changeset 32 8b9155204a54
parent 0 1fb32624e06b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/textrendering/textformatting/tagma/TMSTD.H	Fri Jun 04 10:37:54 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+* The standard internal header for TAGMA.
+#ifndef TMSTD_H__
+#define TMSTD_H__
+#include "TAGMA.H"
+#include <txtfrmat.h>
+#include <txtetext.h>
+#include <fbs.h>
+#include <bidi.h>
+#include "TAGMA_INTERNAL.H"
+static const TUint KZeroWidthJoiner = 0x200d;
+static const TUint KZeroWidthNonJoiner = 0x200C;
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CTmBufferBase) : public CBase
+	{
+	public:
+	~CTmBufferBase();
+	void Truncate(TInt aLength);
+	void Reset() { iLength = 0; }
+	TInt Length() const { return iLength; }
+	protected:
+	CTmBufferBase(TInt aExpandSize): iExpandSize(aExpandSize) { }
+	TAny* Data() const { return iData; }
+	TAny* ExtendL(TInt aSizeOfData);
+	void DoAppendL(const TAny* aItem,TInt aCount,TInt aSizeOfData);
+	private:
+	void GrowL(TInt aExtra,TInt aSizeOfData);
+	TAny* iData;
+	TInt iLength;
+	TInt iAllocated;
+	TInt iExpandSize;
+	};
+An expandable buffer.
+template<class T> class CTmBuffer: public CTmBufferBase
+	{
+	public:
+	CTmBuffer(TInt aExpandSize): CTmBufferBase(aExpandSize) { }
+	void AppendL(const T& aItem) { *STATIC_CAST(T*,ExtendL(sizeof(T)))=aItem; }
+	void AppendL(const T* aItem,TInt aCount) { DoAppendL(aItem,aCount,sizeof(T)); }
+	T* Ptr() { return (T*)Data(); }
+	const T* Ptr() const { return (const T*)Data(); }
+	T& operator[](TInt aIndex) { return Ptr()[aIndex]; }
+	};
+enum TTmPanic
+	{
+	EInvariant,
+	ENoSource,
+	EBadArg,
+	EBadLineBreak,
+	EFormatNotFound,
+	EBadTruncationLength,
+	EBadChunkType,
+	EBadCodePos,
+	EZeroLengthTextSupplied,
+	EBadLineBreakRangeTable,
+	ETextWidthBufferOverflow,
+	ETextRunNotFound,
+	EInvalidTextRunLength,
+	EInvalidTextRunIndex,
+	EUnimplemented,
+	EParagraphFormatRequired,
+	EIndexOutOfRange,
+	EBadReturnValue,
+	EBadPtrLen,
+	EBadClusterBufLen,
+	ENotImplemented
+	};
+static inline void TmPanic(TTmPanic aPanic)
+	{
+	_LIT(KTmPanic,"Tagma");
+	User::Panic(KTmPanic,aPanic);
+	}
+Maximum size for text chunks, and hence the maximum size needed for buffers when measuring or drawing text.
+const TInt KMaxTextChunkSize = 128;
+class RTmTextCache;
+class CTmTextFontCache
+	{
+	static CTmTextFontCache* New(MGraphicsDeviceMap& aDevice, CFont& aFont);
+	CFont& Font();
+	void Open();
+	void Close();
+	CTmTextFontCache(MGraphicsDeviceMap& aDevice, CFont& aFont);
+	~CTmTextFontCache();
+	TInt iRefCount;
+	MGraphicsDeviceMap& iDevice;
+	CFont& iFont;
+	};
+A class for caching text and formats extracted from a text source.
+That it is an R class shows that it must be closed after use; call Close().
