changeset 51 a7c938434754
child 71 6cc5529d4a89
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fontservices/textbase/inc/textbase.h	Wed Aug 18 11:34:25 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1180 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This file is a subset of original gdi.h.
+// IMPORTANT NOTE to maintainer:
+//     If you add new exports, to make sure they are exported by GDI.DLL,
+//     remember to update /graphics/graphicsdeviceinterface/gdi/sgdi/TextBaseStub.cpp.
+// Text related types/consts are moved from gdi.h to this file, as listed below.
+// enum TFontPosture
+// enum TFontStrokeWeight
+// enum TFontPrintPosition
+// const KMaxTypefaceNameLength
+// class TTypeface
+// enum TGlyphBitmapType
+// class FontEffect
+// class TFontStyle
+// class TFontSpec
+// class TTypefaceSupport
+// const KSuperSubScalingPercentage
+// const KSuperscriptOffsetPercentage
+// const KSubscriptOffsetPercentage
+// class CTypefaceStore
+// const KMaxFontCacheEntries
+// class CFontCache
+// const KFontCapitalAscent
+// const KFontMaxAscent
+// const KFontStandardDescent
+// const KFontMaxDescent
+// const KFontLineGap
+// const KFontGetFontTable
+// const KFontGetGlyphOutline
+// const KFontReleaseGlyphOutline
+// const KFontReleaseFontTable
+// class CFont
+#ifndef __TEXTBASE_H__
+#define __TEXTBASE_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <s32std.h>
+class TOpenFontCharMetrics;
+class RShapeInfo;
+This enumeration holds the possible panic codes that may be raised 
+by the TextBase API on detecting an unrecoverable error. */
+enum TTextBasePanic
+	{
+	/** Not used */
+	ETextBasePanic_Unknown				= 0,
+	/** One or more of the input parameters to the interface were invalid */
+	ETextBasePanic_InvalidInputParam		= 1,
+	/** Insufficient text for successful completion of the method */
+	ETextBasePanic_OutOfText				= 2,
+	/** Internal failure. */
+	ETextBasePanic_Invariant				= 3,
+	/** Reserved panic codes. Not to be used. */
+	ETextBasePanic_Reserved1				= 4,
+	ETextBasePanic_Reserved2				= 5,
+	/** Setting a typeface name that is too long */
+	ETextBasePanic_TypefaceNameOverflow	= 6,
+	};
+Font posture flags.
+Fonts can be either upright or italic. 
+enum TFontPosture
+	{
+	/** Font posture is normal (upright). */
+	EPostureUpright,
+	/** Font posture is italic. */
+	EPostureItalic
+	};
+Font stroke weight flags. 
+enum TFontStrokeWeight
+	{
+	/** Font stroke weight is normal. */
+	EStrokeWeightNormal,
+	/** Font stroke weight is bold. */
+	EStrokeWeightBold
+	};
+Font print position flags.
+Fonts can be normal, superscript or subscript. 
+enum TFontPrintPosition
+	{
+	/** Font is normal. */
+	EPrintPosNormal,
+	/** Font is superscript. */
+	EPrintPosSuperscript,
+	/** Font is subscript. */
+	EPrintPosSubscript
+	};
+The maximum length of a typeface name (in characters). 
+const TInt KMaxTypefaceNameLength=0x18;
+/** Typeface name and attributes.
+This class identifies a typeface by name, and contains the combination of 
+attributes of the typeface. These attributes define whether it is a symbol 
+typeface, whether the typeface is proportional, and whether it is serif or 
+The combination of attributes for a typeface are stored in a bitmask, with 
+the various bits indicating different attributes. The bitmask is calculated 
+for any particular attribute combination by ORing the enumerated value for 
+each individual attribute. 
+class TTypeface
+    {
+	enum
+		{
+		/** Typeface is a proportional typeface (e.g. Swiss)
+		*/
+		EProportional = 1,
+		/** Typeface is a serif typeface (e.g. Times)
+		*/
+		ESerif = 2,
+		/** Typeface is a symbol typeface (e.g. Symbol)
+		*/
+		ESymbol = 4,
+		};
+	IMPORT_C TTypeface();
+	IMPORT_C TBool operator==(const TTypeface& aTypeface) const;
+	IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
+	IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetAttributes(TInt aAttributes);
+	IMPORT_C void SetIsProportional(TBool aIsProportional);
+	IMPORT_C void SetIsSerif(TBool aIsSerif);
+	IMPORT_C void SetIsSymbol(TBool aIsSymbol);
+	IMPORT_C TInt Attributes() const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsProportional() const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsSerif() const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsSymbol() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetScriptTypeForMetrics(TLanguage aLanguage);
+	IMPORT_C void SetScriptTypeForMetrics(TInt aScript);
+	IMPORT_C TInt ScriptTypeForMetrics() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetName(const TDesC& aName);
+	IMPORT_C const TDesC& Name() const;
+	void ResetAttributes();
+	void ResetScriptType();
+	/** The typeface name. */
+    TBufC<KMaxTypefaceNameLength> iName;
+    TUint32 iFlags;
+    };
+An enumerated type for the format of a glyph bitmap. This type is currently 
+used to indicate whether glyph bitmaps for scalable fonts are drawn anti-aliased. 
