changeset 32 8b9155204a54
parent 0 1fb32624e06b
child 40 91ef7621b7fc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/textrendering/textformatting/tbox/CARET.CPP	Fri Jun 04 10:37:54 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,750 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include "FRMTLAY.H"
+#include "FRMLAYDT.H"
+#include "FRMCONST.H"
+#include "TAGMA_INTERNAL.H"
+// Set the top of the line containing aDocPos to the y coordinate aYPos.
+TInt TCursorPosition::ViewTopOfLineL(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos,TInt& aYPos)
+	{
+	TViewYPosQualifier yPosQualifier;
+	yPosQualifier.SetHotSpot(TViewYPosQualifier::EFViewTopOfLine);
+	yPosQualifier.SetFillScreen(ETrue);
+	return iLayout->SetViewL(aDocPos,aYPos,yPosQualifier);
+	}
+void TCursorPosition::CheckSelection(TBool aSelect)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!IsSelection() || iDocPos.iPos != iAnchor,FormPanic(EFSelectedRangeZeroLen));
+	CheckNullSelection();
+	TUint drawSelectionFlags = 0;
+	iOldDocPos=iDocPos.iPos;
+	iOldAnchor=iAnchor;
+	if (IsPictureFrame())
+		{
+		drawSelectionFlags |= EDrawOldPictureFrame;
+		}
+	if (iFlags & ESelected)
+		{
+		if (!aSelect)
+			iFlags &= ~ESelected;
+		if (aSelect || !IsPictureFrame())
+			drawSelectionFlags |= EDrawHighlight;
+		if (aSelect && IsPictureFrame())
+			iAnchor=iOldDocPos;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		if (aSelect)
+			{
+			iAnchor=iDocPos.iPos;	//Change the value of iOldDocPos so that the old highlight appears to be empty
+			iFlags |= ESelected;
+			drawSelectionFlags |= EDrawHighlight;
+			}
+		iOldDocPos=iOldAnchor=iAnchor;
+		}
+	iFlags &= ~(EDrawHighlight | EDrawOldPictureFrame | EDrawNewPictureFrame);
+	iFlags |= drawSelectionFlags;
+	}
+// The cursor pos has changed so the selection might be zero length
+void TCursorPosition::CheckNullSelection()
+	{
+	if ((iFlags & ESelected) && iDocPos.iPos == iAnchor)
+		iFlags &= ~ESelected;
+	}
+TBool TCursorPosition::IsPictureFrame() const
+	{
+	if (iFlags & EReturnPreviousHighlight)
+		return (iFlags & EDrawOldPictureFrame) != 0;
+	else
+		return (iFlags & EDrawNewPictureFrame) != 0;
+	}
+TBool TCursorPosition::IsNewPictureFrame() const
+	{
+	return (iFlags & EDrawNewPictureFrame) != 0;
+	}
+TInt TCursorPosition::SetSelectionL(const TCursorSelection& aSelection)
+	//
+	//Change the highlighted region to be that specified
+	//
+	{
+	TInt scroll=0;
+ 	TInt botOfWin=iLayout->BandHeight();
+	TInt firstVisChar;
+	TTmLineInfo lower_line_info;
+	TTmLineInfo higher_line_info;
+	TTmDocPos lower_doc_pos = TTmDocPos(aSelection.LowerPos(), ETrue);
+	TTmDocPos higher_doc_pos = TTmDocPos(aSelection.HigherPos(), EFalse);
+	TInt lowerPos = iLayout->PosInBand(lower_doc_pos,&lower_line_info) ? EFInside : EFAbove;
+	TInt higherPos = iLayout->PosInBand(higher_doc_pos,&higher_line_info) ? EFInside : EFAbove;
+	TInt selectionPos = EFInside;
+	TInt extraScroll;
+	TBool cursorVisible = EFalse;
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aSelection.iCursorPos>=0 && aSelection.iCursorPos<=iLayout->DocumentLength()
+																		,FormPanic(EFInvalidDocPos));
+	iLayout->PosRangeInBand(firstVisChar);
+	if (lowerPos == EFInside)
+		{
+		if (lower_line_info.iOuterRect.iTl.iY < 0)
+			lowerPos = EFAbove;
+		}
+	else if (firstVisChar < aSelection.LowerPos())
+		lowerPos = EFBelow;
+	if (higherPos==EFInside)
+		{
