changeset 0 1fb32624e06b
child 40 91ef7621b7fc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/textrendering/textformatting/tbox/FRMPRINT.CPP	Tue Feb 02 02:02:46 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include "FRMPRINT.H"
+#include "FRMCONST.H"
+/** Page region printer interface.
+ @publishedAll
+ @return CTextPageRegionPrinter returned
+ @param aLayDoc Information needed by the text layout engine to lay out a text object.
+ @param aPrinterDevice Physical graphics device.
+ @post CTextPageRegionPrinter object is now fully initialised
+ */
+EXPORT_C CTextPageRegionPrinter* CTextPageRegionPrinter::NewL(MLayDoc* aLayDoc,CPrinterDevice* aPrinterDevice)
+	{
+	CTextPageRegionPrinter* self=new(ELeave) CTextPageRegionPrinter(); 
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aLayDoc,aPrinterDevice);
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return self;
+	}
+EXPORT_C CTextPageRegionPrinter::~CTextPageRegionPrinter()
+	{
+	delete iLayout;
+	delete iGc;
+	delete iPictureGc;
+	}
+ Sets the page list.
+ @publishedAll
+ @param aPageList Page list.
+ */
+EXPORT_C void CTextPageRegionPrinter::SetPageList(const CArrayFix<TInt>* aPageList)
+	{
+	iPageList=aPageList;
+	}
+ Sets the printer device.
+ @publishedAll
+ @param aPrinterDevice Physical graphics device.
+ */
+ EXPORT_C void CTextPageRegionPrinter::SetPrinterDevice(CPrinterDevice* aPrinterDevice)
+	{
+	iPrinterDevice=aPrinterDevice;
+	iImageDevice=aPrinterDevice;
+	iCurrentPage=KMinTInt32;	 // To force a call to SetPageL when PrintBandL first called.
+	iPageSizeInTwips=aPrinterDevice->CurrentPageSpecInTwips().OrientedPageSize();
+	}
+ Sets the layout document.
+ @publishedAll
+ @param aDoc Layout document.
+ */
+EXPORT_C void CTextPageRegionPrinter::SetDocument(MLayDoc *aDoc)
+	{
+	iCurrentPage=KMinTInt32;	 // To force a call to SetPageL when PrintBandL first called.
+	iLayout->SetLayDoc(aDoc);
+	}
+ Sets the print preview.
+ @publishedAll
+ @param aPrintPreview.
+ */
+EXPORT_C void CTextPageRegionPrinter::SetPrintPreview(TBool aPrintPreview)
+	{
+	iPrintPreview=aPrintPreview;
+	iCurrentPage=KMinTInt32;	 // To force a call to SetPageL when PrintBandL first called.
+	}
+ Sets the Page Spec In Twips.
+ @publishedAll
+ @param aPageSpec.
+ */
+EXPORT_C void CTextPageRegionPrinter::SetPageSpecInTwips(const TPageSpec& aPageSpec)
+	{
+	iPageSizeInTwips=aPageSpec.OrientedPageSize();
+	}
+ Sets the page margin in twips.
+ @publishedAll
+ @param aPageMargins.
+ */
+EXPORT_C void CTextPageRegionPrinter::SetPageMarginsInTwips(const TMargins& aPageMargins)
+	{
+	iPageMarginsInTwips=aPageMargins;
+	}
+ Sets the text margin widths in twips.
+ @publishedAll
+ @param aLabelMarginWidth
+ @param aGutterMarginWidth
+ */
+EXPORT_C void CTextPageRegionPrinter::SetTextMarginWidthsInTwips(TInt aLabelMarginWidth,TInt aGutterMarginWidth) 
+	{
+	iLabelMarginWidthInTwips=aLabelMarginWidth;
+	iGutterMarginWidthInTwips=aGutterMarginWidth;
+	}
+ Set the number given to the first page of the document that has been paginated.
+ Typically 1, but might be different (eg for document containing second chapter of book).
+ @publishedAll
+ @param aFirstPage
+ */
+EXPORT_C void CTextPageRegionPrinter::SetFirstPageOfDoc(TInt aFirstPage)
+	{
+	iFirstPage=aFirstPage;
+	}
+ Set the number given to the first page of the document that has been paginated.
+ Typically 1, but might be different (eg for document containing second chapter of book).
+ @publishedAll
+ @param aImageDevice
+ @param aPageNo
+ @param aBandInPixels
+ */
+EXPORT_C void CTextPageRegionPrinter::PrintBandL(CGraphicsDevice* aImageDevice,TInt aPageNo,const TBandAttributes& aBandInPixels)
+// Traps leaves
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iPageList!=NULL,FormPanic(EFInvalidPageList));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aPageNo-iFirstPage<iPageList->Count(),FormPanic(EFInvalidPageNumber));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aPageNo>=iFirstPage,FormPanic(EFInvalidPageNumber));
+	TRAPD(err,PrintBand2L(aImageDevice,aPageNo,aBandInPixels));
+	if (err)
+		LeaveL(err);
+	}
+ Sets the fill to either the text box or whole view rect occupied by paragraph.
