changeset 32 8b9155204a54
child 44 601ab138ba0b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fontservices/fontstore/src/FNTBODY.CPP	Fri Jun 04 10:37:54 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include <fntstore.h>
+#include "FNTBODY.H"
+#include <graphics/openfontconstants.h>
+ :	iCollectionUid(KNullUid),
+	iUsageCount(1),
+	iFileStore(NULL),
+	iFileAddress(0),
+	iDataStreamId(KNullStreamId)
+	{
+	}
+void CFontStoreFile::ConstructL(const TParse& aParse,RFs& aFs)
+	{
+	TInt drive;
+	User::LeaveIfError(RFs::CharToDrive(aParse.Drive()[0], drive));
+	TDriveInfo driveinfo;
+	User::LeaveIfError(aFs.Drive(driveinfo, drive));
+	RFile file;
+	// store the filename
+	iFullName = aParse.FullName().AllocL();
+	User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(aFs, *iFullName, EFileStream | EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly));
+	// check to see if the fonts are stored on ROM.  Note that NAND != rom so font files in NAND devices
+	// must be handled as if they were in RAM.  A NULL pointer returned by IsFileInRom means its RAM
+	if (aFs.IsFileInRom(*iFullName)!=NULL)
+		{
+		// fonts are stored on a XIP (execute in place) device
+		TInt ret = file.Seek(ESeekAddress, iFileAddress);
+		if (ret != KErrNone)
+			{
+			file.Close();
+			User::Leave(ret);
+			}
+		}
+	// convert RFile into a CDirectFileStore
+	CDirectFileStore* fileStore = CDirectFileStore::FromLC(file);
+	if (fileStore->Type()[1] != TUid::Uid(KFontStoreFileUidVal))
+		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+	TStreamId headerid = fileStore->Root();
+	RStoreReadStream stream;
+	stream.OpenLC(*fileStore, headerid);
+	TInt fnttranversion = stream.ReadInt32L();
+	// This works for version 42 (with new metrics) and for earlier versions 
+	// which will synthesize the required metrics. It may have to be changed 
+	// if the version number is incremented again.
+	if (fnttranversion < (KFnttranVersion - 1)  && fnttranversion != KFnttran7650Version) 
+		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+	iFontVersion = fnttranversion;
+	stream >> iCollectionUid;
+	iKPixelAspectRatio = stream.ReadInt32L();
+	stream >> iDataStreamId;
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&stream);	// close root stream
+	// ensure font data stream can be opened
+	stream.OpenLC(*fileStore, iDataStreamId);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&stream);	// close font stream
+	// transfer ownership of fileStore
+	CleanupStack::Pop(fileStore);
+	iFileStore = fileStore;
+	}
+CFontStoreFile* CFontStoreFile::NewL(const TParse& aParse, RFs& aFs)
+	{
+	CFontStoreFile* fontstorefile = new(ELeave) CFontStoreFile;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(fontstorefile);
+	fontstorefile->ConstructL(aParse, aFs);
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return fontstorefile;
+	}
+	{
+	delete iFullName;
+	iFullName = NULL;
+	delete iFileStore;
+	iFileStore = NULL;
+	}
+ :	TCodeSection(),
+	iCharacterData(),
+	iBitmapData()
+	{
+	}
+//This method is called  from CFontBitmap::InternalizeL.
+//We have to read stream IDs from the stream, not offsets.
+//Obviously the method is called once per life time of 
+//CFontBitmap instance.
+void TBitmapCodeSection::InternalizeL(RReadStream &aStream)
+	{
+	iStart = aStream.ReadUint16L();
+	iEnd = aStream.ReadUint16L();
+	aStream >> iCharacterData.iOffsetsId;
+	aStream >> iBitmapData.iBitmapId; 
+	}
+//This method is called  from CFontBitmap::RestoreComponentsL - 
+//if the CFontBitmap instance is in RAM and CFontBitmap::iComponentsRestored is EFalse.
