changeset 32 8b9155204a54
child 49 4d76f1414957
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/textrendering/textformatting/tagma/TMSOURCE.CPP	Fri Jun 04 10:37:54 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+* Base class functions for TAGMA's text source interface classes.
+#include <txtfrmat.h>
+#include <txtetext.h>
+#include "TAGMA.H"
+#include "TMSTD.H"
+#include <linebreak.h>
+inline TBool IsSurrogate(TText a) { return 0xD800 == (a & 0xF800); }
+Convert a system colour index to a system colour, using or modifying the supplied default colour if desired.
+EXPORT_C TRgb MTmCustom::SystemColor(TUint /*aColorIndex*/,TRgb aDefaultColor) const
+	{
+	return aDefaultColor;
+	}
+Return the level of stretchability; the relative desirability of inserting space after a character
+when fully justifying. A value of zero means that the character cannot be stretched. Higher values
+mean greater stretchability.
+EXPORT_C TInt MTmCustom::Stretch(TUint aChar) const
+	{
+	// Ordinary spaces and non-break spaces are most stretchable.
+	if (aChar == 0x0020 || aChar == 0x00A0)
+		return 3;
+	// Nothing else in General Scripts, Symbols, Surrogates, Private Use, Compatibility, and Specials is stretchable.
+	if (aChar < 0x3000 || aChar >= 0xD800)
+		return 0;
+	// Ideographs, Hangul, Bopomofo, Kanbun, etc., are stretchable if nothing else is available.
+	if (aChar <= 0x303F || aChar >= 0x3100)
+		return 1;
+	// Katakana and hiragana are more stretchable than ideographs but less so than ordinary spaces.
+	return 2;
+	}
+The default function to map a character to the character drawn, or to 0xFFFF if the character is not to be drawn.
+EXPORT_C TUint MTmCustom::Map(TUint aChar) const
+	{
+	// Deal with some easy cases without calling TChar::GetCategory.
+	if (aChar >= 0x0020 && aChar <= 0x007E) // ascii
+		return aChar;
+	if (aChar >= 0x00A1 && aChar <= 0x021F) // latin supplement & contiguous latin extended
+		{
+		if (aChar == CEditableText::EPotentialHyphen) //0x00AD
+			return '-'; //0x002D
+		return aChar;
+		}
+	if (aChar >= 0xE000 && aChar <= 0xF8FF) // private use area
+		return aChar;
+	// All special hyphens are represented as an ordinary  hyphen.
+	if (aChar == CEditableText::ENonBreakingHyphen)
+		return '-';
+	// Picture characters are turned into 0x25A3 (black square inside white square).
+	if (aChar == CEditableText::EPictureCharacter)
+		return 0x25A3;
+	// Zero-width space not drawn
+	if (aChar == 0x200B)
+		return 0xFFFF;
+	// Hard space rendered as normal space
+	if (aChar == 0xA0)
+		return 0x20;
+	// don't show corrupt surrogate
+	if (IsSurrogate(aChar))
+		{
+		//This is an informationl message. Commented out to avoid annoyance
+		//RDebug::Print(_L("Error: Do not show corrupt surrogate %X."), aChar);
+		return 0xFFFF;
+		}
+	TChar::TCategory cat = TChar(aChar).GetCategory();
+	// Control characters and unassigned characters are usually not understood
+	// by CFont::DrawText. Some are and must be present to get the correct
+	// result.
+	if (cat > TChar::EZsCategory
+		&& aChar != KZeroWidthJoiner
+		&& aChar != KZeroWidthNonJoiner)
+		return 0xFFFF;
+	// Other characters are left alone.
+	return aChar;
+	}
+The default function to set the line height.
+EXPORT_C void MTmCustom::SetLineHeight(const TLineHeightParam& aParam,TInt& aAscent,TInt& aDescent) const
+	{
+	// Set the ascent and descent to the maximum font ascent and descent.