+Additional values may be defined in the future.
+@see TFontStyle::SetBitmapType()
+@see CFbsTypefaceStore::SetDefaultBitmapType() 
+enum TGlyphBitmapType
+	{
+	/** The font store's default glyph bitmap format is used. */
+	EDefaultGlyphBitmap = 0,
+	/** The standard monochrome format: no anti-aliasing, 1 bit per pixel, 
+	run-length encoded. */
+	EMonochromeGlyphBitmap,
+	/** Standard 8-bits-per-pixel with anti-aliasing. */
+	EAntiAliasedGlyphBitmap,
+	/** The format used when sub-pixel font rendering is used. */
+	ESubPixelGlyphBitmap,
+	/** The format used when outline and shadow font rendering is used. 
+	If the raterizer supports the outline and shadow fonts, it will set the bitmaptype as 
+	EFourColourBlendGlyphBitmap but only when glyph bitmap type is set as EAntiAliasedGlyphBitmap and 
+	when any of the EDropShadow or EOutline effect is on. Only rasterizer providers can use this enum.
+	*/
+	EFourColourBlendGlyphBitmap,
+	/**
+	This is used for glyphs, and not fonts, and is needed to inform the font drawing routines
+	that the character should be drawn using the overall font setting. 
+	For Internal Use Only.
+	*/
+	EGlyphBitmapTypeNotDefined,
+	/**
+	This is used to inform the rasterizer that the best match should be
+	found for the bitmap type based upon its knowledge.
+	For Internal Use Only.
+	*/
+	EAntiAliasedOrMonochromeGlyphBitmap,
+	};
+Defines a set of font effects flags.
+WARNING: This Class is for use by system/UI software ONLY.
+	{
+	enum TEffect
+		{
+		ENone			= 0x0,		// No effects.
+		EAlgorithmicBold= 0x10,		// Font is algorithmic bold (a.k.a pseudo bold.)
+		EDropShadow		= 0x20,		// Font has a drop shadow.
+		EOutline		= 0x40,		// Font is an outline font.
+		EEmbossed		= 0x80,		// Font is embossed.
+		EEngraved		= 0x100,	// Font is engraved.
+		ESoftEdge		= 0x200,	// Font is soft edged.
+		EReserved1		= 0x400,	// Reserved for Symbian use.
+		EReserved2		= 0x800,	// Reserved for Symbian use.
+		EReserved3		= 0x1000,	// Reserved for Symbian use.
+		EReserved4		= 0x2000,	// Reserved for Symbian use.
+		EReserved5		= 0x4000,	// Reserved for Symbian use.
+		EReserved6		= 0x8000,	// Reserved for Symbian use.
+		};
+	IMPORT_C static TBool IsEffectOn(TEffect aEffect, TUint32 aFontEffect);
+	IMPORT_C static void SetEffect(TEffect aEffect, TBool aOn, TUint32& aFontEffect);
+	};
+/** Encapsulates a font style. 
+The font style information is comprised of:
+the posture of the font upright or italic
+the stroke weight of the font  normal or bold
+the print position of the font normal, subscript or superscript
+Note that the underline and strike-through attributes are not included in 
+this class, but are set in the graphics context.
+@see CGraphicsContext::SetUnderlineStyle()
+@see CGraphicsContext::SetStrikethroughStyle() 
+class TFontStyle
+	{
+	IMPORT_C TFontStyle();
+	IMPORT_C TFontStyle(TFontPosture aPost,TFontStrokeWeight aStrWgt,TFontPrintPosition aPrintPos);
+	IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
+	IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
+	IMPORT_C TFontPosture Posture() const;
+	IMPORT_C TFontStrokeWeight StrokeWeight() const;
+	IMPORT_C TFontPrintPosition PrintPosition() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetPosture(TFontPosture aPosture);
+	IMPORT_C void SetStrokeWeight(TFontStrokeWeight aStrokeWeight);
+	IMPORT_C void SetPrintPosition(TFontPrintPosition aPrintPosition);
+	inline TGlyphBitmapType BitmapType() const;
+	inline void SetBitmapType(TGlyphBitmapType aBitmapType);
+	IMPORT_C TBool operator==(const TFontStyle& aFontStyle) const;
+	IMPORT_C TUint32 Effects() const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsEffectOn(FontEffect::TEffect aEffect) const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetEffects(TUint32 aEffects);
+	IMPORT_C void SetEffects(FontEffect::TEffect aEffect, TBool aOn);
+	enum
+		{
+		EItalic=0x1,
+		EBold=0x2,
+		ESuper=0x4,
+		ESub=0x8
+		};
+	TUint32 iFlags; // bitmap type - 16 bits (high), font effects - 12 bits (middle), style - 4 bits (low)
+	TAny* iReserved1;
+	TAny* iReserved2;
+	};
+Specifies the font specification in device independent terms.