+//We use here stream IDs, not offsets.
+//If the memory allocation for the offsets doesn't fail - aAllocMemCounter is incremented
+//After calling of TBitmapCodeSection::InternalizeOffsetsL character metrics streamID is no more valid - 
+//we have valid character metrics offset into RAM memory.
+void TBitmapCodeSection::InternalizeOffsetsL(const CStreamStore& aStreamStore, RHeap* aHeap, TInt& aAllocMemCounter)
+	{
+	RStoreReadStream stream;
+	stream.OpenLC(aStreamStore, iCharacterData.iOffsetsId);
+	TInt size = stream.ReadInt32L();
+	TBitmapFontCharacterOffset* characterOffsetsList = (TBitmapFontCharacterOffset*)aHeap->AllocL(sizeof(TBitmapFontCharacterOffset) * size);
+	aAllocMemCounter++;
+	iCharacterData.iCharacterOffsetsListOffset = TInt(characterOffsetsList) - TInt(this);
+	TBitmapFontCharacterOffset* pEnd = characterOffsetsList + size;
+	for (TBitmapFontCharacterOffset* p = characterOffsetsList; p < pEnd; p++)
+		{
+		p->InternalizeL(stream);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+	}
+//This method is called  from CFontBitmap::RestoreComponentsL - 
+//if the CFontBitmap instance is in RAM and CFontBitmap::iComponentsRestored is EFalse.
+//We use here stream IDs, not offsets.
+//If the memory allocation for the bitmap doesn't fail - aAllocMemCounter is incremented
+//After calling of TBitmapCodeSection::InternalizeBitmapL bitmap streamID is no more valid - 
+//we have valid bitmap offset into RAM memory.
+void TBitmapCodeSection::InternalizeBitmapL(const CStreamStore& aStreamStore, RHeap* aHeap, TInt& aAllocMemCounter)
+	{
+	RStoreReadStream stream;
+	stream.OpenLC(aStreamStore, iBitmapData.iBitmapId);
+	TInt size = stream.ReadInt32L();
+	TUint8* bitmap = (TUint8*)aHeap->AllocL(size);
+	aAllocMemCounter++;
+	iBitmapData.iBitmapOffset = TInt(bitmap) - TInt(this);
+	stream.ReadL(bitmap, size);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+	}
+//This method is called from CFontBitmap::InternalizeL if the
+//CFontBitmap instance is in ROM.
+//We use here stream IDs to calculate offsets.
+//After calling of TBitmapCodeSection::FixUpComponents streamIDs are no more valid - 
+//we have valid offsets into ROM memory.
+//Obviously the method is called once per life time of 
+//CFontBitmap instance.
+void TBitmapCodeSection::FixUpComponents(TInt aFileAddress)
+	{
+	TBitmapFontCharacterOffset* characterOffsetsList = (TBitmapFontCharacterOffset*) (aFileAddress + sizeof(TInt) + iCharacterData.iOffsetsId);
+	iCharacterData.iCharacterOffsetsListOffset = TInt(characterOffsetsList);
+	TUint8* bitmap = (TUint8*) (aFileAddress + sizeof(TInt) + iBitmapData.iBitmapId);
+	iBitmapData.iBitmapOffset = TInt(bitmap);
+	}
+//This method is caled from CFontBitmap::DeleteComponents(),
+//only if the CFontBitmap instance is in RAM.
+void TBitmapCodeSection::DeleteOffsets(RHeap* aHeap)
+	{
+	TBitmapFontCharacterOffset*  charactersOffsetsList = CharacterOffsetsList(ETrue);
+	if(TUint32(this) != TUint32(charactersOffsetsList))
+		{
+		aHeap->Free(charactersOffsetsList);
+		}
+	}
+//This method is caled from CFontBitmap::DeleteComponents(),
+//only if the CFontBitmap instance is in RAM.