+	aAscent = aParam.iFontMaxAscent;
+	aDescent = aParam.iFontMaxDescent;
+	// Adjust to take account of desired line height.
+	if (aAscent + aDescent < aParam.iDesiredLineHeight)
+		aDescent = aParam.iDesiredLineHeight - aAscent;
+	else if (aAscent + aDescent > aParam.iDesiredLineHeight && aParam.iExactLineHeight)
+		{
+		aDescent = Max(0,(aParam.iDesiredLineHeight - aAscent));
+		aAscent = aParam.iDesiredLineHeight - aDescent;
+		}
+	/*
+	Try to accommodate the maximum font height by increasing the ascent and reducing the descent by the same amount.
+	Using the maximum font height rather than the maximum character height preserves line spacing where possible.
+	*/
+	int excess = Max(0,aParam.iFontMaxCharHeight - aAscent);
+	int descent_available = Max(0,aDescent - aParam.iFontMaxCharDepth);
+	int ascent_increase = Min(excess,descent_available);
+	aAscent += ascent_increase;
+	aDescent -= ascent_increase;
+	/*
+	If that is not possible, adjust the height and depth to accommodate the highest and deepest characters
+	and the tallest vertically floating picture. Don't do this, of course, if the line spacing was specified
+	as an exact requirement.
+	*/
+	if (!aParam.iExactLineHeight)
+		{
+		if (aParam.iMaxCharHeight > aAscent)
+			aAscent = aParam.iMaxCharHeight;
+		if (aParam.iMaxCharDepth > aDescent)
+			aDescent = aParam.iMaxCharDepth;
+		/*
+		If there are only top-aligned overheight pictures any excess goes into the descent,
+		and if there are only bottom-aligned overheight pictures any excess goes into the ascent,
+		otherwise any excess is distributed evenly between ascent and descent.
+		*/
+		int top_excess = aParam.iMaxTopPictureHeight - (aAscent + aDescent);
+		int bottom_excess = aParam.iMaxBottomPictureHeight - (aAscent + aDescent);
+		int centre_excess = aParam.iMaxCenterPictureHeight - (aAscent + aDescent);
+		if (top_excess > 0 && bottom_excess <= 0 && centre_excess <= 0)
+			aDescent += top_excess;
+		else if (top_excess <= 0 && bottom_excess > 0 && centre_excess <= 0)
+			aAscent += bottom_excess;
+		else
+			{
+			centre_excess = Max(centre_excess,top_excess);
+			centre_excess = Max(centre_excess,bottom_excess);
+			if (centre_excess > 0)
+				{
+				aAscent += centre_excess / 2;
+				aDescent += centre_excess - centre_excess / 2;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+The default function to drawn the background. It fills the supplied rectangle with the background colour.
+EXPORT_C void MTmCustom::DrawBackground(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TPoint& /*aTextLayoutTopLeft*/,const TRect& aRect,
+										const TLogicalRgb& aBackground,TRect& aRectDrawn) const
+	{
+	aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+	SetBrushColor(aGc,aBackground);
+	aGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+	aGc.DrawRect(aRect);
+	aRectDrawn = aRect;
+	}
+By default no line graphics are drawn.
+EXPORT_C void MTmCustom::DrawLineGraphics(CGraphicsContext& /*aGc*/,const TPoint& /*aTextLayoutTopLeft*/,
+										  const TRect& /*aRect*/,const TTmLineInfo& /*aLineInfo*/) const
+	{
+	}
+Draw text and its highlit background if any. The text should be drawn with its origin
+at aTextOrigin after optionally drawing the background in aRect; and the text should be expanded
+in width by aExtraPixels, normally by using letterspacing. The default function
+draws the text with no special effects and supports standard and rounded highlighting only.
+The font, colour, and text style, which are specified in aFormat, have already been selected into the graphics context.
