArrayGranularity);
+	iPrinterDevice=aPrinterDevice;
+	iPageList=aPageList;
+	iPaginator.SetArray(iTempPageList);
+	iPaginator.SetPageHeight(TextSizeInPixels().iHeight);
+	iPageSizeInTwips=iPrinterDevice->CurrentPageSpecInTwips().OrientedPageSize();
+	SetLayoutDimensions();
+	ResetPaginator();
+	}
+/** Initiates pagination of a complete document in the background using an
+active object. To start pagination, use either this function, or else
+incrementally paginate with AppendTextL() do not try to use both functions
+Note: SetDocumentL() must have been called beforehand, or a panic occurs. */
+EXPORT_C void CTextPaginator::PaginateCompleteDocumentL()
+	{
+ 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iLayout,FormPanic(EFDocumentToPaginateNotSet));
+  	if (iPageList->Count()==0)
+		iPageList->AppendL(iLayDoc->LdDocumentLength());
+	if (!IsAdded())
+		CActiveScheduler::Add(this); // Adds itself to the active scheduler
+ 	iMode=EFPaginateCompleteDocument;
+	ResetPaginator();
+	Reque();
+	}
+/** Paginates incrementally as a document is being constructed (by appending
+paragraphs, for example). Call this function every time text is added to the
+The function PaginationCompletedL() should be called at the end (in order to
+complete the last entry in the characters-per-page array).
+Use either this function, or else paginate in the background with
+PaginateCompleteDocumentL() - do not try to use both functions together.
+Note: SetDocumentL() must have been called beforehand, or a panic occurs.
+@param aCumulativeDocPos The first time the function is called, this should be
+given a value of zero. Returns the last document position which has been
+@return A count of the current number of pages. */
+EXPORT_C TInt CTextPaginator::AppendTextL(TInt& aCumulativeDocPos)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iLayout,FormPanic(EFDocumentToPaginateNotSet));
+ 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aCumulativeDocPos<iLayout->DocumentLength(),FormPanic(EFInvalidDocPos));
+ 	iMode=EFPaginateIncrementally;
+  	if (iPageList->Count()==0)
+		ResetPaginator();
+	TBool moreToDo=ETrue;
+	while(moreToDo)
+		{
+		moreToDo = iDocPos<=iLayDoc->LdDocumentLength();
+		if (moreToDo)
+			{
+			TrapPaginateParagraphL();
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if (iMode==EFPaginateCompleteDocument)
+				{
+				iPaginator.FlushL(iDocPos);
+				PageCompleted();
+				}
+			iPageLineArray->Reset();
+			iPageLineArray->Compress();
+			}
+		}
+	aCumulativeDocPos=iDocPos;
+	TRAPD(err,CopyTempPageListL());
+	if (err)
+		LeaveL(err);
+	return iPageList->Count();
+	}
+/** This function should be called when incremental pagination has completed
+(see AppendTextL()), to complete the final entry in the page list. If an
+observer has been set, calls its NotifyCompletion() function.
+@return Count of total number of pages. */
+EXPORT_C TInt CTextPaginator::PaginationCompletedL()
+	{
+	TRAPD(err,iPaginator.FlushL(iDocPos));
+	if (err)
+		LeaveL(err);
+	iLayout->DiscardFormat();
+	TRAP(err,CopyTempPageListL());
+	if (err)
+		LeaveL(err);
+	if (iObserver)
+		iObserver->NotifyCompletion();
+	return iPageList->Count();
+	}
+void CTextPaginator::RunL()
+// Called by active scheduler.
+// Paginates a document one paragraph at a time through succeeding    
+// calls.
+	{
+	TBool moreToDo = iDocPos<=iLayDoc->LdDocumentLength();
+	if (moreToDo)
+		{
+		TrapPaginateParagraphL();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		if (iMode==EFPaginateCompleteDocument)
+			{
+			iPaginator.FlushL(iDocPos);
+			PageCompleted();
+			}
+		iPageLineArray->Reset();
+		iPageLineArray->Compress();
+		}
+	if (moreToDo)
+		Reque();
+	else
+		{
+		iLayout->DiscardFormat();
+		TRAPD(err,CopyTempPageListL());
+		if (err)
+			LeaveL(err);
+		if (iObserver)
+			iObserver->NotifyCompletion();
+		}
+	}
+void CTextPaginator::DoCancel()
+	{
+	iPaginator.Reset();
+	iLayout->DiscardFormat();
+	iDocPos=0;
+	iPageBreakChar=EFalse;
+	if (iObserver)
+		iObserver->NotifyError(KErrCancel);	
+	}
+void CTextPaginator::SetLayoutDimensions()
+	{
+	iPaginator.SetPageHeight(TextSizeInPixels().iHeight);
+	if (iLayout)
+		iLayout->SetFormatMode(CLayoutData::EFPrintMode,TextRectInTwips().Width(),iPrinterDevice);
+	}
+void CTextPaginator::SetOrReplaceDocumentL(MLayDoc* aLayDoc)
+	{
+	iLayDoc=aLayDoc;
+	if (iLayout)
+		iLayout->SetLayDoc(aLayDoc);
+	else
+		iLayout=CTextLayout::NewL(aLayDoc,TextSizeInPixels().iWidth);
+	iLayout->SetImageDeviceMap(iPrinterDevice);
+	}
+TRect CTextPaginator::TextRectInTwips() const
+	{
+	TRect textRect;
+	textRect.iTl.iX=iPageMarginsInTwips.iLeft+iGutterMarginWidthInTwips+iLabelMarginWidthInTwips;
+	textRect.iTl.iY=iPageMarginsInTwips.iTop;
+	textRect.iBr.iX=iPageSizeInTwips.iWidth-iPageMarginsInTwips.iRight;
+	textRect.iBr.iY=iPageSizeInTwips.iHeight-iPageMarginsInTwips.iBottom;
+	return textRect;
+	}
+TSize CTextPaginator::TextSizeInPixels() const
+	{
+	TRect textRect=iPrinterDevice->TwipsToPixels(TextRectInTwips());
+	return textRect.Size();
+	}
+void CTextPaginator::TrapPaginateParagraphL()
+	{
+	TRAPD(err,PaginateParagraphL());
+	if (err)
+		LeaveL(err);
+	}
+void CTextPaginator::PaginateParagraphL()
+	{
+	TInt lineHeight;
+	TBool keepTogether;  // Prevents page break in a paragraph when ETrue.