+void TBitmapCodeSection::DeleteBitmap(RHeap* aHeap)
+	{
+	TUint8* bitmap = Bitmap(ETrue);
+	if(TUint32(this) != TUint32(bitmap))
+		{
+		aHeap->Free(bitmap);
+		}
+	}
+TBitmapFontCharacterOffset* TBitmapCodeSection::CharacterOffsetsList(TBool aIsInRAM) const
+	{
+	return reinterpret_cast <TBitmapFontCharacterOffset*> 
+		(iCharacterData.iCharacterOffsetsListOffset + (aIsInRAM ? TInt(this) : 0));
+	}
+TUint8* TBitmapCodeSection::Bitmap(TBool aIsInRAM) const
+	{
+	return reinterpret_cast <TUint8*> 
+		(iBitmapData.iBitmapOffset + (aIsInRAM ? TInt(this) : 0));
+	}
+TCharacterMetricsTable::TCharacterMetricsTable(RHeap* aHeap)
+ :	iHeap(aHeap),
+	iMetricsStartId(KNullStreamId),
+	iCharacterMetricsStartPtr(0),
+	iNumberOfMetrics(0),
+	iMetricsOnHeap(EFalse)
+	{}
+void TCharacterMetricsTable::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
+	{
+	iMetricsStartId = aStream.ReadInt32L();
+	iNumberOfMetrics = aStream.ReadInt32L();
+	}
+void TCharacterMetricsTable::InternalizeMetricsL(RReadStream& aStream)
+	{
+	aStream.ReadInt32L(); // size
+	TBitmapFontCharacterMetrics* charactermetricslist = static_cast<TBitmapFontCharacterMetrics*>(iHeap->AllocL(sizeof(TBitmapFontCharacterMetrics) * iNumberOfMetrics));
+	iMetricsOnHeap = ETrue;
+	// Offset from this to location on the heap ('cos the file is not in ROM)
+	iCharacterMetricsStartPtr = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(charactermetricslist) - reinterpret_cast<TInt>(this);
+	TBitmapFontCharacterMetrics* pEnd = charactermetricslist + iNumberOfMetrics;
+	for (TBitmapFontCharacterMetrics* p = charactermetricslist; p < pEnd; p++)
+		{
+		p->InternalizeL(aStream);
+		}
+	}
+void TCharacterMetricsTable::RestoreL(const CStreamStore& aStreamStore)
+	{
+	if (iCharacterMetricsStartPtr == 0)
+		{	// We haven't already read it in from RAM file
+		RStoreReadStream stream;
+		stream.OpenLC(aStreamStore, iMetricsStartId);
+		InternalizeMetricsL(stream);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+		}
+	}
+void TCharacterMetricsTable::FixUp(TInt aFileAddress)
+	{
+	TBitmapFontCharacterMetrics* charactermetricslist = reinterpret_cast<TBitmapFontCharacterMetrics*>(aFileAddress + sizeof(TInt) + iMetricsStartId.Value());
+	iCharacterMetricsStartPtr = TInt(charactermetricslist);	// Ptr to location in a ROM file
+	iMetricsStartId = KNullStreamId;
+	iMetricsOnHeap = EFalse;
+	}
+void TCharacterMetricsTable::Delete()
+	{	// This routine is only called if the font file is in RAM, not ROM, and therefore the metrics have been stashed on the heap
+    if (iMetricsOnHeap && iCharacterMetricsStartPtr)
+        {
+        iHeap->Free(reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(MetricsFromOffset(0)));
+        iCharacterMetricsStartPtr = 0;
+        iMetricsOnHeap = EFalse;
+        }
+	}
+const TBitmapFontCharacterMetrics* TCharacterMetricsTable::Metric(TInt aIndex) const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG((aIndex >= 0) && (aIndex <= iNumberOfMetrics), Panic(EFntMetricsIndexOutOfBounds));
+    // Sometimes the start ptr is to a metrics heap item and sometimes it points into a ROM file
+    if (iMetricsOnHeap)
+        {
+        // Start ptr is to metrics heap item
+        return MetricsFromOffset(aIndex);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Start ptr is to a file in ROM
