changeset 32 8b9155204a54
child 44 601ab138ba0b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/textrendering/textformatting/tagma/TMINTERP.CPP	Fri Jun 04 10:37:54 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,3281 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+* TAGMA's bytecode interpreter classes. These convert between document positions and x-y coordinates,
+* draw the text, find the bytecode for some text, and supply information about lines.
+#include "TMSTD.H"
+#include "TMINTERP.H"
+#include "TmHighlightSource.h"
+#include <s32mem.h>
+#include <frmtlay.h>
+TTmInterpreterParam::TTmInterpreterParam(const CTmTextLayout& aTextLayout):
+	iByteCode(&aTextLayout.Code()),
+	iCodeStart(0),
+	iCodeEnd(aTextLayout.Code().Size()),
+	iTextStart(aTextLayout.StartChar()),
+	iWidth(aTextLayout.LayoutWidth()),
+	iDrawingInterpFlags(aTextLayout.GetDrawingInterpFlags())
+	{
+	}
+TTmInterpreterParam::TTmInterpreterParam(const CTmCode& aByteCode):
+	iByteCode(&aByteCode),
+	iCodeStart(0),
+	iCodeEnd(aByteCode.Size()),
+	iTextStart(0),
+	iWidth(0),
+	iDrawingInterpFlags(0)
+	{
+	}
+TTmInterpreter::TTmInterpreter(const TTmInterpreterParam& aParam,const TPoint* aTopLeft):
+	iReader(*aParam.iByteCode,aParam.iCodeStart,aParam.iCodeEnd),
+	iTextPos(aParam.iTextStart),
+	iOp(0),
+	iOpMod(0),
+	iOpStartCode(0),
+	iOpEndCode(0),
+	iOpSubscript(0),
+	iVisualEndOfLineIsAmbiguous(ETrue),
+	iVisualStartOfLineIsAmbiguous(ETrue),
+	iInlineTextFormat(0),
+	iLabelType(MTmSource::ENoLabel),
+	iBdState(NULL)
+	{
+	iOpStartChar = iOpEndChar = iTextPos;
+	iTextLayoutWidth = aParam.iWidth;
+	if (aTopLeft)
+		iTextLayoutTopLeft = *aTopLeft;
+	iNextLineTop = iTextLayoutTopLeft.iY;
+	iNextLineStartChar = iTextPos;
+	iLineInfo.iLineNumber = -1;
+	iLineInfo.iParNumber = -1;
+	iLineInfo.iLineInPar = -1;
+	iLineInfo.iFlags = 0;
+	if (0 == aParam.iTextStart)
+		{
+		iLineInfo.iFlags = TTmLineInfo::ELineEndsInForcedLineBreak;
+		iVisualEndOfLineIsAmbiguous = EFalse;
+		}
+	}
+ * Returns ETrue if the document position is within the current line.
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+TBool TTmInterpreter::PosIsInLine(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos) const
+	{
+	if (aDocPos.iPos < iOpStartChar || iOpEndChar < aDocPos.iPos)
+		return EFalse;
+	if (iOpStartChar < aDocPos.iPos && aDocPos.iPos < iOpEndChar)
+		return ETrue;
+	if (aDocPos.iPos == iOpStartChar)
+		return aDocPos.iLeadingEdge || !iVisualStartOfLineIsAmbiguous;
+	// aDocPos.iPos == iOpEndChar
+	return !aDocPos.iLeadingEdge && iVisualEndOfLineIsAmbiguous;
+	}
+ * Read an operator EOpLine and its arguments from the bytecode, updating the
+ * member variables accordingly.
+ * @param aChars Number of characters in the line.
+ * @return Number of bytes in the byte code for the line.
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+TInt TTmInterpreter::ReadOpLine(TInt aChars)
+	{
+	iVisualStartOfLineIsAmbiguous = iVisualEndOfLineIsAmbiguous;
+	iLineInfo.iLineNumber++;
+	iLineInfo.iLineInPar++;
+	iLineInfo.iFlags = 0;
+	if (iOpMod & EModParStart)
+		{
+		iVisualStartOfLineIsAmbiguous = EFalse;
+		iLineInfo.iParNumber++;
+		iLineInfo.iLineInPar = 0;
+		iLineInfo.iParTop = iNextLineTop;
+		iLineInfo.iFlags |= TTmLineInfo::EParStart;
+		}
+	if (iOpMod & EModParEnd)
+		iLineInfo.iFlags |= TTmLineInfo::EParEnd;
+	TInt flags = 0;
+	if (iOpMod & EModLineFlags)
+		flags = iReader.ReadNumber(); // <F> (flags)
+	if (flags & ELineFlagLineEndsInForcedLineBreak)
+		iLineInfo.iFlags |= TTmLineInfo::ELineEndsInForcedLineBreak;
+	iVisualEndOfLineIsAmbiguous = flags & ELineFlagVisualEndOfLineIsAmbiguous;
+	if (iOpMod & EModRightToLeft)
+		iLineInfo.iFlags |= TTmLineInfo::EParRightToLeft;
+	TInt extra_bytes = iReader.ReadNumber(); // <B> (bytecode size)
+	// Set line information; read height <H> and inner rect <I> and make band-relative
+	iLineInfo.iStart = iOpStartChar = iNextLineStartChar;
+	iLineInfo.iEnd = iOpEndChar = iNextLineStartChar = iOpStartChar + aChars;
+	iLineInfo.iOuterRect.iTl.iX = iTextLayoutTopLeft.iX;
+	iLineInfo.iOuterRect.iBr.iX = iTextLayoutTopLeft.iX + iTextLayoutWidth;
+	iLineInfo.iOuterRect.iTl.iY = iNextLineTop;
+	iNextLineTop += iReader.ReadNumber();				// <H> (height)
+	iLineInfo.iOuterRect.iBr.iY = iNextLineTop;
+	iLineInfo.iInnerRect = iReader.ReadRect();			// <I> (inner rectangle)
+	iLineInfo.iInnerRect.Move(iLineInfo.iOuterRect.iTl);
+	iLineInfo.iBaseline = iLineInfo.iInnerRect.iTl.iY + iReader.ReadNumber();	// <A> (ascent)
+	// Set the start and end pen positions
+	iOpStartPen = iLineInfo.iInnerRect.iTl;
+	iOpStartPen.iY = iLineInfo.iBaseline;
+	iOpEndPen = iLineInfo.iInnerRect.iBr;
+	iOpEndPen.iY = iLineInfo.iBaseline;
+	// Read the bidirectional state immediately if it is present and is wanted (iBdState is non-null)
+	//first reset the bidirectional state pointer - if the state is not present in the
+	//bytecode that means that it's the default state
+	if(iBdState)
+		{
+		iBdState->Reset();
+		}
+	while (iBdState && iReader.CodePos() < iReader.CodeEndPos()
+		&& iReader.PeekByte() == EOpParam)
+		{
+		TInt end_code = iReader.CodePos() + extra_bytes;
+		iReader.ReadByte(); // skip EOpParam
+		TUint8 id = iReader.ReadByte();
+		TInt bytes = iReader.ReadNumber();
+		if (id == EParamBdState)
+			{
+			RBufReadStream stream(*iReader.Code().Buffer(),iReader.CodePos());
+			TRAPD(error,iBdState->InternalizeL(stream));
+			if (error)
+				Panic(ECorrupt);
+			stream.Close();
+			}
+		Skip(iReader.CodePos() + bytes,iOpStartChar);
+		extra_bytes = end_code - iReader.CodePos();
+		}
+	// Set the interpreter text and pen positions.
+	iPen = iOpStartPen;
+	iTextPos = iOpStartChar;
+	return extra_bytes;
+	}
+/** Read an operator and its arguments from the bytecode, updating the member
+variables accordingly. Note that the current position in the byte code is
+not necessarily brought up to the next operator.
+@pre The current position in the byte code is at an operator.
+@return EFalse if there was insufficient byte code to read.
+@internalComponent */
+TBool TTmInterpreter::Next()
+	{
+	if (iReader.CodePos() >= iReader.CodeEndPos())
+		return FALSE;
+	// Initialise start character, pen position and code position.
+	iOpStartChar = iTextPos;
+	iOpStartPen = iPen;
+	iOpStartCode = iReader.CodePos();
+	// Unpack the operator.
+	iOp = iOpMod = iReader.ReadByte();
+	iOp &= KMaskOpcode;	// top three bits
+	iOpMod &= KMaskModifiers; // low five bits
+	TInt chars = 1;
+	iOpSubscript = 0;
+	if (iOp == EOpLine)
+		{
+		chars = iReader.ReadNumber();
+		iLineContextChar = iReader.ReadNumber();	// Read the context  for this line 
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Read optional arguments <P>, <N> and <Y>
+		if (iOpMod & EModPos)
+			iOpStartChar += iReader.ReadNumber();
+		if (iOpMod & EModCount)
+			chars = iReader.ReadNumber();
+		if (iOpMod & EModSubscript)
+			iOpSubscript = iReader.ReadNumber();
+		}
+	iOpEndChar = iOpStartChar + chars;
+	iOpEndPen = iOpStartPen;
+	TInt extra_bytes = 0;
+	switch (iOp)
+		{
+		case EOpLine:
+			extra_bytes = ReadOpLine(chars);
+			break;
+		case EOpText:
+		case EOpSpecialChar:
+				{
+				TInt deltaX = iReader.ReadNumber();
+				if (0 <= deltaX)
+					iOpEndPen.iX += deltaX;
+				else
+					iOpStartPen.iX += deltaX;
+				}
+			iContextChar = iReader.ReadNumber();	// Read the context  for this chunk.
+			iTextPos = iOpEndChar;
+			iPen.iX = iOpEndPen.iX;
+			break;
+		case EOpInlineText:
+			iOpEndPen.iX += iReader.ReadNumber();
+			iInlineTextFormat = iReader.ReadNumber();
+			{
+			iInlineText.SetLength(chars + 2);
+			iInlineText[0] = 0xFFFF;
+			for (int i = 0; i < chars; i++)
+				iInlineText[i+1] = (TText)iReader.ReadNumber();
+			iInlineText[chars+1] = 0xFFFF;
+			}
+			iOpEndChar = iOpStartChar;
+			iTextPos = iOpEndChar;
+			iPen.iX = iOpEndPen.iX;
+			break;
+		case EOpRule:
+			iBounds = iReader.ReadRect();
+			iBounds.Move(iOpStartPen);
+            iRuleColour = TRgb(iReader.ReadNumber());
+			break;
+		case EOpDoc:
+			extra_bytes = iReader.ReadNumber(); // <B> (bytecode size)
+			iBounds = iReader.ReadRect();		// <R> (bounds)
+			iBounds.Move(iOpStartPen);
+			iOpEndPen.iX = iBounds.iBr.iX;
+			break;
+		case EOpLabel:
+			extra_bytes = iReader.ReadNumber(); // <B> (bytecode size)
+			iBounds = iReader.ReadRect();		// <R> (bounds)
+			iLabelType = (MTmSource::TLabelType)iReader.ReadNumber();	// <L> (label type)
+			break;
+		case EOpParam:
+			iParamId = iReader.ReadByte();
+			iOpEndChar = iOpStartChar;			// parameters consume no text
+			extra_bytes = iReader.ReadNumber(); // <B> (bytecode size)
+			break;			
+		default:
+			Panic(ECorrupt);
+			break;
+		}
+	iOpEndCode = iReader.CodePos() + extra_bytes;
+	return TRUE;
+	}
+ * Sets the position within the byte code.
+ * @param aCodePos The position within the byte code to go to.
+ * @param aTextPos The document position that corresponds to aCodePos.
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+void TTmInterpreter::Skip(TInt aCodePos,TInt aTextPos)
+	{
+	iReader.SetCodePos(aCodePos);
+	iTextPos = aTextPos;
+	}
+/** Returns the picture subscript value */
+TInt TTmInterpreter::Subscript()
+	{
+	return iOpSubscript;
+	}
+RTmGeneralInterpreter::RTmGeneralInterpreter(MTmSource& aSource,
+	const TTmInterpreterParam& aParam, const TPoint* aTopLeft)
+	: TTmInterpreter(aParam,aTopLeft),
+	iTextCache(aSource,aSource.InterpretDevice())
+	{ 
+	iCopyFit = &aSource.InterpretDevice() != &aSource.FormatDevice(); 
+	iTmTextDrawExt = reinterpret_cast <MTmTextDrawExt*> (Source().GetExtendedInterface(KTmTextDrawExtId));
+	if(!iTmTextDrawExt)
+		{
+		iTmTextDrawExt = &iTmTextDrawExtDefault;
+		}
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iTmTextDrawExt != NULL, Panic(ENotImplemented));
+	}
+ * Get source text starting at aPos and not more than (aEndChar - aPos)
+ * characters.
+ * @param aPos The start position for the text to be returned.
+ * @param aEndChar The maximum position to be returned plus one.
+ * @param aText Returns a view of the text.
+ * @param aFormat
+ *		If non-null, returns the format of this text. All the text returned is
+ *		in this format.
+ * @param aFont If aFont is not null, on return contains a pointer to an opened CTmTextFontCache*
+			The caller must call Close on aFont when finished with the font.
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+void RTmGeneralInterpreter::GetText(TInt aPos,TInt aEndChar,TPtrC& aText,TTmCharFormat* aFormat,CTmTextFontCache** aFont)
+	{
+	iTextCache.GetText(aPos,aEndChar,aText,aFormat,aFont);
+	}
+ * Gets the inline text inserted by the formatter in the current position.
+ * @param aText Returns the inline text. Valid until the position is moved.
+ * @param aFormat If non-null, returns the format of the inline text.
+ * @param aFont If aFont is not null, on return contains a pointer to an opened CTmTextFontCache*
+			The caller must call Close on aFont when finished with the font.
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+void RTmGeneralInterpreter::GetInlineText(TPtrC& aText,TTmCharFormat* aFormat,CTmTextFontCache** aFont)
+	{
+	TPtrC p;
+    TInt inlineTextFormatPos = InlineTextFormat() + LineInfo().iStart;
+    //InlineTextFormat(): the offset position in current line
+    //LineInfo().iStart : start position of current line
+    //inlineTextFormatPos : position in the whole document 
+    iTextCache.GetText(inlineTextFormatPos,KMaxTInt,p,aFormat,aFont);
+	aText.Set(InlineText());
+	}
+ * Returns the number of lines in the band.