+		if (higher_line_info.iOuterRect.iBr.iY > botOfWin + 1)
+			higherPos=EFBelow;
+		}
+	else if (firstVisChar < aSelection.HigherPos())
+		higherPos = EFBelow;
+	CheckSelection(ETrue);
+	iAnchor = aSelection.iAnchorPos;
+	if (lower_doc_pos.iPos == aSelection.iCursorPos)
+		iDocPos = lower_doc_pos;
+	else
+		iDocPos = higher_doc_pos;
+	if (lowerPos==EFAbove)
+		{
+		selectionPos=EFBelow;
+		if (aSelection.iCursorPos==aSelection.HigherPos() && higherPos==EFBelow)
+			selectionPos=EFAbove;
+		}
+	else if (higherPos==EFBelow)
+		selectionPos=EFAbove;
+	if (selectionPos == EFBelow || selectionPos == EFAbove)
+		{
+		TViewYPosQualifier yPosQualifier;
+		yPosQualifier.SetMakeLineFullyVisible();
+		TInt docPos = aSelection.LowerPos();
+		TInt desiredY = scroll;
+		if (selectionPos == EFBelow)
+			{
+			yPosQualifier.SetHotSpot(TViewYPosQualifier::EFViewTopOfLine);
+			yPosQualifier.SetFillScreen(TRUE);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			desiredY = botOfWin;
+			docPos = aSelection.iCursorPos < aSelection.iAnchorPos?
+				aSelection.iAnchorPos - 1 : aSelection.iCursorPos;
+			yPosQualifier.SetHotSpot(TViewYPosQualifier::EFViewBottomOfLine);
+			}
+		if (aSelection.iCursorPos == docPos)
+			cursorVisible = ETrue;
+		scroll = iLayout->SetViewL(docPos, desiredY, yPosQualifier);
+		}
+	if (cursorVisible)
+		extraScroll=DoSetVisibleDocPosL(TTmDocPos(aSelection.iCursorPos, ETrue));
+	else
+		extraScroll=DoSetDocPosL(TTmDocPos(aSelection.iCursorPos, ETrue));
+	if (scroll!=CTextLayout::EFScrollRedrawWholeScreen)
+		scroll+=extraScroll;
+	return scroll;
+	}
+void TCursorPosition::SetPendingSelection(const TCursorSelection& aSelection)
+	{
+	iFlags &= ~(ESelected | EDrawHighlight | EDrawOldPictureFrame | EDrawNewPictureFrame);
+	iDocPos.iPos = aSelection.iCursorPos;
+	iDocPos.iLeadingEdge = aSelection.iCursorPos < aSelection.iAnchorPos ? ETrue : EFalse;
+	iAnchor = aSelection.iAnchorPos;
+	if (iDocPos.iPos != iAnchor)
+		iFlags |= ESelected;
+	iLayout->SetTextViewCursorPos(this); // Put in for INC092568
+	}
+void TCursorPosition::GetOldSelection(TCursorSelection& aSelection) const
+	{
+	aSelection.iAnchorPos = iOldAnchor;
+	aSelection.iCursorPos = iOldDocPos;
+	}
+   // Return the highlighted range
+void TCursorPosition::GetSelection(TCursorSelection& aSelection) const
+	{
+	if (iFlags & EReturnPreviousHighlight)
+		GetOldSelection(aSelection);
+	else
+		{
+		aSelection.iCursorPos = iDocPos.iPos;
+		aSelection.iAnchorPos = iFlags & ESelected? iAnchor : iDocPos.iPos;
+		}
+	}
+Selection of the left end or right end of a run of text. If both ends are in 
+one line, the logical end that is visually in the direction specified will be 
+chosen. If aStart and aEnd are in different lines, then we look at whether 
+aEnd is choosing the end that is furthest forwards or furthest back by comparing
+it against the directionality of the paragraph containing aStart.
+@return Reference to aStart or aEnd.
+const TTmDocPos& TCursorPosition::VisualEndOfRunL(
+	const TTmDocPos& aStart, const TTmDocPos& aEnd,
+	TVisualEnd aDirection)
+	{
+	iLayout->ExtendFormattingToCoverPosL(aStart.iPos);
+	iLayout->ExtendFormattingToCoverPosL(aEnd.iPos);
+	TTmPosInfo2 startInfo;
+	TTmLineInfo startLine;
+	iLayout->FindDocPos(aStart, startInfo, &startLine);
+	TTmPosInfo2 endInfo;
+	iLayout->FindDocPos(aEnd, endInfo);
+	TVisualEnd startEnd = startInfo.iEdge.iX < endInfo.iEdge.iX?