+        return reinterpret_cast<const TBitmapFontCharacterMetrics*> (iCharacterMetricsStartPtr + (aIndex * sizeof(TBitmapFontCharacterMetrics)));
+        }
+	}
+TInt TCharacterMetricsTable::NumberOfMetrics() const
+	{
+	return iNumberOfMetrics;
+	}
+TBitmapFontCharacterMetrics* TCharacterMetricsTable::MetricsFromOffset(TInt aIndex) const
+    {
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(iMetricsOnHeap,Panic(EFntMetricsNotOnHeap));
+    return reinterpret_cast<TBitmapFontCharacterMetrics*>(reinterpret_cast<TInt>(this) + iCharacterMetricsStartPtr+ (aIndex * sizeof(TBitmapFontCharacterMetrics)));
+    }
+CFontBitmap::CFontBitmap(RHeap* aHeap, CFontStoreFile* aFontStoreFile)
+ :	iHeap(aHeap),
+	iFontStoreFileOffset(0),
+	iUid(KNullUid),
+	iPosture(0),
+	iStrokeWeight(0),
+	iIsProportional(0),
+	iIsInRAM(!aFontStoreFile->iFileAddress),
+	iUsageCount(1),
+	iCellHeightInPixels(0),
+	iAscentInPixels(0),
+	iMaxCharWidthInPixels(0),
+	iMaxNormalCharWidthInPixels(0),
+	iBitmapEncoding(0),
+	iNumCodeSections(0),
+	iCodeSectionListOffset(0),
+	iCharacterMetricsTable(aHeap),
+	iComponentsRestored(EFalse),
+	iAllocMemCounter_Offsets(0),
+	iAllocMemCounter_Bitmaps(0),
+	iFontCapitalAscent(0),
+	iFontMaxAscent(0),
+	iFontStandardDescent(0),
+	iFontMaxDescent(0),
+	iFontLineGap(0)
+	{
+	iFontStoreFileOffset = TInt(aFontStoreFile) - TInt(this);
+	}
+void CFontBitmap::InternalizeL(RReadStream &aStream, TInt aFontVersion)
+	{
+	aStream >> iUid;
+	iPosture = aStream.ReadInt8L();
+	iStrokeWeight = aStream.ReadInt8L();
+	iIsProportional = aStream.ReadInt8L();
+	iCellHeightInPixels = aStream.ReadInt8L();
+	iAscentInPixels = aStream.ReadInt8L();
+	iMaxCharWidthInPixels = aStream.ReadInt8L();
+	iMaxNormalCharWidthInPixels = aStream.ReadInt8L();
+	if ( aFontVersion  >= KFnttranVersion )
+		{ // read the new metrics in
+		iFontCapitalAscent = aStream.ReadInt8L();
+		iFontMaxAscent = aStream.ReadInt8L();
+		iFontStandardDescent = aStream.ReadInt8L();
+		iFontMaxDescent = aStream.ReadInt8L();
+		iFontLineGap = aStream.ReadInt8L();
+		}
+	else // synthesize the extra metrics (data compatibility with third party bitmap fonts for old phones)
+		{
+		iFontMaxAscent = iFontCapitalAscent = iAscentInPixels;
+		iFontMaxDescent = iFontStandardDescent = iCellHeightInPixels - iAscentInPixels;
+		iFontLineGap = ( ( iCellHeightInPixels * 12 ) + 5) / 10;  // 1.2 times design height
+		}	
+	iBitmapEncoding = aStream.ReadInt32L();
+	iCharacterMetricsTable.InternalizeL(aStream);
+	const TBool fixup = FontStoreFile()->iFileAddress;
+	if (fixup)
+		{
+		iCharacterMetricsTable.FixUp(FontStoreFile()->iFileAddress);
+		}
+	iNumCodeSections = aStream.ReadInt32L();
+	TBitmapCodeSection* codesectionlist = (TBitmapCodeSection*)User::LeaveIfNull(iHeap->AllocL(iNumCodeSections * sizeof(TBitmapCodeSection)));
+	iCodeSectionListOffset = TInt(codesectionlist) - TInt(this);
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < iNumCodeSections; i++)
+		{
+		new(codesectionlist + i) TBitmapCodeSection;
+		codesectionlist[i].InternalizeL(aStream);
+		if (fixup)
+			codesectionlist[i].FixUpComponents(FontStoreFile()->iFileAddress);
+		}
+	}
+void CFontBitmap::UseL()
+	{
+	// Note object is created with a Usage Count of 1.