+EXPORT_C void MTmCustom::DrawText(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TPoint& aTextLayoutTopLeft,const TRect& aRect,
+								  const TTmLineInfo& aLineInfo,const TTmCharFormat& aFormat,
+								  const TDesC& aText,const TPoint& aTextOrigin,TInt aExtraPixels) const
+	{
+	MTmCustomExtension c;
+	c.DrawText(aGc,aTextLayoutTopLeft,aRect,aLineInfo,aFormat,aText,-1,-1,aTextOrigin,aExtraPixels);
+	}
+/** Draw the picture onto the graphics context.
+@param aGc The graphics context.
+@param aTopLeft Coordinates of the top left corner pixel of the picture.
+@param aRect A clipping rectangle that defines the area to draw the picture.
+@param aDevice The device map for the graphics device. It provides
+the scaling to apply to the picture.
+@param aPicture The drawable object.
+@see CPicture::Draw
+EXPORT_C void MTmCustom::DrawPicture(CGraphicsContext& aGc,
+	const TPoint& aTopLeft, const TRect& aRect,
+	MGraphicsDeviceMap& aDevice, const CPicture& aPicture) const
+	{
+	aGc.SetClippingRect(aRect);
+	aPicture.Draw(aGc, aTopLeft, aRect, &aDevice);
+	}
+/** This function translates logical colours specified in FORM objects into
+real colours.
+It extracts the logical colour index stored in TLogicalRgb and invokes
+<code>MtmCustom::SystemColor(TUint, TRgb)</code> to convert the logical colour to
+real colour.
+@param aColor The logical colour to translate.
+@return The real colour represesented by the logical colour.
+EXPORT_C TRgb MTmCustom::SystemColor(TLogicalRgb aColor) const
+	{
+	MTmCustomExtension c;
+	return c.SystemColor(aColor);
+	}
+/** Sets the pen colour.
+The pen is used to draw lines, the outlines of filled shapes, and text.
+@param aColor The logical colour for the pen. 
+@see CGraphicsContext::SetPenColor()
+EXPORT_C void MTmCustom::SetPenColor(CGraphicsContext& aGc,TLogicalRgb aColor) const
+	{	
+	MTmCustomExtension c;
+	TUint index = aColor.SystemColorIndex();
+	if (index)
+	   aColor = SystemColor(index,aColor) & 0xFFFFFF;
+	c.SetPenColor(aGc,aColor);
+	}
+/** Sets the brush colour.
+The brush is used for filling shapes and the background of text boxes. The 
+brush has colour, style, pattern and pattern origin parameters.
+If no brush colour has been set, it defaults to white. However the default 
+brush style is null, so when drawing to a window the default appears to be 
+the window's background colour.
+@param aColor The logical colour for the brush. 
+@see CGraphicsContext::SetDrawMode()
+EXPORT_C void MTmCustom::SetBrushColor(CGraphicsContext& aGc,TLogicalRgb aColor) const
+	{
+	MTmCustomExtension c;
+	c.SetBrushColor(aGc,aColor);
+	}
+Convert a system colour index to a system colour, using or modifying the supplied default colour if desired.
+EXPORT_C TRgb MTmCustomExtension::SystemColor(TUint /*aColorIndex*/,TRgb aDefaultColor) const
+	{
+	return aDefaultColor;
+	}
+Draw text and its highlit background if any. The text should be drawn with its origin
+at aTextOrigin after optionally drawing the background in aRect; and the text should be expanded
+in width by aExtraPixels, normally by using letterspacing. The default function
+draws the text with no special effects and supports standard and rounded highlighting only.
+The font, colour, and text style, which are specified in aFormat, have already been selected into the graphics context.
+EXPORT_C void MTmCustomExtension::DrawText(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TPoint& /*aTextLayoutTopLeft*/,const TRect& aRect,
+								  const TTmLineInfo& /*aLineInfo*/,const TTmCharFormat& aFormat,
+								  const TDesC& aText,const TInt aStart, const TInt aEnd, const TPoint& aTextOrigin,TInt aExtraPixels) const
+	{
+	TUint effects = aFormat.iEffects;
+	CGraphicsContext::TTextParameters contextParam;
+	contextParam.iStart = aStart;
+	contextParam.iEnd = aEnd;
+	// Draw the highlight.
