--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/textrendering/word/SRC/WPAPPTBR.CPP Fri Jun 04 10:37:54 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <txtrich.h>
+#include <prnsetup.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <techview/eiklabel.h>
+#include <techview/eikimage.h>
+#include <techview/eikrted.h>
+#include <techview/eiktbar.h>
+#include <techview/eikcmbut.h>
+#include <techview/eikfnlab.h>
+#include <eikon.mbg>
+#include <techview/eikbtgpc.h>
+#include <eikfutil.h>
+#include "WPAPPUI.H"
+#include "WPSTYLE.H"
+#include "WPDEF.H"
+#include "WORD.HRH"
+#include <word.rsg>
+#include <word.mbg>
+#include "WPPANIC.H"
+#include "txtfmlyr_internal.h"
+void CWordAppUi::UpdateToolBarAndBandL(TInt aCommand)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aCommand == EWordCmdToolband || aCommand == EWordCmdToolbar, Panic(EInvalidCommandParameter));
+ TBool getsHidden = EFalse;
+ if(aCommand == EWordCmdToolband)
+ {
+ getsHidden = !ToggleToolbarControlL(*iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBand());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBar()->SetComponentsToInheritVisibility(ETrue);
+ getsHidden = iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBar()->IsVisible();
+ iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBar()->MakeVisible(!getsHidden);
+ }
+ if (getsHidden)
+ {
+ if (aCommand == EWordCmdToolbar)
+ iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBand()->ControlById(EWordCmdFileName)->DrawNow(); // redraw the filename label only
+ else
+ {
+ TRect bottomBorder = iRichEd->Rect();
+ bottomBorder.iTl.iY = bottomBorder.iBr.iY - 1;
+ STATIC_CAST(RWindow*, iRichEd->DrawableWindow())->Invalidate(bottomBorder);
+ }
+ }
+ TInt adjacent = EGulAdjNone;
+ if (iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBar()->IsVisible())
+ adjacent |= EGulAdjRight;
+ if (iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBand()->IsVisible())
+ adjacent |= EGulAdjTop;
+ iRichEd->SetAdjacent(adjacent);
+ iRichEd->SetRect(ClientRect());
+ iRichEd->ForceScrollBarUpdateL();
+ iRichEd->DrawNow();
+ }
+TBool CWordAppUi::ToggleToolbarControlL(CEikToolBar& aToolBar)
+// Toggles the visibility of the specified toolbar conttrol.
+// Returns ETrue if the toolbar becomes visible as a result of this action,
+// otherwise returns EFalse.
+ {
+ const TBool visible = aToolBar.IsVisible();
+ if (!visible)
+ {// Update buttons if the toolbar is about to appear
+ UpdateToolbandButtonsL(EVisibilityIndependant);
+ }
+ aToolBar.MakeVisible(!visible);
+ return !visible;
+ }
+void CWordAppUi::UpdateToolbandButtonsL(TToolBarUpdate aUpdate)
+ {
+ if (!aUpdate && !iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBand()->IsVisible())
+ return;
+ UpdateCharFormatButtonsL();
+ UpdateParaFormatButtonsL();
+ }
+void CWordAppUi::UpdateCharFormatButtonsL()
+ {
+ TCharFormat format;
+ TCharFormatMask mask;
+ const TCursorSelection selection=iRichEd->Selection();
+ Text()->GetCharFormat(format,mask,selection.LowerPos(),selection.Length());
+ //
+ UpdateToolBandButton(EEikCmdFontBold,format.iFontSpec.iFontStyle.StrokeWeight()==EStrokeWeightBold? CEikButtonBase::ESet : CEikButtonBase::EClear);
+ UpdateToolBandButton(EEikCmdFontItalic,format.iFontSpec.iFontStyle.Posture()==EPostureItalic? CEikButtonBase::ESet : CEikButtonBase::EClear);
+ UpdateToolBandButton(EEikCmdFontUnderline,format.iFontPresentation.iUnderline==EUnderlineOn? CEikButtonBase::ESet : CEikButtonBase::EClear);
+ //
+ UpdateToolBandFontNameButtonL(format.iFontSpec.iTypeface.iName);
+ UpdateToolBandFontHeightButtonL(format.iFontSpec.iHeight);
+ }
+void CWordAppUi::UpdateToolBandButton(TInt aCommand,CEikButtonBase::TState aNewState)
+// Sets the state of the specified latching button in the toolband.