+		EVisualLeft : EVisualRight;
+	if (startInfo.iEdge.iY != endInfo.iEdge.iY)
+		{
+		// not the same line
+		TVisualEnd backwards = startLine.iFlags & TTmLineInfo::EParRightToLeft?
+			EVisualRight : EVisualLeft;
+		TVisualEnd forwards = backwards? EVisualLeft : EVisualRight;
+		startEnd = aStart < aEnd? backwards : forwards;
+		}
+	return startEnd == aDirection? aStart : aEnd;
+	}
+// Set the cursor position to aDocPos and update the stored selection according to the value of aDragSelectOn.
+TInt TCursorPosition::SetDocPosL(TBool aDragSelectOn,const TTmDocPos& aDocPos)
+	{
+	CheckSelection(aDragSelectOn);
+	return DoSetDocPosL(aDocPos);
+	}
+// Set the cursor position to aDocPos.
+TInt TCursorPosition::DoSetDocPosL(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos)
+	{
+	TInt scroll = 0;
+	if (iLayout->PosInBand(aDocPos))
+		scroll = DoSetVisibleDocPosL(aDocPos);
+	else
+		{
+		iDocPos = aDocPos; // in case the next line leaves
+		scroll = ViewTopOfLineL(aDocPos,scroll);
+		DoSetVisibleDocPosL(aDocPos);
+		}
+	return scroll;
+	}
+// Set the cursor position to the specified document position.
+TInt TCursorPosition::DoSetVisibleDocPosL(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos)
+	{
+	iDocPos = aDocPos;
+	CheckNullSelection();
+	TTmPosInfo2 pos_info;
+	iLayout->FindDocPos(aDocPos,pos_info);
+	TInt pixels = CheckCursorOnScreenL(pos_info.iEdge.iY);
+	UpdateLatentX(pos_info.iEdge.iX);
+	UpdateLatentY(pos_info.iEdge.iY);
+	return pixels;
+	}
+TInt TCursorPosition::SetXyPosL(TBool aDragSelectOn,TPoint aPos,TBool aAllowPictureFrame)
+	//
+	//Move the cursor back to the point on the screen nearest to the position specified
+	//and return the document position and screen position
+	//and update the saved X and Y positions
+	//
+	{
+	TPoint originalPoint = aPos;
+	TInt pixels=0;
+	CheckSelection(aDragSelectOn);
+	DoSetXyPos(aPos);
+	TRAPD(ret,pixels=CheckCursorOnScreenL(aPos.iY));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!ret,FormPanic(EFShouldNotLeave));
+	UpdateLatentX(aPos.iX);
+	UpdateLatentY(aPos.iY);
+	if (!aDragSelectOn && aAllowPictureFrame)
+		{
+		TRect pict;
+		TInt pos = iLayout->XyPosToDocPosL(originalPoint);
+		if (iLayout->PictureRectangleL(pos, pict))
+			{
+			TTmDocPos docPos(pos + 1, EFalse);
+			SetPictureFrame(docPos, pos, pict);
+			}
+		}
+	return pixels;
+	}
+Returns a reference to the more suitable of the positions, taking
+the cursor positioning hint into account.
+@param aPreferred
+	The candidate returned if the positioning hint does not decide it.
+@param aBackup
+	The alternative candidate; only returned if the positioning hint
+	makes it more desirable than aPreferred.
+@return either aPreferred or aBackup.
+TTmPosInfo2& TCursorPosition::ChoosePosition(TTmPosInfo2& aPreferred,
+	TTmPosInfo2& aBackup)
+	{
+	TTmPosInfo2 posInfo;
+	// The following part is to find out whether the aPreferred or aBackup is
+	// overlapped. For overlapped position, because it could visually exist at two
+	// different places/XY-coordinates, the iLayout->FindDocPos may return an aPos
+	// with a different iEdge against the original, so that we can know which doc position
+	// is overlapped.