+	if (effects)
+		{
+		if (effects & TTmCharFormat::EBackground)
+			{
+			// Draw the background.
+			if (!(effects & TTmCharFormat::ERounded))
+				{
+				SetBrushColor(aGc,aFormat.iBackgroundColor);
+				aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+				aGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+				aGc.DrawRect(aRect);
+				aGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+				}
+			// Draw the background with rounded corners.
+			else
+				{
+				/*
+				The pen is made solid, not null, and the pen colour is set, to
+				work around some bugs in DrawRoundRect: see ER5U defect EDNGASR-487K64.
+				*/
+				SetBrushColor(aGc,aFormat.iBackgroundColor);
+				aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+				aGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+				SetPenColor(aGc,aFormat.iBackgroundColor);
+				TSize corner(Min(aRect.Height(),aRect.Width()) / 3,aRect.Height() / 3);
+				aGc.DrawRoundRect(aRect,corner);
+				//+ fill in flat side if needed; draw ordinary rectangle if both sides are flat.
+				SetPenColor(aGc,aFormat.iTextColor);
+				}
+			}
+		// Draw the text offset towards the bottom-right in the highlight colour before drawing in the text colour.
+		else if (effects & TTmCharFormat::EShadow)
+			{
+			SetPenColor(aGc,aFormat.iBackgroundColor);
+			if (aExtraPixels)
+				aGc.SetCharJustification(aExtraPixels,aText.Length());
+			TPoint p(aTextOrigin);
+			p.iX += 2;
+			p.iY += 2;
+			if (aStart < 0 || aEnd < 0)
+				aGc.DrawText(aText,p);
+			else
+				aGc.DrawText(aText,&contextParam,p);
+			SetPenColor(aGc,aFormat.iTextColor);
+			}
+		}
+	// Draw the text, with letterspacing if needed.
+	if (aExtraPixels)
+		aGc.SetCharJustification(aExtraPixels,aText.Length());
+	if (aStart < 0 || aEnd < 0)
+		aGc.DrawText(aText,aTextOrigin);
+	else	
+		aGc.DrawText(aText,&contextParam,aTextOrigin);
+	}
+/** This function translates logical colours specified in FORM objects into
+real colours.
+It extracts the logical colour index stored in TLogicalRgb and invokes
+<code>MtmCustom::SystemColor(TUint, TRgb)</code> to convert the logical colour to
+real colour.
+@param aColor The logical colour to translate.
+@return The real colour represesented by the logical colour.
+EXPORT_C TRgb MTmCustomExtension::SystemColor(TLogicalRgb aColor) const
+	{
+	TUint index = aColor.SystemColorIndex();
+	if (index)
+		return SystemColor(index,aColor) & 0xFFFFFF;
+	return aColor;
+	}
+/** Sets the pen colour.
+The pen is used to draw lines, the outlines of filled shapes, and text.
+@param aColor The logical colour for the pen. 
+@see CGraphicsContext::SetPenColor()
+EXPORT_C void MTmCustomExtension::SetPenColor(CGraphicsContext& aGc,TLogicalRgb aColor) const
+	{
+	aGc.SetPenColor(SystemColor(aColor));
+	}
+/** Sets the brush colour.
+The brush is used for filling shapes and the background of text boxes. The 
+brush has colour, style, pattern and pattern origin parameters.
+If no brush colour has been set, it defaults to white. However the default 
+brush style is null, so when drawing to a window the default appears to be 
+the window's background colour.
+@param aColor The logical colour for the brush. 