+class TFontSpec
+	{
+	IMPORT_C TFontSpec();
+	IMPORT_C TFontSpec(const TDesC& aTypefaceName,TInt aHeight);
+	IMPORT_C TBool operator==(const TFontSpec& aFontSpec) const;
+	IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
+	IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetScriptTypeForMetrics(TLanguage aLanguage);
+	IMPORT_C TInt ScriptTypeForMetrics() const;
+	/** The typeface. */
+	TTypeface iTypeface;
+	/** The height of the typeface (in twips). */
+	TInt iHeight;
+	/** The font style of the typeface. */
+	TFontStyle iFontStyle;
+	};
+/** Typeface family support information.
+This data-only class includes the name and attributes of a typeface, how many 
+font heights are available, its minimum and maximum heights, and whether or 
+not it is scaleable  a typeface is scaleable if it supports heights at 
+fixed intervals between the minimum and maximum heights. 
+class TTypefaceSupport
+    {
+	/** The name and attributes of the typeface. */
+    TTypeface iTypeface;
+	/** The number of distinct font heights available in the typeface. */
+    TInt iNumHeights;
+	/** The typeface's minimum font height, in twips. */
+    TInt iMinHeightInTwips;
+	/** The typeface's maximum font height, in twips. */
+    TInt iMaxHeightInTwips;
+	/** Whether the typeface is scaleable. ETrue if it is scaleable, otherwise 
+	EFalse. */
+    TBool iIsScalable; // supports heights from min to max at fixed interval
+    };
+The percentage used to multiply a normal font height when calculating its 
+superscript or subscript height. 
+const TInt KSuperSubScalingPercentage=67;
+The percentage of a font height used to calculate its baseline offset for a 
+superscript print position. 
+const TInt KSuperscriptOffsetPercentage=-28;
+The percentage of a font height used to calculate its baseline offset for a 
+subscript print position. 
+const TInt KSubscriptOffsetPercentage=14;
+class CFont;
+/** Typeface store abstract base interface.
+This class provides the interface to a store for typefaces.
+See also CFontStore. 
+class CTypefaceStore : public CBase
+	{
+	IMPORT_C ~CTypefaceStore();
+	/**
+	Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
+	When the font is no longer needed, call @c ReleaseFont().
+	Note that this deprecated function is replaced by the new @c GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips() 
+	yielding (virtually) the same result. However clients are strongly encouraged to use the new
+	@c GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips() function instead. This will guarantee that every 
+	character within any given text string will fit within the given amount of twips, whereas the design 
+	height is an aesthetic unit decided by the font designer without strict physical meaning, which 
+	may result in cropped characters.
+	@param aFont On return, contains a pointer to the nearest font.
+	@param aFontSpec The specification of the font to be matched.
+	@return KErrNone if successful; a system-wide error code otherwise.
+	@publishedAll
+	@deprecated Use GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips
+	*/
+	virtual TInt GetNearestFontInTwips(CFont*& aFont, const TFontSpec& aFontSpec) = 0;
+	/**
+	Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
+	When the font is no longer needed, call @c ReleaseFont().
+	This new function replaces the deprecated @c GetNearestFontInTwips() yielding (virtually) the 
+	same result. However clients are strongly encouraged to use the new
+	@c GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips() function instead. This will guarantee that every 
+	character within any given text string will fit within the given amount of twips, whereas the design 
+	height is an aesthetic unit decided by the font designer without strict physical meaning, which 
+	may result in cropped characters.
+	@param aFont On return, contains a pointer to the nearest font.
+	@param aFontSpec The specification of the font to be matched.
+	@return KErrNone if successful; a system-wide error code otherwise.
+	@publishedAll
+	@released
+	*/
+	virtual TInt GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(CFont*& aFont, const TFontSpec& aFontSpec) = 0;
+	/**
+	Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
+	When the font is no longer needed, call @c ReleaseFont().
+	The font and bitmap server returns a pointer to the nearest matching font 
+	from those available. Matches to max height of font - this does its best 
+	to return a font that will fit within the maximum height specified (but 
+	note that variations due to hinting algorithms may rarely result in this 
+	height being exceeded by up to one pixel). Problems can also be 
+	encountered with bitmap fonts where the typeface exists but doesn't have 
+	a font small enough.
+	@param aFont On return, contains a pointer to the nearest font.