+	iLayout->FindDocPos(aPreferred.iDocPos, posInfo, NULL);
+	TBool preferredOverlapped = (aPreferred.iEdge != posInfo.iEdge);
+	iLayout->FindDocPos(aBackup.iDocPos, posInfo, NULL);
+	TBool backupOverlapped = ( aBackup.iEdge != posInfo.iEdge);
+	if(preferredOverlapped && !backupOverlapped)	
+		return aBackup;
+	if(!preferredOverlapped && backupOverlapped)
+		return aPreferred;
+	if (iPositioningHint == EInsertStrongL2R)
+		{
+		if (!aBackup.iRightToLeft && aPreferred.iRightToLeft)
+			return aBackup;
+		}
+	else if (iPositioningHint == EInsertStrongR2L)
+		{
+		if (aBackup.iRightToLeft && !aPreferred.iRightToLeft)
+			return aBackup;
+		}
+	return aPreferred;
+	}
+Move the cursor to the point on the screen nearest to the position specified
+and return the document position and screen position.
+void TCursorPosition::DoSetXyPos(TPoint& aXyPos)
+	{
+	TTmPosInfo2 leftPosInfo;
+	TTmPosInfo2 rightPosInfo;
+	TTmLineInfo lineInfo;
+	CTextLayout::TTagmaForwarder forwarder(*iLayout);
+	if (forwarder.FindXyPosWithDisambiguation(aXyPos,
+		leftPosInfo, rightPosInfo, lineInfo))
+		{
+		TTmPosInfo2& chosen = ChoosePosition(leftPosInfo, rightPosInfo);
+		iDocPos = chosen.iDocPos;
+		aXyPos = chosen.iEdge;
+		CheckNullSelection();
+		}
+	}
+// Set up a picture frame.
+void TCursorPosition::SetPictureFrame(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos,TInt aAnchor,const TRect& aPictureRect)
+	{
+	iFlags |= (ESelected | EDrawNewPictureFrame);
+	iDocPos = aDocPos;
+	iAnchor = aAnchor;
+	iLatentX = (aPictureRect.iTl.iX + aPictureRect.iBr.iX) / 2;
+	}
+TInt TCursorPosition::MoveL(TBool aDragSelectOn, TMovementType& aMove,
+	TBool aAllowPictureFrame)
+	{
+	// Get the anchor point, either old or new.
+	TBool oldSelection = iFlags & ESelected;
+	TInt anchor = oldSelection? iAnchor : iDocPos.iPos;
+	iLayout->ExtendFormattingToCoverPosL(iDocPos.iPos);
+	TMovementType move = aMove;
+	TInt pixels = 0;
+	TBool pagingMove = EFalse;
+	TTmPosInfo2 suggestedCursorPos;
+	TInt picturePos = KErrNotFound;
+	TTmLineInfo line;
+	TRect pictureRect;
+	// Get a value for suggestedCursorPos.
+	// Also scroll if aMove is EFPageUp or EFPageDown.
+	switch (move)
+		{
+	case EFNoMovement:
+		iLayout->FindDocPos(iDocPos, suggestedCursorPos);
+		break;
+	case EFLeft:
+	case EFRight:
+		// MoveL is not called if a picture frame is moved away from,
+		// so we will not deal with that situation.
+		if (IsPictureFrame())
+			{
+			suggestedCursorPos.iDocPos.iPos = iDocPos.iPos;
+			suggestedCursorPos.iDocPos.iLeadingEdge = ETrue;
+			suggestedCursorPos.iEdge.iX = iLatentX;
+			suggestedCursorPos.iEdge.iY = iLatentY;
+			if (aDragSelectOn)
+				{
+				TTmDocPos anchorPos;
+				anchorPos.iPos = anchor;
+				anchorPos.iLeadingEdge = anchor < iDocPos.iPos? ETrue : EFalse;
+				suggestedCursorPos.iDocPos = VisualEndOfRunL(
+					iDocPos, anchorPos,
+					move == EFLeft ? EVisualLeft : EVisualRight);
+				anchor = iDocPos.iPos;
+				}
+			}
+		else if (LeftRightL(suggestedCursorPos, line, move)
+			&& aAllowPictureFrame && !aDragSelectOn)
+			{
+			// Have we just moved over a picture?
