author William Roberts <>
Tue, 13 Jul 2010 17:22:55 +0100
changeset 48 294f83a8e6de
parent 44 601ab138ba0b
child 55 336bee5c2d35
permissions -rw-r--r--
Remerge fix for bug 1543

* Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 
* Chris Cooper, 09 March 1999
* This application loads a scaleable open font and extracts a particular
* user-specified size from it which it then outputs as a BDF format font
* file. This can then be turned into an EPOC bitmap font using other tools.
* At the moment the required font name and PPEM size are specified in a
* program statement, so this utility must be recompiled. It is intended to
* change this to obtain the input from a text file - and to allow multiple
* conversions to be specified at once.
* This application has to be a Unicode build to function.
* If this #define is enabled than, instead of getting a useable BDF file,
* the hex char definitions are replaced by visible bitmaps of the chars.
* It should, therefore, be commented out in normal use.


#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32test.h>
#include <bitstd.h>
#include <bitdev.h>
#include <fbs.h>
#include <f32file.h>

#include "bdfharn.h"

TPtrC CBDFHarness::iFacename(_L("DejaVu Sans Condensed"));
TInt  CBDFHarness::iPixelSize = 8;
TPtrC CBDFHarness::iFilename(_L("Swi8br"));
TPtrC CBDFHarness::iUid(_L("268457817"));

TFontPosture CBDFHarness::iPosture = EPostureUpright;
//TFontPosture CBDFHarness::iPosture = EPostureItalic;

//TFontStrokeWeight CBDFHarness::iStrokeWeight = EStrokeWeightNormal;
TFontStrokeWeight CBDFHarness::iStrokeWeight = EStrokeWeightBold;

TFontPrintPosition CBDFHarness::iPrintPosition = EPrintPosNormal;
//TFontPrintPosition CBDFHarness::iPrintPosition = EPrintPosSuperscript;
//TFontPrintPosition CBDFHarness::iPrintPosition = EPrintPosSubscript;

TBuf<256> buffer;

// this function is a hack to take a Unicode string containing
// only chars <= 255 and put out the 8 bit version to the file
void FileWrite8(RFile& aFile, const TDesC& aText)
	// It's Unicode so we've got to step down from 16 bit desc to 8 bit file
	TInt length = aText.Length();
	HBufC8* buffer8 = HBufC8::NewMaxL(length);
	TPtr8 p = buffer8->Des();
	TUint16 c;
	TUint8 b;

	int k = 0;
	for (int r = 0; r < length; r++)
		c = aText[r];
		b = (TUint8)c;
		p[k++] = b;
	delete buffer8;

CBDFHarness::CBDFHarness(const TDesC &aTitle, const TDesC &aHeading): iTest(aTitle)

CBDFHarness* CBDFHarness::NewL(const TDesC &aTitle, const TDesC &aHeading)
	CBDFHarness* t = new (ELeave)CBDFHarness(aTitle, aHeading);
	return t;

void CBDFHarness::ConstructL()
	iFbs = RFbsSession::GetSession();
	if (iFbs == NULL)
	iDev = CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(_L("scdv"),EGray4);

	TFontSpec fs(iFacename, iPixelSize);
	TInt error = iDev->GetNearestFontInPixels((CFont*&)iStandardFont,fs);
	if (error)
		User::Panic(_L("Could not create this font"),error);

	if (iStandardFont)
	delete iGc;
	delete iDev;

void CBDFHarness::MakeBDFFontL()
	TOpenFontFaceAttrib attrib;
	TPtrC familyName = attrib.FamilyName();
	TPtrC fullName = attrib.LocalFullName();
	TOpenFontMetrics fMetrics;
	iPPEM = fMetrics.Size();

