author Pat Downey <>
Fri, 04 Jun 2010 10:37:54 +0100
changeset 32 8b9155204a54
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revert last code drop.

* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 

#include "NumberGrouping.h"
#include "RegularExpression.h"
#include "cleanuputil.h"

#include <barsread.h>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <NumberGroupingCRKeys.h>

const TText KNumberGroupingWildcard('n');
const TText KNumberGroupingOneOrMoreCharactersToken('~');

// This constant represents all the valid whitespace that we can handle. Several
// APIs give whitespace special significance as a formatting character, especially
// those methods used to obtain text for formatting into fixed-width UI elements
// where spaces are not to be rendered at the margins.
const TText KNumberGroupingSpace(' ');

const TInt KMinimumLengthToGroup = 1; // No grouping occurs if fewer than this in unformatted buffer

#include <NumberGrouping.rsg>

GLDEF_C void Panic(TNumberGroupingPanic aPanic)
    _LIT(KPanicCat,"Number Grouping");
    User::Panic(KPanicCat, aPanic);

// Valid phone number characters apart from IsDigit() characters are listed here
const TText KAdditionalPhoneNumberCharacters[] = {'+','#','*','p','w'};

NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPNGNumberGroupingExtension): public CBase
    TInt        iMaxExtraCharacters; 
    TInt        iNumberGroupingCRValue;



    : iPosition(-1), iSeparatorCharacter(KNumberGroupingSpace)

CPNGNumberGrouping::TPNGSeparator::TPNGSeparator( TInt aPosition, TText aSeparatorCharacter )
    : iPosition(aPosition), iSeparatorCharacter(aSeparatorCharacter)


// CPNGNumberGrouping - grouping engine class
CPNGNumberGrouping::CPNGNumberGrouping(TInt aMaxLength /* = 0 */, TBool aReversed /* = EFalse */) :

EXPORT_C CPNGNumberGrouping* CPNGNumberGrouping::NewL( TInt aMaxLength, TBool aReserved)
    CPNGNumberGrouping* s = NewLC(aMaxLength, aReserved);
    return s;

EXPORT_C CPNGNumberGrouping* CPNGNumberGrouping::NewLC( TInt aMaxLength, TBool aReserved)
    CPNGNumberGrouping* s = new(ELeave)CPNGNumberGrouping( aMaxLength, aReserved);
    return s;

void CPNGNumberGrouping::ConstructL()
    iExtension = new (ELeave) CPNGNumberGroupingExtension(); 
    CRepository* repository = NULL;
    iExtension->iNumberGroupingCRValue = 0;
    TRAPD(ret, repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidNumberGrouping));
    if (ret == KErrNone)
        ret = repository->Get(KNumberGrouping, iExtension->iNumberGroupingCRValue);
    delete repository;
    // Read from resource first in order to obtain a value for iExtension->iMaxExtraCharacters
    iLanguage = doReadLanguageFromSharedData();
    doReadFormatInfoFromResourceFileL(); // This sets iExtension->iMaxExtraCharacters

    // Allocation of buffers.  Note that iMaxUnformattedLength must be retained as member
    // data because HBufCs may come back with more storage available than asked for.
    // The uncertainty in the actual length provided by the HBufCs means that although
    // they are asked to be different by iExtension->iMaxExtraCharacters, the difference between the
    // actual MaxLengths may be less than iMaxExtraCharcaters.
    // The approach decided upon is to retain iMaxUnformattedLength as member data and
    // use IT everywhere throughout this class's implementation, NEVER using
    // iUnformattedNumber->Des().MaxLength()
    iUnformattedNumber = HBufC::NewL(iMaxUnformattedLength);
    iFormattedNumber = HBufC::NewL(iMaxUnformattedLength + iExtension->iMaxExtraCharacters);

    // Create revesed buffer only if requested
    if ( iReversed )
        iReverseFormattedNumber = HBufC::NewL(iMaxUnformattedLength + iExtension->iMaxExtraCharacters);        