+ {
+ CEikButtonBase* button = STATIC_CAST(CEikButtonBase*, iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBand()->ControlById(aCommand));
+ if (button->State() != aNewState)
+ {
+ button->SetState(aNewState);
+ button->DrawNow();
+ }
+ }
+void CWordAppUi::UpdateParaFormatButtonsL()
+ {
+ RTmParFormatLayer format;
+ TInt run_length;
+ iRichEd->GetParFormatL(iRichEd->CursorPos(),MUnifiedEditor::EEffective,format,run_length);
+ RTmParFormat::TAlignment alignment = format.iFormat.iAlignment;
+ TBool have_bullet = format.iFormat.Bullet() != NULL;
+ TBool have_borders = format.iFormat.HaveBorders();
+ format.Close();
+ UpdateStyleButtonL();
+ UpdateAlignButtonL(alignment);
+ UpdateToolBandButton(EWordButtonBullets,have_bullet ? CEikButtonBase::ESet : CEikButtonBase::EClear);
+ UpdateBorderButtonL(have_borders);
+ }
+void CWordAppUi::UpdateToolBandFontNameButtonL(TDesC& aNewFontName)
+ {
+ TBuf<KMaxTypefaceNameLength> typefaceName;
+ typefaceName=aNewFontName;
+ UpdateToolBandFontNameButtonL(typefaceName);
+ }
+void CWordAppUi::UpdateToolBandFontNameButtonL(TDes& aNewFontName)
+// Only change the label text if the current font is different from that specified.
+ {
+ CEikCommandButton* button = STATIC_CAST(CEikCommandButton*, iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBand()->ControlById(EWordButtonFont));
+ CEikLabel* buttonLabel=button->Label();
+ TInt maxWidthInPixels=buttonLabel->Size().iWidth;
+ TextUtils::ClipToFit(aNewFontName,*iEikonEnv->LegendFont(),maxWidthInPixels,KClippedTextCharacter);
+ if (aNewFontName!=*buttonLabel->Text())
+ {
+ buttonLabel->SetTextL(aNewFontName);
+ buttonLabel->DrawNow();
+ }
+ }
+void CWordAppUi::UpdateToolBandFontHeightButtonL(const TInt aNewFontHeight)
+// Only change the label text if necessary
+ {
+ const TInt points = FontUtils::PointsFromTwips(aNewFontHeight);
+ TBuf<16> noPoints;
+ noPoints.Num(points);
+ TBuf<4> temp;
+ iCoeEnv->ReadResource(temp, R_WORD_FONT_UNITS);
+ noPoints.Append(temp);
+ CEikCommandButton* button = STATIC_CAST(CEikCommandButton*, iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBand()->ControlById(EWordButtonFontSize));
+ CEikLabel* buttonLabel = button->Label();
+ if (*buttonLabel->Text() != noPoints)
+ {
+ buttonLabel->SetTextL(noPoints);
+ buttonLabel->DrawNow();
+ }
+ }
+void CWordAppUi::UpdateStyleButtonL()
+// Update the label on the style name button, but only if, after clipping,
+// the text is different to the current setting.
+ {
+ const TCursorSelection selection = iRichEd->Selection();
+ TBool styleChange;
+ const CParaFormatLayer* style = Text()->ParagraphStyle(styleChange, selection.LowerPos(), selection.Length());
+ TUid type = style->Type();
+ TParagraphStyleName name;
+ if (type != KNormalParagraphStyleUid)
+ name = ((CParagraphStyle*)style)->iName;
+ else
+ iCoeEnv->ReadResource(name, R_WORD_NORMAL);
+ CEikCommandButton* button = STATIC_CAST(CEikCommandButton*, iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBand()->ControlById(EWordButtonStyle));
+ CEikLabel* buttonLabel = button->Label();
+ TInt maxWidthInPixels = buttonLabel->Size().iWidth;
+ TextUtils::ClipToFit(name, *iEikonEnv->LegendFont(), maxWidthInPixels, KClippedTextCharacter);
+ if (*buttonLabel->Text() != name)
+ {
+ buttonLabel->SetTextL(name);
+ buttonLabel->DrawNow();
+ }
+ }
+void CWordAppUi::UpdateAlignButtonL(RTmParFormat::TAlignment aNewAlignment)
+// Update the alignment button.