+	@param aFontSpec The specification of the font to be matched.
+	@param aMaxHeight The maximum height within which the font must fit.
+	@return KErrNone if successful; a system-wide error code otherwise.
+	@publishedAll
+	@released
+	*/
+	virtual TInt GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips(CFont*& aFont, const TFontSpec& aFontSpec, TInt aMaxHeight) = 0;
+	/** Gets the number of typefaces supported by the typeface store.
+	@return The number of supported typefaces. */
+	virtual TInt NumTypefaces() const=0;
+	/** Gets typeface information for a specified typeface index.
+ 	This information is returned in aTypefaceSupport, and
+	includes the typeface name and typeface attributes, the number of font
+ 	heights, the maximum and minimum font heights, and whether it is a
+	scaleable typeface.
+ 	@param aTypefaceSupport On return, if the function executed successfully, 
+ 	this object contains the typeface information.
+  	@param aTypefaceIndex A typeface index number, in the range: zero to
+             (NumTypefaces() - 1). */
+	virtual void TypefaceSupport(TTypefaceSupport& aTypefaceSupport,TInt aTypefaceIndex) const=0;
+	/** Gets the height of the font with specified height and typeface indices, 
+	in twips.
+	The value returned is rounded up or down to the nearest font height in twips.
+	@param aTypefaceIndex A typeface index number, in the range: 0 to 
+	(NumTypefaces() - 1). 
+	@param aHeightIndex A font height index number.
+	@return The height of the font, in twips. */
+	virtual TInt FontHeightInTwips(TInt aTypefaceIndex,TInt aHeightIndex) const=0;
+	IMPORT_C void ReleaseFont(CFont* aFont);
+	IMPORT_C static TInt BaselineOffset(TInt aHeight,TFontPrintPosition aPos);
+	IMPORT_C static TInt SuperSubHeight(TInt aHeight,TFontPrintPosition aPos);
+	IMPORT_C CTypefaceStore();
+	IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
+	IMPORT_C void AddFontL(CFont* aFont);
+	IMPORT_C TBool IncrementFontCount(const CFont* aFont);
+	TBool FindFont(const CFont* aFont, TInt& aIdx) const;
+	/**
+	Pairs a font with a count of how many clients of the typeface store 
+	are accessing that font. 
+    */
+		{
+	public:
+		/** A device specific font. */
+		CFont* iFont;
+		/** The number of clients accessing the font. */
+		TInt iAccessCount;
+		};
+	/** A list of fonts accessed by clients of the typeface store, which pairs 
+	a font with a count of the number of clients accessing the font.
+	Implemented as an array of TFontAccess objects.
+	An object is added to this array for every font accessed. If the font is 
+	released by all clients, and the access count drops to zero, the font is 
+	removed from the list. */
+	CArrayFixFlat<TFontAccess>* iFontAccess;
+	};
+/** The maximum number of entries in the font cache.
+@see CFontCache */
+const TInt KMaxFontCacheEntries=32;
+/** Font cache. 
+When a CFont* needs to be found for a particular TFontSpec, the cache can 
+be searched to see if the TFontSpec is already in the cache. If the TFontSpec 
+is in the cache, its corresponding CFont* can be returned. Otherwise 
+GetNearestFontInTwips() must be used to search all of the available fonts for 
+the nearest CFont- a procedure which takes much longer than a simple cache
+The current font cache should be destroyed and a new cache created whenever 
+the zoom factor or device map changes, as these changes break the relation 
+between CFont and TFontSpec. 
+class CFontCache : public CBase
+	{
+	IMPORT_C CFontCache();
+	IMPORT_C CFontCache(TInt aMaxEntries);
+	IMPORT_C ~CFontCache();
+	IMPORT_C CFont* Search(const TFontSpec& aFontSpec);
+	IMPORT_C CFont* AddEntryL(CFont* aFont,const TFontSpec& aFontSpec);
+	IMPORT_C CFont* RemoveFirstEntry();
+	/** The number of cache hits since the font cache was created i.e. 
+	successful results from CFontCache::Search(). */
+	TInt iNumHits;
+	/** The number of cache misses since the font cache was created i.e. 
+	unsuccessful results from CFontCache::Search(). */
+	TInt iNumMisses;
+	class CFontCacheEntry : public CBase
+		{
+	public:
+		CFontCacheEntry(CFont* aFont,const TFontSpec& aFontSpec,CFontCacheEntry* aNext);
+	public:
+		CFont* iFont;
+		TFontSpec iSpec;
+		CFontCacheEntry* iNext;
+		};
+	TInt iNumEntries;
+	TInt iMaxEntries;
+	CFontCacheEntry* iFirst;
+	};
+WARNING: this Class is for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases.
