# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
use strict;
use integer;
my $perlScriptPath=$0;
my $os = $^O; #get the OS type
#check OS type
if($os=~/MSWin32/) #Windows OS
$perlScriptPath=~s/\//\\/g; # replace any forward-slashes with back-slashes
$perlScriptPath=~s/(\\?)[^\\]+$/$1/; # get rid of this Perl-script's file-name
else #Unix OS
$perlScriptPath=~s/\\/\//g; # replace any back-slashes with forward-slashes
$perlScriptPath=~s/(\/?)[^\/]+$/$1/; # get rid of this Perl-script's file-name
unshift(@INC, $perlScriptPath); # can't do "use lib $perlScriptPath" here as "use lib" only seems to work with *hard-coded* directory names
$|=1; # ensures that any progress information sent to the screen is displayed immediately and not buffered
if ((@ARGV==0) || ($ARGV[0]=~/\?/i) || ($ARGV[0]=~/-h/i) || ($ARGV[0]=~/help/i))
die("\nVersion 021\n\nCharacter-set standard-names and MIB-enums tool\nCopyright (c) 2000 Symbian Ltd\n\nUsage:\n\n\tsnmtool <input-file> <output-file>\n\n");
my $inputFileName=shift;
my $outputFileName=shift;
print "Generating $outputFileName...\n";
open(INPUT_FILE, "< $inputFileName") or die("Error: could not open \"$inputFileName\" for reading\n");
my %characerSets=();
&readInputFile(\*INPUT_FILE, $inputFileName, \%characerSets);
close(INPUT_FILE) or die("Error: could not close \"$inputFileName\"\n");
open(OUTPUT_FILE, "> $outputFileName") or die("Error: could not open \"$outputFileName\" for writing\n");
binmode OUTPUT_FILE;
&writeOutputFile(\*OUTPUT_FILE, \%characerSets);
close(OUTPUT_FILE) or die("Error: could not close \"$outputFileName\"\n");
print "complete\n\n";
sub readInputFile
my $fileHandle=shift;
my $fileName=shift;
my $characerSets=shift;
my $line;
my $strippedDownLine;
my $identifier="";
for (;;)
($line, $strippedDownLine)=&nextNonEmptyStrippedDownLine($fileHandle);
if ($strippedDownLine eq "")
if ($strippedDownLine=~/^CharacterSet\s+0x([0-9a-f]+)$/i)
$characerSets->{$identifier}=[[], []];
if ($identifier eq "")
die("Error: unexpected line in \"$fileName\":\n $line\n");
if ($strippedDownLine=~/^StandardName\s+"(.*)"$/i)
push @{$characerSets->{$identifier}->[0]}, $1;
elsif ($strippedDownLine=~/^MibEnum\s+([0-9]+)$/i)
push @{$characerSets->{$identifier}->[1]}, $1;
die("Error: unexpected line in \"$fileName\":\n $line\n");
sub writeOutputFile
my $fileHandle=shift;
my $characerSets=shift;
&writeUids($fileHandle, 0x1000589b, 0, 0);
my $characerSetIdentifier;
my $identifier;
my $data;
while (($identifier, $data)=each(%$characerSets))
&write32($fileHandle, hex($identifier));
&writePositiveIntegerCompacted15($fileHandle, scalar(@{$data->[0]}));
&writePositiveIntegerCompacted15($fileHandle, scalar(@{$data->[1]}));
my $standardName;
foreach $standardName (@{$data->[0]})
&writePositiveIntegerCompacted15($fileHandle, length($standardName));
&writeString($fileHandle, $standardName);
my $mibEnum;
foreach $mibEnum (@{$data->[1]})
&writePositiveIntegerCompacted30($fileHandle, $mibEnum);