EXPORT_C CPNGNumberGrouping::~CPNGNumberGrouping()

    delete iUnformattedNumber;
    delete iFormattedNumber;
    delete iReverseFormattedNumber;
    delete iRegExp;
    delete iExtension;

EXPORT_C TInt CPNGNumberGrouping::Insert(TInt aIndex, TText aChar)

    if( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex <= iUnformattedNumber->Length())

        if(iUnformattedNumber->Length() >= iMaxUnformattedLength)
            return KErrOverflow;

        TBuf<1> bufChar(1);
        bufChar[0] = aChar;
        TPtr ptrModifyable(iUnformattedNumber->Des());
        ptrModifyable.Insert(aIndex, bufChar);


        return KErrNone;

    return KErrIndexOutOfRange;

EXPORT_C TInt CPNGNumberGrouping::Delete(TInt aIndex)
    if(aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < iUnformattedNumber->Length())
        TPtr ptrModifyable(iUnformattedNumber->Des());
        ptrModifyable.Delete(aIndex, KSingleCharacter);


        return KErrNone;

    return KErrIndexOutOfRange;

EXPORT_C TInt CPNGNumberGrouping::Append(TText aChar)
    if(iUnformattedNumber->Length() >= iMaxUnformattedLength)
        return KErrOverflow;

    TBuf<1> bufChar(1);
    bufChar[0] = aChar;
    TPtr ptrModifyable(iUnformattedNumber->Des());


    return KErrNone;

EXPORT_C TInt CPNGNumberGrouping::Set(const TDesC& aNumber)
    if( aNumber.Length() > iMaxUnformattedLength )
        return KErrOverflow;

    TPtr ptrModifyable( iUnformattedNumber->Des() );
    ptrModifyable.Copy( aNumber );


    return KErrNone;

EXPORT_C TInt CPNGNumberGrouping::Length() const
    if(!iFormattedNumber->Length()) // This test is used as the trigger to reformat

    return iFormattedNumber->Length();

EXPORT_C TInt CPNGNumberGrouping::UnFormattedLength() const
    return iUnformattedNumber->Length();

EXPORT_C TInt CPNGNumberGrouping::MaxDisplayLength() const
    // Despite its name, this method returns the max length of the UNFORMATTED buffer
    // This must not be implemented to return the actual length available in
    // iUnformattedBuffer.
    return iMaxUnformattedLength;

EXPORT_C TBool CPNGNumberGrouping::IsSpace(TInt aPos) const
    // Very tricky semantics for this.  Must be a space inserted by the formatting
    if ( iFormattedNumber->Length() > aPos &&
         iFormattedNumber->operator[](aPos) == KNumberGroupingSpace &&
         // Check also that is is less than the length to group + inserted characters
         aPos < ( LengthToGroup() + (iFormattedNumber->Length() - iUnformattedNumber->Length()) ) )
        return ETrue;
        return EFalse;

EXPORT_C const TDesC& CPNGNumberGrouping::FormattedNumber(TInt aFrom, TInt aTo) const
    if(iUnformattedNumber->Length() != 0 &&
        aFrom >= 0 &&
        aFrom <= aTo )

        TInt length = iFormattedNumber->Length();
        if(aTo < length + 1)
            TInt length = iFormattedNumber->Length();
            if ( iExtension->iNumberGroupingCRValue )
				// Advance to the next non-space
				while( (aFrom < length ) && (*iFormattedNumber)[aFrom] == KNumberGroupingSpace )
				// Retreat to the last non-space
				while( (aTo > 0) && (*iFormattedNumber)[aTo] == KNumberGroupingSpace )

            // Does fetching the descriptor still make sense?
            if ( (0 <= aFrom) && (aFrom <= aTo) && (aTo < length) )
                iFormattedNumberPtr.Set( iFormattedNumber->Mid( aFrom, aTo-aFrom+1 ) );
            CPNGNumberGrouping* pThis = const_cast<CPNGNumberGrouping*>(this);


    return iFormattedNumberPtr;

EXPORT_C const TDesC& CPNGNumberGrouping::FormattedNumber() const
    if( !iFormattedNumber->Length() )
        TInt err = KErrNone;