+ {
+ if (iAlignment == aNewAlignment)
+ return;
+ CEikBitmapButton* align = STATIC_CAST(CEikBitmapButton*, iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBand()->ControlById(EWordButtonAlign));
+ switch(aNewAlignment)
+ {
+ case RTmParFormat::EAlignCenter:
+ align->SetPictureFromFileL(TPtrC(), EMbmEikonCenta, EMbmEikonCenta, CEikCommandButtonBase::EFirst);
+ break;
+ case RTmParFormat::EAlignJustify:
+ align->SetPictureFromFileL(TPtrC(), EMbmEikonJusta, EMbmEikonJusta, CEikCommandButtonBase::EFirst);
+ break;
+ case RTmParFormat::EAlignReverse:
+ align->SetPictureFromFileL(TPtrC(), EMbmEikonRighta, EMbmEikonRighta, CEikCommandButtonBase::EFirst);
+ break;
+ case RTmParFormat::EAlignNormal:
+ default:
+ align->SetPictureFromFileL(TPtrC(), EMbmEikonLefta, EMbmEikonLefta, CEikCommandButtonBase::EFirst);
+ break;
+ }
+ iAlignment = aNewAlignment;
+ align->Picture()->DrawNow();
+ }
+void CWordAppUi::UpdateBorderButtonL(TBool aBordersPresent)
+// Changes the border button, but only if the desired state is different from the current state.
+ {
+ CEikBitmapButton* button = STATIC_CAST(CEikBitmapButton*, iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBand()->ControlById(EWordButtonBorders));
+ if (aBordersPresent != iBorderPresent)
+ {// Change the button
+ if (aBordersPresent)
+ button->SetPictureFromFileL(BitmapStore(), EMbmWordBorderf, EMbmWordBorderfm, CEikCommandButtonBase::EFirst);
+ else
+ button->SetPictureFromFileL(BitmapStore(), EMbmWordBordern, EMbmWordBordernm, CEikCommandButtonBase::EFirst);
+ iBorderPresent = aBordersPresent;
+ button->Picture()->DrawNow();
+ }
+ }
+void CWordAppUi::UpdateFileNameLabelL()
+// Update the label text on both the toolbar and toolband filename controls
+ {
+ CEikFileNameLabel* label = STATIC_CAST(CEikFileNameLabel*, iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBar()->ControlOrNull(EWordCmdFileName));
+ if(label != NULL)
+ {
+ label->UpdateL();
+ label->DrawNow();
+ }
+ label = STATIC_CAST(CEikFileNameLabel*, iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->ToolBand()->ControlById(EWordCmdFileName));
+ if (!iContainerAppUi)
+ label->UpdateL();
+ label->DrawNow();
+ }
+// class CWordToolBarUpdate
+CWordToolBarUpdate* CWordToolBarUpdate::NewL(CWordAppUi& aAppUi)
+// Create a new idle object.
+ {
+ CWordToolBarUpdate* self=new(ELeave) CWordToolBarUpdate(aAppUi);
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(self);
+ return(self);
+ }
+CWordToolBarUpdate::CWordToolBarUpdate(CWordAppUi& aAppUi)
+// Constructor.
+ : CActive(EActivePriorityDefault), iAppUi(aAppUi)
+ {
+ iCount=(TInt)(CWordAppUi::EStyleName);
+ }
+// Destructor.
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ }
+void CWordToolBarUpdate::Start(TUpdateType aUpdateType)
+// Start the object.