	// Open file session
	RFs file_session;
	// Open file
	RFile file;
	buffer.Format(_L("\\BDFfonts\\%S %d.bdf"), &fullName, iPPEM);
	file.Replace(file_session, buffer, EFileShareAny);
	// Extract global info
	buffer.Format(_L("STARTFONT 2.2\r\n"));
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	// COMMENT <font name> [(Bold) ][(Italic) ]at <nn> pixels per em
	buffer.Format(_L("COMMENT %S "), &familyName);
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	if (iStandardFont->FontSpecInTwips().iFontStyle.StrokeWeight() == EStrokeWeightBold)
		buffer.Format(_L("(Bold) "));
		FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	if (iStandardFont->FontSpecInTwips().iFontStyle.Posture() == EPostureItalic)
		buffer.Format(_L("(Italic) "));
		FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	buffer.Format(_L("at %d pixels per em\r\n"), iPPEM);
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	// COMMENT Generated by the EPOC BDF creator
	buffer.Format(_L("COMMENT Generated by the EPOC BDF creator\r\n"));
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	// FONT <font name>
	buffer.Format(_L("FONT %S\r\n"), &iFilename);
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	// SIZE <ppem> 72 72
	buffer.Format(_L("SIZE %d 72 72\r\n"), iPPEM);
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	// FONTBOUNDINGBOX <bbox pixel width> <bbox pixel height> <bbox x pixel offset> <bbox y pixel offset>
	TInt bbw = fMetrics.MaxWidth();
	TInt bbh = fMetrics.MaxHeight() + fMetrics.MaxDepth();
	TInt bbxo = 0;
	TInt bbyo = -1 * fMetrics.MaxDepth();
	buffer.Format(_L("FONTBOUNDINGBOX %d %d %d %d\r\n"), bbw, bbh, bbxo, bbyo);
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	TInt numproperties = 5;
	if (iStandardFont->FontSpecInTwips().iFontStyle.StrokeWeight() == EStrokeWeightBold)
	if (iStandardFont->FontSpecInTwips().iFontStyle.Posture() == EPostureItalic)
	buffer.Format(_L("STARTPROPERTIES %d\r\n"), numproperties);
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	buffer.Format(_L("Uid %S\r\n"), &iUid);
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	buffer.Format(_L("MaxNormalCharWidth "));
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	TInt maxWidth = bbw;
	buffer.Format(_L("%d\r\n"), maxWidth);
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	buffer.Format(_L("MaxConsecutiveFillChars 5\r\n"));
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	if (iStandardFont->FontSpecInTwips().iFontStyle.StrokeWeight() == EStrokeWeightBold)
		buffer.Format(_L("Bold 1\r\n"));
		FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	if (iStandardFont->FontSpecInTwips().iFontStyle.Posture() == EPostureItalic)
		buffer.Format(_L("Italic 1\r\n"));
		FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	buffer.Format(_L("FONT_ASCENT %d\r\n"), fMetrics.Ascent());
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	buffer.Format(_L("FONT_DESCENT %d\r\n"), fMetrics.Descent());
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	// CHARS <number of glyphs>
	// Work out how many chars in font
	TInt charCount = 0;
	TInt i = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i <= 0xFFFF; i++ )
		if ( iStandardFont->HasCharacter(i) )
	buffer.Format(_L("CHARS %d\r\n"), charCount);
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);

	for ( i = 0; i <= 0xFFFF; i++ )
		if ( iStandardFont->HasCharacter(i) )
			// STARTCHAR <Unn in hex>
			buffer.Format(_L("STARTCHAR U%x\r\n"), i);
			FileWrite8(file, buffer);
			// ENCODING <usually nn decimal>
			buffer.Format(_L("ENCODING %d\r\n"), i);
			FileWrite8(file, buffer);
			// SWIDTH <swidth> 0
			// DWIDTH <swidth * (pointsize / 1000) * (device resolution / 72)> 0
			// DWIDTH <swidth * (ppem / 1000) * (72 / 72)> 0
			// but DWIDTH  = <advance in pixels> which we know
			// so SWIDTH = (DWIDTH * 1000) / ppem
			TOpenFontCharMetrics cMetrics;
			const TUint8* bitmapPtr;
			TSize dummy;
			iStandardFont->GetCharacterData(i, cMetrics, bitmapPtr, dummy);
			TInt dwidth = cMetrics.HorizAdvance();
			TReal dwidthReal = dwidth;
			TInt swidth = (TInt)(((dwidthReal * 1000) / iPPEM) + 0.5);
			buffer.Format(_L("SWIDTH %d 0\r\n"), swidth);
			FileWrite8(file, buffer);
			buffer.Format(_L("DWIDTH %d 0\r\n"), dwidth);
			FileWrite8(file, buffer);
			// BBX <bmap pixel width> <bmap pixel height> <bmap x pixel offset> <bmap y pixel offset>
			TInt bpw = cMetrics.Width();
			TInt bph = cMetrics.Height();
			TInt bxo = cMetrics.HorizBearingX();
			TInt byo = cMetrics.HorizBearingY() - bph; // Because openfont offsets are to top left and bdf is to bottom left
			buffer.Format(_L("BBX %d %d %d %d\r\n"), bpw, bph, bxo, byo);
			FileWrite8(file, buffer);
			// BITMAP
			FileWrite8(file, buffer);
			TInt paddedWidth = ((bpw + 7) / 8);
			if (bph * paddedWidth)
				TUint8* bitmap = new TUint8 [sizeof(TUint8) * bph * paddedWidth];
				DecodeBitmap(bpw, paddedWidth, bph, bitmapPtr, bitmap);
				for (TInt j = 0; j < bph; j++)
					// Output one line of bitmap
					// This branch is the standard version that produces useable BDF files
					for (TInt k = paddedWidth - 1; k >= 0; k--)
						TInt byte = *(bitmap + (j * paddedWidth) + k);