+ * @return Number of lines formatted.
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+TInt TTmInterpreter::Lines()
+	{
+	while (Next())
+		{
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Op() == EOpLine, Panic(ECorrupt));
+		Skip();
+		}
+	return iLineInfo.iLineNumber + 1;
+	}
+ * Returns the number of paragraphs in the band.
+ * @return Number of paragraphs formatted.
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+TInt TTmInterpreter::Paragraphs()
+	{
+	while (Next())
+		{
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Op() == EOpLine, Panic(ECorrupt));
+		Skip();
+		}
+	return iLineInfo.iParNumber + 1;
+	}
+ * Iterates to the line containing the document position if any. Any position
+ * from CTmTextLayout::StartChar() to CTmTextLayout::EndChar() inclusive can be
+ * found.
+ * @param aDocPos The document position to be found.
+ * @return ETrue if it was found.
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+TBool TTmInterpreter::DocPosToLine(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos)
+	{
+	/*
+	Convert to a document position. Treat positions specified using directionality as
+	trailing, then correct to the following line if necessary.
+	*/
+	TTmDocPos doc_pos(aDocPos.iPos,aDocPos.iType == TTmDocPosSpec::ELeading);
+	if (!Next())
+		return EFalse;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Op() == EOpLine, Panic(ECorrupt));
+	while  (!PosIsInLine(doc_pos))
+		{
+		Skip();
+		if (!Next())
+			return EFalse;
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Op() == EOpLine, Panic(ECorrupt));
+		}
+	/*
+	If the position is at the end of the line and was sought by direction it might not be in the line;
+	if not it will be in the next line if any. Read operators and check for the position until it is
+	found or we get to the next line.
+	*/
+	if (aDocPos.iPos == EndChar()
+		&& aDocPos.iType != TTmDocPosSpec::ETrailing
+		&& aDocPos.iType != TTmDocPosSpec::ELeading
+		&& !AtEndOfTextLayout())
+		{
+		TBool rightToLeft = (aDocPos.iType == TTmDocPosSpec::ERightToLeft);
+		while (Next() && Op() != EOpLine)
+			{
+			TBool sameDirectionality = rightToLeft?
+				RightToLeft() : !RightToLeft();
+			if (aDocPos.iPos == EndChar() && sameDirectionality)
+				return ETrue;
+			}
+		}
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+ * Iterates to the line with the specified line number if any.
+ * @param aLineNumber The line number to find.
+ * @return ETrue if the line was found (i.e. if it is formatted).
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+TBool TTmInterpreter::LineNumberToLine(TInt aLineNumber)
+	{
+	while (Next())
+		{
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Op() == EOpLine, Panic(ECorrupt));
+		if (iLineInfo.iLineNumber == aLineNumber)
+			return TRUE;
+		else
+			Skip();
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+ * Iterates to the specified line of the specified paragraph. This function
+ * will always return ETrue if the paragraph is formatted. If the line number
+ * is out of range it will be camped to the correct range; thus if aLineInPar
+ * is KMaxTInt the last line of the paragraph is found.
+ * @param aParNumber Paragraph number to be found.
+ * @param aLineInPar Line number within paragraph to be found.
+ * @return
+ *		ETrue if the operation is successful. This will be the case if the
+ *		applicable line is formatted.
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+TBool TTmInterpreter::ParNumberToLine(TInt aParNumber,TInt aLineInPar)
+	{
+	while (Next())
+		{
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Op() == EOpLine, Panic(ECorrupt));
+		if (iLineInfo.iParNumber == aParNumber)
+			{
+			if (iLineInfo.iLineInPar >= aLineInPar || ParEnd())
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+		Skip();
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+ * Iterates to the line containing the specified Y position number if any.
+ * @param aYPos The Y position to find.
+ * @return ETrue if the line was found (i.e. if it is formatted).
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+TBool TTmInterpreter::YPosToLine(TInt aYPos)
+	{
+	while (Next())
+		{
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Op() == EOpLine, Panic(ECorrupt));
+		if (iLineInfo.iOuterRect.iTl.iY <= aYPos && iLineInfo.iOuterRect.iBr.iY > aYPos)
+			return TRUE;
+		else
+			Skip();
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+ * Iterates to the width of the widest line in the specified vertical range
+ * that is formatted, returning its width.
+ * @param aTop Line number of the top line that is to be considered.
+ * @param aBottom
+ *		Line number of the first line below aTop that should not be considered.
+ * @return
+ *		The width found, or 0 if the entire range is not formatted.
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+TInt TTmInterpreter::WidthOfWidestLine(TInt aTop,TInt aBottom)
+	{
+	int width = 0;
+	while (Next())
+		{
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Op() == EOpLine, Panic(ECorrupt));
+		// Quit if below the range.
+		if (iLineInfo.iOuterRect.iTl.iY >= aBottom)
+			break;
+		// If the line overlaps the range check its width.
+		if (iLineInfo.iOuterRect.iBr.iY > aTop)
+			{
+			int cur_width = iLineInfo.iInnerRect.iBr.iX - iLineInfo.iInnerRect.iTl.iX;
+			if (cur_width > width)
+				width = cur_width;
+			}
+		Skip();
+		}
+	return width;
+	}
+Finds the leftmost left bound and the rightmost right bound within the
+specified y co-ordinate range
+@param aTopY
+	The top of the range to check.
+@param aBottomY
+	The bottom of the range to check.
+@param aLeft
+	The left most X-coordinate found. KMaxTInt if there was nothing in the
+	range at all.
+@param aRight
+	The right most X-coordinate found. KMinTInt if there was nothing in the
+	range at all.
+void TTmInterpreter::HorizontalExtremes(TInt &aLeft, TInt &aRight,
+	TInt aTopY, TInt aBottomY)
+	{
+	aLeft = KMaxTInt;
+	aRight = KMinTInt;
+	if (!Next())
+		return;
+	while (iLineInfo.iOuterRect.iBr.iY < aTopY)
+		{
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Op() == EOpLine, Panic(ECorrupt));
+		Skip();
+		if (!Next())
+			return;
+		}
+	while (iLineInfo.iOuterRect.iTl.iY <= aBottomY)
+		{
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Op() == EOpLine, Panic(ECorrupt));
+		if (iLineInfo.iInnerRect.iTl.iX < aLeft)
+			aLeft = iLineInfo.iInnerRect.iTl.iX;
+		if (aRight < iLineInfo.iInnerRect.iBr.iX)
+			aRight = iLineInfo.iInnerRect.iBr.iX;
+		Skip();
+		if (!Next())
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+ * Finds the smallest rectangle that needs to be redrawn after reformatting
+ * some text.
+ * @param aNewCode Code representing the formatting of the changed text.
+ * @param aStartChar The first character that has changed.
+ * @param aOldLength The length of the text that was changed.
+ * @param aNewLength The new length of the changed text.
+ * @param aRedrawRect The rectangle that needs redrawing.
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+void TTmInterpreter::CalculateRedrawRect(TTmInterpreter& aNewCode,TInt aStartChar,TInt aOldLength,TInt aNewLength,
+										 TRect& aRedrawRect)
+	{
+	/*
+	Strip leading identical lines before the reformatted range and set aRedrawRect to the bounds of
+	the first line to be redrawn.
+	*/
+	TBool have_old_line = Next();
+	TBool have_new_line = aNewCode.Next();
+	while (have_old_line && have_new_line)
+		{
+		aRedrawRect = LineInfo().iOuterRect;
+		if (EndChar() > aStartChar ||
+			StartChar() != aNewCode.StartChar() || EndChar() != aNewCode.EndChar())
+			break;
+		Skip();
+		have_old_line = Next();
+		aNewCode.Skip();
+		have_new_line = aNewCode.Next();
+		}
+	// Move after the reformatted range.
+	while (have_old_line && StartChar() < aStartChar + aOldLength)
+		{
+		Skip();
+		have_old_line = Next();
+		}
+	while (have_new_line && aNewCode.StartChar() < aStartChar + aNewLength)
+		{
+		aRedrawRect.iBr.iY = aNewCode.LineInfo().iOuterRect.iBr.iY;
+		aNewCode.Skip();
+		have_new_line = aNewCode.Next();
+		}
+	// Compare lines after the reformatted range.
+	int length_change = aNewLength - aOldLength;
+	while (have_old_line && have_new_line)
+		{
+		if (StartChar() + length_change == aNewCode.StartChar() && EndChar() + length_change == aNewCode.EndChar())
+			{
+			/*
+			These lines are identical so don't need to be redrawn, so remove the new line's rectangle from
+			the redraw rectangle, and stop comparing, because subsequent lines will all be identical.
+			*/
+			aRedrawRect.iBr.iY = aNewCode.LineInfo().iOuterRect.iTl.iY;
+			break;
+			}
+		// Add the current new line to the redraw rectangle.
+		aRedrawRect.iBr.iY = aNewCode.LineInfo().iOuterRect.iBr.iY;
+		// Attempt to synchronise.
+		if (EndChar() + length_change < aNewCode.EndChar())
+			{
+			Skip();
+			have_old_line = Next();
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			aNewCode.Skip();
+			have_new_line = aNewCode.Next();
+			}
+		}
+	// If the old text has run out, extend the redraw rect to cover any remaining text.
+	while (have_new_line && !have_old_line)
+		{
+		aRedrawRect.iBr.iY = aNewCode.LineInfo().iOuterRect.iBr.iY;
+		aNewCode.Skip();
+		have_new_line = aNewCode.Next();
+		}
+	}
+Resets so that will return ETrue for AtEnd().
+void RTmGraphemeInTextChunkIterator::Reset()
+	{
+	iPosition.iPosInText = 0;
+	iLength = 0;
+	}
+Constructs an iterator that will return ETrue for AtEnd().
+	: iFont(NULL)
+	{
+	Reset();
+	}
+void RTmGraphemeInTextChunkIterator::Close()
+	{
+	if (iFont)
+		{
+		iFont->Close();
+		iFont = NULL;
+		}
+	if (iShapeInfo.IsOpen())
+		iShapeInfo.Close();
+	}
+Begins the iteration.
+@param aByteCodeIterator
+	The interpreter with the information about the formatting being traversed.
+	Must be set to the start of the text chunk to be iterated over. The
+	interpreter is not advanced by this function.
+@param aCache
+	A pointer to a two-byte cache in which to store the results of the
+	iteration.
+void RTmGraphemeInTextChunkIterator::Begin(
+	RTmGeneralInterpreter& aByteCodeIterator,
+	TTmGraphemeEdgeInfo (*aCache)[2])
+	{
+	if (iShapeInfo.IsOpen())
+		iShapeInfo.Close();
+	iCache = aCache;
+	iReverse = aByteCodeIterator.RightToLeft()?
+		RTmTextCache::EVisualRightToLeft : RTmTextCache::ELeftToRight;
+	iIgnorePosition = -1;
+	if (!aByteCodeIterator.VisualEndOfLineIsAmbiguous())
+		iIgnorePosition = aByteCodeIterator.LineInfo().iEnd;
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aByteCodeIterator.Op() == TTmInterpreter::EOpText, TmPanic(EInvariant));
+	if (iFont)
+		{
+		iFont->Close();
+		iFont = NULL;
+		}
+	iEndChar = aByteCodeIterator.EndChar();
+	iStartChar = aByteCodeIterator.StartChar();
+	iLength = iEndChar - aByteCodeIterator.StartChar();
+	if (KMaxTextChunkSize < iLength)
+		{
+		iLength = KMaxTextChunkSize;
+		iEndChar = iStartChar + iLength;
+		}
+	// If a custom interface to draw the text in context exists, then get the Displayed Text within context.
+	if (aByteCodeIterator.TextCache().Source().GetExtendedInterface(KTmCustomExtensionUid))
+		{
+		aByteCodeIterator.TextCache().GetDisplayedText(iStartChar,iEndChar,iReverse,iBuffer,aByteCodeIterator.ContextCharChar(),0,
+		&iFont);
+		}
+		else
+			{
+			aByteCodeIterator.TextCache().GetDisplayedText(iStartChar,iEndChar,iReverse,iBuffer,0,0,&iFont);
+			}
+	if (!iFont)
+		{
+		iPosition.iPosInText = 0;
+		iLength = 0;
+		return;
+		}
+	// start_char and end_char need to be adjusted to take account of
+	// the extra context supplied by GetDisplayedText.
+	--iStartChar;
+	++iEndChar;
+	++iLength;
+	iPosition.iText.Set(iBuffer, iLength + 1);
+	iPosition.iPosInText = 1;
+	iPosition.iPen = aByteCodeIterator.StartPen();
+	iStartPenX = iPosition.iPen.iX;
+	iEndPenX = aByteCodeIterator.EndPen().iX;
+	}
+/** Find any protruding left side-bearing.
+@return Maximum of aStartOfChunk - left bound of each glyph.
+@internalComponent */
+TInt LeftSideBearing(const TInt aStartOfChunk, const CFont::TPositionParam& aPos)
+	{
+	TInt bearing(aStartOfChunk);
+	TInt glyph(aPos.iOutputGlyphs);
+	while (glyph != 0)
+		{
+		--glyph;
+		TInt left(aPos.iOutput[glyph].iBounds.iTl.iX);
+		if (left < bearing)
+			bearing = left;
+		}
+	return aStartOfChunk - bearing;
+	}
+Advances the iteration to the next character. The aCache array as passed to
+Begin will be overwritten with the results.
+	The number of characters found; 1 or 2.
+TInt RTmGraphemeInTextChunkIterator::Next()
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!AtEnd(), TmPanic(EBadArg));
+	TInt previousPositionInBuffer = iPosition.iPosInText;
+	TInt previousPosition = iReverse?
+		iEndChar - iPosition.iPosInText : iStartChar + iPosition.iPosInText;
+	TPoint previousPen = iPosition.iPen;
+	//The return value of GetCharacterPosition2() is not used here
+	//form and gdi has had correct behavior when GetCharacterPosition2() return EFalse
+	//And that was done by changing iPosInText inside GetCharacterPosition2()
+	TBool isGlyphGenerated = iFont->Font().GetCharacterPosition2(iPosition, iShapeInfo);
+	// Move the pen (cursor position) to the right if the cluster just seen
+	// has a negative side-bearing. This corrects for the fact that
+	// DrawText() pushes text with left side-bearings to the right.