+@see CGraphicsContext::SetDrawMode()
+EXPORT_C void MTmCustomExtension::SetBrushColor(CGraphicsContext& aGc,TLogicalRgb aColor) const
+	{
+	aGc.SetBrushColor(SystemColor(aColor));
+	}
+/***************************MTmCustomExtension End********************************************/
+Return the end of the paragraph - after the paragraph separator if any.
+EXPORT_C TInt MTmSource::ParagraphEnd(TInt aPos) const
+	{
+	TInt doc_end = DocumentLength();
+	TPtrC text;
+	TTmCharFormat format;
+	while (aPos < doc_end)
+		{
+		GetText(aPos,text,format);
+		const TText *p = text.Ptr();
+		const TText *q = p + text.Length();
+		while (p < q)
+			if (*p == CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter)
+				return aPos + 1;
+			else
+				{
+				p++;
+				aPos++;
+				}
+		}
+	return doc_end + 1;
+	}
+The default function to get a picture; override this if there are pictures in the document.
+EXPORT_C CPicture* MTmSource::PictureL(TInt /*aPos*/) const
+	{
+	return NULL;
+	}
+// The default function to get a picture's size; override this if there are pictures in the document.
+EXPORT_C TInt MTmSource::GetPictureSizeInTwipsL(TInt /*aPos*/,TSize& /*aSize*/) const
+	{
+	return KErrNotFound;
+	}
+The default function to select label mode for a paragraph containing a particular position.
+If a label of the selected type exists for the paragraph, the mode is selected and the source
+returns the text of the label, not the main text, until the mode is cancelled. The return value
+is ETrue if a label exists, EFalse otherwise. This means that FALSE must be returned if label mode
+has already been selected.
+EXPORT_C TBool MFormLabelApi::LabelModeSelect(MTmSource::TLabelType /*aType*/, TInt /*aPos*/)
+	{
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+Cancel any label mode that has been selected.
+EXPORT_C void MFormLabelApi::LabelModeCancel()
+	{
+	}
+Get the size and margin size for a label. The maximum width and height for the label text
+are placed in aLabelSize and the width or height of the margin containing the label in aMarginSize.
+Whether the label is placed left, right, above or below the text and whether the label is
+centred in the margin or placed flush with one of its edges depends on the label type.
+EXPORT_C void MFormLabelApi::LabelMetrics(MTmSource::TLabelType /*aType*/, TSize& aLabelSize, TInt& aMarginSize) const
+	{
+	aLabelSize.iWidth = 0;
+	aLabelSize.iHeight = 0;
+	aMarginSize = 0;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TAny* MTmSource::GetExtendedInterface(const TUid& /*aInterfaceId*/)
+	{
+	return NULL;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void MTmSource::MTmSource_Reserved_1()
+	{
+	}
+EXPORT_C void MTmSource::MTmSource_Reserved_2()
+	{
+	}
+/** Returns whether line break is possible between two characters.
+@param aPrevClass The class before the potential line break.
+@param aNextClass The class after the potential line break.
+@param aHaveSpaces Whether spaces separate the characters.
+@return ETrue if a line break is possible between characters with the two line
+break classes, EFalse if not.
+@see MLineBreaker::LineBreakPossible()
+EXPORT_C TBool MTmCustom::LineBreakPossible(TUint aPrevClass,TUint aNextClass,TBool aHaveSpaces) const
+	{
+	MLineBreaker b;
+	return b.LineBreakPossible(aPrevClass, aNextClass, aHaveSpaces);
+	}
+/** Converts Unicode character into line breaking class.
+@param aCode Input Unicode value.
+@param aRangeStart Returns the start of the contiguous range of characters 
+including aCode that have the returned line breaking class.
+@param aRangeEnd Returns the end of the contiguous range of characters including 
+aCode that have the returned line breaking class.
+@return The line breaking class for aCode.
+@see MLineBreaker::LineBreakClass()
+EXPORT_C TUint MTmCustom::LineBreakClass(TUint aCode,TUint& aRangeStart,TUint& aRangeEnd) const
+	{
+	MLineBreaker b;
+	return b.LineBreakClass(aCode, aRangeStart, aRangeEnd);
+	}
+Gets the position of the first or last possible line break position in a
+text string.