        CPNGNumberGrouping* pThis = const_cast<CPNGNumberGrouping*>(this);

        if( LengthToGroup() < KMinimumLengthToGroup || !iExtension->iNumberGroupingCRValue )
            // This is now just a short cut, as doNumberGroupingL handles premature truncation of
            // formatting. But this avoids all the language checking
            doNumberSquashing();  // copies the unformatted number straight into the formatted number
            TLanguage eLanguage;
            if(iForceLanguage != ELangTest)
                eLanguage = iForceLanguage;
                eLanguage = doReadLanguageFromSharedData();

            if(eLanguage != iLanguage)
                iLanguage = eLanguage;

                TRAP(err, pThis->doReadFormatInfoFromResourceFileL());
                if(err != KErrNone)
                    return iFormattedNumberPtr;

            TRAP(err, doNumberGroupingL());

        if(err != KErrNone)
            iFormattedNumberPtr.Set(iFormattedNumber->Ptr(), iFormattedNumber->Length());

    return iFormattedNumberPtr;

EXPORT_C const TDesC& CPNGNumberGrouping::ReverseFormattedNumber(TInt aFrom, TInt aTo) const
    if ( iReversed )
        if(iUnformattedNumber->Length() != 0 &&
            aFrom >= 0 &&
            aFrom <= aTo)


            TInt length = iReverseFormattedNumber->Length();
            if( aTo < length + 1 )
                // Advance to the next non-space
                if( iExtension->iNumberGroupingCRValue )
					while( (aFrom < length ) && (*iReverseFormattedNumber)[aFrom] == KNumberGroupingSpace )
					// Retreat to the last non-space
					while( (aTo > 0) && (*iReverseFormattedNumber)[aTo] == KNumberGroupingSpace )

                // Does fetching the descriptor still make sense?
                if ( (0 <= aFrom) && (aFrom <= aTo) && (aTo < length) )
                        iReverseFormattedNumber->Mid( aFrom, aTo-aFrom+1) );

    return iReverseFormattedNumberPtr; // Zero initialized at construction

EXPORT_C const TDesC& CPNGNumberGrouping::ReverseFormattedNumber() const
    if( iReverseFormattedNumber && !iReverseFormattedNumber->Length())

        TInt nLength = iFormattedNumber->Length();

        TPtr ptrModifyable(iReverseFormattedNumber->Des());
        TBuf<1> bufChar(1);

        for(TInt i = nLength; i > 0; --i)
            TText cChar = (*iFormattedNumber)[i-1];
            bufChar[0] = cChar;
            ptrModifyable.Insert(nLength - i, bufChar);

        iReverseFormattedNumberPtr.Set(iReverseFormattedNumber->Ptr(), nLength);

    return iReverseFormattedNumberPtr;

EXPORT_C const TDesC& CPNGNumberGrouping::Selection(TInt aFrom, TInt aTo) const
    if(aFrom < iUnformattedNumber->Length())
        TPtr ptrUnformatted = iUnformattedNumber->Des();
        iSelectionPtr.Set(&(ptrUnformatted[aFrom]), aTo - aFrom);

    return iSelectionPtr;

EXPORT_C const TDesC&   CPNGNumberGrouping::UnFormattedNumber(TInt aFrom, TInt aTo) const
    if (iUnformattedNumber && aFrom >= 0 && aFrom <= aTo && aTo < iUnformattedNumber->Length())
        iUnformattedNumberPtr.Set(&((*iUnformattedNumber)[aFrom]), aTo - aFrom + 1);
    return iUnformattedNumberPtr;

EXPORT_C const TDesC& CPNGNumberGrouping::UnFormattedNumber() const
    return UnFormattedNumber(0, iUnformattedNumber->Length() - 1);