						OutHex(byte / 16);
						FileWrite8(file, buffer);
						OutHex(byte % 16);
						FileWrite8(file, buffer);
					FileWrite8(file, buffer);
					// This branch shows the char bitmaps but does not produce useable BDF files
					FileWrite8(file, buffer);
					iBitNum = ((j + 1) * paddedWidth * 8) - 1;
					iBitMap = bitmap;

					for (TInt k = 0; k < bpw; k++)
						if (ReadBitBack())
							buffer.Format(_L(" "));
						FileWrite8(file, buffer);
					for (k = bpw; k < 8 * paddedWidth; k++)
						FileWrite8(file, buffer);
					FileWrite8(file, buffer);
				delete [] bitmap;
			FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	FileWrite8(file, buffer);
	// Close file


TInt CBDFHarness::ReadBit()
	TInt val = 1;
	for (TInt i = 0; i < (iBitNum % 8); i++)
		val *= 2;
	val = iBitMap[iBitNum / 8] & val;
	return val ? 1 : 0;

TInt CBDFHarness::ReadBitBack()
	TInt val = 1;
	for (TInt i = 0; i < (iBitNum % 8); i++)
		val *= 2;
	val = iBitMap[iBitNum / 8] & val;
	return val ? 1 : 0;

void CBDFHarness::OutHex(TInt aOneHexDigit)
	if (aOneHexDigit <= 9)
		buffer.Format(_L("%c"), '0' + aOneHexDigit);
		buffer.Format(_L("%c"), 'a' + aOneHexDigit - 10);

void CBDFHarness::DecodeBitmap(TInt aWidth, TInt aPaddedWidth, TInt aHeight, const TUint8* aCodedBitmap, TUint8* aBitMap)
	// Zero the bitmap
	for (TInt i = 0; i < aPaddedWidth * aHeight; i++)
		aBitMap[i] = 0;
	TInt repeats = 0;
	iBitNum = 0;
	iBitMap = aCodedBitmap;
	for (TInt linesRead = 0; linesRead < aHeight; linesRead += repeats)
		TInt repeating = !(ReadBit());
		// Intended behavior is for the line of code below to be evaluated left to right.
		//    repeats = (1 * ReadBit()) + (2 * ReadBit()) + (4 * ReadBit()) + (8 * ReadBit());
		// However, the order in which calls to ReadBit() above are evaluated is undefined,
		// and is compiler dependent.
		// The following code ensures that the correct code is used:
		TInt bit1 = ReadBit();
		TInt bit2 = ReadBit();
		TInt bit3 = ReadBit();
		TInt bit4 = ReadBit();
		repeats = (1 * bit1) + (2 * bit2) + (4 * bit3) + (8 * bit4);

		TInt padVal = (aPaddedWidth * 8) - aWidth;
		if (repeating)
			for (TInt j = padVal + aWidth - 1; j >= padVal; j--)
				TInt value = ReadBit();
				for (TInt k = 0; k < (j % 8); k++)
					value *= 2;
				for (TInt l = 0; l < repeats; l++)
					aBitMap[((linesRead + l) * aPaddedWidth) + (j / 8)] =
						TUint8(aBitMap[((linesRead + l) * aPaddedWidth) + (j / 8)] + value);
			for (TInt l = 0; l < repeats; l++)
				for (TInt j = padVal + aWidth - 1; j >= padVal; j--)
					TInt value = ReadBit();
					for (TInt k = 0; k < (j % 8); k++)
						value *= 2;
					aBitMap[((linesRead + l) * aPaddedWidth) + (j / 8)] =
						TUint8(aBitMap[((linesRead + l) * aPaddedWidth) + (j / 8)] + value);