+UIDs corresponding to the CFont API extension functions
+const TUid KFontCapitalAscent	= {0x1020498E};
+const TUid KFontMaxAscent		= {0x10204B10};
+const TUid KFontStandardDescent	= {0x10204B11};
+const TUid KFontMaxDescent		= {0x10205AFC};
+const TUid KFontLineGap			= {0x10204B12};
+const TUid KFontGetFontTable    = {0x102872C1};
+const TUid KFontGetGlyphOutline = {0x102872C2};
+const TUid KFontReleaseGlyphOutline = {0x2002A1FD};
+const TUid KFontReleaseFontTable = {0x2002AC24};
+/** Abstract font interface.
+The CFont class provides a device-independent interface to a device-dependent 
+font usually obtained from a call to GetNearestFont...() on a graphics device. 
+It is used as a handle in CGraphicsContext::UseFont() and to obtain 
+device-dependent information about the font - notably the pixel width of a text 
+@see CFbsFont
+@see CGraphicsContext::UseFont() 
+class CFont : public CBase
+	{
+	friend class CTypefaceStore;
+	/** Text direction flags.
+	This enum is used in TMeasureTextInput and determines whether the text is 
+	drawn horizontally or vertically. Note: text is drawn vertically in some 
+	styles of Japanese, etc.
+	@see TMeasureTextInput */
+	enum TTextDirection
+		{
+	/** Text is drawn horizontally. */
+ 		/** Text is drawn horizontally. */
+   		EHorizontal,
+ 		/** Text is drawn vertically. */
+		EVertical
+		};
+	/** Complicated parameter block used for contextual glyph selection, 
+	ligature creation and diacritic placement when drawing text in complex 
+	scripts
+	This class declares a constructor, another scoped class, and several other 
+	enums. However this class is unlikely to be useful to third party developers.
+	@see CFont::GetCharacterPosition()
+	@see CFont::GetCharacterPosition2()
+	@publishedAll
+	@released
+	*/
+	class TPositionParam
+		{
+	public:
+		/** Standard constructor. */
+		TPositionParam():
+			iDirection(EHorizontal),
+			iFlags(0),
+			iPosInText(0),
+			iOutputGlyphs(0)
+			{
+			}
+		enum
+			{
+			EMaxInputChars = 18,	// ligatures cannot be made from more than 18 components
+			EMaxOutputGlyphs = 8	// output can consist of up to 8 characters (one base and 7 combining characters)
+			};
+		/**Flags for TPositionParam::iFlags. */
+		enum TFlags
+			{
+			/** Input text is logically ordered not visually ordered. */
+			EFLogicalOrder = 1
+			};
+		/** Input: Orientation (EHorizontal or EVertical) in which to draw
+		the text. */
+		TInt16 iDirection;
+		/** Input: Flags from TFlags. */
+		TUint16 iFlags;
+		/** Input: Text containing the characters to be positioned. */
+		TPtrC iText;
+		/** Input and output: Position within iText to shape. On exit
+		it will index the first character not positioned */
+		TInt iPosInText;
+		/** Input and output: Pen position. */
+		TPoint iPen;			
+		/** Output of GetCharacterPosition and GetCharacterPosition2.
+		@see CFont::GetCharacterPosition
+		@see CFont::GetCharacterPosition2
+		@publishedAll
+		@released */
+		class TOutput
+			{
+		public:
+			/** Standard constructor. */
+			TOutput() : iBitmapSize(TSize::EUninitialized),
+				iBounds(TRect::EUninitialized) {}
+			/** Character or glyph code. */
+			TUint iCode;			
+			/** Bitmap data for the glyph, if available */
+			const TUint8* iBitmap;	
+			/** Size of the bitmap before algorithmic bolding, size 
+			multiplication, etc. */
+			TSize iBitmapSize;		
+			/** Bitmap bounds relative to the original pen position. */
+			TRect iBounds;			
+			};
+		/** Information about the glyphs that were output. */
+		TOutput iOutput[EMaxOutputGlyphs];	
+		/** Number of glyphs actually output. */
+		TInt iOutputGlyphs;					
+		};	
+	/** Input parameter block.
+	This is optionally used by CFont::MeasureText(), which is the powerful text 
+	measurement function underlying all the other text measurement functions.
+	@see CFont::MeasureText() 
+	@publishedAll
+	@released
+	*/
+	class TMeasureTextInput
+		{
+	public:
+		TMeasureTextInput():
+			iStartInputChar(0),
+			iEndInputChar(KMaxTInt),
+			iDirection(EHorizontal),
+			iFlags(0),
+			iMaxAdvance(KMaxTInt),
+			iMaxBounds(KMaxTInt),
+			iCharJustNum(0),
+			iCharJustExcess(0),
+			iWordJustNum(0),
+			iWordJustExcess(0)
+			{
+			}
+		/**Flags for TMeasureTextInput::iFlags. */
+		enum TFlags
+			{
+ 			/** Input text is visually ordered left-to-right. */
+ 			EFVisualOrder = 1,
+ 			/** Input text is visually ordered right-to-left.
