--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/textrendering/texthandling/ttext/T_LAYDOC.CPP Tue Feb 02 02:02:46 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <txtlaydc.h>
+#include <txtglobl.h>
+#include <txtfrmat.h>
+#include <txtfmlyr.h>
+#define UNUSED_VAR(a) a = a
+LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("TGlobalLayDoc - Layout class"));
+LOCAL_D TPtrC defaultText(_L("This is default text"));
+LOCAL_D TPtrC comp1(_L("fault text"));
+LOCAL_D TPtrC comp2(_L("t"));
+LOCAL_D TPtrC view(_L("x"));
+GLDEF_C void CheckView(TPtrC& aView,TPtrC& aControl)
+// Test that aView matches the contol descriptor in
+// the expected metrics.
+ {
+ test(aView.Length()==(aControl.Length()+1));
+ TInt index=0;
+ for (index=0;index<aControl.Length();index++)
+ {
+ test(aView[index]==aControl[index]);
+ }
+ test(aView[index]==CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter);
+ }
+GLDEF_C void TestDocumentLength(CEditableText::TDocumentStorage aStorage)
+ {
+ // Make the global format layers...
+ CParaFormatLayer* paraLayer=CParaFormatLayer::NewL();
+ CCharFormatLayer* charLayer=CCharFormatLayer::NewL();
+// Create Document
+ CGlobalText* doc=CGlobalText::NewL(paraLayer,charLayer,aStorage);
+ TInt length=doc->LdDocumentLength();
+ test(length==0);
+// Insert document content
+ doc->InsertL(0,defaultText);
+ length=doc->LdDocumentLength();
+ test(length==20);
+ delete doc;
+ delete paraLayer;
+ delete charLayer;
+ }
+GLDEF_C void TestRead(CEditableText::TDocumentStorage aStorage)
+// Test this class' GetChars method
+// functions as predicted.
+ {
+ // Make the global format layers...
+ CParaFormatLayer* paraLayer=CParaFormatLayer::NewL();
+ CCharFormatLayer* charLayer=CCharFormatLayer::NewL();
+// Create Document
+ CGlobalText* doc=CGlobalText::NewL(paraLayer,charLayer,aStorage);
+ TRAPD(ret,doc->InsertL(0,defaultText));
+ UNUSED_VAR(ret);
+// Create LayDoc
+ TCharFormat format;
+ TPtrC view;
+ test.Start(_L("Sensing at start"));
+ doc->GetChars(view,format,0);
+ CheckView(view,defaultText);
+ test.Next(_L("Sensing from char.pos.10"));
+ doc->GetChars(view,format,10);
+ CheckView(view,comp1);
+ test.Next(_L("Sensing from end-1"));
+ doc->GetChars(view,format,19);
+ CheckView(view,comp2);
+ test.Next(_L("Sensing from end"));
+ doc->GetChars(view,format,20);
+ test(*view.Ptr()==CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter);
+ test.End();
+ delete doc;
+ delete paraLayer;
+ delete charLayer;
+ }
+GLDEF_C void CheckParagraphStart(TInt aCalculated,TInt aExpected)
+// Checks the value returned from ParagraphStart(aPos) is what
+// it is expected to be.
+ {
+ test(aCalculated==aExpected);
+ }
+GLDEF_C void CheckCharsSkipped(TInt aCalculated,TInt aExpected)
+// Check the number of characters skipped following a ParagraphStart()
+// is as expected.
+ {
+ test(aCalculated==aExpected);
+ }
+GLDEF_C void DoParagraphStart(TInt aStartPos,TInt aLength,MLayDoc* aLayout)
+// Parametric testing of the ParagraphStart method of the
+// document class hierarchy.
+ {
+ User::Heap().Check();
+ TInt tempPos=0;
+ TInt charsSkipped=0;
+ for (TInt charPos=aStartPos;charPos<aStartPos+aLength;charPos++)
+ {// Check Paragraph
+ tempPos=charPos;
+ charsSkipped=aLayout->LdToParagraphStart(charPos);
+ // charPos is updated to paragraph start character position.
+ CheckParagraphStart(charPos,aStartPos);
+ charPos=tempPos; // Reset charPos following it's update.
+ CheckCharsSkipped(charsSkipped,charPos-aStartPos);
+ }
+ User::Heap().Check();
+ }
+GLDEF_C void TestParagraphStart(CEditableText::TDocumentStorage aStorage)
+// Tests the ParagraphStart method.
+ {
+ User::Heap().Check();
+ // Make the global format layers...
+ CParaFormatLayer* paraLayer=CParaFormatLayer::NewL();
+ CCharFormatLayer* charLayer=CCharFormatLayer::NewL();
+ TBuf<128> content;
+ content.Append(_L("Paragraph one. Complete with sentence and word breaks."));
+ content.Append(CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter);
+ content.Append(_L("This is paragraph two."));
+ content.Append(CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter);
+ content.Append(_L("This is paragraph 3"));
+ // Create document.
+ CGlobalText* document=CGlobalText::NewL(paraLayer,charLayer,aStorage);
+ TPtrC body(content);
+ document->InsertL(0,body);
+ // Now do the tests.
+ test.Start(_L("Paragraph 1"));
+ DoParagraphStart(0,55,document); // Paragraph 1
+ test.Next(_L("Paragraph 2"));
+ DoParagraphStart(55,23,document); // Paragraph 2
+ test.Next(_L("Paragraph 3"));
+ DoParagraphStart(78,20,document); // Paragraph 3
+ delete paraLayer;
+ delete charLayer;
+ delete document;
+ test.End();
+ User::Heap().Check();
+ }
+GLDEF_C void TestGetParagraphFormatL(CEditableText::TDocumentStorage aStorage)
+ {
+ User::Heap().Check();
+ // Make the global format layers...