+This function is called instead of LineBreakPossible() for runs of characters
+of class ESaLineBreakClass. It is used for languages like Thai, Lao
+and Khmer that have no spaces between words, so that line breaks must be
+calculated using dictionary lookup or a linguistic algorithm.
+Only the Thai language is supported in this implementation, i.e. this
+function will return false for other languages.
+@see MLineBreaker::GetLineBreakInContext()
+@param aText A string containing characters of class ESaLineBreakClass.
+@param aMinBreakPos A position within aText at which to begin searching for a
+possible line break position.
+@param aMaxBreakPos A position within aText at which to stop searching for a
+possible line break position.
+@param aForwards If ETrue, the function gets the first possible line break
+position (searches forwards from aMinBreakPos); if EFalse, gets the last one
+(searches backwards from aMaxBreakPos).
+@param aBreakPos On return, the position of the first or last possible line
+break within aText. This must be greater than zero and less than aText.Length()
+- 1, and must also be in the range aMinBreakPos to aMaxBreakPos.
+@return ETrue if a possible line break position is found, EFalse if not.
+EXPORT_C TBool MTmCustom::GetLineBreakInContext(const TDesC& aText,
+	TInt aMinBreakPos, TInt aMaxBreakPos, TBool aForwards, TInt& aBreakPos) const
+	{
+	MLineBreaker b;
+	return b.GetLineBreakInContext(aText, aMinBreakPos, aMaxBreakPos,
+		aForwards, aBreakPos);
+	}
+/** Tests whether a character may be positioned outside the right margin.
+This function is provided to allow customisation of the line breaking
+behaviour for closing punctuation in Japanese. Any characters for which this function returns
+ETrue are allowed to overhang the right margin. The rest will be moved to the
+next line.
+The default implementation of this function just returns false.
+@see MLineBreaker::IsHangingCharacter()
+@param aChar The Unicode character code of interest.
+@return ETrue if the character specified can overhang the right margin, EFalse if
+not. */
+EXPORT_C TBool MTmCustom::IsHangingCharacter(TUint aChar) const
+	{
+	MLineBreaker b;
+	return b.IsHangingCharacter(aChar);
+	}
+A minimal MTmSource class used by the static function MTmSource::GetStandardLineBreak. It provides
+stubs for the pure virtual functions.
+class TMinimalSource: public MTmSource
+	{
+	// We need to be able to instantiate this class for a single minimal purpose that does not
+	// involve the functions FormatDevice or InterpretDevice. So the following 3 lines use a
+	// syntax trick to avoid compiler warnings about returning a NULL reference
+	MGraphicsDeviceMap* NoDeviceMap() const { return 0; }
+	MGraphicsDeviceMap& FormatDevice() const { return *NoDeviceMap(); }
+	MGraphicsDeviceMap& InterpretDevice() const { return *NoDeviceMap(); }
+	TInt DocumentLength() const { return 0; }
+	void GetText(TInt,TPtrC&,TTmCharFormat&) const { }
+	void GetParagraphFormatL(TInt,RTmParFormat&) const { }
+	TInt ParagraphStart(TInt) const { return 0; }
+	};
+A static function to expose the standard line breaking system for use on plain text, mainly so that UIKON can
+use it for messages.
+It finds the last feasible line break in the range aMinBreakPos...aMaxBreakPos within aText, and the start of
+the next line, which may be after aMaxBreakPos (because aMaxBreakPos may be in a run of spaces or before
+a line or paragraph separator).
+The text passed in is the maximum that will fit the required line width; in other words, it has already been measured.
+The best way to do this is to use CFont::MeasureText and specify a TMeasureTextInput parameter with
+TMeasureTextInput::iMaxAdvance to the line width; TMeasureTextOutput::iChars gives the maximum length that
+will fit the line.