+			TPoint c = suggestedCursorPos.iEdge;
+			c.iX += aMove == EFLeft? 1 : -1;
+			picturePos = iLayout->PictureRectangleAndPosL(c, pictureRect);
+			}
+		break;
+	case EFLineUp:
+	case EFLineDown:
+		UpDownL(suggestedCursorPos, line, move);
+		if (aAllowPictureFrame && !aDragSelectOn && move == aMove)
+			{
+			TPoint c(iLatentX, line.iBaseline);
+			picturePos = iLayout->PictureRectangleAndPosL(c, pictureRect);
+			}
+		break;
+	case EFPageUp:
+	case EFPageDown:
+		pixels = PageScrollL(move);
+		pagingMove = ETrue;
+		break;
+	case EFLineBeg:
+	case EFLineEnd:
+		StartEnd(suggestedCursorPos, line, move);
+		break;
+		}
+	// Do the scrolling, if not already done.
+	if (!pagingMove)
+		pixels = iLayout->ScrollDocPosIntoViewL(suggestedCursorPos.iDocPos);
+	// Work out if the cursor has not moved.
+	if (iDocPos == suggestedCursorPos.iDocPos
+		&& !IsPictureFrame() && picturePos < 0)
+		move = EFNoMovement;
+	// Set old values
+	iOldDocPos = iDocPos.iPos;
+	iOldAnchor = oldSelection? iAnchor : iOldDocPos;
+	if (iFlags & EDrawNewPictureFrame)
+		iFlags |= EDrawOldPictureFrame;
+	else
+		iFlags &= ~EDrawOldPictureFrame;
+	// Finally, set everything worked out.
+	if (!pagingMove)
+		iDocPos = suggestedCursorPos.iDocPos;
+	if (!aDragSelectOn || anchor == suggestedCursorPos.iDocPos.iPos)
+		{
+		iFlags &= ~ESelected;
+		iAnchor = suggestedCursorPos.iDocPos.iPos;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iFlags |= ESelected;
+		iAnchor = anchor;
+		}
+	switch (move)
+		{
+	case EFLeft:
+	case EFRight:
+	case EFLineBeg:
+	case EFLineEnd:
+		iLatentX = suggestedCursorPos.iEdge.iX;
+		if (0 <= picturePos)
+			iLatentX = (pictureRect.iTl.iX + pictureRect.iBr.iX) >> 1;
+		// fall through to:
+	case EFLineUp:
+	case EFLineDown:
+		iLatentY = suggestedCursorPos.iEdge.iY;
+	default:
+		break;
+		}
+	if (0 <=picturePos)
+		{
+		iFlags |= (ESelected | EDrawNewPictureFrame);
+		iDocPos.iPos = picturePos;
+		iDocPos.iLeadingEdge = ETrue;
+		iAnchor = picturePos + 1;
+		}
+	else
+		iFlags &= ~EDrawNewPictureFrame;
+	if (oldSelection ||
+		((iFlags & ESelected) && !(iFlags & EDrawNewPictureFrame)))
+		iFlags |= EDrawHighlight;
+	else
+		iFlags &= ~EDrawHighlight;
+	aMove = move;
+	return pixels;
+	}
+void TCursorPosition::UpdateLatentPosition()
+	{
+	TPoint pos;
+	CalculateCursorPos(pos);
+	UpdateLatentY(pos.iY);
+	UpdateLatentX(pos.iX);
+	}
+void TCursorPosition::TextMoveVertically()
+	//
+	//Reset the Vertical Latent position
+	//
+	{
+	TPoint scrPos;
+	CalculateCursorPos(scrPos);
+	UpdateLatentY(scrPos.iY);
+	}
+/** Find the position one position to the left or right of the current cursor.
+If the cursor is already at that extreme of the line, the cursor will move
+to the opposite of the previous (if moving backwards) or next (if moving
+forwards) line. The cursor is considered to be moving forwards if it is
+moving in the same direction as the paragraph directionality. This may, of
+course, be different to the local direction of the text.
+@param aToLeft ETrue if moving left, EFalse if moving right.
+@param aPos returns the position found.
+@param aLine returns details of the line containing aPos.