+ CParaFormatLayer* paraLayer=CParaFormatLayer::NewL();
+ CCharFormatLayer* charLayer=CCharFormatLayer::NewL();
+ CGlobalText* globalDoc=CGlobalText::NewL(paraLayer,charLayer,aStorage);
+ CParaFormat* format=CParaFormat::NewL();
+ CParaFormat* control=CParaFormat::NewL();
+ TParaFormatMask cMask;
+ control->iLeftMarginInTwips=1440; cMask.SetAttrib(EAttLeftMargin);
+ TTabStop tab1;
+ tab1.iTwipsPosition=1440; tab1.iType=TTabStop::ERightTab;
+ control->StoreTabL(tab1); cMask.SetAttrib(EAttTabStop);
+ TParaBorder border;
+ border.iLineStyle=TParaBorder::ESolid;
+ border.iThickness=1;
+ control->SetParaBorderL(CParaFormat::EParaBorderTop,border); cMask.SetAttrib(EAttTopBorder);
+ control->iKeepTogether=ETrue; cMask.SetAttrib(EAttKeepTogether);
+ CParaFormatLayer* layer=CParaFormatLayer::NewL(control,cMask);
+ globalDoc->SetGlobalParaFormat(layer);
+ globalDoc->GetParagraphFormatL(format,0);
+ TInt c1=format->TabCount();
+ TInt c2=control->TabCount();
+ test(c1==c2);
+ test(format->IsEqual(*control));
+ delete layer;
+ delete control;
+ delete format;
+ delete globalDoc;
+ delete charLayer;
+ delete paraLayer;
+ User::Heap().Check();
+ }
+GLDEF_C void TestRegister(CEditableText::TDocumentStorage aStorage)
+// Checks all declared base class methods have been provided.
+ {
+ User::Heap().Check();
+ // Make the global format layers...
+ CParaFormatLayer* paraLayer=CParaFormatLayer::NewL();
+ CCharFormatLayer* charLayer=CCharFormatLayer::NewL();
+// Create a para format layer
+ CParaFormat* format=CParaFormat::NewL();
+ TParaFormatMask mask;
+ mask.SetAttrib(EAttLeftMargin);
+ mask.SetAttrib(EAttRightMargin);
+ CParaFormatLayer* layer=CParaFormatLayer::NewL(format,mask);
+// Create global text document to layout
+ CGlobalText* doc=NULL;
+ TRAPD(ret,doc=CGlobalText::NewL(paraLayer,charLayer,aStorage));
+ UNUSED_VAR(ret);
+ TInt pos=0;
+ doc->SetGlobalParaFormat(layer);
+// Check constructor
+ test.Start(_L("Constructor"));
+// Check DocumentLength
+ test.Next(_L("DocumentLength()"));
+ doc->LdDocumentLength();
+// Check ParagraphStart
+ test.Next(_L("ParagraphStart()"));
+ doc->LdToParagraphStart(pos);
+// Check GetParagraphFormatL
+ test.Next(_L("GetParagraphFormatL()"));
+ doc->GetParagraphFormatL(format,pos);
+// Check GetChars
+ test.Next(_L("GetChars()"));
+ TPtrC view;
+ TCharFormat charFormat;
+ doc->GetChars(view,charFormat,pos);
+// check EnquirePage
+ test.Next(_L("EnquirePageBreak()"));
+ doc->EnquirePageBreak(pos,0);
+ delete paraLayer;
+ delete charLayer;
+ delete doc;
+ delete layer;
+ delete format;
+ test.End();
+ User::Heap().Check();
+ }
+GLDEF_C void Test()
+// Run the tests
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Checking all methods present"));
+ TestRegister(CEditableText::EFlatStorage);
+ test.Next(_L("DocumentLength()"));
+ TestDocumentLength(CEditableText::EFlatStorage);
+ test.Next(_L("EnquirePage()"));
+ test.Start(_L("Always returns 0"));
+ test.End();
+ test.Next(_L("ParagraphStart()"));
+ TestParagraphStart(CEditableText::EFlatStorage);
+ test.Next(_L("GetParagraphFormatL()"));
+ TestGetParagraphFormatL(CEditableText::EFlatStorage);
+ test.Next(_L("GetChars"));
+ TestRead(CEditableText::EFlatStorage);
+ test.End();
+ }
+GLDEF_C void TestSeg()
+// Run the tests
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("Checking all methods present"));
+ TestRegister(CEditableText::ESegmentedStorage);
+ test.Next(_L("DocumentLength()"));
+ TestDocumentLength(CEditableText::ESegmentedStorage);
+ test.Next(_L("EnquirePage()"));
+ test.Start(_L("Always returns 0"));
+ test.End();
+ test.Next(_L("ParagraphStart()"));
+ TestParagraphStart(CEditableText::ESegmentedStorage);
+ test.Next(_L("SenseParagraphFormatL()"));
+ TestGetParagraphFormatL(CEditableText::ESegmentedStorage);
+ test.Next(_L("GetChars"));
+ //TestRead();
+ //test.End();
+ test.Start(_L("Test not yet implemented"));
+ test.End();
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+// Drives the test program
+ {
+ CTrapCleanup* cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New();
+ test.Start(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-TTEXT-LEGACY-T_LAYDOC-0001 MLayDoc - Using Flat document "));
+ TRAPD(ret,Test());
+ test(ret == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("MLaydoc - Using Segmented document"));
+ TRAP(ret,TestSeg());
+ test(ret == KErrNone);
+ test.End();
+ test.Close();
+ delete cleanup;
+ return(0);
+ }