TLanguage CPNGNumberGrouping::doReadLanguageFromSharedData() const
    if (iExtension->iNumberGroupingCRValue)
        return ELangAmerican;
        return ELangTest;

void CPNGNumberGrouping::doClearFormattedNumbers()
    TPtr ptrModifyable( iUnformattedNumber->Des() );

    for (TInt index = 0; index < ptrModifyable.Length(); index++)
        TChar ch = TChar(ptrModifyable[index]);
        ch.Fold( TChar::EFoldDigits | TChar::EFoldSpaces);

    if ( iReverseFormattedNumber )

    iMatchedPatternIndex = ENoMatchedPattern;

void CPNGNumberGrouping::doReadFormatInfoFromResourceFileL()
    delete iRegExp;
    iRegExp = NULL;

    RPointerArray<TDesC> parrGroupingPatternsList;

    TInt maxExtraCharacters(0);

    RFs fs;
    if(fs.Connect() == KErrNone)
        RResourceFile resourceFile;

        resourceFile.OpenL(fs, _L("z:\\resource\\numbergrouping.rsc"));
        HBufC8* bufResource = resourceFile.AllocReadL(R_GROUPING_MAPPING);

        TResourceReader resourceReader;

        TInt    nLanguageCount = resourceReader.ReadInt8();
        TBool   bLanguageMatches = EFalse;

        while(nLanguageCount-- || !bLanguageMatches)
            TBool bLanguageMatches = (resourceReader.ReadInt8() == iLanguage);

            if(bLanguageMatches || ((nLanguageCount == -1) && !bLanguageMatches))
                TInt nGroupingSchemeCount = resourceReader.ReadInt8();

                    TInt thisMaxExtraCharacters(0);
                        resourceReader, parrGroupingPatternsList, thisMaxExtraCharacters );
                    // take this new max extra characters if bigger
                    maxExtraCharacters = Max( maxExtraCharacters, thisMaxExtraCharacters );

                break; // This breaks out because we take the first language that matches

                } // End of if on language/locale test
            else  // skip other locales
                TInt nGroupingSchemeCount = resourceReader.ReadInt8();
                    SkipGroupingSchemeL( resourceReader );

        delete bufResource;

        CleanupStack::Pop();  // resource file

    CleanupStack::Pop();  // file system

    iExtension->iMaxExtraCharacters = maxExtraCharacters; // Latch the high water mark of extra characters

    iRegExp = CRegularExpression::NewL(&parrGroupingPatternsList);

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&parrGroupingPatternsList);  // patterns list

void CPNGNumberGrouping::doNumberGroupingL() const
    TInt lengthToGroup = LengthToGroup();

    if ( lengthToGroup >= KMinimumLengthToGroup )

        TInt matchedPattern = KErrNotFound;
        TInt newMatchedPattern = KErrNotFound;

        // Search for matches in the RegExp object. It returns the next matching pattern
        // However, even if there is a match, lengthToGroup may not be in the deployment
        // length range between minDigits and MaxDigits, inclusive
        do  {
            // Check for another matching pattern
            newMatchedPattern = iRegExp->SearchFrom( newMatchedPattern+1, *iUnformattedNumber);

            if( newMatchedPattern != KErrNotFound) // Found a match, but it is OK?

                TInt minDigits = iGroupingItemsList[newMatchedPattern]->iMinNumberOfDigits;
                TInt maxDigits = iGroupingItemsList[newMatchedPattern]->iMaxNumberOfDigits;

                // Fill in sensible values for min and max if not present
                if(minDigits == -1)
                    minDigits = 0;
                if(maxDigits == -1)
                    maxDigits = lengthToGroup;

                if ( minDigits <= lengthToGroup && lengthToGroup <= maxDigits )
                    matchedPattern = newMatchedPattern; // accept this new pattern

            } while ( newMatchedPattern != KErrNotFound  );

        // Actually go and do the grouping
        if ( matchedPattern != KErrNotFound )
            doNumberGroupingForPatternL( matchedPattern, lengthToGroup );


    // if we get to here, either the string was not matched to any of the patterns or the
    // unformatted string is exactly the display length.  In either case we call
    // doNumberSquashing() which simply leaves the string as it is...


void CPNGNumberGrouping::doNumberGroupingForPatternL( TInt aMatchingPattern, TInt aLengthToGroup ) const
    iMatchedPatternIndex = aMatchingPattern;