+	iPosition.iPen.iX += LeftSideBearing(iStartPenX, iPosition);
+	TInt numCodePoints = iPosition.iPosInText - previousPositionInBuffer;
+	TInt currentPosition = iReverse?
+		iEndChar - iPosition.iPosInText : iStartChar + iPosition.iPosInText;
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(currentPosition != previousPosition, TmPanic(EInvariant));
+	TInt cachePos = 0;
+	// Report the left hand edge of the character.
+	if (iIgnorePosition != previousPosition)
+		{
+		(*iCache)[0].iPos.iRightToLeft = iReverse;
+		(*iCache)[0].iPos.iDocPos.iLeadingEdge = !iReverse;
+		(*iCache)[0].iPos.iDocPos.iPos = previousPosition;
+		(*iCache)[0].iPos.iEdge = previousPen;
+		(*iCache)[0].iCodePoints = numCodePoints;
+		cachePos = 1;
+		}
+	// Report the right hand edge of the character.
+	if (iIgnorePosition != currentPosition)
+		{
+		(*iCache)[cachePos].iPos.iRightToLeft = iReverse;
+		(*iCache)[cachePos].iPos.iDocPos.iLeadingEdge = iReverse;
+		(*iCache)[cachePos].iPos.iDocPos.iPos = currentPosition;
+		(*iCache)[cachePos].iPos.iEdge = iPosition.iPen;
+		(*iCache)[cachePos].iCodePoints = numCodePoints;
+		if (iPosition.iPosInText == iLength)
+			{
+			// We are probably moving over a chunk, so its right edge
+			// will be the end of the chunk, not where the renderer
+			// thinks it is.
+			if ((*iCache)[cachePos].iPos.iEdge.iX < iEndPenX)
+				(*iCache)[cachePos].iPos.iEdge.iX = iEndPenX;
+			}
+		++cachePos;
+		}
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(0 < cachePos, TmPanic(EInvariant));
+	return cachePos;
+	}
+Begins the iteration.
+@param aByteCodeIterator
+	The interpreter with the information about the formatting being traversed.
+	Must be set to the start of the text chunk to be iterated over. The
+	interpreter is not advanced by this function.
+	RTmGeneralInterpreter& aByteCodeIterator)
+	{
+	iBase.Begin(aByteCodeIterator, &iCache);
+	iCurrent = iCache;
+	iEnd = iCache;
+	if (!iBase.AtEnd())
+		iEnd += iBase.Next();
+	}
+void RTmGraphemeInTextChunkIteratorNice::Close()
+	{
+	iBase.Close();
+	}
+Advances the iteration to the next edge.
+void RTmGraphemeInTextChunkIteratorNice::Next()
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!AtEnd(), TmPanic(EBadArg));
+	// Return if we have not finished moving through the cache.
+	if (++iCurrent != iEnd)
+		return;
+	// Return if there are no more characters.
+	if (iBase.AtEnd())
+		return;
+	iCurrent = iCache;
+	iEnd = iCache + iBase.Next();
+	}
+Returns a pointer to the current element.
+	The current element in the iteration. Will be undefined if AtEnd is
+	returning ETrue.
+const TTmGraphemeEdgeInfo* RTmGraphemeInTextChunkIteratorNice::Get() const
+	{
+	return iCurrent;
+	}
+Reports whether the iteration has finished.
+	EFalse if the iteration has not finished. If ETrue is returned, Get will
+	return a defined value.
+TBool RTmGraphemeInTextChunkIteratorNice::AtEnd() const
+	{
+	return iCurrent == iEnd? ETrue : EFalse;
+	}
+Advances to the position specified. Behaviour is undefined if the position does
+not exist in the chunk. The position is considered to exist if it is within a
+grapheme cluster in the chunk, even if the specific edge does not exist.
+@param aDocPos
+	Position to advance to.
+void RTmGraphemeInTextChunkIteratorNice::FindEdge(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!AtEnd(), TmPanic(EBadArg));
+	while (RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::ETotalMatch !=
+		RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::DocPosMatches(aDocPos, *Get()))
+		{
+		Next();
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(!AtEnd(), TmPanic(EBadArg));
+		}
+	}
+void TTmVisualDocPos::Reset()
+	{
+	iAmbiguity = ENotFound;
+	}
+	{
+	Reset();
+	}
+void TTmVisualDocPos::SetAsUnambiguous(const TTmPosInfo2& aPos)
+	{
+	iLeft = iRight = aPos;
+	iAmbiguity = EUnambiguous;
+	}
+void TTmVisualDocPos::SetIfAmbiguous(
+	const TTmPosInfo2& aLeft, const TTmPosInfo2& aRight)
+	{
+	if (aLeft.iDocPos.iPos == aRight.iDocPos.iPos
+		&& aLeft.iEdge.iX == aRight.iEdge.iX)
+		// These edges do meet.
+		return;
+	// There is an ambiguity, but which edges are involved?
+	TBool leftIsRightHandEdge = aLeft.iRightToLeft?
+		aLeft.iDocPos.iLeadingEdge : !aLeft.iDocPos.iLeadingEdge;
+	TBool rightIsLeftHandEdge = aRight.iRightToLeft?
+		!aRight.iDocPos.iLeadingEdge : aRight.iDocPos.iLeadingEdge;
+	if (leftIsRightHandEdge)
+		{
+		iLeft = aLeft;
+		if (rightIsLeftHandEdge)
+			{
+			iRight = aRight;
+			iAmbiguity = EAmbiguous;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iRight = aLeft;
+			iAmbiguity = ELeftOnly;
+			}
+		}
+	else if (rightIsLeftHandEdge)
+		{
+		iLeft = iRight = aRight;
+		iAmbiguity = ERightOnly;
+		}
+	}
+Return the position that best matches the X co-ordinate specified by aX.
+@param aX X coordinate sought.
+	0 if no value was found. A pointer to the result if a value was found.
+const TTmPosInfo2* TTmVisualDocPos::NearestToX(TInt aX) const
+	{
+	if (iAmbiguity == ENotFound)
+		return 0;
+	TInt leftDistance = iLeft.iEdge.iX < aX?
+		aX - iLeft.iEdge.iX : iLeft.iEdge.iX - aX;
+	TInt rightDistance = iRight.iEdge.iX < aX?
+		aX - iRight.iEdge.iX : iRight.iEdge.iX - aX;
+	if (leftDistance < rightDistance)
+		return &iLeft;
+	else
+		return &iRight;
+	}
+/** Restarts the checker for a new line. */
+void TTmAmbiguityChecker::Reset()
+	{
+	iPrev.iEdge.iX = KMinTInt;
+	iPrev.iRightToLeft = EFalse;
+	iPrev.iDocPos.iPos = KMinTInt;
+	iPrev.iDocPos.iLeadingEdge = ETrue;
+	iLastAmbiguousPos.Reset();
+	}
+/** Constructs a checker ready to check a line. */
+	{
+	Reset();
+	}
+Checks an edge for ambiguity against the last edge added.
+@param aEdge The edge to check and store.
+void TTmAmbiguityChecker::AddEdge(const TTmPosInfo2& aEdge)
+	{
+	iLastAmbiguousPos.SetIfAmbiguous(iPrev, aEdge);
+	iPrev = aEdge;
+	}
+Checks whether the last edge added is ambiguous if there are no more edges in
+the line.
+void TTmAmbiguityChecker::EndLine()
+	{
+	TTmPosInfo2 dummyEdge;
+	dummyEdge.iEdge.iX = KMaxTInt;
+	dummyEdge.iRightToLeft = EFalse;
+	dummyEdge.iDocPos.iLeadingEdge = EFalse;
+	dummyEdge.iDocPos.iPos = KMaxTInt;
+	AddEdge(dummyEdge);
+	}
+Reports whether the iteration is over.
+@return	ETrue if Next may no longer be called as there is no more information.
+TBool RTmGraphemeInTextChunkIterator::AtEnd() const
+	{
+	return iLength <= iPosition.iPosInText;
+	}
+ Releases all resources
+void RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::Close()
+	{
+	iTextChunkIterator.Close();
+	}
+Advances the iteration to the next character edge. Note that this one may be in
+the same place as the last.
+Begin must be called before this function can be used.
+@see Begin
+void RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::Next()
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!AtEnd(), TmPanic(EBadArg));
+	--iCacheSize;
+	if (0 != iCacheSize)
+		{
+		++iCachePos;
+		return;
+		}
+	iCachePos = 0;
+	// more positions within this text chunk?
+	if (!iTextChunkIterator.AtEnd())
+		{
+		iCacheSize = iTextChunkIterator.Next();
+		return;
+		}
+	// Get the next position in this line
+	while (iByteCodeIterator->CodePos() < iEndLineCodePos)
+		{
+		// The WHILE loop assures that there is always sufficientByteCode avaliable.
+		TBool haveSufficientByteCode = iByteCodeIterator->Next();
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(haveSufficientByteCode, TmPanic(EBadArg));
+		iByteCodeIterator->Skip();
+		TInt op = iByteCodeIterator->Op();
+		if (op == TTmInterpreter::EOpSpecialChar)
+			{
+			TBool reverse = iByteCodeIterator->RightToLeft();
+			TInt endChar = iByteCodeIterator->EndChar();
+			TInt startChar = iByteCodeIterator->StartChar();
+			TInt actualEndChar = reverse? startChar : endChar;		// Based on direction of text
+			TInt actualStartChar = reverse? endChar : startChar;	// Based on direction of text
+			iPosInfoCache[0].iPos.iDocPos.iPos = reverse? endChar : startChar;
+			iPosInfoCache[0].iPos.iDocPos.iLeadingEdge = !reverse;
+			iPosInfoCache[0].iPos.iRightToLeft = reverse;
+			iPosInfoCache[0].iPos.iEdge = iByteCodeIterator->StartPen();
+			iPosInfoCache[0].iCodePoints = 1;
+			/**	If we have reached the end edge (for LTR text), do not cache the next character in the bytecode. 
+				Simply return.*/
+			if (actualEndChar == iIgnorePosition)
+				{
+				iCacheSize = 1;
+				return;
+				}
+			iPosInfoCache[1].iPos.iDocPos.iPos = reverse? startChar : endChar;
+			iPosInfoCache[1].iPos.iDocPos.iLeadingEdge = reverse;
+			iPosInfoCache[1].iPos.iRightToLeft = reverse;
+			iPosInfoCache[1].iPos.iEdge = iByteCodeIterator->EndPen();
+			iPosInfoCache[1].iCodePoints = 1;
+			iCacheSize = 2;
+			/** If we have reached the start edge (for RTL text), do not cache the next character in the bytecode.
+				Simply return.*/
+			if (actualStartChar == iIgnorePosition)
+				{
+				iCacheSize = 1;
+				iCachePos = 1;
+				return;
+				}
+			// Otherwise, simply return with both cache positions set, cache size of 2, and position in cache 0
+			return;
+			}
+		else if (op == TTmInterpreter::EOpText)
+			{
+			iTextChunkIterator.Begin(*iByteCodeIterator, &iPosInfoCache);
+			if (!iTextChunkIterator.AtEnd())
+				{
+				iCacheSize = iTextChunkIterator.Next();
+				return;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	// No more positions within the line.
+	if (!iTrailingEdgeOfUnambiguousLineEndAdded
+		&& iByteCodeIterator->TrailingEdgeOfUnambiguousLineEnd(
+		iPosInfoCache[0].iPos, ETrue))
+		{
+		// Got the trailing edge of the previous line's last character.
+		iPosInfoCache[0].iCodePoints = 1;
+		iCacheSize = 1;
+		iTrailingEdgeOfUnambiguousLineEndAdded = ETrue;
+		return;
+		}
+	}
+Gets the current edge, if the iteration is not at an end.
+Begin must be called before this function can be used.
+@see Begin
+@see AtEnd
+	The current edge co-ordinates in formatting space, the character
+	index that the position is just before and whether the edge is the trailing
+	edge of the previous character or the leading edge of the next character.
+	Undefined if the iteration is at an end. Call AtEnd to see if this is the
+	case.
+const TTmGraphemeEdgeInfo& RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::Get() const
+	{
+	return iPosInfoCache[iCachePos];
+	}
+Gets the current edge, if the iteration is not at an end. A shortcut for
+Begin must be called before this function can be used.
+@see Begin
+@see Get
+@see AtEnd
+	The current edge co-ordinates in formatting space, the character index that
+	the position is just before and whether the edge is the trailing edge of
+	the previous character or the leading edge of the next character. Undefined
+	if the iteration is at an end. Call AtEnd to see if this is the case.
+const TTmPosInfo2& RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::GetInfo() const
+	{
+	return iPosInfoCache[iCachePos].iPos;
+	}
+Determines if the iteration has finished the line or not.
+@return ETrue if the iteration is at an end.
+TBool RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::AtEnd() const
+	{
+	return iCacheSize == 0? ETrue : EFalse;
+	}
+Begins the iteration again from the start of the line. The iterator passed in
+will not be advanced beyond the current line.
+@param aByteCodeIterator
+	Iterator to the formatting which should be set to the start of the
+	formatting to be traversed. It will be advanced during the use of this
+	iterator. It should not be used by any other code while this
+	RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator is being used.
+ */
+void RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::Begin(
+	RTmGeneralInterpreter& aByteCodeIterator)
+	{
+	/**	Set the position of the edge of the line to stop at when iterating through the edges */
+	if (!aByteCodeIterator.VisualEndOfLineIsAmbiguous())
+		iIgnorePosition = aByteCodeIterator.LineInfo().iEnd;	
+	iByteCodeIterator = &aByteCodeIterator;
+	iEndLineCodePos = iByteCodeIterator->EndCodePos();
+	iTextChunkIterator.Reset();
+	iCachePos = 0;
+	iCacheSize = 1;
+	// Get the first value if there is one
+	if (iByteCodeIterator->TrailingEdgeOfUnambiguousLineEnd(
+		iPosInfoCache[0].iPos, EFalse))
+		{
+		// Got the trailing edge of the previous line's last character.
+		iPosInfoCache[0].iCodePoints = 1;
+		iTrailingEdgeOfUnambiguousLineEndAdded = ETrue;
+		return;
+		}
+	iTrailingEdgeOfUnambiguousLineEndAdded = EFalse;
+	Next();
+	}
+Finds the nearest edge to the x position specified. The iterator should be
+initialised to the start of the line to be searched.