+@return ETrue if the cursor moved one position within the line. */
+TBool TCursorPosition::LeftRightL(TTmPosInfo2& aPos, TTmLineInfo& aLine, TMovementType& aMove)
+	{
+	TTmPosInfo2 posInfo;
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aMove == EFLeft || aMove == EFRight,
+		FormPanic(EFIncorrectCursorMovement));
+	TBool found = EFalse;
+	TTmPosInfo2 otherPosInfo;
+	CTextLayout::TTagmaForwarder forwarder(*iLayout);
+	if (aMove == EFLeft)
+		{
+		found = forwarder.GetNextPosLeftWithDisambiguation(
+			iDocPos, otherPosInfo, posInfo);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		found = forwarder.GetNextPosRightWithDisambiguation(
+			iDocPos, posInfo, otherPosInfo);
+		}
+	if (found)
+		{
+		iLayout->FindDocPos(ChoosePosition(posInfo, otherPosInfo).iDocPos,
+			aPos, &aLine);
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	// We have reached the extreme of the line.
+	// But the beginning or the end?
+	TTmLineInfo currentLineInfo;
+	iLayout->FindDocPos(iDocPos, posInfo, &currentLineInfo);
+	TBool toLeft = aMove == EFLeft? ETrue : EFalse;
+	TBool movingBackwards = currentLineInfo.iFlags & TTmLineInfo::EParRightToLeft?
+		!toLeft : toLeft;
+	TInt lineToGoToY = movingBackwards?
+		currentLineInfo.iOuterRect.iTl.iY - 1
+		: currentLineInfo.iOuterRect.iBr.iY;
+	iLayout->ExtendFormattingToCoverYL(lineToGoToY);
+	const CTmTextLayout& tm = iLayout->TagmaTextLayout();
+	TTmDocPos newPos;
+	TPoint c(0, lineToGoToY);
+	if (iLayout->FindXyPos(c, posInfo, &aLine))
+		{
+		// moving to next/previous line
+		TBool toRightEnd = aLine.iFlags & TTmLineInfo::EParRightToLeft?
+			!movingBackwards : movingBackwards;
+		tm.LineExtreme(posInfo.iDocPos, toRightEnd, newPos);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// We appear to have reached the end of the document.
+		if (movingBackwards || currentLineInfo.iStart == currentLineInfo.iEnd)
+			// before start of line
+			newPos = TTmDocPos(currentLineInfo.iStart, EFalse);
+		else
+			// after end of line (last character is paragraph delimiter)
+			newPos = TTmDocPos(currentLineInfo.iEnd - 1, ETrue);
+		}
+	tm.FindDocPos(newPos, aPos, aLine);
+	// Cursor either changed line, or did not move.
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+/** Find the visual start or end of the line containing the cursor.
+@param aToStart ETrue if finding the visual start of the line, EFalse if finding the end.
+@param aPos Returns the position found.
+@param aLine Returns details of the line containing aPos.*/
+void TCursorPosition::StartEnd(TTmPosInfo2& aPos, TTmLineInfo& aLine, TMovementType& aMove)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aMove == EFLineBeg || aMove == EFLineEnd,
+		FormPanic(EFIncorrectCursorMovement));
+	iLayout->FindDocPos(iDocPos, aPos, &aLine);
+	TBool toBeginning = aMove == EFLineBeg? ETrue : EFalse;
+	TBool toRight = aLine.iFlags & TTmLineInfo::EParRightToLeft?
+		toBeginning : !toBeginning;
+	TTmDocPos newPos;
+	iLayout->TagmaTextLayout().LineExtreme(iDocPos, toRight, newPos);
+	iLayout->FindDocPos(newPos, aPos, &aLine);
+	}
+/** Find a position in the previous or next line close to the current cursor
+@param aUp ETrue if moving up, EFalse if moving down.
+@param aPos returns the position found.
+@param aLine returns details of the line containing aPos. */
+void TCursorPosition::UpDownL(TTmPosInfo2& aPos, TTmLineInfo& aLine, TMovementType& aMove)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aMove == EFLineUp || aMove == EFLineDown,
+		FormPanic(EFIncorrectCursorMovement));
+	iLayout->FindDocPos(iDocPos, aPos, &aLine);
+	TPoint c(iLatentX, aMove == EFLineUp?
+		aLine.iOuterRect.iTl.iY - 1
+		: aLine.iOuterRect.iBr.iY);
+	// Ensure formatting extends to the new cursor position above or
+	// below the current line. Solves the problem where scrolling down
+	// at the bottom of a view to the next paragraph needed two
+	// down cursor key presses.