+ @publishedAll
+ @deprecated 7.0 
+ @param aFillTextOnly
+ */
+EXPORT_C void CTextPageRegionPrinter::SetParagraphFillTextOnly(TBool aFillTextOnly)
+	{
+	iDrawTextLayoutContext.SetParagraphFillTextOnly(aFillTextOnly);
+	}
+ Takes the specified band and draws to specified Gc those lines that intersect the band on the page.
+ @param aImageDevice The specified Graphics device.
+ @param aPageNo The page number.
+ @param aBandInPixels The specified band in pixels.
+ */
+void CTextPageRegionPrinter::PrintBand2L(CGraphicsDevice* aImageDevice,TInt aPageNo
+															,const TBandAttributes& aBandInPixels)
+	{
+	iImageDevice=aImageDevice;
+	if (aBandInPixels.iFirstBandOnPage || aPageNo!=iCurrentPage)
+		SetPageL(aPageNo);
+	if (!iGc)
+		{
+		User::LeaveIfError(iImageDevice->CreateContext((CGraphicsContext *&) iGc));
+		if (!aBandInPixels.iGraphicsIsIgnored)
+			User::LeaveIfError(iImageDevice->CreateContext((CGraphicsContext *&) iPictureGc));
+		iDrawTextLayoutContext.SetGc(iGc,iPictureGc);
+		}
+	iDrawTextLayoutContext.SetDrawTextAndGraphics();
+	if (aBandInPixels.iTextIsIgnored && aBandInPixels.iGraphicsIsIgnored)
+		return;
+	else if (aBandInPixels.iTextIsIgnored)
+		iDrawTextLayoutContext.SetDrawGraphicsOnly();
+	else if (aBandInPixels.iGraphicsIsIgnored)
+		iDrawTextLayoutContext.SetDrawTextOnly();
+	iLayout->DrawL(aBandInPixels.iRect,&iDrawTextLayoutContext);
+	iDrawTextLayoutContext.SetDrawTextAndGraphics();
+	delete iGc;
+	iGc=NULL;
+	delete iPictureGc;
+	iPictureGc=NULL;
+	}
+ CTextPageRegionPrinter::CTextPageRegionPrinter()
+	{
+	iDrawTextLayoutContext.SetDrawToEveryPixel(EFalse);
+	iDrawTextLayoutContext.SetClipping(EFalse);
+	}
+ Constructs a CTextPageRegionPrinter.
+ Defaults are that no label margin nor gutter margin and that text is formatted and displayed
+ to the printable page.
+ @param aLayDoc
+ @param aPrinterDevice The printer device.
+ */
+ void CTextPageRegionPrinter::ConstructL(MLayDoc* aLayDoc,CPrinterDevice* aPrinterDevice)
+	{
+	iPrintPreview=EFalse;
+	iPageSizeInTwips=aPrinterDevice->CurrentPageSpecInTwips().OrientedPageSize();
+	iPrinterDevice=aPrinterDevice;
+	iImageDevice=aPrinterDevice;
+	iCurrentPage=KMinTInt32;	 // To force a call to SetPageL when PrintBandL first called.
+	TInt textWidth=aPrinterDevice->HorizontalTwipsToPixels(LayoutWidthInTwips());
+	iLayout=CTextLayout::NewL(aLayDoc,textWidth);
+	iLayout->SetAmountToFormat(CTextLayout::EFFormatBand);
+	SetFirstPageOfDoc(1);
+	}
+ Set the format and Image devices.
+ All these calls must pass values in twips to textlayout and image pixels to textdraw
+ */
+void CTextPageRegionPrinter::SetFormatAndImageDevices()
+	{
+	iDrawTextLayoutContext.iViewRect=iImageDevice->TwipsToPixels(ViewRectInTwips());
+	iDrawTextLayoutContext.iGutterMarginWidth=iImageDevice->HorizontalTwipsToPixels(iGutterMarginWidthInTwips);
+	iDrawTextLayoutContext.iLabelMarginWidth=LabelMarginWidthInPixels();
+	iDrawTextLayoutContext.iTextStartX=TextStartXInPixels();
+	// iLayout - everything in twips
+	iLayout->SetBandHeight(ViewRectInTwips().Height());
+	iLayout->SetImageDeviceMap(iImageDevice);
+	iLayout->SetLabelsMarginWidth(LabelMarginWidthInPixels());
+	if (iPrintPreview)
+		iLayout->SetFormatMode(CLayoutData::EFPrintPreviewMode,LayoutWidthInTwips(),iPrinterDevice);
+	else
+		iLayout->SetFormatMode(CLayoutData::EFPrintMode,LayoutWidthInTwips(),iPrinterDevice);
+	}
+ Gets the view rect in twips.