+@param aX The X position to search for (in formatting coordinates).
+@param aNearest The result.
+void RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::FindXPos(TInt aX, TTmVisualDocPos& aNearest)
+	{
+	TTmPosInfo2 nearest;
+	if (!FindEdgeByX(aX, nearest, aNearest))
+		aNearest.Reset();
+	else if (aNearest.Ambiguity() == TTmVisualDocPos::ENotFound)
+		aNearest.SetAsUnambiguous(nearest);
+	}
+Finds the nearest edge to the x position specified. The iterator should be
+initialised to the start of the line to be searched.
+@param aX The position to find (in formatting coordinates).
+@param aNearest
+	The nearest position to aX, if ETrue is returned.
+@param aAmbiguity
+	Any ambiguity visually coincident with aNearest if ETrue is returned.
+	ETrue if there is any position there at all. If EFalse, aNearest and
+	aAmbiguity are undefined.
+TBool RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::FindEdgeByX(TInt aX, TTmPosInfo2& aNearest,
+	TTmVisualDocPos& aAmbiguity)
+	{
+	TInt lastX = KMinTInt;
+	TInt distance = KMaxTInt;
+	TTmAmbiguityChecker checker;
+	TTmPosInfo2 found;
+	// Find the last edge before aX
+	while (!AtEnd() && GetInfo().iEdge.iX <= aX)
+		{
+		found = GetInfo();
+		if (lastX != found.iEdge.iX)
+			{
+			lastX = found.iEdge.iX;
+			distance = aX - lastX;
+			checker.Reset();
+			}
+		checker.AddEdge(found);
+		Next();
+		}
+	// Find the first edge after aX if it is closer.
+	if (!AtEnd() && GetInfo().iEdge.iX - aX < distance)
+		{
+		checker.Reset();
+		found = GetInfo();
+		lastX = found.iEdge.iX;
+		checker.AddEdge(found);
+		Next();
+		while (!AtEnd() && GetInfo().iEdge.iX == lastX)
+			{
+			checker.AddEdge(GetInfo());
+			Next();
+			}
+		}
+	if (AtEnd())
+		checker.EndLine();
+	aAmbiguity = checker.LastAmbiguity();
+	if (lastX == KMinTInt)
+		return EFalse;
+	aNearest = found;
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+Determines if aDocPos matches the grapheme edge defined by aEdgeInfo.
+@param aDocPos The document position specification to match.
+@param aEdgeInfo The grapheme edge to match.
+	ENoMatch if the document position does not match the grapheme edge.
+	EPositionOnly if the document position edge specification is ERightToLeft
+	or ELeftToRight and the document position matches but not the
+	directionality. ETotalMatch if the document position and edge
+	specifications match.
+RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::DocPosMatches(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos,
+	const TTmGraphemeEdgeInfo& aEdgeInfo)
+	{
+	TInt startOfGrapheme = aEdgeInfo.iPos.iDocPos.iPos - 
+		(aEdgeInfo.iPos.iDocPos.iLeadingEdge? 0 : aEdgeInfo.iCodePoints - 1);
+	if (startOfGrapheme <= aDocPos.iPos
+		&& aDocPos.iPos < startOfGrapheme + aEdgeInfo.iCodePoints)
+		{
+		// Found a grapheme that matches the document position.
+		// Does it match the rest of the spec?
+		switch (aDocPos.iType)
+			{
+		case TTmDocPosSpec::ELeftToRight:
+			return aEdgeInfo.iPos.iRightToLeft?
+				EPositionOnly : ETotalMatch;
+		case TTmDocPosSpec::ERightToLeft:
+			return aEdgeInfo.iPos.iRightToLeft?
+				ETotalMatch : EPositionOnly;
+		case TTmDocPosSpec::ELeading:
+			return aEdgeInfo.iPos.iDocPos.iLeadingEdge?
+				ETotalMatch : ENoMatch;
+		case TTmDocPosSpec::ETrailing:
+			return aEdgeInfo.iPos.iDocPos.iLeadingEdge?
+				ENoMatch : ETotalMatch;
+		default:
+			return ENoMatch;
+			}
+		}
+	return ENoMatch;
+	}
+Finds the edge specified. If a Right-to-Left or Left-to-Right edge is demanded,
+an edge with the wrong directionality will be returned if the right one does
+not exist, but one or two with the wrong one does. The iterator should be
+initialised to the start of the line to be searched.
+@param aDocPos The position to be found.
+@param aInfo The result.
+@return ETrue if a result could be found.
+TBool RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::FindEdge(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos,
+	TTmPosInfo2& aInfo)
+	{
+	TInt matches = 0;
+	while (!AtEnd())
+		{
+		TTmGraphemeEdgeInfo info = Get();
+		TInt match = static_cast<TInt>(DocPosMatches(aDocPos, info));
+		if (0 != match)
+			{
+			matches += match;
+			aInfo = info.iPos;
+			if (2 <= matches)
+				return ETrue;
+			}
+		Next();
+		}
+	return matches;
+	}
+Finds the rightmost edge that is to the left of aDocPos in this line.
+@param aDocPos Document position that the result must be to the left of.
+@param aNext Result. Undefined if 0 or 1 is returned.
+@param aNearest Information about aDocPos itself. Undefined if 0 is returned.
+	2 if both aNearest and aNext have a result, 1 if only aNearest does and 0
+	if neither were found.
+RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::FindEdgeLeftwards(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos,
+	TTmPosInfo2& aNearest, TTmVisualDocPos& aNext)
+	{
+	TInt matches = 0;
+	TTmPosInfo2 last;
+	last = GetInfo();
+	TTmAmbiguityChecker checker;
+	TTmVisualDocPos lastXVisualPosition;
+	while (!AtEnd() && matches < 2)
+		{
+		if (last.iEdge.iX != GetInfo().iEdge.iX)
+			{
+			lastXVisualPosition = checker.LastAmbiguity();
+			if (lastXVisualPosition.Ambiguity() == TTmVisualDocPos::ENotFound)
+				lastXVisualPosition.SetAsUnambiguous(last);
+			checker.Reset();
+			}
+		last = GetInfo();
+		checker.AddEdge(last);
+		TInt match = static_cast<TInt>(DocPosMatches(aDocPos, Get()));
+		if (match != 0)
+			{
+			aNearest = last;
+			aNext = lastXVisualPosition;
+			matches += match;
+			}
+		Next();
+		}
+	if (matches == 0)
+		return ENone;
+	return (aNext.Ambiguity() == TTmVisualDocPos::ENotFound)?
+		ENearestOnly : ENearestAndNext;
+	}
+Finds the leftmost edge that is to the right of aDocPos in this line.
+@param aDocPos Document position that the result must be to the right of.
+@param aNext Result. Undefined if 0 or 1 is returned.
+@param aNearest Information about aDocPos itself. Undefined if 0 is returned.
+	2 if both aNearest and aNext have a result, 1 if only aNearest does and 0
+	if neither were found.
+RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::FindEdgeRightwards(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos,
+	TTmPosInfo2& aNearest, TTmVisualDocPos& aNext)
+	{
+	if (AtEnd())
+		return ENone;
+	RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::TEdgesFound result = ENone;
+	TTmAmbiguityChecker checker;
+	TTmGraphemeEdgeInfo info = Get();
+	TTmPosInfo2 firstOfLastX = info.iPos;
+	TInt lastX = info.iPos.iEdge.iX;
+	TInt nearestPositionX = KMinTInt;
+	TInt nextPositionX = KMinTInt;
+	TInt matches = 0;
+	while (!AtEnd())
+		{
+		info = Get();
+		TInt x = info.iPos.iEdge.iX;
+		//Are we moving to a new postion?
+		if (x != lastX)
+			{
+			if (lastX == nearestPositionX)
+				{
+				// Moving from nearest position to next position.
+				// Need to start checking for ambiguity.
+				nextPositionX = x;
+				checker.Reset();
+				}
+			else if (lastX == nextPositionX)
+				{
+				// Moving off next position. Possibly we have finished.
+				aNext = checker.LastAmbiguity();
+				if (aNext.Ambiguity() == TTmVisualDocPos::ENotFound)
+					aNext.SetAsUnambiguous(firstOfLastX);
+				result = ENearestAndNext;
+				if (1 < matches)
+					return result;
+				}
+			lastX = x;
+			firstOfLastX = info.iPos;
+			}
+		// If we are in the "next" position (one to the right of the
+		// "nearest" position) we need to check for ambiguity.
+		if (x == nextPositionX)
+			checker.AddEdge(info.iPos);
+		// Find out if we are or may be in the "nearest" position.
+		TInt match = static_cast<TInt>(DocPosMatches(aDocPos, info));
+		if (0 != match && matches < 2)
+			{
+			// We are in the nearest position, or are in a half-match
+			// where the position matches but the directionality does not.
+			matches += match;
+			aNearest = info.iPos;
+			result = ENearestOnly;
+			nearestPositionX = x;
+			nextPositionX = KMinTInt;
+			}
+		Next();
+		}
+	if (lastX == nextPositionX)
+		{
+		// We reached the end of the line at the "next" position,
+		// so we need to finish the ambiguity checking.
+		checker.EndLine();
+		aNext = checker.LastAmbiguity();
+		if (aNext.Ambiguity() == TTmVisualDocPos::ENotFound)
+			aNext.SetAsUnambiguous(firstOfLastX);
+		return ENearestAndNext;
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+Returns the first trailing edge beyond aDocPos not visually coincident with the
+leading edge at aDocPos in this line.
+@param aDocPos
+	The starting document index.
+	The document position found, or KErrNotFound if none was found in this
+	line.
+TInt RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::NextPosition(TInt aDocPos)
+	{
+	TBool currentXIsForbidden = EFalse;
+	TInt currentX = KMinTInt;
+	TInt lastXBestPos = KMaxTInt;
+	TInt currentXBestPos = KMaxTInt;
+	while (!AtEnd())
+		{
+		TInt x = GetInfo().iEdge.iX;
+		const TTmDocPos &docPos = GetInfo().iDocPos;
+		if (x != currentX)
+			{
+			currentX = x;
+			if (!currentXIsForbidden && currentXBestPos < lastXBestPos)
+				lastXBestPos = currentXBestPos;
+			currentXBestPos = KMaxTInt;
+			currentXIsForbidden = EFalse;
+			}
+		if (docPos.iLeadingEdge)
+			{
+			if (docPos.iPos == aDocPos)
+				currentXIsForbidden = ETrue;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if (aDocPos < docPos.iPos && docPos.iPos < currentXBestPos)
+				currentXBestPos = docPos.iPos;
+			}
+		Next();
+		}
+	if (!currentXIsForbidden && currentXBestPos < lastXBestPos)
+		lastXBestPos = currentXBestPos;
+	return lastXBestPos == KMaxTInt? KErrNotFound : lastXBestPos;
+	}
+Returns the last leading edge before aDocPos not visually coincident with the
+trailing edge at aDocPos in this line.
+@param aDocPos
+	The starting document index.
+	The document position found, or KErrNotFound if none was found in this
+	line.
+TInt RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator::PreviousPosition(TInt aDocPos)
+	{
+	TBool currentXIsForbidden = EFalse;
+	TInt currentX = KMinTInt;
+	TInt lastXBestPos = KMinTInt;
+	TInt currentXBestPos = KMinTInt;
+	while (!AtEnd())
+		{
+		TInt x = GetInfo().iEdge.iX;
+		const TTmDocPos &docPos = GetInfo().iDocPos;
+		if (x != currentX)
+			{
+			currentX = x;
+			if (!currentXIsForbidden && lastXBestPos < currentXBestPos)
+				lastXBestPos = currentXBestPos;
+			currentXBestPos = KMinTInt;
+			currentXIsForbidden = EFalse;
+			}
+		if (!docPos.iLeadingEdge)
+			{
+			if (docPos.iPos == aDocPos)
+				currentXIsForbidden = ETrue;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if (currentXBestPos < docPos.iPos && docPos.iPos < aDocPos)
+				currentXBestPos = docPos.iPos;
+			}
+		Next();
+		}
+	if (!currentXIsForbidden && lastXBestPos < currentXBestPos)
+		lastXBestPos = currentXBestPos;
+	return lastXBestPos == KMinTInt? KErrNotFound : lastXBestPos;
+	}
+ * Gets a line of text as displayed, after bidirectional formatting, conversion
+ * of invisible characters to visible forms, and conversion of glyphs to
+ * context-dependent forms.
+ * @param aLineNumber Line to be retrieved.
+ * @param aText Buffer for output.
+ * @param aNeeded
+ *		Length of buffer required for the output. This will be greater than
+ *		aText.MaxLength() if aText was not big enough.
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+TBool RTmGeneralInterpreter::GetDisplayedTextL(TInt aLineNumber,TDes& aText,TUint aContextChar,TInt& aNeeded)
+	{
+	aText.SetLength(0);
+	aNeeded = 0;
+	TBool found = LineNumberToLine(aLineNumber);
+	if (!found)
+		return FALSE;
+	int i = 0;
+	while (Next() && Op() != EOpLine)
+		switch (Op())
+			{
+			case EOpText:
+			case EOpSpecialChar:
+				{
+				TText buffer[KMaxTextChunkSize + 2];
+				CTmTextFontCache* font = 0;
+				RTmTextCache::TDisplayedTextDirectionality directionality =
+					RightToLeft()?
+						RTmTextCache::EVisualRightToLeft
+						: RTmTextCache::ELeftToRight;
+				User::LeaveIfError(iTextCache.GetDisplayedText(StartChar(), EndChar(),
+					directionality, buffer,aContextChar, 0, &font));
+				__ASSERT_DEBUG(font, TmPanic(EInvariant));
+				CFont::TPositionParam p;
+				int length = EndChar() - StartChar() + 1;
+				p.iText.Set(buffer, length + 1);
+				p.iPosInText = 1;
+				TInt textMaxLength = aText.MaxLength();
+				RShapeInfo shapeInfo;
+				while (p.iPosInText < length)
+					{
+					if(!font->Font().GetCharacterPosition2(p, shapeInfo))
+						{
+						//The iPosInText changed after calling the GetCharacterPosition2()
+						continue;
+						}
+					aNeeded += p.iOutputGlyphs;
+					for (i = 0; i < p.iOutputGlyphs; i++)
+						{
+						TInt code = p.iOutput[i].iCode;
+						if (code <= 0xFFFF)
+							{
+							// non-surrogate character
+							if (aText.Length() < textMaxLength)
+								aText.Append(code);
+							}
+						else if (code <= 0x10FFFF)
+							{
+							// surrogate pair
+							++aNeeded;
+							if (aText.Length() < textMaxLength)
+								aText.Append(0xD7C0 + (code >> 10));
+							if (aText.Length() < textMaxLength)
+								aText.Append(0xDC00 | (code & 0x3FF));
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							// Glyph code; cannot be specified as Unicode.