+	iLayout->ExtendFormattingToCoverYL(c.iY);
+	TTmPosInfo2 otherPosInfo;
+	CTextLayout::TTagmaForwarder forwarder(*iLayout);
+	if (!forwarder.FindXyPosWithDisambiguation(c,
+		otherPosInfo, aPos, aLine))
+		{
+		TBool toStart;
+		if (aMove == EFLineUp)
+			{
+			toStart = ETrue;
+			aMove = EFLineBeg;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			toStart = EFalse;
+			aMove = EFLineEnd;
+			}
+		TBool toRight = aLine.iFlags & TTmLineInfo::EParRightToLeft?
+			toStart : !toStart;
+		TTmDocPos newPos;
+		iLayout->TagmaTextLayout().LineExtreme(aPos.iDocPos, toRight, newPos);
+		iLayout->FindDocPos(newPos, aPos, &aLine);
+		// as FindXyPosWithDisambiguation returned EFalse, there is no 
+		// "otherPosInfo" so no need to ChoosePosition() just return
+		return;
+		}
+	aPos = ChoosePosition(aPos, otherPosInfo);
+	}
+// Move the display one page and put the cursor back in the same place (as far as possible).
+TInt TCursorPosition::PageScrollL(TMovementType& aMove)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aMove==EFPageUp || aMove==EFPageDown,FormPanic(EFIncorrectCursorMovement));
+	TPoint scrPos;
+	TInt pixelsScrolled;
+	TTmDocPos docPos=iDocPos;
+	if (!iLayout->PosInBand(iDocPos,scrPos))
+		{
+		if (aMove==EFPageUp)
+			iLatentY=0;
+		else
+			iLatentY=(iLayout->BandHeight()-1);
+		}
+	if (aMove==EFPageUp)
+		iLayout->PageUpL(iLatentY,pixelsScrolled);
+	else
+		iLayout->PageDownL(iLatentY,pixelsScrolled);
+	scrPos.SetXY(iLatentX,iLatentY);
+	DoSetXyPos(scrPos);
+	if (docPos.iPos == iDocPos.iPos && pixelsScrolled == 0) // Cursor in first or last line
+		{
+		TPoint pos;
+		CalculateCursorPos(pos);
+		TInt y = pos.iY;
+		if (aMove == EFPageUp)
+			DoSetDocPosL(TTmDocPos(0, ETrue));
+		else
+			DoSetDocPosL(TTmDocPos(iLayout->DocumentLength(), EFalse));
+		CalculateCursorPos(pos);
+		// If the line didn't change change the movement type to reflect this.
+		if (pos.iY == y)
+			aMove = aMove == EFPageUp? EFLineBeg : EFLineEnd;
+		}
+	return pixelsScrolled;
+	}
+Find the position of the line on the screen
+Scroll it completely on if it is partly off.
+TInt TCursorPosition::CheckCursorOnScreenL(TInt& aY)
+	{
+	TRect cursorLine;
+	const TInt botRow=iLayout->BandHeight();
+	TInt linesToScroll=0;
+	TInt pixels=0;
+	iLayout->GetLineRect(aY,cursorLine);
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(cursorLine.iTl.iY<=aY && cursorLine.iBr.iY>=aY,FormPanic(EFPixelNotInFormattedLine));
+	if (cursorLine.iTl.iY<0 && cursorLine.iBr.iY<botRow)
+		linesToScroll=1;
+	else if (cursorLine.iBr.iY>botRow && cursorLine.iTl.iY>0)
+		linesToScroll=-1;
+	if (linesToScroll!=0)
+		{
+		pixels=iLayout->ScrollLinesL(linesToScroll);
+		aY+=pixels;
+		}
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aY>=0 || aY<botRow,FormPanic(EFCursorOffDisplay));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(cursorLine.Height()>=botRow || cursorLine.iBr.iY>=botRow 
+		|| (cursorLine.iTl.iY+pixels>=0 && cursorLine.iBr.iY+pixels<=botRow),FormPanic(EFCursorOffDisplay));
+	return pixels;
+	}
+TBool TCursorPosition::GetCursor(TTmCursorPlacement aPlacement,TPoint& aOrigin,TInt& aWidth,TInt& aAscent,TInt& aDescent) const
+	{
+	TRect line_rect;
+	TBool result = iLayout->GetCursor(iDocPos,aPlacement,line_rect,aOrigin,aWidth,aAscent,aDescent);
+	return result;
+	}