+ 			Overrides EFVisualOrder. */
+ 			EFVisualOrderRightToLeft = 2,
+ 			/** Flag to consider side bearings when checking bounds for line-break */
+ 			EFIncludePenPositionInBoundsCheck = 4
+			};
+		/** Starting index specifying first input character in iText.
+		Together with iEndInputChar, this allows some context before and 
+		after the measured text to be supplied so that shaping can work 
+		properly. */
+		TInt iStartInputChar;	
+		/** Index specifying the final input character.
+		Together with iStartInputChar, this allows some context before and 
+		after the measured text to be supplied so that shaping can work 
+		properly. */
+		TInt iEndInputChar;		
+		/** The direction in which to draw the text. */
+		TUint16 iDirection;
+		/** Flags from TFlags. */
+		TUint16 iFlags;
+		/** The maximum advance. */
+		TInt iMaxAdvance;		
+		/** The maximum width (or height if drawing vertically) of bounds. */
+		TInt iMaxBounds;		
+		/** The number of glyph groups to be letter-spaced. */
+		TInt iCharJustNum;		
+		/** The amount of space to be used for letter spacing. */
+		TInt iCharJustExcess;	
+		/** The number of spaces to be used for word spacing. */
+		TInt iWordJustNum;		
+		/** The amount of space to be used for word spacing. */
+		TInt iWordJustExcess;	
+		};
+	/** Output parameter block.
+	This is optionally used by CFont::MeasureText(), which is the powerful text 
+	measurement function underlying all the other text measurement functions.
+	@see CFont::MeasureText() 
+	@publishedAll
+	@released
+	*/
+	class TMeasureTextOutput
+		{
+		public:
+		/** The number of input characters that would be drawn.
+		This may be less than the length of the text if a maximum advance or bounding 
+		box size is specified. */
+		TInt iChars;			
+		/** The number of glyphs that would be drawn. */
+		TInt iGlyphs;			
+		/** The number of groups that would be drawn.
+		A group is a base glyph plus one or more combining characters. */
+		TInt iGroups;			
+		/** The number of word spaces (U+0020) that would be drawn. */
+		TInt iSpaces;			
+		/** The bounding box of all the glyphs that would be drawn. */
+		TRect iBounds;			
+		/** The maximum width and height of any glyph. */
+		TSize iMaxGlyphSize;	
+		};
+	/**
+	Data availability flags.
+	Some fonts like printer fonts may only have width information and can return 
+	ECharacterWidthOnly to show this: the text drawing routines in CFont synthesize 
+	the rest of the data if necessary.
+	@see GetCharacterData() 
+	@publishedAll	
+	@released
+	*/
+	enum TCharacterDataAvailability
+		{
+		/** No font information available. */
+		ENoCharacterData,
+		/** Width information only is available. */
+		ECharacterWidthOnly,
+		/** All character data is available. */
+		EAllCharacterData
+		};
+	// virtual functions have been made protected and public non-virtual ones
+	// added to convert CFont to a handle-body pattern. SC is kept throught the
+	// new functions and BC is kept by keeping the protected functions in the
+	// same place in the class, and therefore in the same place in the vtable
+	/**
+	@publishedAll
+	WARNING: Function for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases. Please see derived class for implementation.
+	*/
+	virtual TUid DoTypeUid() const=0;
+	/**
+	@publishedAll
+	WARNING: Function for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases. Please see derived class for implementation.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt DoHeightInPixels() const=0;
+	/**
+	@publishedAll
+	WARNING: Function for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases. Please see derived class for implementation.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt DoAscentInPixels() const=0;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TInt DoDescentInPixels() const;
+	/**
+	@publishedAll
+	WARNING: Function for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases. Please see derived class for implementation.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt DoCharWidthInPixels(TChar aChar) const=0;
+	/**
+	@publishedAll
+	WARNING: Function for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases. Please see derived class for implementation.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt DoTextWidthInPixels(const TDesC& aText) const=0;
+	/**
+	@publishedAll
+	WARNING: Function for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases. Please see derived class for implementation.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt DoBaselineOffsetInPixels() const=0;
+	/**
+	@publishedAll
+	WARNING: Function for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases. Please see derived class for implementation.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt DoTextCount(const TDesC& aText,TInt aWidthInPixels) const=0;
+	/**
+	@publishedAll
+	WARNING: Function for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases. Please see derived class for implementation.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt DoTextCount(const TDesC& aText,TInt aWidthInPixels,TInt& aExcessWidthInPixels) const=0;
+	/**
+	@publishedAll
+	WARNING: Function for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases. Please see derived class for implementation.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt DoMaxCharWidthInPixels() const=0;
+	/**
+	@publishedAll
+	WARNING: Function for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases. Please see derived class for implementation.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt DoMaxNormalCharWidthInPixels() const=0;
+	/**
+	@publishedAll
+	WARNING: Function for internal use ONLY.  Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases. Please see derived class for implementation.