+class RTmTextCache
+	{
+	enum TDisplayedTextDirectionality
+		{
+		// For requesting left-to-right text whether logical or visual
+		ELeftToRight = 0,
+		// For requesting right-to-left text in visual order
+		EVisualRightToLeft = 1,
+		// For requesting right-to-left text in logical order
+		ELogicalRightToLeft = 2
+		};
+	RTmTextCache(MTmSource& aSource,MGraphicsDeviceMap& aDevice):
+		iSource(aSource),
+		iDevice(aDevice),
+		iDocumentLength(aSource.DocumentLength()),
+		iText(NULL),
+		iTextStart(-1),
+		iTextLength(0),
+		iFont(NULL),
+		iContextCharPerChunk(NULL),
+		iContextCharInByteCode(NULL)
+		{
+		}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	~RTmTextCache() { if (iFont) TmPanic(EInvariant); }
+ 	TInt AdvanceWidthL(TInt aStart, TInt aEnd, TBool aRightToLeft,
+ 		TInt aMaxWidth = KMaxTInt, CFbsFont::TMeasureTextOutput* aOutput = 0,
+ 		TInt aExtraChar = 0);
+ 	TInt TotalWidthL(TInt aStart, TInt aEnd, TBool aRightToLeft);
+	MTmSource& Source() { return iSource; }
+	TInt GetText(TInt aPos,TInt aMaxEndChar,TPtrC& aText,TTmCharFormat* aFormat = NULL,CTmTextFontCache** aFont = NULL);
+	TInt GetTextL(TInt aPos, TInt aMaxEndChar, TPtrC& aText,
+		TTmCharFormat* aFormat = 0, CTmTextFontCache** aFont = 0);
+	TInt GetDisplayedText(TInt aStart, TInt aEnd,
+						  TDisplayedTextDirectionality aDirectionality, TText* aBuffer,TUint aContextChar,
+						  TTmCharFormat* aFormat = 0, CTmTextFontCache** aFont = NULL);
+	TUint Char(TInt aPos);
+	const TTmCharFormat& Format() const { return iFormat; }
+	MGraphicsDeviceMap& Device() { return iDevice; }
+	void ReleaseFont() { if (iFont) { iFont->Close(); iFont = NULL; } }
+	void Close() { ReleaseFont(); iTextBuffer.Close(); }
+	TBool static IsArabicPoint(TInt aChar);
+	void SetContextChar(TUint aContextChar);
+	TUint GetContextChar() const { return iContextCharPerChunk; }
+	TUint GetContextForByteCode() const { return iContextCharInByteCode; }
+	MTmSource& iSource;				// text source
+	MGraphicsDeviceMap& iDevice;	// device used for getting fonts
+	TInt iDocumentLength;			// length of the document, not including final paragraph delimiter if any
+	const TText* iText;				// current text
+	TInt iTextStart;				// start position of current text
+	TInt iTextLength;				// length of current text
+	TTmCharFormat iFormat;			// current text format
+	CTmTextFontCache* iFont;		// if non-null, current font
+	RBuf iTextBuffer;			// buffer for GetTextL (if appropriate)
+	TInt iTextBufferStart;		// start position of where iTextBuffer is copied from
+	TBool iTextBufferEndsInFormatChange;
+	//	Context  characters: These one character context data members are used by the rendering code in GDI
+	//	to render punctuation marks based on the context. The context here represents the script in which to render the punctuation.