+ @return Returns the view rect in pixels
+ */
+TRect CTextPageRegionPrinter::ViewRectInTwips() const
+	{
+	TRect viewRect;
+	if (iLabelMarginWidthInTwips==0)
+		viewRect.iTl.iX=0;
+	else
+		viewRect.iTl.iX=iPageMarginsInTwips.iLeft;
+	viewRect.iTl.iY=iPageMarginsInTwips.iTop;
+	viewRect.iBr.iX=iPageSizeInTwips.iWidth;
+	viewRect.iBr.iY=iPageSizeInTwips.iHeight-iPageMarginsInTwips.iBottom;
+	return viewRect;
+	}
+ Returns the width of page, excluding margins.
+ @return Returns the width of page, excluding margins
+ */
+TInt CTextPageRegionPrinter::LayoutWidthInTwips() const
+	{
+	TInt width=iPageSizeInTwips.iWidth-(iPageMarginsInTwips.iLeft+iPageMarginsInTwips.iRight);
+	return width-(iGutterMarginWidthInTwips+iLabelMarginWidthInTwips);
+	}
+ Gets the label margin width in pixels.
+ @return Label margin width in pixels.
+ */
+TInt CTextPageRegionPrinter::LabelMarginWidthInPixels()	const
+	{
+	return iImageDevice->HorizontalTwipsToPixels(iLabelMarginWidthInTwips);
+	}
+ Get the text start X in pixels.
+ @return text start X in pixels.
+ */
+TInt CTextPageRegionPrinter::TextStartXInPixels() const
+	{
+	if (iLabelMarginWidthInTwips==0)
+		return iImageDevice->HorizontalTwipsToPixels(iPageMarginsInTwips.iLeft);
+	else
+		return 0;
+	}
+ Calculates the docPos at the top of this page, by summing throught the CharsPerPage.
+ Can be called for aPage==0, when loop not entered.
+ @return Explanation of the object returned
+ @param aPage Page Number.
+ */
+void CTextPageRegionPrinter::SetPageL(TInt aPage)
+	{
+	TInt pagesToScroll=0;
+	TInt pageTextHeightInPixels=0;		//To stop warning
+	iCurrentPage=aPage;
+	iTopPageDocPos=0;
+	TInt page=iFirstPage;
+	SetFormatAndImageDevices();
+	while (page<aPage)
+		{
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG((*iPageList)[page-iFirstPage]>=0,FormPanic(EFInvalidPageList));
+		if ((*iPageList)[page-iFirstPage]>0)
+			{
+			iTopPageDocPos+=(*iPageList)[page-iFirstPage];
+			pagesToScroll=0;
+			}
+		else
+			++pagesToScroll;
+		page++;
+		//Count zeros --> n
+		}
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG((*iPageList)[iCurrentPage-iFirstPage]>=0,FormPanic(EFInvalidPageList));
+	TInt bottomPageDocPos=iTopPageDocPos+(*iPageList)[iCurrentPage-iFirstPage]-1;
+	if (bottomPageDocPos<iTopPageDocPos)
+		++bottomPageDocPos;
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iTopPageDocPos<=iLayout->DocumentLength(),FormPanic(EFInvalidPageList));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(bottomPageDocPos>=0 && bottomPageDocPos<=iLayout->DocumentLength(),FormPanic(EFInvalidPageList));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(bottomPageDocPos>=iTopPageDocPos,FormPanic(EFInvalidPageList));
+	if (pagesToScroll>0)
+		pageTextHeightInPixels=iImageDevice->VerticalTwipsToPixels(iPageSizeInTwips.iHeight-iPageMarginsInTwips.iTop-iPageMarginsInTwips.iBottom);
+	iLayout->DiscardFormat();
+	TRAPD(err,iLayout->FormatCharRangeL(iTopPageDocPos,bottomPageDocPos,pagesToScroll*pageTextHeightInPixels));
+	//Scroll by n*Page Height
+	if (err)
+		LeaveL(err);
+	}
+void CTextPageRegionPrinter::LeaveL(TInt aErr)
+// There is not enough memory to do the formatting, or other leave
+// Reset everything.
+	{
+	iCurrentPage=KMinTInt32;
+	iLayout->DiscardFormat();
+	delete iGc;
+	iGc=NULL;
+	delete iPictureGc;
+	iPictureGc=NULL;
+	User::Leave(aErr);
+	}