+	*/
+	virtual TFontSpec DoFontSpecInTwips() const=0;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TCharacterDataAvailability DoGetCharacterData(TUint aCode, TOpenFontCharMetrics& aMetrics,const TUint8*& aBitmap,TSize& aBitmapSize) const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TBool DoGetCharacterPosition(TPositionParam& aParam) const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TInt DoExtendedFunction(TUid aFunctionId, TAny* aParam = NULL) const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CFont();
+	inline TInt FontCapitalAscent() const;
+	inline TInt FontMaxAscent() const;
+	inline TInt FontStandardDescent() const;
+	inline TInt FontMaxDescent() const;
+	inline TInt FontLineGap() const;
+	inline TInt FontMaxHeight() const;
+	/** Gets run-time identity of the actual font type. This enables safe casting to 
+	a derived type.
+	For example, if the derived type is a CFbsFont, the return value is KCFbsFontUid. 
+	You would need to cast to a CFbsFont to get a character bounding box. Similarly, 
+	a CBitmapFont returns KCBitmapFontUidVal.
+	@return The font-type identifier. */
+	IMPORT_C TUid TypeUid() const;
+	/** Gets the font height in pixels.
+	Note that this deprecated function is replaced by the new @c FontMaxHeight().
+	@return The font height in pixels.
+	@see FontMaxHeight()
+	@deprecated */
+	IMPORT_C TInt HeightInPixels() const;
+	/** Gets the font ascent in pixels.
+	Note that this deprecated function is replaced by the new @c FontMaxAscent()
+	or in some cases @c FontCapitalAscent().	
+	@return The font ascent in pixels.
+	@see FontCapitalAscent()
+	@see FontMaxAscent()
+	@deprecated */
+	IMPORT_C TInt AscentInPixels() const;
+	/** Gets the font descent in pixels.
+	Note that this deprecated function is replaced by the new @c FontMaxDescent()
+	or in some cases @c FontStandardDescent().	
+	@return The font descent in pixels.
+	@see FontStandardDescent() 
+	@see FontMaxDescent()
+	@deprecated */
+	IMPORT_C TInt DescentInPixels() const;
+	/** Gets the width in pixels in this font of the specified character.
+	Note: For OpenType fonts this function returns the horizontal advance of
+	the character, which may be different from the actual width.
+	@param aChar The character whose width should be determined. 
+	@return The width in pixels of the specified character in this font. */
+	IMPORT_C TInt CharWidthInPixels(TChar aChar) const;
+	/** Gets the width in pixels of the specified descriptor when displayed in this 
+	font.
+	@param aText The descriptor whose width should be determined. 
+	@return The width of the specified descriptor when displayed in this font, 
+	in pixels. */
+	IMPORT_C TInt TextWidthInPixels(const TDesC& aText) const;
+	/** Gets the baseline offset in pixels. 
+	The baseline offset is how far a font is raised or lowered from its normal 
+	baseline.
+	@return Offset from normal baseline, in pixels. */
+	IMPORT_C TInt BaselineOffsetInPixels() const;
+	/** Gets how much of the specified descriptor can be displayed in this font without 
+	exceeding the specified width.
+	Note:
+	This function does not display any of the descriptor itself - it is used 
+	before display, to test whether the whole descriptor can be displayed.
+	@param aText The descriptor. 
+	@param aWidthInPixels The available width for character display. 
+	@return The number of characters which will be able to be displayed without 
+	exceeding the specified width. The count starts from the beginning of the 
+	descriptor. */
+	IMPORT_C TInt TextCount(const TDesC& aText,TInt aWidthInPixels) const;
+	/** Gets how much of the specified descriptor can be displayed in this font without 
+	exceeding the specified width. 
+	It also returns the excess width - defined as the specified available width 
+	minus the width of the portion of the descriptor which can be displayed without 
+	exceeding the available width.
+	@param aText The descriptor. 
+	@param aWidthInPixels The available width for character display. 
+	@param aExcessWidthInPixels The excess width after displaying the portion of 
+	the descriptor, in pixels. 
+	@return The number of characters which will be able to be displayed without 
+	exceeding the specified width. The count starts from the beginning of the 
+	descriptor. */
+	IMPORT_C TInt TextCount(const TDesC& aText,TInt aWidthInPixels,TInt& aExcessWidthInPixels) const;
+	/** Gets the width in pixels of the widest character in this font.
+	@return The width of the maximum width character, in pixels. */
+	IMPORT_C TInt MaxCharWidthInPixels() const;
+	/** Gets the width in pixels of the widest normal character in this font.