+	TUint iContextCharPerChunk;	//	One character of context stored temporarily to pass on to 
+											//	the rendering code along with the text, and back to the TmChunk 
+											//	object being rendered. See TmChunk::SetL() and RTmTextCache::AdvanceWidthL()
+	TUint iContextCharInByteCode;	//	One character of context stored temporarily to pass on to
+											//	the TmChunk object after rendering the text with context, to be 
+											//	put into the byte code. See TmChunk::SetL() and RTmTextCache::AdvanceWidthL()
+	};
+class TTmCodeReader
+	{
+	public:
+	TTmCodeReader(const CTmCode& aCode,TInt aCodeStart,TInt aCodeEnd):
+		iCode(aCode), iCodePos(aCodeStart), iCodeEndPos(aCodeEnd),
+		iCodeSegPtr(NULL), iCodeSegEndPtr(NULL) { }
+	const CTmCode& Code() const { return iCode; }
+	TInt CodePos() const { return iCodePos; }
+	TInt CodeEndPos() const { return iCodeEndPos; }
+	TUint8 ReadByte() { if (iCodeSegPtr == iCodeSegEndPtr) SetCodePtr(); iCodePos++; return *iCodeSegPtr++; }
+	TUint8 PeekByte() {	if (iCodeSegPtr == iCodeSegEndPtr) SetCodePtr(); return *iCodeSegPtr; }
+	int ReadNumber();
+	TRect ReadRect();
+	void SetCodePos(TInt aNewCodePos);
+	private:
+	void SetCodePtr();
+	const CTmCode& iCode;			// the bytecode
+	TInt iCodePos;					// current index into the bytecode
+	TInt iCodeEndPos;				// index to the end of the bytecode being interpreted
+	const TUint8* iCodeSegPtr;		// pointer to the current position in the current bytecode segment
+	const TUint8* iCodeSegEndPtr;	// end of the current bytecode segment
+	};
+End-of-line information required for bidirectional reformatting.
+class TBidirectionalEndOfLineContext
+	{
+	TBidirectionalEndOfLineContext() { Reset(); }
+	void Set(RTmTextCache& aText, TInt aStartPos);
+	void Reset()
+		{
+		iFirstCategory = iFirstStrongCategory = TChar::EOtherNeutral;
+		}
+	void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aDest);
+	void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aSource);
+	TBool operator==(const TBidirectionalEndOfLineContext& aState) const
+		{
+		return iFirstCategory == aState.iFirstCategory
+			&& iFirstStrongCategory == aState.iFirstStrongCategory;
+		}
+	TChar::TBdCategory FirstCategory() const { return iFirstCategory; }
+	TChar::TBdCategory FirstStrongCategory() { return iFirstStrongCategory; }
+	TChar::TBdCategory iFirstCategory;
+	TChar::TBdCategory iFirstStrongCategory;
+	TInt iPositionOfLastStrongCategory;
+	TInt iStartPosOfThisLine;
+	};
+Extended TBidirectionalState for most situations in Tagma.
+class TBidirectionalContext : public TBidirectionalState
+	{
+	TBidirectionalContext() {}
+	void Reset()
+		{
+		TBidirectionalState::Reset();
+		iEndOfLine.Reset();
+		}
+	void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aSource);
+	void Set(const TBidirectionalState& aState,
+		const TBidirectionalEndOfLineContext& aEndOfLine)
+		{
+		*static_cast<TBidirectionalState*>(this) = aState;
+		iEndOfLine = aEndOfLine;
+		}
+	TBool operator==(const TBidirectionalContext& aState) const
+		{
+		return *static_cast<const TBidirectionalState*>(this) == aState
+			&& iEndOfLine == aState.iEndOfLine;
+		}
+	TBool ContextMatches(const TBidirectionalEndOfLineContext& aTest)
+		{
+		return aTest == iEndOfLine;
+		}
+	TBidirectionalEndOfLineContext iEndOfLine;
+	};
+void TmGetBorderWidth(const MGraphicsDeviceMap& aDevice,const RTmParFormat& aParFormat,RTmParFormat::TBorderIndex aSide,
+					  TInt& aSingle,TInt& aFull);
+void TmGetMarginsL(MGraphicsDeviceMap& aDevice,const RTmParFormat& aParFormat,
+				   TInt& aLeftMargin,TInt& aRightMargin,
+				   TInt& aFirstLineLeftMargin,TInt& aFirstLineRightMargin,
+				   TInt& aBulletMargin,TInt& aBulletWidth,
+				   TInt& aBulletAscent,TInt& aBulletDescent,CFont** aFont = NULL);
+void SubtractRect(const TRect& aP,const TRect& aQ,TRect* aR);
+#include "TMSTD.inl"
+#endif // __TMSTD_H__