+	// So incrementing to 2 normally indicates the first external reference.
+	iUsageCount++;
+	if (iUsageCount == 2)
+		{
+		RestoreComponentsL();
+		}
+	}
+void CFontBitmap::Release()
+	{
+	iUsageCount--;
+	if (!iUsageCount)
+		{ // object and all its users have closed
+		delete this;
+		}
+	}
+Get the metrics for a given character.
+Return aBytes as null if the character aCode doesn't exist in the font.
+TBitmapFontCharacterMetrics CFontBitmap::CharacterMetrics(TInt aCode, const TUint8*& aBytes) const
+	{
+ 	const TBitmapCodeSection* matchSection = NULL;
+	const TBitmapCodeSection* const lastSection = CodeSectionList() + iNumCodeSections - 1;
+	TBitmapFontCharacterOffset offset;
+	aBytes = NULL;
+	TBitmapFontCharacterMetrics metrics;
+	const TBitmapCodeSection* startSearchBand = CodeSectionList();
+	TInt numCodeSectionsRemaining = iNumCodeSections;
+	while (numCodeSectionsRemaining >= 1)
+		{
+		TInt halfNumCodeSectionsRemaining = numCodeSectionsRemaining/2;
+		const TBitmapCodeSection* centralSearchBand = startSearchBand+halfNumCodeSectionsRemaining;
+		if ((aCode >= centralSearchBand->iStart) && (aCode <= centralSearchBand->iEnd))
+			{
+			matchSection = centralSearchBand;
+			break;
+			}
+		else if ((aCode < centralSearchBand->iStart) || (centralSearchBand == lastSection))
+			numCodeSectionsRemaining = halfNumCodeSectionsRemaining;
+		else
+			{
+			startSearchBand = centralSearchBand + 1;
+			numCodeSectionsRemaining -= halfNumCodeSectionsRemaining + 1;
+			}
+		}
+	if (matchSection)
+		{
+		offset =* ((matchSection->CharacterOffsetsList(iIsInRAM)) + (aCode-matchSection->iStart));
+		// Fill characters within code section.
+		// Recursive call ensures that a valid metric is always returned.