+	TBool keepWithNext;  // Prevents page break between this & next para when ETrue.
+	TBool startNewPage;  // Inserts page break before this paragraph when ETrue.
+	TBool widowOrphan;   // Prevents widowing/orphaning of para. lines when ETrue.
+	TPageLine pageLine;
+	TInt numLines;
+	CParaFormat* paraFormat=NULL;
+	paraFormat=CParaFormat::NewLC();
+	iLayDoc->GetParagraphFormatL(paraFormat,iDocPos);
+	TInt docPos=iDocPos;
+	TBool startOfPara=(iLayDoc->LdToParagraphStart(docPos)==0);
+	keepTogether=paraFormat->iKeepTogether;
+	keepWithNext=paraFormat->iKeepWithNext;
+	startNewPage=paraFormat->iStartNewPage;
+	widowOrphan=paraFormat->iWidowOrphan;
+	iPageLineArray->Reset();		   // Better safe than sorry at the moment ###
+	iPageLineArray->Compress();
+	TInt lines=0;
+	TBool moreToDo = ETrue;
+	do 
+		{
+		pageLine.iDocPos=iDocPos;
+		pageLine.iStartNewPage=EFalse;
+		if (iPageBreakChar)
+			pageLine.iStartNewPage=ETrue;
+		moreToDo=iLayout->FormatLineL(paraFormat,iDocPos,lineHeight,iPageBreakChar);
+		lines++;
+		pageLine.iLineHeight=lineHeight;
+		if (keepTogether)
+			pageLine.iKeepWithNext=ETrue;
+		else
+			pageLine.iKeepWithNext=EFalse;
+		iPageLineArray->AppendL(pageLine);
+		} while (moreToDo && lines<EFMaximumNumberLinesInBlock);
+	TBool endOfPara=(!moreToDo);
+	TBool penultimateLine=EFalse;
+	numLines=iPageLineArray->Count();
+	if (!endOfPara)
+		{
+		docPos=iDocPos;
+		TBool pageBreakChar;
+		penultimateLine=(!iLayout->FormatLineL(paraFormat,docPos,lineHeight,pageBreakChar));
+		}
+	if (startNewPage && startOfPara)
+		(*iPageLineArray)[0].iStartNewPage=ETrue;
+	if (keepTogether && endOfPara)
+		(*iPageLineArray)[numLines-1].iKeepWithNext=EFalse;
+	if (keepWithNext && endOfPara)
+		(*iPageLineArray)[numLines-1].iKeepWithNext=ETrue;
+	if (widowOrphan)
+		{
+		if (startOfPara)
+			(*iPageLineArray)[0].iKeepWithNext=ETrue;
+		if (endOfPara && numLines>=2)
+			(*iPageLineArray)[numLines-2].iKeepWithNext=ETrue;
+		else if (penultimateLine)
+			(*iPageLineArray)[numLines-1].iKeepWithNext=ETrue;
+		}
+	TBool pageBreak = EFalse;
+	for (TInt i=0; i<numLines; i++)
+		{
+		pageBreak=iPaginator.AppendLineL((*iPageLineArray)[i]);
+		if (pageBreak)
+			PageCompleted();
+		}
+	iPageLineArray->Reset();
+	iPageLineArray->Compress();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();	// delete format;
+	}
+void CTextPaginator::PageCompleted()
+	{
+	if (iObserver)
+		iObserver->NotifyPageCompletion(iTempPageList->Count());
+	}
+void CTextPaginator::Reque()
+// Called just before Paginate Process goes to sleep to set it active 
+	{
+	TRequestStatus *pS=(&iStatus);
+	User::RequestComplete(pS,0);
+	SetActive();
+	}
+void CTextPaginator::ResetPaginator()
+	{
+	iDocPos=0;
+	iPageBreakChar=EFalse;
+	iPaginator.Reset();
+	}
+void CTextPaginator::CopyTempPageListL()
+// Copies temp page list to one that external user sees
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iTempPageList->Count()>=1||iMode==EFPaginateIncrementally,FormPanic(EFPageListEmpty));
+	TRAPD(err,iPageList->ResizeL(iTempPageList->Count()));
+	if (err)
+		LeaveL(err);
+	{for(TInt ii=0;ii<iTempPageList->Count();ii++)
+		(*iPageList)[ii]=(*iTempPageList)[ii];
+	}
+	}
+void CTextPaginator::LeaveL(TInt aErr)
+// Something has left
+// Reset everything.
+	{
+	iPaginator.Reset();
+	iLayout->DiscardFormat();
+	iDocPos=0;
+	iPageLineArray->Reset();
+	iPageLineArray->Compress();
+	iTempPageList->Reset();
+	iTempPageList->Compress();
+	if (iObserver)
+		iObserver->NotifyError(aErr);
+	User::Leave(aErr);
+	}