+	Normal characters include all character in a character set except non-alphabetic 
+	characters (e.g. the copyright symbol, or a block graphics symbol, for example).
+	@return The width of the maximum width normal character, in pixels. */
+	IMPORT_C TInt MaxNormalCharWidthInPixels() const;
+	/** Gets the font specification of this font in twips.
+	@return The font specification of this font (in twips). */
+	IMPORT_C TFontSpec FontSpecInTwips() const;
+	IMPORT_C TCharacterDataAvailability GetCharacterData(TUint aCode, TOpenFontCharMetrics& aMetrics,const TUint8*& aBitmap,TSize& aBitmapSize) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool GetCharacterPosition(TPositionParam& aParam) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt WidthZeroInPixels() const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt MeasureText(const TDesC& aText, const TMeasureTextInput* aInput = NULL, TMeasureTextOutput* aOutput = NULL) const;
+	IMPORT_C static TBool CharactersJoin(TInt aLeftCharacter, TInt aRightCharacter);
+	IMPORT_C TInt ExtendedFunction(TUid aFunctionId, TAny* aParam = NULL) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool GetCharacterPosition2(TPositionParam& aParam, RShapeInfo& aShapeInfo) const;
+	/** Gets the width in pixels of the specified descriptor when displayed in this 
+	font.
+	@param aText The descriptor whose width should be determined.
+	@param aParam Parameter block that controls how much of aText is measured
+	@return The width of the specified descriptor when displayed in this font, 
+	in pixels. */
+	IMPORT_C TInt TextWidthInPixels(const TDesC& aText,const TMeasureTextInput* aParam) const;
+	};
+// inline functions from original gdi.inl
+/** Gets the ascent of an ANSI capital letter in the font whether or not
+there are any ANSI capitals in the font.
+@return The positive distance from the font baseline to the top of a
+standard ANSI capital letter
+inline TInt CFont::FontCapitalAscent() const
+    {
+    return ExtendedFunction(KFontCapitalAscent);
+    }
+/** Gets the max ascent of any pre-composed glyph in the font. This will
+include accents or diacritics that form part of pre-composed glyphs. It is
+not guaranteed to cover the max ascent of composite glyphs that have to be
+created by a layout engine. This is also the recommended distance between
+the top of a text box and the baseline of the first line of text. 
+@return The positive distance from the font baseline to the top of the
+highest pre-composed glyph (including accents) above the baseline
+inline TInt CFont::FontMaxAscent() const
+    {
+    return ExtendedFunction(KFontMaxAscent);
+    }
+/** Gets the descent of an ANSI descending character in the font.
+Whether or not there are any ANSI descenders in the font.
+@return The positive distance from the font baseline to the bottom of the
+lowest ANSI descender
+inline TInt CFont::FontStandardDescent() const
+    {
+    return ExtendedFunction(KFontStandardDescent);
+    }
+/** Gets the max descent of any pre-composed glyph in the font. This will
+include accents or diacritics that form part of pre-composed glyphs. It is
+not guaranteed to cover the max descent of composite glyphs that have to be
+created by a layout engine.
+@return The positive distance from the font baseline to the bottom of the
+lowest pre-composed glyph (including accents) below the baseline
+inline TInt CFont::FontMaxDescent() const
+    {
+    return ExtendedFunction(KFontMaxDescent);
+    }
+/** Gets the suggested line gap for the font. This is the recommended
+baseline to baseline distance between successive lines of text in the font.
+@return The positive recommended gap between successive lines
+inline TInt CFont::FontLineGap() const
+    {
+    return ExtendedFunction(KFontLineGap);
+    }
+Gets the (positive) maximum height in pixels of the font.
+This may differ from the design height.
+@return The maximum height of the font.
+inline TInt CFont::FontMaxHeight() const
+    {
+    return FontMaxAscent() + FontMaxDescent();
+    }
+// from original gdistruct.h
+Structure used to pass input/output parameters between RFontTable and CFbsFont.
+class TGetFontTableParam 
+    {
+    TUint32 iTag;
+    TAny *iContent;
+    TInt iLength;
+    };
+Structure used to pass input/output parameters between RGlyphOutlineIterator and CFbsFont.
+Used when opening an outline iterator.
+class TGetGlyphOutlineParam 
+    {
+    TInt iCount;
+    const TUint *iCodes; 
+    TBool iHinted;
+    TAny **iOutlines;
+    TInt *iLengths; 
+    };
+Structure used to pass input/output parameters between RGlyphOutlineIterator and CFbsFont.
+Used when closing an outline iterator.
+class TReleaseGlyphOutlineParam 
+    {
+    TInt iCount;
+    const TUint *iCodes;
+    TBool iHinted;
+    };
+#endif // __TEXTBASE_H__