+Bidirectional reformatting should be done after the break position is found.
+Forced line breaks, which may be caused by CR, LF, FF, combinations of these, U+2028, and U+2029, are ignored,
+the purpose of the function being to break some text that is already known to be too wide for a certain measure.
+Dictionary-based line breaking for Thai is not available. Use zero-width spaces to allow line breaks in Thai.
+This function cannot leave because MTmSource::GetLineBreakL cannot leave unless the implementation of PictureL can
+leave, and here the default MTmSource::PictureL, which does not leave, is called.
+EXPORT_C void MTmSource::GetStandardLineBreak(const TDesC& aText,TInt aMinBreakPos,TInt aMaxBreakPos,
+											  TInt& aBreakPos,TInt& aNextLineStart)
+	{
+	TMinimalSource source;
+	TInt hanging_break_pos;
+	TBool found = source.GetLineBreakL(aText,0,aMinBreakPos,aMaxBreakPos,FALSE,
+									   aBreakPos,hanging_break_pos,aNextLineStart); // cannot leave
+	if (!found)
+		aBreakPos = aNextLineStart = aMaxBreakPos;
+	}
+class TSourcePictureBreaker : public MContingentLineBreakerL
+	{
+	TSourcePictureBreaker(const MTmSource& aSource, TInt aDocPos)
+		: iSource(&aSource), iDocPos(aDocPos) {}
+	TBool IsLegalBreakBeforeL(TInt aTextPosition, TInt aPreceedingClass,
+		TBool aHasSpaces)
+		{
+		CPicture* pic = iSource->PictureL(iDocPos + aTextPosition);
+		if (pic)
+			return pic->LineBreakPossible(aPreceedingClass, ETrue, aHasSpaces);
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	TBool IsLegalBreakAfterL(TInt aTextPosition, TInt aFollowingClass,
+		TBool aHasSpaces)
+		{
+		CPicture* pic = iSource->PictureL(iDocPos + aTextPosition);
+		if (pic)
+			return pic->LineBreakPossible(aFollowingClass, EFalse, aHasSpaces);
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	const MTmSource* iSource;
+	TInt iDocPos;
+	};
+Get the first or last possible line break in that part of aText between aMinBreakPos and aMaxBreakPos inclusive.
+Return this in aBreakPos, which must be in the range aMinBreakPos...aMaxBreakPos. The absolute document
+position of the start of the text is supplied in aDocPos; this is needed for determining the line break
+characteristics of embedded pictures.
+Two more positions are returned:
+aHangingBreakPos is the break position after any hanging characters,
+and aBreakPosAfterSpaces is the position after any spaces; aHangingBreakPos is
+greater than or equal to aBreakPos and aBreakPosAfterSpaces is greater than or equal to aHangingBreakPos.
+Return TRUE if a break is found, FALSE if not. aForwards determines the direction of search.
+This function cannot leave unless MTmSource::PictureL can leave.
+EXPORT_C TBool MTmSource::GetLineBreakL(const TDesC& aText,TInt aDocPos,TInt aMinBreakPos,TInt aMaxBreakPos,
+										TBool aForwards,TInt& aBreakPos,TInt& aHangingBreakPos,
+										TInt& aBreakPosAfterSpaces) const
+	{
+	TSourcePictureBreaker picBreaker(*this, aDocPos);
+	if(!MLineBreaker::GetLineBreakL(aText, aMinBreakPos, aMaxBreakPos, 
+									aForwards, &picBreaker, aHangingBreakPos, 
+									aBreakPosAfterSpaces))
+		{
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	aBreakPos = aHangingBreakPos <= aMaxBreakPos? aHangingBreakPos : aMaxBreakPos;
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+// The default function to state whether there is a page break in the given range.
+EXPORT_C TBool MTmSource::PageBreakInRange(TInt /*aStartPos*/,TInt /*aEndPos*/) const
+	{
+	return FALSE;
+	}