+							// Instead add 0xFFFD the Unicode Replacement
+							// Character
+							if (aText.Length() < textMaxLength)
+								aText.Append(0xFFFD);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				font->Close();
+				if (shapeInfo.IsOpen())
+					shapeInfo.Close();
+				}
+				break;
+			case EOpInlineText:
+				for (i = 0; i < InlineText().Length(); i++)
+					{
+					aNeeded++;
+					if (aText.Length() < aText.MaxLength())
+						aText.Append(InlineText()[i]);
+					}
+				break;
+			default:
+				Skip();
+				break;
+			}
+	return TRUE;
+	}
+ * Iterates past an X-Y position and returns the position information for
+ * the nearest edge to that point.
+ * @param aXyPos The point to find.
+ * @param aInfo Returns information about the edge found.
+ * @return
+ *		ETrue if the operation was successful. It will succeed if the line
+ *		containing aXyPos is formatted.
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+TBool RTmGeneralInterpreter::FindXyPos(const TPoint& aXyPos,TTmPosInfo2& aInfo)
+	{
+	if (!YPosToLine(aXyPos.iY))
+		return EFalse;
+	aInfo.iDocPos = StartDocPos();
+	aInfo.iEdge = StartPen();
+	RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator edgeIterator;
+	edgeIterator.Begin(*this);
+	TTmVisualDocPos dummy;
+	if (!edgeIterator.FindEdgeByX(aXyPos.iX, aInfo, dummy))
+		return EFalse;
+	edgeIterator.Close();
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+ * Iterates to a document position and returns information about it.
+ * @param aDocPos The position to find.
+ * @param aInfo Returns information about the position found.
+ * @return
+ *		ETrue if the operation was successful. It will succeed if the line
+ *		containing aDocPos is formatted.
+ * @internalComponent
+ */
+TBool RTmGeneralInterpreter::FindDocPos(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos,TTmPosInfo2& aInfo)
+	{
+	if (!DocPosToLine(aDocPos))
+		return FALSE;
+	aInfo.iDocPos = StartDocPos();
+	aInfo.iEdge = StartPen();
+	RTmGraphemeEdgeIterator edgeIterator;
+	edgeIterator.Begin(*this);
+	edgeIterator.FindEdge(aDocPos, aInfo);
+	edgeIterator.Close();
+	return TRUE;
+	}
+Gets the trailing edge of the previous line's last character, if this position
+is unambiguous and if the current position is at the visual start of the line.
+Which end the visual start of the line is depends on the paragraph
+directionality of the current paragraph.
+@param aPosOut The position found, if any.
+@param aOnRight Are we currently on the right hand extreme of the line?
+@return ETrue if there is such a position at the specified end.
+TBool RTmGeneralInterpreter::TrailingEdgeOfUnambiguousLineEnd(
+	TTmPosInfo2& aPosOut, TBool aOnRight) const
+	{
+	if (VisualStartOfLineIsAmbiguous())
+		return EFalse;
+	TBool atStart = LineInfo().iFlags & TTmLineInfo::EParRightToLeft?
+		aOnRight : !aOnRight;
+	if (!atStart)
+		return EFalse;
+	aPosOut.iDocPos.iLeadingEdge = EFalse;
+	aPosOut.iDocPos.iPos = LineInfo().iStart;
+	aPosOut.iEdge.iY = LineInfo().iBaseline;
+	aPosOut.iEdge.iX = aOnRight?
+		LineInfo().iInnerRect.iBr.iX : LineInfo().iInnerRect.iTl.iX;
+	aPosOut.iRightToLeft = aOnRight;
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+RTmDrawingInterpreter::RTmDrawingInterpreter(MTmSource& aSource,CGraphicsContext& aGc,
+											 const TTmInterpreterParam& aParam,const TPoint& aTopLeft,
+											 const TRect& aClipRect,const TLogicalRgb* aDocBackground,
+											 TUint aFlags,const TCursorSelection* aHighlight,
+											 const TTmHighlightExtensions* aHighlightExtensions,
+											 TBool aDrawInvertedHighlight):
+	RTmGeneralInterpreter(aSource,aParam,&aTopLeft),
+	iGc(aGc),
+	iClipRect(aClipRect),
+	iFirstLine(TRUE),
+	iLabelled(FALSE),
+	iLabelLeft(KMaxTInt),
+	iLabelRight(KMinTInt),
+	iDocBackground(aDocBackground),
+	iFlags(aFlags | aParam.iDrawingInterpFlags),
+	iHighlightStartPos(0),
+	iHighlightEndPos(0),
+	iHighlightExtensions(NULL),
+	iHighlightedLineRect(),
+	iHighlightedLineRgn(4), // granularity = 4
+	iSource(aSource),
+	iParam(aParam),
+	iDrawInvertedHighlight(EFalse),
+	iHighlightXorColor()
+	{
+	iHighlightStartPos = 0;
+	iHighlightEndPos = 0;
+	if (aHighlight)
+		{
+		if (aHighlight->iAnchorPos < aHighlight->iCursorPos)
+			{
+			iHighlightStartPos = aHighlight->iAnchorPos;
+			iHighlightEndPos = aHighlight->iCursorPos;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iHighlightStartPos = aHighlight->iCursorPos;
+			iHighlightEndPos = aHighlight->iAnchorPos;
+			}
+		}
+	if (NULL != aHighlightExtensions && ! aHighlightExtensions->IsNull())
+		{
+		iHighlightExtensions = aHighlightExtensions;
+		}
+	TTmHighlightSource highlightSource(aSource);
+	iDrawInvertedHighlight = aDrawInvertedHighlight || ! highlightSource.HighlightVisible();
+	if (iDrawInvertedHighlight)
+		{
+		 // Explicit construction of the 2nd parameter for SystemColor, TRgb, ensuring opaque alpha blending.
+		 // FF is opaque alpha channel value. 
+		TRgb defaultColorOfBackground(static_cast<TUint32>(TLogicalRgb::ESystemBackgroundColor), 0xFF); 
+		TRgb backgroundColor = aSource.SystemColor(TLogicalRgb::ESystemBackgroundIndex,defaultColorOfBackground);
+		// Explicit construction of the 2nd parameter for SystemColor, TRgb, ensuring opaque alpha blending.
+		// FF is opaque alpha channel value.
+		TRgb defaultColorOfXorColor(static_cast<TUint32>(TLogicalRgb::ESystemSelectionBackgroundColor), 0xFF); 
+		TRgb xorColor = aSource.SystemColor(TLogicalRgb::ESystemSelectionBackgroundIndex,defaultColorOfXorColor);
+		iHighlightXorColor = backgroundColor ^ xorColor;
+		}
+	}
+	{
+	iHighlightedLineRgn.Close();
+	}
+TBool RTmDrawingInterpreter::GetHighlightPos(TInt& aHighlightStartPos, TInt& aHighlightEndPos) const
+	{
+	aHighlightStartPos = aHighlightEndPos = 0;
+	if (iHighlightEndPos > iHighlightStartPos)
+		{
+		aHighlightStartPos = iHighlightStartPos;
+		if (StartDocPos().iPos > iHighlightStartPos)
+			{
+			aHighlightStartPos = StartDocPos().iPos;
+			}
+		aHighlightEndPos = iHighlightEndPos;
+		if (EndDocPos().iPos < iHighlightEndPos)
+			{
+			aHighlightEndPos = EndDocPos().iPos;
+			}
+		}
+	return (aHighlightEndPos > aHighlightStartPos);
+	}
+TBool RTmDrawingInterpreter::GetHighlightClipRegion(const TRect& aClipRect, RRegion& aHighlightRegion) const
+	{
+	if (UsesAdjustedHighlight())
+		{
+		return GetAdjustedHighlightClipRegion(aClipRect, aHighlightRegion);
+		}
+	aHighlightRegion.Clear();
+	TInt highlightStartPos = 0;
+	TInt highlightEndPos = 0;
+	if (GetHighlightPos(highlightStartPos, highlightEndPos))
+		{
+		TRect rect(TRect::EUninitialized);
+		TTmDocPos start(highlightStartPos, ETrue);
+		TTmDocPos end(highlightEndPos, EFalse);
+		RTmBoundingRectInterpreter interpreter(iSource, iParam);
+		TBool found = interpreter.FirstRect(start.iPos, end.iPos, rect);
+		while (found)
+			{
+			if (!rect.IsEmpty())
+				{
+				rect.Move(TextLayoutTopLeft());
+				aHighlightRegion.AddRect(rect);
+				if (aHighlightRegion.CheckError())
+					{
+					break;
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					aHighlightRegion.Tidy();
+					}
+				}
+			found = interpreter.NextRect(rect);
+			}
+		interpreter.Close();
+		return ! aHighlightRegion.CheckError();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	}
+TBool RTmDrawingInterpreter::GetFirstHighlightClipRect(RTmBoundingRectInterpreter& aInterpreter,
+													   const TRect& aClipRect, TRect& aRect) const
+	{
+	if (UsesAdjustedHighlight())
+		{
+		return GetFirstAdjustedHighlightClipRect(aInterpreter, aClipRect, aRect);
+		}
+	TInt highlightStartPos = 0;
+	TInt highlightEndPos = 0;
+	if (GetHighlightPos(highlightStartPos, highlightEndPos))
+		{
+		TTmDocPos start(highlightStartPos, ETrue);
+		TTmDocPos end(highlightEndPos, EFalse);
+		TBool found = aInterpreter.FirstRect(start.iPos, end.iPos, aRect);
+		while (found)
+			{
+			aRect.Move(TextLayoutTopLeft());
+			aRect.Intersection(aClipRect);
+			if (aRect.IsEmpty())
+				{
+				found = aInterpreter.NextRect(aRect);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				return ETrue;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	aRect = TRect(TRect::EUninitialized);
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+TBool RTmDrawingInterpreter::GetNextHighlightClipRect(RTmBoundingRectInterpreter& aInterpreter,
+													  const TRect& aClipRect, TRect& aRect) const
+	{
+	if (UsesAdjustedHighlight())
+		{
+		return GetNextAdjustedHighlightClipRect(aInterpreter, aClipRect, aRect);
+		}
+	TBool found = aInterpreter.NextRect(aRect);
+	while (found)
+		{
+		aRect.Move(TextLayoutTopLeft());
+		aRect.Intersection(aClipRect);
+		if (aRect.IsEmpty())
+			{
+			found = aInterpreter.NextRect(aRect);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			return ETrue;
+			}
+		}
+	aRect = TRect(TRect::EUninitialized);
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+TBool RTmDrawingInterpreter::GetAdjustedHighlightClipRegion(const TRect& aClipRect, RRegion& aHighlightRegion) const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(NULL != iHighlightExtensions, TmPanic(EInvariant));
+	aHighlightRegion.Clear();
+	if (iHighlightEndPos > iHighlightStartPos)
+		{
+		RTmBoundingRectInterpreter interpreter(iSource, iParam);
+		TRect rect(TRect::EUninitialized);
+		TBool found = interpreter.FirstRect(iHighlightStartPos, iHighlightEndPos, rect);
+		while (found)
+			{
+			if (! rect.IsEmpty())
+				{
+				rect.Move(TextLayoutTopLeft());
+				iHighlightExtensions->AdjustRect(rect);
+				if (rect.iBr.iY < aClipRect.iTl.iY)
+					{
+					// ignore it
+					}
+				else if (rect.iTl.iY > aClipRect.iBr.iY)
+					{
+					break;
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					aHighlightRegion.AddRect(rect);
+					if (aHighlightRegion.CheckError())
+						{
+						break;
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						aHighlightRegion.Tidy();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			found = interpreter.NextRect(rect);
+			}
+		interpreter.Close();
+		if (aHighlightRegion.CheckError())
+			{
+			return EFalse;
+			}
+		aHighlightRegion.ClipRect(aClipRect);
+		}
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+TBool RTmDrawingInterpreter::GetFirstAdjustedHighlightClipRect(RTmBoundingRectInterpreter& aInterpreter,
+															   const TRect& aClipRect, TRect& aRect) const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(NULL != iHighlightExtensions, TmPanic(EInvariant));
+	if (iHighlightEndPos > iHighlightStartPos)
+		{
+		TBool found = aInterpreter.FirstRect(iHighlightStartPos, iHighlightEndPos, aRect);
+		while (found)
+			{
+			if (! aRect.IsEmpty())
+				{
+				aRect.Move(TextLayoutTopLeft());
+				iHighlightExtensions->AdjustRect(aRect);
+				if (aRect.iBr.iY < aClipRect.iTl.iY)
+					{
+					// ignore it
+					}
+				else if (aRect.iTl.iY > aClipRect.iBr.iY)
+					{
+					break;
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					aRect.Intersection(aClipRect);
+					if (! aRect.IsEmpty())
+						{
+						return ETrue;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			found = aInterpreter.NextRect(aRect);
+			}
+		}
+	aRect = TRect(TRect::EUninitialized);
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+TBool RTmDrawingInterpreter::GetNextAdjustedHighlightClipRect(RTmBoundingRectInterpreter& aInterpreter,
+															  const TRect& aClipRect, TRect& aRect) const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(NULL != iHighlightExtensions, TmPanic(EInvariant));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHighlightEndPos > iHighlightStartPos, TmPanic(EInvariant));
+	TBool found = aInterpreter.NextRect(aRect);
+	while (found)
+		{
+		if (! aRect.IsEmpty())
+			{
+			aRect.Move(TextLayoutTopLeft());
+			iHighlightExtensions->AdjustRect(aRect);
+			if (aRect.iBr.iY < aClipRect.iTl.iY)
+				{
+				// ignore it
+				}
+			else if (aRect.iTl.iY > aClipRect.iBr.iY)
+				{
+				break;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				aRect.Intersection(aClipRect);
+				if (! aRect.IsEmpty())
+					{
+					return ETrue;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		found = aInterpreter.NextRect(aRect);
+		}
+	aRect = TRect(TRect::EUninitialized);
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+TBool RTmDrawingInterpreter::IsCurrentOpCompletelyHighlighted() const
+	{
+	if (iHighlightEndPos > iHighlightStartPos)
+		{
+		return iHighlightStartPos <= StartDocPos().iPos &&
+			iHighlightEndPos >= EndDocPos().iPos;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	}
+TBool RTmDrawingInterpreter::UsesExtendedHighlight() const
+	{
+	return NULL != iHighlightExtensions && iHighlightExtensions->Extends();
+	}
+TBool RTmDrawingInterpreter::UsesAdjustedHighlight() const
+	{
+	return NULL != iHighlightExtensions && ! iHighlightExtensions->IsNull();
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::Draw()
+	{
+	if (iFlags & EInvisible)
+		return;
+	iGc.Reset();
+	InitGraphicsContext();
+ 	TRect drawn = iClipRect;
+ 	drawn.iTl.iY = drawn.iBr.iY = TextLayoutTopLeft().iY;
+	int error;
+	TBool done = FALSE;
+	while (Next() && !done)
+		{
+		switch (Op())
+			{
+			case EOpLine:
+				if (LineInfo().iOuterRect.iBr.iY < iClipRect.iTl.iY)
+					{
+					Skip();
+					break;
+					}
+				if (LineInfo().iOuterRect.iTl.iY > iClipRect.iBr.iY)
+					done = TRUE;
+				else
+					{
+					TRect line_rect;
+					Line(line_rect);
+					// Draw background to left and right of line where it intersects the clip rectangle.