    TInt nLowPos = 0;
    TInt nHighPos = 0;

    TPtr desUnformattedNumber = iUnformattedNumber->Des();
    TInt unformattedLength = iUnformattedNumber->Length();

    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aLengthToGroup <= unformattedLength , Panic(ENumberGroupingBadLengthToGroup) );

    TPNGGroupingInfo* matchedPattern = iGroupingItemsList[iMatchedPatternIndex];
    TInt nAfterCount = matchedPattern->iAfterPositions.Count();
    TBool bBeforePosition = (matchedPattern->iBeforePosition.iPosition == -1)?0:1;

    // Test to see if the beforePosition can be used with the current text length.
    // The following does not allow the before position to be used if it would result in an
    // insertion right next to one from the AfterPositions.
    // That is, tildas in the formatting string represent 1 or more characters.
    // e.g. if the last afterPosition is 4 and the before position is 3, then a 7 digit
    // number will not be able to have the before position used.
    if( nAfterCount &&
        (unformattedLength - matchedPattern->iBeforePosition.iPosition) <=
        matchedPattern->iAfterPositions[nAfterCount - 1].iPosition)
        bBeforePosition = EFalse;

    TPtr ptrModifyable(iFormattedNumber->Des());

    for(TInt i  = 0; i < nAfterCount && nHighPos < aLengthToGroup ; ++i)
        nHighPos = matchedPattern->iAfterPositions[i].iPosition;
        if ( nHighPos >= aLengthToGroup )

        if(nHighPos < unformattedLength)
            ptrModifyable.Append( desUnformattedNumber.Mid( nLowPos, nHighPos - nLowPos) );
            nLowPos = nHighPos;

    // Do not do "before end" formatting at all if there is any truncation
    if ( aLengthToGroup < unformattedLength )
        TInt nBeforePosition = matchedPattern->iBeforePosition.iPosition;

        if(bBeforePosition && nBeforePosition < unformattedLength)
            nHighPos = unformattedLength - nBeforePosition;
            ptrModifyable.Append( desUnformattedNumber.Mid( nLowPos, nHighPos - nLowPos) );
            ptrModifyable.Append( matchedPattern->iBeforePosition.iSeparatorCharacter );
            nLowPos = nHighPos;

    nHighPos = unformattedLength;
    ptrModifyable.Append( desUnformattedNumber.Mid( nLowPos, nHighPos - nLowPos) );


void CPNGNumberGrouping::doNumberSquashing() const
    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( !iFormattedNumber->Length(), Panic(ENumberGroupingFormattedNumberAlreadyExists) );

    // just copy from one t'other...
    TPtr ptrModifyable(iFormattedNumber->Des());
    iMatchedPatternIndex = ENoMatchedPattern;

void CPNGNumberGrouping::doClearGroupingItemsList()
    TInt nCount = iGroupingItemsList.Count();

    for(TInt i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
        delete iGroupingItemsList[i];
        iGroupingItemsList[i] = NULL;

void CPNGNumberGrouping::ReadGroupingSchemeL(
    TResourceReader& aResourceReader,
    RPointerArray<TDesC>& aGroupingPatternsList,
    TInt& aMaxExtraCharacters )
    TPNGGroupingInfo* groupingInfo = new (ELeave) TPNGGroupingInfo;
    CleanupStack::PushL( groupingInfo );

    // Read in all resource for this grouping scheme, perform checking and then analyze it
    HBufC* initialDigits = aResourceReader.ReadHBufCL();
    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( initialDigits, Panic( ENumberGroupingNoInitialDigitsInResource ) );
    CleanupStack::PushL( initialDigits );

    groupingInfo->iMinNumberOfDigits = aResourceReader.ReadInt8();
    groupingInfo->iMaxNumberOfDigits = aResourceReader.ReadInt8();
        ( groupingInfo->iMaxNumberOfDigits == -1) ||
        ( groupingInfo->iMinNumberOfDigits <= groupingInfo->iMaxNumberOfDigits ),
        Panic( ENumberGroupingBadMinMaxDigitRangeInResource ) );