+ {
+ if (aUpdateType==EFullUpdate)
+ {
+ iCount=(TInt)(CWordAppUi::EStyleName);
+ iUpdateType=EFullUpdate;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (iUpdateType==ECharFormatUpdate)
+ iCount=(TInt)(CWordAppUi::EFontName);
+ else
+ {
+ if (iCount>(TInt)(CWordAppUi::EBorder))
+ {
+ iCount=(TInt)(CWordAppUi::EFontName);
+ iUpdateType=ECharFormatUpdate;
+ }
+ else
+ iCount=Min((TInt)(CWordAppUi::EFontName),iCount);
+ }
+ }
+ if (IsActive())
+ return;
+ TRequestStatus* pS=(&iStatus);
+ User::RequestComplete(pS,0);
+ SetActive();
+ }
+void CWordToolBarUpdate::RunL()
+// Called when nothing of a higher priority can be scheduled.
+ {
+ if (!STATIC_CAST(CEikonEnv*, iAppUi.iCoeEnv)->AppUiFactory()->ToolBand()->IsVisible())
+ return;
+ switch(iCount)
+ {
+ case CWordAppUi::EStyleName:
+ iAppUi.UpdateStyleButtonL();
+ break;
+ case CWordAppUi::EFontName:
+ {
+ //
+ // Get the current character format
+ TCharFormat format;
+ TCharFormatMask mask;
+ const TCursorSelection selection=iAppUi.iRichEd->Selection();
+ iAppUi.Text()->GetCharFormat(format,mask,selection.LowerPos(),selection.Length());
+ //
+ // Store values for later use
+ iFontHeightInTwips=format.iFontSpec.iHeight;
+ iStrokeWeight=format.iFontSpec.iFontStyle.StrokeWeight();
+ iPosture=format.iFontSpec.iFontStyle.Posture();
+ iUnderline=format.iFontPresentation.iUnderline;
+ //
+ // Update the font name button
+ TBuf<KMaxTypefaceNameLength> typefaceName;
+ typefaceName=format.iFontSpec.iTypeface.iName;
+ iAppUi.UpdateToolBandFontNameButtonL(typefaceName);
+ break;
+ }
+ case CWordAppUi::EFontHeight:
+ iAppUi.UpdateToolBandFontHeightButtonL(iFontHeightInTwips);
+ break;
+ case CWordAppUi::EBold:
+ iAppUi.UpdateToolBandButton(EEikCmdFontBold,iStrokeWeight==EStrokeWeightBold? CEikButtonBase::ESet : CEikButtonBase::EClear);
+ break;
+ case CWordAppUi::EItalic:
+ iAppUi.UpdateToolBandButton(EEikCmdFontItalic,iPosture==EPostureItalic? CEikButtonBase::ESet : CEikButtonBase::EClear);
+ break;
+ case CWordAppUi::EUnderline:
+ iAppUi.UpdateToolBandButton(EEikCmdFontUnderline,iUnderline==EUnderlineOn? CEikButtonBase::ESet : CEikButtonBase::EClear);
+ break;
+ case CWordAppUi::EAlignment:
+ {
+ RTmParFormatLayer format;
+ TInt run_length;
+ iAppUi.iRichEd->GetParFormatL(iAppUi.iRichEd->CursorPos(),MUnifiedEditor::EEffective,format,run_length);
+ RTmParFormat::TAlignment alignment = format.iFormat.iAlignment;
+ iBulletPresent = format.iFormat.Bullet() != NULL;
+ iBordersPresent = format.iFormat.HaveBorders();
+ format.Close();
+ iAppUi.UpdateAlignButtonL(alignment);
+ break;
+ }
+ case CWordAppUi::EBullet:
+ iAppUi.UpdateToolBandButton(EWordButtonBullets,iBulletPresent ? CEikButtonBase::ESet : CEikButtonBase::EClear);
+ break;
+ case CWordAppUi::EBorder:
+ iAppUi.UpdateBorderButtonL(iBordersPresent);
+ break;
+ };
+ ++iCount;
+ if ((iUpdateType==EFullUpdate && iCount<=(TInt)(CWordAppUi::EBorder)) ||
+ (iUpdateType==ECharFormatUpdate && iCount<=(TInt)(CWordAppUi::EUnderline)))
+ {
+ TRequestStatus* pS=(&iStatus);
+ User::RequestComplete(pS,0);
+ SetActive();
+ }
+ }
+void CWordToolBarUpdate::DoCancel()
+// Cancel
+ {
+ }