+					if (!(iFlags & EIsLabel))
+						{
+						TRect r = iClipRect;
+						r.iTl.iY = Max(r.iTl.iY,line_rect.iTl.iY);
+						r.iBr.iY = Min(r.iBr.iY,line_rect.iBr.iY);
+						r.iBr.iX = line_rect.iTl.iX;
+						if (iDocBackground && !r.IsEmpty())
+							{
+							DrawBackground(r,*iDocBackground); // rectangle to left of line
+							InitGraphicsContext();
+							}
+						r.iBr.iX = iClipRect.iBr.iX;
+						r.iTl.iX = line_rect.iBr.iX;
+						if (iDocBackground && !r.IsEmpty())
+							{
+							DrawBackground(r,*iDocBackground); // rectangle to right of line
+							InitGraphicsContext();
+							}
+						if (drawn.IsEmpty())
+							drawn.iTl.iY = line_rect.iTl.iY;
+						drawn.iBr.iY = line_rect.iBr.iY;
+						}
+					}
+				break;
+			case EOpText:
+				Text();
+				break;
+			case EOpInlineText:
+				InlineText();
+				break;
+			case EOpSpecialChar:
+				TRAP(error,SpecialCharL());
+				break;
+			case EOpRule:
+				Rule();
+				break;
+			case EOpLabel:
+				Label();
+				break;
+			default:
+				Skip();	// unimplemented
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	iParFormat.Close();
+	/*
+	Draw undrawn background areas outside the text. These may themselves be partially covered by
+	a custom background, so each one has to be drawn by DrawBackground, which can then
+	fill in any parts not custom-drawn.
+	*/
+	if (iDocBackground && !(iFlags & EIsLabel))
+		{
+		if (iLabelLeft < drawn.iTl.iX)
+			drawn.iTl.iX = iLabelLeft;
+		drawn.Intersection(iClipRect);
+		if (drawn != iClipRect)
+			{
+			TRect r[4];
+			SubtractRect(iClipRect,drawn,r);
+			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+				if (!r[i].IsEmpty())
+					DrawBackground(r[i],*iDocBackground);
+			}
+		}
+	// if the highlight is not visible (because the custom drawer defines a
+	// highlighted background color identical to the highlighted foreground color)
+	//  draw the selection inverting every pixel in the highlighted region.
+	if (! iHighlightedLineRect.IsEmpty())
+		{
+		InvertHighlightedLineRgn();
+		}
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::InitGraphicsContext()
+	{
+	iGc.SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN);
+	iGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+	iGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+	iGc.SetClippingRect(iClipRect);
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::Line(TRect& aDrawn)
+	{
+	if (! iHighlightedLineRect.IsEmpty())
+		{
+		InvertHighlightedLineRgn();
+		}
+	if (iFirstLine || ParStart())
+		{
+		int error;
+		TRAP(error,Source().GetParagraphFormatL(StartChar(),iParFormat));
+		if (LineInfo().iFlags & TTmLineInfo::EParRightToLeft)
+			iParFormat.iFlags |= RTmParFormat::ERightToLeft;
+		else
+			iParFormat.iFlags &= ~RTmParFormat::ERightToLeft;
+		iLabelled = FALSE;
+		MFormLabelApi* labelApi = (MFormLabelApi*)Source().GetExtendedInterface(KFormLabelApiExtensionUid);
+		if ((labelApi != NULL) && (labelApi->LabelModeSelect(MTmSource::EParLabel, StartChar())))
+			{
+			RTmParFormat pf;
+			TRAP(error,Source().GetParagraphFormatL(0,pf));
+			if (!error)
+				{
+				iLabelled = TRUE;
+				iLabelBackground = pf.iBackgroundColor;
+				}
+			labelApi->LabelModeCancel();
+			pf.Close();
+			}
+		TSize label_size(0, 0);
+		int margin_size = 0;
+		if (labelApi != NULL)
+			labelApi->LabelMetrics(MTmSource::EParLabel, label_size, margin_size);
+		iLabelLeft = LineInfo().iOuterRect.iTl.iX - margin_size;
+		iLabelRight = iLabelLeft + label_size.iWidth;
+		}
+	TRect inner_border_bounds;
+	TRect outer_border_bounds(LineInfo().iOuterRect);
+	TInt left_border_width = 0, right_border_width = 0, top_border_width = 0, bottom_border_width = 0;
+	GetBorderInfo(inner_border_bounds,outer_border_bounds,
+				  left_border_width,right_border_width,top_border_width,bottom_border_width);
+	TRect r(outer_border_bounds);
+	r.BoundingRect(LineInfo().iOuterRect);
+	r.Intersection(iClipRect);
+	if (!(iFlags & EIsLabel))
+		{
+		// Draw paragraph background if specified.
+		if (iFlags & EDrawParBackground)
+			{
+			DrawBackground(r,iParFormat.iBackgroundColor);
+			InitGraphicsContext();
+			}
+		// Otherwise use the document background if any as a paragraph background.
+		else if (iDocBackground)
+			{
+			DrawBackground(r,*iDocBackground);
+			InitGraphicsContext();
+			}
+		DrawLineGraphics(r);
+		if (iLabelLeft < LineInfo().iOuterRect.iTl.iX)
+			DrawLabelBackground();
+		if (Source().PageBreakInRange(StartChar(),Min(EndChar(),Source().DocumentLength())))
+			DrawPageBreak();
+		}
+	if (ParStart() && iParFormat.Bullet())
+		DrawBullet();
+	if (Bordered())
+		DrawBorders(inner_border_bounds,outer_border_bounds,
+					left_border_width,right_border_width,top_border_width,bottom_border_width);
+   	iFirstLine = FALSE;
+	aDrawn = r;
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::DrawLineGraphics(const TRect& aRect)
+	{
+	Source().DrawLineGraphics(iGc, TextLayoutTopLeft(), aRect, LineInfo());
+	InitGraphicsContext();
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::DrawLabelBackground()
+	{
+	TRect r = LineInfo().iOuterRect;
+	r.iTl.iX = iLabelLeft;
+	r.iBr.iX = iLabelRight;
+	// Draw the label background.
+	if (iFlags & EDrawParBackground)
+		DrawBackground(r,iLabelBackground);
+	else if (iDocBackground)
+		DrawBackground(r,*iDocBackground);		
+	// Draw the gutter.
+	r.iTl.iX = iLabelRight;
+	r.iBr.iX = LineInfo().iOuterRect.iTl.iX;
+	if (iDocBackground && !r.IsEmpty())
+		DrawBackground(r,*iDocBackground);		
+	InitGraphicsContext();
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::DrawPageBreak()
+	{
+	iGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::EDashedPen);
+	TLogicalRgb color = iParFormat.iBackgroundColor;
+	TUint index = color.SystemColorIndex();
+	if (index)
+		color = Source().SystemColor(index,color);
+	iGc.SetPenColor(~(color & 0xFFFFFF));
+	TPoint p = LineInfo().iOuterRect.iBr;
+	p.iY--;
+	TPoint q = p;
+	q.iX = LineInfo().iOuterRect.iTl.iX;
+	TmTextDrawExt().DrawLine(iGc, p, q);
+	InitGraphicsContext();
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::DrawBullet()
+	{
+	int left_margin = 0;
+	int right_margin = 0;
+	int first_line_left_margin = 0;
+	int first_line_right_margin = 0;
+	int bullet_margin = 0;
+	int bullet_width = 0;
+	int bullet_ascent = 0;
+	int bullet_descent = 0;
+	CFont* font = NULL;
+	TRAPD(error,TmGetMarginsL(Device(),iParFormat,left_margin,right_margin,
+							  first_line_left_margin,first_line_right_margin,
+							  bullet_margin,bullet_width,bullet_ascent,bullet_descent,&font));
+	if (!error && font)
+		{
+		TBuf<1> bullet;
+		bullet.SetLength(1);
+		bullet[0] = (TText)iParFormat.Bullet()->iCharacterCode;
+		TPoint p;
+		if (iParFormat.RightToLeft())
+			{
+			p = EndPen();
+			p.iX -= bullet_margin - first_line_right_margin + bullet_width;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			p = StartPen();
+			p.iX += bullet_margin - first_line_left_margin;
+			}
+		iGc.UseFont(font);
+		TRgb color = Source().SystemColor(iParFormat.Bullet()->iColor);
+		SetPenColor(color);
+		iGc.SetUnderlineStyle(EUnderlineOff);
+		TmTextDrawExt().DrawText(iGc, bullet, p);
+		iGc.DiscardFont();
+		Device().ReleaseFont(font);
+		}
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::GetBorderInfo(TRect& aInnerBounds,TRect& aOuterBounds,
+										  TInt& aLeftWidth,TInt& aRightWidth,TInt& aTopWidth,TInt& aBottomWidth)
+	{
+	const MGraphicsDeviceMap& device = Device();
+	int left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0;
+	int left_full = 0, right_full = 0, top_full = 0, bottom_full = 0;
+	TmGetBorderWidth(device,iParFormat,RTmParFormat::ELeadingBorder,left,left_full);
+	TmGetBorderWidth(device,iParFormat,RTmParFormat::ETrailingBorder,right,right_full);
+	if (ParStart())
+		TmGetBorderWidth(device,iParFormat,RTmParFormat::ETopBorder,top,top_full);
+	if (ParEnd())
+		TmGetBorderWidth(device,iParFormat,RTmParFormat::EBottomBorder,bottom,bottom_full);
+	int h_margin = device.HorizontalTwipsToPixels(iParFormat.iBorderMargin);
+	int v_margin = device.VerticalTwipsToPixels(iParFormat.iBorderMargin);
+	// Establish the outer bounds of the inner border rule.
+	TRect inner_bounds = LineInfo().iInnerRect;
+	int left_margin = device.HorizontalTwipsToPixels(iParFormat.iLeadingMargin);
+	int first_line_left_margin = left_margin + device.HorizontalTwipsToPixels(iParFormat.iFirstLineIndent);
+	inner_bounds.iTl.iX = LineInfo().iOuterRect.iTl.iX + Min(left_margin,first_line_left_margin);
+	inner_bounds.iBr.iX = LineInfo().iOuterRect.iBr.iX - device.HorizontalTwipsToPixels(iParFormat.iTrailingMargin);
+	// Include paragraph labels in the border rule area.
+	if (iLabelled)
+		inner_bounds.iTl.iX = Min(inner_bounds.iTl.iX,iLabelLeft);
+	if (left)
+		inner_bounds.iTl.iX -= h_margin + left;
+	if (right)
+		inner_bounds.iBr.iX += h_margin + right;
+	if (top)
+		inner_bounds.iTl.iY -= v_margin + top;
+	if (bottom)
+		inner_bounds.iBr.iY += v_margin + bottom;
+	// Establish the outer bounds of the outer border rule.