    // Read in formatting Pattern
    HBufC* formatPattern = aResourceReader.ReadHBufCL();

    if ( formatPattern ) // Does not have to be there
        CleanupStack::PushL( formatPattern );
        TInt formatLength = formatPattern->Length();
        if ( formatLength > 0 )
            // Obtain a wildcard version of the matching pattern in initialDigits.
            // This is used to check the supplied formatPattern for comformance to initialDigits
            HBufC* wildcardedMatchBuf = HBufC::NewLC( formatLength ); // Will not be longer than the search pattern

            TPtr wildcardedMatchPtr( wildcardedMatchBuf->Des() );
            // Get the example number using the latest search pattern only
            GetWildcardVersionOfMatchStringL( *initialDigits, KNumberGroupingWildcard, wildcardedMatchPtr );

            // Now parse the descriptor
            TBool trailingPossible(EFalse);
                *formatPattern, groupingInfo, wildcardedMatchPtr, aMaxExtraCharacters, trailingPossible );

            // Now parse the descriptor from the end if needed
            if ( trailingPossible )
                ParseForBeforePosition( *formatPattern, groupingInfo, aMaxExtraCharacters );

            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wildcardedMatchBuf );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( formatPattern );
        } // End of if on formatPattern.Length

    User::LeaveIfError( aGroupingPatternsList.Append( initialDigits ) );
    CleanupStack::Pop( initialDigits );

    // Do not leave if the next one fails, but remove the last from the patterns list and then leave
    // This is done in case someone TRAPs. Otherwise neither of these lists would be used and their
    // mismatch would not be a problem
    if ( TInt err = iGroupingItemsList.Append(groupingInfo) != KErrNone )
        // return value of Count will be at least 1, because we have just successfully gone through an Append
        aGroupingPatternsList.Remove( aGroupingPatternsList.Count() - 1 );
        // ownership is now mine again...
        delete initialDigits;
        // Need to delete groupingInfo, and make sure it is no longer on the cleanupstack
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( groupingInfo );
        CleanupStack::Pop( groupingInfo ); // Success. This object now not owned by the cleanupstack


void CPNGNumberGrouping::ParseForAfterPositions(
    const TDesC& aFormatPattern,
    TPNGGroupingInfo* aGroupingInfo,
    const TDesC& aWildcardedMatchingPattern,
    TInt& aMaxExtraCharacters,
    TBool& trailingPossible ) const
    TInt pos(0); // Keeps track of the position with which the next separator will be stored
    TInt formatLength = aFormatPattern.Length();
    for (TInt index = 0; index < formatLength; index++ )
        // The format pattern is compared with the matching pattern.  The matching pattern may be
        // shorter than the format pattern, so by default a wildcard character is used.
        TText ch = aFormatPattern[index];
        TText matchingChar(KNumberGroupingWildcard); // default to expect is the wildcard character
        if ( pos < aWildcardedMatchingPattern.Length() ) // if still within the matching pattern
            matchingChar = aWildcardedMatchingPattern[pos];
        if ( ch == matchingChar )
            pos++; // not a separator. index where the next "after" marker goes
        else if ( ch == KNumberGroupingOneOrMoreCharactersToken )
            // finish looking for "afterPositions". But there may be a "before" position in the
            // remainder, so set the flag
            trailingPossible = ETrue;
            // Explicit prevention of any separator characters being valid phone numbers
#ifdef _DEBUG
            if ( IsValidPhoneNumberCharacter( ch ) || ch == KNumberGroupingWildcard )
                    _L("NumberGrouping: Illegal character or format mismatch in resource: initialDigits pattern= <%S> formatPattern=<%S>"),
                    &aWildcardedMatchingPattern, &aFormatPattern );
            __ASSERT_DEBUG( !IsValidPhoneNumberCharacter( ch ), Panic( ENumberGroupingInvalidSeparatorCharacterInFormat ) );
            __ASSERT_DEBUG( ch != KNumberGroupingWildcard, Panic( ENumberGroupingMatchingPatternVersusFormatPatternMismatch ) );
            TPNGSeparator separator( pos, aFormatPattern[index]);