+		if (offset.iBitmapOffset == KFillCharacterOffset)
+			{
+			return CharacterMetrics(KReplacementCharacter, aBytes);
+			}
+		aBytes = matchSection->Bitmap(iIsInRAM) + offset.iBitmapOffset;
+		// retrieve metric index from encoded 1 or 2 bytes
+		TInt index = 0;
+		TUint8 byte1 = (TUint8)*aBytes;
+		const TInt switchMask = 0x1;
+		const TBool oneByteIndex =! (byte1 & switchMask);
+		byte1 = TUint8(byte1 >> 1);
+		if (oneByteIndex)
+			{
+			index = byte1;
+			aBytes += 1;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			const TUint8 byte2 = (TUint8)(*(aBytes + 1));
+			index = byte1 + (byte2 * 128);
+			aBytes += 2;
+			}
+		// Copy metric from table
+		metrics =* iCharacterMetricsTable.Metric(index);
+		}
+	return metrics;
+	}
+void CFontBitmap::operator delete(TAny *aThis)
+	{
+	if (((CFontBitmap *)aThis)->iHeap)
+		{
+		((CFontBitmap *)aThis)->iHeap->Free(aThis);
+		}
+	}
+void CFontBitmap::SetPosture(TFontPosture aPosture)
+	{
+	iPosture = (TInt8)aPosture;
+	}
+TFontPosture CFontBitmap::Posture() const
+	{
+	return (TFontPosture)iPosture;	 // iPosture is always smaller than TFontPosture
+	}
+void CFontBitmap::SetStrokeWeight(TFontStrokeWeight aStrokeWeight)
+	{
+	iStrokeWeight = (TInt8)aStrokeWeight;
+	}
+TFontStrokeWeight CFontBitmap::StrokeWeight() const
+	{
+	return (TFontStrokeWeight)iStrokeWeight;
+	}
+void CFontBitmap::SetIsProportional(TBool aIsProportional)
+	{
+	iIsProportional = (TInt8)aIsProportional;
+	}
+TBool CFontBitmap::IsProportional() const
+	{
+	return iIsProportional;
+	}
+CFontStoreFile* CFontBitmap::FontStoreFile() const
+	{
+	TInt fsf = TInt(this) + iFontStoreFileOffset;
+	return (CFontStoreFile*)fsf;
+	}
+	{
+	DeleteComponents();
+	TBitmapCodeSection* codeSectionList = CodeSectionList();
+	if(TUint32(this) != TUint32(codeSectionList))
+		{
+		iHeap->Free(codeSectionList);
+		}
+	iCodeSectionListOffset = 0;
+	}
+//We have to count how many offsets and bitmaps are allocated successfully because if
+//some of codesection's Internalize..L fails we have to deallocate the right amount of 
+void CFontBitmap::RestoreComponentsL()
+	{
+	if (iIsInRAM)
+		{
+		if(!iComponentsRestored)
+			{
+			iAllocMemCounter_Offsets = 0;
+			iAllocMemCounter_Bitmaps = 0;
+			CStreamStore& store =* FontStoreFile()->iFileStore;
+			for (TInt i = 0; i < iNumCodeSections; i++)
+				{
+				CodeSectionList()[i].InternalizeOffsetsL(store, iHeap, iAllocMemCounter_Offsets);
+				CodeSectionList()[i].InternalizeBitmapL(store, iHeap, iAllocMemCounter_Bitmaps);
+				}
+			iCharacterMetricsTable.RestoreL(store);
+			}
+		iComponentsRestored = ETrue;
+		}
+	}
+void CFontBitmap::DeleteComponents()
+	{
+	if (iIsInRAM)
+		{
+		TInt i;
+		for (i = 0; i < iAllocMemCounter_Offsets; i++)
+			{
+			CodeSectionList()[i].DeleteOffsets(iHeap);
+			}
+		for (i = 0; i < iAllocMemCounter_Bitmaps; i++)
+			{
+			CodeSectionList()[i].DeleteBitmap(iHeap);
+			}
+		iCharacterMetricsTable.Delete();
+		}
+	iAllocMemCounter_Offsets = 0;
+	iAllocMemCounter_Bitmaps = 0;
+	iComponentsRestored = EFalse;
+	}
+TBitmapCodeSection* CFontBitmap::CodeSectionList() const
+	{
+	TInt bcs = TInt(this) + iCodeSectionListOffset;
+	return (TBitmapCodeSection*)bcs;
+	}
+ :	iTypeface(NULL),
+	iFontBitmap(NULL),
+	iHeightFactor(1),
+	iWidthFactor(1)
+	{
+	}
+TTypefaceFontBitmap::TTypefaceFontBitmap(TTypeface* aTypeface,CFontBitmap* aFontBitmap)
+ :	iTypeface(aTypeface),
+	iFontBitmap(aFontBitmap),
+	iHeightFactor(1),
+	iWidthFactor(1)
+	{
+	}
+TInt TTypefaceFontBitmap::HeightInPixels() const
+	{
+	return iFontBitmap->iCellHeightInPixels * iHeightFactor;
+	}