+	TRect outer_bounds = inner_bounds;
+	outer_bounds.iTl.iX -= left_full - left;
+	outer_bounds.iBr.iX += right_full - right;
+	outer_bounds.iTl.iY -= top_full - top;
+	outer_bounds.iBr.iY += bottom_full - bottom;
+	aInnerBounds = inner_bounds;
+	aOuterBounds = outer_bounds;
+	aLeftWidth = left;
+	aRightWidth = right;
+	aTopWidth = top;
+	aBottomWidth = bottom;
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::DrawBorders(const TRect& aInnerBounds,const TRect& aOuterBounds,
+										TInt aLeftWidth,TInt aRightWidth,TInt aTopWidth,TInt aBottomWidth)
+	{
+	iGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+	TRect r;
+	const TTmParBorder* b = iParFormat.Border(RTmParFormat::ELeadingBorder);
+	if (b && (aLeftWidth != 0))
+		{
+		r = aInnerBounds;
+		r.iBr.iX = r.iTl.iX + aLeftWidth;
+		DrawBorderRect(*b,r);
+		r = aOuterBounds;
+		r.iBr.iX = r.iTl.iX + aLeftWidth;
+		DrawBorderRect(*b,r);
+		}
+	b = iParFormat.Border(RTmParFormat::ETrailingBorder);
+	if (b && (aRightWidth != 0))
+		{
+		r = aInnerBounds;
+		r.iTl.iX = r.iBr.iX - aRightWidth;
+		DrawBorderRect(*b,r);
+		r = aOuterBounds;
+		r.iTl.iX = r.iBr.iX - aRightWidth;
+		DrawBorderRect(*b,r);
+		}
+	b = iParFormat.Border(RTmParFormat::ETopBorder);
+	if (b && (aTopWidth != 0))
+		{
+		r = aInnerBounds;
+		r.iBr.iY = r.iTl.iY + aTopWidth;
+		DrawBorderRect(*b,r);
+		r = aOuterBounds;
+		r.iBr.iY = r.iTl.iY + aTopWidth;
+		DrawBorderRect(*b,r);
+		}
+	b = iParFormat.Border(RTmParFormat::EBottomBorder);
+	if (b && (aBottomWidth != 0))
+		{
+		r = aInnerBounds;
+		r.iTl.iY = r.iBr.iY - aBottomWidth;
+		DrawBorderRect(*b,r);
+		r = aOuterBounds;
+		r.iTl.iY = r.iBr.iY - aBottomWidth;
+		DrawBorderRect(*b,r);
+		}
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::DrawBorderRect(const TTmParBorder& aBorder,const TRect& aRect)
+	{
+	if (aBorder.iStyle == TTmParBorder::ESolidStyle || aBorder.iStyle == TTmParBorder::EDoubleStyle)
+		{
+		iGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+		SetBrushColor(aBorder.iColor);
+		TmTextDrawExt().DrawRect(iGc, aRect);
+		return;
+		}
+	switch (aBorder.iStyle)
+		{
+		case TTmParBorder::EDotStyle:
+			iGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::EDottedPen);
+			break;
+		case TTmParBorder::EDashStyle:
+			iGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::EDashedPen);
+			break;
+		case TTmParBorder::EDotDashStyle:
+			iGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::EDotDashPen);
+			break;
+		case TTmParBorder::EDotDotDashStyle:
+			iGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::EDotDotDashPen);
+			break;
+		default:
+			return;
+		}
+	SetPenColor(aBorder.iColor);
+	TPoint p = aRect.iTl;
+	TPoint q = aRect.iBr;
+	if (aRect.Width() > aRect.Height())
+		{
+		q.iY = p.iY;
+		TmTextDrawExt().DrawLine(iGc, p, q);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		q.iX = p.iX;
+		// Set the top to the paragraph top and clip to the rectangle so that the dot or dash phase is consistent.
+		p.iY = LineInfo().iParTop;
+		TRect clip = aRect;
+		clip.Intersection(iClipRect);
+		iGc.SetClippingRect(clip);
+		TmTextDrawExt().DrawLine(iGc, p, q);
+		iGc.SetClippingRect(iClipRect);
+		}
+	iGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+	}
+Draw the background in aRect, using the custom background where possible, and filling in with
+the default background.
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::DrawBackground(const TRect& aRect,const TLogicalRgb& aBackground)
+	{
+	if (aRect.IsEmpty())
+		{
+		return;
+		}
+	// 1 - first draw the background
+	TRect drawn;
+	Source().DrawBackground(iGc,TextLayoutTopLeft(),aRect,aBackground,drawn);
+	// 2 - then draw the highlighted part of the background
+	if (iDrawInvertedHighlight)
+		{
+		// if we are drawing an inverted selection, then we calculate the union of
+		// all the highlighted rects. Since we are clipping our drawing with the current Line()
+		// rect, we can assume that all the rects have the same height and their union is a
+		// single rectangle.
+		RTmBoundingRectInterpreter interpreter(iSource, iParam);
+		TRect rect;
+		TBool found = GetFirstHighlightClipRect(interpreter, aRect, rect);
+		while (found)
+			{
+			rect.Intersection(LineInfo().iOuterRect);
+			if (! rect.IsEmpty())
+				{
+				// iHighlightedLineRgn identifies the highlighted area in the current line.
+				// note that with Right-to-left text the selection on a single line can be
+				// composed by several disjoined rectangles.
+				iHighlightedLineRgn.AddRect(rect); // this may fail and set the error flag
+				iHighlightedLineRgn.Tidy(); // this allows us to compact the region in the smallest
+											// number of rectangles, making it very unlikely to run out of memory.
+				// iHighlightedLineRect keeps the bounding rect of the highlighted area in the current line.
+				// if highlight extensions are not used, this rect corresponds to the highlighted rect.
+				if (iHighlightedLineRect.IsEmpty())
+					{
+					iHighlightedLineRect = rect;
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					iHighlightedLineRect.BoundingRect(rect);
+					}
+				}
+			found = GetNextHighlightClipRect(interpreter, aRect, rect);
+			}
+		interpreter.Close();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// the selection should not be inverted but only drawn with different colors, using TTmHighlightSource.
+		RRegion highlightRgn;
+		// we are using a region that can grow to contain an arbitrary number of rectangles.
+		// so we must handle the case in which a rectangle allocation fails in a region operation.
+		TBool outOfMemory = ! GetHighlightClipRegion(aRect, highlightRgn);
+		if (outOfMemory)
+			{
+			// we ran out of memory allocating rectangles in the region.
+			// we can still draw the highlighted background area enumerating the rectangles that
+			// would compose the region and setting them as clipping rects in the graphics context.
+			RTmBoundingRectInterpreter interpreter(iSource, iParam);
+			TRect rect;
+			TBool found = GetFirstHighlightClipRect(interpreter, aRect, rect);
+			while (found)
+				{
+				iGc.SetClippingRect(rect);
+				TTmHighlightSource highlightSource(Source());
+				highlightSource.DrawBackground(iGc, TextLayoutTopLeft(), rect, aBackground, drawn);
+				iGc.SetClippingRect(iClipRect);
+				found = GetNextHighlightClipRect(interpreter, aRect, rect);
+				}
+			interpreter.Close();
+			}
+		else if (! highlightRgn.IsEmpty())
+			{
+			// here highlightRgn contains the highlighted region. We can use it to clip the graphics context
+			// and draw only the highlighted background area. This is faster than drawing it rect by rect.
+			highlightRgn.ClipRect(iClipRect); // ClipRect() is a safe operation, it never sets the region error flag
+			if (! highlightRgn.IsEmpty())
+				{
+				// if the selection should not be inverted but only drawn with different colors,
+				// then we clip the graphics context region and use a TTmHighlightSource to draw it.
+				TBool useClippingRgn = highlightRgn.Count() > 1;
+				if (useClippingRgn)
+					{
+					iGc.SetClippingRegion(highlightRgn);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					iGc.SetClippingRect(highlightRgn[0]);
+					}
+				TRect clipRect = highlightRgn.BoundingRect();
+				clipRect.Intersection(aRect);
+				TTmHighlightSource highlightSource(Source());
+				highlightSource.DrawBackground(iGc, TextLayoutTopLeft(), clipRect, aBackground, drawn);
+				if (useClippingRgn)
+					{
+					iGc.CancelClippingRegion();
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					iGc.SetClippingRect(iClipRect);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		highlightRgn.Close();
+		}
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::Text()
+	{
+	// Copy all the text into a single buffer.
+	int buffer_length = EndChar() - StartChar();
+	// If the buffer is overlong, we will truncate. This happens when a huge
+	// number of spaces terminates a line.
+	// This causes two bad effects:
+	// 1) the cursor cannot be seen after the truncation position.
+	// 2) finding the end of the line just finds the truncation position, not
+	// the actual end of the line.
+	// TPB 2/7/2001 - fix for DAS-4XVEJ7
+	if (KMaxTextChunkSize < buffer_length)
+		buffer_length = KMaxTextChunkSize;
+	TText buffer[KMaxTextChunkSize + 2];
+	TTmCharFormat format;
+	CTmTextFontCache* font = NULL;
+	TInt err = TextCache().GetDisplayedText(StartChar(), StartChar() + buffer_length,
+		RightToLeft()?
+			RTmTextCache::EVisualRightToLeft : RTmTextCache::ELeftToRight,
+		buffer,ContextCharChar(), &format, &font);
+	if (err == KErrNone)
+		{
+		// Draw the text
+		TPtrC text(buffer, buffer_length + 2);
+		if (*text.Ptr() == 0xFFFF)
+			DrawText(text,0, text.Length() - 1, format,&font->Font());
+		else
+			DrawText(text,1, text.Length() - 1, format,&font->Font());
+		font->Close();
+		}
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::InlineText()
+	{
+	TPtrC text;
+	TTmCharFormat format;
+	CTmTextFontCache* font = NULL;
+	GetInlineText(text,&format,&font);
+	if (font != NULL)
+		{
+		DrawText(text,0, text.Length() - 1, format,&font->Font());
+		font->Close();
+		}
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::DrawText(const TDesC& aText,const TInt aStart, const TInt aEnd, const TTmCharFormat& aFormat,CFont* aFont)
+	{
+	if (!aFont)
+		return;
+	// Set the graphics context up for drawing the text.
+	iGc.UseFont(aFont);
+	iGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+	SetPenColor(aFormat.iTextColor);
+	if (aFormat.iEffects & TTmCharFormat::EUnderline)
+		iGc.SetUnderlineStyle(EUnderlineOn);
+	else
+		iGc.SetUnderlineStyle(EUnderlineOff);
+	if (aFormat.iEffects & TTmCharFormat::EStrikethrough)
+		iGc.SetStrikethroughStyle(EStrikethroughOn);
+	else
+		iGc.SetStrikethroughStyle(EStrikethroughOff);
+	// Calculate the text bounds.
+	TRect text_bounds = LineInfo().iInnerRect;
+	text_bounds.iTl.iX = StartPen().iX;
+	text_bounds.iBr.iX = EndPen().iX;
+	// Set character justification to perform copy fitting.
+	int extra_pixels = 0;
+	if (CopyFit() || (aFormat.iEffects & (TTmCharFormat::EUnderline | TTmCharFormat::EStrikethrough)))
+		{
+		CFont::TMeasureTextInput input;
+		input.iFlags = CFont::TMeasureTextInput::EFVisualOrder;
+		input.iStartInputChar = 1;
+		extra_pixels = text_bounds.Width() - aFont->MeasureText(aText, &input);
+		}
+	// Draw the text.
+	if (iDrawInvertedHighlight || ! IsCurrentOpCompletelyHighlighted() ||
+		(NULL != iHighlightExtensions && iHighlightExtensions->Shrinks()))
+		{
+		// If a custom interface to draw the text in context exists, then use it to call the appropriate DrawText method.
+		MTmCustomExtension* extensionInterface = reinterpret_cast <MTmCustomExtension*> (Source().GetExtendedInterface(KTmCustomExtensionUid));
+		if (extensionInterface)
+			{
+			extensionInterface->DrawText(iGc,TextLayoutTopLeft(),text_bounds,LineInfo(),aFormat,aText, aStart, aEnd, StartPen(),extra_pixels);
+			}
+			else
+				{
+				Source().DrawText(iGc,TextLayoutTopLeft(),text_bounds,LineInfo(),aFormat,aText.Mid(aStart,aEnd - aStart + 1),StartPen(),extra_pixels);
+				}
+		}
+	// Draw the text again if some part of it is highlighted.
+	// If we are inverting the highlighted area at the end of Line(), then we should not draw highlighted text.
+	if (! iDrawInvertedHighlight)
+		{
+		RRegion highlightRgn;
+		if (! GetHighlightClipRegion(text_bounds, highlightRgn))
+			{
+			// If the error flag is set, there was not enough memory to allocate all the rectangles.
+			// We must use a slower method: enumerate all the rectangles that compose the highlighted (and
+			// maybe extended) area of the textview and set each one of these rectangles as clipping rect
+			// of the graphics context. Then we draw the text.
+			RTmBoundingRectInterpreter interpreter(iSource, iParam);
+			TRect rect;
+			TBool found = GetFirstHighlightClipRect(interpreter, iClipRect, rect);
+			while (found)
+				{
+				iGc.SetClippingRect(rect);
+				TTmHighlightSource highlightSource(Source());
+				highlightSource.DrawText(iGc,TextLayoutTopLeft(),text_bounds,LineInfo(),aFormat,aText,aStart,aEnd,StartPen(),extra_pixels);
+				iGc.SetClippingRect(iClipRect);
+				found = GetNextHighlightClipRect(interpreter, iClipRect, rect);
+				}
+			interpreter.Close();
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// If the error flag is not set, then there was enough memory to allocate the rectangles in the region.
+			// We can set a single clipping region in the GC, that should be faster
+			if (! highlightRgn.IsEmpty())
+				{
+				highlightRgn.ClipRect(iClipRect); // ClipRect() is safe (never sets the region error flag).
+				if (! highlightRgn.IsEmpty())
+					{
+					TBool useClippingRgn = highlightRgn.Count() > 1;
+					if (useClippingRgn)
+						{
+						iGc.SetClippingRegion(highlightRgn);
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						iGc.SetClippingRect(highlightRgn[0]); // much faster
+						}
+					TTmHighlightSource highlightSource(Source());
+					highlightSource.DrawText(iGc,TextLayoutTopLeft(),text_bounds,LineInfo(),aFormat,aText,aStart,aEnd,StartPen(),extra_pixels);
+					if (useClippingRgn)
+						{
+						iGc.CancelClippingRegion();
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						iGc.SetClippingRect(iClipRect);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		highlightRgn.Close();
+		}
+	iGc.DiscardFont();
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::SpecialCharL()
+	{
+	TPtrC text;
+	GetText(StartChar(),EndChar(),text);
+	if (text[0] == CEditableText::EPictureCharacter)
+		{
+		ReleaseFont();
+		CPicture* p = Source().PictureL(StartChar());
+		if (p)
+			{
+			DrawPicture(p);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::DrawPicture(CPicture* aPicture)
+	{
+	TSize size;
+	aPicture->GetSizeInPixels(&Device(),size);
+	TPoint top_left = StartPen();
+	top_left.iY -= size.iHeight - Subscript();
+	TRect clip(top_left,size);
+	clip.Intersection(iClipRect);
+	TInt highlightStartPos = 0;
+	TInt highlightEndPos = 0;
+	if (! iDrawInvertedHighlight &&
+		GetHighlightPos(highlightStartPos, highlightEndPos))
+		{
+		// if the highlighted interval [iHighlightStartPos, iHighlightEndPos] overlaps
+		// the current object [StartDocPos(), EndDocPos()], then the whole picture is selected.
+		TTmHighlightSource highlightSource(Source());
+		highlightSource.DrawPicture(iGc, top_left, clip, Device(), *aPicture);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		Source().DrawPicture(iGc, top_left, clip, Device(), *aPicture);
+		}
+	iGc.Reset();
+	InitGraphicsContext();
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::Rule()
+	{
+	SetBrushColor(RuleColour());
+	TmTextDrawExt().DrawRect(iGc, Bounds());
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::Label()
+	{
+	ReleaseFont();
+	/*
+	The label rectangle is a hybrid; the source interface provides x coords but the y coords come from the bytecode.