void CPNGNumberGrouping::ParseForBeforePosition(
    const TDesC& aFormatPattern,
    TPNGGroupingInfo* aGroupingInfo,
    TInt& aMaxExtraCharacters ) const
    TInt pos=0;
    TInt formatLength = aFormatPattern.Length();

    for (TInt index = formatLength-1; index >=0; index-- )
        TText ch = aFormatPattern[index];
        if ( ch == KNumberGroupingWildcard )
        else if ( ch == KNumberGroupingOneOrMoreCharactersToken )
            // Explicit prevention of any separator characters being valid phone numbers
#ifdef _DEBUG
            if ( IsValidPhoneNumberCharacter( ch ) )
                    _L("NumberGrouping: Illegal character in trailing part of format string in resource: formatPattern=<%S>"),
                    &aFormatPattern );
            __ASSERT_DEBUG( !IsValidPhoneNumberCharacter( ch ),
                Panic( ENumberGroupingInvalidSeparatorCharacterInFormat ) );
            TPNGSeparator separator( pos, ch );
            aGroupingInfo->iBeforePosition = separator;

void CPNGNumberGrouping::SkipGroupingSchemeL( TResourceReader& aResourceReader ) const
    HBufC* tempBuf;
    tempBuf = aResourceReader.ReadHBufCL();
    delete tempBuf;
    aResourceReader.Advance(2); // min and max characters
    tempBuf = aResourceReader.ReadHBufCL();
    delete tempBuf;

void CPNGNumberGrouping::GetWildcardVersionOfMatchStringL(
    const TDesC& aMatchString,
    TText aWildcard,
    TDes& aWildcardMatchString ) const
    RPointerArray<TDesC> patternList;

    // Make a copy of the input string
    HBufC* matchString = aMatchString.AllocLC();

    User::LeaveIfError( patternList.Append(matchString) );// takes ownership
    CleanupStack::Pop( matchString );

    CRegularExpression* regExp = CRegularExpression::NewLC(&patternList);

    // Only 1 pattern fed in.  Access that pattern at index 0
    regExp->GetWildcardVersionOfPattern( 0 , aWildcard, aWildcardMatchString );


    // Delete the patterns list
    delete patternList[0];

EXPORT_C TBool CPNGNumberGrouping::IsCharacterInsertedByNumberGrouping(TInt aPos) const
    TInt insertedCharacters = Length() - UnFormattedLength();

    if( insertedCharacters == 0 ) // no formatting was done
        return EFalse;
    else if ( aPos < ( insertedCharacters + LengthToGroup() ) )
        return !IsValidPhoneNumberCharacter( (*iFormattedNumber)[aPos] );
    else // aPos is pointing at or beyond index= LengthToGroup() + <chars inserted>; no formatting there
        return EFalse;

TBool CPNGNumberGrouping::IsValidPhoneNumberCharacter( TText aCharacter ) const
    if ( ((TChar)aCharacter).IsDigit() )
        return ETrue;

    // Check through the list of additional valid phone number characters
    TInt numAdditionalChars = sizeof( KAdditionalPhoneNumberCharacters )/sizeof(TText);

    for (TInt index = 0; index < numAdditionalChars; index++)
        if ( aCharacter == KAdditionalPhoneNumberCharacters[index] )
            return ETrue;

    return EFalse;

EXPORT_C TBool CPNGNumberGrouping::IsChangedByGrouping() const
    // The only way that grouping is effectively different is by making things longer
    return ( Length() > UnFormattedLength() );

TInt CPNGNumberGrouping::LengthToGroup() const

    TPtrC ptr = iUnformattedNumber->Des();
    TInt lengthToGroup = ptr.Length();

    // Find the first non-digit
    for (TInt index = 0; index < ptr.Length(); index++)
        TChar ch = TChar(ptr[index]);
        if ( !( ch.IsDigit() ) )
            lengthToGroup = index; // only characters BEFORE the character at index are grouped

    return lengthToGroup;

// End of File