+	This is so that the gutter between label and text can be adjusted at the time of drawing.
+	*/
+	MFormLabelApi* labelApi = (MFormLabelApi*)Source().GetExtendedInterface(KFormLabelApiExtensionUid);
+	if ((labelApi != NULL) && (labelApi->LabelModeSelect(LabelType(), StartChar())))
+		{
+		TRect label_rect = Bounds();
+		label_rect.Move(LineInfo().iOuterRect.iTl);
+		label_rect.iTl.iX = iLabelLeft;
+		label_rect.iBr.iX = iLabelRight;
+		TTmInterpreterParam param(ByteCode());
+		param.iCodeStart = CodePos();
+		param.iCodeEnd = EndCodePos();
+		param.iTextStart = 0;
+		param.iWidth = Bounds().Width();
+		TRect label_clip_rect = label_rect;
+		label_clip_rect.Intersection(iClipRect);
+		RTmDrawingInterpreter interpreter(Source(), iGc,param, label_rect.iTl,
+			label_clip_rect, iDocBackground, iFlags | EIsLabel, NULL, NULL);
+		interpreter.Draw();
+		interpreter.Close();
+		iGc.Reset();
+		InitGraphicsContext();
+		labelApi->LabelModeCancel();
+		}
+	Skip();
+	}
+void RTmDrawingInterpreter::InvertHighlightedLineRgn()
+	{
+	if (! iHighlightedLineRect.IsEmpty())
+		{
+		TBool useClippingRgn = (! iHighlightedLineRgn.IsEmpty() && ! iHighlightedLineRgn.CheckError());
+		if (useClippingRgn)
+			{
+			if (1 == iHighlightedLineRgn.Count())
+				{
+				iHighlightedLineRect = iHighlightedLineRgn[0];
+				useClippingRgn = EFalse;
+				}
+			}
+		if (useClippingRgn)
+			{
+			iGc.SetClippingRegion(iHighlightedLineRgn);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iGc.SetClippingRect(iHighlightedLineRect);
+			}
+		iGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+		iGc.SetBrushColor(iHighlightXorColor);
+		iGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+		iGc.SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+		TTmTextDrawExt tmTextDrawExtDefault; //The default implementation of MTmTextDrawExt
+		const MTmTextDrawExt* tmTextDrawExt = reinterpret_cast <const MTmTextDrawExt*>(
+				(MTmSource*)(iSource.GetExtendedInterface(KTmTextDrawExtId)));
+		if (NULL == tmTextDrawExt)			{
+			tmTextDrawExt = &tmTextDrawExtDefault;
+			}
+		tmTextDrawExt->DrawRect(iGc, iHighlightedLineRect);
+		iGc.SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN);
+		iGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+		if (useClippingRgn)
+			{
+			iGc.CancelClippingRegion();
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iGc.SetClippingRect(iClipRect);
+			}
+		iHighlightedLineRect = TRect(TRect::EUninitialized);
+		iHighlightedLineRgn.Clear();
+		}
+	}
+RTmBoundingRectInterpreter::RTmBoundingRectInterpreter(MTmSource& aSource,const TTmInterpreterParam& aParam):
+	RTmGeneralInterpreter(aSource,aParam),
+	iStartDocPos(-1,FALSE),
+	iEndDocPos(-1,FALSE),
+	iRangeState(EBeforeAllLines)
+	{
+	}
+TBool RTmBoundingRectInterpreter::FirstRect(TInt aStartDocPos,TInt aEndDocPos,TRect& aRect)
+	{
+	iStartDocPos = TTmDocPos(aStartDocPos,TRUE);
+	iEndDocPos = TTmDocPos(aEndDocPos,FALSE);
+	TInt dummy = StartDocPos().iPos;
+	if (aStartDocPos < StartDocPos().iPos && aEndDocPos > StartDocPos().iPos)
+		{//Highlight starts before formatted band but ends inside it
+		 //Do nothing (do not attempt to run DocPosToLine)
+		}
+	else if (!DocPosToLine(TTmDocPosSpec(iStartDocPos)))
+		{
+		return FALSE;
+		}
+	if (iStartDocPos == iEndDocPos || PosIsInLine(iEndDocPos))
+		{
+		iRangeState = EInLastLine;
+		}
+	else
+		iRangeState = EInFirstLine;
+	return NextRect(aRect);
+	}
+TBool RTmBoundingRectInterpreter::NextRect(TRect& aRect)
+	{
+	if (iRangeState == EAfterAllLines || !Next())
+		{
+		aRect.SetRect(0,0,0,0);
+		return FALSE;
+		}
+	iRect.SetRect(0,0,0,0);
+	switch (Op())
+		{
+		case EOpLine:
+			Line();
+			break;
+		case EOpText:
+			Text();
+			break;
+		case EOpSpecialChar:
+			SpecialCharacter();
+			break;
+		default:
+			Skip();
+			break;
+		}
+	aRect = iRect;
+	return TRUE;
+	}
+void RTmBoundingRectInterpreter::Line()
+	{
+	if (iRangeState == EInFirstLine)
+		{
+		if (PosIsInLine(iEndDocPos))
+			iRangeState = EInLastLine;
+		else
+			iRangeState = EInMedialLine;
+		}
+	else if (iRangeState == EInMedialLine)
+		{
+		if (PosIsInLine(iEndDocPos))
+			iRangeState = EInLastLine;
+		}
+	else if (iRangeState == EInLastLine)
+		iRangeState = EAfterAllLines;
+	if (iRangeState == EInMedialLine)
+		{
+		iRect = LineInfo().iOuterRect;
+		iRect.iTl.iX = LineInfo().iInnerRect.iTl.iX;
+		iRect.iBr.iX = LineInfo().iInnerRect.iBr.iX;
+		Skip();
+		}
+	}
+void RTmBoundingRectInterpreter::Text()
+	{
+	if (DontMeasure())
+		return;
+	TTmDocPos startPos = StartDocPos();
+	TTmDocPos endPos = EndDocPos();
+	// Return with an empty rectangle if the range doesn't overlap this section
+	// of text.
+	if (iEndDocPos <= startPos || endPos <= iStartDocPos)
+		return;
+	iRect = LineInfo().iOuterRect;
+	iRect.iTl.iX = StartPen().iX;
+	iRect.iBr.iX = EndPen().iX;
+	// Work out if we need to find the start and end within this text chunk
+	TBool startRequired = startPos.iPos < iStartDocPos.iPos? ETrue : EFalse;
+	TBool endRequired = iEndDocPos.iPos < endPos.iPos? ETrue : EFalse;
+	// Return with a full rectangle if the range totally covers this section of
+	// text.
+	if (!startRequired && !endRequired)
+		return;
+	// Sort the end points left to right.
+	TBool leftRequired = startRequired;
+	TBool rightRequired = endRequired;
+	TTmDocPos leftPos = iStartDocPos;
+	TTmDocPos rightPos = iEndDocPos;
+	if (RightToLeft())
+		{
+		leftRequired = endRequired;
+		rightRequired = startRequired;
+		leftPos = iEndDocPos;
+		rightPos = iStartDocPos;
+		}
+	// Truncate the rectangle as required.
+	RTmGraphemeInTextChunkIteratorNice edgeIterator(*this);
+	if (leftRequired)
+		{
+		edgeIterator.FindEdge(leftPos);
+		iRect.iTl.iX = edgeIterator.Get()->iPos.iEdge.iX;
+		}
+	if (rightRequired)
+		{
+		edgeIterator.FindEdge(rightPos);
+		iRect.iBr.iX = edgeIterator.Get()->iPos.iEdge.iX;
+		}
+	edgeIterator.Close();
+	}
+void RTmBoundingRectInterpreter::SpecialCharacter()
+	{
+	// Return with an empty rectangle if the range doesn't overlap this section
+	// of text.
+	if (iEndDocPos.iPos <= StartChar() || EndChar() <= iStartDocPos.iPos)
+		return;
+	// Otherwise return the full rectangle: special characters are indivisible.
+	iRect = LineInfo().iOuterRect;
+	iRect.iTl.iX = StartPen().iX;
+	iRect.iBr.iX = EndPen().iX;
+	}
+TTmByteCodeFinder::TTmByteCodeFinder(const TTmInterpreterParam& aParam,TInt aStartDocPos,TInt aEndDocPos):
+	TTmInterpreter(aParam),
+	iStartDocPos(aStartDocPos),
+	iEndDocPos(aEndDocPos)
+	{
+	}
+Find the bytecode for the range iStartDocPos...iEndDocPos.
+If aToParStart is ETrue the bytecode is extended to the start of the paragraph, 
+otherwise to one line before the one containing iStartDocPos.
+If aToParEnd is ETrue the bytecode is extended to the end of the paragraph, 
+otherwise to one line after the one containing iEndDocPos. However, aToParEnd 
+is constrained by aMaxExtraLines, which is the maximum number of lines
+allowed after the line containing iEndDocPos.
+The bidirectional contexts at the start and end are placed in iStartBdState and 
+iEndBdState if both pointers are non-null.
+TBool TTmByteCodeFinder::FindByteCode(TBool aToParStart,TBool aToParEnd,TInt aMaxExtraLines,TInfo& aInfo,
+									  TBidirectionalContext* aStartBdState,TBidirectionalContext* aEndBdState)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG((aStartBdState && aEndBdState)
+		|| (!aStartBdState && !aEndBdState), TmPanic(EBadArg));
+	if (aStartBdState)
+		{
+		aStartBdState->Reset();
+		aEndBdState->Reset();
+		}
+	// Use aEndBdState to hold the bidirectional state temporarily, so that the following line doesn't overwrite it.
+	SetBdStatePtr(aEndBdState);
+	// We are looking for the context  of the previous line in the byte code, to pass it on to the next line.
+	TUint contextChar = 0;
+	TUint prevContextChar = 0;
+	// Find iStartDocPos.
+	TBool foundStart = EFalse;
+	TBool get_info = EFalse;
+	while (Next())
+		{
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Op() == EOpLine, Panic(ECorrupt));
+		contextChar = LineContextCharChar();
+		foundStart = iStartDocPos >= StartChar() && iStartDocPos < EndChar();
+		get_info = LineInfo().iLineNumber == 0 || ParStart();
+		if (!aToParStart)
+			get_info = get_info || !foundStart;
+		if (get_info)
+			{
+			aInfo.iBounds.iTl = LineInfo().iOuterRect.iTl;
+			aInfo.iStartCodePos = StartCodePos();
+			aInfo.iStartInfo = LineInfo();
+			aInfo.iContextCharPerLine = prevContextChar;
+			if (aStartBdState && aEndBdState)
+				*aStartBdState = *aEndBdState;
+			}
+		if (foundStart)
+			break;
+		Skip();
+		prevContextChar = contextChar;
+		}
+	if (!foundStart)
+		return EFalse;
+	// Find iEndDocPos.
+	SetBdStatePtr(aEndBdState);
+	if (aEndBdState)
+		aEndBdState->Reset();
+	TBool foundEnd = EFalse;
+	TInt extra_lines = 0;
+	do
+		{
+		// Operators must all be EOpLine because we're skipping from line to line
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Op() == EOpLine, Panic(ECorrupt));
+		aInfo.iBounds.iBr = LineInfo().iOuterRect.iBr;
+		aInfo.iEndCodePos = EndCodePos();
+		aInfo.iEndInfo = LineInfo();
+		if (foundEnd)
+			{
+			extra_lines++;
+			SetBdStatePtr(NULL);
+			if (!aToParEnd || extra_lines >= aMaxExtraLines)
+				break;
+			}
+		if (!foundEnd)
+			foundEnd = iEndDocPos >= StartChar() && iEndDocPos < EndChar();
+		if (foundEnd && ParEnd())
+			break;
+		Skip();
+		} while (Next());
+	return foundEnd;
+	}
+Find the bytecode at the end of the formatted range.
+The section returned must not be bigger than aMaxHeight: if aMaxHeight is sufficiently 
+small that we cannot retrieve any whole lines without going over, return EFalse.
+Otherwise place information about the section of bytecode in aInfo. 
+The bidirectional contexts at the start and end are placed in iStartBdState and 
+iEndBdState if both pointers are non-null.
+TBool TTmByteCodeFinder::FindByteCodeAtEnd(TInfo& aInfo, TInt aMaxHeight, TInt aTotalHeight, 
+	TBidirectionalContext* aStartBdState,TBidirectionalContext* aEndBdState)
+	{
+	TInt heightToSkip = aTotalHeight - aMaxHeight;
+	TInt cumulativeHeight = 0;
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG((aStartBdState && aEndBdState) || (!aStartBdState && !aEndBdState), TmPanic(EBadArg));
+	if (aStartBdState)
+		{
+		aStartBdState->Reset();
+		aEndBdState->Reset();
+		}
+	// Use aEndBdState to hold the bidirectional state temporarily, so that the following line doesn't overwrite it.
+	SetBdStatePtr(aEndBdState);
+	// Find iStartDocPos.
+	TBool foundStart = EFalse;
+	while (Next())
+		{
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Op() == EOpLine, Panic(ECorrupt));
+		if (cumulativeHeight > heightToSkip)
+			{
+			foundStart = ETrue;
+			aInfo.iBounds.iTl = LineInfo().iOuterRect.iTl;
+			aInfo.iStartCodePos = StartCodePos();
+			aInfo.iStartInfo = LineInfo();
+			if (aStartBdState && aEndBdState)
+				{
+				*aStartBdState = *aEndBdState;	
+				}
+			Skip();
+			break;
+			}
+		cumulativeHeight += LineInfo().iOuterRect.Height();
+		Skip();
+		}
+	TBool foundEnd = EFalse;	
+	while (Next())
+		{
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Op() == EOpLine, Panic(ECorrupt));
+		foundEnd = ETrue;
+		aInfo.iBounds.iBr = LineInfo().iOuterRect.iBr;
+		aInfo.iEndCodePos = EndCodePos();
+		aInfo.iEndInfo = LineInfo();
+		Skip();
+		}
+	SetBdStatePtr(NULL);
+	return foundStart && foundEnd;
+	}